Ca  search
Ca/Sr  search
CAA (Clean Air Act)  search
USEClean Air Act
Caballo Mountains  search
RTNew Mexico
 Sierra County New Mexico
SNS New Mexico. Indexed with county or state or region as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cabaniss Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Middle Pennsylvanian
 .......Cabaniss Formation
 Cherokee Group
SNIn Cherokee Group, SE Kansas, W Missouri, central and NE Oklahoma.
Cabarrus County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Cabarrus County North Carolina
SNS central North Carolina.
Cabell County West Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Cabell County West Virginia
Cabinda Angola  search
 .Central Africa
 ...Cabinda Angola
UFKabinda Angola
SNA district and an enclave N of the mouth of the Congo River.
Cabo Ortegal  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Galicia Spain
 .....La Coruna Spain
 ......Cabo Ortegal
SNCape in N La Coruna Province, NW Spain.
Cabo Rojo Puerto Rico  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ...Greater Antilles
 ....Puerto Rico
 .....Cabo Rojo Puerto Rico
SNTown in SW Puerto Rico.
Cabrieres France  search
BTrault France
 .Cabrieres France
SNLocation in the Montagne Noire in S France.
Caceres City Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Extremadura Spain
 .....Caceres Spain
 ......Caceres City Spain
SNRefers to only the city in W Spain. Before 1981, also search Caceres Spain.
Caceres Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Extremadura Spain
 .....Caceres Spain
NTCaceres City Spain
RTSierra de Gredos
SNRefers only to the province in W Spain on Portuguese border. From 1981-1992, also search Caceres Province and Spain. For the city, see Caceres City Spain.
Cache County Utah  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cache County Utah
SNN Utah.
Cache Creek  search
RTBritish Columbia
 Northwest Territories
 Yukon Territory
SNCreek in Mackenzie Delta area, Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories. Also other creeks in S British Columbia, N California, NW Wyoming and SW Oklahoma. Indexed with states or Canadian provinces as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Cache Creek Group  search
RTBritish Columbia
 Permian-Triassic boundary
 San Juan Islands
SNS British Columbia and San Juan Island, NW Washington. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cache Creek Terrane  search
 British Columbia
 North America
 Yukon Territory
SNOceanic melange which separates Quesnellia and Stikinia terranes in NW North America. Indexed with U. S. states and/or Canadian provinces as applicable.
Cache La Poudre River  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cache La Poudre River
SNN central Colorado.
Cache Valley  search
SNIn several locations. Indexed with counties, states or regions as applicable.
cacoxenite  search
CAD  search
UFcomputer-aided design
 computer-aided drafting
RTcomputer programs
 data processing
 graphic display
SNAcronym. Restricted to use for computer-aided design or computer-aided drafting. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
caddis flies  search
SNSee Trichoptera.
Caddo County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caddo County Oklahoma
RTMeers Fault
SNWest central Oklahoma.
Caddo Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caddo Parish Louisiana
Cadeby Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Permian
 .....Cadeby Formation
 Great Britain
SNE England. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cadiz City Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Andalusia Spain
 .....Cadiz Spain
 ......Cadiz City Spain
SNRefers only to the city in W Cadiz Province, SW Spain. Before 1981, also search Cadiz Spain.
Cadiz Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Andalusia Spain
 .....Cadiz Spain
NTCadiz City Spain
 Vejer de la Frontera Spain
 Serrania de Ronda
SNRefers only to the province. In SW Spain, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. From 1981-1992, also search Cadiz Province and Spain. For the city, see Cadiz City Spain.
cadmium  search
RTchalcophile elements
 heavy metals
 cadmium ores
SNChemical element. As of 1982, use cadmium ores for cadmium as a commodity.
cadmium blende  search
cadmium ocher  search
cadmium ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .cadmium ores
SNBefore 1982, also search cadmium AND (deposit OR deposits OR ore OR ores OR economic) in the basic index. Commodity. See List C.
Cadomian Orogeny  search
RTArmorican Massif
SNBefore 1978, search Cadomian AND orogeny. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Cadomin Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Cadomin Formation
 British Columbia
SNSW Alberta and E British Columbia. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cady Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..San Bernardino County California
 ...Cady Mountains
RTMojave Desert
SNSE California. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Caen France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Calvados France
 ....Caen France
SNCity in Normandy, N Calvados, NE France.
Caernarvonshire Wales  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Caernarvonshire Wales
NTLleyn Peninsula
RTTremadoc Bay
SNFormer county in NW Wales. As of April 1974, part of Gwynedd. Before 1993, also search Carnarvon or Caernarvon or Caernarvonshire.
caesium  search
Cahill Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Cahill Formation
 Northern Territory Australia
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
CAI  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. Acronym for many concepts including conodont alteration index; color alteration index; computer-aided instruction; computer-assisted instruction; calcium-aluminum inclusions. Use appropriate phrase as applicable.
Cainozoic  search
Cairngorm Mountains  search
BTampian Highlands
 .Cairngorm Mountains
RTGrampian region Scotland
 Highland region Scotland
SNRange of the Grampian Hills in highlands of NE central Scotland.
Cairo Egypt  search
 .North Africa
 ...Cairo Egypt
SNCity on the Nile River, coextensive with the governorate in NE Egypt.
Caithness Scotland  search
BTghland region Scotland
 .Caithness Scotland
SNFormer county in NE Scotland.
Cajon Pass  search
BTUnited States
 ..San Bernardino County California
 ...Cajon Pass
RTMojave Desert
 Los Angeles Basin
SNRailroad and highway pass. S California. Extends from E San Gabriel Mountains to NW San Bernardino Mountains, connecting the Mojave Desert with Los Angeles Basin. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Calabria Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Calabria Italy
NTCatanzaro Italy
 Cosenza Italy
 Reggio di Calabria Italy
 Sila Massif
RTCalabrian Arc
SNAn autonomous region in S Italy. The toe of the Italian boot.
Calabrian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Lower Pleistocene
SNEurope. Above Astian, below middle Pleistocene.
Calabrian Arc  search
BTMediterranean region
 .Calabrian Arc
UFCalabrian-Peloritan Arc
 North Africa
 Calabria Italy
 Peloritani Mountains
 Sicily Italy
SNCentral Mediterranean, may include Maghrebides thrust belt. Indexed with countries and Mediterranean Sea basins as applicable.
Calabrian-Peloritan Arc  search
USECalabrian Arc
Calamites  search
Calatayud-Teruel Basin  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Calatayud-Teruel Basin
RTSaragossa Spain
 Teruel Spain
SNNE Spain. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
Calaveras County California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calaveras County California
SNCentral California.
Calaveras Fault  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calaveras Fault
SNCentral California.
Calaveras Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...upper Paleozoic
 ....Calaveras Formation
SNN California. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
calaverite  search
RTgold ores
calc-alkalic  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, use calc-alkalic composition with igneous rocks.
calc-alkalic composition  search
RTalkalic composition
 I-type granites
 igneous rocks
calc-schist  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
calc-silicate composition  search
RTmetamorphic rocks
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
calc-sinter  search
calc-tufa  search
calcarenite  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .carbonate rocks
calcareous  search
SNValid index term through 1977. After 1977, use calcareous composition.
calcareous algae  search
 ..calcareous algae
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
calcareous clay  search
calcareous composition  search
 sedimentary rocks
SNBefore 1978, also search calcareous AND specific sediment type or sedimentary rock.
calcareous nannofossils  search
calcareous ooze  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. Use calcareous composition and ooze.
calcareous sinter  search
Calcareous soils  search
 .Calcareous soils
RTsoil group
SNBefore 1978, also search calcareous and soils.
calcareous tufa  search
Calcasieu Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calcasieu Parish Louisiana
RTCalcasieu River
SNOn the Texas border in SW Louisiana.
Calcasieu River  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calcasieu River
RTCalcasieu Parish Louisiana
 Cameron Parish Louisiana
 Rapides Parish Louisiana
SNSW Louisiana. Indexed with parishes as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
calcic composition  search
RTigneous rocks
SNBefore 1978, also search igneous rocks AND calcic.
calcicrete  search
calcification  search
SNTerm refers to fossils or soils.
calcilutite  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .carbonate rocks
RTalgal mounds
calciphyre  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
Calcisphaerulidae  search
BTproblematic fossils
Calcispherulidae  search
Calcispongea  search
calcite  search
 calcium carbonate
 carbonate rocks
 calcite deposits
 Iceland spar
 light minerals
 magnesian calcite
SNAs of 1981, use calcite deposits for calcite as a commodity.
calcite deposits  search
 marble deposits
SNCommodity. See List C.
calcitization  search
calcium  search
 .alkaline earth metals
NTcalcium ion
RTlithophile elements
calcium carbonate  search
calcium chloride  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
calcium ion  search
 .alkaline earth metals
 ...calcium ion
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
calcium sulfate  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
calcium-aluminum inclusions  search
 .calcium-aluminum inclusions
SNFound in meteorites. Sometimes abbreviated as CAI. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
calcrete  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .carbonate rocks
 weathering crust
CALCRUST  search
UFCalifornia Consortium for Crustal Studies
RTgeophysical methods
 reflection methods
 seismic methods
 continental crust
SNAcronym. Seismic reflection program. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
calculation  search
SNA valid term through 1978. After 1978, see mathematical methods or mathematical models.
calculators  search
SNUse hand calculators if applicable.
Calcutta India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...West Bengal India
 ....Calcutta India
SNCity on the Hooghly River near Bay of Bengal in S West Bengal, E India.
calderas  search
BTvolcanic features
 crater lakes
caldron subsidence  search
SNUsed in subfiles G and N. The variant form cauldron subsidence was also used. See cauldrons; calderas; subsidence.
Caldwell County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caldwell County Kentucky
SNW Kentucky.
Caldwell County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caldwell County Missouri
SNNW Missouri.
Caldwell County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Caldwell County North Carolina
RTGrandfather Mountain
SNW central North Carolina.
Caldwell County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caldwell County Texas
SNS central Texas.
Caldwell Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caldwell Parish Louisiana
NTColumbia Louisiana
SNNE central Louisiana.
Caledonia County Vermont  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caledonia County Vermont
SNNE Vermont.
Caledonian  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, use Caledonian Orogeny.
Caledonian Orogeny  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Caledonian Orogeny
 Scandian Orogeny
SNName commonly used for the early Paleozoic deformation in Europe which created an orogenic belt extending from Ireland and Scotland northwestward through Scandinavia.
Caledonides  search
RTCaledonian Orogeny
 Dunnage Zone
 Great Britain
 Koli Nappe
SNOrogenic belt extending from Ireland and Scotland northwestward through Scandinavia, formed by the Caledonian Orogeny. Indexed with country or countries as applicable.
Calera Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Calera Limestone
 Franciscan Complex
SNIn Franciscan Formation?. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Calgary Alberta  search
 .Western Canada
 ...Calgary Alberta
SNCity in SW Alberta.
Calhoun County Alabama  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calhoun County Alabama
SNE Alabama.
Calhoun County Arkansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calhoun County Arkansas
SNS Arkansas.
Calhoun County Florida  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calhoun County Florida
SNNW Florida.
Calhoun County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calhoun County Georgia
SNSW Georgia.
Calhoun County Illinois  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calhoun County Illinois
SNW Illinois.
Calhoun County Iowa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calhoun County Iowa
RTManson impact structure
SNCentral Iowa.
Calhoun County Michigan  search
BTUnited States
 ..Michigan Lower Peninsula
 ...Calhoun County Michigan
SNS Michigan.
Calhoun County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calhoun County Mississippi
SNN central Mississippi.
Calhoun County South Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .South Carolina
 ..Calhoun County South Carolina
SNCentral South Carolina.
Calhoun County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calhoun County Texas
RTMatagorda Bay
SNS Texas.
Calhoun County West Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Calhoun County West Virginia
SNW central West Virginia.
calibration  search
SNUsed as a general term.
caliche  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .carbonate rocks
 weathering crust
Calico Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calico Mountains
RTMojave Desert
 San Bernardino County California
SNSmall range in Mojave Desert. Indexed with counties and mountains as applicable.
Caliente Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caliente Range
RTSan Luis Obispo County California
SNIndexed with counties and mountain ranges as applicable.
California  search
BTUnited States
NTAlameda County California
 Alpine County California
 Amador County California
 American River
 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
 Banning Fault
 Borrego Mountain
 Butte County California
 Calaveras County California
 Calaveras Fault
 Calico Mountains
 Caliente Range
 Central California
 Channel Islands
 Colorado Desert
 Colusa County California
 Contra Costa County California
 Coyote Creek Fault
 Cuyama Basin
 Death Valley
 Death Valley Fault
 Del Norte County California
 El Dorado County California
 Elsinore Fault
 Feather River
 Fresno County California
 Gabilan Range
 Garlock Fault
 Glenn County California
 Golden Trout Wilderness
 Hayward Fault
 Hilton Creek Fault
 Hosgri Fault
 Humboldt County California
 Imperial County California
 Inyo County California
 Kern County California
 Kesterson Reservoir
 Kettleman Hills
 Kings County California
 Kingston Range
 Lake County California
 Lassen County California
 Lassen Volcanic National Park
 Los Angeles Basin
 Los Angeles County California
 Madera County California
 Mammoth Mountain
 Marin County California
 Mariposa County California
 Melones Fault
 Mendocino County California
 Merced County California
 Midway-Sunset Field
 Modoc County California
 Modoc Plateau
 Mojave Desert
 Mono County California
 Monterey Bay
 Monterey County California
 Napa County California
 Nevada County California
 Newport-Inglewood Fault
 Nopah Range
 Northern California
 Orange County California
 Pajaro Valley
 Placer County California
 Plumas County California
 Rattlesnake Creek Terrane
 Redwood National Park
 Riverside County California
 Sacramento County California
 Salinian Block
 Salton Sea
 Salton Trough
 San Benito County California
 San Bernardino County California
 San Diego County California
 San Emigdio Mountains
 San Fernando Valley
 San Francisco Bay
 San Francisco Bay region
 San Francisco County California
 San Gabriel Fault
 San Gabriel Mountains
 San Gregorio Fault
 San Jacinto Mountains
 San Joaquin County California
 San Joaquin Valley
 San Luis Obispo County California
 San Mateo County California
 Santa Ana Mountains
 Santa Barbara Channel
 Santa Barbara County California
 Santa Clara County California
 Santa Cruz County California
 Santa Maria Basin
 Santa Monica Mountains
 Santa Rosa Mountains
 Santa Ynez Mountains
 Shasta County California
 Sierra County California
 Sierra Nevada Batholith
 Siskiyou County California
 Solano County California
 Sonoma County California
 Southern California
 Southern California Batholith
 Stanislaus County California
 Sur fault zone
 Sutter County California
 Sylmar Fault
 Tehachapi Mountains
 Tehama County California
 Temblor Range
 The Geysers
 Transverse Ranges
 Trinity Complex
 Trinity County California
 Tulare County California
 Tuolumne County California
 Ventura Basin
 Ventura County California
 Whittier Fault
 Yolla Bolly Terrane
 Yolo County California
 Yosemite National Park
 Yuba County California
RTAgua Blanca Fault
 Alisitos Formation
 Amargosa Desert
 Antelope Va
California bearing ratio  search
RTbearing capacity
 penetration tests
 soil mechanics
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
California City Colombia  search
BTSouth America
 ..Santander Colombia
 ...California City Colombia
California Consortium for Crustal Studies  search
California Continental Borderland  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. As of 1989, use California in conjunction with continental borderland.
California Current  search
 East Pacific
 North Pacific
 Northeast Pacific
 Pacific Coast
 Pacific Ocean
 United States
SNBranch of the Aleutian Current in NE Pacific. Flows S along coast of W North America from N48#DG to N23#DG, where it joins the North Equatorial Current. Indexed with ocean areas. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
californium  search
Caliman (Mountains)  search
USECalimani Mountains
Calimani Mountains  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Calimani Mountains
 ..Eastern Carpathians
 ...Calimani Mountains
UFCaliman (Mountains)
 Calimanului Mountains
SNRange in the Eastern Carpathians in E Transylvania. Also search Calimani. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Calimanului Mountains  search
USECalimani Mountains
caliper logging  search
 .caliper logging
SNBefore 1978, also search well-logging AND caliper.
Calistoga California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Napa County California
 ...Calistoga California
RTOld Faithful Geyser
SNCity NE of San Francisco Bay in W central California.
Callahan County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Callahan County Texas
Callander Bay  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Callander Bay
RTLake Nipissing
SNW edge of Lake Nipissing near city of North Bay E of Georgian Bay.
Callaway County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Callaway County Missouri
Callianassa  search
Callipteris  search
SNGenus which paleobotanically determines Permian.
Callisto Satellite  search
RTGalilean satellites
 icy satellites
 Voyager Program
SNOne of the satellites of Jupiter. Before 1985, also search Callisto AND Jupiter. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Callovian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Jurassic
SNEurope. Above Bathonian, below Oxfordian.
Calloway County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calloway County Kentucky
Caloosahatchee Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Caloosahatchee Formation
UFCaloosahatchee Marl
SNFlorida. May be in the Fort Thompson Group. Indexed with Pleistocene and/or Pliocene as applicable.
Caloosahatchee Marl  search
USECaloosahatchee Formation
calorimetry  search
RTchemical analysis
 thermochemical properties
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Caloris Basin  search
BTMercury Planet
 .Caloris Basin
SNImpact feature on Mercury Planet. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Calpionella  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
Calpionellidae  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
Calpionellites  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
Caltanissetta Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Sicily Italy
 ....Caltanissetta Italy
SNProvince and city in central Sicily.
Calumet County Wisconsin  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calumet County Wisconsin
Calvados France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Calvados France
NTCaen France
 May-sur-Orne France
 Seine Estuary
Calvert Bluff Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....lower Eocene
 ......Calvert Bluff Formation
 Wilcox Group
SNIn Wilcox Group. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Calvert County Maryland  search
BTUnited States
 ..Calvert County Maryland
SNS Maryland.
Calvert Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....middle Miocene
 ......Calvert Formation
 Chesapeake Group
SNIn Chesapeake Group. Delaware, E Maryland, and Virginia.
Calymmian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
Calyptogena  search
Camaguey Cuba  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ...Greater Antilles
 .....Camaguey Cuba
SNProvince including the city in E central Cuba.
Camarines Norte Philippine Islands  search
 .Far East
 ..Philippine Islands
 ....Camarines Norte Philippine Islands
SNProvince in SE Luzon.
Camaroidea  search
SNIndexed with Hemichordata or Invertebrata as applicable.
Camas County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Camas County Idaho
RTSawtooth Range
SNS central Idaho.
Cambay Basin  search
RTGujarat India
 Gulf of Cambay
SNGulf of Cambay area. Indexed with Gujarat India and/or Gulf of Cambay as applicable.
Cambay India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Gujarat India
 ....Cambay India
SNCity at N end of Gulf of Cambay in central Gujarat, W India.
Cambisols  search
Cambodia  search
 .Far East
NTBattambang Cambodia
 Khmer Republic
SNAlso known as Khmer Republic or Kampuchea. Official name was changed back to State of Cambodia in 1990.
Cambria County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cambria County Pennsylvania
RTConemaugh River
SNCentral Pennsylvania.
Cambrian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 Series 1
 Series 2
 Series 3
 Bonanza King Formation
 Brigham Group
 Carrara Formation
 Conasauga Group
 Glen Mountains Complex
 Kanmantoo Group
 Lancara Formation
 Lardeau Group
 Lower Cambrian
 Middle Cambrian
 Mount Read Volcanics
 Nama System
 Pioche Shale
 Semri Series
 Tapeats Sandstone
 Tintic Quartzite
 Tons Member
 Upper Cambrian
RTBowers Supergroup
 Cadomian Orogeny
 Assyntic Orogeny
 Baikalian Phase
 Bhander Group
 Collier Shale
 Cow Head Group
 Delamerian Orogeny
 Elberton Granite
 Hazens Notch Formation
 Henderson Gneiss
 Hoosac Formation
 Jacobsville Sandst
SNAbove Precambrian, below Ordovician.
Cambridge  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. As of 1989, for the city in Massachusetts, use Cambridge Massachusetts. After 1992, also see Cambridge England.
Cambridge Arch  search
BTUnited States
 .Cambridge Arch
SNIndexed with states as applicable.
Cambridge Argillite  search
RTBoston Bay Group
 Lower Cambrian
SNE Massachusetts. Overlies Roxbury Conglomerate, but the latter is thrust over the Cambridge Argillite in the northern Hingham area. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cambridge England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Cambridge England
RTGloucestershire England
 Cambridgeshire England
SNCities in Cambridgeshire and Gloucestershire, England. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Cambridge Massachusetts  search
BTUnited States
 ..Middlesex County Massachusetts
 ...Cambridge Massachusetts
SNCity in NE Massachusetts.
Cambridge University  search
UFUniversity of Cambridge
 academic institutions
SNLocated in the city of Cambridge NNE of London.
Cambridgeshire England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Cambridgeshire England
RTCambridge England
SNCounty in E England.
Camden County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Camden County Georgia
SNSE Georgia.
Camden County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Camden County Missouri
NTDecaturville Missouri
SNCentral Missouri.
Camden County New Jersey  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Camden County New Jersey
RTPine Barrens
SNSW New Jersey.
Camden County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Camden County North Carolina
SNNE North Carolina.
Camelidae  search
Cameron County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cameron County Pennsylvania
Cameron County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cameron County Texas
Cameron Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cameron Parish Louisiana
RTCalcasieu River
 Eugene Island
 Sabine Lake
SNExtreme SW Louisiana, bordering the Gulf of Mexico.
Cameroon  search
 .West Africa
NTLake Nyos
 Mount Cameroon
 Benue Valley
 Chad Basin
 Lake Chad
 Logone River
SNIncludes former French trust territory and British trust territory of Southern Cameroons. Before 1972, Cameroun was also used.
Cameroon Mountain  search
USEMount Cameroon
Cameroun  search
Camp Century  search
BTArctic region
 ..Camp Century
SNOn the Greenland ice sheet NE of Thule Air Base in NW Greenland.
Camp County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Camp County Texas
Campania Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Campania Italy
NTBay of Naples
 Caserta Italy
 Monte Somma
 Naples Italy
 Phlegraean Fields
 Pozzuoli Italy
 Salerno Italy
 Sorrento Peninsula
RTIrpinia earthquake 1980
SNAn autonomous region in S Italy.
Campania-Basilicata earthquake 1980  search
USEIrpinia earthquake 1980
Campania-Lucania earthquake 1980  search
USEIrpinia earthquake 1980
Campanian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
NTupper Campanian
RTRosario Formation
SNEurope. Above Santonian, below Maestrichtian.
Campbell County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Campbell County Kentucky
SNN Kentucky.
Campbell County South Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .South Dakota
 ..Campbell County South Dakota
SNOn North Dakota line in N South Dakota.
Campbell County Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Campbell County Tennessee
SNNE Tennessee.
Campbell County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Campbell County Virginia
SNSW central Virginia. Also search Lynchburg Virginia if applicable.
Campbell County Wyoming  search
BTUnited States
 ..Campbell County Wyoming
RTHartzog Draw Field
SNNE Wyoming.
Campbell Island  search
RTPacific Ocean
 West Pacific Ocean Islands
SNIsland in S Pacific Ocean, S of New Zealand. Also occurs in other locations. Indexed with regions as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Campeche Bank  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Gulf of Mexico
 ...Campeche Bank
RTCampeche Scarp
 Yucatan Shelf
SNN of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Campeche Mexico  search
 .Campeche Mexico
RTGulf Coastal Plain
 Yucatan Peninsula
SNState on W part of Yucatan Peninsula.
Campeche Scarp  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Gulf of Mexico
 ...Campeche Scarp
RTCampeche Bank
 DSDP Site 85
 DSDP Site 86
 DSDP Site 88
 DSDP Site 89
 DSDP Site 93
 DSDP Site 94
 Leg 10
 Sigsbee Deep
SNW Gulf of Mexico. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Campi Flegrei  search
USEPhlegraean Fields
Campine  search
SNHeathland area. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Campo del Cielo Meteorite  search
 .iron meteorites
 ...Campo del Cielo Meteorite
 Chaco Argentina
SNPoint of impact N of village of Campo del Cielo in S Argentina. Before 1981, also search Campo del Cielo AND meteorites. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Campobasso Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Molise Italy
 ....Campobasso Italy
SNProvince and town in S central Italy.
Campos Basin  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .South Atlantic
 ..Campos Basin
SNSW Atlantic, off Brazil. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
camptonite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
Camptostromatoidea  search
Canada  search
NTCarswell Structure
 Cassiar Mountains
 Clearwater Lake
 Cold Lake
 Eastern Canada
 Elk Point Basin
 Elzevir Terrane
 Grenville Front
 Hudson Bay
 Hudson Bay Lowlands
 Labrador Trough
 Liard River
 Mackenzie Mountains
 North Saskatchewan River
 Northumberland Strait
 Northwest Territories
 Reindeer Lake
 Restigouche Estuary
 Richardson Mountains
 Selwyn Mountains
 Stikinia Terrane
 Western Canada
 Whitehorse Trough
RTAbee Meteorite
 Arctic region
 Borden Aquifer
 Burgess Shale
 Christopher Formation
 Clearwater River
 Cloridorme Formation
 Coldbrook Group
 Columbia Icefield
 Columbian Orogeny
 Cumberland Basin
 Cypress Hills Formation
 Davidsville Gr
Canada Basin  search
BTArctic Ocean
 .Canada Basin
UFCanadian Basin
RTAmerasia Basin
SNN of Alaska and WNW of Canada's Queen Elizabeth Islands.
Canadian  search
Canadian Basin  search
USECanada Basin
Canadian Cordillera  search
BTNorth America
 .North American Cordillera
 ..Canadian Cordillera
 .Western Canada
 ..Canadian Cordillera
 Coast Mountains
 British Columbia
 Nahanni earthquake 1985
 Rocky Mountains
 Western Interior Seaway
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
Canadian County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Canadian County Oklahoma
Canadian Expedition to Study the Alpha Ridge  search
Canadian Forces Base Borden  search
USEBorden Ontario
Canadian River  search
BTUnited States
 .Canadian River
UFSouth Canadian River
RTNew Mexico
 Ute Creek
SNSW Central U.S. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Canadian Rocky Mountains  search
 .Western Canada
 ..Canadian Rocky Mountains
BTNorth America
 .Rocky Mountains
 ..Canadian Rocky Mountains
NTEsplanade Range
 British Columbia
 Athabasca Glacier
 Columbia Icefield
 Selkirk Mountains
 Cariboo Mountains
 Cassiar Mountains
 Gog Group
 Mount Erebus
 Northern Rocky Mountains
 Selwyn Basin
 Stikinia Terrane
 Whitehorse Trough
SNBefore 1981, search Canada AND Rocky Mountains. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with provinces as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Canadian Series  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Ordovician
 .....Canadian Series
SNProvincial series, North America. Above Croixian (Cambrian), below Champlainian. Before 1981, also search Canadian AND Ordovician.
Canadian Shield  search
BTNorth America
 .Canadian Shield
NTBear Province
 Churchill Province
 Flin Flon Belt
 Grenville Province
 Nain Province
 Slave Province
 Southern Province
 Superior Province
 Taltson magmatic zone
UFLaurentian Plateau
 Precambrian Shield
 New York
 Adirondack Mountains
 Northwest Territories
 Eye-Dashwa Lakes Pluton
 Elzevir Terrane
 Grenvillian Orogeny
 Hemlo Deposit
 Hudsonian Orogeny
 Kenoran Orogeny
 North American Craton
SNAlso search Canadian AND Shield. Indexed with states, Canadian provinces and provinces of the Canadian Shield as applicable.
Canal Zone (Panama)  search
USEPanama Canal Zone
canals  search
Cananea Mexico  search
 .Sonora Mexico
 ..Cananea Mexico
SNCity in N Sonora.
Canaries  search
USECanary Islands
Canary Islands  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 .Canary Islands
 Grand Canary
 Las Palmas, Canary Islands
 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Province, Canary Islands
 DSDP Site 397
 La Palma
 Leg 157
 ODP Site 953
 ODP Site 954
 ODP Site 955
 ODP Site 956
SNSpanish controlled island group off NW Africa.
Canavese Zone  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Canavese Zone
RTPiemonte Italy
SNMountain region N of Turin.
Canberra Australia  search
 ..New South Wales Australia
 ...Australian Capital Territory
 ....Canberra Australia
SNCity between Sydney and Melbourne.
cancrinite  search
 .framework silicates
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Candler County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Candler County Georgia
Candona  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
canfieldite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Canidae  search
Canis  search
Cannanore India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Kerala India
 ....Cannanore India
SNDistrict, Kerala, SW India.
Cannikin Alaska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Southwestern Alaska
 ...Aleutian Islands
 ....Amchitka Island
 .....Cannikin Alaska
SNName of site of nuclear explosion on Amchitka Island in the Aleutian Islands.
Canning Basin  search
 ..Western Australia
 ...Canning Basin
SNArid region in northern Western Australia, about 790 miles NNE of Perth. Also search Desert Basin AND Australia.
Cannon County Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cannon County Tennessee
NTWoodbury Tennessee
SNCentral Tennessee.
Canon City Colorado  search
BTUnited States
 ..Fremont County Colorado
 ...Canon City Colorado
SNCity in central Colorado.
canonical analysis  search
BTstatistical analysis
 .canonical analysis
Cantabria Knoll  search
USECantabria Seamount
Cantabria Seamount  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Bay of Biscay
 ...Cantabria Seamount
UFCantabria Knoll
RTDSDP Site 119
SNW Bay of Biscay. Also search Cantabria.
Cantabria Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Cantabria Spain
NTSantander Spain
UFCantabrian region
RTCantabrian Basin
 Cantabrian Mountains
 Old Castile Spain
 Santander Massif
SNIn N Spain on the Bay of Biscay. Part of Old Castile. Both an autonomous community and its coextensive province formerly called Santander Province. Also search Santander Spain; OR Santander Province AND Spain. Before 1981 also search Santander Spain.
Cantabrian Basin  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Cantabrian Basin
RTBasque Provinces Spain
 Asturias Spain
 Cantabria Spain
SNRegion in the Cantabrian Mountains area in N and NW Spain. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
Cantabrian Mountains  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Cantabrian Mountains
RTGalicia Spain
 Asturias Spain
 Castilla y Leon Spain
 Cantabria Spain
 Santander Massif
SNRange extending westward from the Pyrenees along the Bay of Biscay to the Galician Mountains.
Cantabrian region  search
USECantabria Spain
Cantal France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Cantal France
NTCantal Massif
 Massiac France
RTCentral Massif
SNDepartment in S central France.
Cantal Massif  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Cantal France
 ....Cantal Massif
 .Western Europe
 ...Central Massif
 ....Cantal Massif
SNPart of Central Massif covering central France. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Canterbury New Zealand  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Canterbury New Zealand
NTChristchurch New Zealand
RTSouth Island
SNDistrict in E central New Zealand. Also index South Island.
Canton River  search
USEZhujiang River
Canyon County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Canyon County Idaho
Canyon Diablo Crater  search
USEMeteor Crater
Canyon Diablo Meteorite  search
 .iron meteorites
 ...Canyon Diablo Meteorite
UFCanyon Diablo Meteorites
 Coconino County Arizona
 Meteor Crater
SNRefers to fragments associated with Meteor Crater in Coconino County, Arizona. Has numerous synonyms. Before 1981, also search Canon Diablo; Canyon Diablo; Arizona; Barringer; Elden; Helt Township in combination with meteorites. Due to numbering of these
Canyon Diablo Meteorites  search
USECanyon Diablo Meteorite
Canyon Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Pennsylvanian
 ......Canyon Group
RTUnited States
SNIncludes Graford Formation, Winchell Limestone, Brad Formation, and Caddo Creek Formation. Central and N central Texas.
Canyon#Astoria Formation#Bald Mountain#Basin and Range Province#Battle Mountain   search
Canyonlands National Park  search
BTUnited States
 ..Canyonlands National Park
RTnational parks
 Garfield County Utah
 San Juan County Utah
 Wayne County Utah
SNSE Utah. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
canyons  search
UFland canyons
 fluvial features
 submarine canyons
 solution features
SNAs of 1976, usage restricted to land canyons. Before 1976, also refers to submarine canyons.
Cap Blanc  search
 Western Sahara
SNOccurs in numerous locations including the coasts of Mauritania and Western Sahara, Tunisia, Majorca, and France. Search in combination with country or island. Indexed with countries as applicable.
cap rocks  search
 geothermal energy
 reservoir rocks
 salt domes
 salt tectonics
SNUsed for salt tectonics: an impervious layer or body of rock over a salt dome.
capacity  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Before 1981, included use as a general term. See volume, bearing capacity, cation exchange capacity, field capacity, heat capacity, or production capacity.
Capbreton France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Landes France
 ....Capbreton France
SNTown in SW France.
Cape Ann  search
RTEssex County Massachusetts
 Gulf of Maine
SNNE Massachusetts. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with Essex County Massachusetts or region as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cape Basin  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .South Atlantic
 ..Cape Basin
UFWalvis Basin
RTLeg 40
 DSDP Site 360
 DSDP Site 524
 ODP Site 1082
 ODP Site 1083
 ODP Site 1084
 ODP Site 1085
 ODP Site 1086
 ODP Site 1087
SNSE Atlantic Ocean. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Cape Bojador  search
 .North Africa
 ...Cape Bojador
RTDSDP Site 397
 Leg 47
SNHeadland extending into Atlantic Ocean on S coast of Morocco. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Cape Breton County Nova Scotia  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Maritime Provinces
 ...Nova Scotia
 ....Cape Breton County Nova Scotia
NTSydney Nova Scotia
Cape Breton Highlands  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Maritime Provinces
 ...Nova Scotia
 ....Cape Breton Island
 .....Cape Breton Highlands
SNN Cape Breton Island, NE Nova Scotia. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cape Breton Island  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Maritime Provinces
 ...Nova Scotia
 ....Cape Breton Island
NTCape Breton Highlands
RTAvalon Zone
 Loch Lomond
 Morien Group
 Sydney coal field
SNNE Nova Scotia.
Cape Canaveral  search
BTUnited States
 ..Brevard County Florida
 ...Cape Canaveral
UFCape Kennedy
SNCape on the Atlantic Ocean in E Florida. Site of John F. Kennedy Space Center. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Cape Cod  search
BTUnited States
 ..Barnstable County Massachusetts
 ...Cape Cod
NTMonomoy Island
SNSE Massachusetts. Coextensive with Barnstable County.
Cape Dyer  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Baffin Island
 ...Cape Dyer
SNCape on Davis Strait on E Baffin Island. Before 1993, also referred to the village. As of 1993, Cape Dyer Northwest Territories is used for the village. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Cape Elizabeth Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Cape Elizabeth Formation
 Casco Bay Group
SNIn Casco Bay Group. SW Maine. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cape Fear Arch  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Cape Fear Arch
SNExtends NW from Cape Fear.
Cape fold belt  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..South Africa
 ...Cape fold belt
RTEastern Cape Province South Africa
 Western Cape Province South Africa
SNS South Africa. Composed of E trending southern branch and NW trending western branch which meet in a SW trending axis. Indexed with provinces.
Cape Girardeau County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cape Girardeau County Missouri
Cape Hatteras  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Dare County North Carolina
 ...Cape Hatteras
SNPromontory on Hatteras Island between Pamlico Sound and the Atlantic Ocean.
Cape Kennedy  search
USECape Canaveral
Cape Lookout  search
RTCarteret County North Carolina
 North Carolina
SNHeadland at S end off Carteret County. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Cape May County New Jersey  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Cape May County New Jersey
SNS extremity of New Jersey, occupying the Cape May Peninsula between the Atlantic Ocean and Delaware Bay.
Cape Mendocino  search
BTmboldt County California
 .Cape Mendocino
UFMendocino (Cape)
RTEel River basin
SNOn W coast of Humboldt County, extreme W California.
Cape Mendocino earthquakes 1992  search
 .Cape Mendocino earthquakes 1992
 Northern California
SNEpicenter near Cape Mendocino, Humboldt County, NW California. Also search Cape Mendocino earthquake 1992. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Cape Province region  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..South Africa
 ...Cape Province region
UFCape Province South Africa
RTBroken Hill Mine
 Ecca Group
 False Bay
 Eastern Cape Province South Africa
 Cape Town South Africa
 Karroo Basin
 Kimberley South Africa
 Knysna South Africa
 Langebaanweg South Africa
 Molteno South Africa
 Namaqualand metamorphic complex
 North-West P
SNFormer province in S South Africa. In 1994, split into part of North-West Province, Northern Cape Province, Eastern Cape Province, and Western Cape Province. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
Cape Province South Africa  search
USECape Province region
Cape Sable  search
RTMonroe County Florida
 Nova Scotia
SNS point of Cape Sable Island in extreme S Nova Scotia. Also in SW Florida on Florida Bay. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with county or region as applicable.
Cape Smith fold belt  search
BTNorth America
 .Canadian Shield
 ..Churchill Province
 ...Cape Smith fold belt
SNStructural subprovince in N Quebec. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cape Town South Africa  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..South Africa
 ...Eastern Cape Province South Africa
 ....Cape Town South Africa
UFCapetown South Africa
RTCape Province region
 Table Mountain
SNCity in extreme SW South Africa.
Cape Valse  search
USEFalse Cape
Cape Verde Atlantic  search
SNUsed from 1981-1994 for Eastern Atlantic bounded on the north by the Azores-Gibraltar Ridge, on the west by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and on the south by the Romanche fracture zone. See Equatorial Atlantic, North Atlantic, or South Atlantic.
Cape Verde Basin  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Cape Verde Basin
RTDSDP Site 12
 DSDP Site 137
 DSDP Site 138
 DSDP Site 139
 DSDP Site 140
 DSDP Site 367
 Leg 41
 ODP Site 657
SNE Atlantic Ocean between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and West Africa in NE Atlantic. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Cape Verde Islands  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 .Cape Verde Islands
 .Cape Verde Islands
SNFormer Portuguese overseas province W of Dakar, Senegal. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Cape Verde Rise  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Cape Verde Rise
RTLeg 41
 DSDP Site 368
 ODP Site 659
SNBetween Cape Verde Islands and West Africa in NE Atlantic. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Cape York Meteorite  search
 .iron meteorites
 ..Cape York Meteorite
SNImpact on Cape York, NW Greenland. Before 1985, also search Cape York AND meteorites. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Cape York Peninsula  search
 ..Queensland Australia
 ...Cape York Peninsula
RTMoreton Australia
 Weipa Australia
SNBetween Gulf of Carpentaria and Coral Sea in extreme N Queensland.
capes  search
BTshore features
 marine environment
 barrier islands
 longshore bars
 littoral erosion
 coastal environment
 intertidal environment
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
Capetown South Africa  search
USECape Town South Africa
capillarity  search
RTcapillary pressure
 capillary water
 surface tension
capillary pressure  search
 capillary water
capillary water  search
 capillary pressure
 ground water
 saturated zone
 unsaturated zone
 water table
SNBefore 1981, also search capillarity. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Capistrano Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Capistrano Formation
 lower Pliocene
 upper Miocene
SNUpper Miocene and lower Pliocene. Subdivided to include Osa Member. Unconformably underlies Niguel Formation. Southern California between Santa Ana and Oceanside. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Capitan Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Capitan Formation
RTNew Mexico
SNMassive reef limestone which grades basinward into upper Delaware Mountain Sandstone and lagoonward into Carlsbad Limestone. SE New Mexico and W Texas.
Capitanian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
Capnic Romania  search
USECavnic Romania
Captorhinidae  search
Captorhinomorpha  search
capture  search
USEstream capture
Carabobo Venezuela  search
BTSouth America
 ..Carabobo Venezuela
NTPuerto Cabello Venezuela
SNState on Caribbean Sea in N Venezuela. Also a village.
Caracas Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Caracas Group
 Caracas Venezuela
 Federal District Venezuela
SNMiddle and upper Mesozoic. Includes Las Brisas Formation, Antimano Formation, Tacagua Formation. In Cordillera de la Costa of Venezuela.
Caracas Venezuela  search
BTSouth America
 ..Federal District Venezuela
 ...Caracas Venezuela
RTCaracas Group
SNCity in N Venezuela.
Caradoc  search
Caradocian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Ordovician
SNEurope. Above Llandeilian, below Ashgillian.
carapaces  search
SNAfter 1992, for carapace of an ostracod, use morphology and Ostracoda. See exoskeletons, chitin.
Carapita Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Carapita Formation
 Caribbean Sea
 Freites Formation
 Oficina Formation
SNOligocene-Miocene. E Venezuela and adjacent Caribbean Sea. Parts of the formation are laterally transitional with the nonmarine Oficina Formation/lower Freites Formation. Indexed with Oligocene and/or Miocene as applicable.
Caravaca Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Murcia Spain
 .....Caravaca Spain
SNCity in SE Spain.
carbargilite  search
carbides  search
SNBefore 1993, also search carborundum for silicon carbide if applicable.
carbohydrates  search
BTorganic compounds
carbon  search
 organic carbon
RTcarbonaceous composition
 chemical elements
 geochemical cycle
 organic compounds
 stable isotopes
 total organic carbon
Carbon County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carbon County Montana
SNS Montana.
Carbon County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carbon County Pennsylvania
SNE Pennsylvania.
Carbon County Utah  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carbon County Utah
RTBook Cliffs
 Sunnyside Mine
SNCentral Utah.
Carbon County Wyoming  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carbon County Wyoming
NTSeminoe Mountains
 Shirley Basin
RTGreat Divide Basin
 Lost Soldier Field
 Sullivan Mine
SNS Wyoming.
carbon cycle  search
BTgeochemical cycle
 .carbon cycle
 organic carbon
SNAlso search geochemical cycle and carbon. Before 1982, also search cycles and carbon. Indexed with carbon.
carbon dioxide  search
 phase equilibria
 carbon monoxide
 fluid inclusions
 greenhouse effect
carbon monoxide  search
UFCO (carbon monoxide)
RTcarbon dioxide
carbon tetrachloride  search
BTorganic compounds
 .halogenated hydrocarbons
 ..chlorinated hydrocarbons
 ...carbon tetrachloride
 toxic materials
carbon-12  search
carbon-13  search
carbon-14  search
carbonaceous  search
SNA valid index term through 1977. After 1977, use carbonaceous chondrites for meteorites, and use carbonaceous composition as a general term referring to carbon and coal.
carbonaceous chondrites  search
 .stony meteorites
 ...carbonaceous chondrites
NTCM chondrites
 CR chondrites
 CV chondrites
 Kainsaz Meteorite
 Orgueil Meteorite
RTKaidun Meteorite
 ordinary chondrites
SNBefore 1978, also search chondrites AND carbonaceous.
carbonaceous composition  search
UFcarbonaceous rocks
RTorganic compounds
 black shale
SNBefore 1978, also search carbonaceous.
carbonaceous rocks  search
USEcarbonaceous composition
carbonaceous shale  search
USEblack shale
carbonado  search
BTnative elements
 industrial minerals
carbonate  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. See carbonates; carbonate ion; carbonate rocks; carbonate sediments.
carbonate apatite  search
 .carbonate apatite
carbonate banks  search
BTsedimentary structures
 .biogenic structures
 ..carbonate banks
 algal banks
 mud banks
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
carbonate compensation  search
USEcarbonate compensation depth
carbonate compensation depth  search
UFcarbonate compensation
 depth of compensation
 ocean circulation
 sea water
carbonate composition  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Now use carbonaceous composition if applicable.
carbonate ion  search
RTbicarbonate ion
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
carbonate platforms  search
RTcarbonate rocks
 carbonate sediments
 platform reefs
 shelf environment
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
carbonate ramps  search
RTcarbonate rocks
 carbonate sediments
 coastal environment
 shallow-water environment
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
carbonate rocks  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .carbonate rocks
 bone beds
 carbonate platforms
 carbonate sediments
 carbonate ramps
 Fischer plots
carbonate sediments  search
 .carbonate sediments
 carbonate rocks
 carbonate platforms
 carbonate ramps
carbonate-apatites  search
USEcarbonate apatite
carbonates  search
 Iceland spar
 magnesian calcite
RTbicarbonate ion
 calcium carbonate
 carbonate ion
 carbonate rocks
 carbonate sediments
 sodium carbonate
SNBefore 1981, thomsonite was included as a narrower term.
carbonatites  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
RTcarbonate rocks
carbonatiza  search
carbonatization  search
 hydrothermal alteration
SNIntroduction of, or replacement by, carbonates. Not to be used for carbonation; instead use coalification.
Carbondale Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Middle Pennsylvanian
 ......Carbondale Formation
 Herrin Coal Member
 Kewanee Group
 Springfield Coal Member
SNIn Kewanee Group. Illinois and W Kentucky.
Carbondale Illinois  search
BTUnited States
 ..Jackson County Illinois
 ...Carbondale Illinois
SNCity in S Illinois.
Carbonicola  search
Carboniferous  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 Albert Formation
 Amsden Formation
 Asturian Orogeny
 Bartlesville Sand
 Benxi Formation
 Big Snowy Group
 Burbank Sand
 Chilliwack Group
 Diamond Peak Formation
 Ely Limestone
 Essen Beds
 Huanglong Formation
 Jackfork Group
 Johns Valley Formation
 Manning Canyon Shale
 Middle Carboniferous
 Mispec Group
 Schoonover Sequence
 Springer Formation
 Stellarton Group
 Tesnus Formation
 Upper Carboniferous
 Wahoo Limestone
RTDwyka Formation
 Karroo Supergroup
 Alice Springs Orogeny
 Beacon Supergroup
 Guandacol Formation
 Hercynian Orogeny
 Baralaba Coal Measures
 Itarare Subgroup
 Deer Lake Group
 Geirud Formation
 Ishbel Group
 Krol Formation
 Lisburne Group
 lower Gondwana System
SNAbove Devonian, below Permian.
carbonification  search
carbonitization  search
carbonization  search
carborundum  search
 ceramic materials
 industrial minerals
 refractory materials
 synthetic materials
SNTrade name for a synthetic silicon carbide. After 1993, see carbides or moissanite for the mineral. For use as a commodity, index abrasives and industrial minerals or refractory materials as applicable. See List C.
carboxylic acids  search
BTorganic compounds
 .organic acids
 ..carboxylic acids
NTacetic acid
 oxalic acid
SNOrganic acids containing one or more carboxyl groups. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
carcinogens  search
 medical geology
 toxic materials
SNIncludes known and suspected carcinogens. Also index specific class of materials.
Cardiff Wales  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Glamorgan Wales
 ......Cardiff Wales
SNCity on the Bristol Channel in South Glamorgan County, SE Wales.
Cardigan Bay  search
RTCardiganshire Wales
 Dyfed Wales
 Irish Sea
 Merionethshire Wales
 Prince Edward Island
SNLarge inlet of Saint George's Channel off N Wales. Also in Kings County Prince Edward Island. Indexed with Kings County Prince Edward Island or Wales as applicable.
Cardiganshire Wales  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Dyfed Wales
 ......Cardiganshire Wales
NTAberystwyth Wales
RTCardigan Bay
SNFormer county on Cardigan Bay. Also search Cardigan.
Cardiidae  search
Carditida  search
Cardium  search
NTCardium edule
Cardium edule  search
 .....Cardium edule
Cardium Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Cardium Formation
 British Columbia
SNAlso search Cardium Sandstone NOT Texas. For Miocene formation of offshore Texas, search Cardium Sandstone AND Texas. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cargo Muchacho Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Imperial County California
 ...Cargo Muchacho Mountains
SNSE California. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cariaco Basin  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Caribbean Sea
 ...Cariaco Basin
UFCariaco Trench
RTODP Site 1002
SNW of Cariaco Bay and between Isla la Tortuga and Venezuelan coast.
Cariaco Trench  search
USECariaco Basin
Caribbean Mountain Range  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ..Caribbean Mountain Range
 Puerto Rico
SNIslands comprising the Antilles stretching from Florida to the coast of Venezuela constituting the remainder of several submerged Andean spurs meeting in Puerto Rico.
Caribbean Plate  search
RTCaribbean region
 plate tectonics
SNThe Caribbean Sea including the Caribbean islands and across Central America to the Cocos plate just to the W. Indexed with geographic area and/or age as applicable.
Caribbean region  search
NTWest Indies
RTAves Island
 Caribbean Plate
 Caribbean Sea
 Central America
 Chicxulub Crater
 Chortis Block
 Colombian Basin
 Los Testigos
 Yucatan Peninsula
SNAlso search Caribbean. Indexed with Antilles, Caribbean Sea, Central America, Colombia, and Venezuela as applicable.
Caribbean Sea  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Caribbean Sea
NTAves Ridge
 Beata Ridge
 Cariaco Basin
 Cayman Trough
 Mid-Cayman Rise
 Nicaragua Rise
 Venezuelan Basin
 Yucatan Basin
RTAves Island
 Caribbean region
 DSDP Site 541
 Barracuda Ridge
 Carapita Formation
 Chicxulub Crater
 Colombian Basin
 DSDP Site 146
 DSDP Site 147
 DSDP Site 148
 DSDP Site 149
 DSDP Site 150
 DSDP Site 151
 DSDP Site 152
 DSDP Site 153
 DSDP Site 154
 DSDP Site 502
SNBounded by the West Indies on the N and E, South America on the S, and Central America on the W. Also search Caribbean. Before 1981, Grand Cayman Island was included as a narrower term. Before 1995, Los Testigos, and Aves Island were included as narrower
Cariboo Mountains  search
 .Western Canada
 ..British Columbia
 ...Cariboo Mountains
RTCanadian Rocky Mountains
 Rocky Mountains
SNRange of the Rocky Mountains in E central British Columbia.
Caribou County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caribou County Idaho
SNSE Idaho.
Carinthia Austria  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Carinthia Austria
NTBleiberg Austria
 Sau Alps
 Villach Austria
 Wolfsberg Austria
RTCarnic Alps
 Gailtal Alps
 Koralpe Range
 South Austrian Alps
Carixian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Jurassic
Carleton County New Brunswick  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Maritime Provinces
 ...New Brunswick
 ....Carleton County New Brunswick
NTWoodstock New Brunswick
Carlile Sh  search
Carlile Shale  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Carlile Shale
RTNew Mexico
 South Dakota
 Colorado Group
 Benton Formation
 Codell Sandstone Member
SNIn Colorado Group. E Colorado, Kansas, SE Montana, Nebraska, NE New Mexico, South Dakota, E Wyoming.
Carlin Mine  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carlin Mine
 gold ores
SNGold ores. NE Nevada. Also search Carlin Nevada.
Carlin Nevada  search
BTUnited States
 ..Elko County Nevada
 ...Carlin Nevada
SNTown in NE Nevada.
Carlin Trend  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carlin Trend
RTgold ores
 carlin-type deposits
SNGold belt. Elko and Eureka counties, NE Nevada.
carlin-type deposits  search
UFnoseeum deposits
RTmineral deposits, genesis
 gold ores
 Carlin Trend
 disseminated deposits
 epithermal processes
Carlisle County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carlisle County Kentucky
Carlsbad  search
SNAs of 1989, use Carlsbad New Mexico for the city in New Mexico. For the town in W Czech Republic, use Karlovy Vary Czech Republic.
Carlsbad Caverns  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Eddy County New Mexico
 ...Carlsbad Caverns
RTLechuguilla Cave
SNIn SW Eddy County just N of Texas border.
Carlsbad New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Eddy County New Mexico
 ...Carlsbad New Mexico
SNCity in SE New Mexico.
Carlsberg Ridge  search
BTIndian Ocean
 .Carlsberg Ridge
UFArabian Ridge
 Arabian-Indian Midoceanic Ridge
 Arabian-Indian Ridge
RTmid-ocean ridges
SNBetween Somali Republic and the Seychelles to the W, and the Laccadive and Maldive islands to the E.
Carlton County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carlton County Minnesota
Carlton Rhyolite  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Cambrian
 .....Carlton Rhyolite
SNSW Oklahoma. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Carmarthenshire Wales  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Dyfed Wales
 ......Carmarthenshire Wales
SNFormer county in S Wales on Bristol Channel. As of April of 1974, considered part of Dyfed. Before 1993, also search Carmarthen.
Carmel Bay  search
BTUnited States
 ..Monterey County California
 ...Carmel Bay
SNNW Monterey County, W California.
Carmel California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Monterey County California
 ...Carmel California
SNCity in W California.
Carmel Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Carmel Formation
RTNew Mexico
 San Rafael Group
SNMiddle and Upper Jurassic. In San Rafael Group. Utah, NE Arizona, W Colorado and NW New Mexico. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Carmel-by-the-Sea  search
USECarmel California
Carmona Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Andalusia Spain
 .....Seville Spain
 ......Carmona Spain
SNCity in SW Spain.
carnallite  search
Carnarvon Basin  search
 ..Western Australia
 ...Carnarvon Basin
SNS of Lake McLeod in Carnarvon region in W Western Australia.
Carnegie Ridge  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .East Pacific
 ..Carnegie Ridge
RTDSDP Site 156
 Equatorial Pacific
 Leg 16
SNJust S of the equator between Ecuador and Galapagos Islands.
carnelian  search
 .framework silicates
 ..silica minerals
Carnian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Triassic
RTHallstatt Limestone
 Stuhini Group
SNEurope. Above Ladinian, below Norian.
Carnic Alps  search
 ..Eastern Alps
 ...Carnic Alps
RTVeneto Italy
 Carinthia Austria
 Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy
SNRange of Eastern Alps. Indexed with countries as applicable.
carniv  search
Carnivora  search
carnivorous taxa  search
 herbivorous taxa
 trophic analysis
SNAs of 1998, use Carnivora for the mammalian order.
Carnmenellis Granite  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Carnosauria  search
RTcarnivorous taxa
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
carnotite  search
RTuranium ores
 vanadium ores
Carolina Bays  search
BTUnited States
 .Carolina Bays
RTSouth Carolina
 North Carolina
 Atlantic Coastal Plain
 impact features
 New Jersey
SNDepressions on the E coast of the U.S. from Florida to New Jersey that are of controversial origin. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Carolina slate belt  search
BTNorth America
 ..Carolina slate belt
RTSouth Carolina
 North Carolina
 Avalon Zone
 Charlotte Belt
 Carolina Terrane
 Kings Mountain Belt
 Kiokee Belt
 Raleigh Belt
SNW North Carolina and NW South Carolina. Indexed with states as applicable.
Carolina Terrane  search
BTUnited States
 .Carolina Terrane
RTSouth Carolina
 North Carolina
 Carolina slate belt
 Southern Appalachians
SNProterozoic-Middle Cambrian composite volcanic arc exotic to North America which occurs in the Southern Appalachians of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
Caroline County Maryland  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caroline County Maryland
Caroline County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Caroline County Virginia
Caroline Islands  search
 ..Caroline Islands
RTPacific Ocean
 West Pacific Ocean Islands
SNCentral and W island group of U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Used in subfiles B and E.
Carolines  search
USECaroline Islands
carotenoids  search
BTorganic compounds
Carpathian Foredeep  search
 .Carpathian Foredeep
SNElongated depressions bordering Carpathians. Also search Carpathian AND foredeep. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Carpathian Foreland  search
 .Carpathian Foreland
SNStable area marginal to Carpathians. Also search Carpathian AND foreland. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Carpathian Mountains  search
Carpathians  search
NTBeshchady Mountains
 Beskid Mountains
 Bistrita Mountains
 Bukk Mountains
 Eastern Carpathians
 Matra Mountains
 Polish Carpathians
 Slovakian Carpathians
 Tatra Mountains
 Ukrainian Carpathians
 Western Carpathians
UFCarpathian Mountains
 Czech Republic
 Transylvanian Alps
 Carpathian Foredeep
 Carpathian Foreland
 Paring Mountains
 Pieniny Klippen Belt
 Rodna Mountains
 Tokaj-Eperjes Mountains
SNMountain system of E and central Europe enclosing the Alfold. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Carpentaria Basin  search
 ..Carpentaria Basin
RTQueensland Australia
 Northern Territory Australia
SNRegion around Gulf of Carpentaria. Indexed with Australian states as applicable.
Carpentarian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
SNSE Australia.
carpholite  search
 .chain silicates
Carrara Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Carrara Formation
SNLower to Middle Cambrian. California and S Nevada. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Carrara Marble  search
RTmarble deposits
 ornamental materials
SNFrom marble deposits at Carrara, NW Italy. Material used throughout the world for monuments and sculptures. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Carriacou  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ...Lesser Antilles
 Windward Islands
SNLargest island of the Grenadines in the Windward Islands. Indexed with Windward Islands.
Carrizo Mountain Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Carrizo Mountain Formation
SNW Texas. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Carrizo Plain  search
BTUnited States
 ..San Luis Obispo County California
 ...Carrizo Plain
RTSan Andreas Fault
SNBetween Caliente and Temblor ranges, SW California.
Carrizo Sand  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....middle Eocene
 ......Carrizo Sand
 Claiborne Group
SNIn Claiborne Group. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Carroll County Arkansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Arkansas
SNNW Arkansas.
Carroll County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Georgia
SNW Georgia.
Carroll County Illinois  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Illinois
SNNW Illinois.
Carroll County Indiana  search
 .Carroll County Indiana
SNNW central Indiana.
Carroll County Iowa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Iowa
SNW central Iowa.
Carroll County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Kentucky
SNN Kentucky.
Carroll County Maryland  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Maryland
SNN Maryland.
Carroll County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Mississippi
SNCentral Mississippi.
Carroll County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Missouri
SNNW central Missouri.
Carroll County New Hampshire  search
BTw Hampshire
 .Carroll County New Hampshire
RTHubbard Brook experimental forest
 Mirror Lake
 Saco River
SNOn Maine line in E New Hampshire.
Carroll County Ohio  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Ohio
SNE Ohio.
Carroll County Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Tennessee
SNNW Tennessee.
Carroll County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carroll County Virginia
SNSW Virginia. Also search Galax Virginia if applicable.
carrollite  search
RTcobalt ores
Carry-le-Rouet  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Bouches-du-Rhone France
SNA section in S Bouches-du-Rhone.
Carson City County Nevada  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carson City County Nevada
Carson County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carson County Texas
Carson River  search
BTUnited States
 .Carson River
RTAlpine County California
 Churchill County Nevada
 Douglas County Nevada
 Lyon County Nevada
SNFlows from Sierra Nevada to the Carson Sink in W central Nevada. Indexed with U. S. counties as applicable.
carst  search
Carswell Structure  search
 .Carswell Structure
 impact features
 Northwest Territories
 Keewatin District Northwest Territories
SNLake Athabasca area of NW Saskatchewan, and the Baker Lake area in Keewatin District of the Northwest Territories. Indexed with province and/or territory as applicable.
Cartagena Colombia  search
BTSouth America
 ..Bolivar Colombia
 ...Cartagena Colombia
SNCity on the Caribbean Sea.
Carter County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carter County Kentucky
SNNE Kentucky.
Carter County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carter County Missouri
SNS Missouri.
Carter County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carter County Montana
RTBell Creek Field
SNSE Montana.
Carter County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carter County Oklahoma
RTArbuckle Mountains
SNS Oklahoma.
Carter County Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carter County Tennessee
SNNE Tennessee.
Carteret County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Carteret County North Carolina
NTBeaufort North Carolina
RTCape Lookout
SNE North Carolina, on the Atlantic Ocean.
Carterinacea  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
Cartersville Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bartow County Georgia
 ...Cartersville Georgia
SNCity in NW Georgia.
cartographic scales  search
UFmap scales
 scales, cartographic
 scale factor
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
cartography  search
NTdigital cartography
 aerial photography
 cartographic scales
 global maps
 stereographic projection
 topographic correction
SNAs of 1993, restricted to the art and science of mapmaking. For methods, instruments, programs. Before 1972, also search geological exploration; before 1976 also search geologic mapping; before 1978 also search mapping. As of 1993, see mapping for the pro
Carver County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Carver County Minnesota
carvings, rock  search
Carya  search
Caryophyllidae  search
Casa Diablo  search
UFCasa Diablo hot springs
RTLong Valley Caldera
 Mono County California
SNHot springs in Long Valley Caldera, E California. May occur in other locations. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Casa Diablo hot springs  search
USECasa Diablo
Casablanca Morocco  search
 .North Africa
 ...Casablanca Morocco
SNCity bordering the Atlantic Ocean in W Morocco.
Casapalca Peru  search
BTSouth America
 ..Lima Peru
 ...Casapalca Peru
SNTown NE of city of Lima.
Cascade County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cascade County Montana
RTBig Belt Mountains
 Little Belt Mountains
SNW central Montana.
Cascade Mountains  search
USECascade Range
Cascade Range  search
BTUnited States
 .Cascade Range
NTMount Hood
 Mount Rainier
 Mount Saint Helens
 Mount Shasta
 Newberry Volcano
UFCascade Mountains
 Cascades (Range)
 Coast Mountains
 North American Cordillera
 Brothers fault zone
 Glacier Peak
 Golden Horn Batholith
 Mount Adams
 Mount Baker
 Mount Jefferson
 Shuksan Thrust
 Sierra Nevada
 Straight Creek Fault
SNNorthern continuation of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The Coast Mountains continue the range in British Columbia. Indexed with states as applicable.
cascades  search
BTfluvial features
Cascades (Range)  search
USECascade Range
Cascadia Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northeast Pacific
 ...Cascadia Basin
RTCascadia subduction zone
 Leg 168
 ODP Site 1023
 ODP Site 1024
 ODP Site 1025
 ODP Site 1026
 ODP Site 1027
 ODP Site 1028
 ODP Site 1029
 ODP Site 1030
 ODP Site 1031
 ODP Site 1032
 ODP Site 888
SNOff the coast of Washington. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Cascadia Channel  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northeast Pacific
 ...Cascadia Channel
SNOff coast of Oregon SW of Cascadia Basin. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Cascadia subduction zone  search
RTBritish Columbia
 Cascadia Basin
 Gorda Plate
 Juan de Fuca Plate
 Leg 146
 North American Plate
 Northeast Pacific
 ODP Site 891
 plate tectonics
SNJuan de Fuca Plate is being subducted beneath North American Plate. Extends from Vancouver Island to the N California coast. Before 1993, also search Cascadia and subduction. Indexed with Northeast Pacific and/or regions as applicable. Added to Thesaurus
Casco Bay Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Casco Bay Group
 Cape Elizabeth Formation
SNLower and middle Paleozoic. SW Maine. Includes Cape Elizabeth Formation, Spring Point Greenstone, Diamond Island Slate, Scarboro Phyllite, Spurwink Limestone, Jewell Phyllite and Mackworth Slate. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
case histories  search
USEcase studies
case studies  search
UFcase histories
 studies, case
 rock mechanics
 soil mechanics
Caserta Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Campania Italy
 ....Caserta Italy
SNProvince and city NE of Naples.
Casey County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Casey County Kentucky
Caseyville Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Lower Pennsylvanian
 ......Caseyville Formation
SNIn McCormick Group. SE Illinois and W Kentucky.
cash transactions  search
SNUsually out-of-scope for GeoRef. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Cashel Ireland  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Tipperary Ireland
 ....Cashel Ireland
SNTown at the base of the Rock of Cashel in S central Tipperary, S central Ireland.
Casper Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Casper Formation
SNPennsylvanian and Permian. Includes all beds from top of Madison Group to base of Permian (Opeche Shale) red shales. In SE Wyoming. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Casper Mountain  search
RTNatrona County Wyoming
SNCentral Wyoming. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Casper Wyoming  search
BTUnited States
 ..Natrona County Wyoming
 ...Casper Wyoming
SNCity in central Wyoming.
Caspian Basin  search
UFCaspian region
 Peri-Caspian Depression
RTRussian Federation
 Caspian Depression
 Caspian Sea
SNRegion including the Caspian Sea and surrounding areas. Also search Caspian. Indexed with Asia and/or Europe and/or Caspian Sea; and former Soviet republics and/or Iran as applicable.
Caspian Depression  search
 .Central Asia
 ..Caspian Depression
UFCaspian Lowland
 Caspian Syneclise
RTRussian Federation
 Astrakhan Arch
 Caspian Basin
 Karachaganak Field
 Tengiz Field
SNThat part of the Caspian Basin lying N of the Caspian Sea; it is a large lowland area which was submerged by the Caspian Sea at one time. Also search Caspian. Indexed with former Soviet republics as applicable.
Caspian Lowland  search
USECaspian Depression
Caspian region  search
USECaspian Basin
Caspian Sea  search
RTCaspian Basin
 Kara-Bogaz Gulf
 Neftyanyye Kamni
 Russian Federation
SNLargest inland sea in the world. Also search Caspian. Indexed with Iran and/or the former Soviet republics as applicable.
Caspian Syneclise  search
USECaspian Depression
Cass County Illinois  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cass County Illinois
SNW central Illinois.
Cass County Indiana  search
 .Cass County Indiana
SNN central Indiana.
Cass County Iowa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cass County Iowa
SNSW Iowa.
Cass County Michigan  search
BTUnited States
 ..Michigan Lower Peninsula
 ...Cass County Michigan
SNSW Michigan.
Cass County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cass County Minnesota
SNN central Minnesota.
Cass County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cass County Missouri
SNW Missouri.
Cass County Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cass County Nebraska
SNSE Nebraska.
Cass County North Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .North Dakota
 ..Cass County North Dakota
SNE North Dakota.
Cass County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cass County Texas
SNNE Texas.
Cassia County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cassia County Idaho
RTAlbion Range
SNOn Utah and Nevada borders in S central Idaho.
Cassiar  search
USECassiar Mountains
Cassiar Mountains  search
 .Cassiar Mountains
RTBritish Columbia
 Canadian Rocky Mountains
 Yukon Territory
SNN British Columbia and S Yukon Territory. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Cassidulina  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
Cassidulinacea  search
 Globocassidulina subglobosa
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
cassiterite  search
RTheavy minerals
 tin ores
Castaic Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Miocene
 ......Castaic Formation
SNS California. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Castellane France  search
BTpes-de-Haute Provence France
 .Castellane France
SNVillage in SE France.
Castellon de la Plana City Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Valencia region
 .....Castellon Spain
 ......Castellon de la Plana City Spain
SNRefers to only the city in E Spain.
Castellon de la Plana Province  search
USECastellon Spain
Castellon de la Plana Spain  search
USECastellon Spain
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. See Castellon Spain for the province or see Castellon de la Plana City Spain.
Castellon Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Valencia region
 .....Castellon Spain
NTCastellon de la Plana City Spain
UFCastellon de la Plana Province
 Castellon de la Plana Spain
RTMaestrazgo Spain
SNRefers only to the province in E Spain. For the city, see Castellon de la Plana City Spain.
Castile Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Castile Formation
RTNew Mexico
SNFormation, as now defined, includes beds in lower part of Ochoa Series that are confined in extent to Delaware Basin and overlap sloping surface of Capitan Formation along its margins. SE New Mexico, and W Texas.
Castile Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Castile Spain
NTNew Castile Spain
 Old Castile Spain
RTCastilla-La Mancha Spain
 Ciudad Real Spain
 Avila Spain
 Burgos Spain
 Guadalajara Spain
 La Rioja Spain
 Palencia Spain
 Segovia Spain
 Soria Spain
 Toledo Spain
 Valladolid Spain
SNRegion and ancient kingdom of central and N central part of country.
Castilla la Nueva  search
USENew Castile Spain
Castilla la Vieja  search
USEOld Castile Spain
Castilla y Leon Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Castilla y Leon Spain
NTAvila Spain
 Burgos Spain
 Leon Spain
 Palencia Spain
 Salamanca Spain
 Segovia Spain
 Soria Spain
 Valladolid Spain
 Zamora Spain
RTCantabrian Mountains
 Old Castile Spain
SNAutonomous community which includes parts of former Old Castile and Leon regions, NW Spain.
Castilla-La Mancha Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Castilla-La Mancha Spain
NTAlbacete Spain
 Ciudad Real Spain
 Cuenca Spain
 Guadalajara Spain
 Toledo Spain
RTCastile Spain
 New Castile Spain
SNAutonomous community which includes much of New Castile, central Spain. Before 1998, search the individual provinces and New Castile Spain.
Castillon Massif  search
 ..Castillon Massif
 .Western Europe
 ...Ariege France
 ....Castillon Massif
RTFrench Pyrenees
SNIn Ariege Pyrenees in S France. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Castle Hayne Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Castle Hayne Limestone
RTSouth Carolina
 North Carolina
SNMiddle and upper Eocene. Underlies Yorktown Formation near Pollicksville, North Carolina. Coastal Plain of North Carolina and South Carolina.
Castle Hayne North Carolina  search
BTw Hanover County North Carolina
 .Castle Hayne North Carolina
SNCity in extreme SE North Carolina.
Castlegate Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Castlegate Sandstone
 Mesaverde Group
 Price River Formation
SNMay be in Mesaverde Group. E central Utah and W central Colorado. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Castleton Vermont  search
BTUnited States
 ..Rutland County Vermont
 ...Castleton Vermont
SNCity in S central Vermont.
Castoridae  search
Castro County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Castro County Texas
casts  search
RTbedding plane irregularities
 chemical fossils
 flute casts
 groove casts
 load casts
 scour casts
 sedimentary structures
 soft sediment deformation
 turbidity current structures
SNIncludes use as the sedimentary structure as well as the paleontologic feature. Indexed with type of sedimentary structures if applicable. Use more specific type if available (See list K). Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
casts, flute  search
USEflute casts
casts, groove  search
USEgroove casts
casts, load  search
USEload casts
Caswell County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Caswell County North Carolina
cataclasis  search
RTbrittle deformation
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
cataclasites  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
catagenesis  search
RTsedimentary rocks
Catahoula Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Catahoula Formation
SNLouisiana, Mississippi, S Alabama and E Texas. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Catahoula Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Catahoula Parish Louisiana
Catalina Schist  search
SNS California. Mesozoic or older. Indexed with age as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
catalogs  search
 book reviews
SNIndexed with language if not English.
Catalonia Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Catalonia Spain
NTBarcelona Spain
 Gerona Spain
 Lerida Spain
 Llobregat River basin
 Tarragona Spain
RTTer River basin
 Catalonian Coastal Ranges
SNHistorical region and autonomous community in NE Spain. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
Catalonian Coastal Ranges  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Catalonian Coastal Ranges
RTCatalonia Spain
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
catalysis  search
RTchemical analysis
Catamarca Argentina  search
BTSouth America
 ..Catamarca Argentina
RTPampean Mountains
SNProvince including its capital, NW Argentina.
Catanda Angola  search
 .Central Africa
 ...Catanda Angola
SNVillage in E Angola.
Catanzaro Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Calabria Italy
 ....Catanzaro Italy
SNProvince and city in central Calabria.
cataphoresis  search
catastrophes  search
 geologic hazards
 mass extinctions
catastrophic  search
SNA valid term through 1977.
catastrophic advance  search
USEglacier surges
catastrophic waves  search
BTocean waves
 .catastrophic waves
SNBefore 1978, also search catastrophic AND ocean waves.
catastrophism  search
RTbiologic evolution
Catawba County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Catawba County North Carolina
catazonal metamorphism  search
 .catazonal metamorphism
UFkatazonal metamorphism
RThigh-grade metamorphism
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
catchment hydrodynamics  search
RTdrainage basins
 ground water
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
catchments  search
USEdrainage basins
catenas  search
SNSoil association of a given area developed from common parent material.
Cathaysia  search
 continental drift
SNPaleozoic-?Triassic landmass which included SE China, Indochina, and SE Asian islands. Indexed with countries and continents as applicable.
cathodoluminescence  search
cation exchange  search
SNA valid term through 1978. After 1978, use ion exchange or cation exchange capacity.
cation exchange capacity  search
RTclay mineralogy
 ion exchange
SNAlso search cation exchange.
cation-ratio dating  search
RTexposure age
 relative age
 rock varnish
SNUse of K+Ca/Ti ratio for rock varnish dating. Before 1995, also search cations and (ratios or isotope ratios) and geochronology. Also index exposure age if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
cations  search
SNTerm reintroduced in 1981. Previously valid through May 1978. Also search ions. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Catoche Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Catoche Formation
RTNewfoundland Island
SNW Newfoundland. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Catoctin Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Catoctin Formation
 West Virginia
SNDivided into Warrenton Agglomerate Member at base and basalt flows now altered to metabasalt or greenstone schist. W Maryland, N Virginia, and NE West Virginia.
Catoosa County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Catoosa County Georgia
Catron County New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Catron County New Mexico
NTMogollon Mountains
RTSan Francisco Mountains
SNOn Arizona border in W New Mexico.
Catskill Delta  search
BTUnited States
 .Catskill Delta
 New York
 West Virginia
SNDevonian age complex. Indexed with states as applicable.
Catskill Format  search
Catskill Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Catskill Formation
 New York
 Lower Mississippian
SNMiddle Devonian to Lower Mississippian. In Susquehanna Group. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Catskill Mountains  search
BTNorth America
 ..Catskill Mountains
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Catskill Mountains
RTAppalachian Plateau
SNGroup of the Appalachians in SE New York. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Cattaraugus County New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Cattaraugus County New York
NTWest Valley New York
SNSW New York.
cattierite  search
Caucasian Foreland  search
USECaucasus Foreland
Caucasus  search
NTGreater Caucasus
 Lesser Caucasus
 Northern Caucasus
UFCaucasus Mountains
RTRussian Federation
 Georgian Republic
SNMountain system between the Black and Caspian seas. Indexed with Greater Caucasus, Lesser Caucasus, Northern Caucasus, and former Soviet republics as applicable.
Caucasus Foreland  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Caucasus Foreland
 .Caucasus Foreland
UFCaucasian Foreland
 Northern Caucasus
SNThe Northern Caucasus (Ciscaucasia area) which includes the northern slopes and foothills of the Caucasus plus the Kuban steppes to the north. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Caucasus Mountains  search
Caudata  search
cauldrons  search
BTvolcanic features
 crater lakes
causes  search
Causses  search
 .Western Europe
UFSouth Massif
RTCentral Massif
SNAn arid Jurassic limestone plateau of S Central Massif in S and SW France.
caustobiolith  search
BTsedimentary rocks
RTorganic compounds
caustobioliths  search
Cauvery Basin  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Cauvery Basin
UFKaveri Basin
RTTamil Nadu India
 Karnataka India
SNRiver basin in S Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, S India. Indexed with states as applicable.
Caux  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Seine-Maritime France
SNChalky tableland in N France.
Cavalier County North Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .North Dakota
 ..Cavalier County North Dakota
cave ecology  search
USEcave environment
cave environment  search
BTterrestrial environment
 .cave environment
UFcave ecology
 depositional environment
 subaerial environment
 solution features
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
cave maps  search
 .cave maps
SNBefore 1981, also search caves AND maps. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Cavellinidae  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
caverns  search
RTcave maps
 shore features
 solution features
 underground cavities
 underground streams
 volcanic features
SNIndexed with solution features as applicable.
caves  search
RTcave environment
 cave maps
 shore features
 solution cavities
 solution features
 underground cavities
 underground streams
 volcanic features
Caviomorpha  search
cavities  search
SNUsed as a general term through 1978. After 1978, see specific terms, e.g. underground space or solution cavities.
cavities, solution  search
USEsolution cavities
Cavnic Romania  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Maramures Romania
 .....Cavnic Romania
UFCapnic Romania
SNVillage in Maramures County in N Transylvania.
Cayman Islands  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ..Cayman Islands
NTGrand Cayman Island
RTBluff Formation
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Cayman Trench  search
USECayman Trough
Cayman Trough  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Caribbean Sea
 ...Cayman Trough
UFCayman Trench
SNSouth of the Cayman Islands and Cuba.
Caytoniales  search
Cayuga County New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Cayuga County New York
RTCayuga Lake
SNCentral New York.
Cayuga Lake  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Finger Lakes
 ...Cayuga Lake
RTCayuga County New York
 Seneca County New York
 Tompkins County New York
SNOne of the Finger Lakes in Cayuga, Seneca and Tompkins counties, W central New York. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Cayugan  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Silurian
NTTonoloway Limestone
 Williamsport Sandstone
RTKeyser Limestone
SNProvincial series, North America. Above Niagaran, below Ulsterian (Devonian).