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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title ↑ | Full text |
34% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 2003 | Head, Martin J.; Norris, Geoffrey: New species of dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs from the latest Miocene and Pliocene of DSDP Hole 603C, western North Atlantic | |
8% | 105 105-647 105-647A | 1989 | Head, Martin J.; Norris, Geoffrey: Palynology and dinocyst stratigraphy of the Eocene and Oligocene in ODP Leg 105, Hole 647A, Labrador Sea | download |
14% | 68 68-502 | 1991 | Healy-Williams, Nancy; Cline, C. E.: Application of image analysis to Neogene planktonic foraminiferal bioseries | download |
18% | 16 | 1973 | Heath, G. R.; Bennett, R. H. et al.: Introduction | download |
10% | 36 36-327 36-330 | 1977 | Hedlund, R. W.; Beju, D.: Stratigraphic palynology of selected Mesozoic samples, DSDP Hole 327A and Site 330 | download |
10% | 20 20-194 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Cretaceous chalks beneath Neogene volcanic clays, east of the Japan Trench; DSDP Site 194 | download |
10% | 20 20-198 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Lower Cretaceous sediments beneath the Marcus Island archipelagic apron; DSDP Site 198 | download |
12% | 20 20-195 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Mesozoic chalk and chert on the Pacific Plate near Japan, DSDP Site 195 | download |
8% | 20 20-199 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Mesozoic chalks beneath the Caroline abyssal plain; DSDP Site 199 | download |
12% | 20 20-197 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Northwest Pacific basaltic basement; DSDP Site 197 | download |
12% | 20 20-202 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Oolitic limestone on the Ita Maitai Guyot, Equatorial Pacific; DSDP Site 202 | download |
8% | 20 20-196 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Pliocene volcanogenic sediments and Mesozoic chalks southeast of Japan; DSDP Site 196 | download |
10% | 20 20-200 20-201 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Tertiary pelagic ooze on Ita Maitai Guyot, Equatorial Pacific; DSDP sites 200 and 201 | download |
68% | 21 | 1976 | Heiman, M. E.: Distribution patterns of Neogene deep-water benthonic foraminifera from the western Pacific (DSDP Leg 21) | |
6% | 310 | 2009 | Heindel, Katrin; Westphal, Hildegard et al.: Data report; Bioerosion in the reef framework, IODP Expedition 310 off Tahiti (Tiarei, Maraa, and Faaa sites) | download |
7% | 27 27-263 | 1974 | Heirtzler, James P.: Site 263 | download |
6% | 27 27-259 | 1974 | Heirtzler, James R.: Site 259 | download |
9% | 27 27-260 | 1974 | Heirtzler, James R.: Site 260 | download |
7% | 27 27-261 | 1974 | Heirtzler, James R.: Site 261 | download |
5% | 27 27-262 | 1974 | Heirtzler, James R.: Site 262 | download |
17% | 27 27-259 27-260 27-261 27-262 27-263 | 1974 | Heirtzler, James R.; Veevers, John J. et al.: Introduction | download |
10% | 7 | 1971 | Helms, Phyllis B.; Riedel, William R.: Skeletal debris of fishes | download |
5% | 78 78-543 | 1984 | Hemleben, Christoph H. J.; Troester, Joachim: Campanian-Maestrichtian deep-water foraminifers from Hole 543A, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
48% | 307 | 2009 | Henriet, Jean Pierre: The giant cold-water coral mound as a nested microbial/metazoan system; physical, chemical, biological and geological picture (ESF EuroDiversity MiCROSYSTEMS) | |
34% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 62 62-465 72 72-516 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 | 1993 | Henriksson, Anders S.: Biochronology of the terminal Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil zone of Micula prinsii | |
38% | 62 62-465 123 123-766 | 1998 | Henriksson, Anders S.; Widmark, Joen G. V. et al.: Coccoliths as test-building material for Foraminifera ("Coccolithofera") | |
16% | 26 26-255 26-256 26-257 26-258 | 1974 | Herb, Rene C.: Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the eastern Indian Ocean | download |
8% | 159 159-958 | 1998 | Herbert, Timothy D.; Schuffert, Jeffrey D.: Alkenone unsaturation estimates of late Miocene through late Pliocene sea-surface temperatures at Site 958 | download |
12% | 13 13-125 13-126 13-127 | 1973 | Herman, Yvonne: Preliminary pteropod results from the Mediterranean Sea | download |
83% | 117 | 1991 | Hermelin, J. Otto R.: Pleurostomella concava; a new benthic foraminifer in Oligocene and Miocene sediments from the Pacific and Indian oceans | |
68% | | 1989 | Hermelin, J. Otto R.: Pliocene benthic foraminifera from the Ontong-Java Plateau (western Equatorial Pacific Ocean); faunal response to changing paleoenvironment | |
11% | 117 117-725 117-726 117-728 | 1991 | Hermelin, J. Otto R.: The benthic foraminiferal faunas of sites 725, 726, and 728 (Oman margin, northwestern Arabian Sea) | download |
68% | 117 | 1989 | Hermelin, J. Otto R.; Shimmield, Graham B.: Benthic foraminifera as indicators of depositional environment in the Northwest Indian Ocean | |
7% | | 1976 | Herron, E. M.; Tucholke, B. E.: Sea-floor magnetic patterns and basement structure in the southeastern Pacific | download |
34% | 74 74-525 208 208-1262 | 2011 | Heslop, D.; de Schepper, S. et al.: Diagnosing the uncertainty of taxa relative abundances derived from count data | |
14% | 11 | 1972 | Hess, Hans: Planktonic crinoids of late Jurassic age from Leg 11, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
14% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 63-470 63-471 63-472 63-473 64 64-480 | 1981 | Heusser, Linda E. Florer: Pollen analysis of selected samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63 | download |
4% | 107 107-650 | 1990 | Hieke, Werner; Glacon, Georgette et al.: Sedimentation in the Marsili Basin during Quaternary (ODP Site 650, Tyrrhenian Sea) | download |
54% | 90 90-587 90-591 | 1990 | Hilbrecht, Heinz: Morphometrie an planktonischen Foraminiferen; die Globorotalia crassaformis-tosaensis-truncatulinoides-cavernula-Reihe (DSDP Sites 587 und 591) Morphometry of planktonic foraminifers; the Globorotalia crassaformis-tosaensis-truncatulinoides-cavernula-series, DSDP Sites 587 and 591 | |
54% | 146 146-893 | 2002 | Hill, Tessa M.; Kennett, James P.: High resolution records of late Quaternary carbon isotopic excursions; Santa Barbara Basin, California | |
6% | 105 105-645 | 1989 | Hillaire-Marcel, Claude; de Vernal, Anne et al.: High-resolution isotopic and micropaleontological studies of upper Pleistocene sediments at ODP Site 645, Baffin Bay | download |
82% | | 1988 | Hills, Scott Jean: The analysis of microfossil shape; experiments using planktonic foraminifera | |
48% | 201 | 2002 | Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe; Spivack, Arthur J.: The distribution of volatile fatty acids in the marine subsurface | |
48% | 201 | 2002 | Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe; Sturt, Helen F. et al.: Organic signatures of life in the marine subsurface | |
7% | 79 | 1984 | Hinz, Karl; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project; Las Palmas, Grand Canary Island to Brest, France, July-December, 1979 | download |
68% | | 1984 | Hoffman, Antoni; Kitchell, Jennifer A.: Evolution in a pelagic planktic system; a paleobiologic test of models of multispecies evolution | |
48% | 123 123-766 | 1995 | Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Kaminski, Michael A.: Valanginian to Barremian benthic Foraminifera from ODP Site 766 (Leg 123, Indian Ocean) | |
7% | 159 159-959 159-960 159-962 | 1998 | Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Moullade, Michel: Lower Cretaceous benthic foraminifer assemblages, Equatorial Atlantic; biostratigraphic, paleoenvironmental, and paleobiogeographic significance | download |
8% | | 2002 | Holbourn, Ann E.; Henderson, Andrew S.: Re-illustration and revised taxonomy for selected deep-sea benthic foraminifers | download |
68% | 27 27-263 | 1994 | Holbourn, Ann E.; Kaminski, Michael A.: Lower Cretaceous benthic Foraminifera from DSDP Site 263 (Cuvier abyssal plain, Indian Ocean) | |
8% | 30 | 1975 | Holdsworth, B. K.: Cenozoic Radiolaria biostratigraphy; Leg 30; tropical and equatorial Pacific | download |
8% | 30 | 1975 | Holdsworth, B. K.; Harker, B. M.: Possible indicators of degree of Radiolaria dissolution in calcareous sediments of the Ontong-Java Plateau | download |
48% | 21 21-208 | 2003 | Hollis, C. J.: Blooming radiolarians in the Paleogene; are they cool or what? | |
24% | 189 189-1172 | 2012 | Hollis, Christopher J.; Taylor, Kyle W. R. et al.: Early Paleogene temperature history of the Southwest Pacific Ocean; reconciling proxies and models | |
82% | | 1990 | Holm, Nils G.: Report on the workshop Chemical evolution and neo-abiogenesis in marine hydrothermal systems | |
9% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Holmes, Mary Anne; Breza, James R. et al.: Provenance and deposition of Lower Cretaceous turbidite sands at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, lower continental rise off North Carolina | download |
6% | 70 70-506 70-507 70-508 70-509 70-510 | 1983 | Honnorez, Jose; Von Herzen, Richard P. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 70 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Balboa, Panama to Callao, Peru, November-December, 1979 | download |
6% | 70 70-506 70-507 70-508 70-509 70-510 | 1983 | Honnorez, Jose; Von Herzen, Richard P. et al.: Introduction, principal results, and explanatory notes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70 | download |
48% | 21 21-209 | 1984 | Hooper, K.: Miocene-Pleistocene microfaunal of the Coral Sea | |
38% | 37 37-332 37-333 37-334 37-335 | 1976 | Hooper, K.; Jones, P.: Benthonic foraminifers and problems in late Neogene paleobathymetry of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
34% | | 1981 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Globorotalia (planktic Foraminiferida) in the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene of New Zealand | |
48% | 29 29-284 | 1979 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Globorotalia crassaformis and G. crassula in the Pliocene of New Zealand and a late Pliocene cool marine phase in the lower Nukumaruan stage | |
38% | 29 29-284 | 1982 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Late Miocene to Pleistocene Globorotalia (Foraminiferida) from DSDP Leg 29, Site 284, Southwest Pacific | |
4% | 79 79-546 | 1984 | Hosler, William T.; Saltzman, Eric S. et al.: Geochemistry and petrology of evaporites cored from a deep-sea diapir at Site 546 offshore Morocco | download |
24% | 11 | 1972 | Hottinger, L.: Campanian larger foraminifera from Site 98, Leg 11 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (Northwest Providence Channel, Bahama Islands) | download |
38% | 201 201-1227 201-1229 201-1230 | 2006 | House, Christopher H.; Biddle, Jennifer F. et al.: Linking molecular taxonomy with environmental geochemistry in environments relevant to astrobiology; the anaerobic oxidation of methane in cold seeps & deeply buried marine sediments | |
38% | 44 44-390 | 1997 | Houston, Ryan M.; Huber, Brian T. et al.: Evidence of photosymbiosis in fossil taxa? Ontogenetic stable isotope analysis of Late Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera | |
48% | 44 44-390 | 1998 | Houston, Ryan M.; Huber, Brian T.: Evidence of photosymbiosis in fossil taxa? Ontogenetic stable isotope trends in some Late Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera | |
82% | | 1981 | Hsin Yi Ling: Crassicorbissema, a new silicoflagellate genus, from the southern oceans and Paleocene silicoflagellate zonation | |
10% | 42 | 1978 | Hsu, K. J.; Bernoulli, D.: Genesis of the Tethys and the Mediterranean | download |
5% | 42 | 1978 | Hsu, K. J.; Montadert, L. et al.: History of the Mediterranean salinity crisis | download |
5% | 42 | 1978 | Hsu, K. J.; Montadert, L. et al.: Leg 42, Part 1, of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel Glomar Challenger; Malaga, Spain, to Istanbul, Turkey, April-May 1975 | download |
67% | | 1982 | Hsu, Kenneth J.: Thirteen years of deep-sea drilling | |
48% | 73 73-524 | 1981 | Hsu, Kenneth J.; He, Qixiang et al.: Terminal Cretaceous event | |
48% | 73 73-524 | 1982 | Hsue, Kenneth J.: Evolutionary and environmental consequences of a terminal Cretaceous event | |
5% | 13 | 1973 | Hsue, Kenneth J.; Cita, Maria B. et al.: The origin of the Mediterranean evaporite | download |
3% | 73 73-522 | 1984 | Hsue, Kenneth J.; LaBrecque, John L. et al.: Site 522 | download |
6% | 73 73-519 73-520 73-521 73-522 73-523 73-524 | 1984 | Hsue, Kenneth J.; Percival, Stephen F., Jr. et al.: Numerical ages of magnetostratigraphically calibrated biostratigraphic zones | download |
34% | 184 184-1144 | 2004 | Huang Fei; Sun Xiangjun: Palynological record during the Pleistocene (between 1.05 Ma and 0.36 Ma) from ODP 1144, northern South China Sea | |
7% | 119 119-738 119-738C | 1991 | Huber, Brian T.: Maestrichtian planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at Hole 738C (Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean) | download |
5% | 113 113-689 113-689B 113-690 113-690C | 1990 | Huber, Brian T.: Maestrichtian planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of the Maud Rise (Weddell Sea, Antarctica); ODP Leg 113 holes 689B and 690C | download |
6% | 114 114-698 114-700 | 1991 | Huber, Brian T.: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of Campanian-Maestrichtian sediments from Sites 698 and 700, southern South Atlantic | download |
29% | 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2008 | Huber, Brian T.; Leckie, R. Mark et al.: High planktonic foraminiferal species turnover, enhanced vertical ocean mixing and "coolhouse" climatic conditions across the Aptian-Albian boundary interval | |
54% | | 1986 | Huber, Brian T.; Webb, Peter-Noel: Distribution of Frondicularia rakauroana (Finlay) in the southern high latitudes | |
48% | | 1985 | Huessner, H.: Jurassische Karbonate des westlichen Hohen Atlas (Marokko); Mikrofaziesanalyse und plattentektonischer Rahmen Jurassic carbonates of the western High Atlas (Morocco); microfacies analysis and plate tectonic framework | |
7% | 136 136-842 136-843 | 1993 | Hull, Donna Meyerhoff: Quaternary, Eocene, and Cretaceous radiolarians from the Hawaiian Arch, northern Equatorial Pacific Ocean | download |
38% | 130 130-806 | 2009 | Hull, Pincelli Marie; Norris, Richard D.: Evidence for abrupt speciation in a classic case of gradual evolution | |
29% | 43 43-384 74 74-525 | 2006 | Hunt, Gene: Fitting and comparing models of phyletic evolution; random walks and beyond | |
29% | 39 39-357 72 72-516 74 74-526 94 94-607 94-610 | 2004 | Hunt, Gene: Phenotypic variation in fossil samples; modeling the consequences of time-averaging | |
14% | 43 43-384 | 2007 | Hunt, Gene: The relative importance of directional change, random walks, and stasis in the evolution of fossil lineages | download |
38% | | 2006 | Hunt, Gene; Roy, Kaustuv: Climate change, body size evolution, and Cope's rule in deep-sea ostracodes | |
38% | 26 26-253 | 2010 | Hunt, Gene; Wicaksono, Satrio A. et al.: Climate-driven body-size trends in the ostracod fauna of the deep Indian Ocean | |
48% | 116 | 1991 | Iaccarino, S.; Gaboardi, S.: Deep water benthic foraminifera in the Indian Ocean (ODP Leg 116) | |
2% | 47 47-398 | 1979 | Iaccarino, S.; Salvatorini, G.: Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Neogene and Quaternary sediments from Site 398, DSDP, Leg 47B | download |
9% | 47 47-398 47-398D | 1979 | Iaccarino, S.; Silva, I. P.: Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of DSDP Hole 398D, Leg 47B, Vigo Seamount, Spain | download |
38% | 170 170-1039 | 2002 | Ibaraki, Masako: Responses of planktonic Foraminifera to the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama | |
7% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2006 | Ildefonse, Benoit; Blackman, Donna et al.: IODP Expeditions 304 & 305 characterize the lithology, structure, and alteration of an oceanic core complex | download |
6% | 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2007 | Ildefonse, Benoit; Christie, David M.: Mission Moho Workshop; drilling through the oceanic crust to the mantle | download |
34% | 128 128-798 190 190-1176 201 201-1227 201-1229 201-1230 | 2008 | Inagaki, Fumio; Nakagawa, Satoshi: Spatial distribution of the subseafloor life; diversity and biogeography | |
8% | 31 31-299 31-300 31-301 31-302 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Pleistocene and Pliocene foraminifera from the Sea of Japan, Leg 31, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
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