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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1973 | Peterson, Melvin N. A.: Scientific drilling in the deep oceans | |
88% | | 1997 | Choi, Dong R.: Geology of the oceans around Australia; Part III, Deep sea drilling results | |
88% | 108 108-661 | 1997 | James, Peter M.: On the origin of submarine valleys | |
87% | | 1982 | Hsu, Kenneth J.: Thirteen years of deep-sea drilling | |
87% | | 1978 | Nierenberg, William A.: The Deep Sea Drilling Project after ten years | |
87% | | 1980 | Trumpy, R.: Geology 1976-1980; trends, discoveries, failures | |
75% | | 1975 | Van Andel, T. H.: Mesozoic/Cenozoic calcite compensation depth and the global distribution of calcareous sediments | |
75% | | 1984 | Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M.: Glubokovodnoye bureniye i problemy tektoniki Deep-sea drilling and tectonic problems | |
75% | | 1976 | Harrison, C. G. A.: Magnetization of the oceanic crust | |
75% | | 1973 | Salisbury, Matthew H.; Christensen, Nikolas I.: Progressive Weathering of Submarine Basalt with Age; Further Evidence of Sea-Floor Spreading | |
75% | | 1974 | Lowrie, W.: Oceanic Basalt Magnetic Properties and the Vine and Matthews Hypothesis | |
75% | | 1974 | Hunt, John M.: Organic geochemistry of the marine environment | |
75% | | 1973 | Ade-Hall, J. M.; Kitazawa, K.: A quantitative assessment of supposed differences between the palaeomagnetic properties of oceanic submarine and subaerial basalts | |
75% | | 1984 | Sharas'kin, A. Ya.: Problemy evolyutsii aktivnykh okrain v svete dannykh glubokovodnogo bureniya Evolution of active margins in light of deep-sea drilling data | |
75% | | 1981 | Emiliani, Cesare: A new global geology | |
75% | | 1984 | Stephen, R. A.: Borehole seismic experiments and the structure of upper oceanic crust | |
75% | | 1975 | Kennett, James P.; Thunell, Robert C.: Global Increase in Quaternary Explosive Volcanism | |
75% | | 1973 | Vine, F. J.: Continental Fragmentation and Ocean Floor Evolution during thh past 200 m.y | |
75% | | 2001 | Smoot, N. Christian: Ocean Survey Program (OSP) bathymetry history; jousting with tectonic windmills | |
75% | | 2000 | Bjorklund, Frank; Selbekk, Rune S.: Star vi overfor en krise i geologisk forskining? Om kuhns paradigmer Are we facing a crisis in geological research? About Kuhn's paradigm | |
75% | | 1984 | Zonenshayn, L. P.; Volokitina, L. P. et al.: Znacheniye glubokovodnogo bureniya dlya paleogeodinamicheskikh i paleobatimetricheskikh rekonstruktsiy Value of deep-sea drilling in paleogeodynamic and paleobathymetric reconstruction | |
75% | | 1999 | Storetvedt, Karsten M.: Da Jorden ble dekket med plater When the Earth was covered with plates | |
75% | | 2001 | Sun, Yoon: Tectonic history of the Japan Sea region and its implications for the formation of the Japan Sea | |
75% | | 1980 | Worsley, T. R.; Davies, T. A.: Deep sea carbonate accumulation, land/sea ratios, and paleoclimate | |
75% | | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth Lee: Results of the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project; 1968-1971 | |
75% | | 1971 | Thompson, T. L.: Review of new concepts based on information from JOIDES (Joint Oceanographic Institutes, Deep Earth Sampling) | |
75% | | 1975 | Worsley, T. R.; Blank, R. G.: Stratigraphic distribution of common calcareous nannofossils of the Pacific Ocean | |
71% | | 2002 | Seibold, Eugen; Seibold, Ilse: Sedimentology; from single grains to recent and past environments, some trends in sedimentology in the twentieth century | |
65% | | 2010 | Crux, Jason A.; Gary, Anthony et al.: Recent advances in the application of biostratigraphy to hydrocarbon exploration and production | |
63% | | 1990 | MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: Extinction pattern of Inoceramus (Bivalvia) based on shell fragment biostratigraphy | |
63% | 30 30-289 | 1982 | Glass, Billy P.: Possible correlations between tektite events and climatic changes? | |
63% | | 1975 | Benson, Richard H.: The origin of the psychrosphere as recorded in changes of deep-sea ostracode assemblages | |
63% | | 1986 | Tucholke, Brian E.; McCoy, Floyd W.: Paleogeographic and paleobathymetric evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean | |
63% | 165 183 | 2000 | Fabricius, Ida L.: Diagenesis of calcareous pelagic sediments as interpreted from an effective medium concept | |
63% | | 1993 | Arculus, R. J.: New concepts of arc volcanism and tectonics from recent Ocean Drilling Program results | |
63% | | 1983 | Keller, Gerta; D'Hondt, Steven et al.: Multiple microtektite horizons in upper Eocene marine sediments; no evidence for mass extinctions | |
63% | | 2001 | Choi, Dong R.: Submarine geology of the oceans around Australia | |
63% | 79 79-547 | 1990 | Rezanov, I. A.: Istoriya i sovremennoye sostoyaniye problemy okeanizatsii kontinental'noy kory History and modern state of the problem of continental crust oceanization | |
63% | 18 18-180 | 1999 | Murdock, James N.: Oceanward propagation of the blind decollement beneath the Kodiak Shelf, offshore of Kodiak Island, Alaska, Part III | |
63% | 199 199-1219 | 2010 | Gladenkov, Yu. B.: Zonal'naya biostratigrafiya v reshenii fundamental'nykh i prikladnykh zadach geologii Biostratigraphic zoning and its applications for geological problems | |
62% | | 2009 | Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Manatschal, Gianreto: The final rifting evolution at deep magma-poor passive margins from Iberia-Newfoundland; a new point of view | |
54% | 42 42-372 94 94-608 154 154-925 | 2011 | Turco, Elena; Iaccarino, Silvia Maria et al.: Revisiting the taxonomy of the intermediate stages in the Globigerinoides-Praeorbulina lineage | |
53% | | 1990 | Carter, R. M.; Abbott, S. T. et al.: An ocean drilling test of the concept of sequence stratigraphy | |
53% | 117 117-723 138 138-849 145 145-882 177 177-1094 | 2004 | Sigman, D. M.; Haug, G. H.: The biological pump in the past | download |
53% | 120 183 | 2004 | Palmer-Julson, Amanda; Heise, Elizabeth A.: The Ocean Drilling Program online database as a resource for introductory geoscience classes; helping undergraduate students navigate an ocean of data | |
50% | 38 38-338 | 1983 | Talwani, Manik; Mutter, John et al.: Ocean continent boundary under the Norwegian continental margin | |
50% | 15 15-149 | 1982 | Asaro, Frank; Alvarez, Luis W. et al.: Geochemical anomalies near the Eocene/Oligocene and Permian/Triassic boundaries | |
50% | 7 7-62 8 8-72 | 1982 | Alvarez, Walter; Asaro, F. et al.: New data on the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction | |
50% | 22 22-214 22-216 | 1973 | Thompson, G.; Bryan, W. B. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of basalts and related rocks from DSDP Leg 22 Sites 214 and 216, Ninety-East Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
50% | 47 47-398 48 48-403 48-405 | 1983 | Hailwood, Ernest A.; Sayre, William O.: Sediment transport mechanisms at NE Atlantic margins; evidence from the magnetic anisotropy of IPOD cores | |
50% | 94 94-609 | 1990 | Broecker, Wallace S.; Bond, Gerard et al.: A salt oscillator in the glacial Atlantic? 1, The concept | download |
50% | 43 43-384 62 62-465 | 1996 | Norris, Richard D.: Symbiosis as an evolutionary innovation in the radiation of Paleocene planktic foraminifera | |
50% | 113 113-690 | 1990 | Pospichal, James J.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr. et al.: The effects of bioturbation across a biostratigraphically complete high southern latitude Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary | |
50% | | 2004 | Manatschal, Gianreto: New models for evolution of magma-poor rifted margins based on a review of data and concepts from West Iberia and the Alps | |
50% | 38 38-336 38-337 38-352 | 1983 | Eisma, D.; van der Gaast, S. J.: Terrigenous late Quaternary sediments components north and south of the Scotland-Greenland Ridge and in the Norwegian Sea | |
50% | 67 67-495 67-499 67-500 84 84-567 84-568 | 1999 | Choi, Dong R.: Geology of East Pacific; Middle America Trench | |
50% | 67 67-495 67-499 | 1999 | Murdock, James N.: Unrecognized failure of a critical test of strict plate tectonics, the trench region offshore of Guatemala, and a comparison with the Aleutians; Part IV | |
50% | 159 159-959 | 2002 | Beckmann, B.; Wagner, T. et al.: Coniacian-Santonian black shale formation in the tropical Atlantic (ODP Site 959, Ivory Coast/Ghana); cyclic variations in the composition of organic matter | |
50% | 169 169-1034 169S | 2002 | Stasiuk, L. D.; Sanei, H.: Temporal-spatial analyses of recent sediments from ODP core, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada using Rock Eval pyrolysis and fluorescence microscopy | |
50% | | 2011 | Knappertsbusch, Michael: Evolution im marinen Plankton Evolution of marine plankton | |
44% | 12 12-111 12-112 12-113 12-116 12-117 12-118 12-119 48 48-400 | 1983 | Miller, Kenneth G.; Tucholke, Brian E.: Development of Cenozoic abyssal circulation south of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge | |
44% | | 2004 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Firth, John et al.: Ensuring the future of CHRONOS through development of the next generation of micropaleontologists | |
44% | | 2009 | Cannat, Mathilde; Manatschal, Gianreto et al.: Assessing the conditions of continental breakup at magma-poor rifted margins; what can we learn from slow spreading mid-ocean ridges? | |
44% | 201 201-1229 308 308-U1320 | 2012 | Biddle, Jennifer F.; Sylvan, Jason B. et al.: Prospects for the study of evolution in the deep biosphere | |
38% | 174A 174A-1072 174A-1073 | 1998 | Gostlin, K. E.; McCarthy, F. M. G.: Palynomorphs as sequence stratigraphic markers across a marine transect at a siliciclastic passive margin | |
38% | | 2009 | Leckie, R. Mark; St. John, Kristen et al.: "Building Core Knowledge, Reconstructing Earth History"; comprehensive student-active learning modules for teaching about global climate change | |
38% | 32 32-303 | 2008 | Vasiliev, Boris I.; Sovetnikova, Ludmila N.: Geological development of the Northwestern Pacific | |
38% | | 2009 | Jones, Megan H.; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: Teaching about the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM); an inquiry-based, data-rich case study in abrupt climate change for a variety of undergraduate settings | |
38% | 155 | 2005 | Babonneau, Nathalie; Savoye, Bruno et al.: Large modern deep-sea fans; the Amazon Channel versus the Zaire Channel | |
38% | 174A 174A-1073 | 2007 | Nittrouer, Charles A.; Austin, James A., Jr. et al.: Writing a Rosetta stone; insights into continental-margin sedimentary processes and strata | |
38% | 171A 171A-1049 171B 171B-1050 171B-1051 171B-1052 171B-1053 | 2002 | Bellier, Jean-Pierre; Moullade, Michel: Lower Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the western North Atlantic (ODP Leg 171B), and taxonomic clarification of key index species | |
38% | 201 201-1225 201-1226 201-1227 201-1228 201-1229 201-1231 | 2007 | Blair, Carly C.; D'Hondt, Steven et al.: Radiolytic hydrogen and microbial respiration in subsurface sediments | |
38% | 5 5-35 | 1997 | Zuffa, Gian G.; De Rosa, Rosanna et al.: Shifting sources and transport paths for the late Quaternary Escanaba Trough sediment fill (Northeast Pacific) | |
38% | | 2006 | Favali, Paolo; Beranzoli, Laura: Sea-floor observatory sciences; a review | |
38% | | 2005 | Amend, Jan P.; Teske, Andreas: Expanding frontiers in deep subsurface microbiology | |
38% | 317 | 2011 | McHugh, Cecilia M. G.; Fulthorpe, Craig S. et al.: Lithologic correlation to seismic stratigraphy in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, IODP Expedition 317 | |
31% | 23 23-223 23-224 24 24-236 26 26-251 94 94-608 | 2000 | Knappertsbusch, Michael: Morphologic evolution of the coccolithophorid Calcidiscus leptoporus from the early Miocene to Recent | |
31% | 35 35-323 38 38-344 38-348 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1987 | Taviani, Marco; Lawrence, James R.: Unusual occurrence of methane-derived carbonates; delta (super 13) C depleted calcite veins in basalt bedrock of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, DSDP Leg 38 | |
31% | 38 38-336 38-337 38-352 49 49-407 | 2008 | Smolka, Peter: The Greenland-Scotland Ridge needs to be revisited | |
31% | 113 113-689 113-690 114 114-698 114-699 114-700 114-702 114-703 119 119-738 119-744 120 120-747 120-748 120-749 183 183-1135 183-1136 | 2005 | Huber, Brian T.; Quillevere, Frederic: Revised Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal biozonation for the Austral Realm | |
31% | 93 95 150 174A | 2007 | Mountain, Gregory S.; Burger, Robert L. et al.: The long-term stratigraphic record on continental margins | |
31% | | 1994 | Kronen, John Duncan, Jr.: Forereef deposits off the Great Barrier Reef; sequence stratigraphy and cyclic sedimentation | |
25% | 25 | 1974 | Sanfilippo, Annika; Riedel, William R.: Some radiolarian samples from the western Indian Ocean, DSDP Leg 25 | download |
23% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1987 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Joern et al.: ODP Leg 104 (Norwegian Sea); explanatory notes | download |
22% | 160 160-965 | 1998 | Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Miocene shallow-water carbonates on the Eratosthenes Seamount, eastern Mediterranean Sea | download |
22% | 66 | 1982 | McMillen, Kenneth J.; Lundberg, Neil F.: Trace fossil assemblages in Leg 66 sediments | download |
22% | 34 34-319 34-319A | 1976 | Lanphere, M. A.; Dalrymple, G. B.: Potassium-argon age of a basalt from Hole 319A, DSDP Leg 34 | download |
22% | 3 | 1970 | Maxwell, Arthur E.; Von Herzen, Richard P. et al.: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project; covering Leg 3 of the cruises of the drilling vessel "Glomar Challenger," Dakar, Senegal to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil December 1968 to January 1969 | download |
22% | 3 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 | 1970 | Anonymous: Introduction | download |
22% | 198 198-1208 | 2006 | Bown, Paul R.: Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, ODP Leg 198 Site 1208 (Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean) | download |
20% | 143 143-865 | 1995 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Mutterlose, Joerg: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of Site 865, Allison Guyot, Central Pacific Ocean; a tropical Paleogene reference section | download |
19% | 74 | 1984 | Fuetterer, Dieter K.: Evidence of clionid sponges in sediments of the Walvis Ridge, southeastern Atlantic Site 526, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 74 | download |
19% | 2 | 1970 | Peterson, Melvin N. A.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering leg 2 of cruises of the drilling vessel "Glomar Challenger", Hoboken, N.J. to Dakar, Senegal, Oct.-Nov. 1968 | download |
18% | 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1990 | Wetzel, Andreas; Wijayananda, N. P.: Biogenic sedimentary structures in outer Bengal Fan deposits drilled during Leg 116 | download |
18% | 42 | 1978 | Roegl, F.; Steininger, F. et al.: Middle Miocene salinity crisis and paleogeography of the Paratethys (middle and eastern Europe) | download |
18% | 122 | 1992 | Siesser, William G.; Bralower, Timothy J. et al.: Late Miocene-Quaternary calcareous nannofossil biomagnetochronology on the Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australia | download |
17% | 38 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Jorn et al.: The Norwegian continental margin; tectonic, volcanic, and paleoenvironmental framework | download |
17% | | 2008 | Lazarus, David; Cervato, Cinzia et al.: Neptune; developing a digital information infrastructure for micropaleontology in the 21 (super st) century | download |
17% | 302 | 2011 | Minakov, Alexander N.; Podladchikov, Yury Yu.: Tectonic subsidence of the Lomonosov Ridge | download |
16% | 115 115-707 115-708 115-709 115-710 115-711 115-714 115-715 | 1990 | Fornaciari, Eliana; Raffi, Isabella et al.: Quantitative distribution patterns of Oligocene and Miocene calcareous nannofossils from the western equatorial Indian Ocean | download |
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