T  search
T'ai-hang Mountains  search
USETaihang Mountains
T'ung-hai earthquake 1970  search
USETonghai earthquake 1970
Ta  search
taaffeite  search
Taal  search
 .Far East
 ..Philippine Islands
UFTaal Volcano
SNOn Volcano Island in center of Lake Taal in Batangas Province in S Luzon.
Taal Volcano  search
Tabasco Mexico  search
 .Tabasco Mexico
RTGulf Coastal Plain
SNState in SE Mexico.
tabetisol  search
Tabianian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....lower Pliocene
Table Head Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Ordovician
 .....Table Head Group
RTNewfoundland Island
SNW Newfoundland. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Table Mountain  search
RTCape Province region
 Cape Town South Africa
 Sierra Nevada
 Tuolumne County California
 Western Cape Province South Africa
SNMountain near Cape Town, South Africa. Also a mountain in Tuolumne County, California. Indexed with California or South Africa as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Table Mountain Group  search
RTAgulhas Bank
 Indian Ocean
 South Africa
SNIncludes Soom Member, Sardinia Bay Formation. Located in South Africa, Namibia and Agulhas Bank. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tables  search
SNUsed in subfile E.
Tabulata  search
Tachira Venezuela  search
BTSouth America
 ..Tachira Venezuela
SNState in W Venezuela.
Taconian Orogeny  search
USETaconic Orogeny
Taconic Allochthon  search
 United States
SNIn Northern Appalachians. Also search Taconic. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Taconic Orogeny  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Taconic Orogeny
UFTaconian Orogeny
 United States
SNAn orogeny in the latter part of the Ordovician period, named for the Taconic Range of eastern New York State and well developed through most of the Northern Appalachians in U.S. and Canada. Before 1978, search Taconic AND orogeny; Taconian.
taconite  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .chemically precipitated rocks
RTbanded iron formations
 iron formations
TACT  search
UFTrans Alaska Crustal Transect
 Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect
RTgeophysical methods
 geophysical surveys
SNAcronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tactite  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
 .metasomatic rocks
SNCompositional term.
Tadjoura  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Gulf of Tadjoura.
Tadzhik Basin  search
USETajik Depression
Tadzhik Depression  search
USETajik Depression
Tadzhikhistan  search
Tadzhikistan  search
Tadzhikistan Depression  search
USETajik Depression
Tadzhikstan  search
Tadzhura  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Gulf of Tadjoura.
taele  search
USEfrozen ground
Taeniodonta  search
Taeniopteris  search
taenite  search
SNMeteorite mineral.
Tafilalet  search
Tafilalt  search
 .North Africa
SNOasis in SE Morocco.
Tafilelt  search
Tafilet  search
TAG hydrothermal field  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..TAG hydrothermal field
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .Mid-Atlantic Ridge
 ..TAG hydrothermal field
RTmid-ocean ridges
 Leg 158
 ODP Site 957
SNMid-Atlantic Ridge, North Atlantic. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tagil Basin  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tagil Basin
 .Tagil Basin
RTSverdlovsk Russian Federation
SNRiver basin in Sverdlovsk Oblast E of the Central Urals. Also search Tagil; Tagil River. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tagliamento Valley  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Tagliamento Valley
RTVeneto Italy
 Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy
SNRiver valley extending from Carnic Alps to the head of the Gulf of Venice. Also search Tagliamento; Tagliamento River. Indexed with autonomous regions as applicable.
Tagus Basin  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ...Tagus Basin
UFTagus River basin
 Madrid Basin
 Tagus River
SNRiver basin in central Spain and S central Portugal. Also search Tagus, Tajo, Tejo. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Tagus River  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ...Tagus River
 Tagus Basin
SNLongest river in the Iberian Peninsula. Rises in E central Spain and flows W and SW entering the Atlantic Ocean at Lisbon. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Tagus River basin  search
USETagus Basin
Tahiti  search
 ..French Polynesia
 ...Society Islands
RTTuamotu Islands
 Leg 92
 DSDP Site 597
 DSDP Site 598
 DSDP Site 599
 DSDP Site 600
 DSDP Site 601
 DSDP Site 602
SNIsland of E group of Society Islands in French Polynesia.
tahoochee River#Chipola Formation#Citronelle Formation#Claiborne Group#Coupon Bi  search
taiga environment  search
BTterrestrial environment
 .taiga environment
 depositional environment
SNBefore 1978, also search taiga.
Taigonos Peninsula  search
USETaygonos Peninsula
Taihang Mountains  search
 .Far East
 ...Taihang Mountains
UFT'ai-hang Mountains
 Taihang Shan
RTShanxi China
 Hebei China
SNHebei and Shanxi, N China. Indexed with provinces as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Taihang Shan  search
USETaihang Mountains
Taihangshan  search
USETaihang Mountains
Taihua Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Taihua Group
 Henan China
SNHenan. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tailing dams  search
USEtailings dams
tailing ponds  search
USEtailings ponds
tailings  search
RTchemical waste
 disposal barriers
 dredged materials
 tailings dams
 tailings ponds
 waste disposal
tailings dams  search
 .tailings dams
UFtailing dams
 tailings impoundments
RTmining geology
 tailings ponds
SNBefore 1989, also included use for tailings ponds. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
tailings impoundments  search
USEtailings dams
tailings ponds  search
UFtailing ponds
RTmining geology
 waste disposal
 retaining walls
 tailings dams
SNBefore 1989, see tailings dams. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Taimyr (Peninsula)  search
USETaymyr Peninsula
Taimyr Peninsula  search
USETaymyr Peninsula
Taimyr Russian Federation  search
USETaymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Federation
Tainan Taiwan  search
 .Far East
 ...Tainan Taiwan
SNCity on SW coast of Taiwan.
Taipei Taiwan  search
 .Far East
 ...Taipei Taiwan
SNCity at N end of island.
Taishu Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....lower Tertiary
 .....Taishu Group
SNChiefly composed of sandstone and shale in alternation, and intercalating arkose sandstone and red-coloured conglomerates. On Tsushima Island a part of Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyushu.
Taito Taiwan  search
USETaitung Taiwan
Taitung Taiwan  search
 .Far East
 ...Taitung Taiwan
UFTaito Taiwan
SNCity on SE coast of Taiwan.
Taiwan  search
 .Far East
NTChiayi-Hsinying area
 Chinkuashih Mine
 Chinkuashih Taiwan
 Hengchun Peninsula
 Miaoli Taiwan
 Peikang Taiwan
 Penghu Islands
 Tainan Taiwan
 Taipei Taiwan
 Taitung Taiwan
 Taiwanese Central Range
 Taiwanese Coastal Range
 Taoyuan Taiwan
 Tatun Shan
 Mushan Formation
 Tananao Schist
SNIsland off Fujian Province of China. Seat of Chinese Nationalist government known as the Republic of China.
Taiwan Strait  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northwest Pacific
 ...Taiwan Strait
UFFormosa Strait
RTChina Sea
 East China Sea
 South China Sea
 Mushan Formation
 Penghu Islands
SNChannel between Fujian China and Taiwan which connects the South China and East China seas. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with East China Sea and/or South China Sea as applicable.
Taiwanese Central Range  search
 .Far East
 ...Taiwanese Central Range
SNBefore 1989, also search Central Range AND Taiwan. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Taiwanese Coastal Range  search
 .Far East
 ...Taiwanese Coastal Range
UFCoastal Range, Taiwan
SNAlso search Coastal Range AND Taiwan. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Taiyuan China  search
 .Far East
 ...Shanxi China
 ....Taiyuan China
SNCity in Shanxi, N China.
Taiyuan Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Taiyuan Formation
 Anhui China
 Henan China
 Shanxi China
SNIn Anhui, Henan and Shanxi provinces. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tajik Basin  search
USETajik Depression
Tajik Depression  search
 ..Tajik Depression
UFTadzhik Basin
 Tadzhik Depression
 Tadzhikistan Depression
 Tajik Basin
RTAfghan-Tajik Basin
SNNorth section of Afghan-Tajik Depression in S and SW Tajikistan. Also search Tadzhik. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tajikistan  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
NTAltyn-Topkan Tajikistan
 Darvaza Range
 Dushanbe Tajikistan
 Garm Tajikistan
 Karategin Range
 Kulyab Tajikistan
 Leninabad Tajikistan
 Nurek Tajikistan
 Shugnan Tajikistan
 Tajik Depression
 Turkestan Range
 Vakhsh River
 Vanchskiy Range
RTAfghan-Tajik Basin
 Amu Darya
 Amu Darya Basin
 Hindu Kush
 Alai Range
 Zeravshan Range
 Surkhan Darya
 Central Asia
 Badakhshan Afghanistan
 Fergana Basin
 Hissar Range
 Kurama Range
 Syr Darya
 Surkhan Darya basin
 Zeravshan River
SNRepublic. Formerly the Tadzhik Soviet Socialist Republic in Soviet Central Asia. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Takanuki Japan  search
 .Takanuki Japan
SNVillage NE of Utsunomiya in E central Honshu.
Takla Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Takla Group
RTBritish Columbia
SNN central British Columbia. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tal Formation  search
 Uttar Pradesh India
SNConsists of 2 members: the quartzite member and the limestone member. The formation has been considered of Jurassic-Cretaceous age, but current literature indicates an unconformity between the 2 members so that the quartzite member is Precambrian and the
Talacasto Argentina  search
BTSouth America
 ..San Juan Argentina
 ...Talacasto Argentina
SNVillage in central Argentina.
Talas Ala-Tau  search
USETalas Range
Talas Range  search
 .Tien Shan
 ..Talas Range
 ..Talas Range
UFTalas Ala-Tau
SNBranch of the Tien Shan in NW Kyrgyzstan. Before 1978, also search Talas. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Talasea Papua New Guinea  search
 .Papua New Guinea
 ..New Britain
 ...Talasea Papua New Guinea
SNSettlement on E side of Willaumez Peninsula on N coast of New Britain, Bismark Archipelago.
Talbot County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Talbot County Georgia
SNW Georgia.
Talbot County Maryland  search
BTUnited States
 ..Talbot County Maryland
SNE Maryland.
talc  search
 .sheet silicates
 talc deposits
SNAs of 1981, use talc deposits for talc as a commodity.
talc deposits  search
RTHenderson Mine
SNCommodity. See List C.
talc rock  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
 .metasomatic rocks
 ..talc rock
SNCompositional term.
Talcher  search
Talcher Coalfield  search
USETalchir coal field
Talchir  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Orissa India
SNRegion. Former princely state in Orissa States.
Talchir coal field  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Orissa India
 ....Talchir coal field
UFTalcher Coalfield
RTcoal fields
SNE central Orissa. Also search Talchir.
Talchir Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Talchir Formation
 Upper Carboniferous
SNUpper Carboniferous to Permo-Carboniferous. Consists of boulder bed with boulders set in an ill-sorted matrix, often containing angular clastics, and is followed by greenish shales, silty shales, and sandstones. In peninsular India.
Talchir Series  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Carboniferous
 .....Talchir Series
 Orissa India
SNUpper Carboniferous. At the base is a glacial boulder bed (Talchir Boulder Bed). Overlain by Damuda Series. In Orissa.
Taliaferro County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Taliaferro County Georgia
taliks  search
RTglacial geology
 active layer
 glacial features
 periglacial features
 ice wedges
 frozen ground
 ground ice
SNUnfrozen layer adjacent to or in permafrost. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Talimu Basin  search
USETarim Basin
Talin Estonia  search
USETallinn Estonia
Talkeetna Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Jurassic
 .....Talkeetna Formation
 Southern Alaska
 Copper River basin
SNS central Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Talkeetna Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Southern Alaska
 ...Talkeetna Mountains
SNS Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Talladega County Alabama  search
BTUnited States
 ..Talladega County Alabama
Talladega Front  search
BTUnited States
 ..Talladega Front
UFTalladega slate belt
RTHillabee Chlorite Schist
SNE Talladega County in E central Alabama.
Talladega Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Talladega Group
 North Carolina
 Hillabee Chlorite Schist
SNTalladega Formation, Precambrian (?) to Carboniferous (?). In NW Georgia, the Talladega Series has been grouped into 10 formations (ascending): Pinelog Quartzite, Hiawassee Slate, Great Smoky Formation, Natahala Schist, Tusquitee Quartzite, Brasstown Schi
Talladega slate belt  search
USETalladega Front
Tallahatchie County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tallahatchie County Mississippi
Tallahatta Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....middle Eocene
 ......Tallahatta Formation
 Claiborne Group
SNIn Claiborne Group. S Alabama, W Georgia, and Mississippi. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tallapoosa County Alabama  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tallapoosa County Alabama
RTMartin Lake
SNE Alabama.
Tallin Estonia  search
USETallinn Estonia
Tallinn Estonia  search
 .Baltic region
 ...Tallinn Estonia
UFTalin Estonia
 Tallin Estonia
SNCity on the Gulf of Finland.
Tallulah Falls Formation  search
 lower Paleozoic
 North Carolina
 South Carolina
SNProterozoic and/or lower Paleozoic. Indexed with age as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
talnakhite  search
Taltson magmatic zone  search
BTNorth America
 .Canadian Shield
 ..Taltson magmatic zone
 Mackenzie District Northwest Territories
 Northwest Territories
SNBelt of Paleoproterozoic dioritic to granitic plutons and peraluminous granites between the Slave and Rae provinces, W Canadian Shield. Indexed with Northwest Territories and/or Alberta as applicable.
talus  search
SNA valid term through 1978. Use talus slopes.
talus fan  search
USEalluvial fans
talus slopes  search
BTerosion features
 .talus slopes
UFdebris slopes
RTslope stability
 mass movements
 soil erosion
 desert pavement
SNBefore 1978, search talus.
Talysh Mountains  search
 .Middle East
 ...Talysh Mountains
SNNW extremity of the Elburz in NW Iran. Also search Talysh.
Tama County Iowa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tama County Iowa
Tamagawa  search
RTAkita Japan
 Tokyo Japan
SNRiver flowing into Tokyo Bay between Tokyo and Yokohama in Tokyo Prefecture, Honshu. Also used for hot springs in Akita Japan. Indexed with prefecture.
Taman Peninsula  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnodar Russian Federation
 ...Taman Peninsula
SNPeninsula of W Krasnodar Kray jutting into Kerch Strait connecting Black Sea and Azov Sea. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Taman Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnodar Russian Federation
 ...Taman Russian Federation
SNVillage on N shore of Taman Peninsula near Kerch Strait in W Krasnodar Kray in Northern Caucasus. Before 1993, Taman Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tamar Estuary  search
UFTamar River
 Bass Strait
 Tasmania Australia
 Devonshire England
 Cornwall England
SNCornwall and Devonshire, extreme SW England. Empties into the English Channel. Also a river in N Tasmania which empties into Bass Strait. Indexed with Tasmania Australia OR England and counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tamar River  search
USETamar Estuary
Tamar Valley  search
RTCornwall England
 Devonshire England
 Tasmania Australia
SNRiver valley in Cornwall and Devonshire in SW England. Also a river valley in Tasmania. Also search Tamar Estuary. Indexed with Tasmania Australia OR England and counties as applicable.
Tamaulipas Mexico  search
 .Tamaulipas Mexico
NTArroyo El Mimbral
RTRio Grande
 Gulf Coastal Plain
 Laguna Madre
 San Juan River
 Rio Grande Valley
 Sierra Madre Oriental
 Rio Grande Depression
SNState in E Mexico.
Tamayo fracture zone  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northeast Pacific
 ...Tamayo fracture zone
SNNE Pacific, near mouth of Gulf of California. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tamba Plateau  search
 .Tamba Plateau
RTKyoto Japan
SNIn the Kyoto area. Also search Tamba.
Tambov Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tambov Russian Federation
 .Tambov Russian Federation
SNOblast including the city 260 miles SE of Moscow. Before 1993, Tambov Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tamdy-Tau  search
Tamdytau  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 Tamdytau Range
SNMountains in the Kyzylkum SE of the Aral Sea. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tamdytau Range  search
Tamiami Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tamiami Formation
 Pinecrest Beds
SNIndexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tamil Nadu India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Tamil Nadu India
NTAriyalur India
 Coimbatore India
 Kodaikanal India
 Kondapalli India
 Madras India
 Neyveli India
 North Arcot India
 South Arcot
 Tiruchirapalli India
 Vridhachalam India
RTCoromandel Coast
 Cauvery Basin
 Cuddalore Series
 Neyveli Lignite
 Niniyur Group
SNState in extreme S and SE India. Formerly part of Madras.
Tampa Bay  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tampa Bay
RTHillsborough County Florida
 Pinellas County Florida
SNInlet of Gulf of Mexico on W coast of Hillsborough County in W Florida.
Tampere Finland  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Western Finland Province
 .....Tampere Finland
SNCity in SW Finland.
Tamworth Australia  search
 ..New South Wales Australia
 ...Tamworth Australia
SNTown in E central New South Wales.
Tan-Lu Fault  search
USETancheng-Lujiang Fault
Tan-Lu fault zone  search
USETancheng-Lujiang fault zone
Tana Fjord  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Finnmark Norway
 .....Tana Fjord
SNInlet of Arctic Ocean which receives the Tana River on NE coast of Norway.
Tanana River  search
BTNorth America
 .Tanana River
 Yukon Territory
 Delta River
SNSource in SW Yukon Territory. Joins Yukon River at Tanana, central Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tananao Schist  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tananao Schist
SNE Taiwan. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tananarive  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. See Antananarivo Madagascar.
Tananarive Madagascar  search
USEAntananarivo Madagascar
Tancheng-Lujiang Fault  search
 .Far East
 ...Tancheng-Lujiang Fault
UFTan-Lu Fault
 Tanlu Fault
RTAnhui China
 Shandong China
 Jiangsu China
SNE China. Extends from Anhui through Jiangsu to Shandong. Part of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone. Indexed with provinces as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone  search
UFTan-Lu fault zone
 Tanlu fault zone
RTRussian Federation
 Russian Far East
 Heilongjiang China
 Anhui China
 Yishu Fault
 Liaoning China
 Jilin China
 Shandong China
 Hubei China
 Jiangsu China
 Okhotsk Sea
SNMajor fault zone. Extends from South-Central China to Heilongjiang. Some consider it to extend across Russian Federation Far East territory into the Okhotsk Sea. Tancheng-Lujiang Fault is a narrower concept. Indexed with provinces and/or Russian Federatio
Tanco Pegmatite  search
 .Western Canada
 ...Tanco Pegmatite
Tanega-shima  search
 .Far East
 ....Kagoshima Japan
 .Far East
 ...Ryukyu Islands
UFTanegashima Island
SNLargest of the Osumi Islands off S Kyushu. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tanegashima Island  search
Taney County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Taney County Missouri
Tanezrouft  search
SNSection of the Sahara primarily in Algeria. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Tanganyika  search
SNNot a valid index term. Former British U.N. Trust Territory which became independent in 1961. See Tanzania.
tangential discontinuities  search
 .tangential discontinuities
SNUsed for a type of interface in seismology. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
tangential stress  search
USEshear stress
tangential tectonics  search
USEcompression tectonics
tangential wave  search
Tanger Morocco  search
USETangier Morocco
Tangier Morocco  search
 .North Africa
 ...Tangier Morocco
UFTanger Morocco
 Tangiers Morocco
SNCity at W end of the Strait of Gibraltar.
Tangiers Morocco  search
USETangier Morocco
Tangipahoa Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tangipahoa Parish Louisiana
Tangshan China  search
 .Far East
 ...Tangshan China
RTAnhui China
 Hebei China
 Tangshan earthquake 1976
SNTowns in Hebei and Anhui provinces, N and E China. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
Tangshan earthquake 1976  search
 .Tangshan earthquake 1976
 Tangshan China
 Hebei China
SNEpicenter near Tangshan in Hebei, NE China. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tanlu Fault  search
USETancheng-Lujiang Fault
Tanlu fault zone  search
USETancheng-Lujiang fault zone
Tannu Tuva Russian Federation  search
USETuva Russian Federation
Tannu-Ola Range  search
 .Tannu-Ola Range
RTRussian Federation
SNOn the Mongolian-Tuva Aautonomous Republic border. Also search Tannu-Ola. Indexed with Mongolia and/or Russian Federation as applicable.
Tanquary Fiord  search
 .Northwest Territories
 ..Franklin District Northwest Territories
 ...Queen Elizabeth Islands
 ....Ellesmere Island
 .....Tanquary Fiord
SNW central Ellesmere Island in Franklin District.
Tansill Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Tansill Formation
RTNew Mexico
SNSE New Mexico and W Texas. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tantalates  search
tantalite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
tantalum  search
RTheavy metals
 tantalum ores
 high-field-strength elements
SNChemical element. Use tantalum ores for tantalum as a commodity.
tantalum ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .tantalum ores
 niobium ores
SNCommodity. See List C.
Tanzania  search
 .East Africa
 Oldoinyo Lengai
 Olduvai Gorge
RTEast African Rift
 Lake Tanganyika
 Gregory Rift
 Lake Malawi
 Lake Natron
 Koobi Fora Formation
 Mozambique Belt
 Shungura Formation
 Umba River
 Lake Victoria
 Laetoli Beds
SNFormer British U.N. Trust Territory of Tanganyika, which became independent in 1961. United with the island of Zanzibar to become Tanzania in 1964. Before 1964, also search Tanganyika.
tanzanite  search
 ...epidote group
SNVariety of zoisite.
Tanzawa Massif  search
USETanzawa Mountains
Tanzawa Mountainland  search
USETanzawa Mountains
Tanzawa Mountains  search
 .Tanzawa Mountains
UFTanzawa Massif
 Tanzawa Mountainland
RTYamanashi Japan
 Kanagawa Japan
SNBetween Fujiyama and Yokohama. Also search Tanzawa.
Taos County New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Taos County New Mexico
NTQuesta Caldera
 Questa Mine
RTSan Luis Valley
 Taos Plateau
SNN New Mexico.
Taos Plateau  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Taos Plateau
RTColorado Plateau
 Rio Grande Rift
 Rio Arriba County New Mexico
 Taos County New Mexico
SNN New Mexico. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Taoudeni  search
Taoudeni Basin  search
USETaoudenni Basin
Taoudenni  search
SNAn oasis in the Sahara in NW Mali. Before 1995, also used for the large Saharan basin. Now see Taoudenni Basin. Search in combination with Mali. Indexed with Mali if applicable.
Taoudenni Basin  search
 .West Africa
 ..Taoudenni Basin
UFTaoudeni Basin
 Burkina Faso
SNLarge basin in W Africa. Also search Taoudenni or Taoudeni. Indexed with countries as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Taourirt Algeria  search
 .North Africa
 ...Taourirt Algeria
SNVillage in W central Algeria.
Taourirt Morocco  search
 .North Africa
 ...Taourirt Morocco
SNTown in NE Morocco.
Taoyuan Taiwan  search
 .Far East
 ...Taoyuan Taiwan
SNTown in N Taiwan.
Tapeats Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tapeats Sandstone
SNIn Tonto Group. Lower and Middle Cambrian. Central and N Arizona, SE California and S Nevada. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
taphocenoses  search
taphocoenosis  search
taphonomy  search
 soft parts
taphrogeny  search
 plate tectonics
SNImplies rifting.
tapiolite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Tapley Hill Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Tapley Hill Formation
RTSouth Australia
SNS Australia. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tar sands  search
USEoil sands
Taranaki Basin  search
RTNew Zealand
 North Island
 South Island
 Southwest Pacific
SNBack-arc basin in SW Pacific which extends onshore in N South Island and the Taranaki Peninsula of SW North Island, New Zealand. Includes Taranaki Graben complex and Western Platform areas. Contains petroleum resources. Indexed with New Zealand with (Nort
Taranaki New Zealand  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Taranaki New Zealand
NTMokoia New Zealand
 Mount Egmont
RTNorth Island
 Wanganui Basin
SNProvincial district in W North Island. Also index North Island.
Taranaki, Mount  search
USEMount Egmont
Taranto Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Apulia Italy
 ....Taranto Italy
SNCity on N Gulf of Taranto on heel of Italian boot.
Tarapaca Chile  search
BTSouth America
 ..Tarapaca Chile
SNProvince in N Chile.
Taratash Complex  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Taratash Complex
RTSouthern Urals
SNS Urals. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tarawera volcanic complex  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Tarawera volcanic complex
RTNorth Island
SNN central North Island. Also index North Island.
Tarbagatai Range  search
USETarbagatay Range
Tarbagatay Range  search
 .Tarbagatay Range
UFTarbagatai Range
 Tien Shan
 Xinjiang China
SNNorthern outlier of the Tien Shan. Also search Tarbagatay. Indexed with Kazakhstan and/or Xinjiang China as applicable.
Tarbert Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Jurassic
 ......Tarbert Formation
RTBrent Group
 North Sea
SNIn Brent Group. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Tardigrada  search
SNSearch in combination with either Endentata or Arthropoda. Indexed with Edentata or Arthropoda as applicable.
Tarentaise  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Savoie France
RTSavoy Alps
 Isere Valley
SNAlpine valley of upper Isere River in Savoy Alps.
Tareya Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation
 ...Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Federation
 ....Tareya Russian Federation
SNVillage in NE Taymyr National Okrug in NW Siberia. Before 1993, Tareya Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tarfaia Morocco  search
USETarfaya Morocco
Tarfaya Morocco  search
 .North Africa
 ...Tarfaya Morocco
UFTarfaia Morocco
SNTown in extreme SW Morocco. A former Spanish enclave.
Tarim Basin  search
 .Far East
 ...Xinjiang China
 ....Tarim Basin
UFTalimu Basin
SNLargest inland basin in China. SE Xinjiang. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tarim Block  search
USETarim Platform
Tarim Plate  search
USETarim Platform
Tarim Platform  search
 .Far East
 ...Tarim Platform
UFTarim Block
 Tarim Plate
SNNE China, includes the Tarim Basin. Indexed with Chinese provinces if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
Tarkhankut Peninsula  search
 ..Crimea Ukraine
 ...Tarkhankut Peninsula
SNIn extreme W Crimea jutting into Black Sea. Also search Tarkhankut. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tarn France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Tarn France
NTSidobre Massif
RTMontagne Noire
 Rodez Trough
SNDepartment in S France.
Tarn-et-Garonne France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Tarn-et-Garonne France
 Orgueil Meteorite
SNDepartment in SW France.
Tarnobrzeg Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Tarnobrzeg Poland
NTSandomierz Poland
SNProvince and town in SE Poland.
Tarnow Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Tarnow Poland
NTBochnia Poland
SNProvince and city in S Poland.
Taro Valley  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Emilia-Romagna Italy
 ....Taro Valley
SNRiver valley extending in a SW-NE direction from the N Apennines to the Po River. Also search Taro.
Tarragona Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Catalonia Spain
 .....Tarragona Spain
SNProvince in Catalonia in NE Spain.
Tarrant County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tarrant County Texas
SNN Texas.
Tartary  search
Tartu Estonia  search
 .Baltic region
 ...Tartu Estonia
UFDorpat Estonia
SNCity on Ema River W of Lake Peipus in E Estonia.
Tarumae  search
UFTarumae Volcano
SNActive volcano. South of Sapporo in S Hokkaido.
Tarumae Volcano  search
Tarvisio Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy
 ....Tarvisio Italy
SNTown near Austrian and Slovenian borders.
Tary Ekan Tajikistan  search
USETary-Ekam Tajikistan
Tary-Ekam Tajikistan  search
 ..Leninabad Tajikistan
 ...Tary-Ekam Tajikistan
UFTary Ekan Tajikistan
 Tary-Ekan Tajikistan
SNVillage in Leninabad Oblast in N Tajikistan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tary-Ekan Tajikistan  search
USETary-Ekam Tajikistan
Tas-Khayakhtakh Range  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Yakutia Russian Federation
 ...Tas-Khayakhtakh Range
SNNorthern section of Cherski Range N of Okhotsk Sea in NE Yakutia. Also search Tas-Khayakhtakh. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tashkent Uzbekistan  search
 ..Tashkent Uzbekistan
NTAngren Uzbekistan
 Chirchik Uzbekistan
SNOblast and city in NE Uzbekistan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tasman  search
Tasman Basin  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .South Pacific
 ..Southwest Pacific
 ...Tasman Basin
SNExtends S of Tasman Sea proper between South Tasmanian Rise and Macquarie Ridge SW of New Zealand. Also search Tasman. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tasman fold belt  search
USETasman orogenic zone
Tasman Geosyncline  search
 ..Tasman Geosyncline
RTQueensland Australia
 New South Wales Australia
 Tasmania Australia
 Victoria Australia
SNAlso search Tasman AND geosynclines. Indexed with states as applicable.
Tasman oro  search
Tasman orogenic zone  search
 .Tasman orogenic zone
UFTasman fold belt
RTQueensland Australia
 South Australia
 New Zealand
 New South Wales Australia
 Tasmania Australia
 Victoria Australia
SNAlso search Tasman. Indexed with Australian states and/or New Zealand as applicable.
Tasman Sea  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .South Pacific
 ..Southwest Pacific
 ...Tasman Sea
NTChallenger Plateau
 Dampier Ridge
RTBass Strait
 Leg 21
 DSDP Site 207
 DSDP Site 283
 DSDP Site 284
SNBetween SE Australia and Tasmania on W and New Zealand on the E. Also search Tasman. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tasman-Becken  search
USETasman Basin
Tasmania Australia  search
 ..Tasmania Australia
NTBurnie Australia
 Coles Bay
 Hobart Australia
 Rosebery Australia
 Tasmania Basin
 Wynyard Australia
 Zeehan Australia
RTTamar Estuary
 Delamerian Orogeny
 Forth Valley
 Mersey River
 Mersey Valley
 Tamar Valley
 Flinders Island
 Savage River
 Great Lake
 Heemskirk Granite
 Lachlan fold belt
 Ross Formation
 Mount Lyell
 Mount Read Volcanics
 Perth Australia
 Tasman Geosyncline
 Tasman oro
SNIsland and state S of Victoria.
Tasmania Basin  search
 ..Tasmania Australia
 ...Tasmania Basin
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tasmanites  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
Tassili des Adjer  search
USETassili n'Ajjer
Tassili n'Ajjer  search
 .North Africa
 ...Tassili n'Ajjer
UFTassili des Adjer
SNAn arid plateau region which is a NE extension of the Ahaggar Mountains in SE Algeria. Also search Tassili.
Tatar Arch  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tatar Arch
 .Tatar Arch
RTTatar Russian Federation
SNE central European Russian Federation centering on former Tatar A.S.S.R. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tatar Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tatar Russian Federation
 .Tatar Russian Federation
NTKazan Russian Federation
UFTatarstan Russian Federation
RTKainsaz Meteorite
 Tatar Arch
SNThe former Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In area around great bend of Volga River where it heads S at Kazan. Before 1993, Tatar Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tatar Strait  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tatar Strait
 .Tatar Strait
RTRussian Far East
 Primorye Russian Federation
 Japan Sea
 Okhotsk Sea
SNBetween E coast of Primorye Kray and W coast of Sakhalin Island at the N end of Japan Sea. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tataria  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
RTTatar Russian Federation
SNOriginally applied to area of Mongol Empire at its height. Now, since displacement of Crimean Tatars, it can be applied to the Tartar A.S.S.R and surrounding areas inhabited by Tatars. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tatarian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Permian
SNEurope. Above Kazanian, below Scythian (Triassic).
Tatarstan Russian Federation  search
USETatar Russian Federation
Tatary  search
Tate County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tate County Mississippi
Tatra Mountains  search
 .Central Europe
 ..Tatra Mountains
 ..Tatra Mountains
UFHigh Tatra
 High Tatra Mountains
 High Tatras
 Slovakian Carpathians
 Krizna Nappe
 Low Tatra Mountains
SNChief mountain group of central Carpathians. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Tatras  search
USETatra Mountains
Tattnall County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tattnall County Georgia
Tatum Basin  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Tatum Basin
SNSE New Mexico.
Tatun Shan  search
 .Far East
 ...Tatun Shan
SNMountain 9 miles N of Taipei. Also search Tatun.
Taubach Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Thuringia Germany
 ....Taubach Germany
SNTown in Thuringia, E central Germany.
Tauern Tunnel  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Tauern Tunnel
RTHohe Tauern
SNRailroad tunnel through the Hohe Tauern in SW Austria. Also search Tauern.
Tauern Window  search
 .Tauern Window
 Tyrol Austria
 Trentino-Alto Adige Italy
 Eastern Alps
 Hohe Tauern
SNSW Austria and NW Italy. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Taunus  search
 .Rhenish Schiefergebirge
 .Central Europe
 ...Hesse Germany
UFTaunus Mountains
SNMountain range E of the Rhine River and N of the lower Main River. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Taunus Mountains  search
Taupo New Zealand  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Taupo New Zealand
RTNorth Island
SNTown on Lake Taupo in central North Island. Also index North Island.
Taupo volcanic zone  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Taupo volcanic zone
RTNorth Island
 Waimangu Field
SNMountain region surrounding Lake Taupo in central North Island. Also index North Island.
Taurus Littrow  search
Taurus Mountains  search
 .Middle East
 ...Taurus Mountains
RTAntalya Turkey
SNMountain chain on Mediterranean coast of Turkey.
Taurus-Littrow  search
UFTaurus Littrow
 Taurus-Littrow Valley
 Tranquillity Base
Taurus-Littrow Valley  search
Tavetsch  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Graubunden Switzerland
 Swiss Alps
SNValley of the upper Vorderrhein River. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
tavistockite  search
USEcarbonate apatite
Tavua Fiji  search
 ...Viti Levu
 ....Tavua Fiji
SNTown on Tauva Bay, Fiji.
Tawi Valley  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ..Jammu and Kashmir
 ...Tawi Valley
SNRiver valley in SW Jammu and Kashmir, disputed territory between India and Pakistan. Also search Tawi River. Before 1993, India was a broader term. Indexed with India and/or Pakistan as applicable.
taxa, ahermatypic  search
USEahermatypic taxa
taxa, anaerobic  search
USEanaerobic taxa
taxa, benthonic  search
USEbenthonic taxa
taxa, colonial  search
USEcolonial taxa
taxa, cosmopolitan  search
USEcosmopolitan taxa
taxa, endemic  search
USEendemic taxa
taxa, extinct  search
USEextinct taxa
taxa, hermatypic  search
USEhermatypic taxa
taxa, heteromorphic  search
USEheteromorphic taxa
taxa, living  search
USEliving taxa
taxa, new  search
USEnew taxa
taxa, planktonic  search
USEplanktonic taxa
taxes  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Taxodiaceae  search
Taxodium  search
taxonomy  search
 extinct taxa
 heteromorphic taxa
 new names
 new taxa
 type specimens
taxonomy review  search
SNA valid term through 1973. Use taxonomy.
Tay Estuary  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Tay Estuary
UFFirth of Tay
RTFife region Scotland
SNN of the Firth of Forth on the North Sea.
Taygonos Peninsula  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Magadan Russian Federation
 ...Taygonos Peninsula
UFTaigonos Peninsula
SNOn N Okhotsk Sea between Gizhiga and Penzhina bays. Also search Taygonos. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Taylor County Florida  search
BTUnited States
 ..Taylor County Florida
SNOn the Gulf of Mexico in N Florida.
Taylor County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Taylor County Georgia
SNW central Georgia.
Taylor County Iowa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Taylor County Iowa
SNSW Iowa.
Taylor County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Taylor County Kentucky
SNCentral Kentucky.
Taylor County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Taylor County Texas
NTAbilene Texas
RTSilo Field
SNW central Texas.
Taylor County West Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Taylor County West Virginia
SNN West Virginia.
Taylor County Wisconsin  search
BTUnited States
 ..Taylor County Wisconsin
SNN central Wisconsin.
Taylor Glacier  search
 Taylor Valley
SNIn the McMurdo Sound area in S Victoria Land just NW of Ross Ice Shelf. May occur in other locations. Also search Taylor AND appropriate area. Indexed with Antarctica or location as applicable.
Taylor Group  search
 Beacon Supergroup
 Taylor Marl
SNIn Beacon Supergroup. Devonian. In Ross Dependency, Antarctica. For the Gulfian unit in Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana, use Taylor Marl if applicable. Indexed with age as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Taylor Marl  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 ......Taylor Marl
 Taylor Group
SNGulfian. Central and E Texas, Louisiana. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Taylor Valley  search
 Lake Bonney
 McMurdo Sound
 Taylor Glacier
 Victoria Land
SNAt McMurdo Sound in S Victoria Land in the Taylor Glacier area NW of Ross Ice Shelf. Also search Taylor AND Antarctica. Indexed with Antarctica or region as applicable.
Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation
 ...Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Federation
NTKhatanga Russian Federation
 Norilsk region
 Norilsk Russian Federation
 Tareya Russian Federation
 Taymyr Peninsula
 Ust-Yenisei Basin
UFDolgan-Nenets Russian Federation
 Taimyr Russian Federation
RTRussian Arctic
 Khatanga Basin
 Kotuy River
 Khatanga River
 Kheta River
 Maymecha River
 Popigay Structure
SNAutonomous Okrug in Arctic Krasnoyarsk Kray. Includes the Taymyr Peninsula. Before 1993, Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Taymyr Peninsula  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation
 ...Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Russian Federation
 ....Taymyr Peninsula
UFTaimyr (Peninsula)
 Taimyr Peninsula
SNBetween the Yenisei River and the Khatanga River in the Taymyr National Okrug in northernmost Siberia. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Taz Basin  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tyumen Russian Federation
 ...Yamal-Nenets Russian Federation
 ....Taz Basin
SNRiver basin in E and NE Yamal Nenets National Okrug in NW Siberia. Also search Taz. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Taza Morocco  search
 .North Africa
 ...Taza Morocco
SNTown E of Fez in N Morocco.
Tazewell County Illinois  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tazewell County Illinois
SNCentral Illinois.
Tazewell County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tazewell County Virginia
SNSW Virginia.
Tazin Lake  search
 .Western Canada
 ...Tazin Lake
SNExtreme NW Saskatchewan.
Tb  search
Tbilisi Georgian Republic  search
 .Georgian Republic
 ..Tbilisi Georgian Republic
UFTiflis Georgian Republic
SNCity in SE Georgian Republic.
Tc  search
Tc-99  search
 .radioactive isotopes
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
TCDD  search
TCE  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See trichloroethylene or tetrachloroethylene. May also be used for trichloroethanol, and thermal coefficient of expansion.
Tchornozem  search
TDR  search
SNSee time domain reflectometry if applicable.
Te  search
Te Aroha New Zealand  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Te Aroha New Zealand
RTNorth Island
SNTown 70 miles SE of Auckland in N central North Island. Also index North Island.
teacher education  search
 .teacher education
UFteacher training
RTelementary school
 high school
 junior high school
 K-12 education
SNAlso search teachers if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
teacher training  search
USEteacher education
teaching aids  search
USEeducational resources
Teapot Dome  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teapot Dome
RTNatrona County Wyoming
SNNear Casper in central Wyoming. Indexed with county as applicable.
Teapot Sandstone Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Teapot Sandstone Member
SNE Wyoming. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tear faults  search
 .tear faults
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
tec  search
technetium  search
technical cooperation  search
RTinternational cooperation
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
technical writing  search
UFwriting, technical
SNAlso search writing. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
technique  search
technique and apparatus  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term after 1968. See instruments; techniques; apparatus.
techniques  search
 quality control
 sample preparation
 three-dimensional methods
SNThis term deals with sampling.
technology  search
RTmining geology
 production control
 technology transfer
technology transfer  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectites  search
tectogenesis  search
tectonic  search
SNA valid term through 1977. Used in reference to maps. See tectonic maps.
tectonic breccia  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .clastic rocks
 ...tectonic breccia
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectonic controls  search
USEstructural controls
tectonic elements  search
 tectonic units
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectonic imbrication  search
USEimbricate tectonics
tectonic lines  search
tectonic maps  search
 .tectonic maps
 structure contour maps
 tectonic units
 geotectonic maps
 seismotectonic maps
SNBefore 1978, also search maps AND tectonic. Use geotectonic maps for plate tectonics, continental drift and related subjects.
tectonic platforms  search
 tectonic units
SNBefore 1981, also search platforms. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectonic sutures  search
USEsuture zones
tectonic units  search
 tectonic elements
 tectonic maps
 tectonic platforms
 tectonic wedges
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
tectonic wedges  search
 imbricate tectonics
 tectonic units
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectonics  search
NTbasement tectonics
 compression tectonics
 cover tectonics
 extension tectonics
 imbricate tectonics
 inversion tectonics
 salt tectonics
 thick-skinned tectonics
 thin-skinned tectonics
 Acadian Phase
 Antler Orogeny
 accommodation zones
 accretionary wedges
 Alleghany Orogeny
 Alpine Orogeny
 Andean Orogeny
 Appalachian Phase
 Assyntic Orogeny
 Asturian Orogeny
 atectonic processes
 back-arc basin
SNUsed for the structural makeup and structural evolution of regions. See also structural analysis for smaller structures. For microscopic structures, see ultrastructure. After 1998, see deformation. Neotectonics is also used for post-Miocene tectonics. Bef
tectonism  search
tectonite  search
 preferred orientation
tectonophysics  search
 continental drift
 continental margin
 convection currents
 core-mantle boundary
 crustal thinning
 Earth tides
 expanding Earth
SNUsed for treatments of the application of physics in tectonics; solid-Earth geophysics. Use for the discipline as a whole.
Tectonophysics (category)  search
SNTectonophysics, GeoRef category code 18, is one of thirty categories used to classify documents in GeoRef. Each reference in GeoRef is assigned one or more categories. Categories can be used, in addition to Terms, to refine searches (See List A.).
tectonosphere  search
 plate tectonics
tectonostratigraphic terranes  search
tectonostratigraphic units  search
RTevent stratigraphy
 stratigraphic units
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
tectosilicates  search
USEframework silicates
teeth  search
SNAlso search enamel if applicable.
Tehachapi Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tehachapi Mountains
RTKern County California
 Los Angeles County California
 San Emigdio Mountains
SNRange running E-W between S end of Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges largely in Kern County in S California. Also search Tehachapi. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Tehama County California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tehama County California
RTLassen Volcanic National Park
SNN California.
Teheran Iran  search
 .Middle East
 ...Teheran Iran
UFTehran Iran
SNCity at S foot of the Elburz in Central province, Iran.
Tehran Iran  search
USETeheran Iran
Tehri  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Tehri Garhwal India.
Tehri Garhwal India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Uttar Pradesh India
 ....Tehri Garhwal India
SNDistrict in Himalayas in NW Uttar Pradesh. Also search Tehri.
Teichichnus  search
Teide  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 .Canary Islands
UFPico de Teide
 Tenerife, Pico de
 Teyde, Pico de
SNLarge volcano. Tenerife, Canary Islands. Includes Las Canadas Caldera.
Teign Valley  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Devonshire England
 ......Teign Valley
SNRiver valley in Devonshire in SW England. Also search Teign River.
Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone  search
USETornquist-Teisseyre Zone
Tejon Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Eocene
 ......Tejon Formation
 Cozy Dell Formation
 Matilija Formation
SNAt the type section, subdivided into 4 members (ascending): Uvas Conglomerate, Liveoak, Metralla Sandstone, and Reed Canyon Silt. In the Ventura region, includes Matilija, Cozy Dell and Coldwater formations. Underlies Tecuya Formation; overlies basement c
Tekeli Kazakhstan  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Tekeli Kazakhstan
SNTown in Taldy Kurgan Oblast near Xinjiang border in E Kazakhstan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
tektites  search
 Darwin glass
 muong nong-type tektites
 glass materials
SNUsed for the descriptions of small, rounded, pitted bodies of silicate glass of nonvolcanic origin.
tele  search
USEfrozen ground
Teleajen Valley  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Teleajen Valley
 ..Teleajen Valley
RTPrahova Romania
SNRiver valley in Prahova County in NE Moldavia. Also search Teleajen; Teleajen River. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Telemark Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Telemark Norway
NTBamble Norway
 Langesund Fjord
telemetry  search
 microwave methods
 multispectral analysis
 remote sensing
 satellite methods
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Teleosauridae  search
Teleostei  search
teleseismic signals  search
RTcoseismic processes
telethermal processes  search
RTmineral deposits, genesis
SNAlso search telethermal. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
television logging  search
SNUse well-logging. Also see borehole televiewers.
Telfair County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Telfair County Georgia
telinite  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tell  search
 .North Africa
SNThe Mediterranean coastal region of Algeria which is favored by a Mediterranean type climate.
Teller County Colorado  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teller County Colorado
NTCripple Creek Colorado
SNCentral Colorado.
tellurates  search
SNBefore 1981, search tellurates and tellurites.
tellurates and tellurites  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use either tellurates or tellurites as applicable.
tellurbismuth  search
telluric currents  search
SNNot a valid index term for GeoRef. See Earth-current methods.
telluric methods  search
USEEarth-current methods
tellurides  search
tellurites  search
SNBefore 1981, search tellurates and tellurites.
tellurium  search
RTchalcophile elements
 heavy metals
 chemical elements
tellurobismuthite  search
Telychian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
TEM data  search
UFtransmission electron microscopy data
RTelectron microscopy
 electron microscopy data
 SEM data
 scanning electron microscopy
SNAcronym. For the method, see transmission method. For transient electromagnetic (TEM) response, use transient methods and (electromagnetic methods, or electromagnetic logging) as applicable.
Temagami Mine  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Temagami Mine
UFTimagami Mine
 silver ores
 copper ores
 gold ores
SNCopper, gold and silver ores. Near village of Temagami on E end of Lake Temagami near Quebec border. Also search Temagami; Timagami.
Temblor Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Temblor Formation
SNCentral and Southern California. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Temblor Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Temblor Range
RTKern County California
 San Luis Obispo County California
 San Emigdio Mountains
SNAlong SW San Joaquin Valley in W and SW Kern County. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Temiscamingue County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Temiscamingue County Quebec
NTKipawa Lake
 Rouyn Quebec
UFTimiskaming County Quebec
 Temiskaming County Quebec
RTTimiskaming District Ontario
 Lake Timiskaming
SNSW Quebec on Ontario border.
Temiscamingue District Ontario  search
USETimiskaming District Ontario
Temiscamingue Lake  search
USELake Timiskaming
Temiscouata County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Temiscouata County Quebec
Temiskaming County Quebec  search
USETemiscamingue County Quebec
Temiskaming District Ontario  search
USETimiskaming District Ontario
Temiskaming Lake  search
USELake Timiskaming
Temnospondyli  search
Tempe Terra  search
 .Tempe Terra
SNExtensive land mass. Named for Tempe albedo feature.
temperate environment  search
 depositional environment
 rain forests
SNBefore 1978, search temperate.
temperature  search
NThigh temperature
 low temperature
RTP-T-t paths
 phase equilibria
 heat flow
 geologic thermometry
 fluid inclusions
 greenhouse effect
 global warming
 Kirchhoff integral
 P-T conditions
 sea-surface temperature
SNFor temperatures of mineral formation, see phase equilibria. As of 1982, use paleotemperature under paleoclimatology. Before 1974, also search paleotemperature; paleotemperatures.
temperature anomaly  search
USEthermal anomalies
temperature logging  search
 .temperature logging
RTheat flow
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
temperature methods  search
USEheat flow
temperatures  search
tempestite  search
RTclastic rocks
 clastic sediments
 sedimentary rocks
 shallow-water environment
 storm environment
SNStorm deposit. Indexed with clastic rocks or clastic sediments as applicable. See lists I or N. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
temporal distribution  search
 time factor
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tendoy Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beaverhead County Montana
 ...Tendoy Range
BTUnited States
 .U. S. Rocky Mountains
 ..Tendoy Range
SNSW Montana. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tenerife  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 .Canary Islands
SNLargest island in the Spanish controlled Canary Islands off NW Africa.
Tenerife, Pico de  search
Teneriffe  search
Tengchong  search
 .Far East
 ...Yunnan China
 geothermal fields
SNVolcano-geothermal region in Yunnan, SW China. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tengiz Field  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Tengiz Field
RToil and gas fields
 Caspian Depression
 Emba River
SNSupergiant oil field SE Caspian Depression, W central Kazakhstan. Also search Tengiz which was also infrequently used for the lake 800 miles to the east. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tengiz Lake  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Tengiz Lake
UFTeniz Lake
RTSarysu River
SNSalt lake NW of Karaganda in N central Kazakhstan. See Tengiz Field for the Caspian oil field in W Kazakhstan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Teniz Lake  search
USETengiz Lake
Tennant Creek Australia  search
 ..Northern Territory Australia
 ...Tennant Creek Australia
SNVillage 280 miles N of Alice Springs in central Northern Territory.
tennantite  search
RTcopper ores
 copper minerals
Tennes  search
Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
NTAnderson County Tennessee
 Bedford County Tennessee
 Benton County Tennessee
 Bledsoe County Tennessee
 Blount County Tennessee
 Bradley County Tennessee
 Campbell County Tennessee
 Cannon County Tennessee
 Carroll County Tennessee
 Carter County Tennessee
 Cheatham County Tennessee
 Chester County Tennessee
 Claiborne County Tennessee
 Clay County Tennessee
 Cocke County Tennessee
 Coffee County Tennessee
 Crockett County Tennessee
 Cumberland County Tennessee
 Davidson County Tennessee
 De Kalb County Tennessee
 Decatur County Tennessee
 Dickson County Tennessee
 Dyer County Tennessee
 Fayette County Tennessee
 Fentress County Tennessee
 Franklin County Tennessee
 Gibson County Tennessee
 Giles County Tennessee
 Grainger County Tennessee
 Greene County Tennessee
 Grundy County Tennessee
 Hamblen County Tennessee
 Hamilton County Tennessee
 Hancock County Tennessee
 Hardeman County Tennessee
 Hardin County Tennessee
 Hawkins County Tennessee
 Haywood County Tennessee
 Henderson County Tennessee
 Henry County Tennessee
 Hickman County Tennessee
 Houston County Tennessee
 Humphreys County Tennessee
 Jackson County Tennessee
 Jefferson County Tennessee
 Johnson County Tennessee
 Knox County Tennessee
 Lake County Tennessee
 Lauderdale County Tennessee
 Lawrence County Tennessee
 Lewis County Tennessee
 Lincoln County Tennessee
 Loudon County Tennessee
 Macon County Tennessee
 Madison County Tennessee
 Marion County Tennessee
 Marshall County Tennessee
 Maury County Tennessee
 McMinn County Tennessee
 McNairy County Tennessee
 Meigs County Tennessee
 Monroe County Tennessee
 Montgomery County Tennessee
 Moore County Tennessee
 Morgan County Tennessee
 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
 Obion County Tennessee
 Overton County Tennessee
 Perry County Tennessee
 Pickett County Tennessee
 Polk County Tennessee
 Putnam County Tennessee
 Reelfoot Lake
 Rhea County Tennessee
 Roane County Tennessee
 Robertson County Tennessee
 Rutherford County Tennessee
 Scott County Tennessee
 Sequatchie County Tennessee
 Sequatchie Valley
 Sevier County Tennessee
 Shelby County Tennessee
 Smith County Tennessee
 Stewart County Tennessee
 Sullivan County Tennessee
 Sumner County Tennessee
 Tipton County Tennessee
 Trousdale County Tennessee
 Unicoi County Tennessee
 Union County Tennessee
 Van Buren County Tennessee
 Warren County Tennessee
 Washington County Tennessee
 Wayne County Tennessee
 Weakley County Tennessee
 White County Tennessee
 Williamson County Tennessee
 Wilson County Tennessee
RTAppalachian Basin
 Appalachian Plateau
 Bangor Limestone
 Chattanooga Shale
 Chickamauga Group
 Chilhowee Group
 Ashe Formation
 Beekmantown Group
 Bigby-Cannon Limestone
 Brassfield Formation
 Buffalo River
 Central Basin
 Clayton Formation
 Clinch Sandsto
Tennessee River  search
BTUnited States
 .Tennessee River
SNFormed near Knoxville in E Tennessee. It flows SW, W, and then N entering the Ohio River at Paducah in W Kentucky. Indexed with states as applicable.
Tennessee Sandstone  search
SNNot a currently valid stratigraphic name in the United States. Tennessee Sandstone is typically exposed in Tennessee Ridge, Sebastian County, Tennessee. This material is used for studies of geophysical and structural properties.
Tennessee Valley  search
BTUnited States
 .Tennessee Valley
 Great Appalachian Valley
SNRiver valley. Indexed with states as applicable.
Tensas Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tensas Parish Louisiana
tensile strength  search
 elastic properties
 mechanical properties
 shear strength
 engineering geology
tensiometers  search
 tensile strength
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
tension  search
 extension faults
 extension fractures
 extension tectonics
 surface tension
 tensile strength
 yield strength
Tensleep Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Tensleep Sandstone
 Lower Permian
SNIn Montchauve Group. Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian. Overlies Amsden Formation. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Tentaculites  search
RTproblematic fossils
Tentaculitida  search
RTproblematic fossils
Tentaculitidae  search
RTproblematic fossils
Tepee Trail Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Eocene
 ......Tepee Trail Formation
SNNW Wyoming. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
tephra  search
tephrite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
 ...alkali basalts
tephrochronology  search
 relative age
tephroite  search
 ...olivine group
RTmanganese minerals
Teplice Czech Republic  search
 .Central Europe
 ..Czech Republic
 ....Teplice Czech Republic
UFTeplice-Sanov Czech Republic
SNCity in the Erzgebirge, NW Czech Republic NNW of Prague. Before 1995, Teplice Czechoslovakia was also used.
Teplice-Sanov Czech Republic  search
USETeplice Czech Republic
Ter River basin  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Ter River basin
RTGerona Spain
 Barcelona Spain
 Catalonia Spain
SNIn Catalonia, Spain. Also search Ter River. Indexed with Spain and provinces as applicable.
terbium  search
 .rare earths
Terceira Island  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 ..Terceira Island
SNCentral island of Portuguese controlled group. Site of U. S. Lajes Air Force Base. Also search Terceira.
Tereblya Ukraine  search
 ..Tereblya Ukraine
SNVillage in SW Ukraine near the Romanian border. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Terebratulida  search
Terebratulidae  search
Terebratulina  search
Terek River  search
 .Terek River
RTRussian Federation
 Georgian Republic
SNFlows into the Caspian Sea N of Makhachkala in the Northern Caucasus. Also search Terek. Indexed with former Soviet republics as applicable.
Terlingua Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Brewster County Texas
 ...Terlingua Texas
SNVillage in W Texas.
terminology  search
termite mounds  search
RTbiogenic structures
 mineral exploration
SNAlso search ((Isoptera) AND (mounds or nests)) OR termitaria. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
Terni Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Umbria Italy
 ....Terni Italy
SNCity NE of Rome in S Umbria, central Italy.
terostegina  search
NTHeterostegina depressa
terpanes  search
BTorganic compounds
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
terpenes  search
terpenoids  search
Terra Nova Bay  search
 .Victoria Land
 ..Terra Nova Bay
RTRoss Sea
SNOn Ross Sea coast of Victoria Land.
Terra rosa  search
USETerra rossa
Terra rossa  search
 .Terra rossa
UFTerra rosa
RTsoil group
terraces  search
 erosion features
 fluvial features
 lacustrine features
 marine terraces
 raised beaches
 sea-level changes
SNAs of 1982, use marine terraces for the shore features.
terrain classification  search
 digital terrain models
SNBefore 1978, search classification AND terrains.
terrains  search
RTdigital terrain models
 glaciated terrains
 terrain classification
SNUsed for tracts of land and their physical features. As of 1983, use terranes for the new concept in tectonics. Before 1983, also search terranes.
terranes  search
NTexotic terranes
UFsuspect terranes
 tectonostratigraphic terranes
 plate tectonics
 accretionary wedges
 greenstone belts
 metamorphic belts
 metamorphic core complexes
 tectonostratigraphic units
SNUsed for the new concept in tectonics. Use terrains as a general term for tracts of land. Added to Thesaurus in 1983.
TERRAscope  search
BTseismic networks
 Southern California
 broad-band spectra
SNBroadband, high dynamic range seismic network, S California. for data use TERRAscope data.
Terrebonne County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Terrebonne County Quebec
Terrebonne Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Terrebonne Parish Louisiana
NTIsles Dernieres
RTAtchafalaya Bay
SNExtreme SE Louisiana, bordering the Gulf of Mexico.
Terrell County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Terrell County Georgia
Terrell County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Terrell County Texas
terrestrial  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, use terrestrial environment for type of environment. See terrestrial materials.
terrestrial comp  search
terrestrial comparison  search
 extraterrestrial geology
 interplanetary comparison
 natural analogs
SNUsed to indicate a comparison between the Earth and an extraterrestrial body or material. Also search interplanetary comparison AND Earth. Before 1981, also search terrestrial materials. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
terrestrial environment  search
NTalpine environment
 arid environment
 boreal environment
 cave environment
 humid environment
 paludal environment
 sebkha environment
 semi-arid environment
 subaerial environment
 subalpine environment
 taiga environment
UFcontinental environment
 wind transport
 depositional environment
 fresh-water environment
 hypersaline environment
 arctic environment
 nearshore environment
 supratidal environment
 subtidal environment
 terrestrial sedimentation
SNBefore 1978, also search terrestrial. Used to distinguish from marine environment.
terrestrial materials  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef as of 1981. See terrestrial comparison; interplanetary comparison. Term was introduced in 1978. Included use to indicate a comparison between Earth and Moon (lunar samples).
terrestrial planets  search
 Mercury Planet
 outer planets
 solar system
SNThe four inner planets in the solar system: Mercury Planet, Venus, Earth and Mars.
terrestrial sedimentation  search
 .terrestrial sedimentation
RTterrestrial environment
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
terrigenous  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. A valid term through 1977 used in combination with clastic rocks or clastic sediments. After 1977, use terrigenous materials.
terrigenous materials  search
 black shale
 clastic rocks
 clastic sediments
 flint clay
SNBefore 1978, also search terrigenous AND (clastic rocks or clastic sediments).
Terry County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Terry County Texas
Tersk(o)-Caspian Depression  search
SNAs of 1995, use Caspian Basin and Terek River for the region in Northern Caucasus which includes both the Terek River valley and the Caspian Depression.
Tertiary  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
NTAnahuac Formation
 Apache Leap Tuff
 Arikaree Group
 Barreiras Formation
 Carapita Formation
 Catahoula Formation
 Challis Volcanics
 Climax Porphyry
 Esna Shale
 John Day Formation
 Lincoln Creek Formation
 lower Tertiary
 Maikop Series
 middle Tertiary
 Muddy Creek Formation
 Neyveli Lignite
 Pirabas Formation
 Poltava Series
 Shahejie Formation
 Snoqualmie Batholith
 Sobral Formation
 Twin River Formation
 Twin Sisters Dunite
 upper Tertiary
 Vaqueros Formation
 Warkalli Formation
 Zambales Ophiolite
 Nubian Sandstone
 Ionian Zone
 Brianconnais Zone
 San Juan Formation
 White Limestone
 Laramide Orogeny
 Muro Group
 Hector Formation
 Stone Age
 San Lorenzo Formation
 Red Mountain Formation
 San Felipe Formation
tertiary recovery  search
BTenhanced recovery
 .tertiary recovery
RTpetroleum engineering
 gas injection
 hydraulic fracturing
 mercury injection
 thermal recovery
 secondary recovery
SNUse in relation to petroleum.
Teruel Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Aragon Spain
 .....Teruel Spain
RTCalatayud-Teruel Basin
 Maestrazgo Spain
SNProvince in NE central Spain.
teschenite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
 ...alkali gabbros
Tesnus Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tesnus Formation
 Marathon Geosyncline
SNMarathon Geosyncline of W Texas. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tesserae  search
RTblock structures
 plate tectonics
SNMosaic-like terrain on other planetary bodies. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Tessin Switzerland  search
USETicino Switzerland
testing  search
RTbiaxial tests
 consolidometer tests
 drill stem tests
 lateral loading
 load tests
 penetration tests
 plate-bearing tests
 quality control
 road tests
 rock mechanics
 sand equivalent tests
 shear tests
 slug tests
 soil mechanics
 engineering geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tests  search
SNAs of 1976, term is only to be used with fossils. For tests used in engineering geology, see testing.
Testudinata  search
SNSubclass in a system in which chelonians are not considered anapsids. Indexed with Chelonia if applicable.
Testudines  search
Testudinidae  search
SNFamily. Emydidae is often included as a subfamily.
Tetagouche Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tetagouche Group
RTNew Brunswick
SNN New Brunswick. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tete Mozambique  search
 .East Africa
 ...Tete Mozambique
SNTown on the Zambezi River and district in NW Mozambique.
Teterev River valley  search
 ..Teterev River valley
UFTeterev Valley
SNNW Ukraine. Also search Teterev; Teterev River. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Teterev Valley  search
USETeterev River valley
Teteven Bulgaria  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Pleven Bulgaria
 ....Teteven Bulgaria
SNTown in central Bulgaria.
Tethys  search
UFTethys Sea
 continental drift
SNAn elongated east-west sea, similar to the Mediterranean Sea, that separated Europe and Africa and extended across southern Asia in Pre-Tertiary time. Because of inconsistencies in terminology, users should also search (Neo-Tethys, Neotethys, Paleo-Tethys
Tethys Satellite  search
RTicy satellites
 Voyager Program
SNOne of the satellites of Saturn.
Tethys Sea  search
Teton County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teton County Idaho
SNE Idaho.
Teton County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teton County Montana
RTSawtooth Range
SNN central Montana.
Teton County Wyoming  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teton County Wyoming
NTGrand Teton National Park
 Jackson Hole
RTOld Faithful Geyser
 Yellowstone National Park
SNNW Wyoming.
Teton National Forest  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teton National Forest
RTnational forests
 Grand Teton National Park
SNIndexed with counties as applicable.
Tetrabranchiata  search
tetrachloroethylene  search
BTorganic compounds
 .halogenated hydrocarbons
 ..chlorinated hydrocarbons
SNMay be abbreviated TCE or PCE. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tetrachloromethane  search
USEcarbon tetrachloride
Tetracorallia  search
tetradymite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
tetrahedra  search
tetrahedrite  search
RTsilver ores
 copper ores
 copper minerals
Tetrapoda  search
tetrataenite  search
SNMeteorite mineral.
Tetyukhe Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Primorye Russian Federation
 ...Tetyukhe Russian Federation
SNTown in E Primorye Kray 220 miles NE of Vladivostok. Before 1993, Tetyukhe Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Teutoburg Forest  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Teutoburg Forest
UFTeutoburger Wald
RTNorth Rhine-Westphalia Germany
 Lower Saxony Germany
SNRange of hills S of Osnabruck in NW Germany. Indexed with states as applicable.
Teutoburger Wald  search
USETeutoburg Forest
Texas  search
BTUnited States
NTAnderson County Texas
 Andrews County Texas
 Angelina County Texas
 Aransas County Texas
 Archer County Texas
 Armstrong County Texas
 Atascosa County Texas
 Austin County Texas
 Bailey County Texas
 Balcones fault zone
 Bandera County Texas
 Bastrop County Texas
 Baylor County Texas
 Bee County Texas
 Bell County Texas
 Bexar County Texas
 Blanco County Texas
 Borden County Texas
 Bosque County Texas
 Bowie County Texas
 Brazoria County Texas
 Brazos County Texas
 Brazos River
 Brewster County Texas
 Briscoe County Texas
 Brooks County Texas
 Brown County Texas
 Burleson County Texas
 Burnet County Texas
 Caldwell County Texas
 Calhoun County Texas
 Callahan County Texas
 Cameron County Texas
 Camp County Texas
 Carson County Texas
 Cass County Texas
 Castro County Texas
 Chambers County Texas
 Cherokee County Texas
 Childress County Texas
 Christmas Mountains
 Clay County Texas
 Cochran County Texas
 Coke County Texas
 Coleman County Texas
 Collin County Texas
 Collingsworth County Texas
 Colorado County Texas
 Comal County Texas
 Comanche County Texas
 Concho County Texas
 Cooke County Texas
 Coryell County Texas
 Cottle County Texas
 Crane County Texas
 Crockett County Texas
 Crosby County Texas
 Culberson County Texas
 Dalhart Basin
 Dallam County Texas
 Dallas County Texas
 Davis Mountains
 Dawson County Texas
 De Witt County Texas
 Deaf Smith County Texas
 Delta County Texas
 Denton County Texas
 Dickens County Texas
 Dimmit County Texas
 Donley County Texas
 Duval County Texas
 East Texas
 East Texas Basin
 East Texas Field
 Eastland County Texas
 Ector County Texas
 Edwards Aquifer
 Edwards County Texas
 Edwards Plateau
 El Paso County Texas
 Ellis County Texas
 Erath County Texas
 Falls County Texas
 Fannin County Texas
 Fayette County Texas
 Fisher County Texas
 Floyd County Texas
 Foard County Texas
 Fort Bend County Texas
 Fort Worth Basin
 Franklin County Texas
 Freestone County Texas
 Frio County Texas
 Gaines County Texas
 Galveston Bay
 Galveston County Texas
 Garza County Texas
 Gillespie County Texas
 Glasscock County Texas
 Goliad County Texas
 Gonzales County Texas
 Gray County Texas
 Grayson County Texas
 Gregg County Texas
 Grimes County Texas
 Guadalupe County Texas
 Hale County Texas
 Hall County Texas
 Hamilton County Texas
 Hansford County Texas
 Hardeman County Texas
 Hardin County Texas
 Harris County Texas
 Harrison County Texas
 Hartley County Texas
 Haskell County Texas
 Hays County Texas
 Hemphill County Texas
 Henderson County Texas
 Hidalgo County Texas
 Hill County Texas
 Hockley County Texas
 Hood County Texas
 Hopkins County Texas
 Houston County Texas
 Howard County Texas
 Hudspeth County Texas
 Hunt County Texas
 Hutchinson County Texas
 Irion County Texas
 Jack County Texas
 Jackson County Texas
 Jasper County Texas
 Jeff Davis County Texas
 Jefferson County Texas
 Jim Hogg County Texas
 Jim Wells County Texas
 Johnson County Texas
 Jones County Texas
 Karnes County Texas
 Kaufman County Texas
 Kendall County Texas
 Kenedy County Texas
 Kent County Texas
 Kerr County Texas
 Kimble County Texas
 King County Texas
 Kinney County Texas
 Kleberg County Texas
 Knox County Texas
 La Salle County Texas
 Lamar County Texas
 Lamb County Texas
 Lampasas County Texas
 Lavaca County Texas
 Lee County Texas
 Leon County Texas
 Liberty County Texas
 Limestone County Texas
 Lipscomb County Texas
 Live Oak County Texas
 Llano County Texas
 Llano Uplift
 Loving County Texas
 Lubbock County Texas
 Lynn County Texas
 Madison County Texas
 Marathon Geosyncline
 Marfa Basin
 Marion County Texas
 Martin County Texas
 Mason County Texas
 Matagorda Bay
 Matagorda County Texas
 Maverick County Texas
 McCulloch County Texas
 McLennan County Texas
 McMullen County Texas
 Medina County Texas
 Menard County Texas
 Midland Basin
 Midland County Texas
 Milam County Texas
 Mills County Texas
 Mitchell County Texas
 Montague County Texas
 Montgomery County Texas
 Moore County Texas
 Morris County Texas
 Motley County Texas
 Nacogdoches County Texas
 Navarro County Texas
 Newton County Texas
 Nolan County Texas
 Nueces County Texas
 Nueces River
 Oakwood Dome
 Ochiltree County Texas
 Oldham County Texas
 Orange County Texas
 Palo Pinto County Texas
 Panola County Texas
 Parker County Texas
 Parmer County Texas
 Pecos County Texas
 Polk County Texas
 Potter County Texas
 Presidio County Texas
 Rains County Texas
 Randall County Texas
 Reagan County Texas
 Real County Texas
 Red River County Texas
 Reeves County Texas
 Refugio County Texas
 Rita Blanca Lake
 Roberts County Texas
 Robertson County Texas
 Rockwall County Texas
 Runnels County Texas
 Rusk County Texas
 Sabine County Texas
 San Augustine County Texas
 San Jacinto County Texas
 San Marcos Arch
 San Patricio County Texas
 San Saba County Texas
 Schleicher County Texas
 Scurry County Texas
 Shackelford County Texas
 Shelby County Texas
 Sherman County Texas
 Smith County Texas
 Somervell County Texas
 Starr County Texas
 Stephens County Texas
 Sterling County Texas
 Stonewall County Texas
 Sutton County Texas
 Swisher County Texas
 Tarrant County Texas
 Taylor County Texas
 Terrell County Texas
 Terry County Texas
 Texas Panhandle
 Throckmorton County Texas
 Titus County Texas
 Tom Green County Texas
 Travis County Texas
 Trinity County Texas
 Tyler County Texas
 Upshur County Texas
 Upton County Texas
 Uvalde County Texas
 Val Verde Basin
 Val Verde County Texas
 Van Zandt County Texas
 Victoria County Texas
 Walker County Texas
 Waller County Texas
 Ward County Texas
 Washington County Texas
 Webb County Texas
 West Texas
 Wharton County Texas
 Wheeler County Texas
 Wichita County Texas
 Wilbarger County Texas
 Willacy County Texas
 Williamson County Texas
 Wilson County Texas
 Winkler County Texas
 Wise County Texas
 Wood County Texas
 Yoakum County Texas
 Young County Texas
 Zapata County Texas
 Zavala County Texas
RTAguja Formation
 Albuquerque Basin
 Anadarko Basin
 Anahuac Formation
 Antlers Sands
 Baffin Bay
 Ardmore Basin
 Basin and Range Province
 Ashmore Meteorite
 Austin Chalk
 Austin Group
 Barnett Formation
 Barton Springs
 Beaumont Clay
 Bell Canyon Formation
 Bigfork Che
Texas County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Texas County Missouri
SNS central Missouri.
Texas County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Texas County Oklahoma
RTOklahoma Panhandle
SNExtreme NW Oklahoma.
Texas Panhandle  search
BTUnited States
 ..Texas Panhandle
RTWest Texas
SNNW Texas. Also search Panhandle AND Texas. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
text, explanatory  search
USEexplanatory text
textbooks  search
RTbook reviews
 educational resources
SNUse under disciplines.
Textulariina  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
textures  search
NTaphanitic texture
 arenaceous texture
 argillaceous texture
 flow texture
 framboidal texture
 gneissic texture
 graphic texture
 oolitic texture
 orbicular texture
 pelitic texture
 pisolitic texture
 porphyritic texture
 porphyroblastic texture
 porphyroclastic texture
 spinifex texture
 vesicular texture
 coarse-grained materials
 fine-grained materials
 grain boundaries
 shape analysis
 size distribution
 surface textures
SNAs of 1993, see grain size or size distribution for soils if applicable.
Teyde, Pico de  search
TGA data  search
 thermal analysis
 thermogravimetric analysis
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Th  search
Th-228  search
 .radioactive isotopes
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Th-230  search
 .radioactive isotopes
SNUsed for ionium. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Th-230/Ra-226  search
 .radioactive isotopes
 .alkaline earth metals
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Th-230/Th-232  search
Th-230/U-234  search
Th-230/U-238  search
Th-232  search
 .radioactive isotopes
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Th-232/Th-230  search
 .radioactive isotopes
RTisotope ratios
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Th-232/U-238  search
Th-234  search
 .radioactive isotopes
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Th/Th  search
RTabsolute age
 isotope ratios
SNIsotopic ratio used in age determination.
Th/U  search
RTabsolute age
 isotope ratios
SNIsotopic ratio used in age determination.
Thailand  search
 .Far East
NTBangkok Thailand
 Changwat Nakhon Phanom Thailand
 Chao Phraya River
 Chiang Mai Thailand
 Khorat Plateau
 Lampang Thailand
 Phuket Group
 Malay Peninsula
 Khorat Group
Thalassinoides  search
thalenite  search
thallium  search
thallophytes  search
SNBefore 1998, algae, bacteria, fungi, lichens, and prokaryotes were narrower terms; Plantae was a broader term.
thalwegs  search
 fluvial currents
 ground water
 stream transport
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Thamama Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Thamama Group
RTUnited Arab Emirates
 Saudi Arabia
SNArabian Peninsula. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Thames Estuary  search
 Essex England
 Isle of Sheppey
 Kent England
 London England
SNThe broad tidal mouth of the Thames River in SE England. Also search Thames AND England. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with counties and/or countries and/or region as applicable.
Thames River  search
UFThe Thames
 New London County Connecticut
 Lake Saint Clair
 Essex England
 Kent England
 Isle of Sheppey
 London England
SNFlows from the E slope of the Cotswold Hills E to the North Sea in SE England. Also in SE Connecticut which flows into Long Island Sound. Also in SE Ontario which flows into Lake Saint Clair. Also search Thames in combination with state or country. Indexe
thanatocenoses  search
UFdeath assemblages
thanatocoenosis  search
Thanetian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Paleocene
SNEurope. Above Montian, below Ypresian (Eocene).
Tharsis  search
RTArsia Mons
 Tharsis Montes
 Ascraeus Mons
SNAs of 1978, term is restricted to morphologic features on Mars. Before 1978 term was also used for village in Spain.
Tharsis Montes  search
 .Tharsis Montes
RTArsia Mons
 Ascraeus Mons
SNIn Tharsis region includes Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Arsia Mons. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
thaumasite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
thawing  search
 frost action
 glacial geology
Thayer County Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Thayer County Nebraska
Thaynes Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Triassic
 .....Thaynes Formation
SNConsists of limestone, calcareous sandstone, sandstone, shale, and in the middle, red shale member. In SE Idaho, SW Montana, NE Utah, and SW Wyoming.
The Banks  search
USEOuter Banks
The Coorong  search
USECoorong Lagoon
The Geysers  search
BTUnited States
 ..The Geysers
UFGeysers, The
RTgeothermal fields
 Sonoma County California
SNEight miles NE of Geyserville in Sonoma County, W California.
The Great Oasis  search
USEKharga Oasis
The Himalaya  search
The Rand  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Witwatersrand for basin of South Africa or Rand Mountains of California as applicable.
The Spessart  search
The Thames  search
USEThames River
The Weald  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....The Weald
 Weald region
RTKent England
 Sussex England
 Surrey England
SNWooded region in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex counties of SE England.
Thebes Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....lower Eocene
 ......Thebes Formation
SNE Egypt. Overlies Esna Shale; underlies Minia Formation. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Thecamoeba  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
Thecideidae  search
Thecideidina  search
Thecodontia  search
Theiss River  search
USETisza River
Thellier Method  search
RTmagnetic field
 remanent magnetization
 thermoremanent magnetization
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
thematic mapper  search
RTairborne methods
 digital cartography
 geophysical surveys
 multispectral analysis
 multispectral scanner
 remote sensing
 satellite methods
 geophysical methods
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
thenardite  search
theoretical models  search
UFconceptual models
SNUsed for discussion of a model which is not a mathematical model or a physical model, but which exists in the form of a drawing, diagram, chart or description. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
theoretical seismograms  search
 .theoretical seismograms
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
theoretical studies  search
UFstudies, theoretical
RTexperimental studies
 laboratory studies
theory  search
SNA valid term through mid-1978. Use theoretical studies.
Thera  search
BTMediterranean region
 .Aegean Islands
 ..Greek Aegean Islands
SNVolcanic island. The southernmost of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea. Also search Santorin. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Therapsida  search
Theria  search
thermal  search
SNA valid term through 1977.
thermal alteration  search
 color alteration index
 hydrothermal alteration
 thermal effects
SNBefore 1978, also search thermal AND alteration.
thermal alteration index  search
USEcolor alteration index
thermal anal  search
thermal analysis  search
 chemical analysis
 clay mineralogy
 differential thermal analysis
 DTA data
 electron microscopy
 endothermic reactions
 interlaboratory comparison
 sample preparation
 standard materials
 TGA data
 thermal analysis data
 thermogravimetric anal
SNUsed for methodology and not for data. For data, use thermal analysis data. Indexed with also the specific type of analysis if possible [e.g. differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, thermomagnetic analysis].
thermal analysis data  search
UFthermal data
RTBrillouin spectra
 thermal analysis
SNUsed for data and not for methodology. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
thermal anomalies  search
UFtemperature anomaly
 geothermal fields
 heat flow
 hot springs
 hot spots
SNUsed as a general term. Use more specific terms (e.g. hot spots) if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
thermal aureole  search
thermal circulation  search
 ocean circulation
SNBefore 1978, also search oceans AND circulation AND thermal.
thermal conductivity  search
 electrical conductivity
 geothermal gradient
 heat flow
 specific heat
 thermal diffusivity
 thermal inertia
SNBefore 1976, also search conductivity.
thermal data  search
USEthermal analysis data
thermal demagnetization  search
 .thermal demagnetization
 remanent magnetization
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
thermal diffusivity  search
UFdiffusivity, thermal
RTheat flow
 thermal conductivity
thermal discharge  search
USEthermal pollution
thermal effects  search
 thermal alteration
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
thermal emission  search
UFemission, thermal
RTremote sensing
 infrared methods
thermal emissivity  search
thermal energy storage  search
USEheat storage
thermal evolution  search
SNAs of 1993, use thermal maturity for petroleum or thermal alteration or thermal history.
thermal expansion  search
UFexpansion, thermal
 expansive materials
 thermodynamic properties
 thermal properties
 thermomechanical properties
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1995.
thermal gradient  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See geothermal gradient if applicable.
thermal history  search
 P-T-t paths
 thermal maturity
 thermal regime
SNBefore 1993, also search thermal evolution.
thermal inertia  search
RTheat flow
 specific heat
 thermal conductivity
 thermal properties
 thermodynamic properties
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner  search
RTinfrared methods
 multispectral scanner
 remote sensing
 thermal ionization mass spectroscopy
SNBefore 1988, also search TIMS and remote sensing. For multispectral scanner data use Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner data. Indexed with infrared methods if applicable.
thermal ionization mass spectroscopy  search
 .mass spectroscopy
 ..thermal ionization mass spectroscopy
RTabsolute age
 heat flow
 Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner
 uranium disequilibrium
SNBefore 1998, also search TIMS and (spectroscopy or absolute age). For the method. For data, use thermal ionization mass spectra. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
thermal maturation  search
USEthermal maturity
thermal maturity  search
UFthermal maturation
 color alteration index
 thermal history
SNBefore 1993, also search thermal evolution and petroleum. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
thermal metamorphism  search
 .thermal metamorphism
SNNot a valid index term through 1977. Before 1978, also search metamorphism AND thermal.
thermal methods  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term after 1971. Used in subfiles G and N. See heat flow or thermal analysis.
thermal pollution  search
UFthermal discharge
 waste disposal
SNBefore 1978, also search pollution AND thermal.
thermal properties  search
RTheat capacity
 physical properties
 specific heat
 thermal expansion
 thermal inertia
 engineering geology
 thermochemical properties
 thermodynamic properties
 thermoelastic properties
 thermomechanical properties
thermal recovery  search
UFheat treatment
RTtertiary recovery
 enhanced recovery
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
thermal regime  search
RTgeothermal systems
 heat flow
 thermal history
 engineering geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
thermal remanent magnetization  search
USEthermoremanent magnetization
thermal springs  search
USEhot springs
thermal surveys  search
USEheat flow
thermal waters  search
 geothermal energy
 geothermal fields
 geothermal gradient
 geothermal systems
 ground water
 heat flow
 heat sources
 hot springs
 hydrothermal alteration
 medicinal waters
 migration of elements
thermochemical properties  search
 chemical properties
 thermal properties
thermochemical remanent magnetization  search
 .remanent magnetization
 ..thermochemical remanent magnetization
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
thermochronology  search
RTabsolute age
 exposure age
 fission tracks
 fission-track dating
 geologic thermometry
 P-T conditions
 P-T-t paths
 relative age
 thermal history
SNDetermination of temperature-time-depth histories in metamorphic rocks. Techniques may include a combination of several of the isotopic techniques of absolute age to measure differential diffusion rates in minerals, or fission-track techniques. Before 199
thermocline  search
RTgeothermal gradient
 ocean circulation
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
thermodynamic properties  search
 free energy
 Kirchhoff integral
 specific heat
 thermal expansion
 thermal inertia
 thermal properties
 thermomechanical properties
thermoelastic properties  search
RTelastic properties
 mechanical properties
 physical properties
 thermal properties
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
thermography  search
USEdifferential thermal analysis
thermogravimetric anal  search
thermogravimetric analysis  search
RTchemical analysis
 differential thermal analysis
 thermal analysis
 TGA data
thermogravimetry  search
USEthermogravimetric analysis
thermohaline circula  search
thermohaline circulation  search
 ocean circulation
SNBefore 1978, also search oceans AND circulation AND thermohaline.
thermokarst  search
RTglacial geology
 frost action
 periglacial features
 ground ice
thermoluminescence  search
 relative age
thermomagnetic analysis  search
 thermal analysis
thermomechanical properties  search
UFthermophysical properties
RTphysical properties
 mechanical properties
 thermodynamic properties
 thermal expansion
 thermal properties
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
thermometamorphism  search
USEthermal metamorphism
thermometry  search
SNA valid term through mid-1978. Use geologic thermometry.
thermonatrite  search
thermophilic taxa  search
 faunal studies
 floral studies
 hydrothermal conditions
 hydrothermal vents
 living taxa
 ocean floors
SNIndexed with specific type. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
thermophysical properties  search
USEthermomechanical properties
thermoremanence  search
USEthermoremanent magnetization
thermoremanent magnetization  search
 .remanent magnetization
 ..thermoremanent magnetization
UFthermal remanent magnetization
 magnetic field
 Curie point
 partial thermoremanent magnetization
 Thellier Method
Theropoda  search
SNSuborder. This term has multiple hierarchies.
theses  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
Thessaloniki Greece  search
USESalonika Greece
Thessaly Greece  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Thessaly Greece
RTPindus Mountains
SNAdministrative region in E central Greece.
Thetford Mines  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Thetford Mines
 asbestos deposits
SNCity and site of asbestos mines about 50 miles S of Quebec City in S Quebec. Also search Thetford AND Quebec.
Thetis Regio  search
 .Aphrodite Terra
 ..Thetis Regio
SNHighland massif, W Aphrodite Terra.
thick-skinned tectonics  search
 .thick-skinned tectonics
RTbasement tectonics
 thrust faults
 crustal thickening
 thin-skinned tectonics
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1998.
thickness  search
 crustal thickening
 crustal thinning
 ice sheets
thin sections  search
RTcross sections
 electron microscopy
 microscope methods
 polished sections
thin-skin tectonics  search
USEthin-skinned tectonics
thin-skinned tectonics  search
 .thin-skinned tectonics
UFthin-skin tectonics
 thick-skinned tectonics
 crustal thinning
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans  search
 .Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
SNSpecies. For paleontologic studies, index microfossils.
Thira  search
Third World  search
USEdeveloping countries
thixotropy  search
 colloidal materials
 mechanical properties
 soil mechanics
 engineering geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
tholeiite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
RTocean-island basalts
 tholeiitic composition
 olivine tholeiite
tholeiitic basalt  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
 ...tholeiitic basalt
tholeiitic composition  search
 igneous rocks
SNBefore 1978, search tholeiitic.
tholeiitic dolerite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
 ...tholeiitic dolerite
Thomar Portugal  search
USETomar Portugal
Thomas County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Thomas County Georgia
Thomas County Kansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Thomas County Kansas
Thomas County Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Thomas County Nebraska
Thomas Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Thomas Range
RTTooele County Utah
 Juab County Utah
 Spor Mountain
SNW Utah. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Thompson nickel belt  search
 .Western Canada
 ...Thompson nickel belt
RTmetallogenic provinces
SNMetallogenic province, N Manitoba. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
thomsenolite  search
Thomson Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Thomson Formation
UFThomson Slate
 Animikie Group
 Virginia Formation
SNNE Minnesota and NW Wisconsin. Includes the slate which has been referred to in literature as Thomson, Saint Louis, Cloquet, and Carlton slates. And which has usually been considered an equivalent of the Animikie-Virginia Slate of the Mesabi Range. In NE
Thomson Slate  search
USEThomson Formation
Thomson-Haskell analysis  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
thomsonite  search
 .framework silicates
 ..zeolite group
thorianite  search
thorite  search
thorium  search
 thorium ores
SNChemical element. Use thorium ores for thorium as a commodity.
thorium ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .thorium ores
RTmonazite deposits
thorium-lead  search
thorium-uranium  search
Thorn Poland  search
USETorun Poland
thoron  search
thortveitite  search
Thrace  search
NTGreek Thrace
SNAdministrative region in extreme NE Greece (Western Thrace), and all of Turkey in Europe (Eastern Thrace). Indexed with countries as applicable.
Three Forks Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Gallatin County Montana
 ...Three Forks Montana
SNTown in SW Montana.
Three Gorges, Yangtze  search
USEYangtze Three Gorges
Three Rivers  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Sanjiang for region in China.
three-component seismographs  search
 .three-component seismographs
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
three-dimensional methods  search
 geophysical surveys
 prestack migration
 seismic methods
 geophysical methods
SNAlso search three-dimensional with methods or techniques. Search with area for surveys. For surveys, also index geophysical surveys and the area. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
three-dimensional models  search
 computer animation
 four-dimensional models
 mathematical models
 one-dimensional models
 two-dimensional models
SNBefore 1978, search three-dimensional AND models.
Throckmorton County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Throckmorton County Texas
thrombolites  search
BTsedimentary structures
 .biogenic structures
RTalgal structures
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
thrust  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, see thrust faults. After 1988, also see thrust sheets.
thrust faults  search
 .thrust faults
UFreverse slip faults
 thrust slip faults
 thrusts and thrusting
RToverthrust faults
 fold and thrust belts
 thick-skinned tectonics
 compression tectonics
 crustal shortening
 triangle zones
 reverse faults
 imbricate tectonics
 thrust sheets
 foreland basins
 step faults
SNBefore 1978, also search faults AND thrust. See overthrust faults; compression tectonics.
thrust plates  search
USEthrust sheets
thrust sheets  search
UFthrust plates
 fold and thrust belts
 thrust faults
 piggyback basins
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
thrust slip faults  search
USEthrust faults
thrusts and thrusting  search
USEthrust faults
Thule Greenland  search
BTArctic region
 ..Thule Greenland
SNSettlement on coast of Hayes Peninsula N of Cape York in NW Greenland. U.S. Air Force base nearby.
thulium  search
 .rare earths
Thunder Bay  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Thunder Bay
RTLake Superior
 Thunder Bay District Ontario
SNRefers only to the inlet of NW Lake Superior. For the city on the bay, see Thunder Bay Ontario.
Thunder Bay District Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Thunder Bay District Ontario
NTManitouwadge Ontario
 Marshall Lake
 Northern Light Lake
 Thunder Bay Ontario
UFDistrict of Thunder Bay
RTMichipicoten Island
 Thunder Bay
SNN Ontario.
Thunder Bay Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Thunder Bay District Ontario
 ....Thunder Bay Ontario
SNRefers only to the city on the bay. For the inlet of NW Lake Superior, see Thunder Bay.
thunder eggs  search
thunderstorms  search
SNAs of 1993, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Usually out-of-scope. Used with meteorology. After 1993, see storms.
Thur Valley  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Thur Valley
SNRiver valley SSW of Lake Constance extending to the Rhine River. Also search Thur River.
Thuringer Wald  search
USEThuringian Forest
Thuringia Basin  search
USEThuringian Basin
Thuringia Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Thuringia Germany
NTErfurt Germany
 Gera Germany
 Ruhla Germany
 Schlotheim Germany
 Schneeberg Germany
 Schwarzburg Anticlinorium
 Steinach Germany
 Taubach Germany
 Weimar Germany
RTRhon Mountains
 Saale River
 Weisse Elster Basin
 Thuringian Forest
 Geisel Valley
 Werra River
 Kyffhauser Range
 Unstrut River
 Thuringian Basin
 Thuringian Hills
 Thuringian Massif
SNState in central Germany. Includes the Thuringian Forest. Before 1993, also search Erfurt Bezirk or Gera Bezirk if applicable.
Thuringian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Thuringian Basin  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Thuringian Basin
UFThuringia Basin
RTThuringia Germany
SNThuringian Forest region in Thuringia. Indexed with states as applicable.
Thuringian Forest  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Thuringian Forest
UFThuringer Wald
RTThuringia Germany
 Franconian Forest
 Ruhla Germany
 Steinach Germany
SNForested mountain range extending NW-SE in Thuringia.
Thuringian Hills  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Thuringian Hills
RTThuringia Germany
SNRegion in Germany. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Thuringian Massif  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Thuringian Massif
RTThuringia Germany
SNRegion in Germany. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Thurston County Nebraska  search
BTUnited States
 ..Thurston County Nebraska
SNNE Nebraska.
Thurston County Washington  search
BTUnited States
 ..Thurston County Washington
NTTono Washington
SNW Washington.
Thysanoptera  search
Thysanopteroida  search
Ti  search
Tian Shan  search
USETien Shan
Tian-Shan  search
USETien Shan
Tianjin China  search
BTbei China
 .Tianjin China
SNMunicipality located within Hebei, N China.
Tiber Valley  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Tiber Valley
RTLatium Italy
 Tuscany Italy
 Umbria Italy
SNRiver valley. Also search Tiber. Indexed with autonomous regions as applicable.
Tiberias-Dead Sea Rift valley  search
USEJordan Valley
Tibesti Libya  search
 .North Africa
 ...Tibesti Libya
SNHabitation in S central Libya.
Tibesti Massif  search
 .Tibesti Massif
UFTibesti Mountains
SNHighest mountain group of the Sahara in NE Niger, NW Chad and SE Libya. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Tibesti Mountains  search
USETibesti Massif
Tibet  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. See Xizang China.
Tibet China  search
USEXizang China
Tibetan Plateau  search
USEQinghai-Xizang Plateau
Ticino River  search
 .Ticino River
 Piemonte Italy
 Lombardy Italy
 Lago Maggiore
 Ticino Switzerland
SNFlows from S Switzerland to the Po River in NW Italy. Indexed with country as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Ticino Switzerland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Ticino Switzerland
NTSan Giorgio Mountain
UFTessin Switzerland
RTLepontine Alps
 Lago Maggiore
 Ticino River
SNCanton in Lepontine Alps in S Switzerland.
Ticonderoga New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Essex County New York
 ...Ticonderoga New York
SNVillage on N outlet of Lake George in NE New York.
tidal channels  search
BTshore features
 .tidal channels
 tidal flats
 tidal inlets
tidal currents  search
RTlongshore currents
 marine transport
 nearshore environment
 ocean currents
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
tidal energy  search
 energy sources
 new energy sources
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tidal environment  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use intertidal environment, intertidal sedimentation, estuarine environment, estuarine sedimentation, tidal channels, tidal energy, tidal flats, tidal inlets, or tides as applicable.
tidal flats  search
RTbrackish-water environment
 coastal environment
 intertidal environment
 marine environment
 mud flats
 shore features
 supratidal environment
 tidal channels
 tidal marshes
SNAlso index shore features or intertidal environment as applicable.
tidal glaciers  search
USEtidewater glaciers
tidal inlets  search
BTshore features
 .tidal inlets
UFtidal outlets
 tidal channels
tidal marshes  search
 ..tidal marshes
 shore features
 lacustrine features
 salt marshes
 tidal flats
 paludal environment
SNIndexed with lacustrine features or shore features as applicable.
tidal outlets  search
USEtidal inlets
tidal surges  search
SNBefore 1993, also search surges AND tides. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
tidal wave  search
tides  search
RTEarth tides
 littoral erosion
 low water
 ocean circulation
 tidal currents
 tidal flats
 tidal surges
tidewater glaciers  search
 .tidewater glaciers
UFtidal glaciers
RTglacial geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
Tieh-Chen Shan  search
Tiehchenshan  search
 .Far East
UFTieh-Chen Shan
SNHill region in NW Taiwan.
Tien Shan  search
 .Tien Shan
NTAlai Range
 Chatkal Range
 Chu-Ili Mountains
 Dzhungarian Alatau
 Karatau Range
 Talas Range
 Zeravshan Range
UFTian Shan
 Tien Shan Range
 Tien-Shan Range
 Xinjiang China
 Central Asia
 Kurama Range
 Tarbagatay Range
SNMountain region in Kyrgyzstan and Xinjiang, NW China. From 1981-1992, restricted to portion in Kyrgyzstan. Indexed with Kyrgyzstan and/or Xinjiang China as applicable.
Tien Shan Range  search
USETien Shan
Tien-Shan  search
USETien Shan
Tien-Shan Range  search
USETien Shan
Tientsin  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Tianjin China.
Tierra Amarilla New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Rio Arriba County New Mexico
 ...Tierra Amarilla New Mexico
SNVillage in N New Mexico.
Tierra del Fuego  search
BTSouth America
 .Tierra del Fuego
NTTierra del Fuego Island
RTEast Pacific Ocean Islands
 Atlantic Ocean Islands
 Magallanes Chile
SNArchipelago comprising all islands S of Strait of Magellan to Drake Passage. As of 1995, use Tierra del Fuego Island for the island. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Tierra del Fuego Island  search
BTSouth America
 .Tierra del Fuego
 ..Tierra del Fuego Island
 Magallanes Chile
SNAlso search Tierra del Fuego. Indexed with countries as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Tieschitz Meteorite  search
 .stony meteorites
 ...Tieschitz Meteorite
RTCzech Republic
SNImpact at Prerov, Moravia, Czech Republic. Olivine-bronzite chondrite. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tiffanian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Paleocene
SNNorth America. Upper Paleocene, above Torrejonian and below Clarkforkian. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tiflis Georgian Republic  search
USETbilisi Georgian Republic
Tift County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tift County Georgia
tight sands  search
RTenergy sources
 gas sands
 natural gas
 oil and gas fields
 oil sands
 organic compounds
 reservoir properties
 reservoir rocks
 source rocks
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tigr  search
Tigre Ethiopia  search
 .East Africa
 ...Tigre Ethiopia
SNProvince in N Ethiopia.
Tigris River  search
 .Middle East
 ..Tigris River
SNSource in E Turkey. Joins Euphrates River at Basra, Iraq. Indexed with countries as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tijeras Canyon  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Bernalillo County New Mexico
 ...Tijeras Canyon
RTBasin and Range Province
SNCentral New Mexico. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tilia  search
till  search
 .clastic sediments
NTlodgement till
RTglacial geology
 terrigenous materials
 boulder clay
 boulder trains
 glacial features
 glacial transport
SNBefore 1971, also search glacial deposits.
tillage  search
RTsoil management
Tillamook County Oregon  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tillamook County Oregon
SNNW Oregon. Also search Tillamook AND Oregon.
tillite  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .clastic rocks
RTterrigenous materials
 glacial features
Tillman County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tillman County Oklahoma
Tillodontia  search
tilloid  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .clastic rocks
RTterrigenous materials
tilt  search
 volcanic earthquakes
 obliquity of the ecliptic
SNAs of 1981, for the tilt of a planet on its axis, use obliquity of the ecliptic.
tilting  search
tiltmeters  search
Timagami Mine  search
USETemagami Mine
Timan Ridge  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Timan Ridge
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Timan Ridge
BTRussian Platform
 .Timan Ridge
 .Timan Ridge
SNAn eroded range of ancient sedimentary rocks in N European Russian Federation dividing the eastern Pechora Basin from the plains to the W. Also search Timan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Timan-Pechora region  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Timan-Pechora region
 .Timan-Pechora region
RTNenets Russian Federation
 Komi Russian Federation
 Pechora Basin
SNIncludes the Timan Ridge area; and the Pechora Basin in Komi Autonomous Republic and Nenets National Okrug. In N and NE European Russian Federation. Before 1978, also search Timan-Pechora. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Timbered Hills Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cambrian
 .....Timbered Hills Group
 Reagan Sandstone
SNS Oklahoma. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
time domain analysis  search
 frequency domain analysis
 Hilbert transformations
 geophysical methods
 time domain reflectometry
SNAlso search time domain. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
time domain reflectometry  search
BTgeophysical methods
 .electrical methods
 ..time domain reflectometry
RTgeophysical surveys
 ground methods
 time domain analysis
SNUse TDR data for data and time domain reflectometers for the instrument. For surveys, also index geophysical surveys. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
time factor  search
 P-T-t paths
 residence time
 temporal distribution
time scales  search
UFscales, time
 scale factor
time series analysis  search
BTstatistical analysis
 .time series analysis
 mathematical geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1983.
time variations  search
RTseismic methods
SNAs of 1982, restricted to seismology or seismic methods.
Timiskaming County Quebec  search
USETemiscamingue County Quebec
Timiskaming District Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Timiskaming District Ontario
NTCobalt Ontario
 Kirkland Lake Ontario
 New Liskeard Ontario
UFDistrict of Temiscamingue
 District of Temiskaming
 District of Timiskaming
 Temiscamingue District Ontario
 Temiskaming District Ontario
RTTemiscamingue County Quebec
 Lake Timiskaming
 Larder Lake District Ontario
SNE central Ontario, on Quebec border. Also search Timiskaming.
Timiskaming Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Timiskaming Group
RTAbitibi Belt
 Superior Province
SNAbitibi Belt of Superior Province. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Timiskaming Lake  search
USELake Timiskaming
Timmins Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Cochrane District Ontario
 ....Timmins Ontario
RTKidd Creek Mine
SNMining town 135 miles N of Sudbury between Lake Huron and James Bay.
Timna  search
 .Middle East
SNRegion in S Israel including ancient copper mining site. Also search Har Timna, Mount Timna, or Timna Valley as applicable.
Timok Basin  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Timok Basin
UFTimok River basin
RTcoal fields
SNRiver and coal basin near the Bulgarian and Romanian borders in E Serbia. Also search Timok; Timok River.
Timok River basin  search
USETimok Basin
Timor  search
BTMalay Archipelago
 .Far East
 ..Lesser Sunda Islands
UFPortuguese Timor
 Banda Arc
 Sunda Arc
SNIsland in the Lesser Sundas separated from Australia by the Timor Sea. W half of island belongs to Indonesia. The E half was given up by Portugal in 1975 and subsequently occupied by Indonesia. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with country as a
Timor Sea  search
BTIndian Ocean
 .Timor Sea
NTBonaparte Gulf basin
 Sahul Shelf
 Timor Trough
RTSouthwest Pacific
 West Pacific
 Joseph Bonaparte Gulf
 Browse Basin
SNBetween the island of Timor and NW Australia. From 1981-1994, West Pacific was also a broader term.
Timor Trench  search
USETimor Trough
Timor Trough  search
BTIndian Ocean
 .Timor Sea
 ..Timor Trough
UFTimor Trench
RTBanda Arc
 DSDP Site 262
SNUndersea feature off the S coast of Timor.
TIMS  search
SNAs of 1998, not a valid term for GeoRef. Used for various concepts. See thermal ionization mass spectroscopy or Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner if applicable.
tin  search
RTtin ores
SNChemical element. Use tin ores for tin as a commodity.
tin ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .tin ores
 Dachang Deposit
tin pyrites  search
Tinaquillo Venezuela  search
BTSouth America
 ..Cojedes Venezuela
 ...Tinaquillo Venezuela
SNTown in N Cojedes, NW Venezuela.
Tindouf Algeria  search
 .North Africa
 ...Tindouf Algeria
SNVillage and oasis in extreme W Algeria.
Tindouf Basin  search
 .North Africa
 ...Tindouf Basin
UFSebkha de Tindouf
SNSalt flats in extreme W Algeria. Before 1978, also Also search Tindouf Algeria.
tinguaite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
Tintic District  search
USETintic mining district
Tintic mining district  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tintic mining district
UFTintic District
RTmetal ores
 Juab County Utah
SNArea around East Tintic Creek in Juab County in W central Utah. Also search Tintic AND Utah. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Tintic Quartzite  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tintic Quartzite
SNLower and Middle Cambrian. Underlies Ophir Formation and unconformably overlies crystalline complex. Central and N Utah.
Tintina Fault  search
BTNorth America
 .Tintina Fault
UFTintina fault zone
 Tintina Trench
 Yukon Territory
 Yukon-Tanana Terrane
SNIndexed with Alaska and/or Yukon Territory as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tintina fault zone  search
USETintina Fault
Tintina Trench  search
USETintina Fault
Tintinnidae  search
SNFamily. Including Calpionellidae. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
Tioga Bentonite  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Devonian
 .....Tioga Bentonite
 New York
 West Virginia
 Onondaga Limestone
SNTioga Bentonite Bed is in Seneca Member of Onondaga Limestone. It is subsurface in Pennsylvania.
Tioga County New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Tioga County New York
SNS New York.
Tioga County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tioga County Pennsylvania
SNN Pennsylvania.
Tippah County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tippah County Mississippi
Tippecanoe County Indiana  search
 .Tippecanoe County Indiana
SNW central Indiana.
Tippecanoe Sequence  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Tippecanoe Sequence
 Middle Ordovician
 Upper Ordovician
 Lower Devonian
 United States
 Illinois Basin
SNMiddle Ordovician through Lower Devonian. Illinois Basin, central United States. Indexed with age or ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Tipperary Ireland  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Tipperary Ireland
NTCashel Ireland
SNCounty in S Ireland.
Tipton County Indiana  search
 .Tipton County Indiana
Tipton County Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tipton County Tennessee
Tiraspol Moldova  search
 ..Tiraspol Moldova
SNCity on the Dniester River in SE Moldova. This term has multiple hierarchies.
tirodite  search
 .chain silicates
 ..amphibole group
Tirol Austria  search
USETyrol Austria
Tiruchirapalli India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Tamil Nadu India
 ....Tiruchirapalli India
UFTrichinopoly India
SNCity 200 miles SSW of Madras in Tamil Nadu.
Tirupati India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Andhra Pradesh India
 ....Tirupati India
SNCity in S Andhra Pradesh, central India.
Tisa River  search
USETisza River
Tishomingo County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tishomingo County Mississippi
NTTishomingo Mississippi
SNCounty in extreme NE Mississippi.
Tishomingo Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tishomingo County Mississippi
 ...Tishomingo Mississippi
SNVillage in NE Mississippi.
Tismana Romania  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Tismana Romania
SNVillage in S foothills of Transylvanian Alps in NW.
Tisza River  search
 .Tisza River
UFTheiss River
 Tisa River
 Vojvodina Yugoslavia
SNRises in Carpathians in W Ukraine and flows W, SW and then S, into the Danube River N of Belgrade. Also search Tisza. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Titan Satellite  search
RTicy satellites
 Voyager Program
SNOne of the satellites of Saturn. Before 1989, also search Titan AND Saturn. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
titanaugite  search
 .chain silicates
 ..pyroxene group
Titania Satellite  search
RTicy satellites
 Voyager Program
SNOne of the satellites of Uranus. Before 1989, also search Titania AND Uranus. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
titanite  search
RTheavy minerals
titanium  search
RThigh-field-strength elements
 titanium ores
SNChemical element. Use titanium ores for titanium as a commodity.
titanium ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .titanium ores
RTtitanium oxides
titanium oxides  search
 .titanium oxides
 titanium ores
titanoclinohumite  search
 ...humite group
titanomaghemite  search
RTtitanium oxides
titanomagnetite  search
RTiron ores
 titanium oxides
 magnetic minerals
 titanium ores
Tithonian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Jurassic
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Jurassic
NTVaca Muerta Formation
RTToro Formation
titration  search
UFvolumetric analysis
RTchemical analysis
 wet methods
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Titus County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Titus County Texas
tjaele  search
USEfrozen ground
Tkibuli Georgian Republic  search
 .Georgian Republic
 ..Tkibuli Georgian Republic
UFTkvibuli Georgian Republic
SNCity in W Georgian Republic.
Tkvibuli Georgian Republic  search
USETkibuli Georgian Republic
Tl  search
Tm  search
SNAs of 1993, not a valid term for GeoRef. See thematic mapper if applicable.
Toarcian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Jurassic
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Jurassic
 .....upper Liassic
NTlower Toarcian
Toba Lake  search
 .Far East
 ....Toba Lake
 impact features
SNIn Barisan Mountains in N central Sumatra. Thought to occupy the crater of an extinct volcano. Also search Toba.
Tobacco Root Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Madison County Montana
 ...Tobacco Root Mountains
BTUnited States
 .U. S. Rocky Mountains
 ..Tobacco Root Mountains
SNRange of Rocky Mountains in SW Montana. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tobago  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ...Lesser Antilles
 ....Trinidad and Tobago
SNSmall island NE of Trinidad. A constituent part of Trinidad and Tobago.
tobermorite  search
 .chain silicates
TOC  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See total organic carbon.
Tocantins River region  search
BTSouth America
 ..Tocantins River region
RTPara Brazil
 Maranhao Brazil
 Goias Brazil
 Maranhao Basin
SNN central and N Brazil. Also search Tocantins. Indexed with states as applicable.
Tochigi Japan  search
 .Tochigi Japan
NTShiobara Japan
RTAshio Japan
 Ashio Mine
 Kanto Plain
SNPrefecture including town in E central Honshu.
tochilinite  search
RTiron sulfides
Todd County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Todd County Kentucky
Todd County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Todd County Minnesota
Todd County South Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .South Dakota
 ..Todd County South Dakota
Todilto Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Jurassic
 .....Todilto Formation
RTNew Mexico
 San Rafael Group
SNIn San Rafael Group.
todorokite  search
RTmanganese minerals
Todos Santos B  search
Todos Santos Bay  search
 .Baja California Norte Mexico
 ..Todos Santos Bay
RTBaja California
SNJust S and SW of Ensenada. Also search Todos Santos.
Tofino Basin  search
 .Western Canada
 ..British Columbia
 ...Tofino Basin
RTVancouver Island
SNSW Vancouver Island. Also search Tofino.
Tofua  search
SNVolcanic island. The largest of Haapai group in central Tonga.
Togo  search
 .West Africa
 Volta Basin
SNFormerly French Togo.
Tohoku  search
UFNortheast Japan
RTFukushima Japan
 Miyagi Japan
 Akita Japan
 Aomori Japan
 Yamagata Japan
 Iwate Japan
SNLiterally Northeast. Region, comprising N Honshu, which represents a transitional zone between cold Hokkaido and temperate and subtropical areas farther S. Includes Akita, Fukushima, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, and Yamagata prefectures. Indexed with prefecture
Toiyabe Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Toiyabe Range
RTLander County Nevada
 Nye County Nevada
SNNye and Lander counties, central Nevada. Extends N-S along E bank of Reese River. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tokachi  search
 Hidaka Mountains
SNVolcanic peak in central Hokkaido. After 1992, use Tokachi Japan for the sub-prefecture of Hokkaido.
Tokachi earthquake 1968  search
USETokachi-Oki earthquake 1968
Tokachi Plain  search
 .Tokachi Plain
SNTokachi sub-prefecture, S central Hokkaido.
Tokachi-Oki earthqu  search
Tokachi-Oki earthquake 1968  search
 .Tokachi-Oki earthquake 1968
UFTokachi earthquake 1968
 Oki Islands
 Japan Sea
SNSubmarine earthquake off Hokkaido, Japan. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Tokai Japan  search
 .Tokai Japan
RTIbaraki Japan
 Aichi Japan
 Chubu Japan
 Shizuoka Japan
 Suruga Bay
 Izu Peninsula
SNDistrict in E central Honshu. Cities occur in Aichi Prefecture near Nagoya and in E Ibaraki Prefecture. Indexed with prefecture as applicable.
Tokaj Hungary  search
 .Tokaj Hungary
UFTokay Hungary
SNTown in NE Hungary.
Tokaj Mountains  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Tokaj Mountains
 .Tokaj-Eperjes Mountains
 ..Tokaj Mountains
SNIn NE Hungary. Hungarian section of Tokaj-Eperjes Mountains. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tokaj-Eperjes Mountains  search
 .Tokaj-Eperjes Mountains
NTTokaj Mountains
SNOutlier of the Carpathians. Indexed with Hungary and/or Slovakia as applicable.
Tokay Hungary  search
USETokaj Hungary
Tokelau  search
UFUnion Islands
RTEast Pacific Ocean Islands
SNIsland group N of Western Samoa. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Toki Japan  search
 .Gifu Japan
 ..Toki Japan
SNCity NE of Nagoya in Gifu Prefecture, central Honshu.
Tokio  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Tokyo Japan.
Tokrau Synclinorium  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Tokrau Synclinorium
SNN of Lake Balkhash. Also search Tokrau. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tokushima Japan  search
 .Far East
 ....Tokushima Japan
RTYoshino River
SNPrefecture and city on E coast of Shikoku, S Japan.
Tokyo Bay  search
 .Tokyo Bay
RTTokyo Japan
 Chiba Japan
 Kanagawa Japan
SNSE Honshu. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tokyo Imperial University  search
USEUniversity of Tokyo
Tokyo Japan  search
 .Tokyo Japan
NTMusashino Japan
 Bonin Islands
 Kanto Plain
 Tokyo Bay
 Ishikawa Japan
SNPrefecture including city on Tokyo Bay in SE Honshu. Region bears the historic names Edo, Medo, Tokio, or Yeddo.
Tolbachik  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Russian Pacific region
 ...Kamchatka Peninsula
SNVolcano on Kamchatka Peninsula. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Toledo City Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Castilla-La Mancha Spain
 .....Toledo Spain
 ......Toledo City Spain
SNRefers only to the city in central Toledo Province, central Spain. Before 1981, also search Toledo Spain.
Toledo Ohio  search
BTUnited States
 ..Lucas County Ohio
 ...Toledo Ohio
SNCity on Maumee River in NW Ohio.
Toledo Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Castilla-La Mancha Spain
 .....Toledo Spain
NTToledo City Spain
RTCastile Spain
 Sierra de Gredos
 New Castile Spain
 Montes de Toledo
 Madrid Basin
SNRefers only to the province in central Spain. From 1981-1992, also search Toledo Province and Spain. For the city, see Toledo City Spain.
Tolfa Hills  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Latium Italy
 ....Tolfa Hills
SNENE of Civitavechia in NW Latium. Also search Tolfa.
Tolland County Connecticut  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tolland County Connecticut
NTColumbia Connecticut
RTRoaring Brook Valley
SNNE Connecticut.
Toluca Meteorite  search
 .iron meteorites
 ...Toluca Meteorite
SNImpact near Xiquipilco in Toluca area W of Mexico City. Before 1981, also search Toluca AND meteorites. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
toluene  search
BTorganic compounds
 ..aromatic hydrocarbons
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tom Green County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tom Green County Texas
Tomales Bay  search
BTUnited States
 ..Marin County California
 ...Tomales Bay
SNInlet of Pacific Ocean on NW coast of Marin County N of San Francisco.
Tomar Portugal  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Tomar Portugal
UFThomar Portugal
SNCity in W central Portugal.
Tomaszow Lubelski Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Tomaszow Lubelski Poland
SNTown in SE Zamosc, E Poland.
Tomaszow Mazowiecki Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Tomaszow Mazowiecki Poland
SNTown SE of Lodz in NE Piotrkow, central Poland.
Tomaszow-Lvov Ridge  search
Tombigbee River  search
BTUnited States
 .Tombigbee River
 Gulf Coastal Plain
 Mobile Bay
SNSource in NE Mississippi. Joins Alabama River in SW Alabama, then redivides into Mobile and Tensaw rivers, which flow into Mobile Bay. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
tombolos  search
BTshore features
 barrier islands
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
Tombstone Arizona  search
BTUnited States
 ..Cochise County Arizona
 ...Tombstone Arizona
SNCity in SE Arizona.
Tommotian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cambrian
SNUSSR. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
tomography  search
 geophysical methods
 seismic methods
 X-ray analysis
 crosshole methods
 Radon transforms
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tompkins County New York  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Tompkins County New York
NTIthaca New York
RTCayuga Lake
SNW central New York.
Tomsk Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tomsk Russian Federation
 .Tomsk Russian Federation
NTNarym Russian Federation
 Sredniy Vasyugan Russian Federation
RTKuznetsk Basin
 Kiya River
SNOblast including the city on right bank of Tom River near its junction with Ob River in S central Siberia. Before 1993, Tomsk Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
tonalite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
RTquartz diorites
tonalite gneiss  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
 ..tonalite gneiss
Tonankai earthquake 1944  search
 .Tonankai earthquake 1944
 Mie Japan
 Kii Peninsula
SNEpicenter E of Kii Peninsula, Honshu, in the Kumano Sea. Before 1985, also search (Tonankai AND earthquakes AND 1944); OR Tonankai earthquakes, 1944. Added to Thesaurus in 2001.
Tonga  search
NTEua Island
UFFriendly Islands
 Tonga Arc
 Tonga Archipelago
 Tonga island arc
 Tonga Islands
RTEast Pacific Ocean Islands
 Pacific Ocean
 Ata Caldera
 Tonga Trench
SNAn archipelago of about 150 islands NE of New Zealand. Formerly a British protectorate which became independent in 1970.
Tonga Arc  search
Tonga Archipelago  search
Tonga island arc  search
Tonga Islands  search
Tonga Trench  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .South Pacific
 ..Southeast Pacific
 ...Tonga Trench
 DSDP Site 595
 Leg 91
 DSDP Site 596
SNE of the Tongtapu group of the S Tonga Islands. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tonganoxie Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Pennsylvanian
 .......Tonganoxie Sandstone
UFTunganoxie Sandstone Member
SNOf Stranger Formation. Underlies Westphalia Limestone Member. In E Kansas and NW Missouri.
Tongariro  search
 .New Zealand
 North Island
 Taupo volcanic zone
SNVolcano in Tongariro National Park, central North Island, New Zealand. Also index North Island. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Tonghai earthquake 1970  search
 .Tonghai earthquake 1970
UFT'ung-hai earthquake 1970
 Yunnan China
SNEpicenter near Tonghai, Yunnan, SW China. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tongrian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Eocene
RTKrosno Beds
SNLattorfian. Europe. Above Ludian (Eocene), below Rupelian. Also search Lattorfian.
Tongue of the Ocean  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Tongue of the Ocean
SNStrait between Andros Island on the west and New Providence Island and Exuma Cays on the east. Before 1995, Bahamas was a broader term.
Tongue River  search
RTNorth Dakota
 Yellowstone River
SNTributary of the Yellowstone River, N central Wyoming and SE Montana. Also a tributary of the Pembina River, NE North Dakota. Indexed with counties and states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tongue River Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Tongue River Member
 North Dakota
 South Dakota
 Fort Union Formation
SNIn Fort Union Formation. In Montana and North Dakota, composed of light-yellow, tan, and gray sandstones and shales; thin lenses of limestone; and numerous beds of lignite. Found in E Montana, SW North Dakota, South Dakota and NW Wyoming.
Tonian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
Tonkin Gulf  search
USEGulf of Tonkin
tonnage  search
 ore grade
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1995.
Tonnerre France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Yonne France
 ....Tonnerre France
SNTown in E Yonne, central France.
Tono Japan  search
 .Tono Japan
RTGifu Japan
 Iwate Japan
SNVillage in N Honshu. Indexed with prefecture.
Tono Washington  search
BTUnited States
 ..Thurston County Washington
 ...Tono Washington
SNVillage in SW Washington.
Tonoloway Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Silurian
 ......Tonoloway Limestone
 West Virginia
SNCayugan. Underlies Keyser Limestone.
Tonopah Nevada  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nye County Nevada
 ...Tonopah Nevada
SNVillage in S central Nevada.
Tons Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tons Member
SNTons Series, Cambrian. The Tons Series and Son Series are united to make up the Ken Subsystem, or lower main division of the Vindhyan System. In central India.
tonstein  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .clastic rocks
RTterrigenous materials
Tonto Basin  search
BTUnited States
 ..Gila County Arizona
 ...Tonto Basin
SNValley in N Gila County in central Arizona.
Tooele County Utah  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tooele County Utah
NTBonneville Salt Flats
 Stansbury Mountains
RTGreat Salt Lake
 Thomas Range
SNNW Utah.
tool marks  search
BTsedimentary structures
 .bedding plane irregularities
 ..tool marks
RTsoft sediment deformation
 current markings
Toole County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Toole County Montana
SNN Montana.
Toolebuc Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Toolebuc Formation
RTQueensland Australia
 South Australia
 Northern Territory Australia
 New South Wales Australia
SNE Australia. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tools  search
SNAs of 1993, use artifacts with archaeology if applicable. See instruments for other uses.
Toombs County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Toombs County Georgia
topaz  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Topeka Kansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Shawnee County Kansas
 ...Topeka Kansas
SNCity on Kansas River in NE Kansas.
tophus  search
Topley Intrusions  search
 .Western Canada
 ..British Columbia
 ...Topley Intrusions
SNCentral British Columbia.
topographic correction  search
 geophysical methods
 topographic maps
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
topographic maps  search
 .topographic maps
 base maps
 topographic correction
 contour maps
SNBefore 1978, also search maps AND topographic.
topography  search
 ocean floors
 physiographic provinces
 topographic correction
 topographic maps
topology  search
 mathematical geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Topopah Spring Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Topopah Spring Member
 Paintbrush Tuff
SNOf Paintbrush Tuff. S Nevada. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
toposequences  search
Toquima Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Toquima Range
RTBasin and Range Province
 Lander County Nevada
 Nye County Nevada
 Mount Jefferson
SNCentral Nevada. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tor Formation  search
 North Sea
 Upper Cretaceous
SNDevonian. Overlies Antelope Valley Limestone. In central Nevada. Also an Upper Cretaceous formation in the North Sea oilfields. Indexed with age and region as applicable.
torbanite  search
BTsedimentary rocks
RToil shale
torbernite  search
Torino Italy  search
USETurin Italy
Torlesse Supergroup  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Triassic
 .....Torlesse Supergroup
RTNew Zealand
 Otago Schist
Torlesse Terrane  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Torlesse Terrane
RTSouth Island
 North Island
SNUpper Paleozoic and Mesozoic. Comprises much of the axial mountain ranges of North Island and South Island. Indexed with North Island and/or South Island as applicable.
Torngat Mountains  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ....Torngat Mountains
SNN Labrador. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Torngat Orogeny  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Torngat Orogeny
SNNE Quebec, N Labrador.
Tornquist Zone  search
USETornquist-Teisseyre Zone
Tornquist-Teisseyre Zone  search
 .Tornquist-Teisseyre Zone
UFTeisseyre-Tornquist Zone
 Tornquist Zone
RTCentral Europe
 Western Europe
SNSuture zone or lineament from S Scandinavia through Poland to the Black Sea. It separates the stable Precambrian Russian Platform and younger, more tectonically active crust of central and Western Europe. Indexed with countries and/or regions as applicabl
Toro Formation  search
 Lower Cretaceous
 Papua New Guinea
 Upper Jurassic
SNLower Cretaceous (Berriasian) and Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) sandstone of Papua New Guinea. Also Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic of California. May also occur in other locations. Search in combination with country or state. Indexed with age as applica
toroidal mode  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Torok Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Torok Formation
SNN Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Toronto Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Toronto Ontario
RTGibraltar Point
SNMunicipal region including the city at NW end of Lake Ontario.
Toroweap Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Toroweap Formation
SNIn Aubrey Group. In Arizona can be subdivided into 3 main units (ascending): red to buff sandstone; calcareous sandstone and arenaceous limestone; and alternating red and buff sandstone, siltstone, and some shale. In NW Arizona, SE Nevada, and SW Utah.
Torquay England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Devonshire England
 ......Torquay England
SNResort city on English Channel in SW England.
torque  search
RTangular momentum
 obliquity of the ecliptic
 plate tectonics
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1995.
Torrance County New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Torrance County New Mexico
RTManzano Mountains
SNCentral New Mexico.
Torrejonian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....lower Paleocene
SNNorth America. Lower Paleocene, above Dragonian and below Tiffanian. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Torres Strait  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .South Pacific
 ..Southwest Pacific
 ...Torres Strait
RTArafura Sea
 Coral Sea
SNBetween the island of New Guinea and the N tip of Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Connects the Arafura Sea with the Coral Sea. Also search Torres. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Torridonian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
tors  search
RTerosion features
 glacial geology
 periglacial features
 solution features
torsion  search
 extension tectonics
torsion faults  search
USEwrench faults
torsion modulus  search
USEshear modulus
Tortonian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Miocene
RTChinji Formation
tortuosity  search
SNProperty of materials.
Torun Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Torun Poland
NTGrudziadz Poland
UFThorn Poland
SNProvince and city in N central Poland.
Tosa Bay  search
 .Far East
 ....Tosa Bay
RTKochi Japan
SNInlet of the Pacific Ocean on S coast. Also search Tosa.
tosudite  search
 .sheet silicates
 ..clay minerals
total field methods  search
USEtotal-field methods
total organic carbon  search
BTorganic compounds
 .total organic carbon
 organic carbon
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1998.
total rock  search
USEwhole rock
total-field methods  search
UFtotal field methods
RTremote sensing
 airborne methods
 magnetic methods
 high-resolution methods
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Totes Gebirge  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Totes Gebirge
RTUpper Austria
 Styria Austria
SNMountain range in W central Austria. Indexed with states as applicable.
Tottori Japan  search
 .Tottori Japan
SNCity and prefecture on Japan Sea NW of Kyoto in S Honshu.
Toulon France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Var France
 ....Toulon France
SNCity on the Mediterranean Sea in S Var, SE France.
Toulouse France  search
BTute-Garonne France
 .Toulouse France
SNCity on the Garonne River in N Haute-Garonne, S France.
Toumodi Ivory Coast  search
 .West Africa
 ..Ivory Coast
 ...Toumodi Ivory Coast
SNVillage NW of Abidjan in S central Ivory Coast.
Touraine  search
 .Western Europe
RTIndre France
 Indre-et-Loire France
SNHistorical region of NW central France. The area now comprises Indre-et-Loire Department and part of Indre Department. Indexed with departments as applicable.
tourmaline  search
 .ring silicates
RTheavy minerals
tourmaline schist  search
tourmalinite  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
UFtourmaline schist
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
tourmalinization  search
 hydrothermal alteration
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tournai Belgium  search
BTinaut Belgium
 .Tournai Belgium
UFDoornik Belgium
 Tournay Belgium
SNCity on Scheldt River near the French border in W Hainaut, SW Belgium.
Tournaisian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
BTChronostratigraphic Units
NTupper Tournaisian
Tournay Belgium  search
USETournai Belgium
Tours France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Indre-et-Loire France
 ....Tours France
SNCity on the Loire River in central Indre-et-Loire, NW central France.
Toutle River  search
BTUnited States
 ..Toutle River
RTCowlitz River
 Cowlitz County Washington
 Skamania County Washington
SNTributary of the Cowlitz River, SW Washington. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Towada  search
UFTowada Volcano
SNVolcano in Towada-Hachimantai National Park in N Honshu. Indexed with prefecture.
Towada Volcano  search
Towner County North Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .North Dakota
 ..Towner County North Dakota
Towns County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Towns County Georgia
RTLake Chatuge
SNNE Georgia.
Townsville Australia  search
 ..Queensland Australia
 ...Townsville Australia
SNCity on Halifax Bay on the Coral Sea in E Queensland.
toxic materials  search
 carbon tetrachloride
 chemical waste
 environmental geology
 hazardous waste
SNBefore 1978, also search toxic AND materials. Before 1984, also search toxic substances. Toxic substances was used primarily under soils.
toxic waste  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See hazardous waste; radioactive waste; toxic materials; waste disposal.
toxicity  search
 environmental geology
 toxic materials
 waste disposal
Toyama Japan  search
 .Toyama Japan
RTChubu Japan
 Japanese Alps
 Hida Mountains
 Noto Peninsula
SNPrefecture and city on S shore of Toyama Bay on Japan Sea in central Honshu.
Toyoha Mine  search
 .Toyoha Mine
 lead-zinc deposits
 silver ores
 polymetallic ores
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
Toyoma Japan  search
 .Toyoma Japan
SNTown SE of Taira on the Pacific Ocean in central Honshu.
Toyoura Sand  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
tr  search
trace elements  search
UFguest element
 chemical elements
 thermal waters
 rare earths
 major elements
 minor elements
 trace-element analyses
 trace metals
trace fossils  search
SNA valid term through 1972. After 1972, use ichnofossils. However, as of 1981, a distinction is made between ichnofossils and lebensspuren. Use lebensspuren when the emphasis is sedimentary petrology; use ichnofossils for paleontologic studies.
trace metals  search
RTenvironmental geology
 trace elements
SNMay be used with commodities (list C).
trace-element analyses  search
 chemical analysis
 chemical elements
 major-element analyses
 minor-element analyses
 particle-induced X-ray emission
 trace elements
SNFor data, see appropriate material.
trace-elements  search
USEtrace elements
tracers  search
RTbreakthrough curves
 dye tracers
 ground water
 image analysis
 radioactive tracers
 surface water
tracheophyte  search
SNAs of 1993, use vascular taxa AND Plantae.
trachyandesites  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
trachybasalts  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
 ...alkali basalts
trachydolerite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
 ...alkali basalts
Trachyleberididae  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Trachyleberidinae  search
trachyte-phonolite family  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use trachytes or phonolites as applicable.
trachytes  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
 quartz keratophyre
SNBefore 1981, search trachyte-phonolite family.
tracks  search
RTbiogenic structures
 sedimentary structures
SNBefore 1977, also search tracks and trails. Includes use as the sedimentary structure as well as the paleontologic feature. Also index ichnofossils OR lebensspuren if applicable. See lists F and K.
tracks and trails  search
SNNot a valid index term for GeoRef after 1971. Used in subfiles E, N, T, and B. Use tracks or trails as separate terms.
Tracy Arm  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tracy Arm
RTSoutheastern Alaska
SNSE Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tradewater Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Middle Pennsylvanian
 ......Tradewater Formation
SNW Kentucky. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Traill County North Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .North Dakota
 ..Traill County North Dakota
trails  search
RTbiogenic structures
 sedimentary structures
SNBefore 1977, also search tracks and trails. Includes use as the sedimentary structure as well as the paleontologic feature. Also index ichnofossils OR lebensspuren if applicable. See lists F and K.
Tranquillity Base  search
Trans Alaska Crustal Transect  search
Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect  search
Trans-Alaska Pipeline  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trans-Alaska Pipeline
RTSouthern Alaska
 Northern Alaska
 East-Central Alaska
 Valdez Alaska
SNPipeline constructed for the movement of crude oil from the North Slope at Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean in the NE to the port of Valdez off Prince William Sound in the SE. Indexed with Northern Alaska, East-Central Alaska and/or Southern Alaska as appl
Trans-Amazonian Orogeny  search
USETransamazonian Orogeny
Trans-Aravalli Vindhyan Basin  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Trans-Aravalli Vindhyan Basin
RTRajasthan India
 Madhya Pradesh India
SNIndexed with states as applicable.
Trans-Hudsonian Orogeny  search
USEHudsonian Orogeny
Trans-Jordan  search
Trans-Pecos  search
BTUnited States
RTNew Mexico
 West Texas
 Marathon Geosyncline
SNRegion W of the Pecos River and E of the Rio Grande in West Texas and S central New Mexico. Indexed with states as applicable.
Transamazonian Orogeny  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Transamazonian Orogeny
UFAmazonian Orogeny
 Trans-Amazonian Orogeny
 Pan-African Orogeny
 South America
SNPrimarily in NE and north-central South America. Also search Transamazonian Cycle if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
Transantarctic Mountains  search
 .Transantarctic Mountains
RTQueen Alexandra Range Meteorites
SNA series of mountain ranges extending across the continent from the Filchner Ice Shelf on the Atlantic Ocean side through Victoria Land on the Pacific Ocean side separating East Antarctica from West Antarctica.
Transbaikal  search
Transbaikalia  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
RTArgun River
 Amur Russian Federation
 Zeya River
 Buryat Russian Federation
 Baikal region
 Chita Russian Federation
 Western Transbaikalia
SNRegion of SE Siberia E of Lake Baikal including Buryatia; and Chita and Amur oblasts. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Transcarpathia Ukraine  search
 ..Transcarpathia Ukraine
NTBeregovo Ukraine
 Borkut Deposit
 Rakhov Ukraine
RTRussian Platform
 Rakhov Massif
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Transcaucasia  search
RTGeorgian Republic
 Lesser Caucasus
 Greater Caucasus
 Kabardin-Balkar Russian Federation
SNRegion including Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Georgian Republic. Indexed with former Soviet republics as applicable.
Transcaucasus  search
Transcontinental Arch  search
BTNorth America
 .Transcontinental Arch
 United States
 Great Plains
SNProminent Middle Ordovician feature extending from the Canadian Shield, southwest across the Great Plains to NW Mexico. Indexed with states, countries, or regions as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
transcurrent faults  search
 .transcurrent faults
 strike-slip faults
 transverse faults
SNBefore 1978, also search faults AND transcurrent.
Transdanubia  search
NTCentral Transdanubia
 Northwestern Transdanubia
 Southeastern Transdanubia
 Southern Transdanubia
SNFertile, hilly region between the Danube River and the Austrian border.
Transdanubian Central Mountains  search
USEBakony Mountains
transducers  search
RTdata processing
SNAlso search pressure transducers or pressure sensors if applicable.
transects  search
transfer faults  search
 .strike-slip faults
 ..transfer faults
RTaccommodation zones
 transform faults
 dip-slip faults
 fault zones
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
transfer functions  search
RTdata processing
 mathematical geology
 mathematical methods
 mathematical models
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
transfer, heat  search
USEheat transfer
transfer, mass  search
USEmass transfer
transform  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, use transform faults.
transform faults  search
 .strike-slip faults
 ..transform faults
RTaccommodation zones
 plate tectonics
 transfer faults
 mid-ocean ridges
 fracture zones
 Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
SNBefore 1978, also search faults AND transform.
transformations  search
RTclay mineralogy
 crystal chemistry
 ocean waves
 phase equilibria
 phase transitions
SNBefore 1978, transformation was used under ocean waves.
transformations, Laplace  search
USELaplace transformations
transgression  search
BTsea-level changes
 Fischer plots
 lake-level changes
SNAs of 1998, restricted to use for seas.
transient electromagnetic logging  search
SNUse transient methods and electromagnetic logging.
transient electromagnetic methods  search
SNUse transient methods and electromagnetic methods.
transient electromagnetic response  search
SNUse transient methods and electromagnetic methods or electromagnetic logging as applicable.
transient flow  search
USEunsteady flow
transient methods  search
RTelectromagnetic logging
 electromagnetic methods
 geophysical methods
 transient phenomena
SNIncludes use with electromagnetic methods or electromagnetic logging for transient electromagnetic response. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
transient phenomena  search
UFphenomena, transient
RTtransient methods
 steady-state processes
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
transition  search
SNA valid general term through 1977.
transition zones  search
UFzones, transition
RT410-km discontinuity
 670-km discontinuity
 plate tectonics
 phase transitions
 continental crust
 core-mantle boundary
 oceanic crust
translation lattice  search
transmissibility  search
transmission  search
SNA valid term through 1978. After 1993, use transmission electron microscopy or TEM data if applicable.
transmission electron microscopy  search
RTchemical analysis
 electron microscopy
 scanning electron microscopy
 SEM data
SNFor the method. Before 1993 also search (transmission OR transmission method) AND electron microscopy. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
transmission electron microscopy data  search
transmission method  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. See transmission electron microscopy.
transmissivity  search
UFcoefficient of transmissibility
RTground water
 preferential flow
 hydraulic conductivity
 slug tests
SNRestricted to usage in relation to hydrology. Not to be used for remote sensing.
transport  search
RThydrophobic materials
 solute transport
 atmospheric transport
 magma transport
 marine transport
 sediment transport
 stream transport
 chemical dispersion
 glacial transport
 wave di
SNAs of 1995, use with pollutants for pollution studies. Before 1995, also search movement with pollutants or specific type of pollutant. See specific types: atmospheric transport, chemical dispersion or wave dispersion, glacial transport, marine transport,
transportation  search
SNAs of 1978, term is restricted to non-geological meaning.
transpression  search
RTcompression tectonics
 crustal shortening
 structural analysis
 plate tectonics
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
transtension  search
RTextension tectonics
 mid-ocean ridges
 oblique-slip faults
 sea-floor spreading
 spreading centers
 strike-slip faults
 transcurrent faults
 transform faults
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1995.
Transvaal region  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..South Africa
 ...Transvaal region
UFTransvaal South Africa
RTBarberton greenstone belt
 Fig Tree Series
 Mpumalanga South Africa
 Limpopo Basin
 Bushveld Complex
 Guateng South Africa
 Merensky Reef
 North-West Province South Africa
 Northern Province South Africa
 Klerksdorp Field
 Lebombo Mountains
 Swartkrans Cave
 Vaal Riv
SNFormer province in NE South Africa which was split in the mid-1990's to form E part of North-West Province, and Northern Province, Mpumalanga, and Guateng provinces. After 1993, also search individual provinces. Indexed with provinces as applicable.
Transvaal South Africa  search
USETransvaal region
Transvaal Supergroup  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Transvaal Supergroup
RTSouth Africa
 Pretoria Group
 Malmani Subgroup
transverse faults  search
 .transverse faults
 transcurrent faults
SNBefore 1978, also search faults AND transverse.
transverse folds  search
USEsuperposed folds
transverse isotropy  search
RTanisotropic materials
 layered materials
Transverse Ranges  search
BTUnited States
 ..Transverse Ranges
RTNorthridge earthquake 1994
 San Gabriel Mountains
 San Bernardino Mountains
SNIn S California. Indexed with counties as applicable.
transverse wave  search
Transylvania  search
 .Southern Europe
NTAlba-Iulia Romania
 Almas Valley basin
 Aries Valley
 Baraolt Basin
 Baraolt Romania
 Beius Basin
 Bihor Mountains
 Bihor Romania
 Bistrita Romania
 Brad Romania
 Brasov Romania
 Calimani Mountains
 Cluj Romania
 Covasna Romania
 Gurghiu Mountains
 Harghita Mountains
 Harghita Romania
 Hateg Romania
 Maramures Romania
 Muntii Metalici
 Mures Romania
 Padurea Craiului Mountains
 Persani Mountains
 Petrosani Basin
 Poiana-Rusca Mountains
 Retezat Mountains
 Rodna Mountains
 Rodna Romania
 Salaj Romania
 Satu Mare Romania
 Sebes Mountains
 Sebes Romania
 Sibiu Romania
 Simleu Basin
 Transylvanian Basin
RTGetic Nappe
 Transylvanian Alps
 Fagaras Mountains
 Jiu River valley
 Olt River
 Olt River valley
SNRegion bounded by the Carpathians on the E and the Transylvanian Alps on the S, in central and NW Romania.
Transylvania Basin  search
USETransylvanian Basin
Transylvania County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Transylvania County North Carolina
Transylvanian Alps  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Transylvanian Alps
NTVulcan Mountains
UFSouth Carpathians
 Southern Carpathians
 Getic Nappe
 Bucegi Mountains
 Paring Mountains
 Rodna Mountains
 Fagaras Mountains
 Retezat Mountains
SNContinuation of the Carpathians extending E-W in central Romania. Indexed with region as applicable.
Transylvanian Basin  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Transylvanian Basin
UFTransylvania Basin
 Transylvanian Plain
SNPrimarily a plateau.
Transylvanian Plain  search
USETransylvanian Basin
trap rock  search
USEtrap rocks
trap rocks  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
 ...trap rocks
UFtrap rock
 construction materials
SNFor petroleum and natural gas, use traps if applicable.
Trap Spring Field  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nye County Nevada
 ...Trap Spring Field
RToil and gas fields
SNOil field in central Nevada. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Trapani Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Sicily Italy
 ....Trapani Italy
SNProvince in W Sicily.
trapped particles  search
SNAs of 1993, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Usually out-of-scope. Used with magnetosphere.
traps  search
NTstratigraphic traps
 structural traps
RTnatural gas
 oil and gas fields
 petroleum accumulation
Tras-os-Montes  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
RTBraganca Portugal
 Vila Real Portugal
SNFormer province in NE Portugal. Now it comprises Braganca and Vila Real districts. Indexed with districts as applicable.
Travale  search
USETravale Field
Travale Field  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Tuscany Italy
 ....Travale Field
RTgeothermal fields
SNGeothermal field in Tuscany, W Italy. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
travel time  search
traveltime  search
UFtravel time
 elastic waves
 dip moveout
 normal moveout
 short-period waves
 long-period waves
 traveltime curves
traveltime curves  search
UFcurves, traveltime
 elastic waves
traveltime residuals  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Traverse County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Traverse County Minnesota
Traverse Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Traverse Group
SNMiddle and Upper Devonian. Comprises (ascending) Belle Shale, Rockport Quarry Limestone, Ferron Point Shale, Genshaw Formation, Koehler Limestone, Gravel Point Formation, and Beebe School Formation. In S Michigan.
traverses  search
travertine  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .carbonate rocks
 calcareous sinter
 chemically precipitated rocks
 carbonate sediments
Travis County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Travis County Texas
NTAustin Texas
RTBarton Springs
 Edwards Aquifer
SNS Central Texas.
Travis Peak Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Travis Peak Formation
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Travis Peak Formation
 Trinity Group
SNIn Trinity Group. S and E Texas. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Treasure County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Treasure County Montana
treatment  search
SNAs of 1985, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. See soil treatment; water treatment.
tree rings  search
UFannual growth rings
 rings, tree
 relative age
trees  search
RTdrainage patterns
SNAs of 1993, use tree rings, wood or fossil wood for geochronology. Use geobotanical methods for mineral exploration and Plantae for paleobotany or stratigraphy studies, respectively. This term is primarily used for ecology studies (Note added 1995.). Adde
Trego County Kansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trego County Kansas
SNW central Kansas.
Tremadoc Bay  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Tremadoc Bay
RTMerionethshire Wales
 Caernarvonshire Wales
SNInlet of Saint Georges Channel in Gwynedd County in NW Wales.
Tremadocian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Ordovician
NTHalifax Formation
RTSan Juan Formation
SNEurope. Above Dolgellian (Cambrian), below Arenigian.
tremolite  search
 .chain silicates
 ..amphibole group
Tremp Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Catalonia Spain
 .....Lerida Spain
 ......Tremp Spain
SNTown in Catalonia in W Lerida, NE Spain.
Trempealeau County Wisconsin  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trempealeau County Wisconsin
Trempealeauan  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cambrian
SNNorth America. Upper Cambrian, above Franconian, below Lower Ordovician.
trenches  search
UFmarginal trench
 oceanic trench
 sea-floor trench
RTbottom features
 ocean floors
 plate tectonics
 subduction zones
 island arcs
 fore-arc basins
 Benioff zone
trenching  search
 site exploration
 soil sampling
 engineering geology
 water erosion
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1995.
trend analysis  search
USEtrend-surface analysis
trend surface analysis  search
USEtrend-surface analysis
trend-surface analysis  search
BTstatistical analysis
 .trend-surface analysis
UFtrend analysis
 trend surface analysis
 data processing
Trent  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Trento Italy or Trent Valley.
Trent Valley  search
 North Carolina
SNRiver valley in central England, SE North Carolina, and SE Ontario. Also search Trent. Indexed with England, North Carolina, or Ontario as applicable.
Trentino  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Trentino-Alto Adige Italy
RTAlto Adige
SNS part of Trentino-Alto Adige autonomous region.
Trentino-Alto Adige Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Trentino-Alto Adige Italy
NTAlto Adige
 Bolzano Italy
 Cima d'Asta
 Latemar Massif
 Predazzo Italy
 Trento Italy
 Marmolada Glacier
 Tauern Window
 Otztal Alps
 Zillertal Alps
SNAutonomous region in NE Italy. Formerly Venezia-Tridentina.
Trento Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Trentino-Alto Adige Italy
 ....Trento Italy
RTTyrol Austria
SNProvince and city in S Trentino-Alto Adige.
Trenton Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Ordovician
 ......Trenton Group
 New York
SNStandard section of group comprises (ascending) Rockland Limestone, Hull Formation, Sherman Fall Formation, Cobourg Formation, Collingwood Shale, and Gloucester Shale. In Georgia, Michigan, N Ohio, New York, Vermont, and W Virginia.
Trenton New Jersey  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Mercer County New Jersey
 ...Trenton New Jersey
SNCity on the Delaware River in W New Jersey.
Trentonian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Ordovician
NTTrenton Group
SNNorth America. Upper Mohawkian, above Blackriverian.
Trepca Mine  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Kosovo-Metohija Yugoslavia
 .....Trepca Mine
UFTrepcha Mine
 lead-zinc deposits
SNLead-zinc deposits. Mining district in the Kosovo region of S Serbia. Also search Trepca.
Trepcha Mine  search
USETrepca Mine
Trepostomata  search
Treutlen County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Treutlen County Georgia
trevorite  search
RTiron oxides
tria  search
Trialet Range  search
 .Georgian Republic
 ..Trialet Range
 ..Lesser Caucasus
 ...Trialet Range
SNN mountain range of the Lesser Caucasus in central Georgian Republic. Also search Trialet or Trialeti. This term has multiple hierarchies.
triangle zones  search
UFzones, triangle
 fold and thrust belts
 thrust faults
triangulation  search
 geodetic networks
 very long baseline interferometry
Triassic  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
NTLower Triassic
 Middle Triassic
 Upper Triassic
 Chanares Formation
 Fremouw Formation
 Hallstatt Limestone
 Hawkesbury Sandstone
 Ipswich Coal Measures
 Moenkopi Formation
 Narrabeen Group
 Nicola Group
 Red Peak Formation
 Sherwood Sandstone
 Shublik Formation
 Takla Group
 Wetterstein Limestone
RTDwyka Formation
 Karroo Supergroup
 Alleghany Orogeny
 Beacon Supergroup
 Baskunchak Series
 Beaufort Group
 Botucatu Formation
 Estrada Nova Formation
 Cache Creek Group
 Chugwater Formation
 Glen Canyon Group
 Gondwana System
 Indosinian Orogeny
 Khorat Group
SNAbove Permian (of Paleozoic), below Jurassic.
triaxial tests  search
RTbiaxial tests
 confining pressure
 rock mechanics
 soil mechanics
 uniaxial tests
triazines  search
SNAlso search s-triazine. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
tributaries  search
RTdrainage basins
 drainage patterns
 fluvial features
 glacial geology
 rivers and streams
 stream capture
 stream order
 underground streams
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
Triceratops  search
SNGenus. Also search Agathaumas. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Trichinopoly India  search
USETiruchirapalli India
trichloroethane  search
BTorganic compounds
 .halogenated hydrocarbons
 ..chlorinated hydrocarbons
SNSometimes a parent compound of DDT. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
trichloroethene  search
trichloroethylene  search
BTorganic compounds
 .halogenated hydrocarbons
 ..chlorinated hydrocarbons
SNProduced from heating tetrachloroethane with hydrated lime. Sometimes abbreviated TCE. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
trichloromethane  search
Trichoptera  search
SNOrder. Caddis flies.
triclinic  search
USEtriclinic system
triclinic system  search
BTcrystal systems
 .triclinic system
SNBefore 1985, also search triclinic. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Triconodonta  search
Tridacna  search
tridymite  search
 .framework silicates
 ..silica minerals
Trieste Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy
 ....Trieste Italy
RTDinaric Alps
SNCity at head of the Adriatic Sea on Gulf of Trieste in SE Friuli-Venezia Giulia, NE Italy.
Trigg County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trigg County Kentucky
triggering  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. Use causes if applicable.
Trigonia  search
Trigoniidae  search
trilate  search
trilateration  search
 geodetic coordinates
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Trilobita  search
Trilobitoidea  search
Trilobitomorpha  search
Trilophosauria  search
SNIncludes the family Trilophosauridae. As of 1993, considered a narrower term of Archosauromorpha.
Trimble County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trimble County Kentucky
Trinidad  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ...Lesser Antilles
 ....Trinidad and Tobago
RTCarapita Formation
 Northern Range
SNIsland off NE coast of Venezuela in the Lesser Antilles. Major part of independent state of Trinidad and Tobago.
Trinidad and Tobago  search
BTCaribbean region
 .West Indies
 ...Lesser Antilles
 ....Trinidad and Tobago
RTNorthern Range
SNComprises the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, Atlantic Ocean, off NE coast of Venezuela.
Trinity Complex  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trinity Complex
RTKlamath Mountains
 Trinity County California
 Shasta County California
 Siskiyou County California
SNKlamath Mountains, N California. Also search Trinity AND (ophiolite or peridotites) if applicable. Indexed with county as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Trinity County California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trinity County California
RTEel River
 Trinity River
 Trinity Complex
SNN California.
Trinity County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trinity County Texas
SNE Texas.
Trinity Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Trinity Group
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Trinity Group
 Antlers Sands
 Glen Rose Formation
 Paluxy Formation
 Pearsall Formation
 Rodessa Formation
 Travis Peak Formation
SNLower Cretaceous. Subdivided into (ascending) Pearsall, Rodessa, Ferry Lake, and Rusk time-stratigraphic units. In SW Arkansas, NW Louisiana, central S and SE Oklahoma, and Texas. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Trinity River  search
RTHumboldt County California
 Trinity County California
 Trinity River basin
SNFlows into Trinity Bay off Galveston Bay on the Gulf of Mexico in E Texas. Also a river in Humboldt and Trinity counties, NW California. Search Trinity River in combination with appropriate state. Indexed with states and counties as applicable.
Trinity River basin  search
RTTrinity River
SNE Texas and NW California. Search in combination with appropriate state. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
triphylite  search
triple junctions  search
RTChile Margin Triple Junction
 Mendocino fracture zone
 plate geometry
 Rodriguez triple junction
 plate tectonics
triplite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
tripoli  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 diatomaceous earth
SNNot to be used for diatomaceous earth or diatomite. For use as a commodity, see abrasives in list C. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Tripoli Libya  search
 .North Africa
 ...Tripoli Libya
SNCity on the Mediterranean Sea in NW Libya.
Tripolis Greece  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Peloponnesus Greece
 ....Tripolis Greece
RTGavrovo Zone
SNCity in central Peloponnesus, S Greece.
Tripolitania  search
 .North Africa
RTGarian Libya
SNNW part of country which was a province until 1963. Under the Italians, it was a major province covering the entire W part of colony.
tripolite  search
USEdiatomaceous earth
Tripp County South Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .South Dakota
 ..Tripp County South Dakota
Tripura India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Northeastern India
 ....Tripura India
SNState E of Bangladesh in NE India.
Tristan da Cunha  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 .Tristan da Cunha
NTGough Island
UFTristan da Cunha Islands
RTSaint Helena
SNA group of 5 British volcanic islands in the central South Atlantic Ocean. Also the name of the main island of the group. Dependencies of Saint Helena.
Tristan da Cunha Islands  search
USETristan da Cunha
triterpanes  search
BTorganic compounds
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
triterpenoids  search
BTorganic compounds
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1995.
Triticites  search
NTTriticites ventricosus
SNGenus. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Triticites ventricosus  search
 ....Triticites ventricosus
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
tritium  search
 .radioactive isotopes
RTabsolute age
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Triton Satellite  search
RTicy satellites
 Nereid Satellite
 Voyager Program
SNOne of satellites of Neptune. Before 1989, also search Triton AND Neptune. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Trivandrum India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Kerala India
 ....Trivandrum India
SNKerala, SW India.
TRM  search
USEthermoremanent magnetization
Trochammina  search
SNGenus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable.
troctolite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
Troia  search
troilite  search
Troja  search
Troll Field  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..North Sea
 ...Troll Field
RToil and gas fields
 giant fields
SNGiant field, Horda Platform, 60 km offshore Norway, NE North Sea.
Trompia Valley  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Lombardy Italy
 ....Trompia Valley
SNValley of upper Mella River in E Lombardy, N Italy.
Troms Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Troms Norway
NTLyngen Peninsula
SNCounty in far N Norway.
trona  search
RTsodium carbonate
 Searles Lake
SNMay be used as a commodity term with sodium carbonate.
Trona California  search
BTUnited States
 ..San Bernardino County California
 ...Trona California
RTSearles Lake
SNVillage in Mojave Desert of S California.
Trondelag  search
 .Western Europe
RTNord-Trondelag Norway
 Sor-Trondelag Norway
SNRegion in central part of country between Norwegian Sea and Swedish border around Trondheim Fjord. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Trondheim Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Sor-Trondelag Norway
 .....Trondheim Norway
SNCity on the Norwegian Sea.
trondhjemite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
Troodos Massif  search
 .Middle East
 ...Troodos Massif
UFTroodos Mountain
 Troodos Mountains
RTAgrokipia Deposit
 Troodos Ophiolite
SNMountainous mass SW of Nicosia which includes Mount Troodos, the highest peak on the island.
Troodos Mountain  search
USETroodos Massif
Troodos Mountains  search
USETroodos Massif
Troodos Ophiolite  search
RTAgrokipia Deposit
 Middle East
 Troodos Massif
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
trophic analysis  search
 carnivorous taxa
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
tropical  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, use tropical environment.
tropical environment  search
 depositional environment
 equatorial region
 rain forests
 subtropical environment
SNBefore 1978, search tropical.
troposphere  search
SNUsually out-of-scope. Used with atmosphere.
Trotus Valley  search
 ..Trotus Valley
 .Southern Europe
 ...Trotus Valley
SNRiver valley SSW of Bacau in W Moldavia. Also search Trotus; Trotus River. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Trou Sans Fond  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Trou Sans Fond
UFLe Trou Sans Fond
RTsubmarine canyons
 Ivory Coast
SNSubmarine canyon off SW Nigeria in the Bight of Benin.
Trou-Sans-Fond  search
USETrou Sans Fond
troughs  search
 bottom features
 ocean floors
Troup County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Troup County Georgia
Trousdale County Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trousdale County Tennessee
SNN Tennessee.
Troy  search
 .Middle East
SNAncient ruined city. An archeological site, named Hissarlik, on the Menderes River S of the Dardanelles in NW Anatolia.
Trucial Coast  search
USEUnited Arab Emirates
SNA 350 mile section of S Persian Gulf littoral extending from Qatar to Ruus al Jubal. Often formerly used interchangeably with Trucial Oman and Trucial States.
Trucial Oman  search
USEUnited Arab Emirates
SNFormer name of 7 British protected states on the Trucial Coast.
Truckee River  search
BTUnited States
 .Truckee River
SNRises in Lake Tahoe in E California and flows NE and E into Pyramid Lake in NW Nevada. Also search Truckee. Indexed with counties and states as applicable.
Trujillo Venezuela  search
BTSouth America
 ..Trujillo Venezuela
RTLake Maracaibo
 Maracaibo Basin
SNState in NW Venezuela.
Trumbull County Ohio  search
BTUnited States
 ..Trumbull County Ohio
SNNE Ohio.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. U.S. trust territory. As of 1993, see Micronesia, or Caroline Islands, Marshall Islands, or Mariana Islands for the Northern Mariana Islands as applicable.
Truth or Consequences New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Sierra County New Mexico
 ...Truth or Consequences New Mexico
SNTown in SW New Mexico.
Trypanites  search
Tsaidam Basin  search
USEQaidam Basin
Tsarev Meteorite  search
 .stony meteorites
 ...L chondrites
 ....Tsarev Meteorite
RTRussian Platform
 Volgograd Russian Federation
 Voronezh-Volga Anteclise
SNImpact in Voronezh-Volga Anteclise in the former USSR. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tsaritsyn Russian Federation  search
USEVolgograd Russian Federation
tschermakite  search
 .chain silicates
 ..amphibole group
Tschernobyl Ukraine  search
USEChernobyl Ukraine
Tschernosem  search
Tschernosiom  search
Tsinghai China  search
USEQinghai China
Tsuga  search
Tsugaru Strait  search
 .Far East
 ...Tsugaru Strait
 Oshima Peninsula
 Northwest Pacific
 Japan Sea
SNChannel between islands of Honshu and Hokkaido connecting the Pacific Ocean with the Japan Sea. Also search Tsugaru. Indexed with islands and Japan Sea as applicable.
Tsumeb Namibia  search
 .Southern Africa
 ...Tsumeb Namibia
SNMineral-collecting locality and mining center in N Namibia.
tsunamis  search
UFearthquake sea wave
 seismic sea waves
 seismic surge
 tidal wave
 geologic hazards
 ocean waves
 catastrophic waves
Tsushima  search
 .Far East
RTTaishu Group
SNIsland off NW Kyushu.
Tuamotu Islands  search
 ..French Polynesia
 ...Tuamotu Islands
NTMururoa Atoll
UFDangerous Islands
 Low Archipelago
RTDSDP Site 318
SNGroup of about 80 small islands in French Polynesia E of Society Islands and S of Marquesas Islands. Also search Tuamotu.
Tuapse Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnodar Russian Federation
 ...Tuapse Russian Federation
SNCity on the Black Sea in S Krasnodar Kray in the Northern Caucasus. Before 1993, Tuapse Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tuar-Kyr Turkmenia  search
 ..Tuar-Kyr Turkmenia
UFTuarkyr Turkmenia
SNVillage near Kara-Bogaz-Gol Gulf in W Turkmenia. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tuarkyr Turkmenia  search
USETuar-Kyr Turkmenia
Tubarao Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...upper Paleozoic
 ....Tubarao Group
 Lower Permian
 Sao Paulo Brazil
SNIndexed with specific age or ages as applicable.
tube waves  search
BTelastic waves
 .seismic waves
 ..surface waves
 ...tube waves
RTacoustical logging
 seismic logging
 seismic methods
SNUsed in acoustical logging. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tubes, lava  search
USElava tubes
Tubiphytes  search
 .problematic microfossils
SNGenus. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tuboidea  search
SNIndexed with Hemichordata or Invertebrata if applicable.
Tubuai Islands  search
USEAustral Islands
Tubulidentata  search
Tucano Basin  search
BTSouth America
 ..Bahia Brazil
 ...Tucano Basin
SNNE Bahia state. Also search Tucano.
Tucker County West Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Tucker County West Virginia
Tucson Arizona  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pima County Arizona
 ...Tucson Arizona
SNCity in SE Arizona.
Tucson Basin  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tucson Basin
SNS Arizona. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Tucson Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Pima County Arizona
 ...Tucson Mountains
SNW of Tucson in Pima County.
Tucuman Argentina  search
BTSouth America
 ..Tucuman Argentina
UFTucuman Province
RTPampean Mountains
SNProvince in NW Argentina.
Tucuman Province  search
USETucuman Argentina
Tucumcari Basin  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Tucumcari Basin
SNE New Mexico. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tucumcari New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Quay County New Mexico
 ...Tucumcari New Mexico
SNCity in NE New Mexico.
tufa  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .chemically precipitated rocks
 calcareous tufa
 petrified moss
 carbonate rocks
 carbonate sediments
tuff  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
RTvolcanic ash
 andesite tuff
 ash flows
 ash-flow tuff
 pyroclastic flows
 green tuff
 welded tuff
 rhyolite tuff
tuff lava  search
USEwelded tuff
tuffite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
tuft  search
Tugela Basin  search
 .Southern Africa
 ..South Africa
 ...KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
 ....Tugela Basin
SNRiver basin in central KwaZulu-Natal. Also search Tugela; Tugela River.
tugtupite  search
 .framework silicates
 ..sodalite group
Tuimazy Russian Federation  search
USETuymazy Russian Federation
Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula  search
 .Western Canada
 ..Mackenzie District Northwest Territories
 ...Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula
SNExtends into the Beaufort Sea E of the Mackenzie River delta in Mackenzie District. Also search Tuktoyaktuk. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tula Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tula Russian Federation
 .Tula Russian Federation
NTChekalin Russian Federation
SNOblast and city S of Moscow. Before 1993, Tula Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tulameen coal area  search
 .Western Canada
 ..British Columbia
 ...Tulameen coal area
RTcoal fields
SNS British Columbia.
Tulare County California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tulare County California
RTGolden Trout Wilderness
SNS central California.
Tulare Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Tulare Formation
SNPliocene and Pleistocene (?). Consists primarily of sandstone and conglomerate. In Southern California. Indexed with age as applicable.
Tularosa Basin  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Tularosa Basin
SNS New Mexico. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tulcea Romania  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Tulcea Romania
RTRomanian Dobruja
 Sulina Romania
SNCounty including the city in the Danube Delta area in N Romanian Dobruja, SE Romania.
Tulear Basin  search
 ..Tulear Basin
SNBefore 1978, also search Tulear. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tulghes Series  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Tulghes Series
 Eastern Carpathians
Tullock Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Tullock Member
 North Dakota
 South Dakota
 Fort Union Formation
SNIn Fort Union Formation. E Montana, SW North Dakota, N South Dakota and Wyoming. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tully Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Middle Devonian
 .....Tully Limestone
 New York
SNIn Susquehanna Group. Divided into several members in different areas: Apulia, Laurens, New Lisbon, Tinkers Falls, and West Brook.
Tulsa County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tulsa County Oklahoma
NTTulsa Oklahoma
SNNE central Oklahoma.
Tulsa Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tulsa County Oklahoma
 ...Tulsa Oklahoma
SNCity on Arkansas River in NE Oklahoma.
Tulufan Basin  search
USETurpan Basin
tundra  search
 taiga environment
Tundra soils  search
 .Tundra soils
 soil group
 Zonal soils
Tunganoxie Sandstone Member  search
USETonganoxie Sandstone
tungstates  search
tungsten  search
RTtungsten ores
SNChemical element. Use tungsten ores for tungsten as a commodity. Also search wolfram.
tungsten ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .tungsten ores
SNCommodity. See List C.
tungstenite  search
Tunguska  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Siberian Platform
RTAngara River
 Tunguska River
 impact features
 Stony Tunguska River
 Lower Tunguska River
SNIn GeoRef indexing, this term is used to indicate a general area. Name of three rivers flowing into the Yenisei River in central Siberia: the Lower Tunguska River, Stony Tunguska River, and the lower course of the Angara River which was called the Upper T
Tunguska Basin  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tunguska Basin
 .Tunguska Basin
RTcoal fields
 Tunguska Syneclise
SNLarge coal basin in central Siberia between the Yenisei River and the Lena River in an area drained by the lower Angara River (also called the Upper Tunguska), the Stony Tunguska River, and the Lower Tunguska River. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tunguska River  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tunguska River
 .Tunguska River
RTAngara River
 Stony Tunguska River
 Lower Tunguska River
SNTributary of the Amur River in the Soviet Far East near Khabarovsk. Not to be confused with the Lower Tunguska River, Stony Tunguska River, and Angara River (Upper Tunguska) rivers that drain into the Yenisei River in central Siberia. This term has multip
Tunguska Series  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...upper Paleozoic
 ....Tunguska Series
RTRussian Federation
SNComposed of 2 sections (ascending): productive section with coal beds and a section of tufa containing intercalary beds of normal sedimentary rock. In Tunguska Basin of central Siberia.
Tunguska Syncline  search
USETunguska Syneclise
Tunguska Syneclise  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tunguska Syneclise
 .Tunguska Syneclise
UFTunguska Syncline
 Tunguska Basin
SNThe Tunguska Basin area in central Siberia. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tunica County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tunica County Mississippi
Tunis Tunisia  search
 .North Africa
 ...Tunis Tunisia
SNCity on the Gulf of Tunis in N Tunisia.
Tunisia  search
 .North Africa
NTEl Kef Tunisia
 Sebkha el Melah
 Souk-el-Arba salt works
 Tunis Tunisia
 Zarzis Tunisia
 Mediterranean region
 Atlas Mountains
 Ghadames Basin
 Cap Blanc
 Gulf of Gabes
tunne  search
tunnel boring machines  search
 engineering geology
SNSometimes abbreviated as TBM. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tunnel erosion  search
tunnels  search
 feasibility studies
 geologic hazards
 land subsidence
 New Austrian Tunnelling Method
 Poisson's ratio
 rock mechanics
 seismic response
 site exploration
 slope stability
 soil mechani
SNUsed for geological studies on man-made tunnels. For biogenic structures, see burrows or borings. Also see caves.
Tunsbergdalsbreen  search
 .Western Europe
SNGlacier emanating from larger Jostedalsbreen Glacier in W Norway.
Tununk Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Tununk Member
 Frontier Formation
 Mancos Shale
SNIn Mancos Shale. Shale member is in the Frontier Formation of the Mancos Shale. Utah, Colorado, and Arizona. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Tuolumne County California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tuolumne County California
RTTable Mountain
 Yosemite National Park
SNE central California.
Tura Formation  search
 Russian Federation
 Upper Silurian
SNEocene of the Assam region, NE India. Also in the Russian Federation, the Tura Series is Upper Silurian; it occurs in Central Urals and Siberian Lowland. Also search Tura. Indexed with age as applicable.
Turan  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
SNDesert lowland N, S, and SE of the Aral Sea. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with former Soviet republics as applicable.
Turania  search
Turanian Platform  search
 .Turanian Platform
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Turanian Platform
 Central Asia
SNExtends from the Caspian Sea on the W to the Tien Shan in the E. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with former Soviet republics as applicable.
turbidite  search
RTsedimentary rocks
 clastic sediments
 clastic rocks
 terrigenous materials
 Bouma sequence
 turbidity current structures
 host rocks
 turbidity currents
 metasedimentary rocks
SNSee lists I and J and N. Index clastic rocks, metasedimentary rocks, or clastic sediments as applicable.
turbidity  search
 suspended materials
 water quality
turbidity current structures  search
BTsedimentary structures
 .turbidity current structures
NTBouma sequence
 graded bedding
 load casts
 sole marks
 flow structures
 flute casts
 convoluted beds
 turbidity currents
turbidity currents  search
 .turbidity currents
UFsuspension current
 submarine canyons
 sediment transport
 turbidity current structures
 submarine fans
 density currents
turbulence  search
RTboundary layer
 critical flow
 ocean circulation
Turfan Basin  search
USETurpan Basin
Turgai Basin  search
USETurgay Basin
Turgai Downwarp  search
USETurgay Basin
Turgai Gates  search
USETurgay Basin
Turgai Kazakhstan  search
USETurgay Kazakhstan
Turgay Basin  search
 .Central Asia
 ..Turgay Basin
UFTurgai Basin
 Turgai Downwarp
 Turgai Gates
SNAn elongated depression joining the Turan Lowland and Siberian Lowland.
Turgay Kazakhstan  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Turgay Kazakhstan
UFTurgai Kazakhstan
SNOblast and village NE of Aral Sea in central Kazakhstan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Turin Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Piemonte Italy
 ....Turin Italy
UFTorino Italy
SNProvince and city in W central Piemonte, NW Italy.
Turkana Basin  search
 .East Africa
 ..Turkana Basin
 Lake Turkana
 East Turkana Basin
SNIndexed with countries as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Turkana District  search
 .East Africa
 ...Turkana District
SNAdministrative district W of Lake Turkana (Rudolf) in NW Kenya.
Turkestan  search
 Xinjiang China
 Central Asia
SNRegion including S Kazakhstan and the rest of former Soviet Central Asia, plus a small section of NE Afghanistan and W and SW Xinjiang. Indexed with Afghanistan, Xinjiang China, and Central Asian republics as applicable.
Turkestan Range  search
 ..Turkestan Range
SNW Tajikistan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Turkey  search
 .Middle East
NTAdana Turkey
 Alanya Turkey
 Amanos Mountains
 Amasra Basin
 Ankara Turkey
 Antalya Turkey
 Bitlis Turkey
 East Anatolian Fault
 Elbistan Turkey
 Eskisehir Turkey
 Hatay Turkey
 Istanbul Turkey
 Keban Mine
 Kizildere Field
 Kocaeli Turkey
 Konya Basin
 Konya Turkey
 Lycian Taurus
 Malatya Turkey
 Menderes Massif
 North Anatolian Fault
 Pontic Mountains
 Sea of Marmara region
 Taurus Mountains
 Turkish Aegean region
 Tuz Golu
 Zonguldak Turkey
UFAsia Minor
RTMediterranean region
 Balkan Peninsula
 Anatolian Plate
 Mudurnu earthquake 1967
 Antalya Complex
 Kura River
 Black Sea region
 Istranca Mountains
 Maritsa River
 Mardin Formation
 Near East
 Erzincan earthquake 1992
 Euphrates River
 Maden Complex
SNAlso index Europe if applicable.
Turkish Aegean region  search
 .Middle East
 ...Turkish Aegean region
RTAegean Islands
SNAlso index Aegean Islands if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Turkistan  search
Turkmenia  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
NTAshkhabad Turkmenia
 Chardzhou Turkmenia
 Cheleken Peninsula
 Kara-Bogaz Gulf
 Kara-Bogaz-Gol Turkmenia
 Kopet-Dag Range
 Kurt Turkmenia
 Tuar-Kyr Turkmenia
RTAmu Darya
 Amu Darya Basin
 Murgab Basin
 Aral region
 Central Asia
 Caspian Basin
 Turanian Platform
SNRepublic. Formerly the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic in Soviet Central Asia. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Turkmenistan  search
Turku Finland  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Western Finland Province
 .....Turku Finland
UFAbo Finland
SNPort city in SW Finland.
Turnagain Arm  search
BTUnited States
 ..Southern Alaska
 ...Turnagain Arm
RTCook Inlet
SNArm of Cook Inlet, S Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Turner County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Turner County Georgia
Turner County South Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .South Dakota
 ..Turner County South Dakota
Turnyauz Russian Federation  search
USETyrny-Auz Russian Federation
Turolian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Miocene
SNEurope. Upper Miocene, above Vallesian and below Ruscinian. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Turonian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
NTlower Turonian
RTMiddle Cretaceous
SNEurope. Above Cenomanian, below Coniacian.
Turpan Basin  search
 .Far East
 ...Xinjiang China
 ....Turpan Basin
UFTulufan Basin
 Turfan Basin
SNXinjiang, NW China. May be used for Turpan-Hami Basin. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
turquoise  search
 copper minerals
Turritella  search
Turritellidae  search
Turukhan River  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Turukhan River
 .Turukhan River
RTKrasnoyarsk Russian Federation
 Turukhansk Russian Federation
SNRiver which flows into Yenisei River just N of Turukhansk in N Krasnoyarsk Kray in central Siberia. Also search Turukhan. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with oblasts or regions as applicable.
Turukhansk Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation
 ...Turukhansk Russian Federation
RTTurukhan River
SNTown on Yenisei River at the mouth of the Lower Tunguska River in N Krasnoyarsk Kray in central Siberia. Before 1993, Turukhansk Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tusas Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Tusas Mountains
SNIndexed with counties and mountains as applicable.
Tuscaloosa County Alabama  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tuscaloosa County Alabama
SNW central Alabama.
Tuscaloosa Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Tuscaloosa Formation
RTSouth Carolina
 North Carolina
SNIrregularly or obscurely bedded quartzitic and micaceous sands interbedded with heterogeneous clays. Also lenticular pebble beds. Atlantic Coastal Plain from W Tennessee, NE Mississippi, N Louisiana and NW Alabama, across Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina,
Tuscany Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Tuscany Italy
NTApuane Alps
 Arno River basin
 Florence Italy
 Grosseto Italy
 Livorno Italy
 Lucca Italy
 Monte Amiata
 Monte Capanne
 Monte Pisano
 Pisa Italy
 Siena Italy
 Travale Field
 Tiber Valley
SNAutonomous region in W Italy.
Tuscarawas County Ohio  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tuscarawas County Ohio
SNE central Ohio.
Tuscarora Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Silurian
 .....Tuscarora Formation
 West Virginia
SNIn central Pennsylvania, it is gradational with overlying Rose Hill Formation and transitional with underlying Juniata Formation. In W Maryland, central S and E Pennsylvania, W Virginia, and E West Virginia.
Tuscola County Michigan  search
BTUnited States
 ..Michigan Lower Peninsula
 ...Tuscola County Michigan
Tuscumbia Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Mississippian
 ......Tuscumbia Limestone
 Southern Appalachians
SNS Appalachians, NE Alabama, NW Georgia, Mississippi.
Tushar Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tushar Mountains
RTBeaver County Utah
 Piute County Utah
SNBeaver and Piute counties, SE central Utah. Extends S from Pavant Mountains along W bank of Sevier River. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tuttle Creek Dam  search
BTUnited States
 ..Riley County Kansas
 ...Tuttle Creek Dam
SNOn Tuttle Creek forming reservoir in NE Kansas. Also search Tuttle Creek.
Tuva Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tuva Russian Federation
 .Tuva Russian Federation
NTKhovu-Aksy Russian Federation
 Sangilen Mountains
UFTannu Tuva Russian Federation
RTSiberian fold belt
SNFormer Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On the Mongolian border between the Altai Mountains on the W and the Sayan Mountains on the NE. Before 1993, Tuva Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tuvalu  search
UFEllice Islands
RTPacific Ocean
 West Pacific Ocean Islands
SNIsland group NE of Australia, N of Fiji Islands, and SE of Kiribati. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tuymazy Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Bashkortostan Russian Federation
 ...Tuymazy Russian Federation
UFTuimazy Russian Federation
SNTown W of Ufa in W Bashkortostan, SE European Russian Federation. Before 1993, Tuymazy Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tuz Golu  search
 .Middle East
 ...Tuz Golu
UFTuz Lake
SNSalt lake in W central Anatolia (Turkey).
Tuz Lake  search
USETuz Golu
Tver Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tver Russian Federation
 .Tver Russian Federation
NTVyshkovo Russian Federation
UFKalinin Russian Federation
SNOblast and city in W Russian Federation. Before 1993, also search Kalinin Russian Republic. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Twente  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Overijssel Netherlands
UFDe Twente
SNRegion in SE Overijssel.
Twiggs Clay  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Eocene
 ......Twiggs Clay
 Dry Branch Formation
SNIn Dry Branch Formation. Consists of pale green hackly fuller's earth clay, green hackly clay, gray marl, and calcareous sand at base of member. In E Georgia.
Twiggs County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Twiggs County Georgia
SNCentral Gorgia.
Twilight Gneiss  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ..Twilight Gneiss
SNTwilight Granite, Precambrian. IN SE Colorado.
Twin Creek Limestone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Twin Creek Limestone
SNMiddle and Upper Jurassic. SW Wyoming, SE Idaho and NE Utah. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Twin Falls County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Twin Falls County Idaho
Twin Lakes  search
SNN California and central Colorado. Also in other locations. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Twin River Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Twin River Formation
 upper Eocene
SNUpper Eocene to Miocene. Three mappable sequences recognized: lower member consisting of thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone; middle member of massive siltstone that grades westward into bedded siltstone and sandstone; and upper member composed chiefly of
Twin Sisters Dunite  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Twin Sisters Dunite
SNAn ultrabasic intrusive. In NW Washington.
twinning  search
RTcrystal growth
Two Harbors Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Lake County Minnesota
 ...Two Harbors Minnesota
SNCity on Lake Superior in NE Minnesota.
Two Medicine Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Two Medicine Formation
 Montana Group
SNUpper Cretaceous. NW Montana. In Montana Group. Overlies Virgelle Sandstone; underlies Bearpaw Formation. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
two-dimensional models  search
RTcomputer animation
 four-dimensional models
 mathematical models
 one-dimensional models
 three-dimensional models
SNBefore 1978, search two-dimensional AND models.
two-layer models  search
RTlayered materials
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
two-mica granite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
 ...two-mica granite
two-phase models  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Twocreekan  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Pleistocene
SNSubstage of Wisconsinan stage. Before 1981, also search Twocreekian. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tyee Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....middle Eocene
 ......Tyee Formation
SNOverlies Siletz River Volcanic Series. It consists of thick series of rhythmically bedded sandstone and intercalated siltstone. In W Oregon.
Tyler County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tyler County Texas
Tyler County West Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Tyler County West Virginia
Tyler Formation  search
RTBear Gulch Limestone Member
 North Dakota
SNPennsylvanian of central Montana and SW North Dakota. Also, Paleoproterozoic of N Michigan and N Wisconsin. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tylopoda  search
Tynagh Ireland  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Galway Ireland
 ....Tynagh Ireland
SNVillage in S County Galway in W Ireland.
Tyne River  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 ....Tyne River
 East Lothian Scotland
 Lothian region Scotland
SNFlows by Newcastle and enters the North Sea at Tynemouth in NE England. Also enters North Sea from Lothian in SE Scotland. Indexed with regions as applicable.
Tyonek Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tyonek Formation
SNS Alaska. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
type localities  search
 mineral exploration
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
type sections  search
RTcross sections
 stratigraphic columns
type specimens  search
UFspecimens, type
SNUsed as a general term.
types  search
SNA valid general term through 1977.
typomorphism  search
Tyrannosauridae  search
SNFamily. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tyrannosaurus  search
NTTyrannosaurus rex
SNGenus. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tyrannosaurus rex  search
 ...........Tyrannosaurus rex
SNSpecies. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tyrny-Auz Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tyrny-Auz Russian Federation
 .Tyrny-Auz Russian Federation
UFTurnyauz Russian Federation
SNTown NW of Ordzhonikidze in the Northern Caucasus. Before 1993, Tyrny-Auz Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tyrol Austria  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Tyrol Austria
 Innsbruck Austria
 Lanersbach Austria
 Lechtal Alps
 Stubai Alps
 Vernagt Glacier
UFTirol Austria
RTAllgau Alps
 Alto Adige
 Inn Valley
 Bavarian Alps
 Isar Valley
 Bolzano Italy
 Tauern Window
 Otztal Alps
 Venediger Group
 Silvretta Group
 Zillertal Alps
 Trento Italy
 Wetterstein Limestone
SNState between Germany and Italy in W Austria. Italian part of former Tirol (South Tirol) is in Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige.
Tyrone Northern Ireland  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Northern Ireland
 ....Tyrone Northern Ireland
SNTraditional county in W Northern Ireland. Includes the smaller administrative region of the same name adopted after 1973.
Tyrrell County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Tyrrell County North Carolina
Tyrrhenian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Pleistocene
SNEurope. Upper Pleistocene. Above Milazzian, below Versilian.
Tyrrhenian Basin  search
BTMediterranean Sea
 .West Mediterranean
 ..Tyrrhenian Basin
RTTyrrhenian Sea
 DSDP Site 132
 Leg 107
SNBasin of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tyrrhenian Sea  search
BTMediterranean Sea
 .West Mediterranean
 ..Tyrrhenian Sea
RTEast Mediterranean
 Leg 13
 Leg 161
 Bay of Naples
 DSDP Site 132
 ODP Site 653
 Tyrrhenian Basin
 DSDP Site 373
 Leg 107
 ODP Site 650
 ODP Site 651
 ODP Site 652
 ODP Site 654
 ODP Site 655
 ODP Site 656
 ODP Site 974
SNBetween Corsica and Sardinia on the W, the mainland of Italy on the E, and Sicily on the S.
Tyumen Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Tyumen Russian Federation
 .Tyumen Russian Federation
NTSalym Field
 Surgut Russian Federation
 Yamal-Nenets Russian Federation
SNCity and oblast E of Sverdlovsk in W Siberia. Before 1993, Tyumen Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.