geoche  search
geochemical  search
SNA valid term through 1977. See geochemical maps, geochemical methods, geochemical surveys.
geochemical anomalies  search
 chemical elements
 mineral exploration
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1993.
geochemical background  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. See background level.
geochemical controls  search
 mineral deposits, genesis
SNAlso search geochemical.
geochemical cycle  search
NTcarbon cycle
 Gaia hypothesis
 migration of elements
SNBefore 1982, search cycles AND geochemistry. Added to Thesaurus in 1982.
geochemical exploration  search
USEgeochemical methods
geochemical indicators  search
 geochemical surveys
SNAdded to Thesaurus in 1981.
geochemical investigations  search
SNNot a valid GeoRef index term after 1970. See geochemistry; geochemical methods, geochemical surveys.
geochemical logging  search
 .geochemical logging
UFchemical logging
 geophysical methods
 geochemical methods
 geochemical surveys
 downhole methods
 geochemical profiles
SNAlso search geochemical methods and well-logging for methods studies. Added to Thesaurus in 1995.
geochemical maps  search
 .geochemical maps
SNBefore 1978, search maps AND geochemical.
geochemical methods  search
NTbiogeochemical methods
UFgeochemical exploration
 geochemical prospecting
 chemical analysis
 automated analysis
 geochemical surveys
 Bear-Slave Operation
 mineral exploration
 geobotanical methods
 dispersion patterns
 radon emanometry
 geochemical logging
 soil gases
SNFrom 1993-1997, restricted to economic studies. Before 1993, also search lithogeochemical methods if applicable. Also see geochemical surveys.
geochemical models  search
SNNot a valid term for GeoRef. Use geochemistry in combination with models. Also use specific names of the geochemical models if available.
Geochemical Ocean Sections Program  search
geochemical profiles  search
RTchemical analysis
 geochemical logging
SNBefore 1981, search profiles AND geochemistry. Added to Thesaurus in 1981.
geochemical prospecting  search
USEgeochemical methods
geochemical surveys  search
 .geochemical surveys
 background level
 geochemical methods
 detection limit
 mineral exploration
 geochemical indicators
 chemical composition
 geochemical logging
 lake sediments
 stream sediments
SNFor economic geology, also see geochemical methods, biogeochemical methods.
geochemistry  search
RTabsolute age
 ammonia compound
 ammonium ion
 aqueous solutions
 background level
 basin analysis
 bicarbonate ion
 biogeochemical methods
SNUsed for broad treatments as well as specific experiments.
Geochemistry (category)  search
SNGeochemistry, GeoRef category code 02, is one of thirty categories used to classify documents in GeoRef. Each reference in GeoRef is assigned one or more categories. Categories can be used, in addition to Terms, to refine searches (See List A.).