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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1601998Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Tectonic significance of the Eratosthenes Seamount; a continental fragment in the process of collision with a subduction zone in the eastern Mediterranean (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 160)
98%1979Klootwijk, C. T.; Peirce, J. W.: India's and Australia's pole path since the late Mesozoic and the India-Asia collision
98%1991Meschede, Martin; Krammer, Anton: Tiefseebohrung in der Kollisionszone; Anfaenge der Gebirgsbildung erforscht Deep-sea drilling at collision zones; origins of mountain building
98%1341991Leonard, John Nicholas: Physical and geotechnical properties of seafloor sediments from the Vanuatu collision zone in the central New Hebrides island arc, South Pacific Ocean
98%1996Baker, P. E.; Condliffe, E.: Compositional variations in submarine volcanic ashes from the vicinity of the Vanuatu island arc; a response to ridge-arc collision?
2010Tamura, Yoshihiko; Ishizuka, Osamu et al.: Missing Oligocene crust of the Izu-Bonin Arc; consumed or rejuvenated during collision?
85%1662005Bergman, Kelly L.; Eberli, Gregor P. et al.: Successive drowning of platforms by thrust-fault loading in the Cuba-Bahama foreland basin
82%1981Klootwijk, C. T.: India's pole path and the India-Asia collision
82%1211990Klootwijk, Chris: ODP Leg 121 palaeomagnetism gives new insights into the evolution of Broken Ridge, Ninetyeast Ridge, and the Himalayan collision model
82%1341992Collot, J. Y.; Greene, H. G. et al.: Tectonique collisionnelle le long de la zone de subduction des Nouvelles-Hebrides; resultats des forages du Leg ODP 134 Collision tectonics along the New Hebrides subduction zone; results of ODP Leg 134
82%1601996Robertson, A. H. F.: Collision-related crustal processes in the E Mediterranean Sea
1996Robertson, Alastair: Collision-related sedimentary and tectonic processes in the E. Mediterranean Sea
82%1611998Tandon, Kush: A study of models and controls for basin formation during continental collision; 1, Australian lithosphere along Banda Orogen (Indonesia); and 2, Alboran Sea basin (western Mediterranean)
1994Robertson, A. H. F.; Kidd, R. B. et al.: Probing continental collision in the Mediterranean Sea
82%1341993Meschede, Martin; Pelletier, Bernard: Subrezente Deformation im Bereich einer aktiven Ruecken-Inselbogen-Kollision, Vanuatu-Inselbogen, Suedwestpazifik Subrecent deformation during an active ridge-arc collision, Vanuatu island arc, Southwest Pacific
82%2002Huang, Chi-Yue: Stratigraphic records of Taiwan arc-continent collision and targets of IODP drilling
2006Rosenfeld, Joshua H.; Blickwede, Jon F.: Early Paleogene isolation of the Gulf of Mexico from the world's oceans
81%1602006Saleh, S.; Badawy, Ahmed: 3D crustal modeling and seismicity of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Egyptian coastal zone
80%1984Klootwijk, Chris T.: A review of Indian Phanerozoic palaeomagnetism; implications for the India-Asia collision
80%1341991Collot, J. Y.; Greene, H. G. et al.: Resultats preliminaires du Leg 134 de l'Ocean Drilling Program dans la zone de collision entre l'arc insulaire des Nouvelles-Hebrides et la Zone d'Entrecasteaux Preliminary findings of ODP Leg 134 regarding the collision zone between the New Hebrides island arc and the d'Entrecasteaux Zone
78%1341992Collot, Jean-Yves; Fisher, Michael A.: The d'Entrecasteaux zone-New Hebrides island arc collision zone; an overviewdownload
77%2012Mann, Paul; Yang, Wenxiu et al.: Regional effects of the Cuban arc-continent collision on structure, stratigraphy and hydrocarbons in the deepwater, southeastern Gulf of Mexico
71%1992Collot, J. Y.; Lallemand, S. et al.: Geology of the d'Entrecasteaux-New Hebrides Arc collision zone; results from a deep submersible survey
2004Audley-Charles, M. G.: Ocean trench blocked and obliterated by Banda forearc collision with Australian proximal continental slopedownload
69%1161988Scientists explore Himalayan uplift
69%1993Robertson, A. H. F.: Overview of the neotectonic evolution of the Mediterranean; insights to be gained from Deep Sea Drilling
69%1995Taylor, Brian (ed.); Natland, James (ed.): Active margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific
69%1988Anonymous: Bildung des Himalaya vor 20 Millionen Jahren Development of the Himalayas before 20 Ma
69%1662005Bergman, Kelly L.: Seismic analysis of paleocurrent features in the Florida Straits; insights into the paleo-Florida Current, upstream tectonics, and the Atlantic-Caribbean connection
69%1994Symonds, P. A.: Earth deformation; the role for the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
66%1341994Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves: Ridge-arc collision; timing and deformation determined by Leg 134 drilling, central New Hebrides island arcdownload
1997Mart, Y.; Robertson, A. H. F. et al.: Cretaceous tectonic setting of Eratosthenes Seamount in the eastern Mediterranean Neotethys; initial results of ODP Leg 160
1993Mescherde, Martin: Kinematic information in drill cores from an active ridge-arc collision in the Vanuatu island arc
1981Johnston, C. R.; Bowin, C. O.: Crustal reactions resulting from the mid-Pliocene to Recent continent-island arc collision in the Timor region
2003Clift, Peter D.; Pecher, Ingo et al.: Tectonic erosion of the Peruvian forearc, Lima Basin, by subduction and Nazca Ridge collisiondownload
2004Silver, Eli; Costa Pisani, Patrizia et al.: An 8-10 Ma tectonic event on the Cocos Plate offshore Costa Rica; results of Cocos Ridge collision?download
65%1122004Hampel, Andrea; Kukowski, Nina et al.: Ridge subduction at an erosive margin; the collision zone of the Nazca Ridge in southern Perudownload
1999Zverev, S. M.; Ilinski, D. A.: Crustal structure of Eratosthenes Seamount (eastern Mediterranean collision zone between Africa and Eurasia) from seismic, potential fields and geological studies
65%1995Underwood, Michael B.; Ballance, Peter F. et al.: Sedimentation in forearc basins, trenches, and collision zones of the western Pacific; a summary of results from the Ocean Drilling Program
2005Clift, Peter D.; Pecher, Ingo A. et al.: Tectonic erosion of the Peruvian forearc, Lima Basin, by subduction and Nazca Ridge collision; replydownload
1993Spencer, David A.: What was the timing of the Himalayan continent-continent collision (45, 50, 55, 60 or 65 Ma)? Constraints from eclogites
2011Kroehler, Margaret E.; Mann, Paul et al.: Late Cretaceous-Miocene diachronous onset of backthrusting along the south Caribbean deformed belt and its importance for understanding processes of arc collision and crustal growthdownload
58%1071987Rehault, J. P.; Moussat, E. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea new multichannel seismic reflexion data (ODP Leg 107 sites survey)
58%151994Duncan, R. A.; Sinton, C. W. et al.: The Caribbean Cretaceous basalt province; an oceanic LIP
58%1611996Comas, M.; Zahn, Rainer et al.: ODP Leg 161 drills the western Mediterranean
58%1996Qayyum, Mazhar; Lawrence, Robert D. et al.: Missing Paleogene Himalayan siliciclastic sediments found in the Katawaz Basin, Pakistan
58%1411992Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Deep drilling in the hanging wall of a subducting active oceanic spreading ridge at the Chile triple junction; objectives and achievements of Leg 141 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
58%1992Arculus, Richard J.: Development of arc systems in the western Pacific; results from the 1989-'90 Ocean Drilling Program
58%1071988Mascle, Jean; Rehault, Jean-Pierre: Seismic stratigraphy of the Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) based on ODP Leg results; consequences for the basin evolution
58%1991Larter, R. D.; Barker, P. F.: Neogene interaction of tectonic and glacial processes at the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
58%1991Rangin, G.; Silver, E. A.: ODP drilling in the Celebes-Sulu marginal basins and paleokinematic reconstructions of the SE Asian region
58%1241996Spadea, P.; D'Antonio, M. et al.: Source characteristics of the basement rocks from the Sulu and Celebes basins (western Pacific); chemical and isotopic evidence
58%1341990Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 134 scientific prospectus, Vanuatu (New Hebrides)
58%1611996Comas, M.: Tectonic results of ODP Leg 161 in the Alboran Sea; a case of extensional basin in collisional setting
58%1996Schlueter, H. U.; Hinz, K. et al.: Tectono-stratigraphic terranes and detachment faulting of the South China Sea and Sulu Sea
58%1996Chaproniere, George C.: A palaeogeographic and palaeoceanographic interpretation for the "Australian-Indonesia gateway" based on larger foraminiferids
58%1341990Green, H. G.; Fisher, M. A. et al.: Ridge collision along the central platform of the New Hebrides Arc: a preview of Leg 134
58%1842004Wang Pinxian: Cenozoic deformation and the history of sea-land interactions in Asia
58%1992Basov, Ivan A.; Krasheninnikov, Valery A.: The Pliocene-Quaternary history of subsidence and sedimentation in the Timor Trough
58%1411991Bangs, Nathan; Cande, Steven: Complex structures imaged at Chile Margin
58%1994Kappel, Ellen; Reagan, Mary et al.: ODP...from mountains to monsoons; an interactive, multimedia, educational CD-ROM for middle schools
58%1601998Mart, Yossi: Diapirism and neotectonic activity in the southeastern Mediterranean
58%1612000Comas, M. C.: Challenges for future drilling in the western Mediterranean; potential targets in the Alboran and south Balearic basins
58%1122002Hampel, Andrea: The migration history of the Nazca Ridge along the Peruvian active margin; a re-evaluation
58%1161992Subrahmanyam, C.; Singh, R. N.: Geotectonics of the Bay of Bengal
58%1601995Robertson, Alistair; Emeis, Kay-Christian et al.: Mediterranean Sea Leg I
58%1611995Comas, Maria; Zahn, Rainer et al.: Mediterranean Sea Leg II
58%1988Davies, P. J.; Symonds, P. A. et al.: The evolution of the carbonate platforms in Northeast Australia; the goal of the Ocean Drilling Program
58%1991Larter, Robert D.; Barker, Peter F.: Effects of ridge crest-trench interaction on Antarctic-Phoenix spreading; forces on a young subducting platedownload
58%1122001Broser, A.; Baialas, J. et al.: Subduction processes along the Peruvian margin from wide angle seismic data
58%1602001Kopf, Achim; Klaeschen, Dirk et al.: Extreme efficiency of mud volcanism in dewatering accretionary prisms
58%1701998Barckhausen, Udo; Meschede, Martin et al.: A new understanding of the plate tectonic evolution of the Cocos Plate; results from a multidisciplinary study in the eastern Panama Basin of Costa Rica
2000Thurow, Juergen; Milsom, John et al.: Mesozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Banda Arc area
57%1997Nishi, Hiroshi; Sakai, Harutaka: Paleoceanographic changes of the Indian Ocean and corresponding tectonic events recorded in the Himalayan Range
57%1998Robertson, A. H. F.; Emeis, K. C. et al.: Collision-related break-up of a carbonate platform (Eratosthenes Seamount) and mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge; preliminary synthesis and implications of tectonic results of ODP Leg 160 in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
1992Carter, R. M.; Carter, L.: Seismic imaging of Pleistocene deep-sea cyclothems; implications for sequence stratigraphy
57%1341994Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves et al.: Neogene tectonic evolution of the New Hebrides island arc; a review incorporating ODP drilling resultsdownload
57%1341992Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves et al.: Observation of forearc seafloor deformation along the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge-New Hebrides island arc collision zone from Nautile submersibledownload
55%1241991Rangin, Claude; Silver, Eli A.: Neogene tectonic evolution of the Celebes-Sulu basins; new insights from Leg 124 drillingdownload
53%1341994Briqueu, Louis; Laporte, C. et al.: Temporal magmatic evolution of the Aoba Basin, central New Hebrides island arc; Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic evidence for the coexistence of two mantle components beneath the arcdownload
50%1411992Bangs, Nathan; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Structural framework of the Chile margin at the Chile ridge collision zonedownload
1994Prasetyo, Hardi: The tectonics of the "Sunda-Banda" forearc transition zone, eastern Indonesia
1991Greene, Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves et al.: Material transfer in an arc-ridge collision zone
2005Wallrabe-Adams, H. J.; Altenbach, A. V. et al.: Facies development of ODP Leg 173 sediments and comparison with tectono-sedimentary sequences of compressional Iberian plate margins; a general overview
2005Clift, Peter D.; Nguyen Duc Anh et al.: Reconstructing the Cenozoic erosion of eastern Tibet from the marine stratigraphy of the South China Sea
2001Clift, P. D.; Shimizu, N. et al.: Development of the Indus Fan and its significance for the erosional history of the western Himalaya and Karakoram
2005Huang, Chi-Yue; Chiu, Ya-Ling et al.: Core description and a preliminarily sedimentology study of Site 1202D, Leg 195, in the southern Okinawa Trough
49%2001Bill, Markus; O'Dogherty, Luis et al.: Radiolarite ages in Alpine-Mediterranean ophiolites; constraints on the oceanic spreading and the Tethys-Atlantic connection
49%2008Ogawa, Yujiro; Dilek, Yildirim et al.: Tertiary-Recent subduction zone products along the Japanese island arcs as modern analogues of ancient orogenic belts; emplacement of trench sediments, metamorphic and ophiolitic rocks into forearc areas
2012Farley, K. A.; Montanari, A. et al.: A record of the extraterrestrial (super 3) He flux through the Late Cretaceous
47%1341992Collot, Jean-Yves; Greene, H. Gary et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Vanuatu (New Hebrides), covering Leg 134 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port of Townsville, Queensland, Australia, to Suva, Republic of Fiji, sites 827-833, 11 October 1990-17 December 1990; Introductiondownload
46%1601996Robertson, Alastair H. F.; Emeis, Kay-Christian et al.: Role of the Eratosthenes Seamount in collisional processes in the eastern Mediterraneandownload
1996Clift, P. D.; MacLeod, C. J. et al.: Forearc sedimentation, subduction erosion and the effect of seamount collisions in the Tonga Arc
46%31987Cadet, Jean-Paul; Kobayashi, Kazuo et al.: The Japan Trench and its juncture with the Kuril Trench; cruise results of the Kaiko Project, Leg 3
46%1601996Frankel, E.: ODP Leg 160; Eastern Mediterranean Sea
46%1601996Emeis, Kay-Christian; Brumsack, Hans-Juergen et al.: Kontinentkollisionen und Klimawechsel im Mittelmeer; Ergebnisse von Leg 160 des Internationalen Tiefseebohrprogramms (ODP) Continent collisions and climate variation in the Mediterranean Sea; results from Leg 160 of the International Deep Sea Drilling Program, ODP
1993Staerker, T. Scott; Wise, S. W. et al.: Nannofossil evidence from thrust faulting and sediment mixing in an accretionary complex (New Hebrides island arc)
1995Hall, Robert; Fuller, Michael et al.: The Philippine Sea Plate; magnetism and reconstructions
1995Cambray, Herve; Pubellier, Manuel et al.: Volcanic activity recorded in deep-sea sediments and the geodynamic evolution of western Pacific island arcs
1994Peat, David W.; Pearce, J. A. et al.: Geochemical variations in Vanuatu Arc lavas; the role of sediment subduction and variable mantle wedge composition

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