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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1994 | Ramsay, A. T. S.; Sykes, T. J. S. et al.: Sedimentary hiatuses as indicators of fluctuating oceanic water masses; a new model | |
94% | 72 72-516 90 90-588 94 94-608 | 2002 | Ennyu, Atsuhito; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Fine-fraction carbonate stable isotopes as indicators of seasonal shallow mixed-layer paleohydrography | |
83% | | 1981 | Schlanger, Seymour O.: Shallow-water limestones in oceanic basins as tectonic and paleoceanographic indicators | |
83% | | 1991 | Busson, G.; Noel, D.: Les Nannoconides, indicateurs environnementaux des oceans et mers epicontinentales du Jurassique terminal et du Cretace inferieur Nannoconids as environmental indicators of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous oceans and epicontinental seas | |
83% | 29 | 1977 | Kroopnick, P. M.; Margolis, S. V. et al.: delta >13) C variations in marine carbonate sediments as indicators of the CO<2) balance between the atmosphere and oceans | |
83% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1988 | Goldberg, D.; Becker, K.: Indicators of in situ fracture permeability in oceanic Layer 3 | |
83% | 29 | 1975 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P. M.: Oxygen and carbon isotopes from calcareous nannofossils as paleoceanographic indicators | |
83% | | 1973 | Scheibnerova, Viera: Non-tropical Cretaceous foraminifera in Atlantic deep-sea cores and their implications for continental drift and palaeoceanography of the South Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | 64 64-480 | 1984 | Wang, Chung-Ho: (super 18) O/ (super 16) O ratios in marine diatoms as paleoclimate and paleoceanography indicators for the late Quaternary | |
83% | | 1979 | Katz, B. J.; Harrison, C. G. A. et al.: Potential organic indicators of diagenesis and early catagenesis | |
82% | | 1977 | Herring, James R.: Charcoal fluxes into Cenozoic sediments of the North Pacific | |
82% | 138 | 1992 | The color of mud; drilling in the eastern Equatorial Pacific | |
82% | | 1991 | Wetzel, Andreas: Ecologic interpretation of deep-sea trace fossil communities | |
71% | | 1981 | Kennett, James P.: Marine tephrochronology | |
71% | | 1981 | Savin, Samuel M.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Stable isotopes in ocean sediments | |
71% | | 1975 | Poore, Richard Zell: Late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology of the North Atlantic Ocean; DSDP Leg 12 | |
71% | | 1985 | Akiyama, Masahiko: Increasing rate of sedimentation with the geologic history | |
71% | | 1974 | Ciesielski, Paul F.; Weaver, Fred M.: Early Pliocene Temperature Changes in the Antarctic Seas | |
71% | | 1975 | Leinen, M.: Biogenic silica sedimentation in the central equatorial Pacific during the Cenozoic | |
71% | 37 | 1976 | Friedrichsen, H.; Hoernes, S.: Oxygen isotope studies on oceanic basalts of Leg 37 | |
71% | | 1986 | Oberhaensli, Hedi: Latest Cretaceous-early Neogene oxygen and carbon isotopic record at DSDP sites in the Indian Ocean | |
71% | | 1973 | Winterer, Edward L.: Sedimentary Facies and Plate Tectonics of Equatorial Pacific | |
71% | | 1973 | Hay, William W.: Significance of Paleontologic Results of Deep-Sea Drilling Project Legs 1-9 | |
71% | | 1989 | Horrell, Mark A.: Oxygen isotope-based sea surface paleotemperatures; a question of reliability | |
71% | | 1978 | Palmer, S. E.; Baker, E. W.: Copper porphyrins in deep-sea sediments; a possible indicator of oxidized terrestrial organic matter | |
71% | | 1996 | Sykes, Tim J. S.: A correction for sediment load upon the ocean floor; uniform versus varying sediment density estimations; implications for isostatic correction | |
71% | | 1974 | Olsson, Richard K.: Pleistocene paleoceanography and Globigerina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) in site 36, DSDP, northeastern Pacific | |
71% | | 1979 | Sackett, W. M.: Stable carbon isotopes as paleoclimatological tool | |
71% | | 1977 | Riedel, W. R.; Sanfilippo, A.: Cainozoic Radiolaria | |
71% | | 1973 | Thompson, Peter R.; Saito, Tsunemasa: Equatorial Pacific climatic fluctuations during the last 500,000 years | |
71% | | 1987 | Anonymous: Report of the Second conference on Scientific Ocean Drilling (COSOD II) | |
71% | | 1978 | Baker, E. W.; Eglinton, G.: Organic geochemistry related developments in the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | | 2006 | Dale, Sylvie: Recent advances session casts critical but hopeful eye at new technologies and methods | |
71% | | 1988 | Child, Charles Joseph: The reliability of paleotemperatures from Cretaceous DSDP Inoceramus | |
71% | 42 42-379 | 1978 | Nardone, Craig D.: Study of sediment provenance at DSDP Site 379A, Black Sea, based on the isotopic composition of strontium | |
71% | | 1982 | Ibach, Lynne E. Johnson: Relationship between sedimentation rate and total organic carbon content in ancient marine sediments | |
71% | | 1971 | Olsson, R. K.: Pliocene-Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the northeastern Pacific | |
71% | | 1994 | Usui, Akira; Ito, Takashi: Fossil manganese deposits buried within DSDP/ODP cores, legs 1-126 | |
71% | | 1993 | Krumenaker, Larry: Works in progress; under the boardwalk | |
67% | 105 | 1990 | Hillaire-Marcel, Claude; de Vernal, Anne et al.: A review of geochemical and micropaleontological paleoproductivity indicators in deep Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay sediments | |
67% | 117 117-728 | 1992 | Steens, Tineke N. F.; Ganssen, Gerald et al.: Oxygen and carbon isotopes in planktonic Foraminifera as indicators of upwelling intensity and upwelling-induced high productivity in sediments from the northwestern Arabian Sea | |
67% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 1998 | Pettke, Thomas; Rea, David K. et al.: Geochemistry, mineralogy and flux of Cenozoic eolian dust to the North Pacific; source indicators, paleoclimatic proxies, or both? | |
67% | 308 | 2005 | Jiang Shaoyong; Gilhooly, W. P. et al.: Pore water chemistry as sensitive indicators for fluid flow in Brazos-Trinity Basin \#4 and Ursa Basin, northeast Gulf of Mexico (IODP Expedition 308) | |
67% | 122 122-761 | 1994 | Rocchia, R.; Robin, E. et al.: Ni-rich spinels (meteoric spinels) as indicators of the KT event timing | |
67% | 169 169-1034 169S | 1998 | Whiticar, Michael J.; McQuoid, M. R.: Stable carbon isotopes as indicators of annual and seasonal variations in organic matter from Saanich Inlet sediments since the last glaciation | |
67% | 184 184-1143 | 2003 | Huang Wei; Liu Zhifei et al.: Searching for physical indicators of carbonate content in deep-sea sediments | |
67% | 162 162-980 177 177-1094 | 1999 | Kunz-Pirrung, Martina; Gersonde, Rainer: Diatoms as indicators for short-term climate change during marine isotope stage 11 in the Southern Ocean (Leg 177, Site 1094) | |
67% | 178 178-1098 178-1099 | 2000 | Brachfeld, Stephanie: Rock magnetic indicators of environmental change along the Antarctic Peninsula | |
59% | | 1998 | D'Hondt, Steven: Isotopic proxies for ecological collapse and recovery from mass extinctions | |
59% | 118 | 1990 | Hebert, Rejean; Constantin, Marc et al.: Hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic layer 3; evidences from Leg 118 gabbroic rocks | |
59% | | 1981 | Thiede, Joern: Reworked neritic fossils in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments monitor sea-level changes | |
59% | 3 39 | 1981 | Robert, C.: Santonian to Eocene palaeogeographic evolution of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic) deduced from clay-mineralogical data (DSDP legs 3 and 39) | |
59% | 13 | 1974 | Kuhn, Robert; Hsu, Kenneth J.: Bromine Content of Mediterranean Halite | |
59% | | 1983 | Delaney, M. L.; Boyle, E. A.: Inorganic calcite trace element distribution coefficients and modelling of carbonate diagenesis | |
59% | | 1985 | Bourgois, J.; Glacon, G.: Foraminiferes planctoniques et paleoenvironnement post-oligocene du mur interne de la fosse d'Amerique Centrale (Leg 84 du Glomar Challenger, Guatemala et Costa Rica) Planktonic foraminifers and post-Oligocene paleoenvironment of the internal wall of the Middle America Trench; Leg 84 of the Glomar Challenger, Guatemala and Costa Rica | |
59% | 56 57 | 1985 | Fujioka, Kantaro: Geology of volcanogenic sediments of the Japan Trench area and Tertiary explosive volcanism of the NE Japan Arc | |
59% | 12 12-116 | 1975 | Poore, R. Z.; Berggren, W. A.: Late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology of Hatton-Rockall Basin; DSDP Site 116 | |
59% | | 1988 | Carlson, Richard; Sager, William et al.: Ocean drilling and tectonic frames of reference | |
59% | 13 | 1979 | Pierre, Catherine; Fontes, Jean Charles: Oxygene 18, carbone 13, deuterium et soufre 34; marqueurs geochimiques de la diagenese et du paleomilieu evaporitiques du Messinien de la Mediterranee O-18, C-13, deuterium and S-34; geochemical indicators for the diagenesis and evaporite paleoenvironment of the Messinian in the Mediterranean region | |
59% | 73 73-522 | 1985 | Mead, Gregory A.; Tauxe, Lisa: Sedimentation rates in DSDP Site 522, carbonate content, and implications for the geomagnetic reversal time scale | |
59% | 28 28-266 29 29-278 | 1977 | Keany, J.: Late Cenozoic Antarctic radiolarian distributions; their paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic implications | |
59% | 21 28 29 | 1977 | Burns, D. A.: Major features of oceanographic development of the Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific oceans interpreted from microfossil evidence | |
59% | 19 19-192 | 1977 | Scholl, D. W.; Hein, J. R. et al.: Meiji sediment tongue; North Pacific evidence for limited movement between the Pacific and North American plates | |
59% | | 1985 | Keller, Gordon; Chi, W. R. et al.: Global sedimentation and distribution of deep-sea hiatuses; late Eocene - Oligocene | |
59% | | 1987 | Blanc-Vernet, L.: Foraminiferes benthiques et paleoenvironnements pliocenes et quaternaires dans l'Atlantique nord-occidental d'apres les donnees de forages DSDP (Legs 76 et 93) Benthic foraminifera and Pliocene and Quaternary paleoenvironments in the Northwest Atlantic from DSDP, legs 76 and 93 drilling data | |
59% | 74 | 1987 | Shackleton, N. J.: The carbon isotope record of the Cenozoic; history of organic carbon burial and of oxygen in the ocean and atmosphere | |
59% | 29 | 1974 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P.: The history of ice-rafting and paleotemperatures in the Southern Ocean inferred from analysis of D.S.D.P. Leg 29 sediments | |
59% | 19 | 1975 | Edsall, D. W.: Temporal variations in Rb, Sr, Ti and Zr concentrations in upper Miocene to Recent Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg XIX ashes; magmatic evolution at a consuming margin | |
59% | | 1975 | Savin, S. M.; Douglas, R. G. et al.: Tertiary marine paleotemperatures | |
59% | | 1976 | Manheim, F. T.; Hall, R. E.: Deep evaporitic strata off New York and New Jersey; evidence from interstitial water chemistry of drill cores | |
59% | 39 39-357 | 1976 | Berggren, W. A.: Late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic) | |
59% | 31 | 1976 | Shih, T.: Marine magnetic anomalies in the West Philippine Basin | |
59% | | 1986 | Verosub, Kenneth L.; Steiner, Maureen et al.: Paleomagnetic objectives for the Ocean Drilling Program | |
59% | 10 10-85 10-90 10-91 | 1986 | Whynot, John David: Mineralogy and early diagenesis of deep Gulf of Mexico basin sediments | |
59% | | 1973 | Dymond, Jack; Corliss, John B. et al.: Origin of Metalliferous Sediments from the Pacific Ocean | |
59% | | 1973 | Anderson, Thomas F.: Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of altered carbonates from the western Pacific, core 53.0, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
59% | 151 151-909 | 1996 | Rinna, J.; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Hydrocarbons as indicators for provenance and thermal history of organic matter in late Cenozoic sediments from Hole 909C, Fram Strait | |
59% | 29 29-284 | 1978 | Doake, C. S. M.: Climatic change and geomagnetic field reversals; a statistical correlation | |
59% | 167 | 2002 | Mangelsdorf, K.; Guentner, U. et al.: Mid-chain diols and keto-ols as potential paleoenvironmental tracers for the California continental margin during the late Quaternary | |
59% | 39 | 1978 | Krinsley, D.; Wellendorf, W. et al.: The significance of broken quartz grains from Leg 39, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
59% | | 1987 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Atlantic Eocene planktonic foraminiferal paleohydrographic indicators and stable isotope paleoceanography | download |
59% | 145 | 1995 | Rea, David K.; Prueher, Libby M.: Volcanic activity and global change; probable short-term and possible long-term linkages | |
59% | 108 108-658 | 1991 | Dupont, Lydie M.; Beug, Hans-Juergen: Marine palynological studies off NW Africa | |
59% | 90 | 1983 | Morin, Roger: Physical properties at the ooze-chalk transition of sediments from the Lord Howe Rise; DSDP Leg 90 | |
59% | | 1974 | Bryan, George M.: In situ indications of gas hydrate | |
59% | | 1985 | Brassell, S. C.: Molecular changes in sediment lipids as indicators of systematic early diagenesis | |
59% | | 1981 | Gieskes, Joris M.: Deep-sea drilling interstitial water studies; implications for chemical alteration of the oceanic crust, layers I and II | |
59% | 64 64-480 | 1984 | Karlin, Robert: Paleomagnetism, rock magnetism, and diagenesis in hemipelagic sediments from the Northeast Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California | |
59% | | 1996 | Hinrichs, K. U.; Rinna, J. et al.: Sterols, long-chain alkenones, and terrestrial n-alcohols in Santa Barbara Basin sediments as paleoenvironmental indicators | |
59% | | 1984 | Smit, Jan; Kyte, Frank T.: Siderophile-rich magnetic spheroids from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Umbria, Italy | |
59% | 17 17-167 | 1984 | Ferreira, Mauricio G.; Talman, Stephen J.: delta (super 18) O variations in deep-sea cherts; a reevaluation of data from DSDP Site 167 | |
59% | | 1976 | Premoli-Silva, I.; Riedel, W. R. et al.: The results of the Deep Sea Drilling Project; a preliminary atlas; volume 1 | |
59% | 19 | 1976 | Edsall, D. W.: Trace elements in tephra as indicators of magmatic composition in the Aleutian Arc | |
59% | 28 29 | 1977 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P. M. et al.: Cenozoic and late Mesozoic paleoceanographic and paleoglacial history recorded in Circum-Antarctic deep-sea sediments | |
59% | | 1973 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Kulm, L. D.: Explosive, cyclic Aleutian arc volcanism; evidence from volcanic ash layers recovered from DSDP Site 178, Gulf of Alaska | |
59% | 95 95-612 | 1989 | Glass, Billy P.: North American tektite debris and impact ejecta from DSDP Site 612 | |
59% | 117 | 1991 | Krissek, Lawrence A.; Debrabant, P. et al.: Terrigenous components in Neogene sediments of the Owen Ridge, western Arabian Sea; evidence of tectonic uplift, monsoon activity, and paleoclimatic cyclicity | |
59% | | 1989 | Ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Steroid biological marker hydrocarbons as indicators of organic matter diagenesis in deep sea sediments; geochemical reactions and influence of different heat flow regimes | |
59% | | 1977 | Donaldson, C. H.; Brown, R. W.: Refractory megacrysts and magnesium-rich melt inclusions within spinel in oceanic tholeiites; indicators of magma mixing and parental magma composition | |
59% | 104 | 1990 | Nuernberg, D.: Spurenelemente in Foraminiferen als Anzeiger fuer palaeo-ozeanographische Aenderungen Trace elements in foraminifers as indicators for paleo-oceanographic changes | |
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