Philippine Sea  search
BTPacific Ocean
 .North Pacific
 ..Northwest Pacific
 ...Philippine Sea
NTDaito Ridge
 Kyushu-Palau Ridge
 Parece Vela Basin
 Ryukyu Trench
 West Philippine Basin
RTIzu-Bonin Arc
 Leg 31
 DSDP Site 292
 DSDP Site 293
 DSDP Site 297
 Nankai Trough
 Leg 6
 DSDP Site 442
 Leg 58
 DSDP Site 446
 Leg 59
 Leg 60
 DSDP Site 453
 DSDP Site 454
 DSDP Site 455
 DSDP Site 456
 DSDP Site 457
 DSDP Site 60
 Leg 126
 Leg 124E
 Leg 132
 ODP Site 787
SNThat part of the W Pacific Ocean with the Philippines Islands on the W, Taiwan and the Ryukyus on the NW, and the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands on the E and SE. This term has multiple hierarchies.
Philippine Sea Plate  search
RTPhilippine Sea
 plate tectonics
SNA tectonic plate roughly covering the same area as the Philippine Sea and virtually surrounded by the SE edge of the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate. Indexed with geographic area and/or age as applicable.