South Atlantic  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .South Atlantic
NTAngola Basin
 Argentine Basin
 Brazil Basin
 Campos Basin
 Cape Basin
 Falkland Plateau
 Maurice Ewing Bank
 Rio Grande Rise
 Southeast Atlantic
 Southwest Atlantic
 Vema Channel
 Walvis Ridge
RTAntarctic Bottom Water
 Drake Passage
 DSDP Site 23
 DSDP Site 24
 DSDP Site 14
 DSDP Site 15
 DSDP Site 16
 DSDP Site 17
 DSDP Site 18
 DSDP Site 25
 DSDP Site 328
 DSDP Site 356
 DSDP Site 361
 DSDP Site 511
 DSDP Site 512
 DSDP Site 513
 DSDP Site 514
 DSDP Site 519
SNBefore 1978, search Atlantic Ocean AND south. From 1981-1994, parts of Guyanese Atlantic and Cape Verde Atlantic were also sometimes used.
South Atlantic Ridge  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. A valid term from 1981-1994. After 1994, use Mid-Atlantic Ridge and South Atlantic.