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North Sea  search
BTAtlantic Ocean
 .North Atlantic
 ..North Sea
NTDogger Bank
 East Shetland Basin
 Ekofisk Field
 Forties Field
 Norwegian Channel
 Orcadian Basin
 Oseberg Field
 Troll Field
 Viking Graben
UFNorth Sea Basin
RTBroom Formation
 Etive Formation
 English Channel
 North Sea region
 Brent Group
 Ness Formation
 Central Graben
 Ekofisk Formation
 Dunlin Group
 East Frisian Islands
 Moray Firth
 Highland Boundary Fault
 Kimmeridge Clay
 Leman Sandstone Formation
SNBetween the European continent on the S and E, and Great Britain on the W.
North Sea Basin  search
USENorth Sea
North Sea Coast  search
 .North Sea Coast
SNIndexed with England, Scotland and European countries as applicable.
North Sea region  search
 North Sea
SNIndexed with countries as applicable.