climate  search
RTalpine environment
 arctic environment
 arid environment
 ash clouds
 atmospheric precipitation
 climate change
 climate effects
 climatic controls
 climatologic maps
 equatorial region
 Gaia hypothesis
 general cir
SNUsed for climate in historical times. For prehistoric climate, use paleoclimatology.
climate change  search
UFclimatic change
 greenhouse effect
 climate effects
 climatic controls
 global change
 global warming
SNFor modern or past (paleoclimate) change. Before 1998, also search (climate OR paleoclimatology) AND (changes OR climate effects). See global change.
climate effects  search
 climate change
 global warming
 orbital forcing
 relief effects
SNNot to be used for climates of the past (paleoclimatology). See climate change. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
climate maps  search
USEclimatologic maps
climate-induced circulation  search
 ocean circulation
SNBefore 1978, also search oceans AND circulation AND climate induced or climate-induced.