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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1972 | Cita, M. B.: Quattro anni di perforazione nei fondi oceanici Four years of perforating the ocean floors | |
86% | 13 | 1972 | Ryan, W. B. F.: The Pliocene record in deep-sea Mediterranean sediments; preface | |
86% | | 1972 | Cita, M. B.; Ryan, W. B. F.: Time scale and general synthesis | |
86% | | 1991 | Hallock, Pamela; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Similarities between planktonic and larger foraminiferal evolutionary trends through Paleogene paleoceanographic changes | |
86% | | 1987 | Boersma, A.; Premoli Silva, I.: Boundary conditions of Atlantic Eocene oxygen minimum zones | |
86% | | 1989 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Boersma, Anne: Atlantic Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal bioprovincial indices | |
86% | | 1988 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Boersma, Anne: Atlantic Eocene planktonic foraminiferal historical biogeography and paleohydrographic indices | |
86% | | 1986 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Terminal Eocene events; planktonic foraminifera and isotopic evidence | |
86% | | 2011 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Georges Clauzon and the Messinian salinity crisis | |
81% | 160 161 | 1998 | Osio, A.; Marotta, P. A. et al.: Late Pleistocene/Holocene succession of the Sicily Channel | |
71% | 13 42 42-374 | 1982 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Impact of paleoceanographic events on marine biotas of the Mediterranean in the last ten million years | |
71% | | 1982 | Cita, M. B.; Grignani, D.: Nature and origin of late Neogene Mediterranean sapropels | |
71% | | 1982 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and isotopic paleooceanography | |
71% | 13 13-132 | 1974 | Zocchi, M.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli Strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene; V, Variabilita' di Globorotalia margaritae Bolli & Bermudez nel Pliocene inferiore tirrenico Studies on the Pliocene and Miocene-Pliocene transition strata; V, Variability of Globorotalia margaritae of the Tyrrhenian lower Pliocene | |
71% | 13 13-132 | 1974 | Zocchi, M.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene; V. Variabilita di Globorotalia margaritae Bolli & Bermudez nel Pliocene inferiore tirrenico Studies of the Pliocene and the strata at the Miocene-Pliocene boundary; V, Variability of Globorotalia margaritae in the lower Pliocene of Tyrrhenian Basin | |
71% | 42 42-374 | 1982 | Blechschmidt, G.; Cita, M. B. et al.: Stratigraphy of the western Mediterranean and southern Calabrian Ridges, eastern Mediterranean | |
71% | | 1986 | Schlanger, S. O.; Premoli Silva, I.: Oligocene sea-level falls recorded in mid-Pacific atoll and archipelagic apron settings | |
71% | | 1986 | Premoli-Silva, Isabella; Boersma, Anne: Paleogene biofacies of the western North Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | 13 | 1982 | Cita, Maria Bianca: The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean; a review | |
71% | 39 39-354 | 1982 | Biolzi, M.: The Oligocene/Miocene boundary in the equatorial Atlantic DSDP Site 354, results of studies on planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils | |
71% | 62 62-463 | 2002 | Tremolada, Fabrizio; Erba, Elisabetta: Morphometric analyses of Aptian Assipetra infracretacea and Rucinolithus terebrodentarius nannoliths; implications for taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleoceanography | |
71% | 13 13-132 | 1979 | Raffi, I.; Rio, D.: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of DSDP Site 132, Leg 13 (Tyrrhenian Sea; Western Mediterranean) | |
71% | | 1987 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Atlantic Eocene planktonic foraminiferal paleohydrographic indicators and stable isotope paleoceanography | download |
71% | | 1993 | Herbert, Timothy D.; Premoli-Silva, Isabella et al.: Orbital chronometry of Cretaceous and early Paleogene strata | |
71% | 13 | 1991 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Development of a scientific controversy | |
71% | 22 22-214 | 1974 | Berggren, W. A.; Poore, R. Z.: Late Miocene-early Pliocene planktonic foraminiferal biochronology; Globorotalia tumida and Sphaeroidinella dehiscens lineages | |
71% | | 1993 | Di Stefano, E.; Sprovieri, R. et al.: High resolution biochronology in the Monte Narbone Formation of the Capo Rossello section and the Mediterranean first occurrence of Globorotalia truncatulinoides | |
71% | | 1972 | Cita, M. B.; Ciaranfi, N.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene [Studies on the Pliocene and on the strata from the Miocene-Pliocene passage]; II, A new species of Sphaeroidinella from late Neogene deep-sea Mediterranean sediments (DSDP Leg XIII) | |
71% | 42 42-372 | 1998 | Maiorano, Patrizia: Miocene quantitative calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy from Southern Apennines foredeep deposits and Mediterranean DSDP Site 372 | |
71% | 77 77-538 | 1991 | Spezzaferri, Silvia; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoclimatic interpretation from Hole 538A, DSDP Leg 77, Gulf of Mexico | |
71% | 2 | 1973 | Smali, Marina: Foraminiferi campaniano-maastrichtiani della Dorsale Medio-Atlantica Campanian-Maestrichtian foraminifera of Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
71% | | 1998 | Soding, E.; Bruckmann, W. et al.: Making DSDP and ODP paleontologic and sedimentologic data more useful | |
71% | 13 | 1980 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Symposium on biodynamic effects of the Messinian salinity crisis on the evolution of marine Neogene microfauna of the Tethys-Mediterranean early Pliocene paleoenvironment after the Messinian salinity crisis | |
71% | | 1995 | Spezzaferri, Silvia: Planktonic foraminiferal paleoclimatic implications across the Oligocene-Miocene transition in the oceanic record (Atlantic, Indian and South Pacific) | |
71% | 143 144 | 1996 | Erba, E.; Larson, R. L.: Death in the tropics; Cretaceous and Paleogene atolls in the Pacific Ocean | |
71% | | 1989 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Atlantic Paleogene biserial heterohelicid foraminifera and oxygen minima | download |
71% | 143 144 | 1996 | Erba, E.: Plate motions and biosphere emotions; Cretaceous deep and shallow water carbonates from the Pacific Ocean | |
71% | 107 107-653 | 1992 | Sprovieri, R.: Mediterranean Pliocene biochronology; an high resolution record based on quantitative planktonic foraminifera distribution | |
71% | | 1986 | Thunell, Robert C.; Corliss, Bruce H.: Late Eocene-early Oligocene carbonate sedimentation in the deep sea | |
71% | 198 | 2004 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Bown, Paul R.: Multicore record of the Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary on Shatsky Rise, Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 198, NW Pacific | |
71% | | 1981 | Schlanger, Seymour O.; Jenkyns, Hugh C. et al.: Volcanism and vertical tectonics in the Pacific Basin related to global Cretaceous transgressions | |
71% | 160 161 | 2000 | Cita, Maria Bianca (ed.); McKenzie, Judith A. (ed.): Mediterranean sapropels; observations, interpretations and models | |
71% | 13 13-132 | 1977 | Pirini Radrizzani, C.; Valleri, G.: New data on calcareous nannofossils from the Pliocene of the Tyrrhenian Basin site 132 DSDP, Leg 13 | |
71% | 62 62-463 | 1994 | Erba, Elisabetta: Nannofossils and superplumes; the early Aptian "nannoconid crisis" | download |
71% | 47 47-397 | 1984 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Messinian event; a stratigraphic case study | |
71% | | 2009 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Mediterranean Neogene stratigraphy; development and evolution through the centuries | |
71% | | 2007 | Muttoni, Giovanni; Kent, D. V.: Widespread formation of cherts during the Eocene climate optimum | |
71% | 62 171B 185 | 2002 | Tremolada, Fabrizio; Young, Jeremy R.: Volume calculation of Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils | |
71% | | 1994 | Herbert, Timothy D.; Premoli Silva, I. et al.: Cyclostratigraphy; is it ready to do something? | |
71% | 115 115-709 | 1991 | Spezzaferri, Silvia: Evolution and taxonomy of the Paragloborotalia kugleri (Bolli) lineage | |
71% | | 1999 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Sliter, William V.: Cretaceous paleoceanography; evidence from planktonic foraminiferal evolution | |
71% | 13 107 160 161 | 2001 | Cita, Maria Bianca: The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean | |
71% | | 1980 | Jansa, L. F.; Remane, J. et al.: Calpionellid and foraminiferal-ostracod biostratigraphy at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, offshore eastern Canada | |
71% | 2 3 | 1979 | Violanti, D.; Premoli Silva, I. et al.: Quantitative characterization of carbonate dissolution facies of the Atlantic Tertiary sediments; an attempt | |
71% | 206 | 2003 | Tartarotti, Paola; Crispini, Laura: Preliminary results on the structure of ocean crust from new holes drilled in fast-spread crust during ODP Leg 206 | |
71% | 13 13-132 | 1975 | Cita, M. B.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene; VIII, Planktonic foraminiferal biozonation of the Mediterranean Pliocene deep sea record; a revision | |
71% | 47 47-397 | 1977 | Cita, Maria Bianca: The response of the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean salinity crisis, as recorded on the North-west African margin | |
71% | 206 206-1256 | 2004 | Tartarotti, Paola; Crispini, Laura: Structural features of the superfast-spreading crust from the Pacific Ocean; evidence from Site 1256, ODP Leg 206 | |
71% | 198 198-1209 | 2008 | De Bernardi, Bianca: Biometric study of calcareous plankton through late Paleocene-early Eocene; a proxy to decipher climatic signals? | |
61% | 76 76-534 | 2010 | Casellato, Cristina Emanuela: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of upper Callovian-lower Berriasian successions from the southern Alps, north Italy | |
57% | 10 10-94 41 41-366 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1986 | Riedel, W. R.; Sanfilippo, Annika: Radiolarian events and the Eocene-Oligocene boundary | |
57% | 13 13-125 13-132 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.; Ciaranfi, N.: Evidence of climatic changes in deep-sea Pliocene sediments from the Mediterranean; JOIDES-DSDP cores | |
57% | 13 13-120 13-134 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.: Stratigraphie du Neogene dans les fonds marins de la Mediterranee Deep-sea Neogene stratigraphy in the Mediterranean Sea | |
57% | 13 13-125 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.; d'Onofrio, S. et al.: Studi sul Pleistocene della Dorsale Mediterranea (Mare Ionio) The Pleistocene of the Mediterranean Ridge, Ionian Sea | |
57% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1999 | Petrizzo, Maria Rose: Late Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera from Exmouth Plateau (Indian Ocean, NW Australia) | |
57% | 198 198-1209 198-1212 | 2004 | Petrizzo, Maria Rose; Kaiho, Kunio et al.: Planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages from the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) interval at Shatsky Rise, Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 198 (NW Pacific) | |
57% | 198 | 2002 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: New evidence for abrupt climate change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198 to Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific | |
57% | 129 129-800 129-801 129-802 185 185-801 | 1991 | Erba, Elisabetta: Middle Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from the western Pacific (ODP Leg 129); evidence for palaeoequatorial crossings | |
57% | 129 129-800 129-801 129-802 144 185 185-801 | 1991 | Erba, Elisabetta: Le nannoflore calcaree del Cretacico medio nell'oceano Pacifico (ODP Leg 129); evidenze della migrazione della placca pacifica verso il paleoequatore Middle Cretaceous calcareous nannoflora of the Pacific Ocean (ODP Leg 129); evidence for migration of the Pacific Plate towards the paleo-equator | |
57% | 13 | 1972 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene; I, Il significato della trasgressione pliocenica alla luce delle nuove scoperte nel Mediterraneo Studies on the Pliocene and the Miocene/Pliocene transition beds; I, The significance of the Pliocene transgression in the light of new data from the Mediterranean region | |
57% | 13 13-124 13-125 13-132 | 1972 | Cita, M. B.; Ciaranfi, N.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene; II, A new species of Sphaeroidinella from late Neogene deep-sea Mediterranean sediments (DSDP Leg XIII) | |
57% | 17 17-165 33 33-315 33-316 | 1981 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Geological history of the southern Line Islands | |
57% | 114 114-700 | 1991 | Premoli Silva, Isabella: Oldest Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from Hole 700B | |
57% | 13 13-125 13-132 | 1972 | Longinelli, A.; Cita, M. B.: Isotopic evidence of changes in oceanic circulation | |
57% | 13 13-125 13-132 | 1972 | Ryan, W. B. F.: Paleomagnetic stratigraphy | |
57% | 13 13-121 42 42-372 42-375 | 1976 | Cita, Maria Bianca: The geodynamic significance of changes in sedimentation rates in the deep-sea Mediterranean Neogene | |
57% | 77 77-538 115 115-709 | 1991 | Spezzaferri, S.; Murero, D. et al.: Paleoclimatic interpretations based on Oligocene planktonic foraminifera; a comparison between Hole 538A, DSDP Leg 77 (Gulf of Mexico) and Hole 709B, ODP Leg 115 (Indian Ocean) | |
57% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1989 | Lincoln, Jonathan M.; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Cretaceous foundations and multiple periods of uplift in the northern Marshall Islands, West Central Pacific | |
57% | 160 161 | 1999 | Iaccarino, S.; Cita, Maria Bianca et al.: The Miocene-Pliocene boundary and the significance of the earliest Pliocene flooding in the Mediterranean Sea | |
57% | 160 160-964 | 2008 | Di Stefano, Enrico; Incarbona, Alessandro: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of ODP Hole 964D (eastern Mediterranean Sea) | |
57% | 206 206-1256 | 2008 | Fontana, E.; Tartarotti, P. et al.: Core-log integration approach for characterizing a shallow basement section of the East Pacific Rise | |
57% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2008 | Tartarotti, P.; Crispini, L. et al.: Deformation pattern in a massive ponded lava flow at ODP-IODP Site 1256; a core and log approach | |
57% | 206 206-1256 | 2010 | Fontana, Emanuele; Iturrino, Gerardo J. et al.: Depth-shifting and orientation of core data using a core log integration approach; a case study from ODP-IODP Hole 1256D | |
57% | 17 17-167 62 62-463 | 2006 | Walczak, P. S.; Duncan, R. A. et al.: Cretaceous anoxic event 1a linked with submarine plateau volcanism; geochemical evidence from marine sedimentary sections | |
57% | 13 107 160 161 | 1999 | Cita, Maria Bianca; Racchetti, Sonia et al.: Changes in the sedimentation rates in all Mediterranean drillsites document basin evolution and support starved basin conditions after early Zanclean flood | |
57% | 13 | 1972 | Nesteroff, W. D.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Evolution de la sedimentation pendant le Neogene en Mediterranee d'apres les forages JOIDES-DSDP Neogene sedimentation in the Mediterranean Sea based upon information from JOIDES-DSDP | |
57% | 161 | 2000 | Capotondi, Lucilla; Morigi, Caterina et al.: Biological and oxygen isotope records in late Quaternary sediments from the eastern Mediterranean Sea | |
57% | | 2007 | Muttoni, Giovanni; Kent, Dennis V.: Widespread formation of cherts during the early Eocene climate optimum | download |
57% | 17 17-167 62 62-463 143 143-866 | 2007 | Duncan, R. A.; Tiraboschi, D. et al.: The Cretaceous OAE1a-submarine plateau link; additional geochemical evidence from marine sedimentary sections | |
57% | 198 | 2002 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: ODP Leg 198; new evidence for rapid climate change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene from the Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean | |
57% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 2002 | Petrizzo, Maria Rose: Palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic inferences from Late Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from the Exmouth Plateau (ODP Sites 762 and 763, eastern Indian Ocean) | |
57% | 47 47-397 73 73-519 | 1984 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Terminal Miocene event | |
57% | 62 62-463 | 2007 | van Breugel, Yvonne; Schouten, Stefan et al.: Synchronous negative carbon isotope shifts in marine and terrestrial biomarkers at the onset of the early Aptian oceanic anoxic event 1a; evidence for the release of (super 13) C-depleted carbon into the atmosphere | download |
57% | 1 2 3 4 15 | 1973 | Berggren, W. A.; Amdurer, M.: Late Paleogene (Oligocene) and Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Atlantic Ocean (lat. 30 degrees N to lat. 30 degrees S) | |
57% | 114 114-700 122 122-762 122-763 | 2000 | Petrizzo, Maria Rose: Upper Turonian-lower Campanian planktonic Foraminifera from southern mid-high latitudes (Exmouth Plateau, NW Australia); biostratigraphy and taxonomic notes | |
57% | 161 161-975 | 2010 | Di Stefano, Agata: Evaluating repetition in sedimentary successions using high resolution integrated stratigraphy; an example in the lower Pliocene sequence of ODP Hole 975B | |
57% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2010 | Panseri, Matteo; Tartarotti, Paola et al.: Felsic segregation during crystallization of a subaqueous lava field (ODP-IODP Site 1256, East Pacific Rise); inferences from structure and petrography | |
57% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2009 | Fontana, Emanuele; Iturrino, Gerardo J. et al.: Depth-shifting and orientation of core data using a core-log integration approach; a case study from ODP-IODP Hole 1256D | |
57% | 13 13-132 | 1975 | Bertolani Marchetti, D.; Cita, M. B.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene--Palynological investigations on late Messinian sediments recorded at DSDP Site 132 (Tyrrhenian Basin) and their bearing on deep basin desiccation model | |
57% | 171B 171B-1050 171B-1052 | 2008 | Petrizzo, Maria Rose; Huber, Brian T. et al.: Late Albian paleoceanography of the western subtropical North Atlantic | download |
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