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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
1976Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Site 314download
58%331976Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Honolulu, Hawaii to Papeete, Tahiti; November-December 1973download
41%331976Winterer, E. L.: Bathymetry and regional tectonic setting of the Line Islands Chaindownload
29%1221992De Carlo, Eric H.; Exon, Neville F.: Ferromanganese deposits from the Wombat Plateau, Northwest Australiadownload
24%331976Johnson, D. A.: Cenozoic radiolarians from the central Pacific, DSDP Leg 33download
19%331976Martini, E.: Cretaceous to Recent calcareous nannoplankton from the central Pacific Ocean (DSDP Leg 33)download
12%1974Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes; Leg 26 through Leg 33download

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