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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1990Holm, Nils G.: Report on the workshop Chemical evolution and neo-abiogenesis in marine hydrothermal systems
100%1988Brown, Patricia; Meyer, William M. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program marine geological data base
94%1994Lysne, Peter: Evolution of downhole measurement systems
1992Krissek, L. A.; Clemens, S. C.: Evidence for aridity-driven dust flux to the Northwest Arabian Sea and for decoupling of the dust and upwelling systems
83%961985Bouma, Arnold H.: Introduction to submarine fans and related turbidite systems
83%1995Mills, Rachel A.; Elderfield, Harry: Hydrothermal activity and the geochemistry of metalliferous sediment
83%701980Honnorez, J.; Von Herzen, R. P.: IPOD Leg 70; comparison between open and closed hydrothermal regimes in young and not so young oceanic crust
83%2008Chattopadhyay, Balaram: Selected advances in geology and the Indian scenario
83%2009Masure, E.; Vrielynck, B.: Late Albian dinoflagellate cyst paleobiogeography as indicator of asymmetric sea surface temperature gradient on both hemispheres with southern high latitudes warmer than northern ones
83%1988Meyer, William M.; Brown, Patricia et al.: The practical management of a shipboard data collection system
82%1976Kirkpatrick, R. J.: Measurement and calculation of crystal growth rates in silicate systems
82%1996Knappertsbusch, M.: Micropaleontological reference centers
82%2042003Rack, Frank R.: Technical and operational accomplishments of ODP Leg 204
82%1999Piper, David J. W.; Normark, William R.: Amazon and Hueneme turbidite systems; insights from comparing architectural elements between large and small sandy submarine fans
82%2003Purdy, E. G.; MacGregor, Duncan S.: Map compilations and synthesis of Africa's petroleum basins and systems
2009Schwenk, Tilmann; Spiess, Volkhard: Architecture and stratigraphy of the Bengal Fan as response to tectonic and climate revealed from high-resolution seismic data
73%1441995Haggerty, Janet A.; van Waasbergen, Robert J.: Geochemistry of MIT and Takuyo-Daisan carbonate platforms compared with other Northwest Pacific guyots drilled during Leg 144; implications for their diagenetic historydownload
2011Nelson, C. Hans; Escutia, Carlota et al.: Interplay of mass-transport and turbidite-system deposits in different active tectonic and passive continental margin settings; external and local controlling factors
71%174A2001Katz, Miriam E.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Foraminifera, paleoenvironments, and systems tracts development on the NJ continental shelf; keys to global sea level change
71%2006Mithal, Rakesh; Becker, David G.: The Janus data base; providing worldwide access to ODP and IODP data
71%2002Rebesco, M.; Pudsey, Carol J. et al.: Sediment drifts and deep-sea channel systems, Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin
71%1982Melguen, M.: La banque des donnees DSDP-IPOD The DSDP-IPOD data bank
71%1992Franklin, James M.: Advances in understanding volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits; lessons from the modern environment
71%1551996Flood, R. D.; Piper, D. J. W.: ODP drilling on the Amazon Fan; initial results on growth pattern and timing of fan sedimentation
71%2006Howard, M. T.; Kasting, J. F.: Modern hydrothermal systems and the oxygen isotopic evolution of seawater
71%1581995Active hydrothermal system drilled at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
71%1993Pettigrew, T. L.; Rabinowitz, Philip D. et al.: Design and operation of a drill-in-casing system (DIC)
71%1985Niedzwecki, John M.; Vargo, Michelle: The Ocean Drilling Program; VII, Expert systems for deepwater scientific drilling activities
71%1980Rona, P. A.: The central North Atlantic ocean basin and continental margins; geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and resources including the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG); NOAA ATLAS 3
2003Petersen, Sven; Herzig, Peter M. et al.: Diversity of seafloor hydrothermal systems on sediment-free mid-ocean ridges
71%2008Kulpecz, Andrew A.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Response of Late Cretaceous migrating deltaic facies systems to sea level, tectonics, and sediment supply changes, New Jersey Coastal Plain, U.S.A.
71%1492008Schwarzenbach, Esther: Carbon in ancient serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal systems; constraints from the Northern Apennine ophiolites (Italy) and the Iberian margin
71%2003Hebbeln, D.: State of the art and future prospects of scientific coring and drilling of marine sediments
71%1986Von-Huene, R.: To accrete or not accrete, that is the question
1999Harris, Lisa Catherine: Sequence-stratigraphic significance of glauconite-rich layers, on- and offshore of the U.S. Atlantic margin
71%1997Von Herzen, R. P.; Pitman, W.: Marcus G. Langseth (1932-1997)
71%1552009Maslin, Mark A.: Review of the timing and causes of the Amazon Fan mass transport and avulsion deposits during the latest Pleistocene
71%2002Soeding, Emanuel; Hay, William W.: Recent progress in the ODSN database; stratigraphic tools
71%1983Klein, George deV.: Spatial and temporal distribution of depositional systems, back-arc basins, western Pacific
71%2006Favali, Paolo; Beranzoli, Laura: Sea-floor observatory sciences; a review
2010John, Barbara E.; Cheadle, Michael J.: Deformation and alteration associated with oceanic and continental detachment fault systems; are they similar?
1998Gieskes, J. M.; Mahn, C. et al.: Halide systematics in sedimentary hydrothermal systems, Escanaba Trough, ODP Leg 169
67%1991Williams, Alan E.; McKibben, Michael A. et al.: An overview of fluid geochemistry and ore genesis in the Salton Sea geothermal system and comparison with the Gulf of California hydrothermal systems
67%1692002Ishibashi, Junichiro; Sato, Masanori et al.: Helium and carbon gas geochemistry of pore fluids from the sediment-rich hydrothermal system in Escanaba Trough
67%2001Miskelly, Thomas E.; Galloway, William E. et al.: Depositional systems of a complex transform margin; Deep Ivorian Basin, blocks 104 and 105, Ivory Coast
2003Humphris, Susan E.: Seafloor hydrothermal systems and the alteration of oceanic lithosphere; new perspectives and future directions for scientific ocean drilling
67%2010Scholl, David E.; Ryan, Holly et al.: Rapid forearc basin subsidence and bordering splay fault systems may identify nucleation areas of high-magnitude earthquakes and tsunamis; the example of the Atka forearc basin sector of the Aleutian subduction zone
2012Nakamura, Kentaro: Geochemistry of water-rock interactions in seafloor hydrothermal systems
1995Alt, Jeffrey C.: Subseafloor processes in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems
2003Roberts, S.; Bach, W. et al.: Contrasting evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the PACMANUS system, Manus Basin; the Sr and S isotope evidence
61%1998Cawley, S. J.; Pepper, A. S. et al.: Source rocks of the South Atlantic margins
61%1391996Higgins, Katrina M.: Sedimentary diagenesis of hydrothermally altered distal turbidites of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, ODP Leg 139
61%1682009Ishibashi, Jun-ichiro: Geochemical fluxes of hydrothermal fluid circulation within oceanic crust
61%1551996Normark, W. R.; Damuth, J. E. et al.: Sedimentary facies recovered from Amazon Fan during ODP Leg 155; II, Synthesis of depositional processes from core and wire-line log data
61%1552002Damuth, John E.; Pirmez, Carlos: The Amazon-HARP fan model; a key to sandy reservoir facies distribution in submarine fans and channel systems
2006Normark, William R.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Sea-level and tectonic control of middle to late Pleistocene turbidite systems in Santa Monica Basin, offshore California
2011Cowen, J. P.; Lin, Hueiting et al.: 1997 to present; quality and versatile access to the deep biosphere with coupled advanced CORKs and fluid pumping systems
2012Berndt, Christian; Jacobs, Colin et al.: Kilometre-scale polygonal seabed depressions in the Hatton Basin, NE Atlantic Ocean; constraints on the origin of polygonal faulting
1993Glenn, Craig R.; Kronen, John D., Jr. et al.: High-resolution sequence stratigraphy, condensed sections, and flooding events off the Great Barrier Reef; 0.1.5 Madownload
59%1981Melguen, Marthe: La banque des donnees DSDP-IPOD au Bureau national des donnees oceaniques The DSDP-IPOD data bank at the French National Oceanic Data Bureau
59%961985Kohl, Barry: Biostratigraphy and sedimentation rates of the Mississippi Fan
59%961985Bouma, Arnold H.; Normark, William R. et al.: COMFAN; needs and initial results
59%1985Normark, William R.; Barnes, Neal E. et al.: Comments and new directions for deep-sea fan research
59%961985Bryant, William R.: Consolidated characteristics and excess pore water pressures of Mississippi Fan sediments
59%961985Kennicutt, Mahlon C., II; Pflaum, Ronald C. et al.: Geochemistry of Mississippi Fan sediments
1977Flower, M. F. J.; Robinson, P. T. et al.: Magma fractionation systems beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 36-37 degrees N
59%1985Allerton, W. S. Q.; Vine, F. J.: Grabens in the Troodos; a preliminary investigation
59%1581994Humphris, Susan; Herzig, Peter et al.: TAG: drilling an active hydrothermal system on a sediment-free slow-spreading ridge
59%1162000Gopala Rao, D.; Krishna, K. S. et al.: Geophysical studies of the intraplate deformation zone, central Indian Ocean
59%1992Arculus, Richard J.: Development of arc systems in the western Pacific; results from the 1989-'90 Ocean Drilling Program
59%2002Soeding, E.; Hay, W. W. et al.: New paleontological and chronostratigraphical tools in the ODSN database
1995Ogg, James G.: Aptian-Albian sequences in Pacific guyot carbonate systems and implications for Mid-Cretaceous time scale
1993Manning, C. E.: High-temperature gabbro metamorphism at Hess Deep and the root zones of EPR hydrothermal systems
59%1991Gieskes, Joris M.; Shaw, Timothy et al.: Interstitial water and hydrothermal water chemistry, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
59%961985Stelting, Charles E.: Migratory characteristics of a mid-fan meander belt, Mississippi Fan
59%961985Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M.: Mississippi Fan; Leg 96 Program and principal results
59%1978Hawkins, J. W.; Melchior, J. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of Mariana Trough dredge samples
59%1701998Meschede, M.; Barckhausen, U. et al.: New cause for abandoned spreading ridges discounts Galapagos origin for the Cocos Ridge
1981Bonnot-Courtois, Chantal: Distribution des terres rares dans les depots hydrothermaux de la zone FAMOUS et des Galapagos; comparaison avec les sediments metalliferes Distribution of rare earths in hydrothermal deposits from the FAMOUS and Galapagos areas; comparison with metalliferous sediments
1980Lalou, C.; Brichet, E.: Anomalously high uranium contents in the sediment under Galapagos hydrothermal mounds
59%1351991Hawkins, James W.; Parson, Lindsay: The evolution of arc-backarc systems; new insights from Ocean Drilling Project Leg 135 in the Lau Basin
59%1980Huerta, Raul: Seismic stratigraphic and structural analysis of Northest Campeche Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico
59%1391995Marchig, V.; Dietrich, P.: Hydrothermal activity in Middle Valley (East Pacific Rise 48N, Leg 139, ODP); chemical redistribution between sediment, igneous rocks and massive sulfides
59%1995Glenn, C. R.; Burnett, W. C. et al.: Peru margin phosphorites and paleoceanography
1995Tobin, Harold James: Prediction and effects of fluid pressure in active accretionary prism fault systems
59%1980Bibee, L. D.; Shor, G. G., Jr. et al.: Inter-arc spreading in the Mariana Trough
1999Meyers, Greg; Goldberg, Dave et al.: Petrophysical applications of new seismic-while-drilling technology in deep water
59%1581996Ludwig, Rainer: Porosity-seismic velocity relationship and evolution of shallow oceanic crust near spreading centers of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean
59%1995Carson, Bobb: Fluid expulsion on the Cascadia margin; partial control of a complex carbon budget
59%1291995Salimullah, A. R. M.: Formation MicroScanner images (FMS); application in sedimentology
1990Droxler, A. W.: Results of ODP Legs 101 and 115: Cenozoic evolution of two carbonate systems in the Bahamas and in the Maldives: effects of subsidence and sea level variations
59%1121992Ibaraki, Masako: Planktonic Foraminifera of the crustal upwelling area off Peru since the Pleistocene
2003McConachy, Tim F.; Binns, Ray A.: Modern seafloor hydrothermal systems and ore forming processes
59%2008Diepenbroek, M.; Huber, R. et al.: Scientific Earth Drilling Information Service, SEDIS
1992Powell, A. James; Lewis, Jane et al.: The palynological expressions of post-Palaeogene upwelling; a review
2008Romans, Brian William: Controls on distribution, timing, and evolution of turbidite systems in tectonically active settings; the Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation, southern Chile, and the Holocene Santa Monica Basin, California
59%2005Cowen, J. P.; Glazer, B. et al.: Improved access to aging ocean basement biosphere for microbial geochemical studies
59%1986Mart, Yossi; Rabinowitz, Philip D.: The northern Red Sea and the Dead Sea Rift
59%1984Dingle, R. V.; Hendey, Q. B.: Late Mesozoic and Tertiary sediment supply to the eastern Cape Basin (SE Atlantic) and palaeo-drainage systems in Southwest Africa
59%1998Caress, D. W.; Clague, D. A. et al.: During May 1998, a 30 kHz EM300 multibeam bathymetry and sidescan survey was conducted in the Escanaba Trough, offshore of Northern California

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