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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title ↑ | Full text |
82% | 40 40-360 | 1982 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Twinned and flattened tests in planktonic foraminifera | |
68% | 74 74-525 | 1989 | Boltovskoy, Esteban; Boltovskoy, Demetrio: Paleocene-Pleistocene benthic foraminiferal evidence of major paleoceanographic events in the eastern South Atlantic (DSDP Site 525, Walvis Ridge) | |
48% | | 1985 | Boltovskoy, Esteban; Wanatabe, Silvia: Foraminiferos bentonicos del Cenozoico (Paleoceno Superior-Cuartario) del Sitio 305 del DSDP (Pacifico Noroccidental) Benthonic foraminifers from the Cenozoic; upper Paleocene and Quaternary of DSDP Site 305, Northwest Pacific | |
48% | 36 36-327 36-329 39 39-357 40 40-360 41 41-369 | 1983 | Boltovskoy, Esteban; de Kahn, Graciela Guissani: Evaluation of benthic monothalamous foraminifers as guide fossils in Cenozoic deep-sea deposits of the South Atlantic | |
48% | 182 | 2002 | Bone, Yvonne; James, Noel P.: Bryozoans from Pleistocene high-energy, cool-water, continental-slope mounds, Great Australian Bight, southern Australia | |
34% | 62 62-463 | 1999 | Boomer, Ian: Late Cretaceous and Cainozoic bathyal Ostracoda from the Central Pacific (DSDP Site 463) | |
58% | 144 | 1996 | Boomer, Ian: On Eucytherura loenensis Boomer sp. nov. | |
58% | 143 | 1994 | Boomer, Ian: On Pariceratina ubiquita Boomer sp. nov. | |
29% | 207 207-1257 207-1259 | 2007 | Bornemann, Andre; Norris, Richard D.: Size-related stable isotope changes in Late Cretaceous planktic Foraminifera; implications for paleoecology and photosymbiosis | download |
17% | 169 169-1033 169-1034 169S 169S-1033 | 2000 | Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John V. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Saanich Inlet; covering Leg 169S of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Victoria, British Columbia, to Victoria, British Columbia, sites 1033-1034, 15-21 August 1996 | download |
4% | 169S | 1998 | Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John V. et al.: Sites 1033 and 1034 | download |
12% | 169 | 1996 | Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John: Leg 169S scientific prospectus; Saanich Inlet | download |
38% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1997 | Bornmalm, Lennart: Taxonomy and paleoecology of late Neogene benthic Foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea and eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean | |
16% | 160 160-964 160-967 | 1998 | Bosch, H. J.; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S. et al.: Molecular palaeontology of eastern Mediterranean sapropels; evidence for photic zone euxinia | download |
5% | 23 | 1974 | Boudreaux, J. E.: Calcareous nannoplankton ranges, Deep Dea Drilling Project Leg 23 | download |
17% | 96 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Fan margin introduction and summary | download |
12% | 96 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Intraslope basin introduction and summary | download |
14% | 96 96-614 96-615 96-623 96-624 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Lower fan introduction and summary | download |
14% | 96 96-617 96-620 96-621 96-622 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Middle fan introduction and summary | download |
6% | 96 96-614 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 614 | download |
5% | 96 96-615 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 615 | download |
5% | 96 96-616 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 616 | download |
7% | 96 96-617 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 617 | download |
7% | 96 96-618 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 618 | download |
6% | 96 96-619 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 619 | download |
6% | 96 96-620 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 620 | download |
6% | 96 96-621 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 621 | download |
7% | 96 96-622 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 622 | download |
7% | 96 96-623 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 623 | download |
7% | 96 96-624 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 624 | download |
7% | 198 198-1208 | 2006 | Bown, Paul R.: Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, ODP Leg 198 Site 1208 (Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean) | download |
6% | 198 | 2006 | Bown, Paul R.: Early to Mid-Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton from the Northwest Pacific Ocean, Leg 198, Shatsky Rise | download |
7% | 122 | 1992 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Brown, Paul R. et al.: Upper Triassic calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy, Wombat Plateau, Northwest Australia | download |
29% | 198 198-1212 208 208-1262 | 2006 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Geleskie, Sara et al.: Quantification of plankton size and flux changes across the Cretaceous/Paleocene extinction | |
3% | 198 | 2006 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; extreme warmth in the Cretaceous and Paleogene; a depth transect on Shatsky Rise, Central Pacific; covering Leg 198 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Yokohama, Japan, to Honolulu, Hawaii; Sites 1207-1214; 27 August-23 October 2001 | download |
3% | 198 198-1208 | 2002 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Site 1208 | download |
7% | 198 | 2001 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli-Silva, Isabella et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 198 scientific prospectus; extreme warmth in the Cretaceous and Paleogene; a depth transect on Shatsky Rise, Central Pacific | download |
2% | | 2011 | Brandl, P. A.; Regelous, M. et al.: Chemical evolution of MORB; new insights from old crust | download |
6% | 17 71 71-511 | 1983 | Bratzeva, Greta M.: Spores and pollen from Cenozoic sediments of the Falkland Plateau, Site 511, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 | download |
6% | 318 318-U1357 | 2010 | Brinkhuis, Henk; Escutia, Carlota et al.: Site U1357 | download |
6% | 189 189-1168 | 2004 | Brinkhuis, Henk; Munsterman, D. K. et al.: Late Eocene-Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts from ODP Site 1168, off western Tasmania | download |
8% | 189 189-1172 | 2004 | Brinkhuis, Henk; Sengers, S. et al.: Latest Cretaceous-earliest Oligocene and Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts, ODP Site 1172, east Tasman Plateau | download |
6% | 7 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 | 1971 | Broennimann, Paul; Resig, Johanna M.: A Neogene Globigerinacean biochronologic time-scale of the southwestern Pacific | download |
48% | 64 64-479 64-480 | 1983 | Bromble, J. L.; Burckle, L. H.: A late Quaternary stratigraphy for DSDP Site 480, Gulf of California | |
8% | 141 | 1995 | Brown, Kevin M.; Bangs, Nathan L. et al.: A summary of ODP Leg 141 hydrogeologic, geochemical, and thermal results | download |
8% | 93 93-605 | 1987 | Bruins, J.; van Hinte, Jan E. et al.: Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene magnetostratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 605, Northwest Atlantic | download |
2% | 77 77-535 77-539 77-540 | 1984 | Buffler, Richard T.; Schlager, Wolfgang et al.: Sites 535, 539, and 540 | download |
9% | 41 | 1977 | Bukry, D.: Cenozoic coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, offshore Northwest Africa, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 41 | download |
5% | 36 | 1976 | Bukry, D.: Cenozoic silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, South Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 36 | download |
7% | 40 | 1978 | Bukry, D.: Cenozoic silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, southeastern Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 40 | download |
7% | 49 | 1979 | Bukry, D.: Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Reykjanes Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 49 | download |
20% | 35 | 1976 | Bukry, D.: Comments on some coccoliths and silicoflagellates from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 35 | download |
14% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Bukry, D.: Eocene diatoms and siliceous sponge spicules from the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 417 and 418 | download |
10% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Bukry, D.: Miocene Corbisema triacantha Zone phytoplankton from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416, off Northwest Africa | download |
10% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Bukry, D.: Neogene coccolith stratigraphy, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 45 | download |
6% | 29 29-275 29-278 29-280 29-283 | 1975 | Bukry, D.: Silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 29 | download |
5% | 48 48-404 48-405 48-406 81 81-552 81-553 81-554 81-555 | 1984 | Bukry, David: Cenozoic silicoflagellates from Rockall Plateau, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 81 | download |
10% | 67 67-495 | 1982 | Bukry, David: Cenozoic silicoflagellates from offshore Guatemala, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 495 | download |
12% | | 1970 | Bukry, David: Coccolith age determinations leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Chapter 17 | download |
22% | 2 | 1970 | Bukry, David: Coccolith age determinations, leg 2, Deep Sea Drilling Project, (Chapter) 13 in initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project - v. 2, leg 2 of cruises of "Glomar Challenger", Hoboken, N.J., to Dakar, Senegal, Oct.-Nov. 1968 | download |
14% | 13 13-132 | 1973 | Bukry, David: Coccolith stratigraphy Leg 13, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
7% | 7 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Bukry, David: Coccolith stratigraphy Leg 7, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
5% | 10 10-85 10-86 10-87 10-88 10-89 10-90 10-91 10-92 10-93 10-94 10-95 10-96 10-97 | 1970 | Bukry, David: Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 10-Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
9% | 8 8-69 8-70 8-71 8-72 8-73 8-74 8-75 | 1971 | Bukry, David: Coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 8, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
7% | 54 | 1980 | Bukry, David: Coccolith stratigraphy, tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 | download |
8% | | 1972 | Bukry, David: Coccolith stratigraphy; leg 14, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
8% | 95 95-612 95-613 | 1987 | Bukry, David: Eocene siliceous and calcareous phytoplankton, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 95 | download |
7% | 12 | 1972 | Bukry, David: Further comments on coccolith stratigraphy, Leg 12, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
7% | 15 15-146 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 15-154 | 1973 | Bukry, David: Low-latitude coccolith biostratigraphic zonation | download |
9% | 82 82-558 82-563 | 1985 | Bukry, David: Mid-Atlantic Ridge coccolith and silicoflagellate biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 558 and 563 | download |
13% | 90 90-594 | 1986 | Bukry, David: Miocene silicoflagellates from Chatham Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 594 | download |
10% | 68 68-503 68-503A | 1982 | Bukry, David: Neogene silicoflagellates of the eastern Equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 503A | download |
17% | 119 | 1991 | Bukry, David: Oligocene and Quaternary silicoflagellates from the Kerguelen Plateau | download |
8% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 63-470 63-471 63-472 63-473 | 1981 | Bukry, David: Pacific Coast coccolith stratigraphy between Point Conception and Cabo Corrientes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63 | download |
17% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-199 20-200 20-202 | 1973 | Bukry, David: Phytoplankton stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 20, western Pacific Ocean | download |
7% | 25 | 1974 | Bukry, David: Phytoplankton stratigraphy, offshore East Africa, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 25 | download |
9% | 54 | 1980 | Bukry, David: Silicoflagellate biostratigraphy and paleoecology in the eastern equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 | download |
12% | 108 108-660 108-662 108-667 | 1989 | Bukry, David: Tropical Atlantic silicoflagellates from Leg 108 cores off Africa | download |
9% | 85 85-572 85-575 | 1985 | Bukry, David: Tropical Pacific silicoflagellate zonation and paleotemperature trends of the late Cenozoic | download |
10% | 67 67-495 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1983 | Bukry, David: Upper Cenozoic silicoflagellates from offshore Ecuador, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 504 | download |
14% | | 1970 | Bukry, David; Bramlette, M. N.: Coccolith age determinations leg 5, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Chapter 18 | download |
13% | 3 | 1970 | Bukry, David; Bramlette, M. N.: Coccolith age determinations, Leg 3, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
48% | | 1969 | Bukry, David; Bramlette, M. N.: Some new and stratigraphically useful calcareous nannofossils of the Cenozoic | |
82% | | 1970 | Bukry, David; King, Stanley A. et al.: Geological significance of coccoliths in fine-grained carbonate bands of postglacial Black Sea sediments | |
5% | 86 86-577 86-579 86-580 86-581 88 88-581 | 1985 | Bukry, David; Monechi, Simonetta: Late Cenozoic silicoflagellates from the Northwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 86; paleotemperature trends and texture classification | download |
7% | 16 | 1973 | Bukry, J. D.: Coccolith stratigraphy, eastern equatorial Pacific, Leg 16 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
5% | 16 16-157 16-158 16-159 | 1973 | Bukry, J. D.; Foster, J. H.: Silicoflagellate and diatom stratigraphy, Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
12% | 37 37-332 37-333 37-334 37-335 | 1977 | Bukry, J. David: Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, central North Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 37 | download |
10% | 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 | 1969 | Bukry, J. David; Bramlette, M. N.: Coccolith age determinations; Leg 1, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
13% | 6 | 1971 | Bukry, J. David; Douglas, Robert G. et al.: Planktonic microfossil biostratigraphy of the northwestern Pacific area | download |
38% | 5 5-36 18 18-173 | 1980 | Burckle, L. H.; Dodd, J. R. et al.: Diatom biostratigraphy and its relationship to paleomagnetic stratigraphy and molluscan distribution in the Neogene Centerville Beach section, California | |
48% | 22 22-216 | 1994 | Burmistrova, Irina I.; Belyaeva, Natalia V.: Deep-sea paleoenvironments over past 500 000 years in the east equatorial Indian Ocean; the foraminiferal record | |
7% | 21 21-203 | 1973 | Burns, R. E.; Andrews, J. E. et al.: Site 203 | download |
2% | 209 209-1274 | 2011 | Burton, Kevin W.; Cenki-Tok, Benedicte et al.: Ancient lead trapped in the Earth's upper mantle | download |
5% | 36 36-327 36-328 36-329 | 1977 | Busen, K. E.; Wise, S. W., Jr.: Silicoflagellate stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 36 | download |
5% | 93 93-605 | 1997 | Bybell, Laurel M.; Self-Trail, Jean M.: Late Paleocene and early Eocene calcareous nannofossils from three boreholes in an onshore-offshore transect from New Jersey to the Atlantic continental rise | download |
7% | 64 64-480 | 1982 | Byrne, Roger: Preliminary pollen analysis of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64 Hole 480 (Cores 1-11) | download |
38% | 202 202-1240 | 2008 | Cacho, I.; Pena, L. D. et al.: Tropics-to-high latitude tele-connections during past rapid climate changes; the seasonality paradox | |
7% | 310 | 2006 | Camoin, Gilbert F.; Iryu, Yasufumi et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310 preliminary report; Tahiti sea level; the last deglacial sea level rise in the South Pacific; offshore drilling in Tahiti (French Polynesia); cruise dates, 6 October-16 November 2005; onshore science party, 13 February-4 March 2006 | download |
12% | 310 | 2005 | Camoin, Gilbert F.; Iryu, Yasufumi et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 310 scientific prospectus; Tahiti Sea Level Expedition; the last deglacial sea level rise in the South Pacific | download |
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