Be  search
Be-10  search
 .radioactive isotopes
 .alkaline earth metals
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Be-10/Be-9  search
 .radioactive isotopes
 .stable isotopes
 .alkaline earth metals
RTisotope ratios
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Be-7  search
 .radioactive isotopes
 .alkaline earth metals
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Be-9/Be-10  search
beach erosion  search
USElittoral erosion
beach nourishment  search
 erosion control
 preventive measures
SNAlso search beaches OR shore features OR shorelines in combination with nourishment OR replenishment OR protection OR restoration. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
beach placers  search
 .beach placers
RTmarine sediments
 stream placers
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
beach profiles  search
 erosion control
 littoral erosion
 marine transport
 sea-level changes
 sediment transport
 shore features
SNBefore 1995, also search beaches. Search with shorelines for engineering or geomorphological studies. Indexed with shore features if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
beach ridges  search
BTshore features
 .beach ridges
 marine terraces
beach rock  search
beaches  search
RTbarrier beaches
 beach nourishment
 beach profiles
 beach ridges
 chenier plains
 coastal environment
 lacustrine features
 landform evolution
 littoral erosion
 raised beaches
 shore features
SNIndexed with shore features if applicable.
beachrock  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .carbonate rocks
UFbeach rock
Beacon Supergroup  search
 Buckley Formation
 Permian-Triassic boundary
 Queen Maud Range
 Ross Dependency
 Ross Ice Shelf
 Taylor Group
 Victoria Land
SNIn Queen Maud Range along SW Ross Ice Shelf and in Victoria Land W of Ross Sea, both in Ross Dependency S of New Zealand. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Beacon Valley  search
 Ross Dependency
 Victoria Land
SNIn S Victoria Land near SE Ross Sea in Ross Dependency S of New Zealand. Indexed with Antarctica as applicable.
Beadle County South Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .South Dakota
 ..Beadle County South Dakota
Bear Gulch Limestone Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Bear Gulch Limestone Member
 Tyler Formation
SNIn Tyler Formation. Central N Montana.
Bear Island  search
RTArctic region
 Arctic Ocean
 Barents Sea
SN240 miles N of Norway. Along with Spitsbergen forms Svalbard island group. Before 1981, broader terms were Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean. Also occurs in other locations. Indexed with Svalbard as applicable.
Bear Lake  search
RTRich County Utah
SNN Utah and Bear Lake County, SE Idaho. May also occur in other locations. Search in combination with state or region. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Bear Lake County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bear Lake County Idaho
Bear Mountain  search
 New Mexico
 New York
 South Dakota
SNOccurs in various locations. Indexed with appropriate counties or regions as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Bear Province  search
BTNorth America
 .Canadian Shield
 ..Bear Province
RTNorthwest Territories
SNStructural province of the Canadian Shield.
Bear River basin  search
SNN Utah, SE Idaho and SW Wyoming. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Bear River Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 .....Bear River Formation
SNSW Wyoming, SE Idaho and NE Utah. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Bear River Range  search
 United States
SNN Utah and SE Idaho. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Bear Valley  search
SNCentral California. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Bear-Slave Operation  search
RTgeochemical methods
 Great Bear Lake
 Great Slave Lake
 Mackenzie District Northwest Territories
 mineral exploration
 Northwest Territories
SNGeochemical operation in Great Bear and Great Slave lakes region of Mackenzie District.
Beardmore Glacier  search
 .Beardmore Glacier
RTQueen Maud Range
 Ross Dependency
 Ross Ice Shelf
 Coalsack Bluff
 Fremouw Formation
 LEW 86010
 LEW 88516
 Lewis Cliff Meteorites
 Sirius Group
SNAt NW end of Queen Maud Range just off Ross Ice Shelf in Ross Dependency S of New Zealand.
bearing capacity  search
RTCalifornia bearing ratio
 physical properties
 soil mechanics
Bearn  search
 .Western Europe
SNAn historical region of SW France.
Bearpaw Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Bearpaw Formation
 Edmonton Formation
 Montana Group
SNIn Montana Group. S Alberta; N, E, and S Montana; and Elk Basin region of central N Wyoming.
Beartooth Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 .U. S. Rocky Mountains
 ..Absaroka Range
 ...Beartooth Mountains
SNNE spur of Absaroka Range. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with states as applicable.
Beas River  search
Beata Ridge  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Caribbean Sea
 ...Beata Ridge
RTLeg 15
 DSDP Site 31
SNOff south central coast of Hispaniola.
Beatty Nevada  search
BTUnited States
 ..Nye County Nevada
 ...Beatty Nevada
SNTown and site of underground nuclear explosions in S Nevada.
Beatty Ontario  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Cochrane District Ontario
 ....Beatty Ontario
SNUsed for the township in Cochrane District, N Ontario.
Beauce  search
 .Western Europe
RTEure-et-Loir France
 Loir-et-Cher France
SNAncient region in N central France. Indexed with departments as applicable.
Beauce County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Beauce County Quebec
Beaufort County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Beaufort County North Carolina
NTLee Creek Mine
RTPamlico River
SNOn the Atlantic coast in E North Carolina.
Beaufort County South Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .South Carolina
 ..Beaufort County South Carolina
RTSaint Helena
 Port Royal Sound
SNOn Atlantic coast in extreme S South Carolina.
Beaufort Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Beaufort Formation
RTNorth Carolina
 Beaufort Group
SNUnderlies Castle Hayne Limestone or Yorktown Formation, or locally, an unnamed middle(?) Miocene unit; overlies Upper Cretaceous Peedee Formation. In E North Carolina. Search in combination with area.
Beaufort Group  search
RTBeaufort Formation
 Karroo Supergroup
 Permian-Triassic boundary
 South Africa
SNIn Karroo Supergroup. Permian and Triassic of South Africa. Before 1993, also search Beaufort Formation or Beaufort Series; AND South Africa. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Beaufort North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Carteret County North Carolina
 ...Beaufort North Carolina
SNCity in E North Carolina.
Beaufort Sea  search
BTArctic Ocean
 .Beaufort Sea
RTBeaufort-Mackenzie Basin
SNBetween N Alaska and the Arctic Archipelago of Canada.
Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin  search
UFMackenzie-Beaufort Basin
RTNorthern Alaska
 Northwest Territories
 Beaufort Sea
 Mackenzie Delta
SNOnshore and offshore basin roughly centered in the Mackenzie Delta region of Northwest Territories. Also search Beaufort Basin or Mackenzie Basin in combination with Beaufort Sea or Northwest Territories as applicable. Indexed with Northwest Territories o
Beauharnois County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Beauharnois County Quebec
Beaumont Clay  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Beaumont Clay
SNE Texas and SW Louisiana. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Beaumont Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Jefferson County Texas
 ...Beaumont Texas
SNCity in E Texas.
Beauregard Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beauregard Parish Louisiana
Beauvoir Granite  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Beauvoir Granite
RTAllier France
 Central Massif
SNComplex in Central Massif, central France. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Beaver County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beaver County Oklahoma
RTOklahoma Panhandle
SNExtreme NW Oklahoma.
Beaver County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beaver County Pennsylvania
SNW Pennsylvania.
Beaver County Utah  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beaver County Utah
NTMineral Mountains
 Roosevelt Hot Springs KGRA
RTBlack Mountains
 Tushar Mountains
 Wah Wah Mountains
SNSW Utah.
Beaver Creek  search
RTWind River
SNTwo Beaver creeks. One in NE and one in W central Wyoming. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Beaver Lake  search
RTGarden County Nebraska
SNGarden County in W Nebraska panhandle. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Beaver River  search
 Yukon Territory
SNExtreme SE Yukon Territory. Also in other locations, including SW Utah, Ontario, and New York. Search in combination with state or region as applicable. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Beaverhead County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beaverhead County Montana
NTTendoy Range
RTGravelly Range
 Pioneer Mountains
SNExtreme SW Montana.
Beaverhead Formation  search
 K-T boundary
 Upper Cretaceous
SNUpper Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene. Unconformably overlies Kootenay Formation, Dinwoody Formation, Thaynes Formation, Phosphoria Formation, Quadrant Quartzite and Madison Group. E central Idaho and SW Montana. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Beaverhead Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 .U. S. Rocky Mountains
 ..Bitterroot Range
 ...Beaverhead Mountains
SNS part of Bitterroot Range, SE Idaho and SW Montana. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with counties or states as applicable.
Beaverhill Lake Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Beaverhill Lake Group
RTMiddle Devonian
 Upper Devonian
 North Dakota
 Swan Hills Formation
SNAlberta. May also occur in other locations. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Beaverlodge  search
 .Western Canada
SNLake N of Lake Athabasca.
Bechar Algeria  search
 .North Africa
 ...Bechar Algeria
SNTown about 440 miles SW of Algiers.
Bechuanaland  search
Becker County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Becker County Minnesota
Beckham County Oklahoma  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beckham County Oklahoma
Becraft Mountain  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Columbia County New York
 ...Becraft Mountain
SNColumbia County in E New York.
bed forms  search
bed load  search
bed-load  search
Bedarieux France  search
BTrault France
 .Bedarieux France
SNTown in S France.
bedded volcano  search
bedding  search
BTsedimentary structures
 .planar bedding structures
RTbedding plane irregularities
 primary structures
 columnar joints
 flaser bedding
 graded bedding
 massive bedding
 planar deformation features
 rhythmic bedding
SNAlso index primary structures if applicable.
bedding faults  search
 .bedding faults
RTbedding joints
SNBefore 1978, search faults AND bedding.
bedding joints  search
RTbedding faults
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
bedding plane irregularities  search
BTsedimentary structures
 .bedding plane irregularities
 chevron marks
 current markings
 dune structures
 flute casts
 fossil ice wedges
 frost features
 groove casts
 mud lumps
 parting lineation
 ripple marks
 sand ridges
 sand waves
 scour casts
 scour marks
 tool marks
 load casts
 sand bodies
 sole marks
bedding structures, planar  search
USEplanar bedding structures
bedding-plane slip  search
Bedford County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bedford County Pennsylvania
NTWoodbury Pennsylvania
SNS Pennsylvania.
Bedford County Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bedford County Tennessee
SNCentral Tennessee.
Bedford County Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bedford County Virginia
SNSW central Virginia. Also search Bedford Virginia if applicable.
Bedford Shale  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Bedford Shale
SNDevonian and Mississippian(?): NE Kentucky, E Ohio, and SW Pennsylvania. Indexed with ages as applicable.
Bedfordshire England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Bedfordshire England
SNCounty in SE England.
bedforms  search
UFbed forms
 fluvial features
 rivers and streams
 lacustrine features
bedload  search
UFbed load
 bottom load
 sediment budget
 sediment load
 gravel-bed streams
 stream transport
bedrock  search
SNUsed as a general term.
beds, convoluted  search
USEconvoluted beds
beds, key  search
USEkey beds
beds, marker  search
USEmarker beds
Bee County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bee County Texas
Beech Creek Limestone Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Mississippian
 .......Beech Creek Limestone Member
 Golconda Formation
SNOf Golconda Formation. SW Indiana and N central Kentucky. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Beekmantown Group  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Ordovician
 .....Beekmantown Group
 New York
 Rose Run Sandstone
SNFrom SE Canada to Virginia. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
Beemerville New Jersey  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Sussex County New Jersey
 ...Beemerville New Jersey
SNVillage in extreme N New Jersey.
Beer Sheba Israel  search
USEBeer Sheva Israel
Beer Sheva Israel  search
 .Middle East
 ...Beer Sheva Israel
UFBeer Sheba Israel
 Beersheba Israel
SNCity and region, S Israel.
Beerenberg  search
BTArctic region
 .Jan Mayen
 Arctic Ocean
SNExtinct volcano on Norway's Jan Mayen Island.
Beersheba Israel  search
USEBeer Sheva Israel
Behar India  search
USEBihar India
behavior  search
RTadaptive radiation
 biologic evolution
SNUsed as a general term applicable to a variety of disciplines.
bei China  search
NTBeijing China
 Jianghan Basin
 Jixian China
 Tianjin China
 Yanshan Range
beidellite  search
 .sheet silicates
 ..clay minerals
Beijing China  search
BTbei China
 .Beijing China
RTXingtai earthquake 1966
SNIndependent municipality and capital of China, including surrounding counties. Located in Hebei. Formerly called Peking.
Beil Limestone Member  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Pennsylvanian
 .......Beil Limestone Member
 Lecompton Limestone
SNOf Lecompton Limestone. SW Iowa, E Kansas, SE Nebraska.
Beira Baixa  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Beira Baixa
SNFormer province in N central Portugal.
Beirut Lebanon  search
 .Middle East
 ...Beirut Lebanon
SNCity on the Mediterranean Sea.
Beius Basin  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Beius Basin
RTBihor Romania
SNBihor County in W Transylvania.
Bek-Budi Uzbekistan  search
USEKarshi Uzbekistan
Belarus  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
NTBrest Belarus
 Byelorussian Massif
 Kletno Belarus
 Mezhrechye Belarus
 Minsk Belarus
 Mogilev Belarus
 Orsha Belarus
 Ostashkovichi Belarus
 Rechitsa Belarus
 Starobin Belarus
 Ustron Belarus
 Vyshkovo Belarus
 Zhitkovichi Belarus
 White Russia
RTBrest Basin
 Bug region
 Bug River
 Dnieper Basin
 Dnieper River
 Dvina River
 European Platform
 Neman River basin
 Pripet Basin
 Russian Plain
SNFormerly the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Belau  search
Belaya Gora Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Belaya Gora Russian Federation
RTArkhangelsk Russian Federation
SNVillage S of Arkhangelsk in Arkhangelsk Oblast in NW Russian Federation. Before 1993, Belaya Gora Russian Republic was also used. May also occur in other locations. Indexed with regions as applicable.
Belcha  search
Belchatow Mine  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Belchatow Mine
 Belchatow Poland
 Lodz Poland
SNLignite mine, Piotrkow Province, central Poland. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Belchatow Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Belchatow Poland
RTBelchatow Mine
 Lodz Poland
SNTown in Piotrkow Province, central Poland. Use Belchatow Mine for the lignite mine.
Belcher Islands  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ..Belcher Islands
 .Northwest Territories
 ..Keewatin District Northwest Territories
 ...Belcher Islands
RTHudson Bay
SNGroup in SE Hudson Bay. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Belemnitidae  search
Belemnoidea  search
Belemnopsis  search
Belfast Northern Ireland  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Northern Ireland
 ....Belfast Northern Ireland
SNTraditional county in W Northern Ireland. Includes the smaller administrative region of the same name adopted after 1973.
Belfort France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Belfort France
SNDepartment. Territore de Belfort in NE France.
Belgaum India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Karnataka India
 ....Belgaum India
SNTown and district in W Karnataka, S India.
Belgian Congo  search
USECongo Democratic Republic
Belgica Meteorites  search
 .Belgica Meteorites
 CM chondrites
SNAlso search Belgica Meteorite, Belgica-7904, B7904, or B-7904. Also index specific meteorite type. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Belgium  search
 .Western Europe
NTAntwerp Belgium
 Brabant Belgium
 Brabant Massif
 Hainaut Belgium
 Liege Belgium
 Limburg Belgium
 Luxembourg Belgium
 Mons Basin
 Namur Belgium
RTRhenish Schiefergebirge
 European Platform
 Boom Clay
 Liege earthquake 1983
 Luxembourg Sandstone
 Meuse River
 Meuse Valley
 North Sea Coast
 North Sea region
 Scheldt River
 Stavelot-Venn Massif
 University of Louvain
Belgorod Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Belgorod Russian Federation
 .Belgorod Russian Federation
SNOblast including the city N of Kharkov in SW Russian Federation. Before 1993, Belgorod Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Belgrade Yugoslavia  search
 .Southern Europe
 ....Belgrade Yugoslavia
UFBeograd Yugoslavia
SNCity on Danube River in N central Serbia.
Beli Isvor Bulgaria  search
USEBeli Izvor Bulgaria
Beli Izvor Bulgaria  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Beli Izvor Bulgaria
UFBeli Isvor Bulgaria
SNVillage in E Bulgaria.
Belingwe greenstone belt  search
 .Southern Africa
 ...Belingwe greenstone belt
RTCheshire Formation
SNZimbabwe (formerly Rhodesian) Craton. Includes the Archean Mtshingwe Group, and the Manjeri Formation, Reliance Formation, Zeederbergs Formation, and Cheshire Formation which are variously included in the Ngezi Group. Before 1998, also search Belingwe Bel
Belitung  search
Belize  search
BTCentral America
NTMaya Mountains
UFBritish Honduras
RTYucatan Peninsula
SNFormerly British Honduras.
Beljak Austria  search
USEVillach Austria
Belknap County New Hampshire  search
BTw Hampshire
 .Belknap County New Hampshire
Bell Canyon Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Bell Canyon Formation
RTNew Mexico
 Delaware Mountain Group
SNIn Delaware Mountain Group. Includes Hegler Limestone, Pinery Limestone, Radar Limestone, Lamar Limestone and McCombs Limestone members. S New Mexico, and W Texas.
Bell County Kentucky  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bell County Kentucky
SNExtreme SE Kentucky.
Bell County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bell County Texas
RTEdwards Aquifer
SNCentral Texas.
Bell Cr  search
Bell Creek Field  search
RTCarter County Montana
 oil and gas fields
 Powder River County Montana
SNOil and gas field. Indexed with counties or regions as applicable.
Bell Island  search
 Newfoundland Island
SNIn Conception Bay W of Saint John's Newfoundland. Also in other locations. Indexed with province or region as applicable.
Bellary India  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Karnataka India
 ....Bellary India
SNTown in Karnataka, S central India.
Belle Fourche Shale  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Belle Fourche Shale
RTCody Shale
 Colorado Group
 Graneros Shale
SNIn Colorado Group or Cody Shale. In Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Belle Isle  search
RTAtchafalaya Bay
 Saint Mary Parish Louisiana
SNIsland constituting a salt dome on N shore of Atchafalaya Bay in Saint Mary Parish in S Louisiana. Also island off Labrador in Newfoundland. Indexed with state and parish or Newfoundland as applicable.
Bellechasse County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Bellechasse County Quebec
Belledonne Massif  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Dauphine Alps
 ....Belledonne Massif
UFBelledonne Mountain Range
 Belledonne Range
SNPart of mountain range in SE France. Also search Belledonne. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Belledonne Mountain Range  search
USEBelledonne Massif
Belledonne Range  search
USEBelledonne Massif
Bellerophontina  search
Bellingshausen Sea  search
BTAntarctic Ocean
 .Bellingshausen Sea
RTBransfield Strait
SNInlet of S Pacific part of Antarctic Ocean extending westward from Alexander Island off the W coast of Antarctic Peninsula to Thurston Island.
Belluno Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Veneto Italy
 ....Belluno Italy
NTAlpago Basin
SNTown and province in N Veneto.
Belly River Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Cretaceous
 .....Belly River Formation
 Oldman Formation
SNHas been considered equivalent to Two Medicine Formation and Virgelle Sandstone of Blackfoot Indian Reservation, N Montana, and Judith River Formation, Claggett Formation, and Eagle Sandstone of central Montana.
Belmont County Ohio  search
BTUnited States
 ..Belmont County Ohio
Beloc Haiti  search
 .Beloc Haiti
SNSouthern Peninsula.
Belomorsk Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Karelia Russian Federation
 ...Belomorsk Russian Federation
UFSoroka Russian Federation
SNTown in former Karelian ASSR in NW Russian Federation. Before 1993, Belomorsk Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Belorussia  search
Belozerka Ukraine  search
 ..Belozerka Ukraine
SNTown in Kherson Oblast N of the Crimea. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Belozero Russian Federation  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Arkhangelsk Russian Federation
 ...Belozero Russian Federation
SNVillage W of Arkhangelsk in Arkhangelsk Oblast. Before 1993, Belozero Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Belsk Poland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Bialystok Poland
 ....Belsk Poland
UFBielsk Poland
 Bielsk Podlaski Poland
SNTown in in NE Poland.
Belt Basin  search
BTNorth America
 .Belt Basin
 British Columbia
SNW Montana, N Idaho, NE Washington and S British Columbia.
Belt Sup  search
Belt Supergroup  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Belt Supergroup
 British Columbia
 Altyn Limestone
 Aldridge Formation
 Ravalli Group
 Bonner Formation
 Disturbed Belt
 Empire Formation
 Helena Formation
 Missoula Group
 Mount Shields Formation
 Newland Limestone
 Prichard Formation
 Revett Quartzite
 Saint Regis Form
SNComprises Piegan Group, Missoula Group, and Ravalli Group.
Beltana Australia  search
 ..South Australia
 ...Beltana Australia
SNVillage and mining center in E central South Australia.
Beltrami County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beltrami County Minnesota
NTBemidji Minnesota
RTRed Lake
SNNW Minnesota.
belts  search
SNA valid term through 1978. After 1978, see specific terms, e.g. fold belts, metamorphic belts, intracontinental belts, orogenic belts, terranes, etc.
belts, fold  search
USEfold belts
belts, greenstone  search
USEgreenstone belts
belts, metamorphic  search
USEmetamorphic belts
belts, mobile  search
USEmobile belts
belts, schist  search
USEschist belts
belts, volcanic  search
USEvolcanic belts
Bembridge Marls  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Bembridge Marls
 United Kingdom
 English Channel
 Isle of Wight England
SNDefined to include Bembridge Oyster Beds, Lower Bembridge Marls, and Upper Bembridge Marls. Isle of Wight in English Channel S of Southampton.
Bemidji Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beltrami County Minnesota
 ...Bemidji Minnesota
SNCity, N central Minnesota.
Ben Hill County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Ben Hill County Georgia
benches  search
RTerosion features
 fluvial features
 littoral erosion
 marine terraces
 raised beaches
 shore features
 wave-cut platforms
SNFor geomorphologic studies, index type of feature.
beneficiation  search
 mineral deposits, genesis
SNUsed for commodity production technology.
Benewah County Idaho  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benewah County Idaho
Bengal  search
 .Indian Peninsula
UFBengal Basin
 West Bengal India
 Tripura India
SNA region and former Indian province. Indexed with Bangladesh and Indian states as applicable.
Bengal Basin  search
Bengal Fan  search
BTIndian Ocean
 .Bengal Fan
RTBay of Bengal
 DSDP Site 218
 Leg 116
 ODP Site 717
 ODP Site 718
 ODP Site 719
SNSubmarine fan extending from the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta system south and west approximately to the equator. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
Bengal Islands  search
 .Indian Peninsula
 ...Bengal Islands
NTAndaman Islands
 Nicobar Islands
RTIndian Ocean Islands
SNIncludes Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Benham Kentucky  search
BTrlan County Kentucky
 .Benham Kentucky
SNVillage in SE Kentucky.
Beni Bouchera  search
 .North Africa
 ....Beni Bouchera
SNRegion in the Rif in NE Morocco.
Benin  search
 .West Africa
RTImo Shale
 Mali-Niger Syneclise
 Niger River
 Niger Valley
SNWas established in 1960 as Dahomey.
Benioff seismic zone  search
USEBenioff zone
Benioff zone  search
UFBenioff seismic zone
 Wadati zone
 Wadati-Benioff Zone
 zone, Benioff
 plate tectonics
 sea-floor spreading
 subduction zones
benmoreite  search
BTigneous rocks
 .volcanic rocks
SNSilica-saturated to undersaturated igneous rock intermediate in composition between mugearite and trachyte.
Bennett County South Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .South Dakota
 ..Bennett County South Dakota
Bennettitales  search
Bennington County Vermont  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bennington County Vermont
Benoue Valley  search
USEBenue Valley
Benson County North Dakota  search
BTUnited States
 .North Dakota
 ..Benson County North Dakota
Benson Mines  search
BTUnited States
 .New York
 ..Benson Mines
 iron ores
 Saint Lawrence County New York
SNN New York. Also search Benson AND New York. Indexed with commodity and counties as applicable.
Bent  search
Bent County Colorado  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bent County Colorado
bentazon  search
 toxic materials
benthic taxa  search
USEbenthonic taxa
benthonic  search
SNA valid index term through 1977. After 1977, use benthonic taxa.
benthonic taxa  search
UFbenthic taxa
 taxa, benthonic
RTbottom features
 marine geology
SNBefore 1978, search benthonic; benthic.
Benton County Arkansas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benton County Arkansas
SNExtreme NW Arkansas.
Benton County Indiana  search
 .Benton County Indiana
SNW Indiana.
Benton County Iowa  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benton County Iowa
SNE central Iowa.
Benton County Minnesota  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benton County Minnesota
SNCentral Minnesota.
Benton County Mississippi  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benton County Mississippi
SNN Mississippi.
Benton County Missouri  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benton County Missouri
SNCentral Missouri.
Benton County Oregon  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benton County Oregon
SNW Oregon.
Benton County Tennessee  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benton County Tennessee
SNW Tennessee.
Benton County Washington  search
BTUnited States
 ..Benton County Washington
NTRichland Washington
RTHanford Reservation
 Rattlesnake Hills
SNOn Oregon line in S Washington.
Benton Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Benton Formation
RTNew Mexico
 South Dakota
 Colorado Group
 Graneros Shale
 Carlile Shale
 Codell Sandstone Member
 Greenhorn Limestone
SNIn Colorado Group. Comprising Graneros Shale, Greenhorn Limestone and Carlile Shale as members. Contains Codell Sandstone Member. E Colorado, South Dakota, Kansas, S Minnesota, SE Montana, Nebraska, NE New Mexico, E Wyoming.
Benton Uplift  search
BTUnited States
 .Benton Uplift
 Ouachita Mountains
 Ouachita Orogeny
SNW Arkansas and SE Oklahoma. Indexed with states as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
bentonite  search
BTsedimentary rocks
 .clastic rocks
 mineral soap
 soap clay
 volcanic clay
RTclay mineralogy
 clay minerals
 clastic sediments
 volcanic ash
 sheet silicates
 terrigenous materials
 bentonite deposits
SNAs of 1981, use bentonite deposits for bentonite as a commodity.
bentonite deposits  search
SNCommodity. See List C.
Benue Trough  search
USEBenue Valley
Benue Valley  search
 .West Africa
 ..Benue Valley
UFBenoue Valley
 Benue Trough
 Binue Valley
 Asu River Group
SNRiver valley. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Benxi Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Benxi Formation
 Henan China
 Shanxi China
SNIn Henan and Shanxi provinces. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
benzene  search
BTorganic compounds
 ..aromatic hydrocarbons
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
Benzie County Michigan  search
BTUnited States
 ..Michigan Lower Peninsula
 ...Benzie County Michigan
Beograd Yugoslavia  search
USEBelgrade Yugoslavia
Beppu Japan  search
 .Far East
 ....Oita Japan
 .....Beppu Japan
RTgeothermal fields
SNCity and geothermal area in NE Kyushu.
beraunite  search
Berchtesgaden Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Bavaria Germany
 ....Upper Bavaria Germany
 .....Berchtesgaden Germany
SNTown in extreme SE Bavaria.
Berea S  search
Berea Sandstone  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...Berea Sandstone
 West Virginia
SNDevonian or Mississippian. NE Kentucky, S Michigan, Ohio, W Pennsylvania, and N West Virginia.
Beregovo Ukraine  search
 ..Transcarpathia Ukraine
 ...Beregovo Ukraine
SNTown in Transcarpathian Oblast in extreme SW Ukraine. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Beresford Lake  search
 .Western Canada
 ...Beresford Lake
SNIn SW Manitoba.
beresite  search
BTmetamorphic rocks
 .metasomatic rocks
 hypabyssal rocks
 quartz porphyry
berg crystal  search
USEquartz crystal
Bergamo Italy  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Lombardy Italy
 ....Bergamo Italy
SNProvince and city in central Lombardy.
Bergell Massif  search
 .Bergell Massif
RTLombardy Italy
 Graubunden Switzerland
SNIn SE Switzerland and neighboring N Italy. Indexed with canton or region as applicable.
Bergen County New Jersey  search
BTUnited States
 .New Jersey
 ..Bergen County New Jersey
SNNE New Jersey.
Bergen Norway  search
 .Western Europe
 ....Bergen Norway
SNCity on the North Sea in SW Norway.
Bergisch Gladbach Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
 ....Bergisch Gladbach Germany
SNCity in SW central North Rhine-Westphalia.
Bergisches Land  search
 .Central Europe
 ...North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
 ....Bergisches Land
RTRhine River
SNRegion on right bank of the Rhine River.
Bergslagen  search
 .Western Europe
 metal ores
 Orebro Sweden
 Varmland Sweden
SNWell-known metals mining district (bergslag) in counties of Kopparberg, Orebro, Varmland, and Vastmanland in central Sweden. Also index county if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
Bergstrasse  search
BTsse Germany
SNName applied to the W slope of the Odenwald hills of SW Germany.
Berici Hills  search
 .Southern Europe
 ...Veneto Italy
 ....Vicenza Italy
 .....Berici Hills
SNRange of volcanic hills in Vicenza Province in W central Veneto.
Bering Glacier  search
BTUnited States
 ..Southern Alaska
 ...Bering Glacier
RTSaint Elias Mountains
SNSaint Elias Range glacier system, W and NW of Cape Yakataga, drains into Gulf of Alaska.
Bering land bridge  search
Bering Sea  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Bering Sea
NTBowers Ridge
 Bristol Bay
 Navarin Basin
 Norton Sound
RTAleutian Islands
 DSDP Site 189
 DSDP Site 187
 Leg 19
 North Atlantic Deep Water
 Bering Strait
 DSDP Site 184
 DSDP Site 185
 DSDP Site 190
 DSDP Site 191
 Kaltag Fault
 Karaginskiy Island
 Komandorski Islands
 Norton Basin
 Nunivak Island
 Saint George Basin
SNBetween NE Siberia and Alaska with the Aleutian Islands on the S and Bering Strait on the N.
Bering Strait  search
RTBering Sea
 Chukchi Sea
 Northwest Pacific
SNConnects Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea between Asia and North America. Indexed with Chukchi Sea and/or Bering Sea if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Beringia  search
UFBering land bridge
 North America
 Bering Sea
 Bering Strait
 Chukchi Sea
SNNE Siberia, NW North America, and intervening continental shelves. Early man entered North America via this region. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Berkeley California  search
BTUnited States
 ..Alameda County California
 ...Berkeley California
RTSan Francisco Bay
SNCity in W Central California, across the San Francisco Bay from San Francisco.
Berkeley County South Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .South Carolina
 ..Berkeley County South Carolina
SNSE South Carolina.
Berkeley County West Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Berkeley County West Virginia
SNIn eastern panhandle of West Virginia.
berkelium  search
SNChemical element.
Berks County Pennsylvania  search
BTUnited States
 ..Berks County Pennsylvania
NTReading Pennsylvania
SNSE central Pennsylvania.
Berkshire Anticlinorium  search
USEBerkshire Hills
Berkshire County Massachusetts  search
BTUnited States
 ..Berkshire County Massachusetts
NTBerkshire Hills
SNW Massachusetts.
Berkshire England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Berkshire England
RTOxfordshire England
SNCounty in S England. As of 1975, some of its former territory is included in Oxfordshire.
Berkshire Highlands  search
USEBerkshire Hills
Berkshire Hills  search
BTUnited States
 ..Berkshire County Massachusetts
 ...Berkshire Hills
UFBerkshire Anticlinorium
 Berkshire Highlands
 Berkshire Massif
SNHills in Berkshire County in W Massachusetts. Indexed with mountain range as applicable.
Berkshire Massif  search
USEBerkshire Hills
Berkshires  search
USEBerkshire Hills
Berlin Germany  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Brandenburg Germany
 ....Berlin Germany
RTNorth German Plain
SNCity partitioned into East Berlin and West Berlin from 1945-1989. Also search East Berlin or West Berlin.
berms  search
 engineering geology
 erosion features
 retaining walls
 slope stability
SNType of bench or shelf. Term used in relation to engineering geology and geomorphology. Indexed with shore features or erosion features if applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Bermuda  search
BTAtlantic Ocean Islands
NTHarrington Sound
UFBermuda Island
RTBermuda Platform
 Bermuda Rise
SNBritish colony comprising over 300 coral islands about 640 miles ESE of Cape Hatteras. Atlantic Ocean Islands.
Bermuda Island  search
Bermuda Platform  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Bermuda Rise
 ...Bermuda Platform
SNPart of Bermuda Rise.
Bermuda Rise  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..Bermuda Rise
NTBermuda Platform
 DSDP Site 386
 DSDP Site 387
 DSDP Site 417
 DSDP Site 418
 DSDP Site 6
 DSDP Site 7
 DSDP Site 9
 Leg 102
 Leg 172
 Leg 43
 Leg 51
 Leg 52
 Leg 53
 ODP Site 1063
SNRuns in SW-NE direction to the west of Bermuda.
Bermudas  search
Bern Switzerland  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Bern Switzerland
NTBiel Lake
UFBerne Switzerland
RTBernese Alps
SNCanton in W central Switzerland.
Bernalillo County New Mexico  search
BTUnited States
 .New Mexico
 ..Bernalillo County New Mexico
NTAlbuquerque New Mexico
 Tijeras Canyon
RTRio Puerco
 Manzano Mountains
SNCentral New Mexico.
berndtite  search
Berne Switzerland  search
USEBern Switzerland
Bernese Alps  search
 .Central Europe
 ...Bernese Alps
 ..Central Alps
 ...Bernese Alps
UFBernese Oberland
RTValais Switzerland
 Bern Switzerland
 Uri Switzerland
SNN division of Central Alps in Bern and Valais cantons. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with cantons as applicable.
Bernese Oberland  search
USEBernese Alps
Bernic Lake  search
 .Western Canada
 ...Bernic Lake
bernstein  search
Berounka System  search
 .Central Europe
 ..Czech Republic
 ...Berounka System
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
Berriasian  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Lower Cretaceous
 Toro Formation
SNEurope. Lowermost Lower Cretaceous, above Portlandian (Jurassic), below Valanginian.
Berrien County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Berrien County Georgia
SNS Georgia.
Berrien County Michigan  search
BTUnited States
 ..Michigan Lower Peninsula
 ...Berrien County Michigan
SNExtreme SW Michigan.
berryite  search
Berthier County Quebec  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Berthier County Quebec
berthierine  search
 .sheet silicates
berthonite  search
Bertie County North Carolina  search
BTUnited States
 .North Carolina
 ..Bertie County North Carolina
bertrandite  search
 .ring silicates
Berwick Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ...lower Paleozoic
 ....Berwick Formation
 New Hampshire
 Merrimack Group
SNIn Merrimack Group. Probably Ordovician and Silurian. SW Maine and SE New Hampshire. Indexed with ages as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Berwickshire Scotland  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Berwickshire Scotland
SNFormer county in SE Scotland. Since 1974, part of Border region Scotland.
beryl  search
 .ring silicates
 beryllium ores
SNMay be used as a mineral or commodity term.
beryllium  search
 .alkaline earth metals
 beryllium ores
SNChemical element. Use beryllium ores for beryllium as a commodity.
beryllium ores  search
BTmetal ores
 .beryllium ores
SNCommodity. See List C.
Besancon France  search
 .Western Europe
 ...Doubs France
 ....Besancon France
SNCity near Swiss border in E France.
Beshchady Mountains  search
 ..Beshchady Mountains
SNSection of the Carpathians. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Beskid Mountains  search
 .Central Europe
 ..Beskid Mountains
 ..Beskid Mountains
NTPieniny Mountains
RTBielsko Poland
 Nowy Sacz Poland
 Polish Carpathians
SNBoth West and East Beskid mountains comprise mountain group of the Carpathians on N border of Slovakia extending into Poland. This term has multiple hierarchies. Indexed with countries as applicable.
Beskids  search
USEBeskid Mountains
Bessarabian  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. See Moldova for the region.
besshi-type deposits  search
RTcopper ores
 iron ores
 massive sulfide deposits
 mineral deposits, genesis
 stratabound deposits
Bet-Pak-Dala  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
UFGolodnaya Step
 Hunger Steppe
SNDesert steppe W of Lake Balkhash. This term has multiple hierarchies.
beta particles  search
USEbeta rays
beta rays  search
UFbeta particles
 rays, beta
RTcosmic rays
 alpha rays
 gamma rays
SNUse when referring to the rays themselves. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
Beta Regio  search
 .Beta Regio
SNLow relief area above Venusian plains. Also search Beta AND Venus. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
betafite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
betekhtinite  search
Betic Cordillera  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Betic Cordillera
NTSerrania de Ronda
 Spanish Sierra Nevada
UFCordillera Betica
 Cordillera Marianica
RTNevado-Filabride Complex
 Betic Zone
 Guadix-Baza Basin
 Prebetic Zone
 Subbetic Zone
SNExtends along the N extremity of Andalusia between Guadiana and Guadalquivir rivers. It is a southern series of the Alpine System. Includes the Sierra Morena.
Betic Zone  search
 .Southern Europe
 ..Iberian Peninsula
 ....Betic Zone
RTBetic Cordillera
SNUsed in association with the Betic Cordillera in SW Spain.
Betsiboka Basin  search
 ..Betsiboka Basin
UFMajunga Basin
SNAround town of Majunga on Bombetoka Bay. Before 1978, also search Majunga. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Betts Cove  search
 .Eastern Canada
 ...Newfoundland Island
 ....Betts Cove
Betts Cove Ophiolite  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Betts Cove Ophiolite
RTNewfoundland Island
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1989.
Betula  search
beudantite  search
SNThis term has multiple hierarchies.
Bevier Coal  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Bevier Coal
 Cherokee Group
SNBevier Formation comprises Bevier Coal with underlying gray clay and overlying black slate. SE Kansas.
Bewcastle England  search
 .Western Europe
 ..United Kingdom
 ...Great Britain
 .....Cumbria England
 ......Cumberland England
 .......Bewcastle England
SNVillage and parish in N Cumberland County, NW England.
Bexar County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Bexar County Texas
NTSan Antonio Texas
RTEdwards Aquifer
SNSW central Texas.
Beyrichicopina  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
Bezymianny  search
Bezymyanny  search
Bezymyannyi  search
Bezymyannyy  search
BTCommonwealth of Independent States
 .Russian Federation
 ..Kamchatka Russian Federation
 Kamchatka Peninsula
SNVolcano. E-central Kamchatka Peninsula. Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Tolbachik, and Sheveluch are nearby. This term has multiple hierarchies.