Indonesia  search
 .Far East
 Irian Jaya Indonesia
 Kalimantan Indonesia
 Sunda Arc
 Sunda Strait
UFDutch East Indies
 Netherland India
RTGreat Sumatran Fault
 Arafura Sea
 West Pacific Ocean Islands
 Malay Archipelago
 Lesser Sunda Islands
 Indonesian Seas
 Flores Sea earthquake 1996
 Kabuh Formation
 Kalibeng Formation
 Pucangan Formation
SNBefore 1960, Dutch East Indies was used. Before 1945, Netherland India was used.
Indonesian Seas  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .West Pacific
 ..Indonesian Seas
NTBanda Sea
 Celebes Sea
 Java Sea
 Banda Arc
 Flores Sea earthquake 1996
SNIncludes small seas of the Pacific Ocean within Indonesia. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.