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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 2006 | Krastel, Sebastian; Andren, T. et al.: IODP; towards a Baltic IODP; new results from a seismic pre-site survey in the Kattegat area and the southern Baltic Sea | |
80% | | 2010 | Trampe, A. F.; Spiess, V. et al.: Results of a high resolution seismic IODP pre-site survey in the southwestern Baltic Sea; Anholt Loch and Hano Bay, Bornholm Basin | |
76% | | 1998 | Seibold, Eugen: Meeresgeologische Impulse aus Kiel; Briefe und Telegramme 1961-1971 Incentives to marine geology from Kiel; letters and telegrams 1961-1971 | |
76% | | 2004 | Puura, Ivar (ed.); Tuuling, Igor (ed.) et al.: The Baltic; the eighth marine geological conference; abstracts | |
72% | | 2004 | Andren, T.; Best, G. et al.: Towards a Baltic Sea IODP | |
63% | 37 37-334 | 1984 | Leont'ev, O. K.: Principal structural and tectonic features of the ocean floors around Europe | |
54% | 151 | 2008 | Thiede, Jorn; Johannessen, Ola M.: Climate change in the north; past, present and future | |
51% | 112 112-680 | 1994 | Veto, Istvan; Hetenyi, Magdolna et al.: Hydrogen index as reflecting intensity of sulphidic diagenesis in non-bioturbated, shaly sediments | |
46% | | 2008 | Trampe, Anna Frederike; Krastel, Sebastian et al.: The depositional Quaternary history of Anholt Loch; results of a high resolution seismic pre-site survey | |
45% | | 1984 | Kastner, M.; Asaro, Frank et al.: Did the clay minerals at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary form from glass? Evidence from Denmark and DSDP Hole 465A | |
44% | | 2007 | Ojala, Antti E. K.; Palmu, Jukka-Pekka: Sedimentological characteristics of late Weichselian-Holocene deposits of the Suurpelto area in Espoo, southern Finland | |
36% | 207 | 2010 | von Allmen, Katja; Boettcher, Michael E. et al.: Barium isotope fractionation in the global barium cycle; first evidence from barium minerals and precipitation experiments | |
36% | 80 80-550 | 2002 | Wendler, Jens; Graefe, Kai-Uwe et al.: Palaeoecology of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts in the mid-Cenomanian Boreal Realm; implications for the reconstruction of palaeoceanography of the NW European shelf sea | |
36% | 160 160-967 160-969 | 2001 | Struck, Ulrich; Emeis, Kay-Christian et al.: Biological productivity during sapropel S5 formation in the eastern Mediterranean Sea; evidence from stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon | |
36% | 207 | 2006 | Hetzel, A.; Boettcher, M. E. et al.: IODP; authigenic barite formation triggered by black shale-fueled anaerobic oxidation of methane in the deep biosphere of ODP Leg 207 | |
36% | 160 160-971 | 1997 | Schulz, H. M.; Emeis, K. C. et al.: Organic carbon provenance and maturity in the mud breccia from the Napoli mud volcano; indicators of origin and burial depth | |
36% | 108 108-658 | 1998 | Pearce, Gareth E. S.; Harradine, Paul J. et al.: Sedimentary sterols and steryl chlorin esters; distribution differences and significance | |
36% | 117 117-723 | 1995 | Emeis, Kay-Christian; Anderson, David M. et al.: Sea-surface temperatures and the history of monsoon upwelling in the Northwest Arabian Sea during the last 500,000 years | |
36% | 201 201-1229 | 2010 | Meister, Patrick; Brunner, Benjamin et al.: Sulphur- and carbon-isotopes document dynamic sulphate methane interface (Peru Margin, Leg 201, Site 1229) | |
32% | 302 318 | 2009 | Strand, Kari; Immonen, Ninna: Polaariset alueet IODP-ohjelman tutkimuskohteena The IODP's focus on polar regions | download |
31% | 182 182-1130 182-1132 | 2007 | Wortmann, Ulrich G.; Chernyavsky, Boris et al.: Oxygen isotope biogeochemistry of pore water sulfate in the deep biosphere; dominance of isotope exchange reactions with ambient water during microbial sulfate reduction (ODP Site 1130) | download |
27% | | 2012 | Andren, Thomas; Jorgensen, Bo Barker et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 scientific prospectus; Baltic Sea basin paleoenvironment; palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Baltic Sea basin through the last glacial cycle | download |
27% | 160 160-969 | 2003 | Weldeab, Syee; Emeis, Kay-Christian et al.: Spatial productivity variations during formation of sapropels S5 and S6 in the Mediterranean Sea; evidence from Ba contents | download |
22% | 313 | 2013 | van Geldern, Robert; Hayashi, Takeshi et al.: Stable isotope geochemistry of pore waters and marine sediments from the New Jersey shelf; methane formation and fluid origin | |
16% | 160 160-964 160-967 160-969 161 161-974 161-975 165 165-1002 | 2010 | Dahl, Tais W.; Hammarlund, Emma U. et al.: Devonian rise in atmospheric oxygen correlated to the radiations of terrestrial plants and large predatory fish | download |
12% | 123 123-765 | 1992 | Compton, John S.: Early diagenesis and the origin of diagenetic carbonate in sediment recovered from the Argo Basin, northeastern Indian Ocean (Site 765) | download |
11% | 144 | 1995 | Buchardt, Bjorn; Israelson, Carsten et al.: Isotope geochemistry of pore water from the sedimentary cover at Limalok, Lo-En, and Wodejebato guyots | download |
11% | 160 | 1998 | Emeis, Kay-Christian; Sakamoto, Tatsuhiko: The sapropel theme of Leg 160 | download |
10% | 160 160-971 | 2010 | Moebius, Juergen; Lahajnar, Niko et al.: Diagenetic control of nitrogen isotope ratios in Holocene sapropels and Recent sediments from the eastern Mediterranean Sea | download |
9% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Malz, Heinz: Cenozoic ostracodes of the Voring Plateau (ODP Leg 104, Sites 642, 643 and 644) | download |
9% | 41 41-369 | 1977 | Lutze, G. F.: Neogene benthonic foraminifera from Site 369, Leg 41, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
9% | 135 | 1994 | Thomson, J.; Rothwell, Robin G. et al.: Development of reduction haloes under calcareous and volcaniclastic turbidites in the Lau Basin (Southwest Pacific) | download |
9% | 160 160-969 | 1998 | Cragg, B. A.; Law, K. M. et al.: The response of bacterial populations to sapropels in deep sediments of the eastern Mediterranean (Site 969) | download |
9% | 75 75-532 | 1984 | Wetzel, Andreas: Interrelationships between sediment composition, compaction, pore space, and shrinkage, Leg 75, Hole 532A | download |
8% | 42 | 1978 | Stoffers, P.; Mueller, G.: Mineralogy and lithofacies of Black Sea sediments, Leg 42B Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
8% | 112 | 1990 | Cragg, B. A.; Parkes, R. J. et al.: Bacterial biomass and activity profiles within deep sediment layers | download |
8% | 38 38-339 38-340 38-341 38-342 38-343 | 1978 | Emelyanov, E. M.; Blazchishin, A. I. et al.: Mineral and chemical composition of sediments of the Voring Plateau, DSDP Leg 38 | download |
8% | 138 138-851 | 1995 | Cragg, B. A.; Kemp, A. E. S.: Bacterial profiles in deep sediment layers from the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Site 851 | download |
8% | 146 146-893 | 1995 | Cragg, B. A.; Parkes, R. J. et al.: Bacterial profiles in deep sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin, Site 893 | download |
8% | 155 155-934 155-940 | 1997 | Cragg, B. A.; Law, K. M. et al.: Bacterial profiles in Amazon Fan sediments, Sites 934 and 940 | download |
8% | 302 | 2004 | Moran, Kathryn; Backman, Jan et al.: Deepwater drilling in the Arctic Ocean's permanent sea ice | download |
8% | 161 161-976 161-977 161-978 | 1999 | Cragg, B. A.; Law, K. M. et al.: Bacterial properties in deep sediments of the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean, sites 976-978 | download |
8% | 168 168-1026 168-1027 | 2000 | Mather, I. D.; Parkes, R. J.: Bacterial profiles in sediments of the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, sites 1026 and 1027 | download |
8% | 139 139-857 139-858 146 169 169-857 169-858 | 1994 | Cragg, B. A.; Parkes, R. J.: Bacterial profiles in hydrothermally active deep sediment layers from Middle Valley (NE Pacific), sites 857 and 858 | download |
7% | 62 62-466 | 1981 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central northwestern Pacific, southern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 466 | download |
7% | 62 62-464 | 1981 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central northwestern Pacific, northern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 464 | download |
7% | 40 | 1978 | Caron, M.: Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from DSDP Leg 40, southeastern Atlantic Ocean | download |
6% | 72 72-515 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Emelyanov, E. M.; Trimonis, E. S.: Geochemical investigation of sediments from the Brazil Basin and the Rio Grande Rise | download |
6% | 144 144-877 | 1995 | Buchardt, Bjorn; Holmes, Mary Anne: Initial transgressive phase of Leg 144 guyots; evidence of extreme sulfate reduction | download |
6% | | 2006 | Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Ocean | download |
6% | 210 210-1276 210-1277 | 2006 | Engstrom, Anna; Skelton, Alasdair et al.: The Newfoundland-Iberia conjugate margin; new results from Site 1277 | download |
6% | 146 | 1995 | Cragg, Barry A.; Parkes, Ronald John et al.: The impact of fluid and gas venting on bacterial populations and processes in sediments from the Cascadia margin accretionary system (sites 888-892) and the geochemical consequences | download |
6% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Summerhayes, Colin P.; Masran, Theodora C.: Organic facies of Cretaceous and Jurassic sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin, western North Atlantic | download |
6% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Varentsov, I. M.: The geochemistry of heavy metals in upper Cenozoic sediments near the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, latitude 23 degrees N, drilled on DSDP Leg 45 | download |
6% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central northwestern Pacific, southern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465 | download |
6% | 112 | 1990 | Schneider, Ralph; Wefer, Gerold: Shell horizons in Cenozoic upwelling-facies sediments off Peru; distribution and mollusk fauna in cores from Leg 112 | download |
6% | 160 160-964 | 1998 | Rullkoetter, Juergen H.; Rinna, J. et al.: Biological marker significance of organic matter origin and transformation in sapropels from the Pisano Plateau, Site 964 | download |
6% | 198 198-1208 | 2011 | Jia Guodong; Li Zhiyang et al.: A major decline of C (sub 4) plant in the source region of the North Pacific eolian dust (Asian interior) from 12 to 9 Ma | download |
6% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 340T 340T-U1309 | 2011 | Joens, N.; Bach, W. et al.: Fluid and temperature conditions in an oceanic detachment fault footwall; insights from late-stage mineral veins (ODP Leg 304/305) | download |
5% | 191 191-1179 206 206-1256 301 301-U1301 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 327 327-U1301 335 335-1256 | 2011 | Vils, Flurin; Elliott, T. et al.: Molybdenum isotopes in the altered oceanic crust, a novel proxy for recycling? | download |
4% | 21 29 | 1975 | Perch-Nielsen, K.: Late Cretaceous to Pleistocene silicoflagellates from the southern Southwest Pacific DSDP, Leg 29 | download |
4% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Varentsov, I. M.; Timofeev, P. P. et al.: Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central northwestern Pacific, western Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463 | download |
4% | 317 317-U1351 | 2010 | George, Simon C.; Lipp, Julius S. et al.: IODP Expedition 317, Canterbury Basin, offshore NZ; on-board geochemistry results | download |
4% | 302 | 2011 | Dickson, A. J.; Cohen, A. S. et al.: Ocean oxygenation during the PETM; Mo isotope data from the Arctic and Tethyan Oceans | download |
4% | 44 44-391 76 76-533 76-534 | 1983 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Sheridan, Robert E.: On the Jurassic Atlantic Ocean and a synthesis of results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 76 | download |
4% | 41 41-367 | 1977 | Lancelot, Y.; Seibold, E. et al.: Site 367; Cape Verde Basin | download |
4% | 75 75-530 | 1984 | Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Origin and geochemistry of Cretaceous deep-sea black shales and multicolored claystones, with emphasis on Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 530, southern Angola Basin | download |
4% | 172 172-1063 | 2001 | Winter, Diane M.: Diatom biostratigraphic data and plates from ODP Leg 172, Hole 1063D, with brief discussion of present ecological affinities of taxa | download |
4% | 207 | 2008 | Arndt, Sandra: Biogeochemical transformations and fluxes in redox-stratified environments; from the shallow coastal ocean to the deep subsurface | download |
3% | 302 | 2005 | Backman, Jan; Moran, Kathryn et al.: IODP Expedition 302, Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX); a first look at the Cenozoic paleoceanography of the central Arctic Ocean | download |
3% | 301 | 2005 | Fisher, Andrew T.; Urabe, Tetsuro et al.: IODP Expedition 301 installs three borehole crustal observatories, prepares for three-dimensional, cross-hole experiments in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean | download |
3% | | 2005 | Wellner, Julia S.; Anderson, John B. et al.: The inaugural SHALDRILL Expedition to the Weddell Sea, Antarctica | download |
3% | 304 305 | 2005 | Ildefonse, Benoit; Blackman, D. et al.: IODP Expeditions 304 and 305; Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif | download |
3% | 146 146-893 | 2010 | Behl, R.; Kennett, J. et al.: Extending an intermittently varved record of abrupt and millennial-scale climate and ocean change through the Pleistocene in Santa Barbara Basin, California, USA | download |
3% | 169 169-1033 169S 169S-1033 | 2010 | Weber, M. E.: New tools for the varve community; laminae recognition (BMPix), fully automated counting (PEAK), an evolutionary spectral analysis (ESA-lab) | download |
3% | 121 121-758 | 2003 | Chen, Chang-Hwa; Ku, Y. P. et al.: The Toba Tuff in the Peninsula India; as a clue for the Acheulian puzzle | download |
3% | | 2010 | Abrantes, Fatima; Hodell, David et al.: IODP drilling of the "Shackleton sites" on the Iberian margin; a Plio-Pleistocene marine reference section of millennial-scale climate change | download |
3% | 301 301-U1301 | 2010 | Fisher, Andrew T.: IODP Expedition 321T; cementing operations at Holes U1301A and U1301B, eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
3% | | 2010 | Bach, Wolfgang; Ravelo, Christina et al.: IODP New Ventures in Exploring Scientific Targets (INVEST); defining the new goals of an international drilling program | download |
3% | | 2010 | Lyle, Mitchell; Palike, Heiko et al.: The Pacific Equatorial Age Transect, IODP Expeditions 320 and 321; building a 50-million-year-long environmental record of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean | download |
2% | 206 206-1256 | 2010 | Dziony, W.; Horn, I. et al.: delta (super 56) Fe variations in Fe-Ti oxides of IODP Hole 1256D (East Pacific Rise) | download |
2% | 201 | 2010 | Jaisi, Deb P.; Blake, Ruth E.: Tracing sources and cycling of phosphorus in Peru margin sediments using oxygen isotopes in phosphates | download |
2% | 198 198-1209 208 208-1262 208-1263 | 2011 | Penman, Donald E.; Zachos, James C. et al.: Boron proxy evidence for surface ocean acidification & elevated pCO (sub 2) during the PETM | download |
2% | 181 181-1123 | 2011 | Piotrowski, A. M.; Noble, T. L. et al.: Reconstructing Southern and Pacific Ocean deep circulation using Nd isotopes | download |
2% | 79 79-545 171A 171A-1049 171B 210 210-1276 | 2011 | Quintas, Joao P. Trabucho Alexandre da Fonseca: Mesozoic sedimentation in the North Atlantic and western Tethys; global forcing mechanisms and local sedimentary processes | download |
2% | | 2010 | Exon, Neville: Australia's involvement in IODP; what it means for our scientists | download |
2% | 322 | 2010 | Moreau, John W.; Lynch, Jill E. et al.: Biochemical and geomicrobiological evidence for an ultra-deep anaerobic methane oxidation zone in the Nankai Trough sub-seafloor | download |
2% | | 2010 | Heap, Andrew D.; Exon, Neville: Australia's new marine research vessel; geoscience implications | download |
2% | 318 | 2010 | Welsh, Kevin; Escutia Dotti, Carlota et al.: IODP 318 Cenozoic East Antarctica ice sheet evolution from Wilkes Land margin sediments; preliminary results | download |
2% | 323 | 2010 | Dadd, Kelsie A.; Aiello, Ivano et al.: IODP Expedition 323 in the Bering Sea; environmental change over 5 million years recorded in deep-sea sediment | download |
2% | 325 | 2010 | Abbey, Elizabeth; Webster, J. et al.: Morphological variation, composition and age of submerged reefs on the Great Barrier Reef | download |
2% | 317 317-U1351 | 2010 | Fulthorpe, C.; Hoyanagi, K. et al.: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 317 (Canterbury Basin, New Zealand) | download |
2% | 324 324-U1346 | 2010 | Murphy, David: Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data from the Shirshov Massif of the Shatsky Rise, north-west Pacific | download |
2% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2010 | Baines, Graham; Schwartz, J. et al.: The tectonic evolution of the Atlantis Bank oceanic core-complex, south-west Indian Ridge | download |
2% | 319 319-C0009 | 2010 | Huftile, Gary J.: Using soft-sediment deformation to date paleoseismic events in bore holes, IODP Leg 319, Kumano Basin, Nankai Trough, Japan | download |
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