Pa  search
Pa-231  search
 .radioactive isotopes
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Pacaya  search
BTCentral America
UFPacaya Volcano
SNVolcano in S central Guatemala.
Pacaya Volcano  search
PACE  search
UFPacific to Arizona Crustal Experiment
RTgeophysical methods
 geophysical surveys
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Pachelma Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Pachelma Russian Federation
 .Pachelma Russian Federation
SNTown in Penza Oblast W of Kuibyshev in S central European Russian Federation. Before 1993, Pachelma Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Pachuca de Soto Mexico  search
USEPachuca Mexico
Pachuca Mexico  search
BTdalgo Mexico
 .Pachuca Mexico
UFPachuca de Soto Mexico
SNCity NE of Mexico City in central Mexico.
Pachypteris  search
Pacific Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .Pacific Basin
RTNorth Pacific
 South Pacific
 Leg 88
 Pacific Plate
SNGenerally the entire ocean floor of both the North and South Pacific up to the continental shelf.
Pacific Coast  search
 California Current
 Central America
 Circum-Pacific region
 Hayfork Terrane
 New Zealand
 North America
 Pacific region
 Russian Federation
 Russian Pacific region
 South America
 Western U.S.
SNAs of 1998, term is used anywhere in the Pacific region. From 1978-1997 term was used for the region comprising those conterminous U.S. states fronting on the Pacific Ocean. Search in combination with country. Indexed with states OR Western U.S. OR other
Pacific County Washington  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pacific County Washington
NTWillapa Bay
SNOn Pacific Ocean in SW Washington.
Pacific Islands  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term after 1971. Used in subfiles G and N. Now use West Pacific Ocean Islands or East Pacific Ocean Islands as applicable. Also see Oceania; Malay Archipelago.
Pacific mobile belt  search
BTPacific region
 .Pacific mobile belt
 North America
 New Zealand
 South America
 New Guinea
SNCrustal regions of tectonic activity along the coastal fringes of continents and some entire islands of the Pacific. Indexed with continents and islands as applicable.
Pacific Ocean  search
NTCentral Pacific
 East Pacific
 Equatorial Pacific
 New Caledonia Basin
 North Pacific
 Pacific Basin
 South Pacific
 West Pacific
RTAntarctic Bottom Water
 Antarctic Ocean
 Austral Islands
 Bay of Plenty
 California Current
 Campbell Island
 Caroline Islands
 Circum-Pacific region
 Cocos Plate
 Cook Islands
 East Pacific Ocean Islands
 Easter Island
 Easter Microplate
 El Nino
 Eltanin fracture zon
SNMany islands, formerly included as narrower terms of Pacific Ocean, are now included under East Pacific Ocean Islands or West Pacific Ocean Islands. Also see Antarctic Ocean for S portion.
Pacific Ocean Islands  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See East Pacific Ocean Islands (containing Easter Island and Galapagos Islands), West Pacific Ocean Islands, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia, Malay Archipelago, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippine Islands, Japan, New Zeal
Pacific Plate  search
RTFarallon Plate
 Pacific Basin
 Pacific Ocean
 plate tectonics
SNIncludes most of the Pacific Basin with the Eurasian Plate on the W and N; the American, Cocos, and Nazca Plates on the E; the Indian Plate on the SW; and the Antarctic Plate on the S. Indexed with geographic area and/or age as applicable.
Pacific region  search
NTCircum-Pacific region
 Pacific mobile belt
RTFar East
 Pacific Coast
 Pacific Ocean
 Russian Pacific region
Pacific to Arizona Crustal Experiment  search
Pacific-Antarctic Ridge  search
RTAntarctic Ocean
 East Pacific Rise
 mid-ocean ridges
 Pacific Ocean
 South Pacific
 Southeast Pacific
 Southwest Pacific
SNMid-ocean ridge extending from the Balleny fracture zone S of Macquarie Island to the East Pacific Rise. Indexed with ocean areas as applicable.
packing  search
RTatomic packing
 sedimentary rocks
SNBefore 1978, also used for atomic packing under crystal structure.
packrat middens  search
 .packrat middens
SNBefore 1998, also search middens AND Neotoma.
packstone  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .carbonate rocks
Pacoima Dam  search
BTUnited States
 ..Los Angeles County California
 ...Pacoima Dam
SNOn Pacoima River in Los Angeles County NW of Los Angeles. Also search Pacoima.
Pacoota  search
Pacoota Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...lower Paleozoic
 ....Pacoota Sandstone
RTLower Ordovician
 Northern Territory Australia
 Amadeus Basin
 Upper Cambrian
SNUpper Cambrian to Lower Ordovician. Amadeus Basin, S Northern Territory, central Australia. Indexed with age as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Paderborn Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
 ....Paderborn Germany
SNCity in E North Rhine-Westphalia, W central Germany.
Padre Island  search
RTLaguna Madre
SNNarrow barrier island along Gulf of Mexico from SE of Corpus Christi to near the Mexican border. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Padstow England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Cornwall England
 ......Padstow England
SNTown in SW England near N coast of Cornwall.
Padurea Craiului Mountains  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Padurea Craiului Mountains
RTApuseni Mountains
SNCrai Forest range in W Apuseni Mountains in SW Transylvania. Also search Padurea Craiului OR Crai.
Paganzo Argentina  search
BTSouth America
 ..La Rioja Argentina
 ...Paganzo Argentina
RTPaganzo Basin
SNVillage in central La Rioja, NW Argentina.
Paganzo Basin  search
BTSouth America
 ..Paganzo Basin
RTGuandacol Formation
 San Juan Argentina
 La Rioja Argentina
 Paganzo Argentina
SNNW Argentina. Indexed with provinces as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Paganzo Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Paganzo Group
Page County Iowa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Page County Iowa
SNSW Iowa.
Page County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Page County Virginia
SNN Virginia.
Page Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Jurassic
 .....Page Sandstone
 San Rafael Group
SNIn San Rafael Group. Bajocian and Bathonian. Arizona, Utah, and Wyoming. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Pageland South Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .South Carolina
 ..Chesterfield County South Carolina
 ...Pageland South Carolina
SNTown in N South Carolina.
Pagoda Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Cambrian
 .....Pagoda Formation
SNUnderlies Pentagon Shale; overlies Dearborn Limestone. NW Montana.
Pahang Malaysia  search
 .Far East
 ...West Malaysia
 ....Pahang Malaysia
SNState on the Malay Peninsula in West Malaysia. This term has multiple hierarchies.
pahoehoe  search
RTaa lava
Pahrump Series  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Pahrump Series
SNS California. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
PAHs  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons if applicable.
Pahute Mesa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nye County Nevada
 ...Pahute Mesa
UFPaiute Mesa
SNTableland in Nye County in S Nevada.
Pai Khoi  search
Pai-Khoi  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Polar Urals
UFPai Khoi
SNMountain range on Yugor Peninsula between Barents and Kara seas. N extension of Northern Urals. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Paibian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
Paintbrush Tuff  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Paintbrush Tuff
 Topopah Spring Member
SNS Nevada. Includes Pah Canyon Member, Yucca Mountain Member, Tiva Canyon Member and Topopah Spring Member. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Pais Vasco Spain  search
USEBasque Provinces Spain
Paiute Mesa  search
USEPahute Mesa
Pajaro Valley  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pajaro Valley
SNRiver valley S of San Jose in W California. Also search Pajaro River.
Pakistan  search
 .Indian Peninsula
NTBaluchistan Pakistan
 North-West Frontier Pakistan
 Punjab Pakistan
 Sind Pakistan
 Sulaiman Range
UFWest Pakistan
RTHindu Kush
 Jammu and Kashmir
 Indo-Australian Plate
 Indian Plate
 Nari Series
 Main Boundary Fault
 Main Central Thrust
 Indus-Yarlung Zangbo suture zone
 Indus River
 Kashmir Valley
SNFormerly consisted of East Pakistan and West Pakistan which were separated by about 1, 000 miles of Indian territory. After East Pakistan became the independent state of Bangladesh in 1971, West Pakistan and Pakistan became coextensive.
Paktia Afghanistan  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Paktia Afghanistan
SNUse for the province in E Afghanistan.
pal  search
Palaeodictyoptera  search
Palaeodictyopteroida  search
Palaeofavosites  search
Palaeoloxodon  search
NTPalaeoloxodon naumanni
Palaeoloxodon naumanni  search
 ..........Palaeoloxodon naumanni
Palaeonisciformes  search
Palaeophycus  search
Palaeoproterozoic  search
Palaeoptera  search
palagonite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
palagonitization  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Palamau India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Bihar India
 ....Palamau India
SNDistrict in coal mining area in W Bihar, E India.
Palatinate  search
 .Central Europe
RTBavaria Germany
 Baden-Wurttemberg Germany
 Rhineland-Palatinate Germany
 Hesse Germany
 Upper Palatinate
SNHistorical region in two parts. Lower or Rhine Palatinate on both sides of Rhine River S of the Main River; and the Upper Palatinate in E Bavaria. Indexed with states as applicable.
Palau  search
 ..Caroline Islands
SNIsland group, W Caroline Islands, Micronesia.
Palau-Kyushu Ridge  search
USEKyushu-Palau Ridge
Palawan  search
 .Far East
 ..Philippine Islands
SNLong, narrow island between N Borneo and W Philippines.
pale  search
Palencia City Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Castilla y Leon Spain
 .....Palencia Spain
 ......Palencia City Spain
SNRefers to only the city in S Palencia Province, N Spain. Before 1993, also search Palencia Spain.
Palencia Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Castilla y Leon Spain
 .....Palencia Spain
NTPalencia City Spain
RTCastile Spain
 Old Castile Spain
SNRefers only to the province in N Spain. From 1981-1992, also search Palencia Province and Spain. For the city, see Palencia City Spain.
paleo  search
paleo-indian  search
paleo-oceanography  search
 ocean basins
 ocean floors
 orbital forcing
 sea-floor spreading
 sea-level changes
 Southern Oscillation
Paleoarchean  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
paleoatmosphere  search
 Gaia hypothesis
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
paleobathymetry  search
 ocean floors
 sea-floor spreading
paleobiochemistry  search
paleobiogeography  search
paleobiology  search
paleobotany  search
UFbotany, paleo-
RTbiologic evolution
 floral provinces
 floral studies
 electron microscopy
 fossil record
SNUsed for general discussions of fossil Plantae and for the discipline as a whole. See names of major floral groups (list F).
Paleobotany (category)  search
SNPaleobotany, GeoRef category code 09 is one of thirty categories used to classify documents in GeoRef. Each reference in GeoRef is assigned one or more categories. Categories can be used, in addition to Terms, to refine searches (See List A.).
Paleocene  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 Beaufort Formation
 Bullion Creek Formation
 Clayton Formation
 Latrobe Group
 Lebo Member
 lower Paleocene
 Ludlow Member
 middle Paleocene
 Midway Group
 Nacimiento Formation
 Naheola Formation
 Oak Hill Member
 Pinyon Conglomerate
 Porters Creek Formation
 Ravenscrag Formation
 Sentinel Butte Formation
 Tongue River Member
 Tullock Member
 upper Paleocene
RTBrianconnais Zone
 Beaverhead Formation
 Imo Shale
 Fort Union Formation
 Claron Formation
 Laramide Orogeny
 Mardin Formation
 Ekofisk Formation
 Intertrappean Beds
 Denver Formation
 Flagstaff Formation
 Hanna Formation
 Huber Formation
 lower Paleogene
 Moreno Forma
SNWorld. Lower Tertiary, above Gulfian (Cretaceous), below Eocene.
paleochannels  search
SNNot a valid index term for GeoRef. See channels under sedimentary structures planar bedding structures (list K). See also buried channels.
paleocirculation  search
 ocean circulation
paleoclimate maps  search
 .paleoclimate maps
UFpaleoclimatologic maps
 climatologic maps
SNBefore 1985, also search paleoclimatology AND maps. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
paleoclimatic controls  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See paleoclimatology.
paleoclimatic effects  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See paleoclimatology.
paleoclimatologic maps  search
USEpaleoclimate maps
paleoclimatology  search
UFclimatology, paleo-
RTglacial geology
 arctic environment
 arid environment
 boreal environment
 general circulation models
 event stratigraphy
 climate change
 climatologic maps
 humid environment
SNUsed for treatments of the climate of a given period of time in the geologic past (prehistory). Indexed with also age and area when possible.
Paleocopida  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
paleocurrent maps  search
 .paleocurrent maps
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
paleocurrents  search
 ocean currents
 paleocurrent maps
paleoe  search
paleoearthquakes  search
paleoecology  search
 aerobic environment
 anaerobic environment
 anaerobic taxa
 aquatic environment
 arctic environment
 benthonic taxa
 biologic evolution
 boreal environment
SNUsed for the study of the relationships between organisms and their environments, the death of organisms, and their burial and postburial history in the geologic past (prehistoric), based on fossil fauna and flora and their stratigraphic position. For his
paleoenvironment  search
 historical geology
SNDistinguish from paleoecology.
paleofloods  search
SNNot to be used for modern floods. Before 1993, also search paleohydrology AND floods. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Paleogene  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 Barail Group
 Bracklesham Beds
 Chadron Formation
 Claron Formation
 Duchesne River Formation
 Ewekoro Formation
 Flagstaff Formation
 Ghost Rocks Formation
 Hanna Formation
 Huber Formation
 Imo Shale
 Kenai Group
 lower Paleogene
 Orca Group
 Renova Formation
 Santa Susana Formation
 Sespe Formation
 Sinjar Formation
 Tyonek Formation
 upper Paleogene
 Wasatch Formation
 White River Group
RTlower Tertiary
 San Lorenzo Formation
SNAn interval of geologic time incorporating the Oligocene, Eocene, and Paleocene of the Tertiary; the lower Tertiary.
paleogeographic controls  search
 mineral deposits, genesis
SNAs of 1993, restricted to economic studies.
paleogeographic maps  search
 .paleogeographic maps
 geotectonic maps
SNBefore 1978, also search maps AND paleogeographic.
paleogeography  search
RTalluvial plains
 buried channels
 buried valleys
 continental drift
 geotectonic maps
 lake-level changes
 land bridges
 ocean basins
 paleocurrent maps
SNUsed for the study and description of the physical geography of the geologic past before the Holocene. For the geographic distribution of fossil and modern organisms, use biogeography.
paleohydrology  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
paleoi  search
paleoindian  search
RTbiologic evolution
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
paleokarst  search
RTburied features
 karst hydrology
 solution features
SNIndexed with solution features for geomorphologic studies. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
paleolatitude  search
UFlatitude, paleo-
 apparent polar wandering
 polar wandering
paleolimnology  search
RTglacial lakes
Paleolithic  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Stone Age
 upper Paleolithic
UFOld Stone Age
SNArchaeological classification.
paleomagnetism  search
UFmagnetism, paleo-
RTadiabatic demagnetization
 alternating field demagnetization
 anhysteretic remanent magnetization
 apparent polar wandering
 continental drift
 Brunhes Chron
 chemical demagnetization
 chemical remanent magnetization
 Curie point
SNUsed for the study of natural remanent magnetization. Always include rock type and age as index terms, if possible.
paleontolo  search
paleontologic record  search
USEfossil record
paleontology  search
 adaptive radiation
 biogeographic maps
 biologic evolution
 chemical fossils
SNUsed for discipline as a whole. Indexed with as a general term for studies of general paleontological principles.
Paleontology (category)  search
SNPaleontology, GeoRef category codes 08-11, are a group of the thirty categories used to classify documents in GeoRef. Each reference in GeoRef is assigned one or more categories. Categories can be used, in addition to Terms, to refine searches (See List A
paleopathology  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
paleoplacers  search
 gold ores
 heavy mineral deposits
 mineral exploration
 paleogeographic controls
 uranium ores
SNCommodity. See List C. Also index type of placer [e.g. diamonds, gold ores, heavy mineral deposits, platinum ores, tin ores]. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
paleoproductivity  search
SNAs of 1995, not a valid term for GeoRef. Use productivity or biomass or growth rates; AND paleoecology.
Paleoproterozoic  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 Cobalt Group
 Hemlock Formation
 Marquette Range Supergroup
 Mazatzal Orogeny
 Michigamme Formation
 Svecofennian Orogeny
 Thomson Formation
 Torngat Orogeny
 Transamazonian Orogeny
 Virginia Formation
 Willyama Complex
 Wollaston Group
UFlower Proterozoic
RTTyler Formation
 Ventersdorp Supergroup
 Fortescue Group
 Harney Peak Granite
 Levack Gneiss
 Little Falls Formation
 Rocknest Formation
 Twilight Gneiss
 Wopmay Orogeny
SNIUGS approved (1990) chronometric era with ages from 2500 Ma to 1600 Ma.
paleorelief  search
 landform evolution
 buried features
 buried channels
 buried valleys
paleosalinity  search
RTbrackish water
 fluid inclusions
 sea water
paleoseismicity  search
 geologic hazards
SNStudy of past, pre-instrumental earthquakes traceable by structural, geomorphologial or sedimentological features or by geophysical properties in rocks and sediments. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
paleoseismology  search
paleoshorelines  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. For geomorphology, use shorelines; for stratigraphy, use sea-level changes or lake-level changes. Also see transgression or regression; or highstands or lowstands.
Paleosols  search
UFfossil soils
 soil group
 buried features
SNIndexed with soils if applicable.
paleotectonics  search
SNA valid term through 1975. After 1975, see tectonics and paleogeography. See also neotectonics.
paleotemperature  search
RTgeologic thermometry
 P-T conditions
 P-T-t paths
 thermal history
SNTerm reintroduced in 1982. Before 1982, also search temperature; paleotemperatures. Term was valid through 1973. From 1974-1981, temperature was used under paleoclimatology. See geologic thermometry. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
paleotemperatures  search
SNUse temperature or geologic thermometry, paleotemperature, or paleoclimatology.
paleotopography  search
Paleozoic  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 Acadian Phase
 Alice Springs Orogeny
 Antler Orogeny
 Arbuckle Group
 Baralaba Coal Measures
 Bedford Shale
 Berea Sandstone
 Bird Spring Formation
 Bowers Supergroup
 Broken River Formation
 Bucksport Formation
 Caledonian Orogeny
 Cape Elizabeth Formation
 Casco Bay Group
 Casper Formation
 Catskill Formation
 Chattanooga Shale
 Collier Shale
 Cow Head Group
 Deadwood Formation
 Dunkard Group
 Earn Group
 Ellesmerian Orogeny
 Ellis Bay Formation
 Endicott Group
 Exshaw Formation
 Geirud Formation
 Hanson Creek Formation
 Hartland Formation
 Hidden Valley Dolomite
 Honaker Trail Formation
 Horton Group
 Hunton Group
 Ishbel Group
 Itarare Subgroup
 Keyser Limestone
 Kittery Formation
 Knox Group
 Laborcita Formation
 Leinster Granite
 Lisburne Group
 lower Paleozoic
 Magdalena Group
 Manhattan Formation
 Maroon Formation
 Matapedia Group
 Merrimack Group
 middle Paleozoic
 Mikabu System
 Minnelusa Formation
 Oquirrh Formation
 Ouachita Orogeny
 Paganzo Group
 Peel Sound Formation
 Petersburg Granite
 Phuket Group
 Pilot Shale
 Rangeley Formation
 Read Bay Formation
 Ringerike Sandstone
 Road River Formation
 Rondout Formation
 Sambagawa Belt
 Shawangunk Formation
 Shoo Fly Complex
 Silvretta Group
 Taconic Orogeny
 Taiyuan Formation
 Talchir Formation
 Talladega Group
 Tensleep Sandstone
 Tippecanoe Sequence
 Tulghes Series
 upper Paleozoic
 Waits River Formation
 Weber Sandstone
 Wells Formation
 Wissahickon Formation
 Woodford Shale
 Nubian Sandstone
 lower Gondwana System
 Catalina Schist
 Ceneri Zone
 Klodzko Unit
 Shuswap Complex
 New England Orogeny
 Riggins Group
 Yellow Aster Complex
Palermo Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Sicily Italy
 ....Palermo Italy
SNCity on Bay of Palermo in NW Sicily.
Palestine  search
 .Middle East
SNApproximately coextensive with Israel and the W bank of the Jordan River. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Paleudults  search
RTsoil group
SNGreat group in the suborder Udults.
palingenesis  search
 magma contamination
SNAs of 1978, term is restricted to meaning in petrology. Term is not used in reference to paleontology.
palinspastic reconstruction  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. Use paleogeography and reconstruction. (Note added 1995.)
Palisades Sill  search
RTColfax County New Mexico
 New Jersey
 New Mexico
 New York
 Westchester County New York
SNLocated along the Hudson River in Paterson County, NE New Jersey and Westchester County, SE New York. Also located in Colfax County, N New Mexico. Indexed with states and counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
palladium  search
 .platinum group
RTpalladium ores
SNChemical element. As of 1985, use palladium ores for palladium as a commodity.
palladium ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .palladium ores
RTplatinum ores
SNBefore 1985, also search (palladium OR Pd) AND (deposit OR deposits OR ore OR ores OR economic) in the basic index. Commodity. See List C.
pallasite  search
 .stony irons
NTEagle Station Meteorite
SNAs of 1978, used for the meteorite. Also used as an igneous rock before 1978. Added to Thesaurus in 1984.
Palliser Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Devonian
 .....Palliser Formation
Palm Beach County Florida  search
BTUnited States
 ..Palm Beach County Florida
RTBiscayne Aquifer
SNOn the Atlantic Ocean in SE Florida.
Palm Springs California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Riverside County California
 ...Palm Springs California
SNCity in S California.
Palma de Majorca  search
USEPalma Spain
Palma Spain  search
BTMediterranean region
 .Balearic Islands
 ...Palma Spain
UFPalma de Majorca
SNCity on Majorca. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Palmae  search
SNFamily coextensive with order Palmales.
Palmales  search
Palmatolepis  search
Palmdale Bulge  search
USEPalmdale California
Palmdale California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Los Angeles County California
 ...Palmdale California
UFPalmdale Bulge
 Palmdale region
SNN Los Angeles County, California.
Palmdale region  search
USEPalmdale California
Palmer Peninsula  search
USEAntarctic Peninsula
Palmottu Project  search
 Nummi-Pusula Finland
 radioactive waste
 waste disposal
 waste disposal sites
SNAt N60#DG27'N60#DG29' E023#DG47'E023#DG45', Nummi-Pusula, SW Finland. U-Th deposit used for waste disposal and other environmental studies. Also search Palmottu Deposit if applicable. Indexed with Nummi-Pusula Finland if applicable.
Palmyrides  search
 .Middle East
SNMountain belt running SW to NE in Syria.
Palo Alto California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Santa Clara County California
 ...Palo Alto California
SNCity SSE of San Francisco in W California.
Palo Alto County Iowa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Palo Alto County Iowa
Palo Duro Basin  search
BTUnited States
 .Palo Duro Basin
RTNew Mexico
 Great Plains
SNE central New Mexico, Texas panhandle and SW Oklahoma. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Palo Pinto County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Palo Pinto County Texas
Palos Verdes Hills  search
BTUnited States
 ..Los Angeles County California
 ...Palos Verdes Hills
UFSan Pedro Hills
RTPalos Verdes Peninsula
SNOccupy peninsula between Santa Monica Bay and San Pedro Bay S of Los Angeles.
Palos Verdes Peninsula  search
BTUnited States
 ..Los Angeles County California
 ...Palos Verdes Peninsula
RTSan Pedro Bay
 Palos Verdes Hills
SNLocated between Santa Monica Bay and San Pedro Bay in S California. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
palsas  search
BTperiglacial features
RTglacial geology
 frost action
 frost heaving
 frozen ground
 ice lenses
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
paludal environment  search
BTterrestrial environment
 .paludal environment
 depositional environment
 paludal sedimentation
 tidal marshes
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
paludal sedimentation  search
 .paludal sedimentation
 paludal environment
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Paluxy Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Paluxy Formation
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Paluxy Formation
 Trinity Group
SNIn Trinity Group. SW Arkansas, SE Oklahoma, and E Texas. This term has multiple hierarchies.
palygorskite  search
 .sheet silicates
 ..clay minerals
palynology  search
 fossil record
 pollen analysis
 pollen diagrams
 relative age
 sample preparation
SNUsed for the discipline which is concerned with the study of pollen of seed plants and spores of other embryophytic plants whether living or fossil, including their dispersal and applications. Indexed with only for general studies of the discipline.
palynomorphs  search
 problematic palynomorphs
 color alteration index
 floral studies
 monolete taxa
 pollen analysis
 pollen diagrams
SNUsed for pollen of seed plants and spores of other embryophytic plants, whether living or fossil, including their dispersal and applications. Before 1998, microfossils was a broader term. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
Pambak Armenia  search
 ..Pambak Armenia
UFBambak Armenia
SNNE section of city of Kirovakan in N central Armenia. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Pamir Range  search
Pamirs  search
 .Central Asia
UFPamir Range
 Darvaza Range
 Zeravshan Range
 Xinjiang China
SNHigh altitude region, mostly in Tajikistan, Central Asia, but parts extend into Uzbekistan, China, India, and Afghanistan. This term was restricted to use in Central Asia (former Soviet territory) from 1981-1993. Indexed with countries and/or provinces as
Pamlico County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Pamlico County North Carolina
Pamlico River  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Pamlico River
RTBeaufort County North Carolina
 Pungo River
SNBisects Beaufort County and flows into Pamlico Sound. Estuary of the Tar River.
Pamlico Sound  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Pamlico Sound
SNBetween E North Carolina mainland and narrow islands off the coast. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Pampa  search
Pampas  search
BTSouth America
RTPampean Mountains
SNVast, treeless, fertile plain extending N and S approximately 1000 miles from lower Parana River to Patagonia, and from the Atlantic to the Andean piedmont. The humid Pampas are in the E and the dry Pampas are in the W.
Pampean Mountains  search
BTSouth America
 ..Pampean Mountains
UFSierras Pampeanas
RTSan Juan Argentina
 Catamarca Argentina
 Cordoba Argentina
 La Rioja Argentina
 Salta Argentina
 San Luis Argentina
 Tucuman Argentina
SNNW Argentina.
Pamplona Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Navarra Spain
 .....Pamplona Spain
SNCity in central Navarra, N Spain.
Pamunkey River  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pamunkey River
SNE Virginia, about 15 miles NE of Richmond. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Pan-African Orogeny  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Pan-African Orogeny
UFEburnean Orogeny
 Transamazonian Orogeny
 Delamerian Orogeny
 Ross Orogeny
SNBefore 1978, also search orogeny AND Pan-African or Pan African.
Panagyurishte Bulgaria  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Plovdiv Bulgaria
 ....Panagyurishte Bulgaria
RTSredna Gora
SNPlovdiv district, W Central Bulgaria in central Sredna Gora on Luda Yana River.
Panama  search
BTCentral America
 Sansan Panama
Panama Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .East Pacific
 ..Panama Basin
RTEquatorial Pacific
 ODP Site 896
SNSW of Panama and W of Colombia.
Panama Canal Zone  search
BTCentral America
 .Panama Canal Zone
UFCanal Zone (Panama)
SN10 mile strip of territory across Panama in which canal is located.
Panamint Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Inyo County California
 ...Panamint Range
SNW of Death Valley in Inyo County in E California.
Panasqueira Portugal  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Panasqueira Portugal
SNVillage in S Portugal.
Panay Island  search
 .Far East
 ..Philippine Islands
 ...Panay Island
RTIloilo Basin
 Iloilo Philippine Islands
SNOne of the Visayan Islands midway between Luzon and Mindanao. Also search Panay.
Panch Mahals India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Gujarat India
 ....Panch Mahals India
UFPanchmahal India
SNDistrict in Gujarat, W India.
Panchet Series  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Triassic
 .....Panchet Series
 Bihar India
SNSeries of rocks overlying the Damuda Series in the Raniganj coal field.
Panchmahal India  search
USEPanch Mahals India
PANDA  search
UFPortable Array for Numerical Data Analysis
RTseismic methods
 ground methods
 seismic networks
 high-resolution methods
 three-component seismographs
SNAcronym. Also index PANDA II if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Panderodus  search
Pangaea  search
 continental drift
 Northern Hemisphere
SNName proposed for the supercontinent comprising all the landmasses on earth which existed about 300 million years ago prior to continental drift.
Pangea  search
Panhandle  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. An area or projection of land like the handle of a pan which occurs in a number of states. As of 1993, see Alaska Panhandle, Florida Panhandle, Idaho Panhandle, Oklahoma Panhandle, Texas Panhandle, or West Virginia Panha
panning  search
RTmineral exploration
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Pannonia  search
 Pannonian Basin
SNAncient Roman province S and W of the Danube. Indexed with countries or regions as applicable.
Pannonian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Miocene
 lower Pliocene
SNEurope. Before 1993, this may have been used for lower Pliocene.
Pannonian Basin  search
 .Pannonian Basin
NTRomanian Pannonian Basin
 Slovakian Pannonian Basin
SNW Romania, SE Austria, Hungary W of the Danube, N Serbia, Slovenia, S Moravia, and S Slovakia. Also search Pannonia. Indexed with countries or regions as applicable.
Panola County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Panola County Mississippi
SNNW Mississippi.
Panola County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Panola County Texas
SNE Texas.
Pantar  search
 .Far East
 ..Lesser Sunda Islands
 .Far East
SNIsland of the Alor group 60 miles NW of Timor. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Pantellaria  search
Pantelleria  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Sicily Italy
SNVolcanic Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea between Sicily and Tunisia.
pantellerite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
Panthalassa  search
SNOcean surrounding Pangaea. Indexed with continents as applicable.
Pantodonta  search
Pantotheria  search
Panxi Rift  search
 .Far East
 ...Sichuan China
 ....Panxi Rift
SNSW China. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Papaloapan River basin  search
 .Veracruz Mexico
 ..Papaloapan River basin
SNIn state of Veracruz, SE Mexico. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
paper chromatography  search
Papineau County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Papineau County Quebec
Papua  search
 .Papua New Guinea
SNFormer Australian territory. Denotes the southern half of new state of Papua New Guinea on the island of New Guinea.
Papua New Guinea  search
 .Papua New Guinea
NTBismarck Archipelago
 Huon Peninsula
 Louisiade Archipelago
 New Britain
 New Ireland
 Port Moresby Papua New Guinea
 Southern Highlands Papua New Guinea
 Vanimo Papua New Guinea
UFPapua-New Guinea
RTRat Island
 West Pacific Ocean Islands
 Malay Archipelago
 New Guinea
 Solomon Islands
 Toro Formation
 Papuan Basin
 Papuan fold belt
 Woodlark Basin
SNEastern half of the island of New Guinea. Comprises Papua and the former Australian U.N. trusteeship of The Territory of New Guinea, plus the Bismarck Archipelago, and Bougainville, Buka and Green islands of the W Solomon Islands. Became an independent st
Papua-New Guinea  search
USEPapua New Guinea
Papuan  search
Papuan Basin  search
RTCoral Sea
 Irian Jaya Indonesia
 Papua New Guinea
SNE New Guinea and adjacent offshore Gulf of Papua, Coral Sea. Indexed with Irian Jaya Indonesia and/or Papua New Guinea and/or Coral Sea as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Papuan fold belt  search
RTCoral Sea
 Irian Jaya Indonesia
 Papua New Guinea
SNPapuan Basin, largely in E New Guinea (Papua New Guinea). Indexed with Irian Jaya Indonesia and/or Papua New Guinea and/or Coral Sea as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Para Brazil  search
BTSouth America
 ..Para Brazil
RTBarreiras Formation
 Brazilian Shield
 Tocantins River region
SNState in N Brazil.
para-amphibolite  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
Parablastoidea  search
Paracel Islands  search
USEXisha Islands
paracelsian  search
 .framework silicates
 ..feldspar group
 ...barium feldspar
Parachute Creek Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Parachute Creek Member
 Green River Formation
SNOf Green River Formation. NW Colorado and NE Utah. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Paracrinoidea  search
Paradox Basin  search
BTUnited States
 .Paradox Basin
RTNew Mexico
 Bluff Formation
 Desert Creek Zone
 Four Corners
 Gibson Dome
 Ismay Zone
 Uncompahgre Uplift
SNIn the Four Corners area of the SW U.S. where the boundaries of 4 states intersect. Indexed with states as applicable.
Paradox Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Middle Pennsylvanian
 ......Paradox Member
 Hermosa Formation
SNOf Hermosa Formation. W Colorado and SE Utah.
paraffins  search
BTorganic compounds
 ..aliphatic hydrocarbons
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
paragenesis  search
UFmineral sequence
 paragenetic sequence
 igneous rocks
 metamorphic rocks
 clay mineralogy
 sedimentary rocks
 mineral deposits, genesis
 economic geology
 phase equilibria
 mineral assemblages
SNFor detailed treatment of mineral sequences in metamorphosed or altered rocks and mineral deposits. Indexed with with type of material.
paragenetic sequence  search
paragneiss  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
BTmetamorphic rocks
 .metasedimentary rocks
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
paragonite  search
 .sheet silicates
 ..mica group
Paragua  search
Paraguana Peninsula  search
BTSouth America
 ..Falcon Venezuela
 ...Paraguana Peninsula
SNBetween the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Venezuela in N Falcon, NW Venezuela.
Paraguay  search
BTSouth America
NTChaco Paraguay
 Parana Basin
 Parana River
 Botucatu Formation
 Serra Geral Formation
Parahiba Brazil  search
USEParaiba Brazil
Parahyba Brazil  search
USEParaiba Brazil
Paraiba Brazil  search
BTSouth America
 ..Paraiba Brazil
UFParahiba Brazil
 Parahyba Brazil
 Recife-Joao Pessoa
SNState in NE Brazil.
parallel faults  search
 .parallel faults
SNBefore 1978, also search faults AND parallel.
parallel folds  search
USEconcentric folds
parallel processing  search
BTdata processing
 .parallel processing
RTneural networks
 data retrieval
 data storage
 data handling
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1995.
parameters  search
SNA valid general term through 1978. See factors. Also included use for lattice parameters (crystal structure); see lattice parameters.
Paramushir  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Russian Pacific region
 ...Kuril Islands
SNLarge island in the N Kuril Islands near S tip of Kamchatka Peninsula. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Parana Ba  search
Parana Basin  search
BTSouth America
 .Parana Basin
UFParana River basin
 San Gregorio Formation
 Itarare Subgroup
SNRiver basin. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Parana Brazil  search
BTSouth America
 ..Parana Brazil
RTAcungui Group
 Brazilian Shield
 Estrada Nova Formation
 Irati Formation
 Serra do Mar
SNState in S Brazil.
Parana River  search
BTSouth America
 .Parana River
 Rio de la Plata
SNFormed in S central Brazil by the confluence of the Rio Grande and the Paranaiba rivers. It flows SW and S into the Rio de la Plata. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Parana River basin  search
USEParana Basin
Paranthropus  search
pararammelsbergite  search
parasequences  search
 sequence stratigraphy
parasites  search
paratacamite  search
Paratethys  search
RTcontinental drift
Paratunka Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Kamchatka Russian Federation
 ...Paratunka Russian Federation
SNVillage just W of Petropavlosk Kamchatskiy in S Kamchatka Oblast on Kamchatka Peninsula. Before 1993, Paratunka Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
paratypes  search
 type specimens
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Parece Vela Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northwest Pacific
 ...Philippine Sea
 ....Parece Vela Basin
UFWest Mariana Basin
RTLeg 6
 Leg 59
 DSDP Site 449
 DSDP Site 450
 DSDP Site 452
 DSDP Site 53
 DSDP Site 54
SNCentral Philippine Sea. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Pareiasauria  search
parent bodies  search
 relict materials
SNAs of 1993, restricted to use with meteorites and extraterrestrial bodies. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
parent materials  search
parent rocks  search
pargasite  search
 .chain silicates
 ..amphibole group
Paria Peninsula  search
BTSouth America
 ..Sucre Venezuela
 ...Paria Peninsula
SNNE Venezuela. Along with island of Trinidad nearly encloses Gulf of Paria.
Paricutin  search
 .Michoacan Mexico
SNVolcano on site of former village of Paricutin in SW Mexico.
Paring Mountains  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Paring Mountains
 Transylvanian Alps
SNIn the Transylvanian Alps.
Paris Basin  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Paris Basin
RTParis France
SNChief depression of N and N central France. Bounded by English Channel on NW, Amorican Massif on W, Massif Central on S, and plateaus of Langres and Lorraine on E.
Paris France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Paris France
RTParis Basin
SNDepartment in N central France. Includes the city of Paris. Before 1993, also search Paris region AND France.
Park City Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Park City Formation
SNNE Utah, NW Colorado, E Idaho, SW Montana, and central and E Wyoming. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Park City Utah  search
BTUnited States
 ..Summit County Utah
 ...Park City Utah
SNCity in N central Utah.
Park County Colorado  search
BTUnited States
 ..Park County Colorado
NTAlma mining district
SNCentral Colorado.
Park County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Park County Montana
RTBridger Range
 Crazy Mountains
 Crazy Mountains Basin
 Gallatin Range
SNS Montana.
Park County Wyoming  search
BTUnited States
 ..Park County Wyoming
NTPowell Wyoming
RTYellowstone National Park
 Gallatin Range
 Wood River
SNNW Wyoming.
Parke County Indiana  search
 .Parke County Indiana
Parker County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Parker County Texas
SNN Texas.
Parkfield California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Monterey County California
 ...Parkfield California
RTParkfield earthquakes
 Kettleman Hills earthquake 1985
 Parkfield earthquake 1966
SNVillage near Fresno County line in W California. Location of earthquakes. Also site of Parkfield Earthquake Prediction Experiment.
Parkfield earthquake 1966  search
 .Parkfield earthquake 1966
 Parkfield California
SNEpicenter near Parkfield, California. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Parkfield earthquakes  search
 .Parkfield earthquakes
 San Andreas Fault
 earthquake prediction
 induced earthquakes
 Parkfield California
SNSeries of earthquakes with epicenters near Parkfield, Central California. Associated with earthquake prediction experiment. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Parkman Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Parkman Sandstone
 Montana Group
 Judith River Formation
SNIn Montana Group. N Wyoming and S Montana.
Parkwood Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Mississippian
 ......Parkwood Formation
SNN Alabama. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Parma Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Emilia-Romagna Italy
 ....Parma Italy
SNCity in NW Emilia-Romagna, N central Italy.
Parmer County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Parmer County Texas
Parnaiba Basin  search
BTSouth America
 ..Parnaiba Basin
RTMaranhao Brazil
 Piaui Brazil
SNRiver basin. NE Brazil. Indexed with states as applicable.
Parnalee  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use Parnallee Meteorite for the LL chondrite which landed in India.
Parnassos  search
Parnassus  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Sterea Ellas
SNOne of highest massifs in central Greece. N of Gulf of Corinth.
Parras Basin  search
 .Coahuila Mexico
 ..Parras Basin
UFParras de la Fuente
SNS Coahuila in NE central Mexico. Also search Parras.
Parras de la Fuente  search
USEParras Basin
Parry Sound District Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Parry Sound District Ontario
NTParry Sound Ontario
SNSE Ontario.
Parry Sound Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Parry Sound District Ontario
 ....Parry Sound Ontario
SNTown in SE Ontario on E shore of Georgian Bay.
parsimony  search
RTbiologic evolution
 statistical analysis
SNPrinciple or criterion that the most efficient or simplest assumption or explanation is the most likely.
partial melting  search
RTmagma transport
 magmatic differentiation
 phase equilibria
 plate tectonics
partial pressure  search
 Henry's law
partial thermoremanent magnetization  search
 .remanent magnetization
 ..partial thermoremanent magnetization
 thermoremanent magnetization
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
particle precipitation  search
SNAs of 1993, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Usually out-of-scope. Used with ionosphere.
particle radiation  search
SNAs of 1993, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Usually out-of-scope. Used with astrophysics and solar physics.
particle tracks  search
UFcosmic-ray tracks
 cosmic rays
 fission-track dating
 fission tracks
 particle-track dating
 radiation damage
SNUsed for the phenomenon. For dating method, use particle-track dating. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
particle-induced X-ray emission  search
 .emission spectroscopy
 ..particle-induced X-ray emission
 .X-ray spectroscopy
 ..particle-induced X-ray emission
UFPIXE method
 proton-induced X-ray emission
RTchemical analysis
 alpha-ray spectroscopy
 X-ray analysis
 trace-element analyses
 PIXE spectra
SNUsed for multi-element analysis of solid samples which are excited with a beam of nuclear particles, usually protons (nuclei of hydrogen atoms), or sometimes alpha particles or neon ions. The abbreviation PIXE may also be used for proton-induced X-ray emi
particle-track dating  search
UFdating, particle-track
 relative age
 cosmic rays
 fission-track dating
 fission tracks
 particle tracks
 radiation damage
SNCosmic-ray tracks.
particles  search
RTactivation energy
 cosmic dust
 cosmic rays
 electromagnetic radiation
 interplanetary dust
 interplanetary space
 particle tracks
SNGeneral term.
particulate materials  search
RTatmospheric transport
 Born approximation
 clastic sediments
 coarse-grained materials
 fine-grained materials
 granular materials
 unconsolidated materials
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
parting lineation  search
BTsedimentary structures
 .bedding plane irregularities
 ..parting lineation
UFcurrent lineations
 current partings
partition coefficients  search
UFcoefficients, partition
 distribution coefficients
RTcrystal chemistry
 chemical ratios
 high-field-strength elements
partitioning  search
RTchemical fractionation
 crystal chemistry
 Henry's law
 partition coefficients
 phase equilibria
Partridge Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Ordovician
 .....Partridge Formation
 New Hampshire
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
partridgeite  search
Pas-de-Calais France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Pas-de-Calais France
NTBoulogne France
RTNord-Pas-de-Calais Basin
SNDepartment in extreme N France.
Pasadena California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Los Angeles County California
 ...Pasadena California
SNCity in S California.
Pasamonte Meteorite  search
 .stony meteorites
 ....Pasamonte Meteorite
RTNew Mexico
 Union County New Mexico
SNImpact near village of Pasamonte in Union County, New Mexico. Before 1981, also search Pasamonte AND meteorites. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Pasayten Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Pasayten Group
 British Columbia
SNStratigraphically above Dewdney Creek Formation. S British Columbia and Central N Washington.
Pascagoula River basin  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pascagoula River basin
SNSE Mississippi.
Pascal  search
RTcomputer languages
 computer programs
 data bases
 data processing
 information systems
SNComputer language. Also PASCAL, a French geological data base. Indexed with computer languages or data bases as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Pasco Basin  search
RTChanneled Scabland
 Hanford Reservation
SNS central Washington. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Pasco County Florida  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pasco County Florida
SNOn Gulf of Mexico in W central Florida.
Paskapoo Formation  search
 K-T boundary
 Upper Cretaceous
SNIndexed with ages as applicable.
Pasquotank County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Pasquotank County North Carolina
Passa Dois Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Passa Dois Group
 Irati Formation
Passaic County New Jersey  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Passaic County New Jersey
SNN New Jersey.
Passaic Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Passaic Formation
 Upper Triassic
 Lower Jurassic
 New York
 New Jersey
 Brunswick Formation
 Newark Supergroup
 Newark Basin
SNLower Jurassic and Upper Triassic. SE Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. In Newark Supergroup. Conformably overlies Lockatong Formation; underlies Orange Mountain Basalt. Formerly lower part of Brunswick Formation. Indexed with ages as applicable. Ad
Passaic River  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Passaic River
RTPassaic River basin
SNNE New Jersey. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Passaic River basin  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Passaic River basin
RTPassaic River
SNRiver basin in NE New Jersey. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Passau Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Bavaria Germany
 ....Passau Germany
SNCity on the Danube River at the Austrian border in E Bavaria, SE Germany.
passband filters  search
UFband-pass filters
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
PASSCAL  search
UFProgram for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere
RTseismic methods
 seismic networks
 IRIS network
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Passeriformes  search
passive  search
passive margins  search
UFAtlantic-type margins
RTrift zones
 plate boundaries
 plate tectonics
 accreting plate boundary
 plate divergence
 continental margin
 aseismic margins
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
passive methods  search
RTgeophysical methods
 geophysical surveys
 remote sensing
 seismic methods
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Patagonia  search
BTSouth America
NTPatagonian Andes
 Patagonian Batholith
 Santa Cruz Argentina
 Chubut Argentina
 Magallanes Chile
 Rio Negro Argentina
SNRegion. A barren tableland S of the Pampas, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Andes. Indexed with provinces or countries as applicable.
Patagonia Cordillera  search
USEPatagonian Andes
Patagonian Andes  search
BTSouth America
 ..Patagonian Andes
BTSouth America
 ..Patagonian Andes
UFPatagonia Cordillera
 Patagonian Batholith
SNMountain range extending the length of Patagonia. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Patagonian Batholith  search
BTSouth America
 .Patagonian Batholith
 Patagonian Andes
SNIndexed with provinces or countries as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
patch reefs  search
 .patch reefs
RTplatform reefs
paternoite  search
pathfinder elements  search
Pathfinder Program, Mars  search
USEMars Pathfinder Program
pathfinders  search
UFpathfinder elements
RTgeochemical methods
 mineral exploration
 chemical elements
SNUsed in geochemical exploration. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Patom Plateau  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Patom Plateau
 .Patom Plateau
RTIrkutsk Russian Federation
SNBetween Lena and Vitim rivers in NE Irkutsk Oblast N of Lake Baikal. Also search Patom. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Patrick County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Patrick County Virginia
pattern recognition  search
 data processing
 mathematical geology
 neural networks
 statistical analysis
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
patterned ground  search
UFground, patterned
RTglacial geology
 frost action
 frost heaving
 periglacial features
patterns  search
RTdispersion patterns
 drainage patterns
 interference patterns
 pattern recognition
 preferential flow
 regional patterns
 Rietveld refinement
Patuxent River  search
BTUnited States
 ..Patuxent River
SNRises in central Maryland and flows S and SE into Chesapeake Bay.
Pau France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Pyrenees-Atlantiques France
 ....Pau France
SNCity in extreme SW part of country.
Paucituberculata  search
Paulding County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Paulding County Georgia
Paulding County Ohio  search
BTUnited States
 ..Paulding County Ohio
Pauni India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Madhya Pradesh India
 ....Pauni India
SNTown in central Madhya Pradesh.
pavements  search
SNThis term used in the engineering sense is usually out-of-scope for GeoRef. As of 1993, see aggregate, asphalt, cement materials, construction materials, gravel deposits, highways, road materials, or desert pavement if applicable.
Pavia Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Lombardy Italy
 ....Pavia Italy
UFOltrepo Pavese Italy
SNCity and province S of Milan.
Pavlodar Kazakhstan  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Pavlodar Kazakhstan
NTBoshchekul Kazakhstan
 Ekibastuz Kazakhstan
SNOblast and town in NE Kazakhstan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Pavlof  search
UFPavlof Volcano
 Alaska Peninsula
 Southwestern Alaska
SNVolcano. Alaska Peninsula, SW Alaska. Indexed with Southwestern Alaska as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Pavlof Volcano  search
Pavlograd Ukraine  search
 ..Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine
 ...Pavlograd Ukraine
SNCity in Dnepropetrovsk Oblast in E central Ukraine. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Pawhuska Rock Plain  search
BTUnited States
 ..Osage County Oklahoma
 ...Pawhuska Rock Plain
SNOsage County in N Oklahoma.
Pawnee County Kansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pawnee County Kansas
SNSW central Kansas.
Pawnee County Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pawnee County Nebraska
SNSE Nebraska.
Pawnee County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pawnee County Oklahoma
SNN Oklahoma.
Pay-Khoy  search
Payette County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Payette County Idaho
Payne County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Payne County Oklahoma
NTStillwater Oklahoma
SNN central Oklahoma.
Payson Utah  search
BTUnited States
 ..Utah County Utah
 ...Payson Utah
SNCity in central Utah.
Payun Matru  search
BTSouth America
 ..Mendoza Argentina
 ...Payun Matru
UFPayun Matru Volcano
 Payun-Matru Volcano
SNVolcano on Payun Plateau in SW Mendoza.
Payun Matru Volcano  search
USEPayun Matru
Payun-Matru  search
USEPayun Matru
Payun-Matru Volcano  search
USEPayun Matru