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Data sets | Publications | Expeditions | Thesaurus |
hydro |
hydrobiotite | |
BT | silicates |
.sheet silicates | |
..hydrobiotite | |
RT | aluminosilicates |
mica group |
hydroboracite | |
BT | borates |
.hydroboracite |
hydrocarbon indicators | |
BT | geophysical methods |
.seismic methods | |
..hydrocarbon indicators | |
UF | direct hydrocarbon indicators |
RT | geophysical surveys |
AVO methods | |
petroleum exploration | |
bottom-simulating reflectors | |
indicators | |
seismic stratigraphy | |
SN | Before 1993, also search bright spots. For surveys, also index geophysical surveys and specific method. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
hydrocarbons | |
BT | organic compounds |
.hydrocarbons | |
NT | aliphatic hydrocarbons |
aromatic hydrocarbons | |
diasteranes | |
diterpanes | |
saturated hydrocarbons | |
steranes | |
terpanes | |
triterpanes | |
RT | sapropel |
geochemical anomalies | |
solvents | |
aromatization | |
petroleum | |
carbon | |
chlorinated hydrocarbons | |
halogenated hydrocarbons | |
volatile organic compounds | |
natural gas | |
crude oil | |
gasoline | |
petroleum products | |
isoprenoids | |
Rock-Eval | |
SN | For economic deposits, see petroleum; natural gas; bitumens; asphalt; oil sands; oil shale. For discussion as pollutants, search (hydrocarbons OR petroleum) with pollution; also see petroleum products and oil spills. (Note modified 1995.) |
hydrochemistry | |
UF | hydrogeochemistry |
RT | diffusion |
geochemistry | |
ground water | |
ions | |
ion exchange | |
aqueous solutions | |
hydrogeology | |
hydrology | |
dechlorination | |
brackish water | |
brines | |
desalinization | |
chemical composition | |
chemical dispersion | |
fresh water | |
diffusivity | |
dissolved materials | |
electro-osmosis | |
lysimet | |
SN | May be used for chemistry of waters including sea water. |
hydrochloric acid | |
BT | inorganic acids |
.hydrochloric acid | |
UF | muriatic acid |
RT | geochemistry |
acids | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
hydrodynamics | |
RT | catchment hydrodynamics |
critical flow | |
Darcy's law | |
deep aquifers | |
eddy flow | |
flowmeters | |
fluid dynamics | |
Green-Ampt model | |
ground water | |
hydraulics | |
Kalman filters | |
laminar flow | |
multiphase flow | |
pollutants | |
preferential flow | |
radial flow | |
Rayleigh number | |
Reynolds numb | |
SN | Used when discussing mathematical aspects of ground water movement. As of 1993, restricted to natural processes. For discussion of channels, engineering and practical applications, see hydraulics. |
hydroelectric energy | |
UF | hydropower |
water power | |
RT | energy |
water resources | |
energy sources | |
waterways | |
geothermal energy | |
power plants | |
water harnessing | |
SN | Before 1993, also search hydroelectric power. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
hydrofluoric acid | |
BT | inorganic acids |
.hydrofluoric acid | |
UF | hydrogen fluoride |
RT | geochemistry |
acids | |
SN | Chemical formula is HF. Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
hydrogen | |
NT | D/H |
deuterium | |
tritium | |
RT | chemical elements |
isotopes | |
stable isotopes |
hydrogen dioxide | |
USE | hydrogen peroxide |
hydrogen fluoride | |
USE | hydrofluoric acid |
hydrogen peroxide | |
UF | hydrogen dioxide |
peroxide | |
RT | compounds |
corrosion | |
SN | An explosive, corrosive compound. Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
hydrogen sulfide | |
RT | eutrophication |
gases | |
lakes | |
natural gas | |
sulfides |
hydrogeochemical prospecting | |
SN | Not a valid GeoRef index term after 1970. See geochemical methods; hydrological methods; hydrochemistry. For economic geology, see exploration. |
hydrogeochemistry | |
USE | hydrochemistry |
hydrogeologic | |
SN | A valid term through 1977. After 1977, use hydrogeologic maps. |
hydrogeologic maps | |
BT | maps |
.hydrogeologic maps | |
RT | hydrogeology |
potentiometric surface | |
SN | Before 1978, search hydrogeologic AND maps. |
hydrogeological controls | |
RT | controls |
hydrogeology | |
mineral deposits, genesis | |
SN | As of 1993, restricted to economic studies. |
hydrogeology | |
UF | geohydrology |
RT | ground water |
aquifers | |
hydrochemistry | |
artesian waters | |
hydrologic cycle | |
hydrology | |
hydrosphere | |
imbibition | |
hydrogeological controls | |
flowmeters | |
dolines | |
dye tracers | |
fluorimetry | |
ground-water provinces | |
hydrogeologic maps | |
hydrological methods | |
infiltrometers | |
lysime | |
SN | Used for general studies. For the science that deals with subsurface waters and related geologic aspects of surface waters. To search for the hydrology of a particular river, search for the name of the river in combination with hydrology or hydrogeology. |
hydrogoethite | |
BT | oxides |
.hydrogoethite | |
RT | iron ores |
limonite |
hydrographic maps | |
BT | maps |
.hydrographic maps | |
RT | waterways |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
hydrographs | |
RT | hydraulics |
hydrology |
hydrogrossular | |
BT | silicates |
.orthosilicates | |
..nesosilicates | |
...garnet group | |
....hydrogrossular | |
UF | hibschite |
RT | grossular |
hydrolog |
hydrologic budget | |
USE | water balance |
hydrologic cycle | |
UF | water cycle |
RT | meteorology |
ground water | |
water | |
hydrogeology | |
recharge | |
atmospheric precipitation | |
cycles | |
evapotranspiration | |
hydrology | |
surface water | |
hydrosphere | |
discharge | |
water balance | |
lysimeters | |
SN | Before 1983, also search cycles AND hydrology. |
hydrologic maps | |
BT | maps |
.hydrologic maps | |
RT | hydrology |
SN | Before 1978, search maps AND hydrologic. |
hydrological methods | |
RT | hydrogeology |
hydrology | |
methods | |
mineral exploration | |
water |
hydrology | |
RT | atmosphere |
atmospheric precipitation | |
basin management | |
bedforms | |
cascades | |
catchment hydrodynamics | |
channel geometry | |
constructed wetlands | |
critical flow | |
discharge | |
drought | |
dye tracers | |
ecology | |
eddy flow | |
engineering geology | |
environmental geology | |
eutrophi | |
SN | Used for continental surface water. In cases where the interchange between ground and surface water is intimate, this term may be used with hydrologic cycle. (Before 1983, cycles was used this way.) To search for the hydrology of a particular river, searc |
hydrolysis | |
RT | geochemistry |
oxidation | |
processes | |
weathering |
hydromagnesite | |
BT | carbonates |
.hydromagnesite |
hydrometallurgy | |
RT | metallurgy |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1981. |
hydromica | |
BT | silicates |
.sheet silicates | |
..hydromica | |
RT | clay minerals |
mica group | |
illite |
hydromica schist | |
SN | Not a valid term for GeoRef. Use schists and hydromica. |
Hydromorphic soils | |
BT | soils |
.Hydromorphic soils | |
RT | soil group |
Bog soils | |
Histosols | |
Intrazonal soils | |
constructed wetlands |
hydromuscovite | |
BT | silicates |
.sheet silicates | |
..hydromuscovite | |
RT | clay minerals |
mica group | |
muscovite |
hydrophobic materials | |
UF | water repellants |
RT | materials |
absorption | |
adsorption | |
wettability | |
organic compounds | |
properties | |
water | |
anthracene | |
transport | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1998. |
hydrophones | |
RT | acoustical methods |
geophones | |
instruments | |
marine methods | |
ocean bottom seismographs | |
pressuremeters | |
seismic methods | |
streamers | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
hydropower | |
USE | hydroelectric energy |
hydrosodalite | |
BT | silicates |
.framework silicates | |
..sodalite group | |
...hydrosodalite | |
RT | aluminosilicates |
SN | Artificial mineral. |
hydrosphere | |
RT | atmosphere |
biosphere | |
Earth | |
glaciers | |
ground water | |
hydrogeology | |
hydrologic cycle | |
hydrology | |
ice | |
lakes | |
rain | |
rivers | |
rivers and streams | |
snow | |
streams | |
surface water | |
tectonosphere | |
water |
hydrostatic pressure | |
RT | elevation |
geopressure | |
hydraulic head | |
hydraulics | |
hydrology | |
overpressure | |
pressure | |
underpressure |
hydrostratigraphy | |
SN | Not a valid term for GeoRef. As of 1998, see hydrogeology or aquifers. |
hydrotalcite | |
BT | carbonates |
.hydrotalcite | |
RT | pyroaurite |
hydrothermal | |
SN | A valid term through 1977. See hydrothermal conditions; ore-forming fluids; hydrothermal alteration; hydrothermal processes. |
hydrothermal chimneys | |
USE | hydrothermal vents |
hydrothermal conditions | |
RT | black smokers |
boiling | |
hydrothermal alteration | |
hydrothermal vents | |
metasomatism | |
phase equilibria | |
thermophilic taxa |
hydrothermal fluids | |
SN | Not a valid term for GeoRef. As of 1981, use ore-forming fluids if applicable. Before 1981, hydrothermal solutions was used for this term. |
hydrothermal plumes | |
USE | plumes |
hydrothermal processes | |
USE | hydrothermal alteration |
hydrothermal solutions | |
SN | As of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use ore-forming fluids or thermal waters if applicable. |
hydrothermal systems | |
USE | geothermal systems |
hydrothermal vent |
hydrothermal vents | |
NT | black smokers |
UF | hydrothermal chimneys |
RT | bottom features |
ocean floors | |
thermophilic taxa | |
hydrothermal conditions | |
chimneys | |
vents | |
plumes | |
SN | Before 1993, also search vents or chimneys in conjunction with hydrothermal conditions. Also index ocean floors. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
hydroxides | |
BT | oxides |
.hydroxides | |
NT | iron hydroxides |
oxyhydroxides |
hydroxyapatite | |
USE | hydroxylapatite |
hydroxyl ion | |
RT | geochemistry |
ions | |
sodium hydroxide | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
hydroxylapatite | |
BT | phosphates |
.hydroxylapatite | |
UF | hydroxyapatite |
RT | apatite |
Hydrozoa | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Coelenterata | |
..Hydrozoa |