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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 95 95-612 150 150-903 150-904 | 2001 | Glass, B. P.; Liu, Shaobin: Discovery of high-pressure ZrSiO (sub 4) polymorph in naturally occurring shock-metamorphosed zircons | |
96% | 74 74-527 | 1990 | Huffman, Alan Royce: Shock deformation and volcanism across the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition | |
91% | 95 95-612 150 150-903 150-904 | 2002 | Glass, Billy P.; Liu, Shiaobin et al.: Reidite; an impact-produced high-pressure polymorph of zircon found in marine sediments | |
82% | 77 77-536 | 2005 | Nakano, Yoichiro; Goto, Kazuhisa et al.: Shocked quartz distribution inside and outside the Chicxulub Crater | |
76% | 314 314-C0002 315 315-C0002 326 326-C0002 332 332-C0002 338 338-C0002 | 2011 | Kimura, T.; Araki, E. et al.: The development and evaluation of borehole sensors installed at IODP Site C0002 observatory in the Nankai Trough | |
68% | 121 121-758 | 1993 | Koeberl, Christian: Extraterrestrial component associated with Australasian microtektites in a core from ODP Site 758B | |
68% | 95 95-612 | 1989 | Glass, Billy P.: North American tektite debris and impact ejecta from DSDP Site 612 | |
68% | 64 | 1994 | McHargue, Lanny Ray: A 50,000 year (super 10) Be record from Gulf of California sediments | |
67% | 95 95-612 150 150-903 150-904 | 2001 | Glass, B. P.; Liu, S. et al.: Discovery of a naturally-occurring, shock-produced, high-pressure zircon polymorph | |
61% | 95 95-612 | 2010 | Harris, R. Scott; Roden, Michael F. et al.: In situ tektite glass and upper Eocene impact stratigraphy of the Southeastern United States | download |
54% | 95 95-612 | 1988 | Glass, B. P.: Montagnais impact crater; possible source of the North American tektite strewn field | |
54% | 95 95-612 | 1992 | Poag, C. Wylie; Poppe, Lawrence J. et al.: Distribution, volume, and depositional origin of upper Eocene bolide-generated sediments along the U. S. East Coast | |
54% | 95 95-612 150 150-903 150-904 | 1996 | Glass, B. P.; McHugh, C. M. G.: More upper Eocene (North American?) tektites and impact ejecta off New Jersey | |
54% | | 2004 | Ono, Shigeaki; Funakoshi, Kenichi et al.: Phase transition of zircon at high P-T conditions | |
54% | 86 86-576 | 1993 | Bostwick, Jennifer A.; Kyte, Frank T.: Impact mineralogy and chemistry of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at DSDP Site 576 | |
54% | 91 91-596 | 1991 | Bohor, B. F.; Betterton, W. J.: Mineralogy of the K/T boundary in a deep-sea core; DSDP 596 | |
54% | 77 77-536 | 1996 | Rocchia, R.; Robin, E. et al.: Stratigraphic distribution of extraterrestrial markers at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Gulf of Mexico area; implications for the temporal complexity of the event | |
54% | 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2003 | Koeberl, Christian; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisa: The stratigraphic record of impact events; a short overview | |
54% | 95 95-612 | 1988 | Bohor, B. F.; Betterton, W. J. et al.: Coesite, glass, and shocked quartz at DSDP Site 612; evidence for nearby impact in the late Eocene | |
54% | | 2008 | Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Jaime; Morgan, J. et al.: Future integrated ICDP-IODP drilling of the Chicxulub impact crater; scientific targets | |
54% | 115 115-709 | 2002 | Liu, S.; Kyte, Frank T. et al.: Discovery of coesite and shocked quartz associated with the upper Eocene CPX spherule layer | |
54% | | 2011 | Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Jaime; Camargo-Zanoguera, Antonio et al.: Discovery and focused study of the Chicxulub impact crater | |
54% | | 1984 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Core barrel instrumentation, pressure (CBIP) | download |
48% | 184 184-1143 184-1144 | 2006 | Glass, Billy P.; Koeberl, Christian: Australasian microtektites and associated impact ejecta in the South China Sea and the middle Pleistocene supereruption of Toba | |
48% | 314 314-C0002 315 315-C0002 326 326-C0002 332 332-C0002 338 338-C0002 | 2011 | Kyo, N.; Saruhashi, T. et al.: Deployment operation of NanTroSEIZE C0002 riserless LTBMS | |
48% | 60 60-453 | 2006 | Guenther, Roland H.; Klemperer, Simon L. et al.: Modeling sideswipe in 2D oceanic seismic surveys from sonar data; application to the Mariana Arc | download |
46% | 95 95-612 150 150-903 150-904 | 2002 | Kamo, Sandra L.; Krogh, T. E. et al.: U-Pb study of shocked zircons from the North American microtektite layer | download |
42% | 142 142-864 | 1993 | Briggs, James E.; Lawrence, Roland P. et al.: Diamond coring system phase IIB | download |
41% | 77 77-536 77-540 | 2011 | Goto, K.; Nakano, Y. et al.: Abundance, grain size and PDF orientations of shocked quartz grains around the Chicxulub Crater | download |
41% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1996 | Wetzel, Laura Reiser; Shock, Everett L.: Numerical modeling of hydrothermal circulation throughout the oceanic crust suggests a spreading rate dependence of fluid and heat flow patterns | |
41% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1996 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A. et al.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary on the Pacific Plate; composition and distribution of impact debris | |
41% | | 2003 | Abbott, Dallas H.; Manzer, Dominic: Effects and implications of a proposed Gulf of Maine K/T impact | |
41% | 113 113-689 114 114-699 114-703 125 125-786 150 150-903 150-904 174A 174A-1073 177 177-1090 | 2006 | Liu, Shaobin: Characterization, geographic distribution, and number of upper Eocene impact ejecta layers and their correlations with source craters | |
41% | 207 207-1258 207-1259 | 2009 | Schulte, P.; Deutsch, A. et al.: A dual layer Chicxulub ejecta sequence with shocked carbonates from the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary, Demerara Rise, western Atlantic | download |
41% | 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2002 | Huber, Brian T.; MacLeod, Kenneth G. et al.: Abrupt extinction and subsequent reworking of Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary; evidence from the subtropical North Atlantic | |
41% | | 1999 | Kyte, Frank T.: Cretaceous-Tertiary impact ejecta; distribution, composition, and implications for impact and extinction mechanisms | |
41% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1996 | Bostwick, Jennifer A.; Kyte, Frank T.: The size and abundance of shocked quartz in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments from the Pacific Basin | |
38% | 121 121-752 | 1991 | Schuraytz, B. C.; O'Connell, S. O. et al.: Data report; Iridium and trace element measurements from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, Site 752, Broken Ridge, Indian Ocean | download |
34% | 95 95-612 | 1992 | Fernandes, Allan: An investigation of impact ejecta in upper Eocene sediments on the continental slope off New Jersey | |
34% | 130 130-803 198 198-1209 207 207-1258 208 208-1262 | 2006 | Morgan, Joanna; Lana, Cristiano et al.: Analyses of shocked quartz at the global K-P boundary indicate an origin from a single, high-angle, oblique impact at Chicxulub | download |
34% | 86 86-576 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1995 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A. et al.: Identification and characterization of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at ODP sites 886 and 803 and DSDP Site 576 | download |
34% | 207 207-1258 207-1259 | 2009 | Schulte, P.; Deutsch, A. et al.: A dual-layer Chicxulub ejecta sequence with shocked carbonates from the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary, ODP Leg 207, western Atlantic | download |
32% | | 2004 | Glass, Billy P.: Distal impact ejecta from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater | download |
32% | 95 95-612 150 150-904 | 2004 | Lev, Steven M.: An isotopic and trace element investigation of melt-rock and impact breccia from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater to establish the source of the North American tektite strewn field | download |
32% | 95 95-612 95-613 | 2004 | Palmer-Julson, Amanda: Pre- and post-impact paleoceanographic conditions on the Eocene mid-Atlantic continental margin; evidence from radiolarians | download |
27% | 26 | 1974 | Peirce, J. W.; Denham, C. R. et al.: Paleomagnetic results of basalt samples from DSDP Leg 26, southern Indian Ocean | download |
26% | 150 150-904 | 1996 | McHugh, Cecilia M. G.; Snyder, Scott W. et al.: Upper Eocene tektites of the New Jersey continental margin, Site 904 | download |
24% | 189 189-1169 | 2002 | Elkins Tanton, L. T.; Kelly, D. C. et al.: Microtektites as vapor condensates, and a possible new strewn field at 5 Ma | download |
24% | 184 184-1144 | 2003 | Glass, B. P.: Australasian microtektites in the South China Sea; implications regarding the location and size of the source crater | download |
24% | 132 | 1991 | Reudelhuber, Daniel H.; Howard, Steven P.: The diamond coring system; Phase II (4500 m depth capability) | download |
24% | 314 314-C0002 315 315-C0002 319 319-C0010 326 326-C0002 332 332-C0002 332-C0010 338 338-C0002 | 2010 | Kitada, Kazuya; Araki, Eiichiro et al.: Drill pipe monitoring of vortex-induced vibration during IODP Expedition 332 observatory installations | download |
23% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1984 | Ballard, J. A.; Mulcahy, Carl C. et al.: The borehole seismic experiment in Hole 395A; engineering and installation | download |
21% | 95 95-612 | 1987 | Thein, Jean E.: A tektite layer in upper Eocene sediments of the New Jersey continental slope (Site 612, Leg 95) | download |
21% | 73 73-524 | 1984 | Hsue, Kenneth J.: A scenario for the terminal Cretaceous event | download |
21% | 157 | 1998 | Fuller, Michael; Hastedt, M. et al.: Coring-induced magnetization of recovered sediment | download |
20% | 34 | 1976 | Mitchell, W. S.; Aumento, F.: Fission track chronology and uranium content of basalts from DSDP Leg 34 | download |
20% | | 1984 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Wireline re-entry system | download |
20% | 84 84-567 | 2003 | Tagle, Roald; Erzinger, J. et al.: Platinum group elements analysis of impactites from the ICDP Chicxulub drill core Yax-1; are there traces of the impactor? | download |
19% | 22 22-213 22-214 22-216 22-217 | 1974 | Sclater, John G.; Erickson, Albert J.: Geothermal measurements on Leg 22 of the D/V Glomar Challenger | download |
19% | 201 | 2006 | Holm, Nils G.; Dumont, Marion et al.: Alkaline fluid circulation in ultramafic rocks and formation of nucleotide constituents; a hypothesis | download |
19% | 124 | 1990 | Howard, Steven P.: Development and testing of the diamond coring system on Leg 124E | download |
18% | 121 | 1991 | Smit, Jan; van Eijden, A. J. M. et al.: Analysis of the Australasian microtektite event, the Toba Lake event, and the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary, eastern Indian Ocean | download |
17% | 109 | 1990 | Krammer, Kristian: Magnetic susceptibility log measured in Hole 395A, Leg 109 | download |
17% | 37 37-332 37-335 | 1977 | Mitchell, W. S.; Aumento, Fabrizio: Fission track chronology of basaltic glasses from DSDP Leg 37 | download |
17% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Erickson, A.; Hyndman, R. D.: Downhole temperature measurements and thermal conductivities of samples, Site 396 Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 46 | download |
17% | 78 78-541 78-542 78-543 | 1984 | Marlow, Michael S.; Lee, Homa J. et al.: Physical properties of sediment from the Lesser Antilles margin along the Barbados Ridge; results from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A | download |
15% | 47 47-398 47-398D | 1979 | Iaccarino, S.; Silva, I. P.: Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of DSDP Hole 398D, Leg 47B, Vigo Seamount, Spain | download |
15% | 47 47-397 47-398 | 1979 | Laughter, F. H. (ed.); Fagerberg, E. M. (ed.) et al.: Leg 47, Part 2 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Vigo, Spain to Brest, France; April-May 1976 | download |
15% | 179 | 1998 | Casey, John F.; Pettigrew, Thomas L. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 179 scientific prospectus; hammer drilling and NERO | download |
14% | 43 | 1979 | Demars, K. R.; Nacci, V. A. et al.: Engineering and other physical property data, Leg 43 | download |
14% | 319 319-C0010 332 332-C0010 | 2010 | Kopf, Achim; Saffer, Demian M. et al.: The Smartplug and GeniusPlug; simple retrievable observatory systems for NanTroSEIZE borehole monitoring | download |
14% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Dick, H. J. B.; Honnorez, J. et al.: Origin of the abyssal basaltic sand, sandstone, and gravel from DSDP Hole 396B, Leg 46 | download |
14% | 308 308-U1319 308-U1320 308-U1321 308-U1322 308-U1323 308-U1324 | 2006 | Flemings, Peter B.; Behrmann, Jan H. et al.: Methods | download |
14% | 158 158-957 | 1996 | McGrath, Scott P.; Miyazaki, Eigo: Advances in the Motor-Driven Core Barrel (MDCB) | download |
14% | 105 105-646 105-647 | 1989 | Dadey, Kathleen A.; Silva, Armand J.: Consolidation and strength of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from sites 646 and 647, ODP Leg 105 | download |
14% | 177 177-1090 | 2003 | Kyte, Frank T.: Identification of late Eocene impact deposits at ODP Site 1090 | download |
14% | | 2010 | Vannucchi, Paola; Ujiie, Kohtaro et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 334 scientific prospectus; Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP); sampling and quantifying input to the seismogenic zone and fluid output | download |
14% | 157 157-953 | 1998 | Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Sumita, Mari: Tephra event stratigraphy and emplacement of volcaniclastic sediments, Mogan and Fataga stratigraphic intervals; Part II, Origin and emplacement of volcaniclastic layers | download |
13% | 177 177-1089 | 2011 | Anderson, Robert F.; Fleisher, Martin Q.: Deep ocean carbonate chemistry on millennial to Milankovitch time scales | download |
13% | 324 324-U1349 | 2011 | Almeev, R.; Portnyagin, M. et al.: Highly depleted melt inclusions in olivine from Shatsky Rise | download |
13% | 209 209-1271 | 2011 | Abe, Natsue: Rutile included in the podiform chromitite from ocean floor at MAR 15 degrees 20'N FZ, Site 1271, ODP Leg 209 | download |
13% | 160 160-967 | 2011 | Azrieli, Irit; Matthews, A. et al.: Low molybdenum isotope compositions in euxinic sapropel S1 | download |
13% | | 2011 | Antler, Gilad; Turchyn, Alexandra V. et al.: Mechanics of bacterial sulfate reduction deduced from sulfur and oxygen isotopes in pore fluid sulfate | download |
13% | | 1972 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes; Leg 19 through Leg 25, July 20, 1971 through August 22, 1972 | download |
12% | 121 121-758 | 2003 | Chen, Chang-Hwa; Ku, Y. P. et al.: The Toba Tuff in the Peninsula India; as a clue for the Acheulian puzzle | download |
12% | 118 118-732 118-733 118-734 118-735 176 176-735 | 1989 | Howard, Steven P.: Advances in hard-rock drilling and coring techniques, ODP Leg 118 | download |
12% | 113 113-695 113-696 113-697 114 114-701 | 1991 | Hubberten, Hans W.; Morche, Wolfgang et al.: Geochemical investigation of volcanic ash layers from southern Atlantic legs 113 and 114 | download |
12% | | 1984 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations plan | download |
12% | 82 82-556 82-558 82-563 82-564 | 1985 | Hill, Ian Ashley; Cande, Steven C.: Downhole logging and laboratory physical properties measurements | download |
12% | 110 110-671 110-672 110-673 110-674 110-675 110-676 | 1988 | Barnes, Ross O.: ODP in-situ fluid sampling and measurement; a new wireline tool | download |
12% | | 1992 | Forsythe, Randy; Prior, David J.: Cenozoic continental geology of South American and its relations to the evolution of the Chile triple junction | download |
12% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Schmincke, H. U.; Robinson, P. T. et al.: Basaltic hyaloclastites from Hole 396B, DSDP Leg 46 | download |
12% | 155 155-931 155-932 | 1997 | Cisowski, Stanley M.; Hall, Frank R.: An examination of the paleointensity record and geomagnetic excursions recorded in Leg 155 cores | download |
12% | 21 | 1973 | Von Herzen, R. P.: Geothermal measurements, Leg 21 | download |
12% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Klaver, Gerard T.; van Kempen, Theo M. G. et al.: Green spherules as indicators of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 603B | download |
12% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1987 | Harris, Michael M.; Ballard, J. Alan et al.: Marine seismic system experiment | download |
10% | 334 334-U1378 334-U1379 334-U1380 334-U1381 344 344-U1380 344-U1381 | 2012 | Vannucchi, Paola; Ujiie, Kohtaro et al.: Expedition 334 summary | download |
10% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1980 | Bleil, U.; Smith, B.: Paleomagnetism of basalts, Leg 51 | download |
10% | 60 | 1982 | Uyeda, Seiya; Horai, Ki-Iti: Heat flow measurements on Deep Sea Srilling Project Leg 60 | download |
10% | 139 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Becker, Keir et al.: CORK; a hydrologic seal and downhole observatory for deep-ocean boreholes | download |
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