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Data sets | Publications | Expeditions | Thesaurus |
Am | |
USE | americium |
Am-241 | |
BT | isotopes |
.radioactive isotopes | |
..Am-241 | |
BT | metals |
.actinides | |
..americium | |
...Am-241 | |
SN | This term has multiple hierarchies. |
Amadeus Basin | |
BT | Australasia |
.Australia | |
..Amadeus Basin | |
RT | Northern Territory Australia |
Pacoota Sandstone | |
Western Australia | |
SN | SW Northern Territory and W Western Australia. Indexed with states as applicable. |
Amador County California | |
BT | United States |
.California | |
..Amador County California | |
SN | E California. |
Amagase Japan | |
BT | nshu |
.Kyoto Japan | |
..Amagase Japan | |
SN | Village S of Osaka. |
Amalthea Satellite | |
RT | icy satellites |
Jupiter | |
satellites | |
Voyager Program | |
SN | One of the satellites of Jupiter. Before 1989, also search Amalthea AND Jupiter. Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
Amami | |
USE | Oshima |
Amami Gunto | |
USE | Oshima |
Amami-O-shima | |
BT | Asia |
.Far East | |
..Japan | |
...Kyushu | |
....Kagoshima Japan | |
.....Oshima | |
......Amami-O-shima | |
RT | O-shima |
Oshima Peninsula | |
SN | Largest island in Oshima (Amami Gunto) island group, SW of Kyushu. This term has multiple hierarchies. |
Amanos Mountains | |
BT | Asia |
.Middle East | |
..Turkey | |
...Amanos Mountains | |
UF | Alma Dag |
Gavur Mountains | |
SN | Along SE Gulf of Alexandretta in SE Anatolia. |
Amapa Brazil | |
BT | South America |
.Brazil | |
..Amapa Brazil | |
NT | Serra do Navio Brazil |
SN | State on French Guiana border. |
Amargosa Desert | |
BT | United States |
.Amargosa Desert | |
RT | California |
Nevada | |
SN | Indexed with California and/or Nevada as applicable. |
amargosite | |
USE | bentonite |
Amarillo Texas | |
BT | United States |
.Texas | |
..Potter County Texas | |
...Amarillo Texas | |
SN | City, N Texas Panhandle. |
Amarjola | |
BT | Asia |
.Indian Peninsula | |
..India | |
...Bihar India | |
....Amarjola | |
RT | Rajmahal Hills |
SN | Region in the Rajmahal Hills in E Bihar, E India. |
Amasra Basin | |
BT | Asia |
.Middle East | |
..Turkey | |
...Amasra Basin | |
RT | Anatolia |
coal fields | |
SN | Coal basin in NW Anatolia. |
Amasra Turkey | |
BT | Asia |
.Middle East | |
..Turkey | |
...Zonguldak Turkey | |
....Amasra Turkey | |
SN | Town on the Black Sea in NW Anatolia. |
Amazon Basin | |
BT | South America |
.Amazon Basin | |
UF | Amazon region |
RT | Brazil |
Bolivia | |
Peru | |
Colombia | |
Ecuador | |
Venezuela | |
SN | River drainage basin. Before 1978, also search Amazon. Indexed with countries as applicable. |
Amazon region | |
USE | Amazon Basin |
Amazon River | |
BT | South America |
.Amazon River | |
UF | Rio Amazonas |
RT | Brazil |
Peru | |
Colombia | |
Marajo | |
SN | Largest river in the world if measured by volume of water carried. Rises in 2 major headstreams in the Peruvian Andes flowing N and then E across N Brazil into the Atlantic Ocean. Before 1978, also search Amazon. Indexed with countries as applicable. |
Amazonas | |
SN | No longer a valid term for GeoRef. See Amazonas Brazil, Amazonas Colombia, Amazonas Peru or Amazonas Venezuela. For Rio Amazonas, use Amazon River. |
Amazonas Brazil | |
BT | South America |
.Brazil | |
..Amazonas Brazil | |
RT | Orinoco River |
SN | State in NW Brazil. |
Amazonas Colombia | |
BT | South America |
.Colombia | |
..Amazonas Colombia | |
RT | Orinoco River |
SN | Commissary in SE Colombia. |
Amazonas Peru | |
BT | South America |
.Peru | |
..Amazonas Peru | |
SN | Department in N Peru. |
Amazonas Venezuela | |
BT | South America |
.Venezuela | |
..Amazonas Venezuela | |
RT | Orinoco River |
Rio Negro | |
SN | State in S Venezuela. |
Amazonian | |
RT | Mars |
SN | Youngest system of three in the Martian stratigraphic column. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
Amazonian Orogeny | |
USE | Transamazonian Orogeny |
Amazonian Shield | |
USE | Brazilian Shield |
Amazonis Planitia | |
BT | Mars |
.Amazonis Planitia | |
SN | Low plain. For references to Amazonis albedo feature, also search Amazonis. |
amazonite | |
BT | silicates |
.framework silicates | |
..feldspar group | |
...alkali feldspar | |
....amazonite | |
UF | amazonstone |
RT | aluminosilicates |
microcline |
amazonstone | |
USE | amazonite |
Amba Dongar | |
BT | Asia |
.Indian Peninsula | |
..India | |
...Gujarat India | |
....Amba Dongar | |
SN | Region in Gujarat, W India. |
amber | |
BT | organic minerals |
.amber | |
UF | bernstein |
RT | resins |
amber mica | |
USE | phlogopite |
Ambin Massif | |
BT | Europe |
.Western Europe | |
..France | |
...Savoie France | |
....Ambin Massif | |
SN | SE France. |
amblygonite | |
BT | phosphates |
.amblygonite | |
UF | hebronite |
RT | lithium |
montebrasite |
Amblypoda | |
BT | Chordata |
.Vertebrata | |
..Tetrapoda | |
...Mammalia | |
....Theria | |
.....Eutheria | |
......Amblypoda | |
NT | Dinocerata |
Pantodonta | |
Pyrotheria | |
Xenungulata | |
RT | Ungulata |
SN | Order. |
Ambre Mountain | |
BT | Africa |
.Madagascar | |
..Ambre Mountain | |
SN | N Madagascar. This term has multiple hierarchies. |
Ambrosia Lake | |
BT | United States |
.New Mexico | |
..McKinley County New Mexico | |
...Ambrosia Lake |
Ambrosia Lake District | |
USE | Ambrosia Lake mining district |
Ambrosia Lake mining district | |
BT | United States |
.New Mexico | |
..McKinley County New Mexico | |
...Ambrosia Lake mining district | |
UF | Ambrosia Lake District |
RT | mines |
uranium ores | |
Grants mineral belt | |
SN | Uranium-mining district in New Mexico. Added to Thesaurus in 1993. |
Amchitka Island | |
BT | United States |
.Alaska | |
..Southwestern Alaska | |
...Aleutian Islands | |
....Amchitka Island | |
NT | Cannikin Alaska |
SN | In center of Aleutian Islands SW of Alaska Peninsula. Also search Amchitka. |
UF | Atlantic Margin Coring Project |
RT | United States |
oceanography | |
continental margin | |
soil mechanics | |
Atlantic Coastal Plain | |
continental shelf | |
continental slope | |
cores | |
marine drilling | |
marine sediments | |
North Atlantic | |
offshore | |
U. S. Geological Survey | |
SN | Acronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
Ameki Formation | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Phanerozoic | |
..Cenozoic | |
...Paleogene | |
....Eocene | |
.....Ameki Formation | |
RT | Nigeria |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
Amelia | |
RT | Virginia |
SN | Mineral bearing region in Amelia County in S central Virginia. Indexed with county and state as applicable. |
Amelia County Virginia | |
BT | United States |
.Virginia | |
..Amelia County Virginia |
Amerasia Basin | |
BT | Arctic Ocean |
.Amerasia Basin | |
RT | Canada Basin |
Lomonosov Ridge | |
Makarov Basin | |
SN | Arctic Ocean offshore Alaska, Canada and Greenland. Separated from the Eurasia Basin by the Lomonosov Ridge. The Canada and Makarov basins are major sub-basins. Also search Amerasian Basin. Added to Thesaurus in 1995. |
America | |
RT | Central America |
Latin America | |
North America | |
South America | |
West Indies | |
SN | Includes all of the Americas. Added to Thesaurus in 1981. |
American Association of Petroleum Geologists | |
American Geological Institute | |
American Geophysical Union | |
American Museum of Natural History | |
RT | museums |
New York | |
SN | In New York City. Not to be indexed with geography. |
American River | |
BT | United States |
.California | |
..American River | |
SN | Central California. Joins Sacramento River at Sacramento. Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
American Samoa | |
USE | Samoa |
americium | |
BT | metals |
.actinides | |
..americium | |
NT | Am-241 |
UF | Am |
Americus Limestone Member | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Phanerozoic | |
..Paleozoic | |
...Permian | |
....Americus Limestone Member | |
RT | Oklahoma |
Nebraska | |
Kansas | |
SN | Of Foraker Limestone. E Kansas, SE Nebraska and central N Oklahoma. |
Ames Limestone | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Phanerozoic | |
..Paleozoic | |
...Carboniferous | |
....Pennsylvanian | |
.....Upper Pennsylvanian | |
......Ames Limestone | |
RT | Kentucky |
Pennsylvania | |
Maryland | |
West Virginia | |
Conemaugh Group | |
SN | Of Conemaugh Group. E Kentucky, SW Maryland, E Ohio, SW Pennsylvania, and N West Virginia. |
amethyst | |
BT | silicates |
.framework silicates | |
..silica minerals | |
...amethyst | |
RT | gems |
quartz | |
corundum | |
SN | Variety of quartz. |
Amherst County Virginia | |
BT | United States |
.Virginia | |
..Amherst County Virginia |
Amiidae | |
BT | lostei |
.Amiidae | |
SN | Family. |
amino acids | |
BT | organic compounds |
.organic acids | |
..amino acids | |
NT | alanine |
aspartic acid | |
glycine | |
isoleucine | |
RT | acids |
fatty acids | |
aminostratigraphy | |
peptides | |
proteins | |
racemization |
aminostratigraphy | |
RT | amino acids |
biostratigraphy | |
epimerization | |
racemization | |
stratigraphy | |
SN | For dating method, see racemization. |
Amisk Group | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Precambrian | |
..Archean | |
...Amisk Group | |
RT | Manitoba |
SN | Considered as oldest rocks in Flin Flon Belt. Overlain by Missi Group. |
Amisk Lake | |
BT | Canada |
.Western Canada | |
..Saskatchewan | |
...Amisk Lake | |
SN | Near Manitoba border in NE Saskatchewan. |
Amite County Mississippi | |
BT | United States |
.Mississippi | |
..Amite County Mississippi |
Amite River | |
BT | United States |
.Amite River | |
RT | Louisiana |
Mississippi | |
SN | Rises in SW Mississippi and flows S and E into Lake Maurepas in SE Louisiana. Indexed with states as applicable. |
Amitsoq Gneiss | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Precambrian | |
..Archean | |
...upper Archean | |
....Amitsoq Gneiss | |
RT | Greenland |
SN | W Greenland. Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
Ammobaculites | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Protista | |
..Foraminifera | |
...Textulariina | |
....Lituolacea | |
.....Ammobaculites | |
RT | microfossils |
SN | Genus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable. |
Ammodiscacea | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Protista | |
..Foraminifera | |
...Textulariina | |
....Ammodiscacea | |
NT | Ammodiscidae |
Astrorhizidae | |
RT | microfossils |
SN | Indexed with microfossils if applicable. |
Ammodiscidae | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Protista | |
..Foraminifera | |
...Textulariina | |
....Ammodiscacea | |
.....Ammodiscidae | |
RT | microfossils |
SN | Family. Indexed with microfossils if applicable. |
Ammonia | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Protista | |
..Foraminifera | |
...Rotaliina | |
....Rotaliacea | |
.....Ammonia | |
NT | Ammonia beccarii |
RT | microfossils |
ammonia compound | |
SN | Genus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable. |
Ammonia beccarii | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Protista | |
..Foraminifera | |
...Rotaliina | |
....Rotaliacea | |
.....Ammonia | |
......Ammonia beccarii | |
RT | microfossils |
SN | Species. Indexed with microfossils if applicable. |
ammonia compound | |
RT | Ammonia |
ammonium | |
ammonium ion | |
geochemistry | |
nitrification | |
SN | Use to distinguish from fossil genus, Ammonia. Before 1978, also search ammonia. |
Ammonites | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Mollusca | |
..Cephalopoda | |
...Tetrabranchiata | |
....Ammonoidea | |
.....Ammonites | |
RT | aptychi |
Ceratites |
ammonium | |
RT | ammonia compound |
geochemistry | |
nitrification |
ammonium ion | |
RT | ammonia compound |
geochemistry | |
ions | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
Ammonoosuc Volcanics | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Phanerozoic | |
..Paleozoic | |
...Ordovician | |
....Middle Ordovician | |
.....Ammonoosuc Volcanics | |
RT | Vermont |
Massachusetts | |
New Hampshire | |
SN | NW New Hampshire, N central Massachusetts, and Vermont. Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
amorphous materials | |
RT | Andisols |
Andosols | |
clay minerals | |
crystallinity | |
glass materials | |
glasses | |
imogolite | |
materials | |
opal-A | |
order-disorder | |
shirasu | |
shungite | |
volcanic ash | |
weathering | |
SN | General term for all materials not crystalline. Descriptive, not geologic term. Before 1978, also search amorphous AND materials. |
amosite | |
BT | silicates |
.chain silicates | |
..amphibole group | |
...clinoamphibole | |
....amosite | |
RT | asbestos |
anthophyllite | |
gedrite | |
SN | Commercial term. |
Amparo Brazil | |
BT | South America |
.Brazil | |
..Sao Paulo Brazil | |
...Amparo Brazil | |
SN | City in E Sao Paulo State. |
Amphibia | |
BT | Chordata |
.Vertebrata | |
..Tetrapoda | |
...Amphibia | |
NT | Labyrinthodontia |
Lepospondyli | |
Lissamphibia | |
RT | nests |
SN | Class. |
amphibole | |
USE | amphibole group |
amphibole group | |
BT | silicates |
.chain silicates | |
..amphibole group | |
NT | alkalic amphibole |
clinoamphibole | |
orthoamphibole | |
UF | amphibole |
RT | asbestos |
amphibolitization | |
jade |
amphibolite facies | |
BT | facies |
.amphibolite facies | |
RT | metamorphic rocks |
epidote-amphibolite facies |
amphibolites | |
BT | metamorphic rocks |
.amphibolites | |
NT | orthoamphibolite |
para-amphibolite | |
RT | amphibolitization |
amphibolitization | |
BT | metasomatism |
.amphibolitization | |
UF | amphibolization |
RT | processes |
amphibole group | |
alteration | |
amphibolites | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
amphibolization | |
USE | amphibolitization |
Amphineura | |
SN | Not a valid term for GeoRef. Use Aplacophora or Polyplacophora. |
Amphipora | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Coelenterata | |
..Stromatoporoidea | |
...Amphipora | |
SN | Genus. |
Amphistegina | |
BT | Invertebrata |
.Protista | |
..Foraminifera | |
...Rotaliina | |
....Orbitoidacea | |
.....Amphistegina | |
RT | microfossils |
SN | Genus. Indexed with microfossils if applicable. |
ampian Highlands | |
NT | Cairngorm Mountains |
amplification | |
SN | As of 1995, not a valid term for GeoRef. Use wave amplification if applicable. |
amplification, wave | |
USE | wave amplification |
amplitude | |
RT | AVO methods |
elastic waves | |
Hilbert transformations | |
seismic intensity | |
seismology | |
SN | Not to be used to indicate abundance. Strictly for use in seismology. |
amplitude distortion | |
RT | distortion |
elastic waves | |
seismology | |
SN | Added to Thesaurus in 1981. |
amplitude variation with offset | |
USE | AVO methods |
amplitude-versus-offset analysis | |
USE | AVO methods |
Ampurdan | |
BT | Europe |
.Southern Europe | |
..Iberian Peninsula | |
...Spain | |
....Catalonia Spain | |
.....Gerona Spain | |
......Ampurdan | |
SN | Coastal plain in Catalonia. |
UF | Alaska Mineral Resource Assessment Program |
RT | mineral resources |
Alaska | |
U. S. Geological Survey | |
economic geology | |
SN | Acronym. Added to Thesaurus in 1995. |
AMS C-14 dating | |
SN | Not a valid term for GeoRef. As of 1993, use C-14 and accelerator mass spectroscopy and absolute age. |
Amsden Formation | |
BT | Chronostratigraphic Units |
.Phanerozoic | |
..Paleozoic | |
...Carboniferous | |
....Amsden Formation | |
RT | Mississippian |
Pennsylvanian | |
Wyoming | |
Montana | |
North Dakota | |
SN | In Montchauve Group. Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota. Added to Thesaurus in 1985. |
Amsterdam Island | |
BT | Indian Ocean Islands |
.Amsterdam Island | |
SN | Dependency of Madagascar 2800 miles off SE African coast. |
Amsterdam Netherlands | |
BT | Europe |
.Western Europe | |
..Netherlands | |
...Amsterdam Netherlands | |
SN | City on Ijsselmeer (former Zuider Zee). North Holland. |
Amu Darya | |
BT | Asia |
.Amu Darya | |
UF | Oxus |
RT | Afghanistan |
Tajikistan | |
Amu Darya Basin | |
Uzbekistan | |
Surkhan Darya | |
Turkmenia | |
Vakhsh River | |
SN | River which rises in Pamirs and flows into Aral Sea. Indexed with Afghanistan and former Soviet republics as applicable. |
Amu Darya Basin | |
BT | Asia |
.Amu Darya Basin | |
UF | Amu Darya Syneclise |
RT | Afghanistan |
Tajikistan | |
Amu Darya | |
Uzbekistan | |
Turkmenia | |
SN | River basin of the Amu Darya. Indexed with former Soviet republics and/or Afghanistan as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |
Amu Darya Syneclise | |
USE | Amu Darya Basin |
Amund Ringnes Island | |
BT | Canada |
.Northwest Territories | |
..Franklin District Northwest Territories | |
...Queen Elizabeth Islands | |
....Amund Ringnes Island | |
SN | One of the Sverdrup Islands, Queen Elizabeth Islands in Franklin District. |
Amur Basin | |
BT | Asia |
.Amur Basin | |
RT | Russian Federation |
Mongolia | |
Amur region | |
Inner Mongolia China | |
Russian Far East | |
SN | River basin covering an area including parts of Amur and Chita oblasts, and Khabarovsk region in the Russian Federation; parts of Inner Mongolia, and N China; and E Mongolia. Before 1981, also search Amur region. Indexed with Chinese provinces, Mongolia, |
Amur region | |
BT | Commonwealth of Independent States |
.Russian Federation | |
..Amur region | |
BT | Asia |
.Amur region | |
RT | Amur Basin |
Baikal-Amur Railroad region | |
Bureya Russian Federation | |
Khabarovsk Russian Federation | |
Stanovoy Range | |
Udokan Series | |
Zeya-Bureya Basin | |
SN | SE Russian Federation. Larger than the oblast. This term has multiple hierarchies. Added to Thesaurus in 1981. |
Amur River | |
BT | Asia |
.Amur River | |
RT | Russian Federation |
Inner Mongolia China | |
Argun River | |
Heilongjiang China | |
SN | Formed at junction of the Shilka River and the Argun River. After serving as the boundary between N China and 2 oblasts of the Russian Federation, it flows NE across Khabarovsk region into the N end of the Tatar Strait. In China, the river is also called |
Amur Russian Federation | |
BT | Commonwealth of Independent States |
.Russian Federation | |
..Amur Russian Federation | |
BT | Asia |
.Amur Russian Federation | |
NT | Bureya Russian Federation |
Zeya-Bureya Basin | |
RT | Russian Far East |
Transbaikalia | |
Zeya River | |
SN | Oblast. Before 1993, Amur Russian Republic was also used. This term has multiple hierarchies. |
amygdules | |
RT | agate |
igneous rocks | |
pebbles | |
secondary minerals | |
sediments | |
SN | Includes use as a general term. Added to Thesaurus in 1989. |