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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1987 | Schlich, R.; Munschy, M.: Forages profonds dans l'ocean Indien; programme O.D.P. 1987-1988 Deep drilling in the Indian Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program, 1987-1988 | |
89% | 25 27 | 1983 | Origlia Devos, Isabelle: Radiolaires du Jurassique superieur; Cretace inferieur; taxonomie et revision stratigraphique (zone du Pinde-Olonos, Grece; zone du Sciacca, Italie; complexe de Nicoya, Costa-Rica et forages du DSDP Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous radiolarians; taxonomy and stratigraphic revision; Pinde-Olonos Zone, Greece; Sciacca Zone, Italy; Nicoya Complex, Costa Rica and DSDP drillings | |
77% | 13 | 1979 | Pierre, Catherine; Fontes, Jean Charles: Oxygene 18, carbone 13, deuterium et soufre 34; marqueurs geochimiques de la diagenese et du paleomilieu evaporitiques du Messinien de la Mediterranee O-18, C-13, deuterium and S-34; geochemical indicators for the diagenesis and evaporite paleoenvironment of the Messinian in the Mediterranean region | |
77% | 25 25-246 | 1975 | Labracherie, M.: Description des Bryozoaires Cheilostomes d'age Eocene inferieur du site 246 (croisiere 25, Deep Sea Drilling Project) Description of lower Eocene cheilostome bryozoans at Site 246, Leg 25, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
76% | | 1983 | Pelletier, B.; Stephan, J. F. et al.: De la fosse des Mariannes a l'ile de Taiwan; geologie regionale The Marianna Trench at the island of Taiwan; regional geology | |
76% | | 1990 | Gibson, Ian L.; Saunders, Andy: Distinguishing lavas and sills in submarine sequences | |
76% | | 1979 | Roucache, J.; Deroo, G. et al.: Caracterisation par differentes methodes physico-chimiques de types de matiere organique dans des sediments du Cretace d'Atlantique en mer profonde Using different physico-chemical methods to characterize organic-matter types in Cretaceous sediments from the deep Atlantic Ocean | |
76% | | 1984 | Coulon, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre et al.: Donnees petrographiques, mineralogiques et geochimiques sur la transition basalts-sediments dans l'Atlantique Nord Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data on North Atlantic basalt-sediment transitions | |
76% | | 2003 | Gillis, K.; Salisbury, M.: Technological advances in ocean drilling; plans for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | |
72% | 66 67 84 | 1990 | Cadet, J. P.; Pouclet, A. et al.: Les cendres volcaniques sous-marines du Pacifique oriental, enregistrement du volcanisme explosif de l'Amerique centrale (large du Mexique et de Guatemala; Legs 66, 67 et 84 du Deep Sea Drilling Project) Submarine volcanic ash in the East Pacific; a record of explosive volcanism in Central America, largely Mexico and Guatemala, Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 66, 67 and 84 | |
72% | 128 | 1991 | Pouclet, A.; Charvet, J. et al.: Le Plancher volcanique du Bassin de Yamato, Mer du Japon; donnees du Leg ODP 128 a propos de l'ouverture du bassin d'arriere-arc Volcanic floor of the Yamato Basin, Japan Sea; data from ODP Leg 128 regarding the opening of the back-arc basin | |
70% | 76 76-534 77 77-535 | 1995 | Giraud, Fabienne: Recherche des periodicites astronomiques et des fluctuations du niveau marin a partir de l'etude du signal carbonate des series pelagiques alternantes; application au Cretace inferieur du Sud-Est de la France (Bassin Vocontien), de l'Atlantique central (site 534 DSDP) et du Golfe du Mexique (site 535 DSDP) Research on astronomic periodicity and sea-level fluctuations using the carbonate signal of alternating pelagic series; application to Lower Cretaceous from southeastern France, Vocontian Basin, from central Atlantic, DSDP Site 534, and from the Gulf of Mexico, DSDP Site 535 | |
63% | 118 | 1990 | Hebert, Rejean; Constantin, Marc et al.: Hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic layer 3; evidences from Leg 118 gabbroic rocks | |
63% | | 1981 | Melguen, Marthe: La banque des donnees DSDP-IPOD au Bureau national des donnees oceaniques The DSDP-IPOD data bank at the French National Oceanic Data Bureau | |
63% | | 1983 | Maillot, H.: Les paleoenvironnements de l'Atlantique Sud; Apport de la geochimie sedimentaire Paleoenvironment of the South Atlantic; sedimentary geochemistry | |
63% | | 1985 | Bourgois, J.; Glacon, G.: Foraminiferes planctoniques et paleoenvironnement post-oligocene du mur interne de la fosse d'Amerique Centrale (Leg 84 du Glomar Challenger, Guatemala et Costa Rica) Planktonic foraminifers and post-Oligocene paleoenvironment of the internal wall of the Middle America Trench; Leg 84 of the Glomar Challenger, Guatemala and Costa Rica | |
63% | 118 | 1988 | Robinson, Paul T.; Hebert, Rejean: Oceanic gabbros from the Atlantis II fracture zone, Southwest Indian Ridge | |
63% | | 1988 | Davis, Earl E.; Bornhold, Brian D.: ODP drilling plans for the Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean | |
63% | | 1988 | Scott, Steven D.: ODP drilling plans for the western Pacific 1988-1990; a wealth of tectonic, petrologic and paleoceanographic delights | |
63% | | 1988 | Damotte, R.: Ostracodes cretaces du forage 95, Campagne JOIDES 10, Golfe du Mexique Cretaceous ostracods from Well 95, JOIDES 10, Gulf of Mexico | |
63% | 114 114-700 114-704 | 1990 | Mwenifumbo, C. Jonathan: Geochemical logging at ODP sites 700 and 704, Leg 114 | |
63% | 44 | 1989 | Fourcade, Eric; Granier, Bruno: Age des carbonates de plate-forme du Site 392A DSDP (Leg 44), arge atlantique du continent nord-americain Age of the platform carbonates from DSDP Site 392A (Leg 44), Atlantic margin of North America | |
63% | 103 | 1988 | Boillot, Gilbert: Extensional tectonics of the West Galicia margin (Spain) | |
63% | 114 | 1988 | Nobes, D. C.; Mienert, J.: From hiatuses to cyclicity; an Ocean Drilling Program perspective of physical property applications | |
63% | | 1982 | Deregnaucourt, D.; Boillot, G.: Structure geologique du golfe de Gascogne Geologic structure of Bay of Biscay | |
63% | 12 12-118 12-119 | 1978 | Fonseca, B.: Contribution a l'etude du nannoplancton du Leg. 12, sites 118-119 (Ocean Atlantique) Nannoplankton from Leg 12, sites 118-119, Atlantic Ocean | |
63% | 116 | 1990 | France-Lanord, Christian; Michard, Annie et al.: Geochimie isotopique H, O, Sr & Nd des turbidites du cone du Bengale (ODP Leg 116); la denudation de l'Himalaya H, O, Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry of turbidites of the Bengal Fan (ODP Leg 116); denudation of the Himalayas | |
63% | 108 | 1991 | Latouche, C.; Maillet, N. et al.: Impact des echanges paleohydrologiues et des paleoclimats sur la sedimentation argileuse (Leg 108, Atlantique N.E.) The impact of paleohydrologic exchanges and paleoclimate and their impact upon clay sedimentation, Leg 108, Northeast Atlantic | |
63% | | 1991 | Busson, G.; Noel, D.: Les Nannoconides, indicateurs environnementaux des oceans et mers epicontinentales du Jurassique terminal et du Cretace inferieur Nannoconids as environmental indicators of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous oceans and epicontinental seas | |
63% | 120 | 1990 | Heider, Franz; Leitner, Beate et al.: Magnetostratigraphy and rock magnetic properties of sediments from the Kerguelen Plateau Leg 120 ODP | |
63% | | 1995 | Londeix, L.: Les kystes de dinoflagelles du Golfe de Hammamet (Tunisie); contribution a la reconstitution paleoenvironnementale du Pliocene mediterraneen Dinoflagellate cysts from the Gulf of Hammamet (Tunisia); a paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Mediterranean Pliocene | |
63% | 105 105-646 | 1989 | de Vernal, A.; Asku, A. E.: The Quaternary paleoclimatic trends in eastern Labrador Sea from a high resolution dinoflagellate cyst record spanning approximately 800.000 years | |
63% | 115 | 1989 | Greenough, John D.; Fryar, Brian J.: Evidence for mantle noble metal heterogeneity from ODP Leg 115 Indian Ocean basalts; implications for late stage meteoritic accretion of the Earth | |
63% | 157 | 1996 | Schneider, J. L.: Dynamique du talus volcanoclastique sous-marin de Gran Canaria (Iles Canaries); les donnees du Leg ODP 157 Dynamics of Grand Canary submarine volcaniclastic slope, Canary Islands; ODP Leg 157 data | |
63% | | 1979 | Schlich, R.; Muller, C. et al.: Le Maestrichtien du site 239 (D.S.D.P. ocean Indien) dans son cadre regional et son incidence sur l'echelle chronologique des inversions du champ magnetique terrestre The Maestrichtian at DSDP Site 239, Indian Ocean; regional framework and significance for the time-scale of terrestrial magnetic field reversals | |
63% | 121 | 1990 | Peirce, J. W.; Weissel, J. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and the K/T boundary; ODP Leg 121 on Broken Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
63% | 113 | 1988 | Schandl, Eva S.; Wicks, F. J.: Ice-rafted dropstones from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica | |
63% | 131 156 | 1995 | Brueckmann, Warner: Cause of anisotropic physical properties of accreted sediment; Barbados Ridge (Leg 156) and Nankai Trough (Leg 131) compared | |
63% | 123 123-765 | 1990 | Ludden, John: Petrological results of scientific drilling in Jurassic crust of the Indian Ocean | |
63% | 85 | 1990 | Mayer, Larry A.: Predictive carbonate stratigraphy; a new tool for extremely high-resolution paleoceanographic studies and the potential for the remote extraction of paleoclimatic data | |
63% | | 1983 | Muller, C.; Schaaf, A. et al.: Biochronostratigraphie des formations d'age cretace dans les forages du DSDP dans l'Ocean Atlantique nord; Premiere partie Biochronostratigraphy of Cretaceous formations in DSDP boreholes in the North Atlantic; Part one | |
63% | | 1986 | Gely, J. P.; Loreau, J. P.: La diagenese calcaire et ses modalites par comparaisons petrographiques des oolithes et de leur matrice micritique dans des carbonates resedimentes du Barremien du Pacifique (D.S.D.P. site 463) Limestone diagenesis and new features from comparative petrography of ooids and their micritic matrix in Barremian resedimented carbonates from the Pacific Ocean, D.S.D.P. Site 463 | |
63% | 130 | 1990 | Mosher, David C.; Mayer, Larry A. et al.: ODP Leg 130; the Ontong Java Plateau | |
63% | 192 | 2003 | Roberge, J.; White, R. V. et al.: Volatiles in Ontong Java Plateau basalts (ODP Leg 192); magmatic processes, source region compositions, and plateau subsidence | |
63% | | 2003 | Normark, W. R.: Geohazards of the Southern California offshore area; out of sight, out of mind? | |
63% | 138 | 1994 | Mayer, Larry A.; Janecek, Tom et al.: ODP Leg 138; a high-resolution look at the paleoceanography of the eastern Equatorial Pacific | |
63% | 204 | 2003 | Riedel, M.: ODP Leg 204; drilling gas hydrates on Hydrate Ridge | |
63% | | 1988 | Kaminsky, M. A.; Gradstein, Felix M. et al.: The Messinian event and the deep water history of the Eirik Ridge | |
63% | | 1988 | Mayer, Larry A.: The ODP sedmiments and ocean history program; a framework for future drilling | |
63% | 41 41-366 | 1980 | Vergnaud-Grazzini, C.; Rabussier Lointier, D.: Compositions isotopiques de l'oxygene et du carbone des foraminiferes tertiaires en Atlantique equatorial (site 366 du D.S.D.P.) Oxygen and carbon isotope composition of Tertiary foraminifera in the equatorial Atlantic; DSDP Site 366 | |
63% | 104 | 1986 | Eldholm, O.; Thiede, J. et al.: Resultats preliminaires de la campagne 104 du Joides-Resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) sur le plateau de Voering (Est de la Mer de Norvege): volcanisme lie aux premiers stades de distension d'une croute continentale. Fluctuations climatiques au Nord du Cercle Arctique au cours du Neogene et du Quaternaire Preliminary results of ODP Leg 104 to the Voring Plateau in the eastern Norwegian Sea; volcanism related to the rifting of continental crust; climatic fluctuations north of the Arctic Circle during Neogene and Quaternary time | |
63% | | 1971 | Laughton, A. S.; Berggren, W. A.: Deep sea drilling in the Bay of Biscay (DSDP Leg XII) | |
63% | | 1982 | Aubouin, J.: Le programme international de forages profonds (IPOD) International Phase of Ocean Drilling | |
62% | 12 12-116 | 1994 | France-Lanord, Christian; Derry, Louis A.: Variations de delta (super 13) C du carbone organique terrigene enfoui dans le cone du Bengale au Ne2.ogene; effet sur le cycle du carbone delta (super 13) C variations of terrigeneous organic carbon buried in the Neogene of the Bengal Fan; their effect on the carbon cycle | |
62% | 107 | 1986 | Mascle, G.; Sartori, R. et al.: Nature du substratum de la marge sarde; resultats des forages de la campagne 107 du JOIDES Resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) The substratum of the Sardinian Margin; results of Leg 107 of the JOIDES Resolution, Ocean Drilling Program | |
62% | 84 | 1982 | Aubouin, J.; Von Huene, Roland et al.: Subduction sans accretion; la marge pacifique du Guatemala; premiers resultats du Leg 84 du Deep Sea Drilling Project (janvier-fevrier 1982) Accretionless subduction on the Pacific margin of Guatemala; preliminary results from DSDP Leg 84, January-February 1982 | |
62% | 122 | 1989 | Dumont, T.; Galbrun, B. et al.: Distensions, subsidence, surelevation et variations du niveau marin sur la marge continentale sud-tethysienne du plateau d'Exmouth (NW de l'Australie); resultats preliminaires du Leg O.D.P. 122 Rift related subsidence, uplift and sea-level fluctuations on the Exmouth marginal plateau (Northwest Australian continental margin); preliminary results of ODP Leg 122 | |
62% | 12 12-116 41 41-366 | 1980 | Rabussier-Lointier, D.: Reconstitution paleoclimatique du Miocene inferieur d'apres les isotopes stables de l'oxygene et du carbone des Foraminiferes planctoniques Paleoclimatic reconstruction of the lower Miocene based on stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of planktonic foraminifera | |
62% | 10 10-97 77 77-536 77-539 77-540 | 1993 | Rodriguez-Saavedra, Alfredo: Sedimentation biogene et paleoenvironnement dans la plaine de Floride du Pliocene inferieur au Pleistocene superieur; nannofossiles calcaires et signaux sedimentaires appliques a la biostratigraphie; sites IPOD 536, 539, 540 et site DSDP 97 du golfe du Mexique Biogenic sedimentation and paleoenvironment of the Florida Plain from the lower Pliocene to the upper Pleistocene; calcareous nannofossils and sedimentary markers applied to biostratigraphy, IPOD Sites 536, 539, 540 and DSDP Site 97, Gulf of Mexico | |
62% | 138 138-851 | 1994 | Valet, Jean-Pierre; Meynadier, Laure et al.: Relative paleointensity across the last geomagnetic reversal from sediments of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans | download |
59% | | 1973 | Clauson, Georges: The eustatic hypothesis and the pre-Pliocene cutting of the Rhone Valley | download |
56% | 44 44-392 50 50-416 | 2006 | Granier, Bruno: On the trail of a major trans-Tethyan discontinuity | download |
54% | | 1994 | Bina, M. Mansour; Prevot, Michel: Thermally activated magnetic viscosity in natural multidomain titanomagnetite | |
54% | | 1967 | Nesteroff, Wladimir D.: Quelques resultats sedimentologiques des premiers forages du precontinent americain (JOIDES) | |
54% | 25 | 1974 | Schlich, R.: Structure des bassins de Madagascar et des Mascareignes; resultats des forages profonds du Glomar Challenger (Leg 25) Structure of the Madagascar and Mascarene basins; results of deep drilling by the Glomar Challenger, Leg 25 | |
54% | | 1973 | Nesteroff, Wladimir D.; Ryan, William B. F.: Series stratigraphiques et implications tectoniques du forage Joides 121 en mer d'Alboran Stratigraphy and tectonic implications of the JOIDES Borehole 121 in Alboran Sea | |
54% | | 1974 | Pautot, Guy; Le Pichon, Xavier: Resultats scientifiques du programme JOIDES The JOIDES Program scientific results | |
54% | | 1980 | Lancelot, Yves: Avant-propos Preface | |
54% | | 1972 | Guilcher, Andre: Les forages du JOIDES (Glomar Challenger) dans le lit marin The drillings of JOIDES (Glomar Challenger) in marine beds | |
54% | | 1975 | Peterson, M. N. A.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; technical contribution to offshore oil and gas exploration and eventual production | |
54% | | 2003 | Machetel, Philippe; Humler, Eric: High mantle temperature during Cretaceous avalanche | |
54% | | 1975 | McIver, R. D.: Hydrocarbon occurrences from JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
54% | | 1992 | Fritsch, Bernard; Schlich, Roland: Tectonique extensive et mouvements verticaux du plateau de Kerguelen (ocean Indien) Extension tectonics and vertical movements of the Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean | |
54% | | 1980 | Lancelot, Y.: Environnements sedimentaires oceaniques; developpement de la paleo-oceanographie Oceanic sedimentary environments; development of paleo-oceanography | |
54% | | 1980 | Lancelot, Yves: Evolution des paleoenvironnements oceaniques depuis le debut du Mesozoique; seance specialisee de la Societe geologique de France Evolution of oceanic paleoenvironments from the beginning of the Mesozoic; specialized meeting of the Geological Society of France | |
54% | | 1997 | McFadden, P. L.; Merrill, R. T.: Sawtooth paleointensity and reversals of the geomagnetic field | |
54% | | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth Lee: Results of the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project; 1968-1971 | |
54% | 138 | 2003 | Valet, Jean-Pierre M.; Meynadier, Laure M.: Ten years after; the saw-tooth pattern of paleointensity records | |
51% | 79 | 1985 | Jaffrezo, M.; Medina, F. et al.: Donnees microbiostratigraphiques sur le Jurassique superieur du Bassin de l'Ouest marocain; comparaison avec les resultats du Leg 79 D.S.D.P. et de la Campagne Cyamaz (1982) Microbiostratigraphic data on the Upper Jurassic of the western Moroccan Basin, comparison with the results of DSDP Leg 79 and Cyamaz expedition, 1982 | |
51% | 109 | 1988 | Hebert, Rejean; Komor, S. C. et al.: Leg 109 partly serpentinized harzburgites and their significance in slow-spreading ridge environments | |
51% | 111 | 1988 | Schoeps, Dietmar; Herzig, Peter M.: Mineralogy and chemical composition of sulfides from the Leg 111 dike section of ODP Hole 504B, Costa Rica Rift | |
51% | 105 105-645 108 108-658 | 1988 | Stein, Ruediger: Neogene organic-carbon-rich sediments in Baffin Bay (ODP-Site 645) and in the coastal upwelling area off NW-Africa (ODP-Site 658); a comparison | |
51% | 104 105 | 1988 | Mudie, Peta J.; de Vernal, Anne et al.: Neogene-Recent palynostratigraphy for sub-Arctic basins; results of Leg 104, Norwegian Sea, and Leg 105, Baffin Bay | |
51% | 117 117-724 | 1990 | Zahn, Rainer; Pedersen, Thomas F.: Evolution of surface and mid-depth hydrography at the Oman margin during the past 400,000 years; the benthic-planktonic stable isotope record at ODP Site 724 | |
51% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1990 | Robinson, Paul T.: Fracture zone drilling in the Indian Ocean; exciting new data on oceanic layer 3 | |
51% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 1994 | Franklin, J. M.; Goodfellow, W. D. et al.: Site 856 of ODP Leg 139; discovery of a major massive sulfide deposit in Middle Valley of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
51% | 107 | 1986 | Kastens, K.; Mascle, J. et al.: Principaux resultats de la campagne 107 du JOIDES resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) en mer Tyrrhenienne Principle results of Leg 107 of the JOIDES Resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) in the Tyrrhenian Sea | |
51% | 112 | 1987 | Suess, E.; Von Huene, Roland et al.: Histoire geologique de la marge continentale du Perou. Deformations tectoniques liees a la convergence et upwellings cotiers; resultats de la campagne du Leg 112 O.D.P. Plate convergence and coastal upwelling; a history of the Peru continental margin from ODP Leg 112 results | |
51% | | 1994 | Bassinot, Franck C.; Labeyrie, Laurent D. et al.: The astronomical theory of climate and the age of the Brunhes-Matuyama magnetic reversal | |
51% | 139 | 1994 | Goodfellow, W. D.; Leybourne, M. et al.: The Middle Valley hydrothermal system and associated sulphide deposits, Juan de Fuca Ridge; recent results of Leg 139, Ocean Drilling Program--Reseau hydrothermal et gisements sulfures associes de la vallee du Milieu, dorsale Juan de Fuca; resultats recents du troncon 139, Programme de sondage des fonds marins | |
51% | 96 96-614 96-615 | 1986 | O'Connell, Suzanne Bridget: Anatomy of modern submarine depositional and distributary systems | |
51% | 13 13-120 13-134 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.: Stratigraphie du Neogene dans les fonds marins de la Mediterranee Deep-sea Neogene stratigraphy in the Mediterranean Sea | |
51% | 114 127 | 1990 | Nobes, D. C.; Mienert, J. et al.: Comparison of laboratory and in-situ physical properties from the subantarctic South Atlantic (ODP Leg 114) and from the Japan Sea (ODP Leg 127) | |
51% | 77 77-535 77-540 | 1985 | Cotillon, Pierre: Les variations a differentes echelles du taux d'accumulation sedimentaire dans les series pelagiques alternantes du Cretace inferieur, consequences de phenomenes globaux; essai d'evaluation Several scale variations of sedimentary accumulation rates in pelagic alternating sections of the Lower Cretaceous as consequences of global events; attempt at evaluation | |
51% | 117 117-724 117-725 | 1990 | Muzuka, Alfred N. N.; Macko, S. A. et al.: Late Pliocene-Quaternary history of the northwestern Indian Ocean | |
51% | 127 | 1990 | Pisciotto, K.; Tamaki, K. et al.: Les Premiers forages de la croute oceanique de la mer du Japon; resultats preliminaires du Leg ODP 127 First drilling of the oceanic crust in the Japan Sea; preliminary results of ODP Leg 127 | |
51% | 105 105-645 | 1989 | Thiebault, F.; Cremer, M.: Paleocourants et changements climatiques dans la baie de Baffin du Neogene a l'actuel a partir de l'analyse des facies sedimentaires et de la mineralogie argileuse des sediments du site 645 (Leg ODP-105) Neogene to present paleocurrents and climatic changes in the Baffin Bay from the analysis of sedimentary facies and clay mineralogy of sediments of Site 645; ODP Leg 105 | |
51% | 25 36 71 113 | 1992 | Claparols, Catherine: Comportement des elements en traces et variations des compositions isotopiques du Nd et du Sr au cours de l'alteration de depots volcaniques; etudes de cas et application aux series mesozoiques de black shales de l'Ocean Austral Behaviour of trace elements and variations in Nd and Sr isotope compositions during the weathering of volcanic rocks; case studies regarding Mesozoic black shales from the Austral Ocean | |
51% | 67 84 | 1984 | Bourgois, J.; Glacon, G. et al.: Paleoprofondeurs des depots de pente du mur interne de la fosse d'Amerique Centrale; un essai a partir de l'etude des Foraminiferes planctoniques (leg 84 du N/O Glomar-Challenger, Ocean Pacifique Est Equatorial) Sediment paleodepths of the landward slope of the Middle America Trench off Guatemala; a tentative model based on the study of the planktonic foraminifera; Leg 84 of the R/V Glomar-Challenger, East Equatorial Pacific Ocean | |
51% | 80 80-548 80-549 | 1988 | Fiolet-Piette, A.; Chamley, H. et al.: Sedimentation argileuse plio-quaternaire sur la marge armoricaine (Leg 80 DSDP) Plio-Quaternary clay sedimentation on the Armorican margin, DSDP Leg 80 | |
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