minera  search
mineragraphy  search
USEore microscopy
mineral assemblages  search
 metamorphic rocks
mineral associations  search
SNA valid term through 1977. Use mineral assemblages.
mineral chemistry  search
USEcrystal chemistry
mineral cleavage  search
SNBefore 1981, search cleavage AND minerals. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
mineral collecting  search
SNAs of 1981, no longer a valid term for GeoRef. Use collecting.
mineral collections  search
mineral composition  search
 modal analysis
 petrographic norms
Mineral County Colorado  search
BTUnited States
 ..Mineral County Colorado
NTCreede Caldera
 Creede Colorado
 Creede mining district
SNSW Colorado.
Mineral County Montana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Mineral County Montana
RTCoeur d'Alene mining district
SNW Montana.
Mineral County Nevada  search
BTUnited States
 ..Mineral County Nevada
RTWalker Lake
 Stewart Valley
SNW Nevada.
Mineral County West Virginia  search
BTUnited States
 .West Virginia
 ..Mineral County West Virginia
SNE West Virginia.
mineral data  search
UFmineral descriptions
 clay mineralogy
mineral depo  search
mineral deposits,  search
mineral deposits, genesis  search
RTalgoma-type deposits
 alpine-type deposits
 Barrovian-type deposits
 besshi-type deposits
 blind deposits
 carlin-type deposits
 cementation deposits
 cyprus-type deposits
 detrital deposits
 disseminated deposits
SNUsed for substantial discussions of the genesis of ore deposits. Does not include water resources or energy sources. Indexed with specific type of process or control where applicable.
mineral descriptions  search
USEmineral data
mineral economics  search
RTeconomic geology
 mineral resources
 ore grade
 productive capacity
SNAs of 1985, used for economic discussions of commodities (list C), excluding the energy sources, and water resources. Use economics for the energy sources, and water resources. To exclude very general treatments, search (mineral economics or economics) no
mineral exploration  search
UFore exploration
RTeconomic geology
 geochemical anomalies
 geochemical methods
 feasibility studies
 Bear-Slave Operation
 biogeochemical methods
 geobotanical methods
 blind deposits
 boulder trains
 dispersion patterns
 Exclusive Economic Zone
SNUsed primarily for the application of methods in relation to the commodity terms (list C), excluding the energy sources and water resources. May be used for substantial discussions of exploration for the commodities, excluding the energy sources and water
mineral facies  search
SNA valid term through 1976. Use facies.
mineral inclusions  search
 .mineral inclusions
RTfluid inclusions
 host rocks
 San Carlos Olivine
SNUsed for a solid-phase mineral within a solid-phase mineral.
mineral interlayer  search
 clay minerals
 sheet silicates
 crystal structure
 crystal chemistry
 layered materials
 mixed-layer minerals
SNAlso search mineral interlayers. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
mineral inventory  search
UFmineral list
 miscellaneous minerals
 sundry minerals
 mineral resources
SNUsed for inventories of minerals. Includes use for the case of several mineral groups when the topic is not emphasized or for a mineral of unknown affinity. Added to Thesaurus in 1993.
mineral list  search
USEmineral inventory
mineral localities  search
 geologic sites
 popular geology
SNUse for collecting. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
Mineral Mountains  search
BTUnited States
 ..Beaver County Utah
 ...Mineral Mountains
RTBasin and Range Province
SNSW Utah. Added to Thesaurus in 1985.
mineral physics  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See phase transitions, geophysics, or specific property.
mineral resins  search
mineral resources  search
 economic geology
 environmental geology
 Law of the Sea
 mineral deposits, genesis
 mineral economics
 mineral exploration
 mineral inventory
 ocean floors
 potential deposits
 raw materials
 strategic miner
SNFor very general treatments of both metal and nonmetal deposits. Commodity. See List C.
mineral sequence  search
mineral soap  search
mineral synthesis  search
SNA valid term through 1970. After 1970, use synthesis with crystal growth or with phase equilibria.
mineral waters  search
 ground water
 medicinal waters
 thermal waters
mineral zoning  search
SNA valid term through 1975. See zoning, crystal zoning.
mineral-water interface  search
UFwater-mineral interface
 water-rock interaction
 sediment-water interface
SNAlso search mineral-water interaction. Indexed with specific minerals as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
mineralization  search
 metallogenic epochs
 metallogenic provinces
 mineral deposits, genesis
 mineralized mud
 ore-forming fluids
SNOften used with ore deposits. For paleontology use fossilization or biomineralization.
mineralized mud  search
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1985.
mineralogy  search
RTatomic packing
 clay mineralogy
 crystal chemistry
 crystal growth
 crystal structure
 crystal zoning
 microscope methods
 mineral data
 mineral inventory
SNUsed for the discipline as a whole.
Mineralogy (category)  search
SNMineralogy, GeoRef category code 01, is one of thirty categories used to classify documents in GeoRef. Each reference in GeoRef is assigned one or more categories. Categories can be used, in addition to Terms, to refine searches (See List A.).
minerals  search
RTaccessory minerals
 authigenic minerals
 cell dimensions
 clay mineralogy
 coexisting minerals
 color centers
SNUsed for descriptions of mineral occurrence or of the minerals themselves. For searching techniques, see list L. General term. Index only for general studies. Specific mineral names or groups should be used when applicable.
minerals described  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term after 1968. See minerals; mineral data.
minerals in meteorites  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term. Place minerals in appropriate group.