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North America  search
NTAppalachian Basin
 Basin and Range Province
 Belt Basin
 Borden Aquifer
 Canadian Shield
 Cerro Prieto Fault
 Champlain Valley
 Chihuahua tectonic belt
 Chitistone Pass
 Coast plutonic complex
 Dakota Aquifer
 Denali Fault
 Detroit River
 Disturbed Belt
 Eastern Overthrust Belt
 Glacier National Park
 Great Lakes
 Great Lakes region
 Great Plains
 Hueco Bolson
 Humber Zone
 Intermontane Belt
 Juan de Fuca Strait
 Keweenawan Rift
 Kootenay Arc
 Lake Champlain
 Lake of the Woods
 Lake of the Woods region
 Lake Superior region
 Leech River Fault
 Methow Basin
 Mexicali Valley
 Michigan Basin
 Mississippi River basin
 Missouri River basin
 Niagara Escarpment
 Niagara Falls
 Niagara River
 North American Cordillera
 North American Craton
 Okanagan Valley
 Okanogan Range
 Omineca Belt
 Pedregosa Basin
 Peninsular Ranges Batholith
 Purcell Mountains
 Rainy River
 Rio Grande Depression
 Rio Grande Rift
 Rocky Mountain Trench
 Rocky Mountains
 Rocky Mountains foreland
 Saganaga Lake
 Saint Clair River
 Saint Clair River delta
 Saint Elias Mountains
 Saint Lawrence Lowlands
 Saint Lawrence River
 Saint Lawrence River basin
 Saint Lawrence Valley
 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
 San Jacinto Fault
 Shuksan Thrust
 Shuswap Complex
 Skagit Valley
 Sonoran Desert
 Straight Creek Fault
 Strait of Georgia
 Sweetgrass Arch
 Tanana River
 Tintina Fault
 Transcontinental Arch
 Western Canada Basin
 Western Interior
 Western Overthrust Belt
 Williston Basin
 Yukon River
 Yukon-Tanana Terrane
RTAgua Blanca Fault
 Avalonian Orogeny
 Cache Creek Terrane
 Champlain Sea
 Coast Mountains
 Coast Ranges
 Colorado River basin
 Columbia River basin
 Cordilleran ice sheet
 Cordilleran Orogeny
 Gorda Plate
 Gulf Coastal Plain
SNTo retrieve all documents, Canada, United States, and Mexico, should also be searched (see list O).
North American Atlantic  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. Used from 1981-1994 for western Atlantic bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, generally about 70#DGN latitude, on the east by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and on the south by 10#DGN latitude. See North Atlantic.
North American Cordillera  search
BTNorth America
 .North American Cordillera
NTCanadian Cordillera
 United States
 U. S. Rocky Mountains
 Coast Mountains
 Alaska Range
 Coast Belt
 Cascade Range
 Rocky Mountains
 Western Interior Seaway
 Sierra Nevada
 Coast Ranges
 Cordilleran ice sheet
 Kootenay Arc
 Sierra Madre
SNBefore 1981, search Cordillera AND North America. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
North American Craton  search
BTNorth America
 .North American Craton
RTCanadian Shield
SNArea of North American continent where basement is buried by Precambrian and Phanerozoic sedimentary cover. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
North American Pacific  search
SNUsed from 1981-1994 for a region in the northeastern Pacific bounded on the north by the Bering Sea, on the east by North and Central America, on the south by the equator, and on the west by the 180#DG meridian, with the exception of an area bounded by an
North American Plate  search
RTCascadia subduction zone
 Explorer Plate
 Farallon Plate
 North America
 plate tectonics
SNIncludes North America N of central America as well as all the North Atlantic Ocean W of the Mid-Ocean Ridge. Indexed with geographic area and/or age as applicable.