Te  search
Te Aroha New Zealand  search
 .New Zealand
 ..Te Aroha New Zealand
RTNorth Island
SNTown 70 miles SE of Auckland in N central North Island. Also index North Island.
teacher education  search
 .teacher education
UFteacher training
RTelementary school
 high school
 junior high school
 K-12 education
SNAlso search teachers if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
teacher training  search
USEteacher education
teaching aids  search
USEeducational resources
Teapot Dome  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teapot Dome
RTNatrona County Wyoming
SNNear Casper in central Wyoming. Indexed with county as applicable.
Teapot Sandstone Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Teapot Sandstone Member
SNE Wyoming. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tear faults  search
 .tear faults
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
tec  search
technetium  search
technical cooperation  search
RTinternational cooperation
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
technical writing  search
UFwriting, technical
SNAlso search writing. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
technique  search
technique and apparatus  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term after 1968. See instruments; techniques; apparatus.
techniques  search
 quality control
 sample preparation
 three-dimensional methods
SNThis term deals with sampling.
technology  search
RTmining geology
 production control
 technology transfer
technology transfer  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectites  search
tectogenesis  search
tectonic  search
SNA valid term through 1977. Used in reference to maps. See tectonic maps.
tectonic breccia  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .clastic rocks
 ...tectonic breccia
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectonic controls  search
USEstructural controls
tectonic elements  search
 tectonic units
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectonic imbrication  search
USEimbricate tectonics
tectonic lines  search
tectonic maps  search
 .tectonic maps
 structure contour maps
 tectonic units
 geotectonic maps
 seismotectonic maps
SNBefore 1978, also search maps AND tectonic. Use geotectonic maps for plate tectonics, continental drift and related subjects.
tectonic platforms  search
 tectonic units
SNBefore 1981, also search platforms. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectonic sutures  search
USEsuture zones
tectonic units  search
 tectonic elements
 tectonic maps
 tectonic platforms
 tectonic wedges
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
tectonic wedges  search
 imbricate tectonics
 tectonic units
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tectonics  search
NTbasement tectonics
 compression tectonics
 cover tectonics
 extension tectonics
 imbricate tectonics
 inversion tectonics
 salt tectonics
 thick-skinned tectonics
 thin-skinned tectonics
 Acadian Phase
 Antler Orogeny
 accommodation zones
 accretionary wedges
 Alleghany Orogeny
 Alpine Orogeny
 Andean Orogeny
 Appalachian Phase
 Assyntic Orogeny
 Asturian Orogeny
 atectonic processes
 back-arc basin
SNUsed for the structural makeup and structural evolution of regions. See also structural analysis for smaller structures. For microscopic structures, see ultrastructure. After 1998, see deformation. Neotectonics is also used for post-Miocene tectonics. Bef
tectonism  search
tectonite  search
 preferred orientation
tectonophysics  search
 continental drift
 continental margin
 convection currents
 core-mantle boundary
 crustal thinning
 Earth tides
 expanding Earth
SNUsed for treatments of the application of physics in tectonics; solid-Earth geophysics. Use for the discipline as a whole.
Tectonophysics (category)  search
SNTectonophysics, GeoRef category code 18, is one of thirty categories used to classify documents in GeoRef. Each reference in GeoRef is assigned one or more categories. Categories can be used, in addition to Terms, to refine searches (See List A.).
tectonosphere  search
 plate tectonics
tectonostratigraphic terranes  search
tectonostratigraphic units  search
RTevent stratigraphy
 stratigraphic units
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
tectosilicates  search
USEframework silicates
teeth  search
SNAlso search enamel if applicable.
Tehachapi Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tehachapi Mountains
RTKern County California
 Los Angeles County California
 San Emigdio Mountains
SNRange running E-W between S end of Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges largely in Kern County in S California. Also search Tehachapi. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Tehama County California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tehama County California
RTLassen Volcanic National Park
SNN California.
Teheran Iran  search
 .Middle East
 ...Teheran Iran
UFTehran Iran
SNCity at S foot of the Elburz in Central province, Iran.
Tehran Iran  search
USETeheran Iran
Tehri  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See Tehri Garhwal India.
Tehri Garhwal India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Uttar Pradesh India
 ....Tehri Garhwal India
SNDistrict in Himalayas in NW Uttar Pradesh. Also search Tehri.
Teichichnus  search
Teide  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 .Canary Islands
UFPico de Teide
 Tenerife, Pico de
 Teyde, Pico de
SNLarge volcano. Tenerife, Canary Islands. Includes Las Canadas Caldera.
Teign Valley  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Devonshire England
 ......Teign Valley
SNRiver valley in Devonshire in SW England. Also search Teign River.
Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone  search
USETornquist-Teisseyre Zone
Tejon Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Eocene
 ......Tejon Formation
 Cozy Dell Formation
 Matilija Formation
SNAt the type section, subdivided into 4 members (ascending): Uvas Conglomerate, Liveoak, Metralla Sandstone, and Reed Canyon Silt. In the Ventura region, includes Matilija, Cozy Dell and Coldwater formations. Underlies Tecuya Formation; overlies basement c
Tekeli Kazakhstan  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Tekeli Kazakhstan
SNTown in Taldy Kurgan Oblast near Xinjiang border in E Kazakhstan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
tektites  search
 Darwin glass
 muong nong-type tektites
 glass materials
SNUsed for the descriptions of small, rounded, pitted bodies of silicate glass of nonvolcanic origin.
tele  search
USEfrozen ground
Teleajen Valley  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Teleajen Valley
 ..Teleajen Valley
RTPrahova Romania
SNRiver valley in Prahova County in NE Moldavia. Also search Teleajen; Teleajen River. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Telemark Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Telemark Norway
NTBamble Norway
 Langesund Fjord
telemetry  search
 microwave methods
 multispectral analysis
 remote sensing
 satellite methods
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Teleosauridae  search
Teleostei  search
teleseismic signals  search
RTcoseismic processes
telethermal processes  search
RTmineral deposits, genesis
SNAlso search telethermal. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
television logging  search
SNUse well-logging. Also see borehole televiewers.
Telfair County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Telfair County Georgia
telinite  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tell  search
 .North Africa
SNThe Mediterranean coastal region of Algeria which is favored by a Mediterranean type climate.
Teller County Colorado  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teller County Colorado
NTCripple Creek Colorado
SNCentral Colorado.
tellurates  search
SNBefore 1981, search tellurates and tellurites.
tellurates and tellurites  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use either tellurates or tellurites as applicable.
tellurbismuth  search
telluric currents  search
SNNot a valid index term for GeoRef. See Earth-current methods.
telluric methods  search
USEEarth-current methods
tellurides  search
tellurites  search
SNBefore 1981, search tellurates and tellurites.
tellurium  search
RTchalcophile elements
 heavy metals
 chemical elements
tellurobismuthite  search
Telychian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
TEM data  search
UFtransmission electron microscopy data
RTelectron microscopy
 electron microscopy data
 SEM data
 scanning electron microscopy
SNAcronym. For the method, see transmission method. For transient electromagnetic (TEM) response, use transient methods and (electromagnetic methods, or electromagnetic logging) as applicable.
Temagami Mine  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Temagami Mine
UFTimagami Mine
 silver ores
 copper ores
 gold ores
SNCopper, gold and silver ores. Near village of Temagami on E end of Lake Temagami near Quebec border. Also search Temagami; Timagami.
Temblor Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Temblor Formation
SNCentral and Southern California. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Temblor Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Temblor Range
RTKern County California
 San Luis Obispo County California
 San Emigdio Mountains
SNAlong SW San Joaquin Valley in W and SW Kern County. Indexed with counties as applicable.
Temiscamingue County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Temiscamingue County Quebec
NTKipawa Lake
 Rouyn Quebec
UFTimiskaming County Quebec
 Temiskaming County Quebec
RTTimiskaming District Ontario
 Lake Timiskaming
SNSW Quebec on Ontario border.
Temiscamingue District Ontario  search
USETimiskaming District Ontario
Temiscamingue Lake  search
USELake Timiskaming
Temiscouata County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Temiscouata County Quebec
Temiskaming County Quebec  search
USETemiscamingue County Quebec
Temiskaming District Ontario  search
USETimiskaming District Ontario
Temiskaming Lake  search
USELake Timiskaming
Temnospondyli  search
Tempe Terra  search
 .Tempe Terra
SNExtensive land mass. Named for Tempe albedo feature.
temperate environment  search
 depositional environment
 rain forests
SNBefore 1978, search temperate.
temperature  search
NThigh temperature
 low temperature
RTP-T-t paths
 phase equilibria
 heat flow
 geologic thermometry
 fluid inclusions
 greenhouse effect
 global warming
 Kirchhoff integral
 P-T conditions
 sea-surface temperature
SNFor temperatures of mineral formation, see phase equilibria. As of 1982, use paleotemperature under paleoclimatology. Before 1974, also search paleotemperature; paleotemperatures.
temperature anomaly  search
USEthermal anomalies
temperature logging  search
 .temperature logging
RTheat flow
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
temperature methods  search
USEheat flow
temperatures  search
tempestite  search
RTclastic rocks
 clastic sediments
 sedimentary rocks
 shallow-water environment
 storm environment
SNStorm deposit. Indexed with clastic rocks or clastic sediments as applicable. See lists I or N. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
temporal distribution  search
 time factor
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Tendoy Range  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beaverhead County Montana
 ...Tendoy Range
BTUnited States
 .U. S. Rocky Mountains
 ..Tendoy Range
SNSW Montana. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Tenerife  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 .Canary Islands
SNLargest island in the Spanish controlled Canary Islands off NW Africa.
Tenerife, Pico de  search
Teneriffe  search
Tengchong  search
 .Far East
 ...Yunnan China
 geothermal fields
SNVolcano-geothermal region in Yunnan, SW China. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tengiz Field  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Tengiz Field
RToil and gas fields
 Caspian Depression
 Emba River
SNSupergiant oil field SE Caspian Depression, W central Kazakhstan. Also search Tengiz which was also infrequently used for the lake 800 miles to the east. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Tengiz Lake  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 ..Tengiz Lake
UFTeniz Lake
RTSarysu River
SNSalt lake NW of Karaganda in N central Kazakhstan. See Tengiz Field for the Caspian oil field in W Kazakhstan. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Teniz Lake  search
USETengiz Lake
Tennant Creek Australia  search
 ..Northern Territory Australia
 ...Tennant Creek Australia
SNVillage 280 miles N of Alice Springs in central Northern Territory.
tennantite  search
RTcopper ores
 copper minerals
Tennes  search
Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
NTAnderson County Tennessee
 Bedford County Tennessee
 Benton County Tennessee
 Bledsoe County Tennessee
 Blount County Tennessee
 Bradley County Tennessee
 Campbell County Tennessee
 Cannon County Tennessee
 Carroll County Tennessee
 Carter County Tennessee
 Cheatham County Tennessee
 Chester County Tennessee
 Claiborne County Tennessee
 Clay County Tennessee
 Cocke County Tennessee
 Coffee County Tennessee
 Crockett County Tennessee
 Cumberland County Tennessee
 Davidson County Tennessee
 De Kalb County Tennessee
 Decatur County Tennessee
 Dickson County Tennessee
 Dyer County Tennessee
 Fayette County Tennessee
 Fentress County Tennessee
 Franklin County Tennessee
 Gibson County Tennessee
 Giles County Tennessee
 Grainger County Tennessee
 Greene County Tennessee
 Grundy County Tennessee
 Hamblen County Tennessee
 Hamilton County Tennessee
 Hancock County Tennessee
 Hardeman County Tennessee
 Hardin County Tennessee
 Hawkins County Tennessee
 Haywood County Tennessee
 Henderson County Tennessee
 Henry County Tennessee
 Hickman County Tennessee
 Houston County Tennessee
 Humphreys County Tennessee
 Jackson County Tennessee
 Jefferson County Tennessee
 Johnson County Tennessee
 Knox County Tennessee
 Lake County Tennessee
 Lauderdale County Tennessee
 Lawrence County Tennessee
 Lewis County Tennessee
 Lincoln County Tennessee
 Loudon County Tennessee
 Macon County Tennessee
 Madison County Tennessee
 Marion County Tennessee
 Marshall County Tennessee
 Maury County Tennessee
 McMinn County Tennessee
 McNairy County Tennessee
 Meigs County Tennessee
 Monroe County Tennessee
 Montgomery County Tennessee
 Moore County Tennessee
 Morgan County Tennessee
 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
 Obion County Tennessee
 Overton County Tennessee
 Perry County Tennessee
 Pickett County Tennessee
 Polk County Tennessee
 Putnam County Tennessee
 Reelfoot Lake
 Rhea County Tennessee
 Roane County Tennessee
 Robertson County Tennessee
 Rutherford County Tennessee
 Scott County Tennessee
 Sequatchie County Tennessee
 Sequatchie Valley
 Sevier County Tennessee
 Shelby County Tennessee
 Smith County Tennessee
 Stewart County Tennessee
 Sullivan County Tennessee
 Sumner County Tennessee
 Tipton County Tennessee
 Trousdale County Tennessee
 Unicoi County Tennessee
 Union County Tennessee
 Van Buren County Tennessee
 Warren County Tennessee
 Washington County Tennessee
 Wayne County Tennessee
 Weakley County Tennessee
 White County Tennessee
 Williamson County Tennessee
 Wilson County Tennessee
RTAppalachian Basin
 Appalachian Plateau
 Bangor Limestone
 Chattanooga Shale
 Chickamauga Group
 Chilhowee Group
 Ashe Formation
 Beekmantown Group
 Bigby-Cannon Limestone
 Brassfield Formation
 Buffalo River
 Central Basin
 Clayton Formation
 Clinch Sandsto
Tennessee River  search
BTUnited States
 .Tennessee River
SNFormed near Knoxville in E Tennessee. It flows SW, W, and then N entering the Ohio River at Paducah in W Kentucky. Indexed with states as applicable.
Tennessee Sandstone  search
SNNot a currently valid stratigraphic name in the United States. Tennessee Sandstone is typically exposed in Tennessee Ridge, Sebastian County, Tennessee. This material is used for studies of geophysical and structural properties.
Tennessee Valley  search
BTUnited States
 .Tennessee Valley
 Great Appalachian Valley
SNRiver valley. Indexed with states as applicable.
Tensas Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Tensas Parish Louisiana
tensile strength  search
 elastic properties
 mechanical properties
 shear strength
 engineering geology
tensiometers  search
 tensile strength
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
tension  search
 extension faults
 extension fractures
 extension tectonics
 surface tension
 tensile strength
 yield strength
Tensleep Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Tensleep Sandstone
 Lower Permian
SNIn Montchauve Group. Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian. Overlies Amsden Formation. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Tentaculites  search
RTproblematic fossils
Tentaculitida  search
RTproblematic fossils
Tentaculitidae  search
RTproblematic fossils
Tepee Trail Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....upper Eocene
 ......Tepee Trail Formation
SNNW Wyoming. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
tephra  search
tephrite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
 ...alkali basalts
tephrochronology  search
 relative age
tephroite  search
 ...olivine group
RTmanganese minerals
Teplice Czech Republic  search
 .Central Europe
 ..Czech Republic
 ....Teplice Czech Republic
UFTeplice-Sanov Czech Republic
SNCity in the Erzgebirge, NW Czech Republic NNW of Prague. Before 1995, Teplice Czechoslovakia was also used.
Teplice-Sanov Czech Republic  search
USETeplice Czech Republic
Ter River basin  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Ter River basin
RTGerona Spain
 Barcelona Spain
 Catalonia Spain
SNIn Catalonia, Spain. Also search Ter River. Indexed with Spain and provinces as applicable.
terbium  search
 .rare earths
Terceira Island  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
 ..Terceira Island
SNCentral island of Portuguese controlled group. Site of U. S. Lajes Air Force Base. Also search Terceira.
Tereblya Ukraine  search
 ..Tereblya Ukraine
SNVillage in SW Ukraine near the Romanian border. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Terebratulida  search
Terebratulidae  search
Terebratulina  search
Terek River  search
 .Terek River
RTRussian Federation
 Georgian Republic
SNFlows into the Caspian Sea N of Makhachkala in the Northern Caucasus. Also search Terek. Indexed with former Soviet republics as applicable.
Terlingua Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Brewster County Texas
 ...Terlingua Texas
SNVillage in W Texas.
terminology  search
termite mounds  search
RTbiogenic structures
 mineral exploration
SNAlso search ((Isoptera) AND (mounds or nests)) OR termitaria. Added to Thesaurus in 1998.
Terni Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Umbria Italy
 ....Terni Italy
SNCity NE of Rome in S Umbria, central Italy.
terostegina  search
NTHeterostegina depressa
terpanes  search
BTorganic compounds
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
terpenes  search
terpenoids  search
Terra Nova Bay  search
 .Victoria Land
 ..Terra Nova Bay
RTRoss Sea
SNOn Ross Sea coast of Victoria Land.
Terra rosa  search
USETerra rossa
Terra rossa  search
 .Terra rossa
UFTerra rosa
RTsoil group
terraces  search
 erosion features
 fluvial features
 lacustrine features
 marine terraces
 raised beaches
 sea-level changes
SNAs of 1982, use marine terraces for the shore features.
terrain classification  search
 digital terrain models
SNBefore 1978, search classification AND terrains.
terrains  search
RTdigital terrain models
 glaciated terrains
 terrain classification
SNUsed for tracts of land and their physical features. As of 1983, use terranes for the new concept in tectonics. Before 1983, also search terranes.
terranes  search
NTexotic terranes
UFsuspect terranes
 tectonostratigraphic terranes
 plate tectonics
 accretionary wedges
 greenstone belts
 metamorphic belts
 metamorphic core complexes
 tectonostratigraphic units
SNUsed for the new concept in tectonics. Use terrains as a general term for tracts of land. Added to Thesaurus in 1983.
TERRAscope  search
BTseismic networks
 Southern California
 broad-band spectra
SNBroadband, high dynamic range seismic network, S California. for data use TERRAscope data.
Terrebonne County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Terrebonne County Quebec
Terrebonne Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Terrebonne Parish Louisiana
NTIsles Dernieres
RTAtchafalaya Bay
SNExtreme SE Louisiana, bordering the Gulf of Mexico.
Terrell County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Terrell County Georgia
Terrell County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Terrell County Texas
terrestrial  search
SNA valid term through 1977. After 1977, use terrestrial environment for type of environment. See terrestrial materials.
terrestrial comp  search
terrestrial comparison  search
 extraterrestrial geology
 interplanetary comparison
 natural analogs
SNUsed to indicate a comparison between the Earth and an extraterrestrial body or material. Also search interplanetary comparison AND Earth. Before 1981, also search terrestrial materials. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
terrestrial environment  search
NTalpine environment
 arid environment
 boreal environment
 cave environment
 humid environment
 paludal environment
 sebkha environment
 semi-arid environment
 subaerial environment
 subalpine environment
 taiga environment
UFcontinental environment
 wind transport
 depositional environment
 fresh-water environment
 hypersaline environment
 arctic environment
 nearshore environment
 supratidal environment
 subtidal environment
 terrestrial sedimentation
SNBefore 1978, also search terrestrial. Used to distinguish from marine environment.
terrestrial materials  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef as of 1981. See terrestrial comparison; interplanetary comparison. Term was introduced in 1978. Included use to indicate a comparison between Earth and Moon (lunar samples).
terrestrial planets  search
 Mercury Planet
 outer planets
 solar system
SNThe four inner planets in the solar system: Mercury Planet, Venus, Earth and Mars.
terrestrial sedimentation  search
 .terrestrial sedimentation
RTterrestrial environment
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
terrigenous  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. A valid term through 1977 used in combination with clastic rocks or clastic sediments. After 1977, use terrigenous materials.
terrigenous materials  search
 black shale
 clastic rocks
 clastic sediments
 flint clay
SNBefore 1978, also search terrigenous AND (clastic rocks or clastic sediments).
Terry County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Terry County Texas
Tersk(o)-Caspian Depression  search
SNAs of 1995, use Caspian Basin and Terek River for the region in Northern Caucasus which includes both the Terek River valley and the Caspian Depression.
Tertiary  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
NTAnahuac Formation
 Apache Leap Tuff
 Arikaree Group
 Barreiras Formation
 Carapita Formation
 Catahoula Formation
 Challis Volcanics
 Climax Porphyry
 Esna Shale
 John Day Formation
 Lincoln Creek Formation
 lower Tertiary
 Maikop Series
 middle Tertiary
 Muddy Creek Formation
 Neyveli Lignite
 Pirabas Formation
 Poltava Series
 Shahejie Formation
 Snoqualmie Batholith
 Sobral Formation
 Twin River Formation
 Twin Sisters Dunite
 upper Tertiary
 Vaqueros Formation
 Warkalli Formation
 Zambales Ophiolite
 Nubian Sandstone
 Ionian Zone
 Brianconnais Zone
 San Juan Formation
 White Limestone
 Laramide Orogeny
 Muro Group
 Hector Formation
 Stone Age
 San Lorenzo Formation
 Red Mountain Formation
 San Felipe Formation
tertiary recovery  search
BTenhanced recovery
 .tertiary recovery
RTpetroleum engineering
 gas injection
 hydraulic fracturing
 mercury injection
 thermal recovery
 secondary recovery
SNUse in relation to petroleum.
Teruel Spain  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Aragon Spain
 .....Teruel Spain
RTCalatayud-Teruel Basin
 Maestrazgo Spain
SNProvince in NE central Spain.
teschenite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .plutonic rocks
 ...alkali gabbros
Tesnus Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tesnus Formation
 Marathon Geosyncline
SNMarathon Geosyncline of W Texas. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tesserae  search
RTblock structures
 plate tectonics
SNMosaic-like terrain on other planetary bodies. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Tessin Switzerland  search
USETicino Switzerland
testing  search
RTbiaxial tests
 consolidometer tests
 drill stem tests
 lateral loading
 load tests
 penetration tests
 plate-bearing tests
 quality control
 road tests
 rock mechanics
 sand equivalent tests
 shear tests
 slug tests
 soil mechanics
 engineering geology
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
tests  search
SNAs of 1976, term is only to be used with fossils. For tests used in engineering geology, see testing.
Testudinata  search
SNSubclass in a system in which chelonians are not considered anapsids. Indexed with Chelonia if applicable.
Testudines  search
Testudinidae  search
SNFamily. Emydidae is often included as a subfamily.
Tetagouche Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Tetagouche Group
RTNew Brunswick
SNN New Brunswick. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Tete Mozambique  search
 .East Africa
 ...Tete Mozambique
SNTown on the Zambezi River and district in NW Mozambique.
Teterev River valley  search
 ..Teterev River valley
UFTeterev Valley
SNNW Ukraine. Also search Teterev; Teterev River. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Teterev Valley  search
USETeterev River valley
Teteven Bulgaria  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Pleven Bulgaria
 ....Teteven Bulgaria
SNTown in central Bulgaria.
Tethys  search
UFTethys Sea
 continental drift
SNAn elongated east-west sea, similar to the Mediterranean Sea, that separated Europe and Africa and extended across southern Asia in Pre-Tertiary time. Because of inconsistencies in terminology, users should also search (Neo-Tethys, Neotethys, Paleo-Tethys
Tethys Satellite  search
RTicy satellites
 Voyager Program
SNOne of the satellites of Saturn.
Tethys Sea  search
Teton County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teton County Idaho
SNE Idaho.
Teton County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teton County Montana
RTSawtooth Range
SNN central Montana.
Teton County Wyoming  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teton County Wyoming
NTGrand Teton National Park
 Jackson Hole
RTOld Faithful Geyser
 Yellowstone National Park
SNNW Wyoming.
Teton National Forest  search
BTUnited States
 ..Teton National Forest
RTnational forests
 Grand Teton National Park
SNIndexed with counties as applicable.
Tetrabranchiata  search
tetrachloroethylene  search
BTorganic compounds
 .halogenated hydrocarbons
 ..chlorinated hydrocarbons
SNMay be abbreviated TCE or PCE. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
tetrachloromethane  search
USEcarbon tetrachloride
Tetracorallia  search
tetradymite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
tetrahedra  search
tetrahedrite  search
RTsilver ores
 copper ores
 copper minerals
Tetrapoda  search
tetrataenite  search
SNMeteorite mineral.
Tetyukhe Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Primorye Russian Federation
 ...Tetyukhe Russian Federation
SNTown in E Primorye Kray 220 miles NE of Vladivostok. Before 1993, Tetyukhe Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Teutoburg Forest  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Teutoburg Forest
UFTeutoburger Wald
RTNorth Rhine-Westphalia Germany
 Lower Saxony Germany
SNRange of hills S of Osnabruck in NW Germany. Indexed with states as applicable.
Teutoburger Wald  search
USETeutoburg Forest
Texas  search
BTUnited States
NTAnderson County Texas
 Andrews County Texas
 Angelina County Texas
 Aransas County Texas
 Archer County Texas
 Armstrong County Texas
 Atascosa County Texas
 Austin County Texas
 Bailey County Texas
 Balcones fault zone
 Bandera County Texas
 Bastrop County Texas
 Baylor County Texas
 Bee County Texas
 Bell County Texas
 Bexar County Texas
 Blanco County Texas
 Borden County Texas
 Bosque County Texas
 Bowie County Texas
 Brazoria County Texas
 Brazos County Texas
 Brazos River
 Brewster County Texas
 Briscoe County Texas
 Brooks County Texas
 Brown County Texas
 Burleson County Texas
 Burnet County Texas
 Caldwell County Texas
 Calhoun County Texas
 Callahan County Texas
 Cameron County Texas
 Camp County Texas
 Carson County Texas
 Cass County Texas
 Castro County Texas
 Chambers County Texas
 Cherokee County Texas
 Childress County Texas
 Christmas Mountains
 Clay County Texas
 Cochran County Texas
 Coke County Texas
 Coleman County Texas
 Collin County Texas
 Collingsworth County Texas
 Colorado County Texas
 Comal County Texas
 Comanche County Texas
 Concho County Texas
 Cooke County Texas
 Coryell County Texas
 Cottle County Texas
 Crane County Texas
 Crockett County Texas
 Crosby County Texas
 Culberson County Texas
 Dalhart Basin
 Dallam County Texas
 Dallas County Texas
 Davis Mountains
 Dawson County Texas
 De Witt County Texas
 Deaf Smith County Texas
 Delta County Texas
 Denton County Texas
 Dickens County Texas
 Dimmit County Texas
 Donley County Texas
 Duval County Texas
 East Texas
 East Texas Basin
 East Texas Field
 Eastland County Texas
 Ector County Texas
 Edwards Aquifer
 Edwards County Texas
 Edwards Plateau
 El Paso County Texas
 Ellis County Texas
 Erath County Texas
 Falls County Texas
 Fannin County Texas
 Fayette County Texas
 Fisher County Texas
 Floyd County Texas
 Foard County Texas
 Fort Bend County Texas
 Fort Worth Basin
 Franklin County Texas
 Freestone County Texas
 Frio County Texas
 Gaines County Texas
 Galveston Bay
 Galveston County Texas
 Garza County Texas
 Gillespie County Texas
 Glasscock County Texas
 Goliad County Texas
 Gonzales County Texas
 Gray County Texas
 Grayson County Texas
 Gregg County Texas
 Grimes County Texas
 Guadalupe County Texas
 Hale County Texas
 Hall County Texas
 Hamilton County Texas
 Hansford County Texas
 Hardeman County Texas
 Hardin County Texas
 Harris County Texas
 Harrison County Texas
 Hartley County Texas
 Haskell County Texas
 Hays County Texas
 Hemphill County Texas
 Henderson County Texas
 Hidalgo County Texas
 Hill County Texas
 Hockley County Texas
 Hood County Texas
 Hopkins County Texas
 Houston County Texas
 Howard County Texas
 Hudspeth County Texas
 Hunt County Texas
 Hutchinson County Texas
 Irion County Texas
 Jack County Texas
 Jackson County Texas
 Jasper County Texas
 Jeff Davis County Texas
 Jefferson County Texas
 Jim Hogg County Texas
 Jim Wells County Texas
 Johnson County Texas
 Jones County Texas
 Karnes County Texas
 Kaufman County Texas
 Kendall County Texas
 Kenedy County Texas
 Kent County Texas
 Kerr County Texas
 Kimble County Texas
 King County Texas
 Kinney County Texas
 Kleberg County Texas
 Knox County Texas
 La Salle County Texas
 Lamar County Texas
 Lamb County Texas
 Lampasas County Texas
 Lavaca County Texas
 Lee County Texas
 Leon County Texas
 Liberty County Texas
 Limestone County Texas
 Lipscomb County Texas
 Live Oak County Texas
 Llano County Texas
 Llano Uplift
 Loving County Texas
 Lubbock County Texas
 Lynn County Texas
 Madison County Texas
 Marathon Geosyncline
 Marfa Basin
 Marion County Texas
 Martin County Texas
 Mason County Texas
 Matagorda Bay
 Matagorda County Texas
 Maverick County Texas
 McCulloch County Texas
 McLennan County Texas
 McMullen County Texas
 Medina County Texas
 Menard County Texas
 Midland Basin
 Midland County Texas
 Milam County Texas
 Mills County Texas
 Mitchell County Texas
 Montague County Texas
 Montgomery County Texas
 Moore County Texas
 Morris County Texas
 Motley County Texas
 Nacogdoches County Texas
 Navarro County Texas
 Newton County Texas
 Nolan County Texas
 Nueces County Texas
 Nueces River
 Oakwood Dome
 Ochiltree County Texas
 Oldham County Texas
 Orange County Texas
 Palo Pinto County Texas
 Panola County Texas
 Parker County Texas
 Parmer County Texas
 Pecos County Texas
 Polk County Texas
 Potter County Texas
 Presidio County Texas
 Rains County Texas
 Randall County Texas
 Reagan County Texas
 Real County Texas
 Red River County Texas
 Reeves County Texas
 Refugio County Texas
 Rita Blanca Lake
 Roberts County Texas
 Robertson County Texas
 Rockwall County Texas
 Runnels County Texas
 Rusk County Texas
 Sabine County Texas
 San Augustine County Texas
 San Jacinto County Texas
 San Marcos Arch
 San Patricio County Texas
 San Saba County Texas
 Schleicher County Texas
 Scurry County Texas
 Shackelford County Texas
 Shelby County Texas
 Sherman County Texas
 Smith County Texas
 Somervell County Texas
 Starr County Texas
 Stephens County Texas
 Sterling County Texas
 Stonewall County Texas
 Sutton County Texas
 Swisher County Texas
 Tarrant County Texas
 Taylor County Texas
 Terrell County Texas
 Terry County Texas
 Texas Panhandle
 Throckmorton County Texas
 Titus County Texas
 Tom Green County Texas
 Travis County Texas
 Trinity County Texas
 Tyler County Texas
 Upshur County Texas
 Upton County Texas
 Uvalde County Texas
 Val Verde Basin
 Val Verde County Texas
 Van Zandt County Texas
 Victoria County Texas
 Walker County Texas
 Waller County Texas
 Ward County Texas
 Washington County Texas
 Webb County Texas
 West Texas
 Wharton County Texas
 Wheeler County Texas
 Wichita County Texas
 Wilbarger County Texas
 Willacy County Texas
 Williamson County Texas
 Wilson County Texas
 Winkler County Texas
 Wise County Texas
 Wood County Texas
 Yoakum County Texas
 Young County Texas
 Zapata County Texas
 Zavala County Texas
RTAguja Formation
 Albuquerque Basin
 Anadarko Basin
 Anahuac Formation
 Antlers Sands
 Baffin Bay
 Ardmore Basin
 Basin and Range Province
 Ashmore Meteorite
 Austin Chalk
 Austin Group
 Barnett Formation
 Barton Springs
 Beaumont Clay
 Bell Canyon Formation
 Bigfork Che
Texas County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Texas County Missouri
SNS central Missouri.
Texas County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Texas County Oklahoma
RTOklahoma Panhandle
SNExtreme NW Oklahoma.
Texas Panhandle  search
BTUnited States
 ..Texas Panhandle
RTWest Texas
SNNW Texas. Also search Panhandle AND Texas. Indexed with counties as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
text, explanatory  search
USEexplanatory text
textbooks  search
RTbook reviews
 educational resources
SNUse under disciplines.
Textulariina  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
textures  search
NTaphanitic texture
 arenaceous texture
 argillaceous texture
 flow texture
 framboidal texture
 gneissic texture
 graphic texture
 oolitic texture
 orbicular texture
 pelitic texture
 pisolitic texture
 porphyritic texture
 porphyroblastic texture
 porphyroclastic texture
 spinifex texture
 vesicular texture
 coarse-grained materials
 fine-grained materials
 grain boundaries
 shape analysis
 size distribution
 surface textures
SNAs of 1993, see grain size or size distribution for soils if applicable.
Teyde, Pico de  search