Africa  search
NTAdrar des Iforas
 African Platform
 Blue Nile
 Cape Verde Islands
 Central Africa
 Chad Basin
 Congo Basin
 East Africa
 East African Lakes
 East African Rift
 Gregory Rift
 Kalahari Desert
 Kasai River
 Lebombo Mountains
 Libyan Desert
 Limpopo Basin
 Limpopo Belt
 Mozambique Belt
 Nile River
 Nile Valley
 North Africa
 Nubian Shield
 Red Sea Hills
 Reguibat Ridge
 Senegal River
 Southern Africa
 Tibesti Massif
 Volta Basin
 West Africa
 West African Shield
 Zambezi Valley
RTAfrican Plate
 Dwyka Formation
 Karroo Supergroup
 Katangan Orogeny
 Kibaran Orogeny
 Nubian Sandstone
 Pan-African Orogeny
African Plate  search
 plate tectonics
SNIncludes the continent of Africa, adjoining areas of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, Madagascar, and much of E Mediterranean Sea. Indexed with geographic area and/or age as applicable.
African Platform  search
 .African Platform
SNA vast platform of complex Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks, partly covered by Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks, which underlies the entire continent.