sedimenta  search
sedimentary basins  search
 .sedimentary basins
 basin analysis
 foreland basins
 piggyback basins
SNTerm should be used in paleogeographic papers, not for recent basins.
sedimentary bodies  search
RTsedimentary rocks
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
sedimentary cover  search
UFcover, sedimentary
 cover tectonics
sedimentary environment  search
USEdepositional environment
sedimentary fault  search
USEgrowth faults
sedimentary petrology  search
 clay mineralogy
 flume studies
 marine geology
 microscope methods
 sedimentary rocks
 sedimentary structures
 shape analysis
SNUsed for the discipline as a whole.
Sedimentary Petrology (category)  search
SNSedimentary petrology, GeoRef category code 06, is one of thirty categories used to classify documents in GeoRef. Each reference in GeoRef is assigned one or more categories. Categories can be used, in addition to Terms, to refine searches (See List A.).
sedimentary processes  search
SNNo longer a valid term for GeoRef. After 1997, use specific process. Used for economic papers only.
sedimentary quartzite  search
sedimentary rocks  search
NTbone beds
 carbonate rocks
 chemically precipitated rocks
 clastic rocks
 gas sands
 oil sands
 oil shale
 arenaceous texture
 argillaceous texture
 arkosic composition
 calcareous composition
 chemical properties
 clay mineralogy
 coarse-grained materials
SNFor description of hierarchy see List I.
sedimentary structures  search
NTbedding plane irregularities
 biogenic structures
 cylindrical structures
 planar bedding structures
 primary structures
 secondary structures
 soft sediment deformation
 sole marks
 turbidity current structures
 fluvial features
 glacial geology
 intraformational structures
 sedimentary petrology
 sedimentary rocks
SNUsed for a structure in a sedimentary rock or sediment, formed either contemporaneously with deposition (primary) or subsequently to deposition (secondary). See list K for types and names of structures.
sedimentati  search
sedimentation  search
NTbiochemical sedimentation
 bioclastic sedimentation
 chemical sedimentation
 coastal sedimentation
 continental margin sedimentation
 deep-sea sedimentation
 deltaic sedimentation
 detrital sedimentation
 estuarine sedimentation
 fluvial sedimentation
 fresh-water sedimentation
 glacial sedimentation
 intertidal sedimentation
 lacustrine sedimentation
 lagoonal sedimentation
 marine sedimentation
 nearshore sedimentation
 paludal sedimentation
 pelagic sedimentation
 terrestrial sedimentation
 aquatic environment
 artificial islands
SNUsed for the act or process of forming or accumulating sediment in layers, including all processes from transport through diagenesis. Before 1998, if applicable, also search sedimentary processes which was chiefly used for economic studies. Before 1976, a
sedimentation rates  search
UFrate of sedimentation
SNBefore 1982, search sedimentation AND rates. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.