N  search
n#Burlington Limestone#Cabaniss Formation#Cedar City Formation#Chattanooga Shale  search
N-15  search
 .stable isotopes
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
N-15/N-14  search
 .stable isotopes
RTisotope ratios
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
n-alkanes  search
BTorganic compounds
 ..aliphatic hydrocarbons
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Na  search
Na-22  search
 .radioactive isotopes
 .alkali metals
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Na-24  search
 .radioactive isotopes
 .alkali metals
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Na-montmorillonite  search
SNAfter 1992, use montmorillonite and sodium ion if applicable.
Nabburg Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Bavaria Germany
 ....Nabburg Germany
SNTown in E Bavaria, SE Germany.
Nacimiento Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Nacimiento Formation
RTNew Mexico
SNNW New Mexico. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nacimiento Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Rio Arriba County New Mexico
 ...Nacimiento Mountains
RTFenton Hill
 Sur fault zone
SNRange in NW New Mexico.
Nacogdoches County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nacogdoches County Texas
Nacozari de Garcia Mexico  search
 .Sonora Mexico
 ..Nacozari de Garcia Mexico
SNTown in NE Sonora. Before 1978, also search Nacozari and Mexico.
nacrite  search
 .sheet silicates
 ..clay minerals
Naga Hills  search
 .Naga Hills
 Nagaland India
SNRanges on India-Burma border, N of Manipur Hills. Indexed with country as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Nagaland India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Northeastern India
 ....Nagaland India
RTNaga Hills
SNState NE of Bangladesh in NE India. Established in 1961.
Nagano City Japan  search
 .Nagano City Japan
RTNagano Japan
 Akita Japan
 Osaka Japan
 Nagano earthquake 1984
SNCity in Nagano Prefecture, central Honshu. Also towns in Akita and Osaka prefectures. Indexed with prefectures as applicable.
Nagano earthquake 1984  search
 .Nagano earthquake 1984
UFNagano Prefecture earthquake 1984
 Naganoken-seibu earthquake 1984
 western Nagano earthquake 1984
 Nagano City Japan
SNEpicenter at Nagano, central Honshu. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nagano Japan  search
 .Nagano Japan
NTLake Suwa
 Matsukawa Japan
 Nojiri Lake
RTChubu Japan
 Kiso Mountains
 Akaishi Mountains
 Japanese Alps
 Nagano City Japan
 Kanto Mountains
SNPrefecture, central Honshu.
Nagano Prefecture earthquake 1984  search
USENagano earthquake 1984
Naganoken-seibu earthquake 1984  search
USENagano earthquake 1984
Nagasaki Japan  search
 .Far East
 ....Nagasaki Japan
NTGoto Islands
 Sasebo Japan
RTIki Island
SNCity and prefecture in W Kyushu, S Japan.
Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijan  search
 ..Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijan
RTLesser Caucasus
SNAutonomous Oblast. SW Azerbaijan. Formerly Karabakh Mountain Area. Also search Karabakh. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nagpur India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Maharashtra India
 ....Nagpur India
SNCity, district, and division in NE Maharashtra, W central India.
Naha test well  search
BTUnited States
 ..Naha test well
RTNavajo Indian Reservation
SNIn Navajo Indian Reservation in NE Arizona.
Nahanni earthquake 1985  search
 .Nahanni earthquake 1985
RTCanadian Cordillera
 Northwest Territories
SNSW Northwest Territories, Canada. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Nahanni Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Devonian
 .....Nahanni Formation
 British Columbia
 Yukon Territory
 Northwest Territories
SNBritish Columbia, Mackenzie District of Northwest Territories, and Yukon Territory.
nahcolite  search
Nahe River  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Nahe River
RTRhineland-Palatinate Germany
 Saar-Nahe Basin
 Saarland Germany
SNRiver which flows into Rhine at Bingen. Also search Nahe. Indexed with states as applicable.
Naheola Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Naheola Formation
 Midway Group
 Oak Hill Member
SNIn Midway Group. S Alabama and E Mississippi. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Naiba River basin  search
USENayba River basin
Nain Anorthosite Massif  search
USENain Massif
Nain Complex  search
USENain Massif
Nain Massif  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ....Nain Massif
UFNain Anorthosite Massif
 Nain Complex
SNAnorthosite massif.
Nain Newfoundland  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ....Nain Newfoundland
RTNain Province
SNVillage on central coast of Labrador.
Nain Province  search
BTNorth America
 .Canadian Shield
 ..Nain Province
 Nain Newfoundland
SNStructural province of the Canadian Shield in N Labrador and E Quebec. Indexed with Canadian Shield, and Labrador and/or Quebec as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Naini Tal India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Uttar Pradesh India
 ....Naini Tal India
UFNaini-Tal India
 Nainital India
SNTown, hill station and district in NE Uttar Pradesh.
Naini-Tal India  search
USENaini Tal India
Nainital India  search
USENaini Tal India
Nairobi Kenya  search
 .East Africa
 ...Nairobi Kenya
SNCity in S Kenya.
Naka-no-umi  search
UFNakano umi
 Nakanoumi Lake
RTShimane Japan
 Tottori Japan
SNInlet of Japan Sea in SW Honshu.
Nakano umi  search
Nakanoumi Lake  search
Nakhichevan Azerbaijan  search
 ..Nakhichevan Azerbaijan
NTOrdubad Azerbaijan
SNFormer Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and town on the Iranian border separated from Azerbaijan proper by a narrow strip of Armenia. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nakhla Meteorite  search
 .stony meteorites
 ...Martian meteorites
 ....SNC Meteorites
 ......Nakhla Meteorite
SNImpact at Abu Hommos, Alexandria, Egypt. Diopside-olivine achondrite. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nakhla Qatar  search
 .Arabian Peninsula
 ...Nakhla Qatar
SNVillage in Qatar.
nakhlite  search
 .stony meteorites
 ...Martian meteorites
 ....SNC Meteorites
NTNakhla Meteorite
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Naknek Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Jurassic
 .....Naknek Formation
SNS Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nakuru Basin  search
 .East Africa
 ...Nakuru Basin
SNIn Great Rift Valley in Lake Nakuru area of W central Rift Valley Province. Also search Nakuru.
Nama System  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Nama System
RTSouth Africa
SNIn SW and S Africa.
Namaland  search
Namaqualand  search
 .Southern Africa
 Cape Province region
 Northern Cape Province South Africa
SNCoastal region of sandy plains and bare hills. Indexed with Northern Cape Province South Africa and/or Namibia as applicable.
Namaqualand metamorphic complex  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..Namaqualand metamorphic complex
RTSouth Africa
 Cape Province region
 Northern Cape Province South Africa
SNProterozoic. Namibia and Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Indexed with country as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Namib Desert  search
 .Southern Africa
 ...Namib Desert
SNArid region extending along entire coast.
Namibe Angola  search
 .Central Africa
 ...Namibe Angola
SNProvince, formerly Mocamedes, including the city in SW Angola. Also search Mossamedes or Mocamedes.
Namibia  search
 .Southern Africa
NTKaribib Namibia
 Luderitz Namibia
 Namib Desert
 Otavi Namibia
 Tsumeb Namibia
 Walvis Bay
 Walvis Bay Namibia
 Windhoek Namibia
UFGerman Southwest Africa
 South-West Africa
RTDwyka Formation
 Karroo Supergroup
 Table Mountain Group
 Zambezi Valley
 Kaapvaal Craton
 Beaufort Group
 Kalahari Desert
 Namaqualand metamorphic complex
 Damara Orogeny
 Damara System
 Orange River
 Gibeon Meteorite
 Nama System
 Pongola Supergroup
SNAs of 1981, this term replaces South-West Africa. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Namjagbarwa, Mount  search
USEMount Namjagbarwa
Namur Belgium  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Namur Belgium
NTDinant Basin
 Dinant Belgium
SNProvince in S Belgium.
Namurian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Carboniferous
Nan Hai  search
USESouth China Sea
Nan Ling  search
Nan-king  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Nanjing China.
Nanafalia Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....lower Eocene
 ......Nanafalia Formation
 Wilcox Group
SNIn Wilcox Group. S Alabama, SW Georgia and E Mississippi. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nanaimo Group  search
RTBritish Columbia
 K-T boundary
 Upper Cretaceous
SNUpper Cretaceous to Eocene. NW Washington and SW British Columbia. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nanao Japan  search
 .Far East
 ...Ishikawa Japan
 ....Nanao Japan
 Noto Peninsula
SNCity on E side of Noto Peninsula, W coast of Honshu. Indexed with Honshu.
Nance County Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nance County Nebraska
Nandewar Mountains  search
 ..New South Wales Australia
 ...Nandewar Mountains
SNRange in NE New South Wales.
Nanga Parbat  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ..Jammu and Kashmir
 ....Nanga Parbat
 ..Nanga Parbat
SNHigh mountain of W Punjab Himalayas. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with India and/or Pakistan as applicable.
Nanjemoy Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Nanjemoy Formation
SNLower and middle Eocene. In Pamunkey Group. Includes Potapaco Clay Member, Woodstock Greensand, Marlboro Clay Member. E Maryland and E Virginia.
Nanjing China  search
 .Far East
 ...Jiangsu China
 ....Nanjing China
SNCity in Jiangsu, E China.
Nankai Trough  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northwest Pacific
 ...Nankai Trough
RTPhilippine Sea
 DSDP Site 297
 DSDP Site 298
 DSDP Site 582
 Leg 87
 DSDP Site 583
 Nankaido earthquake 1946
SNOff SE Japan. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nankaido earthquake 1946  search
 .Nankaido earthquake 1946
 Pacific Ocean
 Northwest Pacific
 Nankai Trough
SNNankai Trough, NW Pacific.
Nanling  search
 .Far East
UFNan Ling
RTGuangxi China
 Guangdong China
 Hunan China
 Jiangxi China
SNMountain system in S central and E China. Separates Guangdong and Guangxi from Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. Indexed with provinces as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nannoconus  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
nannofossils  search
UFcalcareous nannofossils
 problematic fossils
SNTreated as a systematic name. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
nannoplankton  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nansei-shoto  search
USERyukyu Islands
Nansen-Gakkel Ridge  search
USEMid-Arctic Ocean Ridge
Nantes France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Loire-Atlantique France
 ....Nantes France
SNCity on the Loire River in central Loire-Atlantique, W France.
Nantucket (Island)  search
USENantucket Island
Nantucket County Massachusetts  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nantucket County Massachusetts
Nantucket Island  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nantucket Island
UFNantucket (Island)
SNIn Atlantic Ocean, S of Cape Cod. Also search Nantucket.
Nantuo Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Nantuo Formation
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nanushuk Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Nanushuk Group
SNN Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
NaOH  search
USEsodium hydroxide
Napa County California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Napa County California
NTCalistoga California
RTSan Francisco Bay region
 Old Faithful Geyser
 Homestake Mine
SNW California.
naphthalene  search
BTorganic compounds
 ..aromatic hydrocarbons
 ...polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Napier Complex  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Napier Complex
 Enderby Land
SNEnderby Land and Tonagh Island, Antarctica. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Napierville County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Napierville County Quebec
Naples Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Campania Italy
 ....Naples Italy
UFNapoli Italy
SNProvince and city on the Tyrrhenian Sea in W Campania, S Italy.
NAPLs  search
USEnonaqueous phase liquids
Napoli Italy  search
USENaples Italy
nappe (volcanic)  search
USElava flows
nappes  search
 gravity sliding
 overthrust faults
 recumbent folds
Nara Japan  search
 .Nara Japan
RTKinki Japan
 Kii Peninsula
SNCity and prefecture E of Osaka in W central Honshu.
Narbada River  search
USENarmada River
Narbada Valley  search
USENarmada Valley
Narbonne France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Aude France
 ....Narbonne France
SNCity near the Mediterranean Sea in E Aude, S France.
Nares abyssal plain  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Nares abyssal plain
SNNW Atlantic. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nares Strait  search
BTArctic Ocean
 .Nares Strait
 Ellesmere Island
 Northwest Territories
 Baffin Bay
SNPart of the Arctic Ocean, connecting Lincoln Sea to Baffin Bay between E Ellesmere Island, NW Greenland and NW Baffin Bay. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nari Series  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Nari Series
 Gujarat India
 Sind Pakistan
SNUnderlies the Gaj and overlies the Khirthar Series.
Narita Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Narita Formation
SNTokyo Bay area.
Narizian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
RTupper Eocene
 middle Eocene
SNNorth America. Above Ulatisian, below Fresnian.
Narmada River  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Narmada River
UFNarbada River
 Nerbudda River
RTGujarat India
 Madhya Pradesh India
 Narmada-Son Lineament
SNRises in the Maikala Range in Madhya Pradesh and flows W into Gulf of Cambay. Also search Narmada. Indexed with states as applicable.
Narmada Valley  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Narmada Valley
UFNarbada Valley
 Nerbuda Valley
RTGujarat India
 Madhya Pradesh India
 Narmada-Son Lineament
SNRiver valley. Indexed with states as applicable.
Narmada-Son Lineament  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Narmada-Son Lineament
RTGujarat India
 Madhya Pradesh India
 Son Valley
 Narmada River
 Narmada Valley
SNW and central India. Follows line of Narmada and Son rivers. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Narnaul India  search
BTryana India
 .Narnaul India
SNTown 80 miles WSW of Delhi in S Haryana, N central India.
Narpaign Fjord  search
USENarpaing Fjord
Narpaing Fiord  search
USENarpaing Fjord
Narpaing Fjord  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Baffin Island
 ...Narpaing Fjord
UFNarpaign Fjord
 Narpaing Fiord
RTDavis Strait
SNNarrow inlet of Davis Strait on Baffin Island. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Narrabeen Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Narrabeen Group
 New South Wales Australia
SNIncludes the Gosford Formation and Clifton Sub-Group. N of Sydney.
Narragansett Basin  search
BTUnited States
 .Narragansett Basin
 Rhode Island
 New England
SNS New England. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Narragansett Bay  search
BTUnited States
 .Rhode Island
 ..Narragansett Bay
SNInlet of Atlantic Ocean in SE Rhode Island.
Narragansett Pier Granite  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...upper Paleozoic
 ....Narragansett Pier Granite
 New York
 Rhode Island
SNE Connecticut, NE New York and S Rhode Island. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Narrows  search
RTLong Island
 New York City New York
 New York
 North Atlantic
 Staten Island
SNStrait between W end of Long Island and Staten Island separating Upper New York Bay from Lower New York Bay. Search in combination with New York. Indexed with regions as applicable.
Narugo Japan  search
 .Narugo Japan
RTgeothermal fields
SNTown and geothermal area in N Honshu.
Narvik Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Nordland Norway
 .....Narvik Norway
SNCity on Ofot Fjord in N Nordland, N Norway.
Narym Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tomsk Russian Federation
 ...Narym Russian Federation
SNVillage on Ob River in central Tomsk Oblast in W central Siberia. Before 1993, Narym Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Naryn Kyrgyzstan  search
 ..Naryn Kyrgyzstan
SNOblast and town in SE Kyrgyzstan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
NASA  search
BTgovernment agencies
UFNational Aeronautics and Space Administration
RTUnited States
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nasca Plate  search
USENazca Plate
Nash County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Nash County North Carolina
Nash Fork-Mullen Creek shear zone  search
USEMullen Creek-Nash Fork shear zone
Nashville Dome  search
BTUnited States
 .Nashville Dome
SNIndexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nashville Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Davidson County Tennessee
 ...Nashville Tennessee
SNCity on Cumberland River in central Tennessee.
Nasliden Mine  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Vasterbotten Sweden
 .....Nasliden Mine
 base metals
 Boliden Sweden
SNBase metals. NE Vasterbotten, Sweden. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nassau County Florida  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nassau County Florida
SNOn the Atlantic Ocean in extreme NE Florida.
Nassau County New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Nassau County New York
NTBay Park New York
RTLong Island
SNSE New York.
Nassellaria  search
Nassellina  search
SNSuborder. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
nasturan  search
Nasu (dake)  search
Nasu Mountain  search
Nasudake  search
UFNasu (dake)
 Nasu Mountain
RTFukushima Japan
 Tochigi Japan
SNVolcanic peak NE of Nikko in N central Honshu. Indexed with prefecture or prefectures as applicable.
nat  search
Natal South Africa  search
USEKwaZulu-Natal South Africa
Natchitoches Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Natchitoches Parish Louisiana
Naticidae  search
national  search
National Aeronautics and Space Administration  search
National Coal Resources Data System  search
RTUnited States
 data bases
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
national forests  search
BTpublic lands
 .national forests
RTland use
 Coronado National Forest
 Teton National Forest
national monuments  search
BTpublic lands
 .national monuments
RTnational parks
 Badlands National Park
 Craters of the Moon
 Marble Canyon
 Death Valley
 Dinosaur National Monument
 White Sands
 wilderness areas
 Glacier Bay National Park
 Katmai National Park
 Pinnacles National Monument
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  search
national parks  search
BTpublic lands
 .national parks
RTDenali National Park
 Arches National Park
 Badlands National Park
 Banff National Park
 Big Bend National Park
 Canyonlands National Park
 Grand Canyon
 Fiordland National Park
 Glacier Bay National Park
 Glacier National Park
 Grand Teton
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
National Petroleum Reserve Alaska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Northern Alaska
 ...National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
UFNational Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
RTNorth Slope
SNNorth Slope, N Alaska.
National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska  search
USENational Petroleum Reserve Alaska
national policy  search
USEpublic policy
National Science Foundation  search
National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program  search
National Water Data Exchange  search
National Water Information System-II  search
National Water-Quality Assessment Program  search
native elements  search
 antimony ores
 arsenic ores
 bismuth ores
 copper ores
 gold ores
 iron ores
 mercury ores
 metal ores
 nonmetal deposits
 silver ores
 sulfur deposits
SNBefore 1981, search native elements and alloys. As of 1981, minerals that were classified under native elements and alloys are included here or under alloys.
native elements and alloys  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use native elements or alloys as applicable.
natrium  search
natroalunite  search
natroborocalcite  search
natrolite  search
 .framework silicates
 ..zeolite group
Natrona County Wyoming  search
BTUnited States
 ..Natrona County Wyoming
NTCasper Wyoming
RTRattlesnake Hills
 Casper Mountain
 Gas Hills
 Granite Mountains
 Teapot Dome
SNCentral Wyoming.
natural  search
SNA valid index term through 1977.
natural analogs  search
UFanalogs, natural
 analogues, natural
 modern analogs
 interplanetary comparison
 terrestrial comparison
 systems analogs
SNAlso search natural reactors if applicable. See comparison. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
natural bridges  search
USEnatural curiosities
natural coke  search
USEcoke coal
natural curiosities  search
UFnatural bridges
 erosion features
 popular geology
 solution features
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
natural dams  search
 .natural dams
NTice dams
 geologic hazards
 mass movements
SNAlso search specific material such as debris flows, landslides, lava. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
natural gas  search
 .natural gas
NTcoalbed methane
 Eastern Gas Shales Project
 energy sources
 gas hydrates
 Karachaganak Field
 gas seeps
 gas sands
 giant fields
 hydrogen sulfide
 gas storage
 gas-water interface
 oil and gas
SNBefore 1977, also search natural AND gas. See list A for searching category codes. Commodity. See List C.
Natural History Museum of London  search
USEBritish Museum
natural materials  search
 synthetic materials
SNUsed with minerals only to distinguish from synthetic materials. It is not used for natural materials which are rocks, sediments, isotopes, or commodities. Added to Thesaurus in 1968.
natural recharge  search
RTartificial recharge
 ground water
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
natural remanence  search
USEnatural remanent magnetization
natural remanent magnetism  search
USEnatural remanent magnetization
natural remanent magnetization  search
 .remanent magnetization
 ..natural remanent magnetization
UFnatural remanence
 natural remanent magnetism
 magnetic field
 characteristic remanent magnetization
natural resources  search
 endangered species
 environmental geology
 geologic sites
 land cover maps
 land management
 land use
 public lands
 rain forests
 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
 wilderness areas
natural selection  search
Naturaliste Plateau  search
BTIndian Ocean
 .Naturaliste Plateau
RTLeg 28
 Leg 26
 DSDP Site 258
 DSDP Site 264
SNSE Indian ocean off SW Australia. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
naturally fractured reservoirs  search
 petroleum engineering
 reservoir properties
 reservoir rocks
SNSometimes difficult to determine. Also search (reservoir rocks OR subsurface reservoirs OR reservoirs OR reservoir properties) AND (petroleum OR natural gas OR geothermal energy, as applicable) AND fractures. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Naubug  search
 Jammu and Kashmir
SNVillage SE of Srinager in S Jammu and Kashmir, disputed territory between India and Pakistan. Before 1993, India was a broader term. Indexed with Jammu and Kashmir AND India and/or Pakistan as applicable.
naujaite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
Nauru Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .West Pacific
 ..Nauru Basin
RTEquatorial Pacific
 DSDP Site 462
 Leg 61
 Leg 89
 Nauru Island
SNW Equatorial Pacific Ocean, N and W of Nauru Island. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nauru Island  search
 ..Nauru Island
UFPleasant Island
RTNauru Basin
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Nautiloidea  search
 Hercoglossa danica
Nautilus  search
Navajo  search
Navajo County Arizona  search
BTUnited States
 ..Navajo County Arizona
NTHolbrook Arizona
 Hopi Buttes Field
RTBlack Mesa
 Petrified Forest National Park
 Rio Puerco
 Black Mesa Basin
SNE Arizona.
Navajo Indian Reservation  search
BTUnited States
 .Navajo Indian Reservation
RTNew Mexico
 Indian reservations
 Naha test well
SNNE Arizona, NW New Mexico, and SE Utah. Indexed with states as applicable.
Navajo Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Navajo Sandstone
 Upper Triassic
 New Mexico
 Glen Canyon Group
 Nugget Sandstone
SNIn Glen Canyon Group. Upper Triassic(?) and Jurassic. N Arizona, W Colorado, NW New Mexico, and SE Utah.
Navarin Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Bering Sea
 ...Navarin Basin
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northeast Pacific
 ...Navarin Basin
SNN Bering Sea. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Navarra Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Navarra Spain
 Pamplona Spain
SNFormer kingdom and now an autonomous community and province in NE Spain. Also search Navarre and Spain.
Navarre  search
 .Western Europe
 Navarra Spain
 Pyrenees-Atlantiques France
 Pamplona Spain
SNFormer kingdom and province of N Spain including Navarra Spain and Pyrenees-Atlantiques France. Before 1981, search Navarre AND France. Indexed with Navarra Spain AND/OR Pyrenees-Atlantiques France as applicable.
Navarro County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Navarro County Texas
Navarro Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 ......Navarro Group
 Escondido Formation
 Olmos Formation
SNE Texas. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Navesink Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Navesink Formation
 New Jersey
 Monmouth Group
SNIn Monmouth Group.
Navicula  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
navigation  search
RTDoppler effect
 geophysical methods
 marine methods
 remote sensing
SNIndexed with specific methods if applicable.
USEGlobal Positioning System
NAWDEX  search
UFNational Water Data Exchange
RTUnited States
 ground water
 data processing
 water resources
 data bases
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
NAWQA  search
UFNational Water-Quality Assessment Program
RTUnited States
 U. S. Geological Survey
 water quality
SNAcronym. U. S. Geological Survey program. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Naxos  search
BTMediterranean region
 .Aegean Islands
 ..Greek Aegean Islands
SNLargest island of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nayarit Mexico  search
 .Nayarit Mexico
RTGuerrero Terrane
 Sierra Madre Occidental
 Mexican volcanic belt
 Jalisco Block
 Rivera Plate
SNState in W Mexico.
Nayba River basin  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Nayba River basin
 .Nayba River basin
UFNaiba River basin
SNS Sakhalin Island. Also search Nayba. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nazca Plate  search
UFNasca Plate
RTplate tectonics
 Pacific Ocean
 Chile Margin Triple Junction
 Galapagos Rift
 DSDP Site 320
 DSDP Site 321
SNS of the Galapagos Islands. Indexed with geographic area and/or age as applicable.
Nazca Ridge  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .South Pacific
 ..Southeast Pacific
 ...Nazca Ridge
SNSW of Peru. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Nb  search
Nchanga Zambia  search
 .East Africa
 ...Nchanga Zambia
SNMining township in N near border with Congo Democratic Republic.
NCRDS  search
USENational Coal Resources Data System
Nd  search
Nd-143/Nd-144  search
Nd-144/Nd-143  search
 .stable isotopes
 .rare earths
RTisotope ratios
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Nd/Nd  search
RTabsolute age
 isotope ratios
SNIsotopic ratio used for age determination. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Nd/Sm  search
Nd/Sr  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Nd/Nd and Sr/Sr for dating. See neodymium and strontium respectively for isotope ratios for use in other studies. Use specific ratios if known (Note added 1995.).
Ne  search
Ne-20  search
 .stable isotopes
BTnoble gases
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Ne-20/Ne-22  search
Ne-21  search
 .stable isotopes
BTnoble gases
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Ne-21/Ne-22  search
Ne-22  search
 .stable isotopes
BTnoble gases
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Ne-22/  search
Ne-22/Ne-20  search
 .stable isotopes
BTnoble gases
RTisotope ratios
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Ne-22/Ne-21  search
 .stable isotopes
BTnoble gases
RTisotope ratios
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Neanderthal  search
USEHomo sapiens neanderthalensis
Neanderthal man  search
USEHomo sapiens neanderthalensis
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Program  search
Near East  search
 United Arab Emirates
SNAn indefinite and unofficial term including the countries of the Middle East plus Libya, Sudan, and occasionally Greece. Indexed with countries as applicable.
NEAR Program  search
UFNear Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Program
 Eros Asteroid
SNFirst mission of NASA's Discovery Program scheduled to orbit 433 Eros Asteroid in 1999.
near-field  search
UFnear-field environment
 nearfield processes
 ground water
 waste disposal
 seismic methods
 near-field spectra
 underground installations
 underground disposal
 underground storage
SNIncludes use in relation to radioactive waste and waste disposal and seismology. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
near-field environment  search
near-field spectra  search
 geophysical methods
 seismic methods
 spectral analysis
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
near-infrared spectra  search
 .near-infrared spectra
 chemical analysis
 remote sensing
 infrared spectra
SNBefore 1978, also search near-infrared and spectra. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
nearfield processes  search
nearshore  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, use nearshore environment or (as of 1981) nearshore sedimentation.
nearshore environment  search
RTcoastal environment
 depositional environment
 lacustrine environment
 littoral erosion
 marine environment
 nearshore sedimentation
 terrestrial environment
 tidal currents
SNBefore 1978, search nearshore.
nearshore sedimentation  search
 .nearshore sedimentation
RTnearshore environment
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
NTAdams County Nebraska
 Antelope County Nebraska
 Arthur County Nebraska
 Banner County Nebraska
 Blaine County Nebraska
 Boone County Nebraska
 Box Butte County Nebraska
 Boyd County Nebraska
 Brown County Nebraska
 Buffalo County Nebraska
 Burt County Nebraska
 Butler County Nebraska
 Cass County Nebraska
 Cedar County Nebraska
 Chase County Nebraska
 Cherry County Nebraska
 Cheyenne County Nebraska
 Clay County Nebraska
 Colfax County Nebraska
 Cuming County Nebraska
 Custer County Nebraska
 Dakota County Nebraska
 Dawes County Nebraska
 Dawson County Nebraska
 Deuel County Nebraska
 Dixon County Nebraska
 Dodge County Nebraska
 Douglas County Nebraska
 Dundy County Nebraska
 Fillmore County Nebraska
 Franklin County Nebraska
 Frontier County Nebraska
 Furnas County Nebraska
 Gage County Nebraska
 Garden County Nebraska
 Garfield County Nebraska
 Gosper County Nebraska
 Grant County Nebraska
 Greeley County Nebraska
 Hall County Nebraska
 Hamilton County Nebraska
 Harlan County Nebraska
 Hayes County Nebraska
 Hitchcock County Nebraska
 Holt County Nebraska
 Hooker County Nebraska
 Howard County Nebraska
 Jefferson County Nebraska
 Johnson County Nebraska
 Kearney County Nebraska
 Keith County Nebraska
 Keya Paha County Nebraska
 Kimball County Nebraska
 Knox County Nebraska
 Lancaster County Nebraska
 Lincoln County Nebraska
 Logan County Nebraska
 Loup County Nebraska
 Madison County Nebraska
 McPherson County Nebraska
 Merrick County Nebraska
 Morrill County Nebraska
 Nance County Nebraska
 Nemaha County Nebraska
 Nuckolls County Nebraska
 Otoe County Nebraska
 Pawnee County Nebraska
 Perkins County Nebraska
 Phelps County Nebraska
 Pierce County Nebraska
 Platte County Nebraska
 Polk County Nebraska
 Red Willow County Nebraska
 Richardson County Nebraska
 Rock County Nebraska
 Saline County Nebraska
 Sarpy County Nebraska
 Saunders County Nebraska
 Scotts Bluff County Nebraska
 Seward County Nebraska
 Sheridan County Nebraska
 Sherman County Nebraska
 Sioux County Nebraska
 Stanton County Nebraska
 Thayer County Nebraska
 Thomas County Nebraska
 Thurston County Nebraska
 Valley County Nebraska
 Washington County Nebraska
 Wayne County Nebraska
 Webster County Nebraska
 Wheeler County Nebraska
 York County Nebraska
RTAmericus Limestone Member
 Ash Hollow Formation
 Beil Limestone Member
 Colorado Group
 Benton Formation
 Carlile Shale
 Cherokee Group
 Brule Formation
 Cambridge Arch
 Chadron Arch
 Chadron Formation
 Chase Group
 Colorado Lineament
 Cottonwood Limestone
 Council Gro
Nebraskan  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Lower Pleistocene
SNPertaining to first glacial stage of Pleistocene Epoch in North America.
Nebrodi Mountains  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Sicily Italy
 ....Nebrodi Mountains
UFMonti Caronie
SNN Sicily.
nebula, solar  search
USEsolar nebula
Neckar River  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Baden-Wurttemberg Germany
 ....Neckar River
SNRises in the Black Forest and flows N past Heidelberg into the Rhine River. Also search Neckar.
necks, volcanic  search
USEvolcanic necks
Neda Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Ordovician
 .....Neda Formation
SNSE Wisconsin and NE Iowa. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Needle Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Needle Mountains
RTLa Plata County Colorado
 San Juan County Colorado
SNSan Juan and La Plata counties, SW Colorado. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Needles California  search
BTUnited States
 ..San Bernardino County California
 ...Needles California
SNTown on the Colorado River in SE California.
Neftechala Azerbaijan  search
 ..Neftechala Azerbaijan
SNTown in SE Azerbaijan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Neftyanyye Kamni  search
 ..Neftyanyye Kamni
 Caspian Sea
SNOil well in Caspian Sea off Apsheron Peninsula. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Negaunee Iron Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Negaunee Iron Formation
SNUpper Peninsula, N Michigan. In Menominee Group.
Negev  search
 .Middle East
UFNegev Desert
RTBeer Sheva Israel
 Makhtesh Ramon
SNDesert region in S Israel.
Negev Desert  search
negotiations  search
 international cooperation
SNUsually out-of-scope for GeoRef. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Negro River  search
USERio Negro
Nei Monggol China  search
USEInner Mongolia China
Nei Mongol China  search
USEInner Mongolia China
neighborite  search
Neill Island  search
RTAndaman Islands
SNSmall island E of South Andaman Island in the Andaman Islands in E Bay of Bengal. Also search Neill AND appropriate area term. Indexed with Andaman Islands as applicable.
Neiveli India  search
USENeyveli India
Nellore India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Andhra Pradesh India
 ....Nellore India
SNCity in SE Andhra Pradesh, central India.
Nellore mica belt  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Andhra Pradesh India
 ....Nellore mica belt
SNIn Nellore area, central India.
Nelson County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nelson County Kentucky
SNCentral Kentucky.
Nelson County North Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .North Dakota
 ..Nelson County North Dakota
SNE central North Dakota.
Nelson County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nelson County Virginia
SNCentral Virginia.
Nelson Ne  search
Nelson New Zealand  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Nelson New Zealand
NTInangahua New Zealand
RTSouth Island
SNProvincial district in NW South Island. Also index South Island.
Nelson River  search
 .Western Canada
 ...Nelson River
SNFlows NE out of N Lake Winnipeg into Hudson Bay at Fort Nelson.
Nelson River basin  search
 .Western Canada
 ...Nelson River basin
SNN central Manitoba.
Nemaha County Kansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nemaha County Kansas
SNNE Kansas.
Nemaha County Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nemaha County Nebraska
SNSE Nebraska.
Nemaha Ridge  search
BTUnited States
 .Nemaha Ridge
SNIndexed with states as applicable.
Neman River basin  search
 .Neman River basin
UFMemel River basin
 Niemen River basin
 Nyeman River basin
SNAlso search Neman AND appropriate area term. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Nematoida  search
Nematomorpha  search
Nemerta  search
Nemuro Peninsula  search
 .Nemuro Peninsula
SNin Nemuro sub-prefecture, E Hokkaido. Also search Nemuro.
nenadkevichite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Nenets Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Arkhangelsk Russian Federation
 ...Nenets Russian Federation
NTBolshezemelskaya Tundra
 Kanin Peninsula
 Vaygach Island
RTPechora River
 Timan-Pechora region
SNNational okrug of NE Arkhangelsk Oblast in N European Russian Federation. Before 1993, Nenets Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nenjiang Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Nenjiang Formation
 Songliao Basin
SNIn Songliao Basin of NE China. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Neoarchean  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
Neocomian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
neodymium  search
 .rare earths
Neogastropoda  search
Neogene  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 Aguacate Group
 Browns Park Formation
 Capistrano Formation
 Cohansey Formation
 Cuddalore Series
 Deschutes Formation
 Etchegoin Formation
 Hazeva Formation
 Ogallala Formation
 Pinecrest Beds
 Purisima Formation
 Ridge Route Formation
 Salt Lake Formation
 Sisquoc Formation
 Tamiami Formation
 upper Neogene
RTupper Tertiary
 Peace River Formation
 Matuyama Chron
SNAn interval of geologic time incorporating the Miocene and Pliocene of the Tertiary period; the upper Tertiary.
Neoglacial  search
UFLittle Ice Age
RTBull Lake Glaciation
 Maunder minimum
SNA brief episode of glacial advance during the Holocene. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Neogloboquadrina pachyderma  search
 .....Neogloboquadrina pachyderma
 Globorotalia pachyderma
SNSpecies. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
Neognathodus  search
Neogondolella  search
Neohelikian  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Neolithic  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Stone Age
SNArchaeological classification. This term has multiple hierarchies.
neon  search
BTnoble gases
 particle-induced X-ray emission
Neoproterozoic  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 Blackstone Series
 Burra Group
 Horsethief Creek Group
 Lynchburg Formation
 McCoy Creek Group
 Walden Creek Group
 Wilpena Group
UFupper Proterozoic
 Boston Bay Group
 Cambridge Argillite
 Roxbury Conglomerate
 Hoosac Formation
 Damara Orogeny
 Ocoee Supergroup
 Pinnacle Formation
 Underhill Formation
 Sauk Sequence
 Robertson Bay Group
 Ross Orogeny
SNEra. Ages range from 1000 Ma to base of Cambrian; this term was ratified by IUGS in 1990. Used here synonymously with upper Proterozoic which ranges from 900 Ma to base of Cambrian.
Neoptera  search
Neornithes  search
Neosho County Kansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Neosho County Kansas
Neosho River valley  search
BTUnited States
 .Neosho River valley
 Grand River
SNThe lower course of the Neosho is called Grand River in Oklahoma. Also search Neosho River. Indexed with states as applicable.
neote  search
neotectonics  search
UFactive tectonics
 sea-level changes
 raised beaches
 cover tectonics
 crustal thickening
 geomorphologic effects
 isostatic rebound
 horizontal movements
SNUsed for the study of post-Miocene structures and structural history of the Earth's crust.
Neotoma  search
 packrat middens
SNGenus. Packrats.
neotypes  search
 type specimens
Nepal  search
 .Indian Peninsula
NTKali Gandaki Valley
 Lesser Himalayas
 Kosi Basin
 Kumaun Himalayas
 Main Boundary Fault
 Main Central Thrust
 Siwalik Range
 Mount Everest
nepheline  search
 .framework silicates
 ..nepheline group
nepheline basalt  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
 ...alkali basalts
 ....nepheline basalt
 olivine nephelinite
nepheline group  search
 .framework silicates
 ..nepheline group
RTfelsic composition
 feldspathoid rocks
nepheline syenite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
 ...nepheline syenite
nephelinite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
 ...alkali gabbros
RTalkali basalts
 ocean-island basalts
 olivine nephelinite
nepheloid layer  search
UFlayer, nepheloid
 nepheloid zone
RTcontinental rise
 sea water
SNAlso search nepheloid.
nepheloid zone  search
USEnepheloid layer
nephrite  search
 .chain silicates
 ..amphibole group
Nephrolepidina  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
nepouite  search
Neptune  search
RTNereid Satellite
 outer planets
 solar system
 Triton Satellite
 Voyager 2
 Voyager Program
neptunite  search
 .chain silicates
neptunium  search
Nerbuda Valley  search
USENarmada Valley
Nerbudda River  search
USENarmada River
Nereid Satellite  search
 Triton Satellite
 Voyager Program
SNOne of satellites of Neptune. Before 1989, also search Nereid AND Neptune. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nereites  search
Neretva Valley  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Neretva Valley
SNRiver valley mainly in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Indexed with countries and/or regions as applicable.
neritic environment  search
USEsubtidal environment
nervous system  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Neshoba County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Neshoba County Mississippi
nesosilicates  search
 garnet group
 humite group
 olivine group
nesquehonite  search
Ness County Kansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Ness County Kansas
SNW central Kansas.
Ness Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Jurassic
 ......Ness Formation
RTBrent Group
 North Sea
SNIn Brent Group. Restricted, not used for the Ness Anorthosite in Scotland. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
nests  search
UFdinosaur nests
 termite mounds
Netherland India  search
Netherlands  search
 .Western Europe
NTAmsterdam Netherlands
 Groningen Netherlands
 Limburg Netherlands
 Overijssel Netherlands
 Rotterdam Netherlands
 Utrecht Netherlands
 Wadden Zee
 Zeeland Netherlands
RTEuropean Platform
 Meuse River
 Meuse Valley
 North Sea Coast
 North Sea region
 Scheldt River
 Rhine River
 Central Graben
 Delta Area
 Lower Rhine Basin
 Rhine Basin
 Roermond earthquake 1992
 Rhine Valley
Netherlands Antilles  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ...Lesser Antilles
 ....Netherlands Antilles
UFDutch West Indies
RTRincon Formation
 Leeward Islands
SNFormerly known as Curacao territory. Islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Venezuela, plus the Dutch section of Saint Martin at N end of Leeward Islands. In 1986, Aruba was separated from the group.
Netherlands Guiana  search
Netherlands New Guinea  search
USEIrian Jaya Indonesia
network deposits  search
USEstockwork deposits
networks  search
 computer networks
 geodetic networks
 neural networks
 portable arrays
 seismic networks
SNAs of 1993, see computer networks, geodetic networks, and seismic networks if applicable. Before 1993, also search arrays.
Neubrandenburg Bezirk  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. District in NE East Germany. See Germany.
Neuburg an der Donau Germany  search
USENeuburg Germany
Neuburg Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Bavaria Germany
 ....Neuburg Germany
UFNeuburg an der Donau Germany
SNCity in W central Bavaria.
Neuchatel Switzerland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Neuchatel Switzerland
RTJura Mountains
SNCanton in W Switzerland. Also a city on Lake Neuchatel.
Neuquen Argentina  search
BTSouth America
 ..Neuquen Argentina
UFNeuquen Province
RTNeuquen Basin
SNProvince in W central Argentina.
Neuquen Basin  search
BTSouth America
 ..Neuquen Basin
RTVaca Muerta Formation
 Neuquen Argentina
 Rio Negro Argentina
SNRiver basin in W central Argentina. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
Neuquen Province  search
USENeuquen Argentina
neural networks  search
RTartificial intelligence
 computer networks
 computer programs
 data processing
 genetic algorithms
 parallel processing
 pattern recognition
SNAlso index artificial intelligence; index data processing and computer programs if applicable.
Neuroptera  search
Neuropteris  search
Neuropteroida  search
Neuse River  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Neuse River
RTCraven County North Carolina
SNRises in the Piedmont and flows SE into Pamlico Sound, E central North Carolina. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Neusiedler Lake  search
USELake Neusiedler
Neusiedlersee  search
USELake Neusiedler
neutral stress  search
USEpore pressure
neutron  search
SNA valid term through mid-1978 used as a modifier for activation analysis. Use neutron activation analysis.
neutron activation analysis  search
RTactivation analysis
 chemical analysis
 neutron activation analysis data
 neutron probe
 quantitative analysis
SNBefore 1978, also search activation analysis AND neutron.
neutron activation analysis data  search
 neutron activation analysis
SNUse for data. Use neutron activation analysis for methodology. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
neutron diffraction analysis  search
 electron diffraction analysis
 neutron diffraction data
 neutron probe
 X-ray diffraction analysis
neutron diffraction analysis data  search
USEneutron diffraction data
neutron diffraction data  search
UFneutron diffraction analysis data
 neutron diffraction analysis
SNUsed only for data. For methodology, use neutron diffraction analysis. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
neutron logging  search
USEneutron methods
neutron methods  search
UFneutron logging
 geophysical methods
 radioactivity methods
 neutron-gamma methods
 neutron-neutron methods
SNIndexed with well-logging and radioactivity if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
neutron probe  search
UFneutron spectroscopy
 probe, neutron
 chemical analysis
 neutron activation analysis
 neutron probe data
 neutron diffraction analysis
 electron probe
 ion probe
SNUsed for methodology. For data, use neutron probe data. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
neutron probe data  search
 neutron probe
SNUsed for data. For methodology, use neutron probe. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
neutron spectroscopy  search
USEneutron probe
neutron-gamma methods  search
BTgeophysical methods
 .neutron-gamma methods
 gamma rays
 gamma-gamma methods
 gamma-ray methods
 neutron methods
 neutron-neutron methods
SNFor surveys, search with geophysical surveys and an area. For surveys, also index geophysical surveys and the area. Index well-logging if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1984.
neutron-neutron methods  search
BTgeophysical methods
 .neutron-neutron methods
 neutron-gamma methods
 neutron methods
SNFor surveys, search with geophysical surveys and an area. For surveys, also index geophysical surveys and the area. Index well-logging if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1984.
neutrons  search
SNUsed as a general term.
Nevada  search
BTUnited States
NTArrow Canyon Range
 Carlin Mine
 Carlin Trend
 Carson City County Nevada
 Churchill County Nevada
 Clark County Nevada
 Douglas County Nevada
 Egan Range
 Elko County Nevada
 Esmeralda County Nevada
 Eureka County Nevada
 Humboldt County Nevada
 Humboldt River valley
 Lake Mead Fault
 Lander County Nevada
 Las Vegas Valley
 Lincoln County Nevada
 Lyon County Nevada
 Mineral County Nevada
 Mormon Mountains
 Nevada Test Site
 Nye County Nevada
 Pershing County Nevada
 Roberts Mountains Allochthon
 Shoshone Mountains
 Storey County Nevada
 Toiyabe Range
 Toquima Range
 Walker River
 Washoe County Nevada
 White Pine County Nevada
 Yucca Flat
RTAntler Orogeny
 Amargosa Desert
 Antelope Valley
 Antelope Valley Limestone
 Basin and Range Province
 Black Mountains
 Bright Angel Shale
 Aztec Sandstone
 Battle Mountain High
 Battle Mountain
 Bird Spring Formation
 Black Rock Desert
 Bonanza King Formation
Nevada County Arkansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nevada County Arkansas
SNSW Arkansas.
Nevada County California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nevada County California
SNE California.
Nevada Test Site  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nevada Test Site
RTYucca Mountain
 nuclear facilities
 Rainier Mesa
 Yucca Flat
SNNW of Las Vegas in S Nevada. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Nevadan Orogeny  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Nevadan Orogeny
 Lower Cretaceous
 United States
 Sierra Nevada
 Coast Ranges
SNJurassic to Lower Cretaceous. Before 1985, also search orogeny AND Nevadan. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nevado del Ruiz  search
BTSouth America
 ..Nevado del Ruiz
SNVolcano. Tolima Department, W central Colombia. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nevado-Filabride Complex  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Andalusia Spain
 .....Nevado-Filabride Complex
RTAlmeria Spain
 Betic Cordillera
 Sierra de los Filabres
SNBetic Cordillera, SE Spain. Indexed with age as applicable.
New Albany Shale  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Devonian
 .....New Albany Shale
SNIncludes Devonian Blocher and Blackiston formations, and Mississippian Sanderson, Underwood, and Henryville formations. Indiana and N central Kentucky.
New Austrian Tunnelling Method  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
New Britain  search
 .Papua New Guinea
 ..New Britain
NTTalasea Papua New Guinea
UFNew Britain Island
RTBismarck Archipelago
 Rabaul Caldera
SNLargest island in the Bismarck Archipelago NE of New Guinea.
New Britain Island  search
USENew Britain
New Brunswick  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Maritime Provinces
 ...New Brunswick
NTAlbert County New Brunswick
 Carleton County New Brunswick
 Charlotte County New Brunswick
 Fredericton New Brunswick
 Gloucester County New Brunswick
 Kent County New Brunswick
 King's County New Brunswick
 Kouchibouguac Bay
 Madawaska County New Brunswick
 Miramichi Bay
 Moncton Basin
 Northumberland County New Brunswick
 Queen's County New Brunswick
 Restigouche County New Brunswick
 Saint George Batholith
 Saint John County New Brunswick
 Sunbury County New Brunswick
 Victoria County New Brunswick
 Westmorland County New Brunswick
 York County New Brunswick
RTAlbert Formation
 Alma River
 Avalon Zone
 Cumberland Basin
 Coldbrook Group
 Chaleur Bay
 Cumberland Group
 Horton Group
 Gander Zone
 Northumberland Strait
 Midland Valley
 Pictou Group
 Matapedia Group
 Meguma Terrane
 Miramichi earthquake 1982
 Mispec Group
New Brunswick earthquake 1982  search
USEMiramichi earthquake 1982
New Ca  search
New Caledonia  search
 ..New Caledonia
NTNoumea New Caledonia
 Ouegoa New Caledonia
RTPacific Ocean
 West Pacific Ocean Islands
SNFrench overseas territory E of Queensland, Australia. Also its main island.
New Caledonia Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .New Caledonia Basin
RTDSDP Site 206
SNBetween central Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk Island in SW Pacific Ocean.
New Castile Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Castile Spain
 .....New Castile Spain
UFCastilla la Nueva
RTCastilla-La Mancha Spain
 Ciudad Real Spain
 Sierra de Guadarrama
 Guadalajara Spain
 Toledo Spain
 Cuenca Spain
 Madrid Spain
SNRegion in central Spain. Before 1998, included provinces as narrower terms.
New Castle County Delaware  search
BTUnited States
 ..New Castle County Delaware
NTWilmington Delaware
SNN Delaware.
new data  search
SNUsed as a general term.
New Delhi India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Delhi India
 ....New Delhi India
SNCapital city SSW of Delhi in Delhi, N central India.
new energy sources  search
 energy sources
 heat storage
 solar energy
 tidal energy
 wind energy
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
New England  search
BTUnited States
 .New England
RTDunnage Zone
 Lydonia Canyon
 Bloody Bluff Fault
 Narragansett Basin
SNRestricted to usage in the United States. As of 1993, term is used only for broad general discussions.
New England Batholith  search
 ..New England Batholith
RTQueensland Australia
 New South Wales Australia
 New England Range
SNIndexed with states as applicable.
New England fold belt  search
USENew England Orogeny
New England Orogen  search
USENew England Orogeny
New England Orogeny  search
UFNew England fold belt
 New England Orogen
 Queensland Australia
 New South Wales Australia
 New England Range
SNDevonian to Triassic orogeny affecting New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
New England Plateau  search
USENew England Range
New England Range  search
 ..New South Wales Australia
 ...New England Range
UFNew England Plateau
RTNew England Orogeny
 New England Batholith
SNNE New South Wales. Part of the Great Dividing Range. Before 1981, also search New England AND Australia. Indexed with mountain ranges as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
New England Seamounts  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..New England Seamounts
RTLeg 43
 DSDP Site 382
 DSDP Site 385
SNNW Atlantic. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
new genera  search
USEnew taxa
new genus  search
USEnew taxa
New Guinea  search
BTMalay Archipelago
 .New Guinea
NTIrian Jaya Indonesia
 Australian Plate
 Indo-Australian Plate
 Papua New Guinea
 Pacific mobile belt
SNRefers to whole island. Indexed with Irian Jaya Indonesia and/or Papua New Guinea.
New Hampshire  search
BTUnited States
 .New Hampshire
RTAmmonoosuc Volcanics
 Avalon Zone
 Great Bay
 Berwick Formation
 Bronson Hill Anticlinorium
 Chelmsford Granite
 Clough Formation
 Connecticut River
 Connecticut Valley
 Dedham Granodiorite
 Gile Mountain Formation
 Kittery Formation
 Littleton Formation
 Madrid Forma
New Hanover County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..New Hanover County North Carolina
SNOn the Atlantic Ocean in SE North Carolina.
New Haven County Connecticut  search
BTUnited States
 ..New Haven County Connecticut
SNS Connecticut.
New Hebrides  search
New Ireland  search
 .Papua New Guinea
 ..New Ireland
RTBismarck Archipelago
SNIsland in the Bismarck Archipelago NNE of New Britain in SW Pacific.
New Jersey  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
NTAtlantic County New Jersey
 Bergen County New Jersey
 Burlington County New Jersey
 Camden County New Jersey
 Cape May County New Jersey
 Cumberland County New Jersey
 Essex County New Jersey
 Gloucester County New Jersey
 Hudson County New Jersey
 Hunterdon County New Jersey
 Mercer County New Jersey
 Middlesex County New Jersey
 Monmouth County New Jersey
 Morris County New Jersey
 New Jersey Highlands
 Ocean County New Jersey
 Passaic County New Jersey
 Passaic River
 Passaic River basin
 Raritan River
 Salem County New Jersey
 Somerset County New Jersey
 Sussex County New Jersey
 Union County New Jersey
 Warren County New Jersey
 Watchung Mountains
RTAtlantic Coastal Plain
 Kirkwood Formation
 Carolina Bays
 Great Bay
 Brunswick Formation
 Cohansey Formation
 Delaware Bay
 Delaware River
 Delaware River basin
 Feltville Formation
 Glenarm Series
 Hudson Valley
 Hudson Highlands
 Hudson River
New Jersey Highlands  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..New Jersey Highlands
RTSussex County New Jersey
 Hunterdon County New Jersey
 Long Valley
 Morris County New Jersey
 Warren County New Jersey
SNN New Jersey, in Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex and Warren counties. NE-SW trending ridges including Musconetcong Mountain, Schooleys Mountain and the Ramapo Mountains. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
New Kent County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..New Kent County Virginia
New Liskeard Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Timiskaming District Ontario
 ....New Liskeard Ontario
SNTown in SE Ontario.
New London County Connecticut  search
BTUnited States
 ..New London County Connecticut
NTHoney Hill Fault
RTBlock Island Sound
 Thames River
SNSE Connecticut.
New Madrid County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..New Madrid County Missouri
NTNew Madrid Missouri
SNSE Missouri.
New Madrid earthquakes 1811-1812  search
 .New Madrid earthquakes 1811-1812
RTMississippi Embayment
 New Madrid region
SNEpicenter near New Madrid, Missouri. Before 1993, also search New Madrid region and earthquakes; New Madrid earthquake(truncated). Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
New Madrid Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..New Madrid County Missouri
 ...New Madrid Missouri
SNTown on Mississippi River in extreme SE Missouri.
New Madrid region  search
BTUnited States
 .New Madrid region
UFNew Madrid Seismic Zone
 Mississippi Embayment
 New Madrid earthquakes 1811-1812
SNRegion of earthquakes in the Mississippi Embayment. Before 1993, also search New Madrid earthquake(truncated). After 1992, see New Madrid earthquakes 1811-1812, for discussion of the 1811-1812 earthquakes. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesa
New Madrid Seismic Zone  search
USENew Madrid region
new methods  search
RTabsolute age
New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
NTAnimas Mountains
 Bernalillo County New Mexico
 Catron County New Mexico
 Chama Basin
 Chaves County New Mexico
 Cibola County New Mexico
 Colfax County New Mexico
 Curry County New Mexico
 Datil-Mogollon volcanic field
 De Baca County New Mexico
 Dona Ana County New Mexico
 Eddy County New Mexico
 Grant County New Mexico
 Grants mineral belt
 Guadalupe County New Mexico
 Harding County New Mexico
 Hidalgo County New Mexico
 Jemez Lineament
 Jornada del Muerto
 Lea County New Mexico
 Lincoln County New Mexico
 Los Alamos County New Mexico
 Luna County New Mexico
 Manzano Mountains
 McKinley County New Mexico
 Mora County New Mexico
 Otero County New Mexico
 Picuris Range
 Quay County New Mexico
 Rio Arriba County New Mexico
 Roosevelt County New Mexico
 San Juan County New Mexico
 San Miguel County New Mexico
 Sandia Mountains
 Sandoval County New Mexico
 Santa Fe County New Mexico
 Sierra County New Mexico
 Socorro County New Mexico
 Taos County New Mexico
 Taos Plateau
 Tatum Basin
 Torrance County New Mexico
 Tucumcari Basin
 Tularosa Basin
 Tusas Mountains
 Union County New Mexico
 Valencia County New Mexico
 Valle Grande Mountains
 Valles Caldera
 Zuni Mountains
RTAbo Formation
 Alamosa River
 Bear Mountain
 Albuquerque Basin
 Basin and Range Province
 Bidahochi Formation
 Bisbee Group
 Baca Formation
 Bandelier Tuff
 Bell Canyon Formation
 Benton Formation
 Black Range
 Blackwater Draw Formation
 Blue Mountain
 Bone Spring Lime
new minerals  search
SNUsed to indicate new mineral names.
new names  search
SNUsed as a general term.
New Orleans Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Orleans Parish Louisiana
 ...New Orleans Louisiana
SNCity on the Mississippi River in Orleans Parish, SE Louisiana.
New Quebec  search
New Quebec Crater  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...New Quebec Crater
UFCratere du Noveau Quebec
 Noveau Quebec Crater
 Nunavik Crater
 Ungava Crater
RTimpact features
SNMeteor crater, N Ungava Peninsula, N Quebec. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
New Red Sandstone  search
 Permian-Triassic boundary
SNEngland. Permian and Triassic. Indexed with age or ages as applicable.
New River  search
RTNorth Carolina
 United States
 West Virginia
SNRises in NW North Carolina and joins with Gauley River in West Virginia to form the Kanawha River. Also in other locations. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
New River Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Lower Pennsylvanian
 ......New River Formation
 West Virginia
 Pottsville Group
SNIn Pottsville Group. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
New Siberian Islands  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Yakutia Russian Federation
 ...New Siberian Islands
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Russian Arctic
 ...New Siberian Islands
SNIsland group in Arctic Ocean between Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea. Part of Yakutia. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
New South Wales Australia  search
 ..New South Wales Australia
NTArmidale Australia
 Australian Capital Territory
 Bathurst Australia
 Broken Bay
 Bungonia Caves
 Cooma Australia
 Gosford Australia
 Gunnedah Basin
 Macleay River
 Manildra Australia
 Murrumbidgee River
 Murrumbidgee Valley
 Nandewar Mountains
 New England Range
 Newcastle Australia
 Southern coal field
 Sydney Australia
 Tamworth Australia
 Wagga Wagga Australia
 Yass Basin
 Yeoval Australia
RTBulldog Shale
 Bulli Seam
 Broken Hill Mine
 Broken Hill
 Broken Hill Block
 Illawarra Coal Measures
 Delamerian Orogeny
 Clarence-Moreton Basin
 Great Artesian Basin
 Hawkesbury Sandstone
 Hunter Valley
 Murray Basin
 Lachlan fold belt
 Murray River
 Narrabeen Group
new species  search
USEnew taxa
new taxa  search
UFnew genera
 new genus
 new species
 taxa, new
SNShould be used whenever a new taxonomic group is discussed.
New Ulm Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Brown County Minnesota
 ...New Ulm Minnesota
SNCity in S central Minnesota.
New World Island  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Newfoundland Island
 ....New World Island
SNIn Notre Dame Bay off NE Newfoundland.
New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
NTAdirondack Mountains
 Albany County New York
 Allegany County New York
 Benson Mines
 Bronx County New York
 Broome County New York
 Catskill Mountains
 Cattaraugus County New York
 Cayuga County New York
 Chautauqua County New York
 Chemung County New York
 Chenango County New York
 Chenango River
 Clinton County New York
 Columbia County New York
 Cortland County New York
 Delaware County New York
 Dutchess County New York
 Erie County New York
 Essex County New York
 Finger Lakes
 Franklin County New York
 Fulton County New York
 Genesee County New York
 Greene County New York
 Hamilton County New York
 Herkimer County New York
 Jefferson County New York
 Lewis County New York
 Livingston County New York
 Madison County New York
 Monroe County New York
 Montgomery County New York
 Nassau County New York
 New York Bight
 New York City New York
 New York County New York
 Niagara County New York
 Oneida County New York
 Oneida Lake
 Onondaga County New York
 Ontario County New York
 Orange County New York
 Orleans County New York
 Oswego County New York
 Otsego County New York
 Putnam County New York
 Rensselaer County New York
 Richmond County New York
 Rockland County New York
 Saint Lawrence County New York
 Saratoga County New York
 Schenectady County New York
 Schoharie County New York
 Schuyler County New York
 Seneca County New York
 Steuben County New York
 Suffolk County New York
 Sullivan County New York
 Tioga County New York
 Tompkins County New York
 Ulster County New York
 Warren County New York
 Washington County New York
 Wayne County New York
 Westchester County New York
 Wyoming County New York
 Yates County New York
RTAdirondack Anorthosite
 Canadian Shield
 Appalachian Basin
 Appalachian Plateau
 Bear Mountain
 Allegheny Plateau
 Atlantic Coastal Plain
 American Museum of Natural History
 Bass Islands Dolomite
 Beekmantown Group
 Black River Group
 Catskill Delta
 Catskill Format
New York Bight  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..New York Bight
RTAtlantic Coastal Plain
New York City Group  search
 Fordham Gneiss
 Manhattan Formation
 New York
SNPrecambrian to Paleozoic (pre-Upper Devonian). Includes Fordham Gneiss, Inwood Marble, Manhattan Formation. W Connecticut and SE New York. Indexed with ages as applicable.
New York City New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..New York City New York
NTKings County New York
 Queens County New York
 Staten Island
SNCity on W tip of Long Island, Manhattan Island, Staten Island, and S tip of mainland, SE New York. Composed of five boroughs (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island) which are coextensive with five counties (Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens an
New York County New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..New York County New York
New Zealand  search
 .New Zealand
NTAuckland New Zealand
 Bay of Plenty
 Canterbury New Zealand
 Coromandel Peninsula
 Foveaux Strait
 Gisborne New Zealand
 Haast River
 Hawke's Bay New Zealand
 Hikurangi Trough
 Kaipara Harbor
 Lake Taupo
 Manawatu River valley
 Marlborough New Zealand
 Nelson New Zealand
 Northland New Zealand
 Otago New Zealand
 Otago Schist
 Oxford New Zealand
 Rangitata River
 Raukumara Peninsula
 Reefton New Zealand
 Southland New Zealand
 Taranaki New Zealand
 Tarawera volcanic complex
 Taupo New Zealand
 Taupo volcanic zone
 Te Aroha New Zealand
 Torlesse Terrane
 Waikato Basin
 Waimangu Field
 Wanganui Valley
 Wellington New Zealand
 Westland New Zealand
RTAlpine Fault
 North Island
 Australian Plate
 Indo-Australian Plate
 Bay of Islands
 Edgecumbe earthquake 1987
 Bluff Formation
 Crater Lake
 Fox Glacier
 Mackenzie River
 Mackenzie River valley
Newark Basin  search
BTUnited States
 .Newark Basin
 New York
 New Jersey
 Passaic Formation
 Watchung Mountains
 Gettysburg Basin
 Newark-Gettysburg Basin
 Ramapo Fault
SNTriassic to Jurassic rift basin. Indexed with states as applicable.
Newark Group  search
USENewark Supergroup
Newark New Jersey  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Essex County New Jersey
 ...Newark New Jersey
SNCity on Newark Bay just W of Jersey City and New York City in NE New Jersey.
Newark Supergroup  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Newark Supergroup
UFNewark Group
 New York
 North Carolina
 New Jersey
 Brunswick Formation
 Passaic Formation
 East Berlin Formation
 Hampden Basalt
 Holyoke Basalt
 Feltville Formation
 Lockatong Formation
 Stockton Formation
 Portland Formation
SNLower Jurassic or Upper Triassic. Includes New Oxford Formation, Gettysburg Shale, Stockton Formation, Lockatong Formation, Brunswick Formation, New Haven Arkose, Meriden Formation, Portland Arkose, Pekin Formation, Cumnock Formation, Sanford Formation, T
Newark-Gettysburg Basin  search
BTUnited States
 .Newark-Gettysburg Basin
 New York
 New Jersey
 Gettysburg Basin
 Newark Basin
SNNewark Basin plus southwestward extension into SE Pennsylvania and N central Maryland. Indexed with states as applicable.
Newaygo County Michigan  search
BTUnited States
 ..Michigan Lower Peninsula
 ...Newaygo County Michigan
Newberry County South Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .South Carolina
 ..Newberry County South Carolina
Newberry Volcano  search
BTUnited States
 .Cascade Range
 ..Newberry Volcano
BTUnited States
 ..Deschutes County Oregon
 ...Newberry Volcano
SNCentral Oregon. Also search Newberry AND Oregon. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
newberyite  search
Newcastle Australia  search
 ..New South Wales Australia
 ...Newcastle Australia
SNCity on E coast of New South Wales.
Newcastle Coal Measures  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Newcastle Coal Measures
 New South Wales Australia
 Sydney Basin
SNPermian in the Sydney Basin of New South Wales. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Newcastle England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Newcastle England
UFNewcastle upon Tyne England
RTNorthumberland England
SNCity on the Tyne River in Tyne and Wear County in N England.
Newcastle New Brunswick  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Maritime Provinces
 ...New Brunswick
 ....Northumberland County New Brunswick
 .....Newcastle New Brunswick
SNTown, Northumberland County. Lead and zinc mining region.
Newcastle Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Newcastle Sandstone
 North Dakota
 South Dakota
 Colorado Group
SNSE Montana, W Nebraska, NE North Dakota, W South Dakota and NE Wyoming. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Newcastle upon Tyne England  search
USENewcastle England
Newfoundland  search
 .Eastern Canada
 Newfoundland Island
RTDunnage Zone
 Belle Isle
 Dunnage Melange
 Humber Zone
 Meguma Terrane
 White Bay
SNFrom 1981-1992, referred to the island of Newfoundland. Before 1981 and after 1992, refers to the province, which includes the island of Newfoundland plus Labrador.
Newfoundland Island  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Newfoundland Island
NTAvalon Peninsula
 Baie Verte Peninsula
 Betts Cove
 Buchans Newfoundland
 Burin Peninsula
 Burlington Peninsula
 Daniel's Harbour Newfoundland
 Great Northern Peninsula
 Humber Arm Allochthon
 New World Island
 Notre Dame Bay
 Port au Port Peninsula
 Saint John's Newfoundland
RTAckley Granite
 Bell Island
 Avalon Zone
 Buchans Group
 Atlantic Ocean Islands
 Bay of Islands
 Bay of Islands Ophiolite
 Betts Cove Ophiolite
 Cow Head Group
 Deer Lake Group
 Catoche Formation
 Davidsville Group
 Gander Lake Group
 Gander Zone
 Grand Banks earthquak
SNPart of Newfoundland province, E Canada. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Newland Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Newland Limestone
 Belt Supergroup
 Wallace Formation
SNIn Piegan Group of Belt Supergroup. Idaho and W central Montana. In central and western Montana, Newland and Wallace formations have been treated as essentially synonymous terms by some authors. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Newman Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Newman Limestone
SNOverlies Grainger Formation; underlies Pennington Formation. E Kentucky, E Tennessee, and SW Virginia.
Newmarkt Poland  search
USENowy Targ Poland
Newport Bay  search
RTOrange County California
SNDredged harbor in Orange County in S California. May occur in other locations. Indexed with county or region as applicable.
Newport County Rhode Island  search
BTUnited States
 .Rhode Island
 ..Newport County Rhode Island
NTNewport Rhode Island
SNOn the Atlantic Ocean in SE Rhode Island.
Newport Oregon  search
BTUnited States
 ..Lincoln County Oregon
 ...Newport Oregon
SNCity on the Pacific Ocean in W Oregon.
Newport Rhode Island  search
BTUnited States
 .Rhode Island
 ..Newport County Rhode Island
 ...Newport Rhode Island
SNCity in SE Rhode Island.
Newport-Inglewood Fault  search
BTUnited States
 ..Newport-Inglewood Fault
UFInglewood Fault
SNIn Los Angeles area in S California.
news  search
RTcurrent research
 popular geology
SNUsed for indexing of news items, usually discussing mineral exploration. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Newton County Arkansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Newton County Arkansas
SNNW Arkansas.
Newton County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Newton County Georgia
SNN central Georgia.
Newton County Indiana  search
 .Newton County Indiana
NTKentland Indiana
SNNW Indiana.
Newton County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Newton County Mississippi
SNE central Mississippi.
Newton County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Newton County Missouri
RTJoplin Missouri
SNSW Missouri.
Newton County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Newton County Texas
SNE Texas.
Neyveli India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Tamil Nadu India
 ....Neyveli India
UFNeiveli India
SNTown in E Tamil Nadu, SE India.
Neyveli Lignite  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Neyveli Lignite
 Tamil Nadu India
 upper Miocene
 Cuddalore Series
SNAssociated with sands, conglomerates and clays of Cuddalore Series. E and NE of Tamil Nadu.
Nez Perce County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nez Perce County Idaho
Ngalia Basin  search
 ..Northern Territory Australia
 ...Ngalia Basin
SNSW Northern Territory. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
ngary  search
 Bakony Mountains
 Balaton region
 Borsod Basin
 Borzsony Mountains
 Budapest Hungary
 Debrecen Hungary
 Dorog Basin
 Dorog Hungary
 Eger Hungary
 Hidas Hungary
 Mecsek Mountains
 Northeastern Hungarian Hills
 Szolnok Hungary
 Tokaj Hungary
 Vertes Hungary
 Vertes Mountains
 Veszprem Hungary
 Villany Mountains
Ngauruhoe  search
 .New Zealand
 North Island
SNVolcano. Tongariro National Park, central North Island, New Zealand. Indexed with North Island.
Ngorora Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Ngorora Formation
ni  search
Niagara County New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Niagara County New York
SNW New York.
Niagara Escarpment  search
BTNorth America
 .Niagara Escarpment
 New York
 Bruce Peninsula
 Great Lakes region
 Manitoulin Island
 Niagara Falls
SNCuesta of Paleozoic rocks sloping away from the Canadian Shield, extending from central New York to N of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, continuing southwestward into Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. Indexed with states and province as applicable.
Niagara Falls  search
BTNorth America
 .Niagara Falls
 New York
 Niagara Escarpment
SNGreat falls of the Niagara River. Also search Niagara. Indexed with state and/or province as applicable.
Niagara River  search
BTNorth America
 .Niagara River
 New York
SNFlows between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario going over the Niagara Escarpment. Also search Niagara. Indexed with province and/or state as applicable.
Niagaran  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Silurian
NTBainbridge Formation
 Lockport Formation
 Racine Dolomite
SNProvincial series, North America. Above Alexandrian, below Cayugan.
Nicaragua  search
BTCentral America
NTLeon Nicaragua
 Managua Nicaragua
RTSan Juan River
 Chortis Block
 Cerro Negro
 Leon City Spain
 Nicaragua earthquake 1992
Nicaragua earthquake 1992  search
 .Nicaragua earthquake 1992
RTNortheast Pacific
SNEpicenter offshore W Nicaragua. Slow earthquake which produced tsunamis.
Nicaragua Rise  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Caribbean Sea
 ...Nicaragua Rise
UFNicaraguan Rise
RTLeg 15
 ODP Site 1000
 ODP Site 1001
SNBetween Jamaica and Nicaragua.
Nicaraguan Rise  search
USENicaragua Rise
niccolite  search
RTnickel ores
Nice France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Alpes-Maritimes France
 ....Nice France
SNCity on the Mediterranean Sea on the Riviera in S Alpes-Maritimes, SE France.
Nicholas County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nicholas County Kentucky
Nicholas County West Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Nicholas County West Virginia
nick points  search
nickel  search
RTnickel ores
 heavy metals
 siderophile elements
SNChemical element. Use nickel ores for nickel as a commodity.
nickel glance  search
nickel ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .nickel ores
 Norilsk region
 Strathcona Mine
nickel pyrites  search
nickel-antimony glance  search
nickeline  search
nickpoints  search
Nicobar Islands  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Bengal Islands
 ....Nicobar Islands
SNIsland group in Bay of Bengal NW of Sumatra, forming S part of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Nicobars  search
USENicobar Islands
Nicola Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Nicola Group
 British Columbia
SNS British Columbia.
Nicolaus California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Sutter County California
 ...Nicolaus California
SNVillage N of Sacramento in N central California.
Nicolet County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Nicolet County Quebec
nicolite  search
Nicollet County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nicollet County Minnesota
nicopyrite  search
Nicoya Complex  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Nicoya Complex
RTUpper Jurassic
 Lower Cretaceous
 Costa Rica
 Leg 67
SNNW Costa Rica. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nicoya Peninsula  search
BTCentral America
 .Costa Rica
 ..Nicoya Peninsula
SNPeninsula in W Costa Rica, extending between the Gulf of Nicoya and Pacific Ocean. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nida Basin  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Kielce Poland
 ....Nida Basin
UFNida River basin
SNRiver basin in S Poland. Also search Nida.
Nida River basin  search
USENida Basin
Niemen River basin  search
USENeman River basin
Nievre France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Nievre France
NTNivernais Plateau
 Yonne Valley
SNDepartment in central France.
Niger  search
 .West Africa
NTAgades Niger
UFNiger Republic
 Mali-Niger Syneclise
 Niger River
 Niger Valley
 Chad Basin
 Lake Chad
 Tibesti Massif
 West African Shield
 Younger Granites
Niger Delta  search
 .West Africa
 ...Niger Delta
RTGulf of Guinea
SNOn the Gulf of Guinea.
Niger Republic  search
Niger River  search
 .West Africa
 ..Niger River
UFJoliba River
 Kworra River
 Niger Valley
SNRises in Guinea and flows NE into a great curve and then SE into the Gulf of Guinea. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Niger Valley  search
 .West Africa
 ..Niger Valley
UFJoliba Valley
 Kworra Valley
 Niger River
SNRiver valley. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Nigeria  search
 .West Africa
NTBida Nigeria
 Ibadan Nigeria
 Jos Plateau
 Lagos Lagoon
 Niger Delta
 Sokoto Basin
 Zaria Nigeria
 Ameki Formation
 Victoria Island
 Asu River Group
 Benue Valley
 Imo Shale
 Mali-Niger Syneclise
 Niger River
 Niger Valley
 Chad Basin
 Lake Chad
 Ewekoro Formation
 Younger Granites
 Zagami Meteorite
nigerite  search
niggliite  search
 platinum minerals
Nihewan Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Nihewan Formation
 Hebei China
SNHebei Province of N China. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nihon'arupusu  search
USEJapanese Alps
Nihonkai-Chuba earthquake 1983  search
USEJapan Sea earthquake 1983
Nihonkai-Chubu earthquake 1983  search
USEJapan Sea earthquake 1983
Niigata earthquake 1964  search
 .Niigata earthquake 1964
 Niigata Japan
SNEpicenter near Niigata, NW Honshu, Japan. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Niigata Japan  search
 .Niigata Japan
NTKashiwazaki Japan
 Myoko Mountain
 Shinano River
RTChubu Japan
 Japanese Alps
 Niigata earthquake 1964
 Sado Island
SNPrefecture including the city in NW Honshu.
Nikitovka Ukraine  search
 ..Nikitovka Ukraine
SNCity in central Donetsk (formerly Stalino) Oblast in Donets Basin. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nikolai Greenstone  search
 Permian-Triassic boundary
SNE Alaska. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nikopol Ukraine  search
 ..Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine
 ...Nikopol Ukraine
SNCity in Dnepropetrovsk Oblast in E central Ukraine. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Niksic Yugoslavia  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Niksic Yugoslavia
SNTown in W Montenegro.
Nile Delta  search
 .North Africa
 ...Nile Delta
UFNile River delta
RTNile River
 DSDP Site 131
SNOn Mediterranean Sea E of Alexandria.
Nile River  search
 .Nile River
 Aswan Dam
 Blue Nile
 Nile Delta
SNThe longest river in the world. Its remotest headstream is the Luvironza River in Burundi. The flow is through Lake Victoria and Lake Albert, and then, as the White Nile, into Sudan where it unites with the Blue Nile from Ethiopia as the Nile proper which
Nile River delta  search
USENile Delta
Nile Valley  search
 .Nile Valley
 Middle Nile Valley
SNRiver valley of the Nile River proper. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Nilgiri  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. Former Indian state near coast of NW Bay of Bengal. Became part of Orissa state, established 1950. Was also sometimes used for Nilgiri Hills. See Orissa India.
Nilssoniales  search
Nimba Mountains  search
 .West Africa
 ..Nimba Mountains
RTIvory Coast
SNWest African bulge. Also search Nimba. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Ninetyeast Ridge  search
BTIndian Ocean
 .Ninetyeast Ridge
RTLeg 121
 Leg 26
 Leg 22
 DSDP Site 214
 DSDP Site 216
 DSDP Site 217
 DSDP Site 253
 DSDP Site 254
 ODP Site 756
 ODP Site 757
 ODP Site 758
SNUndersea ridge extending N and S along line of 90#DG E longitude from just S of Nicobar Islands to approximately 30#DG S latitude. Also search East Indian Ridge.
Ning-hsia China  search
USENingxia China
Ninghsia China  search
USENingxia China
Ningsia China  search
USENingxia China
Ningxia China  search
 .Far East
 ...Ningxia China
UFNing-hsia China
 Ninghsia China
 Ningsia China
RTHaiyuan earthquake 1920
 Ordos Basin
SNAutonomous region, NW China.
niningerite  search
SNMeteorite mineral.
Niniyur Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ......Niniyur Group
RTUpper Cretaceous
 Tamil Nadu India
SNS India.
niobates  search
niobium  search
RTniobium ores
 high-field-strength elements
SNChemical element. Use niobium ores for niobium as a commodity.
niobium ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .niobium ores
 tantalum ores
niobotantalates  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Niobrara County Wyoming  search
BTUnited States
 ..Niobrara County Wyoming
RTBlack Hills
 Walker Creek Field
SNE Wyoming.
Niobrara Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Niobrara Formation
RTNew Mexico
 North Dakota
 South Dakota
 Colorado Group
 Fort Hays Limestone Member
 Smoky Hill Chalk Member
SNIn Colorado Group. Includes Fort Hays Limestone Member, Smoky Hill Chalk Member.
Nipissing Diabase  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Nipissing Diabase
Nipissing District Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Nipissing District Ontario
NTBrent Crater
 Lake Nipissing
 North Bay Ontario
UFDistrict of Nipissing
SNSE central Ontario.
Nisku Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Devonian
 .....Nisku Formation
 Birdbear Formation
SNIn Winterburn Group. Term restricted to region in central Alberta. For Upper Devonian strata in Montana, North Dakota and Saskatchewan, see Birdbear Formation. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nisqually Glacier  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pierce County Washington
 ...Nisqually Glacier
RTMount Rainier
SNOn S slope of Mt Rainier in Mt. Rainier National Park in W central Washington.
nitrate deposits  search
SNCommodity. See List C.
nitrate ion  search
RTcritical load
 nitrite ion
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
nitrates  search
 nitrate deposits
 nitrate ion
SNUsed for minerals. As of 1981, use nitrate deposits for nitrate as a commodity. As of 1998, use nitrate ion for pollution.
nitric acid  search
BTinorganic acids
 .nitric acid
RTnitrogen dioxide
nitrides  search
nitrification  search
RTammonia compound
 biogenic processes
 nitrate ion
 nitrite ion
nitrite ion  search
 nitrate ion
SNAlso used for any organic or inorganic compound containing the NO-` radical. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
nitrites  search
USEnitrite ion
nitrogen  search
 organic nitrogen
RTchemical elements
 critical load
 geochemical cycle
 nitrite ion
nitrogen dioxide  search
 nitric acid
nitrous oxide  search
UFlaughing gas
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nittany Valley  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nittany Valley
RTCentre County Pennsylvania
 Clinton County Pennsylvania
SNIn Centre and Clinton counties in central Pennsylvania. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Nitzschia  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
nivation  search
UFsnow-patch erosion
 water erosion
 sheet erosion
Nivernais Hills  search
USENivernais Plateau
Nivernais Plateau  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Nievre France
 ....Nivernais Plateau
UFNivernais Hills
SNIn central France.
Nix Olympia  search
USEOlympus Mons
Nixon Fork Terrane  search
BTUnited States
 ..West-Central Alaska
 ...Nixon Fork Terrane
RTCoast Belt
SNIn Medfra Quadrangle, central Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nizhni Novgorod Russian Federation  search
USENizhniy Novgorod Russian Federation
Nizhniy Novgorod Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Nizhniy Novgorod Russian Federation
 .Nizhniy Novgorod Russian Federation
UFGorki Russian Federation
 Gorkiy Russian Federation
 Gorky Russian Federation
 Nizhni Novgorod Russian Federation
SNOblast and city, SE Russian Federation. Before 1993, also search Gorki Russian Republic. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nizhniy Ufaley Russian Federation  search
USEUfaley Russian Federation
Nizke Jesenik Mountains  search
USENizky Jezenik Mountains
Nizke Tatra  search
USELow Tatra Mountains
Nizky Jezenik Mountains  search
 .Central Europe
 ..Czech Republic
 ....Nizky Jezenik Mountains
UFLow Jesenik Mountains
 Nizke Jesenik Mountains
SNIn NW Czech Republic near the Polish border. Also search Nizky Jezenik.
NMO  search
USEnormal moveout
NMR data  search
USENMR spectra
NMR spectra  search
 .NMR spectra
UFNMR data
 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra
 nuclear magnetic resonance
SNUsed for data. For methodology, use nuclear magnetic resonance. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
nnepin County Minnesota  search
NTMinneapolis Minnesota
No (element)  search
NO2  search
USEnitrogen dioxide
NOAA  search
BTgovernment agencies
UFNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RTUnited States
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Noachian  search
SNOldest system of three in the Martian stratigraphic column. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
nobelium  search
UFNo (element)
SNChemical element.
Noble County Indiana  search
 .Noble County Indiana
SNNE Indiana.
Noble County Ohio  search
BTUnited States
 ..Noble County Ohio
SNE Ohio.
Noble County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Noble County Oklahoma
SNN Oklahoma.
noble gases  search
UFinert gases
 rare gases
Nobles County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nobles County Minnesota
Nodaway County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nodaway County Missouri
Nodosaria  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
Nodosariacea  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
Nodosariidae  search
SNFamily. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
nodules  search
UFmanganese nodules
 ocean floors
 metal ores
 marine geology
 secondary structures
 sedimentary structures
 manganese composition
 Law of the Sea
 ferromanganese composition
 phosphate composition
SNAs of 1981, restricted to nodules on the ocean floor, nodules within sediments in the ocean, and nodules in lakes. For nodules in non-sedimentary formations, use xenoliths. For nodules within sedimentary formations, such as chert nodules, use concretions.
Noeggerathiales  search
Nohi Rhyolite  search
 .Nohi Rhyolite
 Iwate Japan
SNComplex in central Japan.
noise  search
 geophysical methods
 signal-to-noise ratio
SNBefore 1978, also search seismic noise.
Nojiri Lake  search
 .Nagano Japan
 ..Nojiri Lake
SNCentral Honshu, near Nagano-Niigata prefectural border.
Nokomis Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Nokomis Group
 Kisseynew Complex
SNHornblende gneiss in the Kisseynew Complex. Conformably overlain by the Sherridon Group. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nolan County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nolan County Texas
Nome Alaska  search
BTUnited States
 ..West-Central Alaska
 ...Nome Alaska
RTSeward Peninsula
SNCity on S side of Seward Peninsula, W Alaska.
nomenclature  search
 new names
nomograms  search
RTdata processing
nomographs  search
non-glacial  search
SNA valid index term through 1976. See ice.
non-glacial ice  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use ice.
non-linear distortion  search
 elastic waves
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
non-linear materials  search
RTengineering geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
non-saturated zone  search
USEunsaturated zone
Nonacho Basin  search
 .Western Canada
 ..Mackenzie District Northwest Territories
 ...Nonacho Basin
SNPaleoproterozoic basin E of Great Slave Lake in Northwest Territories. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
nonaqueous phase liquids  search
NTdense nonaqueous phase liquids
 light nonaqueous phase liquids
 liquid phase
 oil spills
 leaking underground storage tanks
SNBefore 1993, also search NAPL. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Noncalcarea  search
nonconformities  search
SNUse unconformities if applicable.
Nonesuch Shale  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Nonesuch Shale
 Oronto Group
SNIn Oronto Group. N Michigan and NE Wisconsin.
Nong-Son Vietnam  search
 .Far East
 ...Nong-Son Vietnam
SNVillage in Quang Nam Province in central Vietnam.
Nongson  search
USENong-Son Vietnam
nonmagnetic minerals  search
RTheavy minerals
 magnetic anomalies
 magnetic hysteresis
 magnetic methods
 magnetic properties
 magnetic susceptibility
SNIndexed with only when this concept is emphasized. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
nonmare basalt  search
nonmetal deposits  search
UFnonmetallic minerals
RTindustrial minerals
 native elements
 metal ores
 economic geology
nonmetallic minerals  search
USEnonmetal deposits
nonmetals  search
RTchemical elements
 native elements
 nonmetal deposits
SNUse nonmetal deposits for nonmetals as a commodity.
nonpoint sources  search
UFsources, nonpoint
 ground water
 surface water
 water quality
 point sources
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
nontectonics  search
USEatectonic processes
nonterrigenous  search
SNA valid term through 1977. Included use in combination with clastic rocks or clastic sediments. See clastic rocks or clastic sediments.
nonterrigenous materials  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Term was introduced in 1978. Before 1978, also search nonterrigenous AND (clastic rocks or clastic sediments). See clastic rocks or clastic sediments.
nontronite  search
 .sheet silicates
 ..clay minerals
Noonday Dolomite  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Noonday Dolomite
SNUnderlies Johnnie Formation; overlies Kingston Peak Formation with disconformity or slight angular unconformity.
Nopah Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cambrian
 .....Nopah Formation
 Dunderberg Shale
SNOccurs in Death Valley of SE California and W Nevada. Includes Dunderberg Shale and Halfpint Member. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nopah Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nopah Range
RTBasin and Range Province
 San Bernardino County California
 Inyo County California
SNSE California. Indexed with counties and mountain range as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Noranda Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Noranda Quebec
RTHorne Mine
SNMining city in SW Quebec.
norbergite  search
 ...humite group
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Nord Fjord  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Nord Fjord
SNInlet of Norwegian Sea.
Nord France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Nord France
NTDunkirk France
 Lille France
 Valenciennes France
RTNord-Pas-de-Calais Basin
SNDepartment in extreme N France. Before 1981, Nord was used for the department. Also search Nord Department.
Nord-Pas-de-Calais Basin  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Nord-Pas-de-Calais Basin
RTPas-de-Calais France
 Nord France
SNIn extreme N France. Indexed with departments as applicable.
Nord-Trondelag Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Nord-Trondelag Norway
SNCounty N of Trondheim Fjord in central Norway.
Nordaustlandet  search
BTArctic region
SNNorwegian for North East Land. One of the islands of the Spitsbergen group in Barents Sea NE of island of Spitsbergen.
Nordegg Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Jurassic
 .....Nordegg Member
 British Columbia
 Fernie Formation
SNNW Alberta, NE British Columbia. Of the Fernie Formation. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Nordland Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Nordland Norway
 Lofoten Islands
 Narvik Norway
 Rana Fjord
SNCounty in W Norway.
Nordlingen  search
USERies Crater
Nordlinger Ries  search
USERies Crater
Nordlinger Ries Crater  search
USERies Crater
nordstrandite  search
RTaluminum oxides
NORESS  search
UFNorwegian Regional Seismic Array
 seismic networks
SNAcronym. Small-aperture seismic array. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Norfolk County Massachusetts  search
BTUnited States
 ..Norfolk County Massachusetts
RTMassachusetts Bay
 Boston Harbor
SNE Massachusetts.
Norfolk County Virginia  search
USENorfolk Virginia
Norfolk England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....East Anglia
 ......Norfolk England
NTNorwich England
SNCounty in SE England.
Norfolk Island  search
BTWest Pacific Ocean Islands
 .Norfolk Island
SNMidway between New Caledonia and N New Zealand. An external territory of Australia.
Norfolk Ridge  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .South Pacific
 ..Southwest Pacific
 ...Norfolk Ridge
SNBetween New Caledonia and Norfolk Island in SW Pacific Ocean. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Norfolk Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Norfolk Virginia
UFNorfolk County Virginia
SNIndependent city which now includes the formerly surrounding Norfolk County in SE Virgina.
Norian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Triassic
RTStuhini Group
SNEurope. Above Carnian, below Rhaetian.
Noril'sk Russian Federation  search
USENorilsk Russian Federation
Norilsk region  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation
 ...Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Federation
 ....Norilsk region
RTcopper ores
 nickel ores
 Norilsk Russian Federation
SNA mining area in the Taymyr National Okrug connected to the town of Dudinka on the Yenisei River by a 60 mile narrow gage rail line. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Norilsk Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation
 ...Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Federation
 ....Norilsk Russian Federation
UFNoril'sk Russian Federation
RTNorilsk region
SNTown in Taymyr National Okrug in N Siberia. Before 1993, Norilsk Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
norite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
normal  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, use normal faults or normal folds.
normal earthquake  search
USEshallow-focus earthquakes
normal faults  search
 .normal faults
UFgravity faults
 normal slip faults
RTblock structures
 listric faults
SNBefore 1978, also search faults AND normal; slump faults.
normal folds  search
 .normal folds
RTsymmetric folds
SNBefore 1978 search folds AND normal.
normal moveout  search
 normal moveouts
RTreflection methods
 elastic waves
 seismic methods
 arrival time
 common-depth-point method
 velocity analysis
SNSometimes abbreviated NMO. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
normal moveouts  search
USEnormal moveout
normal slip faults  search
USEnormal faults
Norman County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Norman County Minnesota
Norman Wells Northwest Territories  search
 .Western Canada
 ..Mackenzie District Northwest Territories
 ...Norman Wells Northwest Territories
SNVillage on the Mackenzie River in W Mackenzie District, W Northwest Territories. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Normandie  search
Normandy  search
 .Western Europe
RTManche France
 Calvados France
 Seine-Maritime France
 Eure France
 Orne France
SNHistorical region of NW France. Indexed with departments as applicable.
Normanskill Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Ordovician
 .....Normanskill Formation
 New York
SNComprises Mount Merino Chert and Shale, Austin Glen Grit and Shale. NW Massachusetts, E New York, and SW Vermont.
Normapolles  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
norms, petrographic  search
USEpetrographic norms
Norphlet Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Norphlet Formation
SNUnderlies Smackover Formation; overlies Louann Salt. Subsurface.
Norrbotten Sweden  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Norrbotten Sweden
NTGallivare Sweden
 Kiruna Sweden
 Laisvall Sweden
 Skellefte mining district
SNCounty in N Sweden.
NORSAR  search
UFNorwegian Large Aperture Seismic Array
 seismic networks
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Norseman Australia  search
 ..Western Australia
 ...Norseman Australia
RTNorseman-Wiluna Belt
SNTown in S central Western Australia.
Norseman-Wiluna Belt  search
 ..Western Australia
 ...Norseman-Wiluna Belt
RTgold ores
 Norseman Australia
 Wiluna Australia
SNW Australia. Mainly gold ores. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
norsethite  search
North Africa  search
 .North Africa
 Atlas Mountains
 Ghadames Basin
 Western Sahara
RTWest Africa
 Nubian Sandstone
 Central Africa
 Southern Africa
 Calabrian Arc
 East Africa
SNA region. Indexed with countries as applicable.
North America  search
NTAppalachian Basin
 Basin and Range Province
 Belt Basin
 Borden Aquifer
 Canadian Shield
 Cerro Prieto Fault
 Champlain Valley
 Chihuahua tectonic belt
 Chitistone Pass
 Coast plutonic complex
 Dakota Aquifer
 Denali Fault
 Detroit River
 Disturbed Belt
 Eastern Overthrust Belt
 Glacier National Park
 Great Lakes
 Great Lakes region
 Great Plains
 Hueco Bolson
 Humber Zone
 Intermontane Belt
 Juan de Fuca Strait
 Keweenawan Rift
 Kootenay Arc
 Lake Champlain
 Lake of the Woods
 Lake of the Woods region
 Lake Superior region
 Leech River Fault
 Methow Basin
 Mexicali Valley
 Michigan Basin
 Mississippi River basin
 Missouri River basin
 Niagara Escarpment
 Niagara Falls
 Niagara River
 North American Cordillera
 North American Craton
 Okanagan Valley
 Okanogan Range
 Omineca Belt
 Pedregosa Basin
 Peninsular Ranges Batholith
 Purcell Mountains
 Rainy River
 Rio Grande Depression
 Rio Grande Rift
 Rocky Mountain Trench
 Rocky Mountains
 Rocky Mountains foreland
 Saganaga Lake
 Saint Clair River
 Saint Clair River delta
 Saint Elias Mountains
 Saint Lawrence Lowlands
 Saint Lawrence River
 Saint Lawrence River basin
 Saint Lawrence Valley
 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
 San Jacinto Fault
 Shuksan Thrust
 Shuswap Complex
 Skagit Valley
 Sonoran Desert
 Straight Creek Fault
 Strait of Georgia
 Sweetgrass Arch
 Tanana River
 Tintina Fault
 Transcontinental Arch
 Western Canada Basin
 Western Interior
 Western Overthrust Belt
 Williston Basin
 Yukon River
 Yukon-Tanana Terrane
RTAgua Blanca Fault
 Avalonian Orogeny
 Cache Creek Terrane
 Champlain Sea
 Coast Mountains
 Coast Ranges
 Colorado River basin
 Columbia River basin
 Cordilleran ice sheet
 Cordilleran Orogeny
 Gorda Plate
 Gulf Coastal Plain
SNTo retrieve all documents, Canada, United States, and Mexico, should also be searched (see list O).
North American Atlantic  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. Used from 1981-1994 for western Atlantic bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, generally about 70#DGN latitude, on the east by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and on the south by 10#DGN latitude. See North Atlantic.
North American Cordillera  search
BTNorth America
 .North American Cordillera
NTCanadian Cordillera
 United States
 U. S. Rocky Mountains
 Coast Mountains
 Alaska Range
 Coast Belt
 Cascade Range
 Rocky Mountains
 Western Interior Seaway
 Sierra Nevada
 Coast Ranges
 Cordilleran ice sheet
 Kootenay Arc
 Sierra Madre
SNBefore 1981, search Cordillera AND North America. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
North American Craton  search
BTNorth America
 .North American Craton
RTCanadian Shield
SNArea of North American continent where basement is buried by Precambrian and Phanerozoic sedimentary cover. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
North American Pacific  search
SNUsed from 1981-1994 for a region in the northeastern Pacific bounded on the north by the Bering Sea, on the east by North and Central America, on the south by the equator, and on the west by the 180#DG meridian, with the exception of an area bounded by an
North American Plate  search
RTCascadia subduction zone
 Explorer Plate
 Farallon Plate
 North America
 plate tectonics
SNIncludes North America N of central America as well as all the North Atlantic Ocean W of the Mid-Ocean Ridge. Indexed with geographic area and/or age as applicable.
North Anatolian Fault  search
 .Middle East
 ...North Anatolian Fault
SNW Turkey. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
North Arcot India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Tamil Nadu India
 ....North Arcot India
SNDistrict in E central Tamil Nadu, S India.
North Atlantic  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
NTAtlantis fracture zone
 Atlantis II
 Atlantis Seamount
 Azores-Gibraltar Ridge
 Baltic Sea
 Baltimore Canyon
 Baltimore Canyon Trough
 Barbados Ridge
 Barracuda Ridge
 Bay of Biscay
 Bay of Fundy
 Bermuda Rise
 Blake Plateau
 Blake-Bahama Basin
 Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge
 Block Island Sound
 Cape Verde Basin
 Cape Verde Rise
 Caribbean Sea
 Celtic Sea
 English Channel
 Exuma Sound
 Flemish Cap
 Frobisher Bay
 Georges Bank
 Georges Bank basin
 Gibbs fracture zone
 Goban Spur
 Gorringe Bank
 Great Bahama Bank
 Great Meteor Seamount
 Gulf of Guinea
 Gulf of Maine
 Gulf of Mexico
 Gulf of Saint Lawrence
 Hatteras abyssal plain
 Hayes fracture zone
 Hibernia Field
 Hudson Bay
 Hudson Strait
 Iceland-Faeroe Ridge
 Irish Sea
 Jeanne d'Arc Basin
 Kane fracture zone
 Labrador Basin
 Labrador Sea
 Little Bahama Bank
 Long Island Sound
 Lydonia Canyon
 Madeira abyssal plain
 Maury Channel
 Mazagan Plateau
 Nares abyssal plain
 New England Seamounts
 North Sea
 Northeast Atlantic
 Northeast Providence Channel
 Northwest Atlantic
 Northwest Providence Channel
 Oceanographer fracture zone
 Puerto Rico Trench
 Reykjanes Ridge
 Rockall Bank
 Rockall Plateau
 Rockall Trough
 Sable Island Bank
 Sargasso Sea
 Scotian Shelf
 Sierra Leone Rise
 Snakepit hydrothermal field
 Sohm abyssal plain
 Straits of Florida
 TAG hydrothermal field
 Tongue of the Ocean
 Trou Sans Fond
 Vema fracture zone
 Wilkinson Basin
 Wilmington Canyon
 Yucatan Channel
 Davis Strait
 Chesapeake Bay
 Blake-Bahama Formation
 Black Rock
 DSDP Site 5
 DSDP Site 118
 Cumberland Basin
 DSDP Site 7
 Delaware Bay
 DSDP Site 10
 DSDP Site 105
 DSDP Site 108
 DSDP Site 11
 DSDP Site 111
 DSDP Site 115
 DSDP Site 27
 DSDP Site 28
 DSDP Site 4
SNBefore 1978, search Atlantic Ocean AND north. Before 1995, also search European Atlantic.
North Atlantic Deep Water  search
RTArctic Ocean
 Atlantic Ocean
 Bering Sea
 bottom water
 North Atlantic
 ocean circulation
SNIndexed with specific ocean terms as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
North Atlantic Ridge  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. A valid term from 1981-1994. As of 1995, use Mid-Atlantic Ridge and North Atlantic.
North Australian Seas  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. Included seas of the Pacific Ocean just N of Australia. As of 1995, see Arafura Sea or Timor Sea.
North Austrian Alps  search
 ..North Austrian Alps
 .Central Europe
 ...North Austrian Alps
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
North Austrian Crystallines  search
 .Central Europe
 ...North Austrian Crystallines
RTLower Austria
 Upper Austria
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
North Austrian Molasse  search
 .Central Europe
 ...North Austrian Molasse
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
North Bay Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Nipissing District Ontario
 ....North Bay Ontario
SNCity on Lake Nipissing in SE Ontario.
North Borneo  search
USESabah Malaysia
North Bulgarian Hills  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...North Bulgarian Hills
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
NTAlamance County North Carolina
 Alexander County North Carolina
 Alleghany County North Carolina
 Anson County North Carolina
 Ashe County North Carolina
 Avery County North Carolina
 Beaufort County North Carolina
 Bertie County North Carolina
 Bladen County North Carolina
 Brunswick County North Carolina
 Buncombe County North Carolina
 Burke County North Carolina
 Cabarrus County North Carolina
 Caldwell County North Carolina
 Camden County North Carolina
 Cape Fear Arch
 Carteret County North Carolina
 Caswell County North Carolina
 Catawba County North Carolina
 Chatham County North Carolina
 Cherokee County North Carolina
 Chowan County North Carolina
 Clay County North Carolina
 Cleveland County North Carolina
 Columbus County North Carolina
 Craven County North Carolina
 Cumberland County North Carolina
 Currituck County North Carolina
 Dare County North Carolina
 Davidson County North Carolina
 Davie County North Carolina
 Duplin County North Carolina
 Durham County North Carolina
 Edgecombe County North Carolina
 Forsyth County North Carolina
 Franklin County North Carolina
 Gaston County North Carolina
 Gates County North Carolina
 Graham County North Carolina
 Granville County North Carolina
 Greene County North Carolina
 Guilford County North Carolina
 Halifax County North Carolina
 Harnett County North Carolina
 Haywood County North Carolina
 Henderson County North Carolina
 Hertford County North Carolina
 Hoke County North Carolina
 Hyde County North Carolina
 Iredell County North Carolina
 Jackson County North Carolina
 Johnston County North Carolina
 Jones County North Carolina
 Lee County North Carolina
 Lenoir County North Carolina
 Lincoln County North Carolina
 Macon County North Carolina
 Madison County North Carolina
 Martin County North Carolina
 McDowell County North Carolina
 Mecklenburg County North Carolina
 Mitchell County North Carolina
 Montgomery County North Carolina
 Moore County North Carolina
 Nash County North Carolina
 Neuse River
 New Hanover County North Carolina
 Northampton County North Carolina
 Onslow Bay
 Onslow County North Carolina
 Orange County North Carolina
 Pamlico County North Carolina
 Pamlico River
 Pamlico Sound
 Pasquotank County North Carolina
 Pender County North Carolina
 Perquimans County North Carolina
 Person County North Carolina
 Pitt County North Carolina
 Polk County North Carolina
 Pungo River
 Randolph County North Carolina
 Richmond County North Carolina
 Robeson County North Carolina
 Rockingham County North Carolina
 Rowan County North Carolina
 Rutherford County North Carolina
 Sampson County North Carolina
 Scotland County North Carolina
 Stanly County North Carolina
 Stokes County North Carolina
 Surry County North Carolina
 Swain County North Carolina
 Transylvania County North Carolina
 Tyrrell County North Carolina
 Union County North Carolina
 Vance County North Carolina
 Wake County North Carolina
 Warren County North Carolina
 Washington County North Carolina
 Watauga County North Carolina
 Wayne County North Carolina
 Wilkes County North Carolina
 Wilson County North Carolina
 Yadkin County North Carolina
 Yancey County North Carolina
RTAppalachian Basin
 Brevard Zone
 Atlantic Coastal Plain
 Avalon Zone
 Ashe Formation
 Carolina Bays
 Carolina slate belt
 Beaufort Formation
 Black Creek Formation
 Blue Ridge Mountains
 Blue Ridge Province
 Cape Lookout
 Carolina Terrane
 Castle Hayne Limestone
North Caucasus  search
USENorthern Caucasus
North Central (United States)  search
North China Block  search
USENorth China Platform
North China Platform  search
 .Far East
 ...North China Platform
UFNorth China Block
SNE China. Indexed with Chinese provinces as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
North Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .North Dakota
NTAdams County North Dakota
 Barnes County North Dakota
 Benson County North Dakota
 Billings County North Dakota
 Bottineau County North Dakota
 Bowman County North Dakota
 Burke County North Dakota
 Burleigh County North Dakota
 Cass County North Dakota
 Cavalier County North Dakota
 Dickey County North Dakota
 Divide County North Dakota
 Dunn County North Dakota
 Eddy County North Dakota
 Emmons County North Dakota
 Foster County North Dakota
 Golden Valley County North Dakota
 Grand Forks County North Dakota
 Grant County North Dakota
 Griggs County North Dakota
 Hettinger County North Dakota
 Kidder County North Dakota
 Lamoure County North Dakota
 Logan County North Dakota
 McHenry County North Dakota
 McIntosh County North Dakota
 McKenzie County North Dakota
 McLean County North Dakota
 Mercer County North Dakota
 Morton County North Dakota
 Mountrail County North Dakota
 Nelson County North Dakota
 Oliver County North Dakota
 Pembina County North Dakota
 Pierce County North Dakota
 Ramsey County North Dakota
 Ransom County North Dakota
 Renville County North Dakota
 Richland County North Dakota
 Rolette County North Dakota
 Sargent County North Dakota
 Sheridan County North Dakota
 Sioux County North Dakota
 Slope County North Dakota
 Stark County North Dakota
 Steele County North Dakota
 Stutsman County North Dakota
 Towner County North Dakota
 Traill County North Dakota
 Walsh County North Dakota
 Ward County North Dakota
 Wells County North Dakota
 Williams County North Dakota
RTBeaverhill Lake Group
 Amsden Formation
 Bakken Formation
 Colorado Group
 Bighorn Dolomite
 Birdbear Formation
 Bullion Creek Formation
 Fort Union Formation
 Cedar Creek Anticline
 Charles Formation
 Dakota Formation
 Devils Lake
 Duperow Formation
 Elk Point Group
North Devon Island  search
USEDevon Island
North Fiji Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .South Pacific
 ..Southwest Pacific
 ...North Fiji Basin
UFFiji Basin, North
SNN and E of Vanuatu Arc, W of Fiji., SW Pacific. Also search Fiji Basin. This term has multiple hierarchies.
North German Plain  search
 .Central Europe
 ...North German Plain
RTNorth Rhine-Westphalia Germany
 Hamburg Germany
 Lower Saxony Germany
 Schleswig-Holstein Germany
 Saxony-Anhalt Germany
 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Germany
 Berlin Germany
 Brandenburg Germany
 Northeastern German Plain
SNRoughly the northern one-third of Germany. Indexed with states as applicable.
North Greenland  search
USENorthern Greenland
North Horn Formation  search
RTK-T boundary
 Upper Cretaceous
SNUpper Cretaceous and Paleocene. Central Utah. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
North Island  search
RTAuckland New Zealand
 Bay of Islands
 Bay of Plenty
 Coromandel Peninsula
 Crater Lake
 Edgecumbe earthquake 1987
 Gisborne New Zealand
 Hawke's Bay New Zealand
 Kaipara Harbor
 Lake Taupo
 Manawatu River valley
 Mokoia New Zealand
 New Zealand
SNThe northernmost of 3 main islands of New Zealand. Also in other locations. Also index county or country as applicable.
North Kona  search
North Korea  search
 .Far East
 ...North Korea
NTKangwon North Korea
RTSouth Korea
SNOfficially Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Republic, on E coast of Asia, bounded on N by China, on NE by Russian Federation, on E by Japan Sea, on S by South Korea, and on W by the Yellow Sea and Korea Bay.
North Ossetia Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..North Ossetia Russian Federation
 ..North Ossetia Russian Federation
RTNorthern Caucasus
 Malgobek Russian Federation
 Sadon Russian Federation
SNFormer North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On N slopes of central Caucasus Mountains. Before 1993, North Ossetia Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
North Pacific  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
NTAleutian Ridge
 Aleutian Trench
 Bering Sea
 Mid-Pacific Mountains
 Monterey Fan
 Northeast Pacific
 Northwest Pacific
RTLeg 19
 South Pacific
 Southwest Pacific
 West Pacific
 Southeast Pacific
 California Current
 East Pacific
 Equatorial Pacific
 Leg 17
 United States Exclusive Economic Zone
 Leg 143
 Leg 145
 Pacific Basin
 ODP Site 885
 ODP Site 886
SNBefore 1978, search Pacific Ocean AND north.
North Palm Springs earthquake 1986  search
 .North Palm Springs earthquake 1986
 Riverside County California
SNRiverside County, S California. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
North Polar Sea  search
USEArctic Ocean
North Pole  search
BTArctic region
 .North Pole
RTMakarov Basin
 polar caps
 polar regions
SNThe N extremity of the Earth's axis at 90#DG N latitude and the point from which all directions are S.
North Pole Deposit  search
 ..Western Australia
 ...North Pole Deposit
RTbarite deposits
SNBarite deposit in Western Australia. Also search North Pole AND Australia.
North Pyrene  search
North Pyrenean Fault  search
 .Western Europe
 ..North Pyrenean Fault
 French Pyrenees
 Spanish Pyrenees
SNIndexed with countries as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
North Ray Crater  search
 .North Ray Crater
North Rhine  search
 .Central Europe
 ...North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
 ....North Rhine
SNNorth portion of former Prussian Rhine Province which included Aachen, Cologne and Dusseldorf.
North Rhine-Westphalia Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
NTAachen Germany
 Bergisch Gladbach Germany
 Bergisches Land
 Bochum Germany
 Cologne Germany
 Ebbe Anticlinorium
 Ibbenburen Germany
 Kamen Germany
 Krefeld Germany
 Lindlar Germany
 Lippe Valley
 Munster Germany
 North Rhine
 Paderborn Germany
 Plettenberg Germany
 Wiehen Mountains
RTHohe Venn
 Rhenish Schiefergebirge
 North German Plain
 Weser River
 Ems River
 Essen Beds
 Steinheim Germany
 Teutoburg Forest
SNState, W Germany.
North Saskatchewan River  search
 .North Saskatchewan River
 Saskatchewan River
 South Saskatchewan River
SNRises in Columbia Icefield at foot of Mt. Saskatchewan in Alberta. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
North Sea  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..North Sea
NTDogger Bank
 East Shetland Basin
 Ekofisk Field
 Forties Field
 Norwegian Channel
 Orcadian Basin
 Oseberg Field
 Troll Field
 Viking Graben
UFNorth Sea Basin
RTBroom Formation
 Etive Formation
 English Channel
 North Sea region
 Brent Group
 Ness Formation
 Central Graben
 Ekofisk Formation
 Dunlin Group
 East Frisian Islands
 Moray Firth
 Highland Boundary Fault
 Kimmeridge Clay
 Leman Sandstone Formation
SNBetween the European continent on the S and E, and Great Britain on the W.
North Sea Basin  search
USENorth Sea
North Sea Coast  search
 .North Sea Coast
SNIndexed with England, Scotland and European countries as applicable.
North Sea region  search
 North Sea
SNIndexed with countries as applicable.
North Shore Volcanics  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..North Shore Volcanics
SNIn Keweenawan Group. NE Minnesota.
North Siberian Plain  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Siberian Platform
 ...North Siberian Plain
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
North Slope  search
RTArctic Coastal Plain
 Barrow Field
 Endicott Group
 Ivishak Formation
 National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
 Northern Alaska
 Prudhoe Bay
 Prudhoe Bay Field
 Simpson Field
 Umiat Field
SNArctic plains N of Brooks Range to Arctic Ocean. Indexed with Northern Alaska as applicable.
North Sudetic Basin  search
 .Central Europe
 ..North Sudetic Basin
 Czech Republic
 Sudeten Mountains
 Sudetic Basin
SNNorth part of the Sudetic Basin in the Sudeten Mountains. Indexed with countries as applicable.
North Victoria Land  search
USEVictoria Land
North Vietnam  search
North Yorkshire England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Yorkshire England
 ......North Yorkshire England
 York England
RTHowgill Fells
 Ingleton England
SNCounty in NE England. Formed in 1974 from North Riding in Yorkshire County.
North-Central (United States)  search
North-West Frontier Pakistan  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...North-West Frontier Pakistan
NTChitral Pakistan
 Hazara Pakistan
 Peshawar Pakistan
 Swat Pakistan
RTSulaiman Range
SNW Pakistan.
North-West P  search
North-West Province South Africa  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..South Africa
 ...North-West Province South Africa
NTVentersdorp South Africa
UFNorth-West South Africa
RTTransvaal region
 Cape Province region
 Bushveld Complex
 Klerksdorp Field
 Vaal River
SNNE South Africa. Formerly parts of NE Cape Province and W Transvaal. Also search (Cape Province region or Transvaal region).
North-West South Africa  search
USENorth-West Province South Africa
Northampton County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Northampton County North Carolina
SNNE North Carolina.
Northampton County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Northampton County Pennsylvania
SNE Pennsylvania.
Northampton County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Northampton County Virginia
SNE Virginia.
Northamptonshire England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Northamptonshire England
 East Midlands
SNCounty in central England.
Northeast Atlantic  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Northeast Atlantic
NTIberian abyssal plain
RTSouth Atlantic
 East Atlantic
 Northwest Atlantic
 Southeast Atlantic
 Southwest Atlantic
 West Atlantic
 ODP Site 897
 ODP Site 898
 ODP Site 899
 ODP Site 900
 ODP Site 901
 ODP Site 958
 ODP Site 980
 ODP Site 981
 ODP Site 982
SNBefore 1978, search Atlantic Ocean AND northeast.
Northeast Japan  search
Northeast Pacific  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northeast Pacific
BTPacific Ocean
 .East Pacific
 ..Northeast Pacific
NTAstoria Canyon
 Axial Seamount
 Blanco fracture zone
 Bowie Seamount
 Bristol Bay
 Cascadia Basin
 Cascadia Channel
 Clarion fracture zone
 Clipperton fracture zone
 Cobb Seamount
 Escanaba Trough
 Gorda Rise
 Guatemala Basin
 Gulf of Alaska
 Gulf of California
 Gulf of Panama
 Hawaiian Ridge
 Hess Deep
 Juan de Fuca Ridge
 Loihi Seamount
 Mendocino fracture zone
 Middle America Trench
 Monterey Canyon
 Monterey Fan
 Murray fracture zone
 Navarin Basin
 Norton Sound
 Orozco fracture zone
 Queen Charlotte Basin
 Quinault Canyon
 Redondo Canyon
 Rivera fracture zone
 San Diego Trough
 Santa Monica Basin
 Siqueiros fracture zone
 Tamayo fracture zone
RTCalifornia Current
 Cascadia subduction zone
 Cocos Ridge
 Coos Bay
SNBefore 1978, search Pacific Ocean AND northeast. Before 1995, North American Pacific and parts of Polynesian Pacific and South Polynesian Pacific were also sometimes used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Northeast Providence Channel  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Northeast Providence Channel
 DSDP Site 98
 Leg 11
 Northwest Providence Channel
 ODP Site 636
SNStrait NE of Nassau between Great Abaco and Eleuthera islands. Before 1993, Bahamas was a broader term.
Northeastern German Plain  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Northeastern German Plain
RTNorth German Plain
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northeastern Hungarian Hills  search
 .Northeastern Hungarian Hills
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northeastern India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Northeastern India
NTArunachal Pradesh India
 Assam India
 Manipur India
 Meghalaya India
 Nagaland India
 Tripura India
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northeastern Polish Plain  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Northeastern Polish Plain
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northeastern USSR  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. Valid 1978-1992. As of 1993, see Russian Federation. Before 1978, also search USSR AND northeast. After 1980, term referred to the region W of the Soviet Pacific region.
Northern Alaska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Northern Alaska
NTArctic National Wildlife Refuge
 Barrow Alaska
 Brooks Range
 National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
 Prudhoe Bay
 Prudhoe Bay Field
 Umiat Field
RTArctic Coastal Plain
 North Slope
 Barrow Field
 Point Barrow
 Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin
 Colville River
 Colville River delta
 Trans-Alaska Pipeline
 Yukon-Koyukuk Basin
 Meade Basin
SNArtificial region based on U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle designations. Also search specific quadrangles if applicable. Indexed with quadrangles as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Northern Andes  search
BTSouth America
 ..Northern Andes
RTCentral Andes
 Southern Andes
SNBefore 1978, search Andes AND north or northern.
Northern Apennines  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Northern Apennines
SNBefore 1981, also search Apennines AND North. Extend SE to Scheggia Pass. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northern Appalachians  search
BTNorth America
 ..Northern Appalachians
RTSouthern Appalachians
 Central Appalachians
 Humber Zone
 Meguma Terrane
SNBefore 1978, search Appalachians AND north or northern.
Northern California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Northern California
RTCape Mendocino earthquakes 1992
 Shoo Fly Complex
 Josephine Ophiolite
 Josephine Peridotite
 Sacramento River
SNBefore 1981, also search California AND North. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northern Cape Province South Africa  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..South Africa
 ...Northern Cape Province South Africa
NTKimberley South Africa
 Postmasburg South Africa
UFNorthern Cape South Africa
RTBroken Hill Mine
 Cape Province region
 Karroo Basin
 Namaqualand metamorphic complex
 Orange River
 Vaal River
SNW South Africa. Before 1998, also search Cape Province region.
Northern Cape South Africa  search
USENorthern Cape Province South Africa
Northern Caucasia  search
USENorthern Caucasus
Northern Caucasus  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Northern Caucasus
 ..Northern Caucasus
NTPeredovoy Range
 Urup mining district
 North Caucasus
 Northern Caucasia
RTKrasnodar Russian Federation
 Caucasus Foreland
 Chechen-Ingush Russian Federation
 Dagestan Russian Federation
 Kabardin-Balkar Russian Federation
 North Ossetia Russian Federation
 Stavropol Russian Federation
SNN part of the Caucasus comprising former Chechen-Ingush ASSR, S half of Krasnodar Kray, and the Daghestan, Kabardin-Balkar, and North Ossetian former ASSRs. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Northern China  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. See provinces: Hebei China, Inner Mongolia China, Shanxi China, and Beijing China and Tianjin China.
Northern Dvina River  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Northern Dvina River
 .Northern Dvina River
RTArkhangelsk Russian Federation
 Komi Russian Federation
SNChief river of the White Sea Basin in NW European Russian Federation. Before 1995, also search Dvina River in combination with (Russian Republic or Russian Federation). This term has multiple hierarchies.
Northern Europe  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. Use Western Europe.
Northern German Hills  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Northern German Hills
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northern Great Plains  search
BTNorth America
 .Great Plains
 ..Northern Great Plains
RTSouthern Great Plains
SNBefore 1978, search Great Plains AND north or northern.
Northern Greenland  search
BTArctic region
 ..Northern Greenland
UFNorth Greenland
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Northern Hemisphere  search
RTEastern Hemisphere
 Southern Hemisphere
 Western Hemisphere
SNUsed when discussing many large areas too numerous to mention.
Northern Highlands  search
SNAfter 1993, see Scottish Northern Highlands if applicable. Indexed with Mars or Florida if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northern Ireland  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Northern Ireland
NTAntrim Northern Ireland
 Belfast Northern Ireland
 Fermanagh Northern Ireland
 Giant's Causeway
 Londonderry Northern Ireland
 Tyrone Northern Ireland
 White Limestone
 Sherwood Sandstone
SNDivided into 26 administrative districts comprising the NE part of island of Ireland. Before 1974, was divided into the traditional counties of Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermangh, Londonderry and Tyrone which are still used. Before 1978, also search Ulster.
Northern Light Lake  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Thunder Bay District Ontario
 ....Northern Light Lake
SNIn SW Ontario just N of Minnesota border.
Northern Limestone Alps  search
 .Central Europe
 ..Northern Limestone Alps
 ..Eastern Alps
 ...Northern Limestone Alps
 ..Limestone Alps
 ...Northern Limestone Alps
UFKalkalpen, Nordliche
RTDinaric Alps
 Bavaria Germany
 Bavarian Alps
SNNortherly branch of Eastern Alps which occurs chiefly in Austria and S Bavaria. Before 1994, also search Limestone Alps and country of interest. This term has multiple hierarchies. Also index countries and mountain ranges as applicable.
Northern Nigeria  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. Valid 1981-1992.
Northern Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Northern Norway
SNS boundary is Trondheim. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northern Peninsula, Michigan  search
USEMichigan Upper Peninsula
Northern Province South Africa  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..South Africa
 ...Northern Province South Africa
UFNorthern Transvaal South Africa
RTTransvaal region
 Limpopo Basin
 Bushveld Complex
 Merensky Reef
 Waterberg System
 Lebombo Mountains
 Wolkberg Group
SNNE South Africa. N part of former Transvaal province. Northern Transvaal was also used in the mid-1990's transition period. Before 1998, also search Transvaal region.
Northern Range  search
 Trinidad and Tobago
SNN Trinidad. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with Trinidad as applicable.
Northern Rhodesia  search
Northern Rocky Mountains  search
BTNorth America
 .Rocky Mountains
 ..Northern Rocky Mountains
RTU. S. Rocky Mountains
 Canadian Rocky Mountains
 Central Rocky Mountains
 Southern Rocky Mountains
 Rocky Mountain Trench
SNBefore 1978, also search Rocky Mountains AND north or northern.
Northern Swiss Alps  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Swiss Alps
 ....Northern Swiss Alps
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northern Territory Australia  search
 ..Northern Territory Australia
NTAlice Springs Australia
 Alligator Rivers Field
 Arunta Block
 Gosses Bluff
 Harts Range
 Jabiluka Australia
 Katherine Australia
 Ngalia Basin
 Pine Creek Geosyncline
 Tennant Creek Australia
RTAmadeus Basin
 McArthur Basin
 Bathurst Island
 Arunta Complex
 Bitter Springs Formation
 Joseph Bonaparte Gulf
 Cahill Formation
 Carpentaria Basin
 Melville Island
 Georgina Basin
 Great Artesian Basin
 Henbury Meteorite
 Kombolgie Formation
 Musgrave Ranges
Northern Transvaal South Africa  search
USENorthern Province South Africa
Northern Urals  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Northern Urals
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Northern Urals
RTKozhim River
 Polar Urals
SNBefore 1978, search Urals AND north or northern. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Northland New Zealand  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Northland New Zealand
RTNorth Island
SNProvincial district, N North Island. Also index North Island.
Northridge earthquake 1994  search
 .Northridge earthquake 1994
UFLos Angeles earthquake 1994
 Los Angeles California
 San Fernando Valley
 Transverse Ranges
SNEpicenter in San Fernando Valley, NW of metropolitan Los Angeles, S California. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
Northumberland County New Brunswick  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Maritime Provinces
 ...New Brunswick
 ....Northumberland County New Brunswick
NTNewcastle New Brunswick
SNBordering Gulf of Saint Lawrence in N central New Brunswick. Before 1978, also search Northumberland AND New Brunswick.
Northumberland County Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Northumberland County Ontario
SNBordering Lake Ontario in S Ontario. Before 1978, also search Northumberland AND Ontario.
Northumberland County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Northumberland County Pennsylvania
SNE central Pennsylvania.
Northumberland County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Northumberland County Virginia
SNE Virginia.
Northumberland England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Northumberland England
NTMeldon Aplite
RTDudley England
 Newcastle England
SNCounty in N England on border of Scotland. In 1974, S part of county was taken to form Tyne and Wear.
Northumberland Strait  search
 .Northumberland Strait
RTNew Brunswick
 North Atlantic
 Gulf of Saint Lawrence
 Prince Edward Island
 Kouchibouguac Bay
SNChannel of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence between Prince Edward Island on the N, and New Brunswick and Nova Scotia on the SE and E respectively.
Northwest Atlantic  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Northwest Atlantic
RTLeg 164
 ODP Site 994
 ODP Site 995
 East Atlantic
 Northeast Atlantic
 Leg 155
 Leg 166
 ODP Site 902
 ODP Site 903
 ODP Site 904
 ODP Site 905
 ODP Site 906
 ODP Site 931
 ODP Site 932
 ODP Site 933
 ODP Site 934
 ODP Site 938
 ODP Site 939
 ODP Site 940
 ODP Site 944
SNBefore 1978, search Atlantic Ocean AND northwest.
Northwest Pacific  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northwest Pacific
BTPacific Ocean
 .West Pacific
 ..Northwest Pacific
NTBowers Ridge
 Celebes Sea
 China Sea
 Conical Seamount
 East China Sea
 East Mariana Basin
 Emperor Seamounts
 Erimo Seamount
 Hess Rise
 Izu-Bonin Arc
 Japan Sea
 Japan Trench
 Kashima Seamount
 Kuril Trench
 Mariana Trench
 Mariana Trough
 Nankai Trough
 Okhotsk Sea
 Okinawa Trough
 Osaka Bay
 Philippine Sea
 Pigafetta Basin
 Shatsky Rise
 Shikoku Basin
 South China Sea
 Sulu Sea
 Sumisu Rift
 Taiwan Strait
 Wodejebato Seamount
 Yellow Sea
RTDSDP Site 183
 Bering Strait
 DSDP Site 168
 DSDP Site 169
 DSDP Site 170
 DSDP Site 193
 DSDP Site 194
 DSDP Site 46
 DSDP Site 51
 DSDP Site 52
 DSDP Site 55
 DSDP Site 56
 DSDP Site 57
 DSDP Site 58
 DSDP Site 59
 DSDP Site 61
 DSDP Site 62
 DSDP Site 63
 DSDP Site 65
SNBefore 1978, search Pacific Ocean AND northwest. Before 1995, West Pacific and parts of Polynesian Pacific and South Polynesian Pacific were also sometimes used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Northwest Providence Channel  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Northwest Providence Channel
 Great Bahama Bank
 Leg 101
 Little Bahama Bank
 Northeast Providence Channel
 ODP Site 634
 ODP Site 635
 Straits of Florida
SNChannel between Grand Bahama Island and Bimini, linking Straits of Florida to Northeast Providence Channel. Before 1993, Bahamas was a broader term. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Northwest Shelf  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef term. See Western Australia; Northern Territory Australia; continental shelf.
Northwest Territories  search
 .Northwest Territories
NTFranklin District Northwest Territories
 Keewatin District Northwest Territories
 Mackenzie District Northwest Territories
RTCanadian Shield
 Arctic Coastal Plain
 Banks Island
 Bathurst Island
 Baffin Bay
 Churchill Province
 Bear Province
 Bear-Slave Operation
 Edmonton Formation
 Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin
 Cache Creek
 Christopher Formation
 Carswell Structure
 Dunvegan Formation
 Eureka S
SNBefore 1971, also search Arctic America. Indexed with districts as applicable.
Northwestern China  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. See provinces: Gansu China, Ningxia China, Qinghai China, Shaanxi China, and Xinjiang China.
Northwestern German Plain  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Northwestern German Plain
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northwestern Polish Plain  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Northwestern Polish Plain
RTPolish Lowland
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northwestern Transdanubia  search
 ..Northwestern Transdanubia
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Northwestern USSR  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. As of 1993, see Russian Federation or Siberia. Before 1978, search USSR AND northwest.
Norton Basin  search
 Bering Sea
 Norton Sound
SNOff W Coast of Alaska. Indexed with Alaska regions and/or Bering Sea or region as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Norton County Kansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Norton County Kansas
RTNorton County Meteorite
SNNW Kansas.
Norton County Meteorite  search
 .stony meteorites
 ....Norton County Meteorite
 Norton County Kansas
SNUsed to distinguish from place name, Norton County in Kansas. Before 1978, also search (Norton County Kansas OR Norton County) AND meteorites.
Norton Sound  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Bering Sea
 ...Norton Sound
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northeast Pacific
 ...Norton Sound
RTNorton Basin
SNArm of the Bering Sea, S of Seward Peninsula, W Alaska. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Norumbega fault zone  search
BTUnited States
 ..Norumbega fault zone
SNE Maine. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Norway  search
 .Western Europe
NTArendal Norway
 Bergen Norway
 Bjerkrem-Sogndal Massif
 Drammen Norway
 Finnmark Norway
 Folldal Norway
 Jotunheim Mountains
 Kongsberg Norway
 Kristiansund Norway
 Nord Fjord
 Nord-Trondelag Norway
 Nordland Norway
 Northern Norway
 Oslo Graben
 Oslo Norway
 Rogaland Norway
 Solund Islands
 Sor-Trondelag Norway
 Southern Norway
 Telemark Norway
 Troms Norway
 Vest-Agder Norway
 Vestfold Norway
RTArctic region
 Baltic Glaciation
 Baltic ice lake
 Litorina Sea
 Baltic Shield
 North Sea Coast
 North Sea region
 Koli Nappe
 Ekofisk Formation
 Porsanger Dolomite Formation
 Sparagmite Group
 Ringerike Sandstone
Norwegian Channel  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..North Sea
 ...Norwegian Channel
UFNorwegian Deep
 Norwegian Trough
SNUndersea feature just off SW Norway.
Norwegian Deep  search
USENorwegian Channel
Norwegian Large Aperture Seismic Array  search
Norwegian Regional Seismic Array  search
Norwegian Sea  search
BTArctic Ocean
 .Norwegian Sea
 Icelandic Plateau
 Jan Mayen Ridge
 Knipovich Ridge
 Mohns Ridge
 Voring Plateau
UFGreenland Sea
 Norwegian-Greenland Sea
RTAtlantic Ocean
 Jan Mayen
 DSDP Site 336
 Leg 151
 ODP Site 909
 Garn Formation
 Leg 38
 DSDP Site 337
 DSDP Site 343
 DSDP Site 344
 DSDP Site 345
 DSDP Site 348
 DSDP Site 350
 DSDP Site 352
 Fram Strait
 ODP Site 908
 Kolbeinsey Island
 Leg 162
 ODP Site 907
 ODP Site 91
SNRedefined for 1998 to include the former Greenland Sea. Between Greenland and Iceland on the west and Spitsbergen and Norway on the east.
Norwegian Trough  search
USENorwegian Channel
Norwegian-Greenland Sea  search
USENorwegian Sea
Norwich England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....East Anglia
 ......Norfolk England
 .......Norwich England
SNCity in E England.
nosean  search
 .framework silicates
 ..sodalite group
noseeum deposits  search
USEcarlin-type deposits
noselite  search
Nothofagus  search
Nothosauria  search
Noto Peninsula  search
 .Noto Peninsula
 Ishikawa Japan
 Toyama Japan
 Nanao Japan
SNLarge headland projecting N into Japan Sea in central Honshu. Indexed with prefecture as applicable.
Notoungulata  search
Notre Dame Bay  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Newfoundland Island
 ....Notre Dame Bay
SNInlet of Atlantic Ocean on N coast of island of Newfoundland.
Nottingham England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Nottinghamshire England
 ......Nottingham England
SNCity in N central England.
Nottinghamshire England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Nottinghamshire England
NTNottingham England
 East Midlands
SNCounty in N central England. Before 1993, also search Nottingham England.
Nottoway County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nottoway County Virginia
Notungulata  search
Nouakchott Mauritania  search
 .West Africa
 ...Nouakchott Mauritania
SNCity in SW Mauritania near coast.
Noumea New Caledonia  search
 ..New Caledonia
 ...Noumea New Caledonia
SNTown on SW coast of French island of New Caledonia E of Queensland, Australia.
Nova Scotia  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Maritime Provinces
 ...Nova Scotia
NTAnnapolis County Nova Scotia
 Antigonish County Nova Scotia
 Cape Breton County Nova Scotia
 Cape Breton Island
 Chedabucto Bay
 Cobequid Bay
 Cobequid Fault
 Cobequid Highlands
 Colchester County Nova Scotia
 Cumberland County Nova Scotia
 Digby County Nova Scotia
 Gays River Deposit
 Guysborough County Nova Scotia
 Halifax County Nova Scotia
 Hants County Nova Scotia
 Inverness County Nova Scotia
 Kings County Nova Scotia
 Lunenburg County Nova Scotia
 Minas Basin
 Pictou County Nova Scotia
 Queens County Nova Scotia
 Richmond County Nova Scotia
 Sable Island
 Shelburne County Nova Scotia
 Victoria County Nova Scotia
 Yarmouth County Nova Scotia
RTAnnapolis Valley
 Avalon Zone
 Cumberland Basin
 Blue Mountain
 Loch Lomond
 Cape Sable
 Cumberland Group
 Horton Group
 Fisset Brook Formation
 Fourchu Group
 Gander Zone
 George River Group
 Goldenville Formation
 Meguma Group
 Halifax Formation
 Meguma Te
Nova Scotia Shelf  search
USEScotian Shelf
Nova Scotian Shelf  search
USEScotian Shelf
novaculite  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .clastic rocks
UFrazor stone
RTchemically precipitated rocks
Novaky Slovakia  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Novaky Slovakia
SNVillage in W central Slovakia. Before 1995, Novaky Czechoslovakia was also used.
Novara Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Piemonte Italy
 ....Novara Italy
SNCity and province in NW Italy.
Novarupta  search
BTUnited States
 ..Southwestern Alaska
 Alaska Peninsula
 Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes
 Katmai National Park
SNVolcano in Katmai National Park, S Aleutian Range, NE Alaska Peninsula, SW Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Novaya Zemlya  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Arkhangelsk Russian Federation
 ...Novaya Zemlya
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Novaya Zemlya
RTArctic region
SNTwo large islands of Arkhangelsk Oblast between Barents and Kara seas. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Noveau Quebec Crater  search
USENew Quebec Crater
Novgorod Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Novgorod Russian Federation
 .Novgorod Russian Federation
SNOblast and city S of Saint Petersburg in NW Russian Federation. Before 1993, Novgorod Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Novoraskoe Series  search
USENovorayskoe Formation
Novorayskoe Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Jurassic
 .....Novorayskoe Formation
UFNovoraskoe Series
 Novorayskoye Formation
 Donets Basin
SNIn Donets Basin in E Ukraine.
Novorayskoye Formation  search
USENovorayskoe Formation
Novosibirsk Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Novosibirsk Russian Federation
 .Novosibirsk Russian Federation
RTVodino Russian Federation
SNOblast and city N of NE Kazakhstan in W Siberia. Before 1993, Novosibirsk Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
novoy Range#Uchur River basin#Udokan Series#Verkhoyansk region#Vilyu  search
Nowa Ruda Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Walbrzych Poland
 ....Nowa Ruda Poland
SNTown near the border of Bohemia in W Walbrzych, SW Poland.
Nowa Sol Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Zielona Gora Poland
 ....Nowa Sol Poland
SNCity on the Oder River in W central Zielona Gora, W Poland.
Nowata County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nowata County Oklahoma
Nowy Sacz Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Nowy Sacz Poland
 Jordanow Poland
 Nowy Targ Poland
 Zakopane Poland
RTBeskid Mountains
 Polish Carpathians
SNCity and province in N foothills of Carpathians in S Poland.
Nowy Targ Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Nowy Sacz Poland
 ....Nowy Targ Poland
UFNewmarkt Poland
RTCracow Poland
SNCity at foot of Tatra Mountains in W central Nowy Sacz, S Poland.
Noxubee County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Noxubee County Mississippi
Np  search
NPRA  search
USENational Petroleum Reserve Alaska
NRC  search
USEU. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRM  search
USEnatural remanent magnetization
nsdale County Colorado  search
NTSlumgullion Landslide
NSF  search
BTgovernment agencies
UFNational Science Foundation
RTUnited States
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
nshu  search
NTAbukuma Mountains
 Aichi Japan
 Aizu Basin
 Akita Japan
 Aomori Japan
 Ashio Japan
 Ashio Mine
 Atotsugawa Fault
 Chiba Japan
 Chiba Peninsula
 Chubu Japan
 Fossa Magna
 Fuji River
 Fukui Japan
 Fukushima Japan
 Gifu Japan
 Gumma Japan
 Hida metamorphic belt
 Hiroshima Japan
 Hiyoshi Japan
 Hyogo Japan
 Ibaraki Japan
 Ise Bay
 Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line
 Iwate Japan
 Izu Peninsula
 Japanese Alps
 Joban coal field
 Kanagawa Japan
 Kanto Mountains
 Kanto Plain
 Kii Peninsula
 Kinki Japan
 Kyoto Japan
 Maizuru Belt
 Matsushiro Japan
 Miho Bay
 Mino Belt
 Miura Peninsula
 Miyagi Japan
 Mount Hakone
 Nagano City Japan
 Nagano Japan
 Nara Japan
 Narugo Japan
 Niigata Japan
 Nohi Rhyolite
 Noto Peninsula
 Okayama Japan
 Osaka Japan
 Ryoke Belt
 Sado Island
 Sagami Bay
 Saitama Japan
 Sangun Zone
 Shiga Japan
 Shimane Japan
 Shirasu River
 Shizuoka Japan
 Suruga Bay
 Takanuki Japan
 Tamba Plateau
 Tanzawa Mountains
 Tochigi Japan
 Tokai Japan
 Tokyo Bay
 Tokyo Japan
 Tono Japan
 Tottori Japan
 Toyama Japan
 Toyoma Japan
 Wakayama Japan
 Yahagi River
 Yamagata Japan
 Yamaguchi Japan
 Yamanashi Japan
 Yamasaki Fault
nsutite  search
ntains#Blue Ridge Provin  search
nube Delta#Danube Plain#Danube River#Danube Valley#Dobruja Basin#Eastern Carpath  search
Nubia  search
 Nile Valley
SNRegion in Nile Valley extending from about 16#DG N to include Aswan and First Cataract. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Nubia Group  search
USENubian Sandstone
Nubian Sandstone  search
UFNubia Group
 North Africa
 Middle East
SNInformal, used for Paleozoic-Mesozoic, Tertiary? unit which occurs in large parts of N Africa and the Middle East. Previously considered Cretaceous?. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Nubian Shield  search
 .Nubian Shield
SNE Egypt, E Sudan, and N Ethiopia and Eritrea. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Nuckolls County Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nuckolls County Nebraska
nuclear energy  search
UFatomic energy
 energy sources
 nuclear facilities
SNAlso search nuclear AND energy.
nuclear explosions  search
 .nuclear explosions
 engineering geology
 shatter cones
nuclear facilities  search
UFfacilities, nuclear
 engineering geology
 geologic hazards
 marine installations
 feasibility studies
 Hanford Reservation
 Chernobyl Ukraine
 nuclear energy
 impact statements
 Los Alamos National Laboratory
 Nevada Test Site
 Oak Ridge Nati
SNAlso search nuclear AND facilities. Many also serve as waste disposal sites.
nuclear fallout  search
nuclear fission  search
nuclear fusion  search
nuclear geology  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term after 1970. See nuclear energy; nuclear explosions; nuclear facilities; isotopes; radioactive isotopes.
nuclear magnetic resonance  search
 .nuclear magnetic resonance
RTchemical analysis
 electron paramagnetic resonance
 NMR spectra
SNAs of 1982, for methodology only; use NMR spectra for data.
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra  search
USENMR spectra
nuclear science  search
SNNow use isotopes, radioactive isotopes; nuclear facilities, nuclear energy, or nuclear explosions.
nuclear waste  search
USEradioactive waste
nuclear waste repositories  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. After 1993, see storage or underground storage and radioactive waste or waste disposal.
nucleation  search
RTcrystal growth
SNRestricted to use under crystal growth.
nucleosynthesis  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term after 1971. Used in subfile G. Now use cosmochemistry or radioactivity as applicable.
Nuculanidae  search
Nuculidae  search
Nueces County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nueces County Texas
RTCorpus Christi Bay
 Mustang Island
SNOn Gulf of Mexico in S Texas.
Nueces River  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nueces River
SNFlows into Nueces Bay at head of Corpus Christi Bay in S Texas.
nuee ardentes  search
USEnuees ardentes
nuees ardentes  search
UFnuee ardentes
 igneous rocks
 volcanic ash
 ash flows
 pyroclastic flows
 base surges
 pyroclastic surges
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
Nueva Esparta Venezuela  search
BTSouth America
 ..Nueva Esparta Venezuela
NTLos Testigos
 Margarita Island
RTVenezuelan Islands
SNState comprising an island group in the Caribbean Sea off N coast.
Nuevo Leon Mexico  search
 .Nuevo Leon Mexico
RTRio Grande
 San Juan River
 Rio Grande Valley
 Sierra Madre Oriental
SNState in W Mexico.
Nugget Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Jurassic
 .....Nugget Sandstone
 Navajo Sandstone
SNSW Wyoming, SE Idaho and NE Utah. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
nuggets  search
RTcopper ores
 gold ores
 mineral deposits, genesis
 platinum ores
 silver ores
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nugssuak  search
Nugssuaq  search
BTArctic region
SNPeninsula in W central coast of Greenland.
Nuk Gneiss  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Nuk Gneiss
 West Greenland
SNS West Greenland. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Nullarbor Plain  search
 ..Nullarbor Plain
RTSouth Australia
 Western Australia
 Mundrabilla Meteorite
SNExtends inland along entire Great Australian Bight in S Australia. Indexed with states as applicable.
numerical analysis  search
 finite difference analysis
 finite element analysis
 mathematical methods
 numerical models
 sensitivity analysis
 statistical analysis
SNAlso search numerical methods.
numerical filters  search
 inverse problem
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
numerical methods  search
SNAs of 1993, not a valid term for GeoRef. See numerical analysis or mathematical methods.
numerical models  search
RTmathematical models
 numerical analysis
 Richards equation
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
numerical seismograms  search
 .numerical seismograms
RTsynthetic seismograms
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Nummi-Pusula Finland  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Southern Finland Province
 .....Nummi-Pusula Finland
RTPalmottu Project
SNAdministrative region, S Finland.
Nummulites  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
Nummulitidae  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
nunataks  search
BTglacial features
RTglacial geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nunavik Crater  search
USENew Quebec Crater
Nunivak Island  search
BTUnited States
 ..Southwestern Alaska
 ...Nunivak Island
RTBering Sea
SNSecond largest island in Bering Sea. Off W coast of Alaska.
Nura-Tau  search
UFNurata Mountains
RTSamarkand Uzbekistan
SNRange in N Samarkand Oblast. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nurata Mountains  search
Nuratau  search
NURE  search
UFNational Uranium Resource Evaluation Program
RTUnited States
 uranium ores
 strategic minerals
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Nurek Tajikistan  search
 ..Nurek Tajikistan
RTDushanbe Tajikistan
SNVillage in NE Dushanbe region in W Tajikistan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Nuremberg Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Bavaria Germany
 ....Nuremberg Germany
UFNurnberg Germany
SNCity in N central Bavaria, SE Germany.
Nurnberg Germany  search
USENuremberg Germany
nutation  search
SNTerm reintroduced in 1985. Not a valid term from 1972-1984. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
nutrients  search
 major elements
 minor elements
 trace elements
nutrition  search
 trophic analysis
Nuwuk  search
SNSee Barrow Alaska for the Eskimo village in Point Barrow region.
NWIS-II  search
UFNational Water Information System-II
RTdata processing
 U. S. Geological Survey
 water resources
 information systems
 data bases
SNAcronym. U. S. Geological Survey data base which replaced NWIS and WATSTORE. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Ny Friesland  search
BTArctic region
 ...Spitsbergen Island
 ....Ny Friesland
SNRegion on NE Spitsbergen Island.
Nyasaland  search
Nye County Nevada  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nye County Nevada
NTBeatty Nevada
 Grant Canyon Field
 Pahute Mesa
 Rainier Mesa
 Tonopah Nevada
 Trap Spring Field
 Yucca Mountain
RTToquima Range
 Mount Jefferson
 Death Valley
 Egan Range
 Railroad Valley
 Grant Range
 Shoshone Mountains
 Toiyabe Range
 Yucca Flat
 Round Mountain
SNS and central Nevada.
Nyeman River basin  search
USENeman River basin
Nyiragongo  search
 .Central Africa
 ..Congo Democratic Republic
 ...Kivu Congo Democratic Republic
UFNyiragongo Volcano
SNVolcano at N end of Lake Kivu in E Congo Democratic Republic.
Nyiragongo Volcano  search
Nykoeping Sweden  search
USENykoping Sweden
Nykoping Sweden  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Nykoping Sweden
UFNykoeping Sweden
SNCity on Baltic Sea in SE Sweden.
Nyos  search
USELake Nyos