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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1999 | Knappertsbusch, M. W.; Huber, B. T. et al.: Micropaleontological reference centers | |
100% | | 1980 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Benthonic foraminifera of the bathyal zone from Oligocene through Quaternary | |
86% | 26 26-253 | 1976 | Boltovskoy, E.: "Bulava indica" a new foraminiferal guide fossil from the Indian Ocean | |
86% | | 1992 | Otero, I.: La exploracion geologica del suelo oceanico; "JOIDES Resolution" Geological exploration of the ocean floor; the JOIDES Resolution | |
81% | 13 13-124 42 42-372 | 2001 | Acosta, J.; Munoz, A. et al.: Geodynamics of the Emile Baudot Escarpment and the Balearic Promontory, western Mediterranean | |
71% | | 1985 | Boltovskoy, Esteban; Wanatabe, Silvia: Foraminiferos bentonicos del Cenozoico (Paleoceno Superior-Cuartario) del Sitio 305 del DSDP (Pacifico Noroccidental) Benthonic foraminifers from the Cenozoic; upper Paleocene and Quaternary of DSDP Site 305, Northwest Pacific | |
71% | 17 17-167 | 1987 | Boltovskoy, E.: Foraminifero bentonicos del Cenozoico del DSDP Sitia 167, Zona batial, Pacifico Central Benthonic Cenozoic foraminifera at DSDP Site 167, baythal zone, Central Pacific | |
71% | 36 36-329 | 1980 | Ciesielski, P. F.: On the age of the Neogene deposits at Site 329 (DSDP, Leg 36); discussion | |
71% | | 1979 | Banda, E.; Channell, J. E. T.: Evidencia geofisica para un modelo de evolucion de las cuencas del Mediterraneo occidental Geophysical evidence for a model of the evolution of the West Mediterranean basins | |
71% | 74 74-525 | 1989 | Watanabe, Silvia: New genus and five new species in order Foraminiferida | |
71% | 161 | 1996 | Comas, A. C.; Zahn, R. et al.: Las perforaciones del ODP-Leg 161 en el mediterraneo occidental ODP Leg 161 boreholes in the West Mediterranean | |
71% | 72 72-516 | 1995 | Boltovskoy, E.; Watanabe, S. et al.: Benthic foraminifers from DSDP Site 516 (upper Maestrichtian-Quaternary, South Atlantic) | |
71% | 111 111-677 | 1994 | Haslett, Simon K.: High-resolution radiolarian abundance data through the late Pliocene Olduvai subchron of ODP Hole 677A (Panama Basin, eastern Equatorial Pacific) | |
71% | 23 23-219 | 1993 | Boltovskoy, E.; Vera Ocampo, J.: Benthic foraminifers from DSDP Site 219 (Eocene-Pleistocene, Arabian Sea) | |
71% | | 1972 | Barbieri, F.; Medioli, F.: Upper Oligocene-lower Miocene microfacies from a Caribbean seamount (Aves Swell) with infiltrated Pleistocene foraminifera | |
71% | 157 | 1996 | Baraza, J.: Physical properties of sediments from Madeira abyssal plain; results from ODP Leg 157 | |
71% | 36 36-329 | 1978 | Boltovskoy, E.: On the age of the Neogen deposits at Site 329 (DSDP, Leg 36) | |
71% | | 1986 | El margen Atlantico Iberico al w de Galicia; Evolucion en regimen extensional y sedimentacion The Atlantic-Iberian margin in western Galicia; extension tectonics and sedimentation evolution | |
71% | | 1986 | Whatley, Robin C.; Downing, S. E. et al.: The ostracod genus Poseidonamicus from the Cainozoic of D.S.D.P. sites in the S.W. Pacific | |
71% | | 1996 | Catalan Morollon, M.; Catalan Perez-Urquiola, M.: Aplicaciones de la altimetria al estudio de la dinamica del oceano; la corriente circumpolar en el arco de Scotia Application of altimetry to the study of ocean dynamics; the Circumpolar Current in the Scotia Arc | |
71% | | 1992 | Cusminsky, G. C.: Foraminiferos bentonicos provenientes de testigos del oceano Atlantico sudoccidental austral Benthonic foraminifera from cores of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | 82 82-563 | 1995 | Peleo-Alampay, Alyssa M.; Wei, Wuchang: Magnetobiochronology of several Miocene nannofossil datums at DSDP Site 563 revisited | |
71% | | 1992 | Arana, V.; Bustillo, M. A.: Volcanologic concerns of the siliceous metasedimentary xenoliths included in historic lava-flows of Lanzarote (Canary Islands) | |
57% | 94 94-606 94-607 94-608 94-609 94-610 94-611 | 1987 | Whatley, R.; Coles, G.: The late Miocene to Quaternary Ostracoda of Leg 94, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
57% | 80 80-549 80-550 82 82-563 94 | 1989 | Coles, Graham; Whatley, Robin: New Palaeocene to Miocene genera and species of Ostracoda from DSDP sites in the North Atlantic | |
57% | 13 13-132 | 1974 | Cita, M. B.; Ciampo, G. et al.: Il Quaternario del Tirreno abissale; interpretazione stratigrafica e paleoclimatica des pozzo DSDP 132 The Quaternary of the Tyrrhenian Basin; stratigraphic and paleoclimatic interpretation of DSDP Site 132 | |
57% | 14 14-135 | 1989 | Frances, G.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Foraminiferos bentonicos profundos del Mioceno superior y Plioceno inferior en el DSDP Site 135, Atlantico nororiental Upper Miocene and lower Pliocene deep benthonic foraminifers from DSDP Site 135, northeastern Atlantic Ocean | |
57% | | 1977 | Baena, J.; Cabanas, I. et al.: El Andaluciense como unidad cronoestratigrafica adecuada para el area mediterranea The Andalusian as an adequate chronostratigraphic unit for the Mediterranean region | |
57% | | 1990 | Boltovskoy, E.; Giussani de Kahn, G.: Benthic unilocular calcareous foraminifers in late Cenozoic deep sea deposits of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans | |
57% | 157 157-953 157-954 | 2003 | Llanes, P.; Munoz, A. et al.: Morphological and structural analysis in the Anaga offshore massif, Canary Islands; fractures and debris avalanches relationships | |
57% | 161 161-975 | 2004 | Jimenez Espejo, F. J.; Martinez Ruiz, F. et al.: Registro paleoceanografico de la cuenca balear (ODP Leg 161, Site 975); implicaciones para el analisis de la variabilidad climatica durante los ultimos 40.000 anos Paleoceanographic record of the Balearic Basin (ODP Leg 161, Site 975); implications for climatic variability analysis for the last 40,000 years | |
57% | 161 | 2004 | Martinez Ruiz, F.; Gonzalez Donoso, J. M. et al.: Respuesta de la productividad biologica marina al cambio climatico; registro de alta resolucion de la cuenca del mar de Alboran Response of marine biologic productivity to climatic change; high-resolution record of the Alboran Sea basin | |
57% | 204 | 2004 | Pinero, E.; Gracia, E. et al.: Sedimentologia y magnetismo de sedimentos ricos en hidratos de gas de Hydrate Ridge (margen de Oregon - ODP Leg 204); aplicacion en estudios paleoclimaticos Sedimentology and magnetism of sediments rich in gas hydrates from Hydrate Ridge (Oregon margin-ODP Leg 204); application to paleoclimate studies | |
57% | 14 14-135 | 1990 | Frances, G.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Variacion en las asociaciones de foraminiferos bentonicos abisales en el D.S.D.P. Site 135 durante el Pleistoceno superior Variation in the assemblages of abyssal benthonic foraminifera at D.S.D.P. Site 135 during the upper Pleistocene | |
57% | 107 107-654 | 1991 | Frances, G.; Flores, J. A. et al.: Analisis factorial (modo Q) de la nanoflora calcarea del Mioceno superior en el sondeo ODP 654 (Tirreno, Mediterraneo occidental) Factor analysis (Q mode) of the calcareous nannoflora from the upper Miocene at ODP Site 654; Tyrrhenian Sea, West Mediterranean | |
57% | 36 36-329 71 71-513 114 114-699 | 2001 | Majoran, S.; Dingle, R. V.: Cenozoic deep-sea ostracods from southwestern South Atlantic (DSDP/ODP sites 329, 513 and 699) | |
57% | 138 138-847 138-850 138-851 | 1996 | Haslett, S. K.: Radiolarian faunal data through the Plio-Pleistocene Olduvai magnetosubchron of ODP Leg 138, sites 847, 850 and 851 (eastern Equatorial Pacific) | |
57% | | 1984 | Whatley, R. C.; Downing, S. E. et al.: New species of ostracod genus Bradleya from the Tertiary and Quaternary of D.S.D.P. sites in the Southwest Pacific | |
50% | 12 12-118 14 14-135 14-136 50 50-415 50-416 | 1987 | Flores Villarejo, J. A.: El grupo Sphenolithus abies en el Neogeno de las cuencas del Guadalquivir, Espana y Surrifena, Marruecos y sondeos DSDP del Atlantico Nororiental Neogene Sphenolithus abies of the Guadalquivir Basin, Spain and Surrifena Basin, Morocco and DSDP boreholes of the Northeast Atlantic | |
50% | 12 13 13-123 13-124 13-132 13-133 13-134 | 1974 | Colom, G.: Sobre la extension del vindobonense marino en Menorca y los sondeos de la "Deep sea drilling project" (U. S. A.); Sugerencias respecto a una nueva interpretacion de la biogeografia balear On the extension of marine Vindobonian in Minocra and boreholes of the Deep Sea Drilling Project; suggestions in regard to a new interpretation of Balearic biogeography | |
50% | 4 4-25 47 47-397 49 49-410 | 2005 | Bylinskaya, Marina E.: Range and stratigraphic significance of the Globorotalia crassaformis plexus | |
50% | 138 138-849 138-852 | 1995 | Flores, Jose Abel; Sierro, Francisco Javier et al.: Control orbital del flujo de cocolitoforidos durante el Plioceno superior en el Pacifico ecuatorial (ODP Leg 138) Upper Pliocene orbital forcing of Coccolithophoraceae in the Equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 138) | |
43% | 47 47-398 173 | 2005 | Wallrabe-Adams, H. J.; Altenbach, A. V. et al.: Facies development of ODP Leg 173 sediments and comparison with tectono-sedimentary sequences of compressional Iberian plate margins; a general overview | |
43% | 13 13-120 14 14-135 | 2004 | Medialdea, T.; Vegas, R. et al.: Structure and evolution of the "Olistostrome" complex of the Gibraltar Arc in the Gulf of Cadiz (eastern Central Atlantic); evidence from two long seismic cross-sections | download |
43% | 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2007 | Villasante-Marcos, Victor; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca et al.: Magnetic characterization of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments | |
43% | 41 41-368 74 74-529 108 108-667 121 121-758 | 1995 | Smart, Christopher W.; Murray, John W.: Miocene deep-sea benthic Foraminifera from the Atlantic and Indian oceans; diversity patterns and palaeoceanography | |
36% | 15 15-146 15-154 | 2005 | Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.; Lamolda, Marcos A. et al.: Spatial and temporal variations of the Haitian K-T boundary record; implications concerning the event or events | |
13% | 77 77-535 | 1984 | Palacas, James G.; King, J. David et al.: Origin of asphalt and adjacent oil stains in Lower Cretaceous fractured limestones, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 77 | download |
12% | 191 191-1179 206 206-1256 301 301-U1301 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 327 327-U1301 335 335-1256 | 2011 | Vils, Flurin; Elliott, T. et al.: Molybdenum isotopes in the altered oceanic crust, a novel proxy for recycling? | download |
11% | 103 103-637 103-638 103-639 103-640 103-641 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Introduction, objectives, and principal results; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103, West Galicia margin | download |
11% | 161 161-976 | 2010 | Martin-Puertas, Celia; Jimenez-Espejo, Francisco et al.: Late Holocene climate variability in the southwestern Mediterranean region; an integrated marine and terrestrial geochemical approach | download |
9% | 103 103-637 103-638 103-639 103-640 103-641 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Underway geophysics; ODP Leg 103 | download |
9% | | 1997 | Szabo, Zoltan; Pucci, A. A., Jr. et al.: Sr-isotopic evidence for leakage of pore water from clay-silt confining units to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Atlantic City, New Jersey | download |
8% | 122 122-762 183 183-1135 208 208-1262 208-1263 | 2011 | Foster, L. C.; Schmidt, D. N. et al.: Quantifying ocean acidification during the Palaeogene hyperthermals | download |
8% | 129 129-800 129-801 129-802 185 185-801 | 2011 | Freymuth, Heye; Elliott, Tim et al.: Molybdenum isotopes as a novel tracer for subduction components in the Mariana Arc | download |
7% | 103 103-637 103-638 103-639 103-640 103-641 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Explanatory notes; ODP Leg 103 | download |
7% | 103 103-640 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Site 640 | download |
7% | 116 116-717 116-718 | 2011 | Gattacceca, J. C.; Galy, A. et al.: Changes in Neogene Himalayan erosion regime; input of Pb and Nd isotopes into the Indian Ocean | download |
7% | 175 175-1084 | 2011 | Reisberg, L.; Blamart, D. et al.: The Os isotopic record of organic rich sediments from the Benguela upwelling system, Namibia | download |
7% | 184 | 2005 | Sun Xiangjun; Luo Yunli et al.: Deep-sea pollen research in the South China Sea | download |
7% | 184 184-1143 | 2005 | Tian Jun; Wang Panxian et al.: Quaternary upper ocean thermal gradient variations in the South China Sea; implication of East Asian monsoon climate | download |
7% | 208 | 2005 | Tuo Shouting; Liu Zhifei et al.: Marine carbonate dissolution record during the Eocene-Oligocene transition, the Walvis Ridge transect, South Atlantic | download |
7% | 128 128-798 | 2005 | Yi, Sangheon; Lee, Young-Joo et al.: Late Pliocene palynological assemblages from the ODP Site 798B, East Sea (Japan Sea); implications for vegetation and climatic history | download |
7% | 202 202-1240 | 2005 | Yu, Pai-Sen; Chen, Min-Te: A La Nina-like condition in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during MIS 13-15 | download |
7% | 184 184-1145 184-1146 | 2005 | Liu Zhifei; Colin, Christophe et al.: Weathering, erosion, and East Asian monsoon evolution in South China and Indo-China during late Quaternary; clay minerals in the South China Sea | download |
6% | | 2004 | Glass, Billy P.: Distal impact ejecta from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater | download |
6% | 95 95-612 150 150-904 | 2004 | Lev, Steven M.: An isotopic and trace element investigation of melt-rock and impact breccia from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater to establish the source of the North American tektite strewn field | download |
6% | 95 95-612 95-613 | 2004 | Palmer-Julson, Amanda: Pre- and post-impact paleoceanographic conditions on the Eocene mid-Atlantic continental margin; evidence from radiolarians | download |
6% | 177 177-1093 | 2011 | Wetzel, F.; Shemesh, A. et al.: Diatom Si isotope variations from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (ODP Site 1093) record environmental changes of the last 170 ka | download |
6% | 323 323-U1341 | 2011 | Wehrmann, L. M.; Maerz, C. et al.: Long-term development of diagenetic signals of past sulfate-methane transition zones in subseafloor sediments | download |
6% | 198 198-1209 208 208-1262 208-1263 | 2011 | Penman, Donald E.; Zachos, James C. et al.: Boron proxy evidence for surface ocean acidification & elevated pCO (sub 2) during the PETM | download |
6% | 181 181-1123 | 2011 | Piotrowski, A. M.; Noble, T. L. et al.: Reconstructing Southern and Pacific Ocean deep circulation using Nd isotopes | download |
5% | 103 103-637 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Site 637 | download |
5% | 103 103-641 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Site 641 | download |
5% | 324 324-U1347 | 2011 | Husen, A.; Almeev, R. et al.: Geothermobarometry of basaltic glasses from Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau | download |
5% | 323 323-U1345 | 2011 | Huh, Youngsook; Soyol-Erdene, Tseren-Ochir: Rare earth elements in pore waters of the Bering Sea sediments | download |
4% | 103 103-639 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Site 639 | download |
4% | 177 177-1089 | 2011 | Anderson, Robert F.; Fleisher, Martin Q.: Deep ocean carbonate chemistry on millennial to Milankovitch time scales | download |
4% | 324 324-U1349 | 2011 | Almeev, R.; Portnyagin, M. et al.: Highly depleted melt inclusions in olivine from Shatsky Rise | download |
4% | 209 209-1271 | 2011 | Abe, Natsue: Rutile included in the podiform chromitite from ocean floor at MAR 15 degrees 20'N FZ, Site 1271, ODP Leg 209 | download |
4% | 160 160-967 | 2011 | Azrieli, Irit; Matthews, A. et al.: Low molybdenum isotope compositions in euxinic sapropel S1 | download |
4% | | 2011 | Antler, Gilad; Turchyn, Alexandra V. et al.: Mechanics of bacterial sulfate reduction deduced from sulfur and oxygen isotopes in pore fluid sulfate | download |
4% | | 2006 | Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Ocean | download |
4% | 210 210-1276 210-1277 | 2006 | Engstrom, Anna; Skelton, Alasdair et al.: The Newfoundland-Iberia conjugate margin; new results from Site 1277 | download |
4% | 103 103-638 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Site 638 | download |
4% | 206 206-1256 | 2010 | Dziony, W.; Horn, I. et al.: delta (super 56) Fe variations in Fe-Ti oxides of IODP Hole 1256D (East Pacific Rise) | download |
4% | 201 | 2010 | Jaisi, Deb P.; Blake, Ruth E.: Tracing sources and cycling of phosphorus in Peru margin sediments using oxygen isotopes in phosphates | download |
2% | 121 121-758 | 2003 | Chen, Chang-Hwa; Ku, Y. P. et al.: The Toba Tuff in the Peninsula India; as a clue for the Acheulian puzzle | download |
2% | | 2010 | Exon, Neville: Australia's involvement in IODP; what it means for our scientists | download |
2% | 322 | 2010 | Moreau, John W.; Lynch, Jill E. et al.: Biochemical and geomicrobiological evidence for an ultra-deep anaerobic methane oxidation zone in the Nankai Trough sub-seafloor | download |
2% | | 2010 | Heap, Andrew D.; Exon, Neville: Australia's new marine research vessel; geoscience implications | download |
2% | 318 | 2010 | Welsh, Kevin; Escutia Dotti, Carlota et al.: IODP 318 Cenozoic East Antarctica ice sheet evolution from Wilkes Land margin sediments; preliminary results | download |
2% | 323 | 2010 | Dadd, Kelsie A.; Aiello, Ivano et al.: IODP Expedition 323 in the Bering Sea; environmental change over 5 million years recorded in deep-sea sediment | download |
2% | 325 | 2010 | Abbey, Elizabeth; Webster, J. et al.: Morphological variation, composition and age of submerged reefs on the Great Barrier Reef | download |
2% | 317 317-U1351 | 2010 | Fulthorpe, C.; Hoyanagi, K. et al.: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 317 (Canterbury Basin, New Zealand) | download |
2% | 324 324-U1346 | 2010 | Murphy, David: Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data from the Shirshov Massif of the Shatsky Rise, north-west Pacific | download |
2% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2010 | Baines, Graham; Schwartz, J. et al.: The tectonic evolution of the Atlantis Bank oceanic core-complex, south-west Indian Ridge | download |
2% | 319 319-C0009 | 2010 | Huftile, Gary J.: Using soft-sediment deformation to date paleoseismic events in bore holes, IODP Leg 319, Kumano Basin, Nankai Trough, Japan | download |
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