East Pacific  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .East Pacific
NTCarnegie Ridge
 Cocos Ridge
 Costa Rica Rift
 East Pacific Rise
 Galapagos Rift
 Northeast Pacific
 Panama Basin
 Peru-Chile Trench
 Southeast Pacific
RTNorth Pacific
 South Pacific
 Southwest Pacific
 West Pacific
 Northwest Pacific
 California Current
 Equatorial Pacific
 Leg 8
 Leg 33
 Leg 9
 Leg 138
 ODP Site 896
SNBefore 1978, search Pacific Ocean AND east or eastern. Before 1995, West Pacific was sometimes applied to the Kermadec and Tonga trench region east of 180#DG meridian; Polynesian Pacific was also sometimes used for the western part of the Pacific east of
East Pacific Ocean Islands  search
NTEaster Island
 Galapagos Islands
 Guadalupe Island
RTAleutian Islands
 Alexander Archipelago
 Austral Islands
 Cook Islands
 Fanning Island
 French Polynesia
 Johnston Island
 Line Islands
 Pacific Ocean
 Queen Charlotte Islands
 Seymour Island
 Tierra del Fuego
SNThis term is used for other islands and island groups which could not easily be assigned to adjacent land areas or island groups such as Oceania. Before 1981, many of these islands and island groups were also narrower terms of Pacific Ocean. Before 1971,
East Pacific Rise  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .East Pacific
 ..East Pacific Rise
UFAlbatross Cordillera
 Easter Island Cordillera
RTGalapagos Rift
 DSDP Site 159
 DSDP Site 160
 DSDP Site 162
 DSDP Site 319
 DSDP Site 419
 DSDP Site 420
 DSDP Site 421
 DSDP Site 422
 DSDP Site 423
 DSDP Site 428
 DSDP Site 429
 DSDP Site 597
 DSDP Site 598
 DSDP Site 599
 DSDP Site 600
 DSDP Site 601
 DSDP Site 602
SNMainly in the SE Pacific. Indicates the mid-ocean ridge extending from the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge to the Gulf of California.