Red River  search
 North America
 North Dakota
 New Mexico
 Red River valley
 South Dakota
SNA southern tributary of the Mississippi River, rising in E New Mexico. Also a river rising in Manitoba and flowing into the Minnesota River. Also several other North American rivers. Search in combination with appropriate area term. Indexed with North Ame
Red River County Texas  search
BTUnited States
 ..Red River County Texas
Red River Fault  search
UFHonghe Fault
 South China Sea
 Yunnan China
SNZone extends from Yunnan in SW China across Vietnam to the South China Sea. Indexed with Yunnan China and/or Vietnam and/or South China Sea as applicable. Added to Thesaurus in 1989.
Red River Formation  search
BTChronostratigraphic Units
 ....Upper Ordovician
 .....Red River Formation
 North Dakota
 South Dakota
 Bighorn Dolomite
SNIn Bighorn Group.
Red River Parish Louisiana  search
BTUnited States
 ..Red River Parish Louisiana
Red River valley  search
 North Dakota
 Red River
 New Mexico
 South Dakota
SNAs of 1985, can be used for valley of any of several Red rivers in the United States and Canada. Indexed with states or provinces as applicable.