hea  search
head, hydraulic  search
USEhydraulic head
Healdiidae  search
SNIndexed with microfossils if applicable.
health  search
USEmedical geology
Heard County Georgia  search
BTUnited States
 ..Heard County Georgia
Heard Plateau  search
USEKerguelen Plateau
Heart Mountain Fault  search
BTUnited States
 ..Heart Mountain Fault
SNNW Wyoming.
heat  search
heat capacity  search
RTKirchhoff integral
 specific heat
 thermal properties
heat conduction  search
SNNo longer a valid GeoRef index term. Used in subfile N. See heat flow; heat transfer; thermal conductivity.
heat content  search
heat flo  search
heat flow  search
UFgeothermal surveys
 temperature methods
 thermal surveys
RTgeophysical methods
 geophysical surveys
 energy sources
 Battle Mountain High
 boundary conditions
 geothermal energy
 geothermal gradient
 heat sources
 Curie point
 heat pumps
 heat flux
SNUsed for the product of the thermal conductivity of a substance and the thermal gradient in the direction of the flow of heat. Before 1972, also search thermal methods. For surveys, also index the area.
heat flux  search
RTheat flow
SNHeat flow per unit of time.
heat pumps  search
RTgeothermal energy
 heat flow
 heat transfer
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
heat sources  search
UFsources, heat
 heat flow
 geothermal energy
 thermal waters
 regional patterns
heat storage  search
UFthermal energy storage
RTground water
 energy sources
 geothermal fields
 new energy sources
 geothermal systems
 geothermal energy
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1982.
heat transfer  search
UFtransfer, heat
RTheat flow
 Rayleigh number
 heat pumps
heat treatment  search
USEthermal recovery
heat, specific  search
USEspecific heat
Heath Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 .....Upper Mississippian
 ......Heath Formation
 North Dakota
 Big Snowy Group
SNIn Big Snowy Group. N central Montana and W North Dakota. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
heating  search
 heat transfer
SNUsed as a general term.
heaving, frost  search
USEfrost heaving
heavy metals  search
 precious metals
SNIncludes use for environmental studies. Indexed with individual metals if possible.
heavy mineral deposits  search
RTgarnet deposits
 heavy minerals
 kyanite deposits
 monazite deposits
 Prakasam India
 stream placers
 zircon deposits
SNCommodity. See List C.
heavy minerals  search
RTaccessory minerals
 heavy mineral deposits
 light minerals
 nonmagnetic minerals
SNSee also individual heavy minerals. As of 1981, use heavy mineral deposits for heavy minerals as a commodity.
heavy oil  search
heazlewoodite  search