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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 177 | 2002 | Dickmann, B.: Biogene und terrigene Sedimentation im Antarktischen Ozean; Zeugnisse der kaenozoischen Umwelt- und Klimaentwicklung Biogenic and terrigenous sedimentation in the Antarctic Ocean; evidence of Cenozoic environment and climate development | |
87% | | 1986 | Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Sedimentzusammensetzung, Sedimentations- und Akkumulationsraten im Nordatlantik; Bohrergebnisse des Deep-Sea Drilling Project (Datensammlung) Sediment composition, sedimentation and accumulation rates in the North Atlantic Ocean; results of Deep Sea Drilling Project; data report | |
87% | 125 | 1992 | Schwarz, Alexander: Petrographische und geochemische Untersuchungen an Bohrkernen des Marianen- und Izu Bonin Forearc, ODP Leg 125, unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Smektit und Iowait Petrographic and geochemical investigations of samples from the Mariana and Izu-Bonin fore-arc, ODP Leg 125, with special consideration of smectite and iowaite | |
87% | | 2003 | Scheibner, Birgit: Das geochemische Verhalten der Platingruppenelemente bei der Entstehung und Differenzierung der Magmen der Kerguelen-Flutbasaltprovinz (Indischer Ozean) The geochemical content of the platinum group elements in the genesis and differentiation of magmas of the Kerguelen flood basalt province, Indian Ocean | |
85% | | 2006 | Smolka, Peter: IODP; Rekonstruktion und Modellierung Neogener Ozeane; Zwischenstand IODP; reconstruction and modeling of the Neogene oceans; intermediate results | |
85% | | 2004 | Saxena, Sabine; Gottwald, Eckehard: Gefriertrocknung und Haertung unverfestigter pleistozaener Karbnatsande zur Duennschliffherstellung Freeze-drying and hardening of unconsolidated Pleistocene carbonate sands for thin section production | |
80% | 177 177-1093 177-1094 | 2002 | Kuhn, G.; Diekmann, B.: Biogene und terrigene Sedimentationsmuster als Abbild spaetquartaerer Klima- und Umweltbedingungen in der Antarktischen Zone des Suedatlantiks Biogenic and terrigenous sedimentation patterns as illustration of upper Quaternary climatic and environmental conditions in the Antarctic zone of the South Atlantic | |
71% | 55 | 1981 | Lommerzheim, A.: Palaeozaene Serpulidae und Spirorbidae (Polychaeta) von den Emperor Seamounts, NW-Pazifik Paleocene Serpulidae and Spirorbidae (Polychaeta) of Emperor Seamounts, Northwest Pacific | |
71% | | 1983 | Weiss, W.: Heterohelicidae (seriale planktonische Foraminiferen) der tethyalen Oberkreide (Santon bis Maastricht) Heterohelicidae, a serial planktonic foraminiferal family, and biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Upper Cretaceous; Santonian-Maastrichtian | |
71% | | 2002 | Soeding, E.; Hay, W. W. et al.: New paleontological and chronostratigraphical tools in the ODSN database | |
71% | 105 108 | 1987 | Stein, R.; Littke, R.: Aenderungen von Palaeoproduktivitaet und Palaeoklima im Nordatlantik; Rekonstruktionen nach Untersuchungen an Corg-reichen Sedimenten von ODP-Legs 105 und 108. Variations in paleoproductivity and paleoclimate in the North Atlantic; reconstructions from studies of kerogen-rich sediment from ODP Legs 105 and 108 | |
71% | 49 | 1993 | Martini, Erlend: Emiliania coronata, a new calcareous nannoplankton species from the North Atlantic Pleistocene | |
71% | | 1991 | Engel, Elke R.: Palynologische Evidenz klimarelevanter Ereignisse in miozaenen Sedimenten des Nordatlantiks Palynological evidence of climatically relevant events from Miocene sediments from the North Atlantic | |
71% | | 1987 | Wetzel, Andreas: Sedimentological significance of strain and sonic velocity anisotropy in fine-grained turbiditic and hemipelagic deep-sea sediments; an example from the Mississippi Fan | |
71% | | 1982 | Flohn, H.: Vereiste Antarktis-eisfreie Arktis; Vergangenheit und Zukunft Frozen Antarctica--ice-free Arctic; past and future | |
71% | 207 | 2004 | Erbacher, Jochen: Diagenetically uncompromised sections give new insights for a better understanding of Cretaceous palaeoceanography and palaeoclimate | |
71% | 185 | 2000 | Pletsch, T.; Urbat, M. et al.: Veraenderung globaler Umweltfaktoren und Zyklizitaet in Tiefsee-Sedimenten des westlichen Pazifik von der Kreide bis heute Changes in global environmental factors and cyclicity of deep-sea sedimentation of the West Pacific from the Cretaceous to the present | |
71% | 302 | 2006 | Vogt, Christoph; Stein, Ruediger et al.: IODP; bulk mineral assemblage of IODP Leg 302-Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) cores; implications on paleoceanography and early diagenesis | |
71% | 201 | 2006 | Batzke, Anja; Engelen, Bert et al.: IODP; cultured deep-biosphere bacteria from Equatorial Pacific Ocean and Peru margin sediments; physiological and phylogenetic diversity | |
71% | 207 | 2006 | Friedrich, Oliver; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: IODP; evidence for warm saline bottom waters in the Cretaceous tropical Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | | 2006 | Schwarz-Schampera, Ulrich; Stoffers, Peter et al.: IODP; high-temperature hydrothermal venting at submarine volcanoes on the Tonga Arc, SW Pacific | |
71% | | 2006 | Lueckge, A.; Zachariasse, W. J. et al.: IODP; monsoonal variability and oxygen minimum zone intensity in the northern Arabian Sea; status of a mature IODP drilling proposal | |
71% | 302 | 2006 | Boucsein, B.: IODP; organic petrography on Cenozoic sediments from Hole 302 (Lomonosov Ridge); a classical approach for estimations of organic carbon fluxes | |
71% | | 2002 | Thiede, J.: Deep-sea strata as keys to variations of the earth system and ocean drilling holes as telescopes to inner space | |
70% | | 1988 | Beiersdorf, H.: Ocean Drilling Program/Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
70% | 14 14-141 41 41-366 47 47-397 | 1984 | Stein, Ruediger: Zur neogenen Klimaentwicklung in Nordwest-Afrika und Palaeo-Ozeanographie im Nordost-Atlantik; ergebnisse von DSDP-Sites 141, 366, 397 und 544B Neogene paleoclimatology of northwestern Africa and paleo-oceanography of the Northeast Atlantic; results from DSDP sites 144, 366, 397 and 544B | |
70% | | 2006 | Anonymous: IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2006 in Greifswald IODP-ICDP colloquium 2006 in Greifswald | |
69% | 207 | 2004 | Friedrich, Oliver; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: Palaeotemperaturen und ozeanische Zirkulation in Cenoman/Turon Grenzbereich (OAE 2) des tropischen Atlantiks (ODP Leg 207, Demerara Rise) Paleotemperatures and ocean circulation at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (OAE 2) of the tropical Atlantic (ODP Leg 207, Demerara Rise) | |
69% | 195 195-1202 | 2004 | Hofmann, Jana; Diekmann, Bernhard et al.: Detritischer Sedimenteintrag und spaetquartaere Umweltsignale im Okinawa-Trog, SE Taiwan Detrital sediment influx and upper Quaternary environmental signals in the Okinawa Trough, southeastern Taiwan | |
69% | | 1998 | Wohlenberg, Juergen; Pechnig, Renate: Vom Log zum lithologischen Profil; Ergebnisse aus Bohrungen in kontinentale und ozeanische Kruste The lithologic profile log; results from boreholes in the continental and oceanic crusts | |
69% | 178 178-1095 178-1096 | 2001 | Hillenbrand, C. D.; Ehrmann, W. U. et al.: Tonminerale in Kontinentalrandsedimenten westlich der Antarktischen Halbinsel; Anzeiger fuer Sedimenteintrag und Vereisungsdynamik waehrend des Neogens und Quartaers Clay minerals in continental margin sediments west of the Antarctic Peninsula; indicators of sediment input and glacial dynamics during the Neogene and Quaternary | |
69% | 195 195-1201 | 2002 | Schrader, S.; Diekmann, B.: Sedimentation und Diagenese in einem eozaen-oligozaenen "back-arc"-Becken des Philippinischen Meeres Sedimentation and diagenesis in an Eocene-Oligocene back-arc basin of the Philippine Sea | |
69% | 141 | 1995 | Kopf, Achim: Feststoffbilanzierung akkretierten und subduzierten Sediments und computergestuetzte Rueckwaertsmodellierung deformierter Krustenquerschnitte am Kontinentalrand von Suedchile; quantitative geometrische und kinematische Rekonstruktion der Forearc-Entwicklung nahe des Chile-Tripelpunktes (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 141) Solid material balance between accreting and subducting sediments and computer-aided reverse modelling of deformed crustal sections on the continental margine of southern Chile; quantitative geometric and kinematic reconstruction of fore-arc development near the Chile triple junction (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 141) | |
69% | 186 186-1150 186-1151 | 2004 | Pohl, Claudia; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Triaxiale Verformungsexperimente und SEM-Untersuchungen feinkoerniger Sedimente aus dem Bereich des Japan-Tiefseegrabens Triaxial deformation experiments and SEM studies on fine-grained sedimentary rocks from the Japan Trench region | |
60% | | 1970 | Martini, Erlend: 1. Phase des amerikanischen Tiefsee-Bohrprogramms beendet Conclusion of the first phase of the American deep-sea drilling program | |
60% | | 1985 | Rullkoetter, J.: Schwarzschiefer in der Tiefsee; Entstehung und Kohlenwasserstoffpotential Deep-sea black shales; genesis and hydrocarbon potential | |
60% | | 1982 | Ulrich, J.: Die neue offizielle Tiefenkarte des Weltmeeres im Massstab 1:10 Mio. als Ergebnis erfolgreicher internationaler Zusammenarbeit The new official map of ocean depths at the scale 1:10 million; result of international cooperation capped by success | |
60% | | 1982 | Hubberten, Hans W.: The isotopic composition of carbonate carbon from deep-sea basalts | |
60% | | 1990 | Hubberten, H. W.: Die Fraktionierung der Schwefelisotope bei der Entstehung und Veraenderung der ozeanischen Kruste The sulfur isotope fractionation during the formation and alteration of the oceanic crust | |
60% | | 1979 | Giovanoli, Federico: Die remanente magnetisierung von seesedimenten Remanent magnetization of lake sediments | |
60% | | 1998 | Seibold, Eugen: Meeresgeologische Impulse aus Kiel; Briefe und Telegramme 1961-1971 Incentives to marine geology from Kiel; letters and telegrams 1961-1971 | |
60% | | 1983 | von der Dick, Hans: Organisch-geochemische und kohlenpetrographische Untersuchungen an kuestennahen Sedimenten. (Ein Beitrag zum "Deep Sea Drilling Project") Organic geochemistry and coal petrography in sediments near the coast; a contribution to Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
60% | | 1981 | Beiersdorf, H.: Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des internationalen Tiefseebohrprojekts The principal results of Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
60% | | 1981 | Beiersdorf, H.: Ein deutscher Beitrag zur Geoforschung A German contribution to research in the earth sciences | |
60% | | 1989 | Krammer, Kristian; Pohl, Jean: The magnetic susceptibility logging probes Suslog 403-1 and 403-1-HT | |
60% | | 1980 | Seibertz, E.: Zwoelf Jahre Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP); Ein Ueberblick ueber die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Bohrarbeiten der Glomar Challenger Twelve years of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP); an overview of the most important results of drilling by the Glomar Challenger | |
60% | | 1989 | Riegraf, W.; Luterbacher, H.: Oberjura-Foraminiferen aus dem Nord- und Suedatlantik (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1-79) Upper Jurassic foraminifers of the North and South Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1-79 | |
60% | | 1980 | Closs, H.: Grosstektonische Prozesse im Bereich der Ozeane und Kontinente Large-scale tectonic processes in the oceans and on the continents | |
60% | | 2003 | Meschede, Martin: The Costa Rica convergent margin; a textbook example for the process of subduction erosion | |
60% | | 1981 | Goerlich, F.: Birgt der Tiefseeboden neue Schaetze? Aufgaben fuer das neue Tiefseebohrschiff "Glomar Explorer" The bottom of deep seas, does it hide treasures? Missions of the new deep sea drilling ship "Glomar Explorer" | |
60% | 157 157-953 157-955 157-956 | 2000 | Delius, Heike: Charakterisierung und Bilanzierung vulkanischer Sedimente im Schuttfaecher Gran Canarias mit Hilfe petrophysikalischer Bohrloch- und Kernmessungen Characterization and balance of volcanic sediments in the detrital fan off Grand Canary Island with the help of petrophysical borehole and core measurements | |
60% | | 2006 | Kopf, Achim J.: IODP; NanTroSEIZE; the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment, a complex drilling proposal within IODP | |
60% | 14 14-137 14-138 47 47-398 51 51-417 52 52-417 79 79-545 | 1994 | Erbacher, J.: Entwicklung und Palaeoozeanographie mittelkretazischer Radiolarien der westlichen Tethys (Italien) und des Nordatlantiks Development and paleo-oceanographic Middle Cretaceous Radiolaria of the western Tethys (Italy) and the North Atlantic | |
60% | | 2009 | Mutterlose, Joerg; Bornemann, Andre et al.: The Aptian-Albian cold snap; evidence for "Mid" Cretaceous icehouse interludes | |
60% | | 2010 | Breuker, A.; Schippers, A.: Improvement of methods for the quantification of microorganisms in oligotrophic carbonate rich marine sediments of North Pond | |
57% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1996 | Bruns, Peter: Geochemische und sedimentologische Untersuchungen ueber das Sedimentationsverhalten im Bereich biostratigraphischer Diskontinuitaetn im Neogen des Nordatlantik, ODP leg 104, sites 642B und 643A Geochemical and sedimentological investigations on the behavior of sediments in biostratigraphic discontinuities in the Neogene of the North Atlantic, ODP Leg 104, sites 642B and 643A | |
57% | 14 14-137 41 47 47-397 | 1978 | Wiedmann, V. J.; Butt, A. et al.: Vergleich von marokkanischen Kreide-Kuestenaufschluessen und Tiefseebohrungen (DSDP); Stratigraphie, Palaeoenvironment und Subsidenz an einem passiven Kontinentalrand Comparison of data from Cretaceous outcrops in the Morocco coastal area and from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites; stratigraphy, paleoenvironment, and subsidence at a passive continental margin | |
57% | 122 | 1991 | Roehl, U.; Dumont, T. et al.: The Upper Triassic carbonate platform off NW Australia (ODP Leg 122); Tethyan facies at the NE Gondwanan margin | |
57% | 160 160-971 | 1996 | Schulz, H. M.; Emeis, K. C. et al.: The organic material of the Napoli mud volcano (Mediterranean Ridge); organic matter type, maturity and depth of origin | |
57% | 33 33-317 | 1989 | Beiersdorf, Helmut; Erzinger, Jorg: Observations on the bathymetry and geology of the northeastern Manihiki Plateau, southwestern Pacific Ocean | |
57% | 41 41-369 | 1997 | Stade, J.; Hofmann, P. et al.: Chemical characteristics of upper Albian pelagic sediments from the Canary Basin (North Atlantic) | |
57% | 155 | 1996 | Schluenz, B.; Mueller, P. J. et al.: Eintrag von organischem Kohlenstoff in den westlichen aequatorialen Atlantik durch den Amazonas Organic carbon in the western Equatorial Atlantic from the Amazon River | |
57% | 159 159-959 | 1996 | Wagner, T.: Eolian supply of C4-plant debris to the Quaternary eastern Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Site 959) | |
57% | | 1996 | Meggers, Helge: Pliozaen-quartaere Karbonatsedimentation und Palaeozeanographie des Nordatlantiks und des Europaeischen Nordmeeres; Hinweise aus planktischen Foraminiferengemeinschaften Pliocene-Quaternary carbonate sedimentation and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic and the European North Sea; indications from planktonic foraminiferal assemblages | |
57% | 122 123 | 1992 | von Rad, Ulrich; Exon, Neville F. et al.: Mesozoic paleoenvironment of the rifted margin off NW Australia (ODP legs 122/123) | |
57% | 138 138-846 138-847 | 1995 | Emeis, K. C.; Doose, H. et al.: Temperaturen und biogene Akkumulation im oestlichen aequatorialen Pazifik; die Intervalle 0-1,3 Mill. Jahre auf Sites 846 und 847 (ODP Leg 138) Temperatures and biogenic accumulation in the eastern Equatorial Pacific; 0-1.3 million year interval in sites 846 and 847, ODP Leg 138 | |
57% | 166 166-1006 | 2004 | Steinke, Stephan; Rendle-Buehring, Rebecca: Sedimentologie und Fazies glazialer/interglazialer Periplattformsedimente des westlichen, leeseitigen Randes der Grossen Bahama Bank Sedimentology and facies of glacial/interglacial periplatform sediments of the western, lee-side margin of the Great Bahama Bank | |
57% | 141 | 1994 | Kopf, A.; Behrmann, J. H.: Massenbilanzierung tektonischer Akkretion und Subduktionserosion am aktiven Kontinentalrand Suedchiles, Chile-Tripelpunkt Mass balance of tectonic accretion and subductional erosion at an active continental margin, southern Chile, Chile Margin Triple Junction | |
57% | 44 44-390 | 2002 | Friedrich, Oliver; Herrle, J. O. et al.: Palaeozeanographische und palaeoklimatische Veraenderungen waehrend der Abkuehlungsphase in Campan/Maastricht-Grenzbereich (Oberkreide) Paleo-oceanographic and paleoclimatic variations during the cooling phase at the Campanian-Maestrichtian boundary, Upper Cretaceous | |
57% | 44 44-391 | 2002 | Westphal, H.; Munnecke, A. et al.: Pelagic limestone-marl alterations from the Cretaceous North Atlantic; do they reflect sea-level fluctuations? | |
57% | 94 94-609 | 1999 | Allen, Judy R. M.; Brandt, Ute et al.: Rapid environmental changes in Southern Europe during the last glacial period | |
57% | 194 194-1193 | 2002 | John, Cedric M.; Mustacciu, Gabriele et al.: The platform to slope transition of the Marion Plateau (ODP Leg 194, northeastern Australia); perspectives gained from mineralogy and facies analysis | |
57% | 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1992 | Schoeps, Dietmar: Hydrothermale alteration im Gangstockwerk der ozeanischen Kruste; ODP-Bohrung 504B, Costa Rica Rift Hydrothermal alteration in vein stockwork of the oceanic crust; ODP Site 504B, Costa Rica Rift | |
57% | 108 108-663 159 159-959 | 1997 | Rath, S.; Wagner, T. et al.: Glazial/Interglaziale Schwankungen von Palaeobodenstroemungen und des Staubeintrag im aequatorialen Atlantik (ODP Sites 959, 663); Ergebnisse aus Korngroessenuntersuchungen Glacial/interglacial variations of paleosol transport and dust influx into the Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Sites 959, 663); results of grain size studies | |
57% | 177 177-1093 177-1094 | 2002 | Kunz-Pirrung, M.; Bianchi, C. et al.: Diatomeen als Indikatoren fuer kurzfristige Klimaaenderungen in pleistozaenen sedimenten des Suedpolarmeeres Diatoms as indicators for short-term climate variations in Pleistocene sediments of the Southern Ocean | |
57% | 47 47-398 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1997 | Erbacher, J.; Thurow, J.: Influence of oceanic anoxic events on the evolution of Mid-Cretaceous Radiolaria in the North Atlantic and western Tethys | |
57% | 159 159-959 | 2001 | Beckmann, B.; Hofmann, P. et al.: Klimakopplung der Schwarzschieferablagerung im tropischen Atlantik; Hochaufloesende Untersuchungen des Coniac-Santon, OAE3 (ODP Site 959, Elfenbeinkueste/Ghana) Climate coupling of black shale deposition in the tropical Atlantic; high-resolution studies of the Coniancian-Santonian, OAE3, ODP Site 959, Ivory Coast/Ghana | |
57% | 44 44-391 | 2002 | Westphal, H.; Munnecke, A. et al.: DSDP Site 391; pelagic limestone-marl alternations as a record of complex environmental change | |
57% | 207 207-1258 207-1259 207-1260 207-1261 | 2006 | Friedrich, Oliver; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: IODP; Cenomanian/Turonian (OAE 2) benthic foraminiferal faunas of the Demerara Rise depth transect (ODP Leg 207) | |
57% | 204 204-1244 204-1245 204-1250 204-1251 | 2006 | Teichert, B. M. A.; Gussone, N. et al.: IODP; controls on Ca isotope fractionation in pore waters of the Cascadia Margin (ODP Leg 204) | |
57% | 202 202-1237 202-1241 | 2006 | Sturm, Arne; Tiedemann, Ralf: IODP; development of an orbitally tuned time scale for the time interval 2.4-12 Ma (Leg 202) | |
57% | 170 170-1040 170-1041 | 2006 | Marquardt, Mathias; Temmler, Thomas et al.: IODP; gas hydrate quantification in continental margin sediments using a combined geochemical and geophysical approach; first results from ODP Leg 170 off Costa Rica | |
57% | 210 210-1276 | 2006 | Pletsch, T.; Kus, J. et al.: IODP; hydrocarbon potential of ODP Hole 1276A, the first deep well on Newfoundland Margin | |
57% | 301 301-U1301 | 2006 | Engelen, Bert; Ziegelmueller, Katja et al.: IODP; influence of fluids from the ocean crust on growth and activity of deep-biosphere populations (IODP Leg 301) | |
57% | 181 181-1121 | 2006 | Hoff, U.: IODP; Marine Diatomeen im Palaeozaen des SW-Pazifik; Dokumentation des Produktivitaetsmaximums IODP; marine diatoms in the Paleocene of Southwest Pacific; documentation of maximum productivity | |
57% | 113 113-689 113-690 177 177-1088 177-1092 | 2001 | Censarek, Bernd: Die miozaene Klimaentwicklung im atlantischen Suedozean; eine Rekonstruktion anhand von Diatomeen Miocene climate development in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean; a reconstruction based on diatoms | |
57% | 207 207-1258 207-1260 | 2008 | Beckmann, B.; Birgel, D. et al.: Ocean-continent interactions in the Mid-Cretaceous Equatorial Atlantic realm; first results from a multi-parameter study at Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207) | |
57% | 177 177-1093 177-1094 | 2002 | Bianchi, C.; Gersonde, R.: Climate change in the Southern Ocean; high-resolution records from marine isotope stages 1 and 5 | |
57% | 147 147-894 | 1995 | Frueh-Green, G. L.; Plas, A.: Hydrothermal alteration of the EPR lower crust and shallow mantle exposed at Hess Deep (ODP leg 147); mineralogical and stable isotope constraints | |
57% | 145 145-882 | 1996 | Haug, Gerald H.: Zur Palaeo-Ozeanographie und Sedimentationsgeschichte im Nordwest-Pazifik waehrend der letzten 6 Millionen Jahre (ODP-Site 882) Paleoceanography and sedimentation history in the northwest Pacific during the last 6 million years (ODP-Site 882) | |
57% | 303 | 2010 | Ockert, Charlotte; Teichert, Barbara M. A. et al.: Ca-isotope fractionation during interaction with clay minerals | |
50% | 55 | 1981 | Malz, H.: Palaeozaene Ostracoden von den Emperor Seamounts, NW-Pazifik Paleocene ostracods of the Emperor Seamounts, Northwest Pacific | |
50% | 55 | 1981 | Hagn, H.; Malz, H.: Inseln versinken im Pazifik; Die Geschichte der Emperor Seamounts in den Tiefen des Stillen Ozeans Islands sinking in the Pacific; history of the Emperor Seamounts in the depths of the Pacific Ocean | |
50% | | 1988 | Frydas, D.: Nannoplankton-Stratigraphie von Karpathos und Kreta (Griechenland) Nannoplankton stratigraphy from Karpathos and Crete, Greece | |
50% | | 1988 | Hinz, K.: Neue geophysikalische Ergebnisse ueber den geologischen Aufbau und die Entwicklung des Argentinischen Kontinentalrandes New geophysical results on the geological structure and evolution of the Argentinian continental margin | |
50% | | 1988 | Exon, N. F.; von Rad, U. et al.: Ocean drilling on the Exmouth Plateau and Argo abyssal plain in mid-1988 | |
50% | 122 | 1988 | De Carlo, E. H.; Haq, B. U. et al.: Pore water geochemistry of sediments from the Exmouth and Wombat plateaus, northwestern Australia; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122 | |
50% | 104 | 1994 | Schreckenberger, B.; Roeser, H. A.: Seaward dipping reflector sequences as sources for high amplitude marine magnetic anomalies | |
50% | 104 | 1987 | Henrich, R.: Glazial/Interglazial Sedimentationszyklen in der Norwegischen See; Palaeozeanographische Interpretation und langfristige Klimatrends - Leg 104, Norwegische See Glacial/interglacial sedimentation cycles in the Norwegian Sea; paleooceanographic interpretation and long-term climatic trends; Leg 104, Norwegian Sea | |
50% | 109 | 1987 | Bosum, W.; Kopietz, H.: Temperatur- und Magnetometermessungen auf Leg 109 Temperature and magnetometer measurements at Leg 109 | |
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