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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title ↑ | Full text |
8% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 63-470 63-472 | 1981 | Barron, John A.; Poore, Richard Z. et al.: Biostratigraphic summary, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63 | download |
4% | 119 | 1989 | Barron, John; Larsen, Birger et al.: Kerguelen Plateau-Prydz Bay; Explanatory notes | download |
10% | 119 | 1989 | Barron, John; Larsen, Birger et al.: Kerguelen Plateau-Prydz Bay; covering Leg 119 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Fremantle, Australia, Sites 736-746, 14 December 1987-20 February, 1988 | download |
12% | 27 27-259 27-261 | 1974 | Bartenstein, Helmut: Upper Jurassic-lower Cretaceous primitive arenaceous foraminifera from DSDP Sites 259 and 261, eastern Indian Ocean | download |
7% | 185 185-1149 | 2006 | Bartolini, Annachiara: Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology and carbon isotope stratigraphy of ODP Site 1149 (northwestern Pacific, Nadezhda Basin) | download |
7% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Basov, Ivan A.; Ciesielski, Paul F. et al.: Biostratigraphic and paleontological synthesis; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71, Falkland Plateau and Argentine Basin | download |
4% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Basov, Ivan A.; Krasheninnikov, Valery A.: Benthic foraminifers in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of the southwestern Atlantic as an indicator of paleoenvironment, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 | download |
8% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 80-551 | 1985 | Batten, David J.; Creber, G. T. et al.: Fossil plants and other organic debris in Cretaceous sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80; their paleoenvironmental significance and source potential | download |
5% | 104 104-644 151 151-907 151-909 162 162-907 | 1996 | Baumann, Karl-Heinz; Meggers, Helge et al.: Variations in surface water mass conditions in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; evidence from Pliocene/Pleistocene calcareous plankton records (sites 644, 907, 909) | download |
38% | 129 | 1993 | Baumgartner, P. O.: Origin of late Paleozoic and Mesozoic radiolarites in the Tethyan and Circumpacific realms | |
58% | | 1984 | Baumgartner, Peter O.: A Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous low-latitude radiolarian zonation based on unitary associations and age of Tethyan radiolarites | |
7% | 27 27-261 123 123-765 123-766 | 1992 | Baumgartner, Peter O.: Lower Cretaceous radiolarian biostratigraphy and biogeography off northwestern Australia (ODP sites 765 and 766 and DSDP Site 261), Argo abyssal plain and lower Exmouth Plateau | download |
29% | 160 160-967 | 2005 | Becker, Julia; Lourens, Lucas J. et al.: Late Pliocene climate variability on Milankovitch to millennial time scales; a high-resolution study of MIS100 from the Mediterranean | download |
6% | 40 40-363 40-364 | 1978 | Beckmann, J. P.: Late Cretaceous smaller benthic foraminifers from sites 363 and 364 DSDP Leg 40, Southeast Atlantic Ocean | download |
10% | 33 | 1976 | Beckmann, J. P.: Shallow-water foraminifers and associated microfossils from sites 315, 316, and 318, DSDP Leg 33 | download |
9% | 14 | 1972 | Beckmann, J. P.: The foraminifera and some associated microfossils of Sites 135 to 144 | download |
8% | 8 8-68 8-69 8-70 8-71 8-72 8-73 8-74 8-75 | 1971 | Beckmann, J. P.: The foraminifera of sites 68 to 75 | download |
7% | 308 308-U1319 308-U1320 308-U1321 308-U1322 308-U1323 308-U1324 | 2006 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Flemings, Peter B. et al.: Rapid sedimentation, overpressure, and focused fluid flow, Gulf of Mexico continental margin | download |
10% | 141 | 1992 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports; Chile triple junction, covering Leg 141 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Balboa Harbor, Panama, to Valparaiso, Chile, sites 859-863, 12 November 1991-12 January 1992 | download |
38% | 171B 171B-1050 | 2003 | Bellier, Jean-Pierre; Moullade, Michel et al.: Les schackoines (foraminiferes planctoniques) de l'Albien superieur du Blake Nose (marge atlantique de la Floride, Leg ODP 171B) Upper Albian Schackoinas (planktonic Foraminifera) from Blake Nose, Atlantic Margin off Florida, ODP Leg 171B | |
58% | 22 22-214 | 1984 | Belyea, Paul R.; Thunell, Robert C.: Fourier shape analysis and planktonic foraminiferal evolution; the Neogloboquadrina-Pulleniatina lineages | |
48% | 42 42-372 | 1976 | Benson, R. H.: Miocene deep-sea ostracodes of the Iberian Portal and the Balearic Basin | |
29% | 42 42-379 42-380 42-381 | 1978 | Benson, R. H.: Preliminary examination of the ostracodes of DSDP Leg 42B | download |
20% | 24 24-237 24-238 | 1974 | Benson, R. H.: Preliminary report on the ostracodes of Leg 24 | download |
8% | 39 39-356 39-357 | 1977 | Benson, R. H.: The Cenozoic ostracode faunas of the Sao Paulo Plateau and the Rio Grande Rise (DSDP Leg 39, sites 356 and 357) | download |
8% | 12 | 1972 | Benson, R. N.: Radiolaria, Leg 12, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
48% | | 1983 | Benson, Richard H.: Biomechanical stability and sudden change in the evolution of the deep-sea ostracode Poseidonamicus | |
10% | 13 13-124 13-125 13-128 13-129 13-132 13-134 | 1973 | Benson, Richard H.: Psychrospheric and continental Ostracoda from ancient sediments in the floor of the Mediterranean | download |
68% | | 1975 | Benson, Richard H.: The origin of the psychrosphere as recorded in changes of deep-sea ostracode assemblages | |
68% | | 1983 | Benson, Richard H.; Chapman, R. E. et al.: The history of the deep-sea ostracode fauna and the origin of the psychrosphere | |
7% | 3 3-21 3-22 39 39-357 72 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 1983 | Benson, Richard H.; Peypouquet, Jean-Pierre: The upper and mid-bathyal Cenozoic ostracode faunas of the Rio Grande Rise found on Leg 72 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
6% | 65 65-482 65-483 65-484 65-485 | 1983 | Benson, Richard N.: Quaternary radiolarians from the mouth of the Gulf of California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 65 | download |
2% | 44 44-391 | 1978 | Benson, W. E.; Sheridan, R. E. et al.: Site 391; Blake-Bahama Basin | download |
6% | 89 89-585 | 1986 | Bergen, James A.: Nannofossil biostratigraphy at Site 585, East Mariana Basin | download |
58% | | 1982 | Bergen, James Alan: Calcareous nannoplankton from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A; evidence for imbricate underthrusting at the Lesser Antillian active margin | |
38% | 22 22-216 175 175-1084 | 2007 | Berger, W. H.: Cenozoic cooling, Antarctic nutrient pump, and the evolution of whales | |
5% | 130 130-805 | 1993 | Berger, W. H.; Bickert, T. et al.: Quaternary oxygen isotope record of pelagic foraminifers; Site 805, Ontong Java Plateau | download |
6% | 130 130-806 | 1993 | Berger, W. H.; Bickert, T. et al.: Quaternary oxygen isotope record of pelagic foraminifers; Site 806, Ontong Java Plateau | download |
5% | 175 | 1998 | Berger, Wolfgang H.; Wefer, Gerold et al.: The Angola-Benguela upwelling system; paleoceanographic synthesis of shipboard results from Leg 175 | download |
54% | 1 2 3 4 15 | 1973 | Berggren, W. A.; Amdurer, M.: Late Paleogene (Oligocene) and Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Atlantic Ocean (lat. 30 degrees N to lat. 30 degrees S) | |
38% | 12 12-116 12-117 | 1976 | Berggren, W. A.; Aubert, J.: Late Paleogene (late Eocene and Oligocene) benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleobathymetry of Rockall Bank and Hatton-Rockall Basin | |
38% | 80 80-550 | 1993 | Berggren, William A.: NW European and NE Atlantic Paleocene-Eocene boundary interval bio- and sequence stratigraphy and geochronology | |
6% | 120 120-747 120-748 120-749 | 1992 | Berggren, William A.: Paleogene planktonic foraminifer magnetobiostratigraphy of the southern Kerguelen Plateau (sites 747-749) | download |
9% | 1 | 1969 | Berggren, William A.; Bukry, J. David et al.: Biostratigraphy | download |
34% | 22 22-213 43 43-384 62 62-465 121 121-758 | 1997 | Berggren, William A.; Norris, Richard D.: Biostratigraphy, phylogeny and systematics of Paleocene trochospiral planktonic Foraminifera | |
29% | 22 22-213 43 43-384 62 62-465 80 80-550 86 86-577 120 120-750 121 121-758 | 1993 | Berggren, William A.; Norris, Richard D.: Origin of the genus Acarinina and revisions to Paleocene biostratigraphy | |
38% | 119 119-744 | 2010 | Bergue, Cristianini T.; Govindan, Abiraman: Eocene-Pliocene deep-sea ostracodes from ODP Site 744A, southern Indian Ocean | |
24% | 181 181-1123 | 2004 | Beu, A. G.: Marine Mollusca of oxygen isotope stages of the last 2 million years in New Zealand; Part 1, Revised generic positions and recognition of warm-water and cool-water migrants | |
5% | 207 207-1257 207-1258 207-1260 | 2007 | Bice, Karen L.; Norris, Richard D.: Data report; stable isotope ratios of foraminifers from ODP Leg 207, sites 1257, 1258, and 1260, and a cleaning procedure for foraminifers in organic-rich shales | download |
48% | | 1989 | Biekart, J. W.: The distribution of calcareous nannoplankton in late Quaternary sediments collected by the Snellius II Expedition in some Southeast Indonesian basins | |
8% | 159 159-960 | 1998 | Bignot, Gerard: Middle Eocene benthic foraminifers from holes 960A and 960C, central Atlantic Ocean | download |
6% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 78-541 78-542 78-543 109 | 1984 | Biju-Duval, Bernard; Moore, J. Casey et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 78A of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, San Juan, Puerto Rico to San Juan, Puerto Rico, February-March 1981; and covering Leg 78B of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, San Juan, Puerto Rico to Las Palmas, Grand Canary Island, March-April, 1981 | download |
24% | 43 43-384 74 74-528 86 86-577 208 208-1262 | 2012 | Birch, Heather S.; Coxall, Helen K. et al.: Evolutionary ecology of early Paleocene planktonic Foraminifera; size, depth habitat and symbiosis | |
48% | 208 208-1262 | 2011 | Birch, Heather; Coxall, Helen et al.: Carbon system recovery and planktonic Foraminifera ecology after the end Cretacoeus mass extinction | |
5% | 120 120-748 | 1992 | Bitschene, Peter Rene; Holmes, Mary Anne et al.: Composition and origin of Cr-rich glauconitic sediments from the southern Kerguelen Plateau (Site 748) | download |
12% | 42 42-372 | 1978 | Bizon, G.; Glacon, G.: Morphological investigations on the genus Globorotalia from Site 372 | download |
7% | 38 | 1976 | Bjoerklund, K.: Radiolaria from the Norwegian Sea, Leg 38 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
67% | 6 6-55 7 7-63 9 9-77 | 1979 | Bjoerklund, K.; Goll, R. M.: Internal skeletal structures of Collosphaera and Trisolenia; a case of repetitive evolution in the Collosphaeridae (Radiolaria) | |
38% | 94 94-609 94-611 105 105-646 | 1992 | Bjorklund, Kjell R.; Ciesielski, Paul F.: Abundance fluctuations of the radiolarian Cycladophora d. davisiana in the Labrador Sea-N. Atlantic calibrated to oxygen isotopic stages 1-114 and their paleoceanographic significance | |
29% | 201 201-1225 201-1226 201-1227 201-1228 201-1229 201-1231 | 2007 | Blair, Carly C.; D'Hondt, Steven et al.: Radiolytic hydrogen and microbial respiration in subsurface sediments | |
6% | 122 | 1992 | Blome, Charles D.: Radiolarians from Leg 122, Exmouth and Wombat Plateaus, Indian Ocean | download |
10% | 2 | 1970 | Blow, W. H.: Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 2, foraminifera from selected samples, (Chapter) 14 in initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project - v. 2, leg 2 of cruises of "Glomar Challenger", Hoboken, N.J., to Dakar, Senegal, Oct.-Nov. 1968 | download |
7% | | 1970 | Blow, W. H.: Deep sea drilling project, leg 4 foraminifera from selected samples, Chapter 18 | download |
14% | 9 9-77 30 30-289 | 1980 | Blueford, J. R.: Miocene spumellarian Radiolaria from South Pacific | download |
58% | | 1984 | Blueford, Joyce R.: Defining radiolarian species; in search of solutions | |
68% | 9 9-77 30 30-289 | 1982 | Blueford, Joyce R.: Miocene actinommid Radiolaria from the equatorial Pacific | |
58% | 9 9-77 | 1980 | Blueford, Joyce Raia: Miocene spumellarian Radiolaria from the equatorial Pacific | |
2% | 183 183-1140 | 2011 | Boehm, Florian; Eisenhauer, Anton et al.: Calcium isotope fractionation during dolomite formation | download |
3% | 90 90-587 90-588 90-589 90-590 90-591 90-592 90-593 90-594 | 1986 | Boersma, Anne: Biostratigraphy and biogeography of Tertiary bathyal benthic foraminifers; Tasman Sea, Coral Sea, and on the Chatham Rise (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 90) | download |
6% | 41 41-366 74 74-526 80 80-549 82 82-558 82-563 | 1985 | Boersma, Anne: Oligocene benthic foraminifers from North Atlantic sites; benthic foraminifers as water-mass indexes in the North and South Atlantic | download |
48% | | 1987 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Atlantic Eocene planktonic foraminiferal paleohydrographic indicators and stable isotope paleoceanography | download |
4% | 183 183-1138 | 2003 | Bohaty, Steven M.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr. et al.: Neogene diatom biostratigraphy, tephra stratigraphy, and chronology of ODP Hole 1138A, Kerguelen Plateau | download |
17% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1980 | Bolli, H. M.: Aptian calcareous spherules incertae sedis from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 51, Hole 417D, Bermuda Rise | download |
24% | 27 27-260 27-261 27-263 | 1974 | Bolli, H. M.: Calcareous organisms incertae sedis from the lower Cretaceous of DSDP Leg 27 | download |
17% | 40 40-363 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.: Calcareous spherules from the Albian of DSDP Leg 40, Site 363 | download |
7% | 27 27-259 27-260 27-261 27-263 | 1974 | Bolli, H. M.: Jurassic and Cretaceous Calcisphaerulidae from DSDP Leg 27, eastern Indian Ocean | download |
48% | | 1977 | Bolli, H. M.: Paleontological-biostratigraphical investigations, Indian Ocean sites 211-269 and 280-282, DSDP legs 22-29 | |
22% | 27 27-259 27-260 27-261 27-262 27-263 | 1974 | Bolli, H. M.: Synthesis of the Leg 27 biostratigraphy and paleontology | download |
14% | 40 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.: Synthesis of the Leg 40 biostratigraphy and paleontology | download |
12% | | 1980 | Bolli, H. M.: The ages of sediments recovered from DSDP Legs 1-4, 10-15, and 36-53; Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, Mediterranean and Black Sea | download |
6% | 40 40-364 40-365 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Angola continental margin; Sites 364 and 365 | download |
5% | 40 40-360 40-361 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Cape Basin continental rise; Sites 360 and 361 | download |
6% | 40 40-362 40-363 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Walvis Ridge; Sites 362 and 363 | download |
12% | | 1980 | Bolli, Hans M.: Ages of sediments recovered from the Deep Sea Drilling Project Pacific legs 5 through 9, 16 through 21, and 28 through 35 | download |
7% | | 1970 | Bolli, Hans M.: The foraminifera of sites 23-31, leg 4, Chapter 25 | download |
5% | 15 15-146 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 15-154 | 1973 | Bolli, Hans M.; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Oligocene to Recent planktonic foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Leg 15 sites in the Caribbean Sea | download |
5% | 200 | 2003 | Bolmer, S. Thompson; Hoskins, Hartley et al.: 3.5kHz profiling with vertically separated source and receiver | download |
29% | 181 181-1123 | 2011 | Bolton, Annette; Baker, Joel A. et al.: Environmental versus biological controls on Mg/Ca variability in Globigerinoides ruber (white) from core top and plankton tow samples in the Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
48% | 17 17-167 | 1987 | Boltovskoy, E.: Foraminifero bentonicos del Cenozoico del DSDP Sitia 167, Zona batial, Pacifico Central Benthonic Cenozoic foraminifera at DSDP Site 167, baythal zone, Central Pacific | |
68% | 23 25 26 27 | 1976 | Boltovskoy, E.: Neogene deep sea benthonic foraminifera of the Indian Ocean | |
58% | | 1984 | Boltovskoy, E.: Oligocene through Quaternary bathyal foraminifera of world-wide distribution | |
95% | | 1988 | Boltovskoy, E.: Size change in the phylogeny of foraminifera | |
38% | | 1990 | Boltovskoy, E.; Giussani de Kahn, G.: Benthic unilocular calcareous foraminifers in late Cenozoic deep sea deposits of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans | |
48% | 23 23-219 | 1993 | Boltovskoy, E.; Vera Ocampo, J.: Benthic foraminifers from DSDP Site 219 (Eocene-Pleistocene, Arabian Sea) | |
67% | | 1980 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Benthonic foraminifera of the bathyal zone from Oligocene through Quaternary | |
82% | | 1981 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Foraminiferos bentonicos patiales del Cenozoico superior Benthonic foraminifers of the bathyal zone of the upper Cenozoic | |
17% | 26 26-253 | 1974 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Late Pliocene and Quaternary paleoclimatic changes, Indian Ocean, DSDP, Leg 26 | download |
8% | 26 | 1974 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Neogene planktonic foraminifera of the Indian Ocean (DSDP, Leg 26) | download |
48% | 80 80-548 | 1991 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: On the destruction of foraminiferal tests (laboratory experiments) | |
67% | | 1987 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Tertiary benthic foraminifera in bathyal deposits of the Quaternary world ocean | |
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