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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1998 | Elverhoi, A.; Hooke, R. LeB. et al.: Late Cenozoic erosion and sediment yield from the Svalbard-Barents Sea region; implications for understanding erosion of glacierized basins | |
100% | | 1996 | Faleide, Jan Inge; Solheim, Anders et al.: Late Cenozoic evolution of the western Barents Sea-Svalbard continental margin | |
100% | 162 162-986 | 1998 | Butt, F. A.; Solheim, A. et al.: Glacial evolution of the western Svalbard-Barents Sea margin through Plio-Pleistocene | |
100% | | 2000 | Dimakis, Panagiotis; Elverhoi, Anders et al.: Submarine slope stability on high-latitude glaciated Svalbard-Barents Sea margin | |
92% | 162 162-986 | 1998 | Solheim, Anders; Forsberg, Carl Fredrik et al.: The Plio-Pleistocene glacial evolution of western Svalbard and Barents Sea margin; results from ODP Site 986 | |
82% | | 1988 | Anonymous: Geologic history of the polar oceans; Arctic versus Antarctic | |
82% | | 2000 | Mutterlose, Joerg: Early Cretaceous climates; from an icehouse to a greenhouse world | |
82% | 151 151-909 | 2008 | Knies, Jochen; Gaina, Carmen: Middle Miocene ice sheet expansion in the Arctic; views from the Barents Sea | download |
82% | 162 | 1995 | Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen et al.: North Atlantic Arctic Gateways II | |
82% | | 2011 | Anthonissen, Erik: Tying the regional neritic biostratigraphy of the North Sea to the oceanic record; an improved microfossil zonation for the Neogene of the Nordic Seas | |
80% | 152 | 1998 | Solheim, Anders; Faleide, Jan Inge et al.: Late Cenozoic seismic stratigraphy and glacial geological development of the East Greenland and Svalbard-Barents Sea continental margins | |
80% | 151 151-911 | 2002 | Knies, Jochen; Matthiessen, Jens et al.: Evidence of "mid-Pliocene ( approximately 3 Ma) global warmth" in the eastern Arctic Ocean and implications for the Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene ( approximately 3-1.7 Ma) | |
80% | 162 162-986 | 2000 | Vutt, Faisal A.; Elverhoi, Anders et al.: Relief of the Barents Sea during Plio-Pleistocene and its implications for Northern Hemisphere glaciations | |
77% | 162 162-986 | 1998 | Elverhoi, Anders; Solheim, Anders et al.: Shelf-to-deep sea episodic sediment transport processes along a glaciated margin; examples from the western Svalbard-Barents Sea margin | |
65% | 38 38-344 | 1993 | Eidvin, Tor; Jansen, Eystein et al.: Chronology of Tertiary fan deposits off the western Barents Sea; implications for the uplift and erosion history of the Barents shelf | |
65% | 162 162-986 162-987 | 1995 | Solheim, A.: Plio-Pleistocene glacial evolution of the Svalbard and East Greenland continental margins; preliminary results of ODP Leg 162 | |
60% | | 2007 | Anthonissen, Erik D.: Integrated microfossil characterization of the Neogene sand members of offshore Norway | |
58% | 162 162-986 | 2000 | Eidvin, Tor: Late Cainozoic stratigraphy of the Norwegian continental shelf | |
58% | | 1996 | Solheim, A.; Riis, F. et al.: Impact of glaciations on basin evolution; data and models from the Norwegian margin and adjacent areas; introduction and summary | |
58% | | 1996 | Andersen, Espen S.; Dokken, Trond M. et al.: Late Quaternary sedimentation and glacial history of the western Svalbard continental margin | |
58% | | 2007 | Shipilov, E. V.; Raznitsyn, Yu. N. et al.: New geodynamic model of the evolution of the northern Norwegian-Greenland Basin | |
58% | 302 | 2011 | Setoyama, Eiichi; Kaminski, Michael A. et al.: Late Cretaceous palaeobiogeographic distribution of Foraminifera in the Tethyan-Atlantic-Arctic transect | |
57% | 151 151-908 151-909 151-910 151-911 162 162-986 | 2009 | Knies, Jochen; Matthiessen, Jens et al.: The Plio-Pleistocene glaciation of the Barents Sea-Svalbard region; a new model based on revised chronostratigraphy | |
49% | 151 151-907 162 162-907 162-980 162-981 162-982 162-984 162-985 162-986 162-987 | 1996 | McManus, J. F.; Jansen, E. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 162; the North Atlantic/Arctic Gateways | |
46% | 103 103-641 | 2008 | Cetean, Claudia G.; Setoyama, Eiichi et al.: Eobigenerina, n. gen., a cosmopolitan deep-water agglutinated foraminifer, and remarks on species formerly assigned to the genera Pseudobolivina and Bigenerina | |
46% | 162 162-986 | 2000 | Butt, F. A.; Elverhoi, A. et al.: Deciphering late Cenozoic development of the western Svalbard margin from ODP Site 986 results | |
46% | 162 162-986 | 1997 | Solheim, Anders; Forsberg, Carl-Fredrik et al.: ODP site 986 throws new light on the Plio-Pleistocene glacial evolution of northwest Eurasia | |
41% | | 2008 | Eidvin, Tor; Rasmussen, Erik Skovbjerg et al.: Oligocene to Lower Pliocene deposits of the Norwegian continental shelf, with correlations to the Norwegian Sea, Greenland, Svalbard, Denmark and Fennoscandia morphology | |
40% | 162 162-986 | 1999 | Forsberg, Carl Fredrik; Solheim, A. et al.: The depositional environment of the western Svalbard margin during the late Pliocene and the Pleistocene; sedimentary facies changes at Site 986 | |
40% | 151 151-909 | 2008 | Engen, Oyvind; Faleide, J. I. et al.: Opening of the Fram Strait gateway; a review of plate tectonic constraints | download |
40% | 302 302-M0004 | 2011 | Setoyama, Eiichi; Kaminski, Michael A. et al.: Campanian agglutinated Foraminifera from the Lomonosov Ridge, IODP Expedition 302, ACEX, in the paleogeographic context of the Arctic Ocean | |
35% | 162 162-986 162-987 | 1999 | Channell, James E. T.; Smelror, Morten et al.: Age models for glacial fan deposits off East Greenland and Svalbard (sites 986 and 987) | |
35% | 104 | 1994 | Hoelemann, Jens A.; Henrich, Ruediger: Allochthonous versus autochthonous organic matter in Cenozoic sediments of the Norwegian Sea; evidence for the onset of glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere | |
34% | 151 151-910 | 1996 | Rack, Frank R.; Finndin, Rustan et al.: Analysis and interpretation of X-ray images of sediment cores from Hole 910D, Yermak Plateau; preliminary results | download |
33% | 151 151-910 | 1996 | Flower, Benjamin P.: Late Quaternary stable isotopic stratigraphy of Hole 910A, Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean; relations with Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet history | download |
29% | 162 162-986 | 2011 | Rosell-Mele, A.; Balestra, B. et al.: Alkenones and coccoliths in ice-rafted debris during the last glacial maximum in the North Atlantic; implications for the use of U (super K) (sub 37) ' as a sea surface temperature proxy | |
24% | 162 162-986 | 1999 | Eidvin, Tor; Nagy, Jeno: Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Pliocene deposits at Site 986, Svalbard margin | download |
24% | 151 151-909 151-912 | 1996 | Hevroy, Kjersti; Lavik, Gaute et al.: Quaternary paleoceanography and paleoclimatology of the Fram Strait/Yermak Plateau region; evidence from sites 909 and 912 | download |
23% | | 1990 | Sandvik, Karl Oscar; Skinner, Alexander C.: Offshore diamond coring systems; a review of known systems and a comparison with the ODP diamond coring system | download |
22% | 151 | 1995 | Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Joern: North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways | download |
22% | 162 162-986 | 1996 | Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: Site 986 | download |
21% | 162 | 1996 | Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen E.: Leg 162; new frontiers on past climates | download |
18% | 151 151-910 151-911 | 1996 | Willard, Debra A.: Pliocene-Pleistocene pollen assemblages from the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean; Sites 910 and 911 | download |
17% | 151 151-913 | 1996 | Andreasson, Fredrik P.; Schmitz, Birger et al.: Stable isotopic composition (delta (super 18) O (sub CO3) (super 2-) , delta (super 13) C) of early Eocene fish-apatite from Hole 913B; an indicator of the early Norwegian-Greenland Sea paleosalinity | download |
17% | 151 | 1996 | Rack, Frank R.; Bloemendal, Jan et al.: Development of physical properties relationships, interhole composite depth profiles, and sedimentologic ground truthing of multi-sensor core measurements; a synthesis of results | download |
17% | | 2008 | Sagiya, Takeshi: ICDP workshop on borehole monitoring at the Nankai subduction zone; building a land-ocean borehole network to study the seismogenic zone | download |
17% | | 2008 | Neal, Clive R.; Coffin, Millard F. et al.: Investigating large igneous province formation and associated paleoenvironmental events; a white paper for scientific drilling | download |
17% | 314 315 316 | 2008 | Kuramoto, Shin'ichi; Curewitz, Daniel et al.: The first D/V Chikyu IODP operations; successful logging and coring during NanTroSEIZE stage 1 expeditions | download |
17% | | 2008 | Myers, Greg: Ultra-deepwater riserless mud circulation with dual gradient drilling | download |
17% | | 2008 | Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Drilling to decipher long-term sea-level changes and effects; a joint Consortium for Ocean Leadership, ICDP, IODP, DOSECC, and Chevron workshops | download |
17% | | 2008 | Lin, Weiren; Yamamoto, Koji et al.: Estimation of minimum principal stress from an extended leak-off test onboard the Chikyu drilling vessel and suggestions for future test procedures | download |
17% | 304 | 2008 | Searle, Roger C.: Magnetic susceptibility as a tool for investigating igneous rocks; experience from IODP Expedition 304 | download |
16% | 152 | 1998 | Lykke-Andersen, Holger: Neogene-Quaternary depositional history of the East Greenland shelf in the vicinity of Leg 152 shelf sites | download |
15% | 152 | 1994 | Larsen, Hans Christian; Saunders, Andrew D. et al.: Introduction; Breakup of the southeast Greenland margin and the formation of the Irminger Basin; background and scientific objectives | download |
14% | 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1990 | Kaczmarska, Irena; Ehrman, James M.: Pyritized diatoms in the sediments at the distal end of the Bengal Fan | download |
14% | 152 | 1998 | Scherer, Reed P.: Data report; No significant occurrences of diatoms, silicoflagellates, or ebridians in lower Eocene through lower Miocene sediments of the Southeast Greenland margin | download |
14% | 151 | 1996 | Thiede, Joern; Myhre, Annik M.: Introduction to the North Atlantic-Arctic gateways; plate tectonic-paleoceanographic history and significance | download |
13% | 38 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Jorn et al.: The Norwegian continental margin; tectonic, volcanic, and paleoenvironmental framework | download |
12% | 81 | 1984 | Roberts, David G.; Morton, Andrew C. et al.: Late Paleocene-Eocene volcanic events in the northern North Atlantic Ocean | download |
12% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1987 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Joern et al.: ODP Leg 104 (Norwegian Sea); explanatory notes | download |
12% | 302 302-M0001 302-M0002 302-M0003 302-M0004 | 2009 | Vogt, Christoph: Data report; Semiquantitative determination of detrital input to ACEX sites based on bulk sample X-ray diffraction data | download |
12% | 151 151-911 188 188-1165 | 2007 | Junttila, Juho: Clay minerals in response to mid-Pliocene glacial history and climate in the polar regions (ODP, Site 1165, Prydz Bay, Antarctica and Site 911, Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean) | download |
12% | 104 104-642 104-642E | 1989 | Gibson, Ian L.; Love, David A.: A listric fault model for the formation of the dipping reflectors penetrated during the drilling of Hole 642E, ODP Leg 104 | download |
12% | 302 | 2008 | Haley, Brian A.; Frank, Martin et al.: Influence of brine formation on Arctic Ocean circulation over the past 15 million years | download |
10% | 151 | 1996 | Fronval, Torben; Jansen, Eystein: Late Neogene paleoclimates and paleoceanography in the Iceland-Norwegian Sea; evidence from the Iceland and Voring plateaus | download |
10% | 119 119-743 | 1989 | Barron, John; Larsen, Birger et al.: Site 743 | download |
10% | 151 151-908 | 1996 | Boulter, M. C.; Manum, S. B.: Oligocene and Miocene vegetation in high latitudes of the North Atlantic; palynological evidence from the Hovgard Ridge in the Greenland Sea (Site 908) | download |
10% | 302 | 2004 | Backman, Jan; Moran, Kathryn et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 302 scientific prospectus; ACEX Arctic Coring Expediton; paleoceanographic and tectonic evolution of the central Arctic Ocean | download |
9% | 112 | 1990 | von Breymann, Marta T.; Emeis, Kay-Christian et al.: Geochemistry of sediments from the Peru upwelling area; results from sites 680, 682, 685, and 688 | download |
9% | 119 119-739 119-740 119-741 119-742 119-743 | 1991 | Hambrey, Michael J.; Ehrmann, Werner U. et al.: Cenozoic glacial record of the Prydz Bay continental shelf, East Antarctica | download |
9% | 151 | 1995 | Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Joern et al.: Site 910 | download |
8% | 119 119-739 119-740 119-741 119-742 119-743 | 1991 | Solheim, Anders; Forsberg, Carl Fredrik et al.: Geotechnical properties of glacigenic shelf sediments from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica | download |
7% | 162 162-987 | 1996 | Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen E. et al.: Site 987 | download |
7% | 151 | 1996 | Chow, Nancy; Morad, Sadoon et al.: Origin of authigenic carbonates in Eocene to Quaternary sediments from the Arctic Ocean and Norwegian-Greenland Sea | download |
7% | 159 159-959 159-960 159-962 | 1998 | Basile, Christophe; Mascle, Jean et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin; an overview of Leg 159 results | download |
7% | 152 | 1998 | Clausen, Lene: Late Neogene and Quaternary sedimentation on the continental slope and upper rise offshore Southeast Greenland; interplay of contour and turbidity processes | download |
7% | 119 119-745 119-746 | 1991 | Ehrmann, Werner U.; Grobe, Hannes: Cyclic sedimentation at sites 745 and 746 | download |
7% | 119 | 1991 | Cooper, Alan K.; Stagg, Howard et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and structure of Prydz Bay, Antarctica; implications from Leg 119 drilling | download |
7% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1987 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Jorn et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program covering Leg 104 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bremerhaven, Germany, to St. John's, Newfoundland, sites 642-644, 19 June 1985-23 August 1985 | download |
7% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Jorn et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Norwegian Sea; covering Leg 104 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bremerhaven, Germany, to St. John's, Newfoundland, Sites 642-644, 19 June 1985-23 August 1985 | download |
7% | 151 151-911 | 1996 | Matthiessen, Jens; Brenner, Wolfram: Dinoflagellate cyst ecostratigraphy of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from the Yermak Plateau (Arctic Ocean, Hole 911A) | download |
7% | 42 42-379 | 1978 | Calvert, S. E.; Batchelor, C. H.: Major and minor element geochemistry of sediments from Hole 379A, Leg 42B, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
7% | 81 152 | 1998 | Sinton, Christopher W.; Duncan, Robert A.: (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar ages of lavas from the Southeast Greenland margin, ODP Leg 152, and the Rockall Plateau, DSDP Leg 81 | download |
7% | 119 | 1991 | Solheim, Anders; Forsberg, Carl Fredrik et al.: Stepwise consolidation of glacigenic sediments related to the glacial history of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica | download |
7% | | 2006 | Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Ocean | download |
7% | 210 210-1276 210-1277 | 2006 | Engstrom, Anna; Skelton, Alasdair et al.: The Newfoundland-Iberia conjugate margin; new results from Site 1277 | download |
7% | 38 38-338 38-341 38-342 38-343 104 104-642 104-643 | 1989 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Jorn et al.: Evolution of the Voring volcanic margin | download |
7% | 151 | 1996 | Locker, Sigurd: Cenozoic siliceous flagellates from the Fram Strait and the East Greenland margin; biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic results | download |
6% | 119 119-739 | 1989 | Barron, John; Larsen, Birger et al.: Site 739 | download |
6% | 151 151-908 | 1995 | Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Joern et al.: Site 908 | download |
6% | 151 | 1996 | Thiede, Joern; Myhre, Annik M. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Scientific results, North Atlantic-Arctic gateways I; covering Leg 151 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, St. John's Harbor, Newfoundland, to Reykjavik, Iceland, sites 907-913, 24 July-24 September 1993 | download |
6% | | 2011 | Jaeger, John; Gulick, Sean et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 341 scientific prospectus; southern Alaska margin; interactions of tectonics, climate and sedimentation | download |
6% | 38 151 | 1996 | Scherer, Reed P.; Koc, Nalan: Late Paleogene diatom biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the northern Norwegian-Greenland Sea | download |
6% | 152 152-919 | 1998 | Flower, Benjamin P.: Mid- to late Quaternary stable isotopic stratigraphy and paleoceanography at Site 919 in the Irminger Basin | download |
6% | 145 | 1995 | Barron, John A.; Gladenkov, Andrey Y.: Early Miocene to Pleistocene diatom stratigraphy of Leg 145 | download |
6% | 104 104-642 104-642E | 1989 | Boulter, M. C.; Manum, S. B.: The Brito-Arctic igneous province flora around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary | download |
6% | 81 81-552 81-553 81-554 81-555 | 1984 | Roberts, David G.; Backman, Jan et al.: Evolution of volcanic rifted margins; synthesis of Leg 81 results on the west margin of Rockall Plateau | download |
6% | 178 | 2002 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo: Glacial history of the Antarctic Peninsula from Pacific margin sediments | download |
6% | 151 | 1995 | Thiede, Joern; Myhre, Annik M. et al.: Cenozoic Northern Hemisphere polar and subpolar ocean paleoenvironments (summary of ODP Leg 151 drilling results) | download |
6% | 161 161-976 | 2011 | Nieto-Moreno, Vanesa; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca et al.: Tracking climate variability in the western Mediterranean during the late Holocene; a multiproxy approach | download |
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