North Atlantic  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
NTAtlantis fracture zone
 Atlantis II
 Atlantis Seamount
 Azores-Gibraltar Ridge
 Baltic Sea
 Baltimore Canyon
 Baltimore Canyon Trough
 Barbados Ridge
 Barracuda Ridge
 Bay of Biscay
 Bay of Fundy
 Bermuda Rise
 Blake Plateau
 Blake-Bahama Basin
 Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge
 Block Island Sound
 Cape Verde Basin
 Cape Verde Rise
 Caribbean Sea
 Celtic Sea
 English Channel
 Exuma Sound
 Flemish Cap
 Frobisher Bay
 Georges Bank
 Georges Bank basin
 Gibbs fracture zone
 Goban Spur
 Gorringe Bank
 Great Bahama Bank
 Great Meteor Seamount
 Gulf of Guinea
 Gulf of Maine
 Gulf of Mexico
 Gulf of Saint Lawrence
 Hatteras abyssal plain
 Hayes fracture zone
 Hibernia Field
 Hudson Bay
 Hudson Strait
 Iceland-Faeroe Ridge
 Irish Sea
 Jeanne d'Arc Basin
 Kane fracture zone
 Labrador Basin
 Labrador Sea
 Little Bahama Bank
 Long Island Sound
 Lydonia Canyon
 Madeira abyssal plain
 Maury Channel
 Mazagan Plateau
 Nares abyssal plain
 New England Seamounts
 North Sea
 Northeast Atlantic
 Northeast Providence Channel
 Northwest Atlantic
 Northwest Providence Channel
 Oceanographer fracture zone
 Puerto Rico Trench
 Reykjanes Ridge
 Rockall Bank
 Rockall Plateau
 Rockall Trough
 Sable Island Bank
 Sargasso Sea
 Scotian Shelf
 Sierra Leone Rise
 Snakepit hydrothermal field
 Sohm abyssal plain
 Straits of Florida
 TAG hydrothermal field
 Tongue of the Ocean
 Trou Sans Fond
 Vema fracture zone
 Wilkinson Basin
 Wilmington Canyon
 Yucatan Channel
 Davis Strait
 Chesapeake Bay
 Blake-Bahama Formation
 Black Rock
 DSDP Site 5
 DSDP Site 118
 Cumberland Basin
 DSDP Site 7
 Delaware Bay
 DSDP Site 10
 DSDP Site 105
 DSDP Site 108
 DSDP Site 11
 DSDP Site 111
 DSDP Site 115
 DSDP Site 27
 DSDP Site 28
 DSDP Site 4
SNBefore 1978, search Atlantic Ocean AND north. Before 1995, also search European Atlantic.
North Atlantic Deep Water  search
RTArctic Ocean
 Atlantic Ocean
 Bering Sea
 bottom water
 North Atlantic
 ocean circulation
SNIndexed with specific ocean terms as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
North Atlantic Ridge  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. A valid term from 1981-1994. As of 1995, use Mid-Atlantic Ridge and North Atlantic.