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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
54% | 73 73-522 73-523 74 74-525 74-529 | 1992 | Ottens, Janneke J.; Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Planktic foraminiferal diversity as indicator of ocean environments | |
54% | 8 8-71 18 18-173 30 30-289 | 1983 | Lombari, Gail A.: Biogeographic trends in early to middle Miocene Pacific Radiolaria | |
54% | 9 9-77 10 10-94 | 1977 | Nigrini, C.: Tropical Cenozoic Artostrobiidae (Radiolaria) | |
54% | 6 6-55 8 8-71 31 31-292 31-296 | 1981 | Keller, Gerta: The genus Globorotalia in the early Miocene of the equatorial and northwestern Pacific | |
54% | 145 145-882 191 191-1179 | 2005 | McCarthy, Francine M. G.; Findlay, Duncan J. et al.: Late Cenozoic plankton blooms in the western North Pacific; taphonomic considerations and climatic significance | |
54% | 114 114-698 114-700 | 1991 | Ling, Hsin Yi: Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) radiolarians; Leg 114 | |
54% | 15 15-151 72 72-516 | 1991 | Norris, Richard D.; Corfield, Richard M.: Cyclic evolution of depth habitats in the pelagic realm | |
54% | 36 36-327 36-330 | 1984 | Dingle, R. V.: Mid-Cretaceous Ostracoda from southern Africa and the Falkland Plateau | |
54% | 41 41-366 89 89-586 | 1987 | Stathopolos, Linda; Hare, P. E. et al.: Modeling amino acid diagenesis in fossil foraminiferal tests | |
54% | 33 33-317 41 41-366 73 73-522 | 1985 | Poore, Richard Z.; Gosnell, Linda B.: Apertural features and surface texture of upper Paleogene biserial planktonic foraminifers; links between Chiloguembelina and Streptochilus | |
54% | 138 138-851 | 1996 | Cannariato, Kevin G.; Ravelo, A. Christina: Changing boundary conditions; Pliocene thermocline structure and Milankovitch forcing in the eastern Equatorial Pacific | |
54% | 1 2 3 4 15 | 1973 | Berggren, W. A.; Amdurer, M.: Late Paleogene (Oligocene) and Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Atlantic Ocean (lat. 30 degrees N to lat. 30 degrees S) | |
54% | 178 178-1098 | 2002 | Shevenell, A. E.; Kennett, James P.: Antarctic Holocene climate change; a benthic foraminifer stable isotope record from Palmer Deep | |
54% | 74 74-528 86 86-577 | 1991 | D'Hondt, Steven; Keller, Gerta: Some patterns of planktic foraminiferal assemblage turnover at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary | |
54% | 72 72-516 | 1987 | Zougary-Jaaidi, R.; Pujol, C.: L'evolution de Globorotalia puncticulata et de Globorotalia crassaformis dans l'Atlantique Sud Evolution of Globorotalia puncticulata and Globorotalia crassaformis in the South Atlantic | |
54% | 146 146-893 | 2002 | Hill, Tessa M.; Kennett, James P.: High resolution records of late Quaternary carbon isotopic excursions; Santa Barbara Basin, California | |
54% | | 1998 | Rumford, Jennifer P.; Riedel, W. R.: Beyond the cutting edge, electronic publications in the 21st century | |
54% | 22 22-214 | 1984 | Malmgren, Bjoern A.; Berggren, W. A. et al.: Species formation through punctuated gradualism in planktonic foraminifera | |
54% | 113 113-689 113-690 120 120-747 | 1995 | Alroy, J.: Does climate or competition control mammalian diversity? | |
54% | | 1984 | Whatley, R. C.; Downing, S. E. et al.: New species of ostracod genus Bradleya from the Tertiary and Quaternary of D.S.D.P. sites in the Southwest Pacific | |
54% | 26 26-256 26-257 26-258 | 1978 | Scheibnerova, V.: Some Cretaceous foraminifera from Leg 26 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the Indian Ocean | |
54% | 115 115-709 | 1995 | Nemethy, Sandor: Molecular paleontological studies of shelled marine organisms and mammal bones | |
54% | 39 39-357 | 1995 | Patterson, R. Timothy; Burbidge, Susan M.: New late Oligocene to Pleistocene hyaline calcareous unilocular foraminifera from DSDP Site 357 (Leg 39) on the Rio Grande Rise, Southwest Atlantic Ocean | |
54% | 62 62-465 74 74-525 74-527 | 1989 | Widmark, Joen G. V.: Deep-sea benthonic foraminiferal changes across the K/T boundary at DSDP sites 465A, 525A, and 527 | |
48% | | 1998 | D'Hondt, Steven: Isotopic proxies for ecological collapse and recovery from mass extinctions | |
48% | | 1981 | Thunell, Robert C.; Belyea, Paul R.: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography of the Atlantic Ocean; a synthesis of DSDP legs 1-53 | |
48% | | 1981 | Thiede, Joern: Reworked neritic fossils in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments monitor sea-level changes | |
48% | 96 | 1985 | Kohl, Barry: Biostratigraphy and sedimentation rates of the Mississippi Fan | |
48% | | 1985 | Boltovskoy, Esteban; Wanatabe, Silvia: Foraminiferos bentonicos del Cenozoico (Paleoceno Superior-Cuartario) del Sitio 305 del DSDP (Pacifico Noroccidental) Benthonic foraminifers from the Cenozoic; upper Paleocene and Quaternary of DSDP Site 305, Northwest Pacific | |
48% | 112 | 1988 | Granlund, A.; Caulet, J. P. et al.: Morphometric study of Lamprocyrtis nigriniae from ODP Leg 112 (Pacific Ocean); paleoenvironmental and evolutionary interpretations | |
48% | 23 23-219 | 1988 | Ramanathan, S.; Pandey, Jagadish: Neogene/Quaternary boundary in Indian basins | |
48% | 107 107-654 | 1988 | Colalongo, M. L.; Pasini, G.: Ostracofauna plio-pleistocenica batiole rinvenute del Pozzo 654A dell'ODP Leg 107 (Mar Tirreno occidentale) Bathyal Plio-Pleistocene ostracofauna from ODP Site 654A, Leg 107, western Tyrrhenian Sea | |
48% | | 1988 | Wrenn, John H.; Hart, George F.: Paleogene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of Seymour Island, Antarctica | |
48% | | 1990 | Giraudeau, J.; Pujos, A.: Fonction de transfert basee sur les nannofossiles calcaires du Pleistocene des Caraibes Calcareous nannofossil-based transfer function in Caribbean Pleistocene sediments | |
48% | | 1969 | Gealy, E. L.; Davies, T. A.: How the scientific work is carried out | |
48% | | 1969 | Bukry, David; Bramlette, M. N.: Some new and stratigraphically useful calcareous nannofossils of the Cenozoic | |
48% | 21 | 1978 | Irvine, I.: Late Pliocene-Quaternary biostratigraphy and climatic change in DSDP 208, Lord Howe Rise | |
48% | 126 | 1992 | Saito, Saneatsu; Kaiho, Kunio et al.: Evolution of the middle part of the Izu-Bonin Arc based on volcaniclastic sediments and benthic foraminifera | |
48% | 73 73-524 | 1982 | Hsue, Kenneth J.: Evolutionary and environmental consequences of a terminal Cretaceous event | |
48% | 38 38-341 | 1986 | Powell, A.: A new species of Bolboforma (Incertae Sedis) from the Miocene of the Voring Plateau, Northern Norway | |
48% | 17 17-167 | 1987 | Boltovskoy, E.: Foraminifero bentonicos del Cenozoico del DSDP Sitia 167, Zona batial, Pacifico Central Benthonic Cenozoic foraminifera at DSDP Site 167, baythal zone, Central Pacific | |
48% | 112 117 | 1988 | Caulet, J. P.; Nigrini, C. A.: A comparison of upwelling radiolarian faunas from the Peru and Arabian margins (ODP legs 112 and 117) | |
48% | 90 90-593 | 1988 | Waghorn, D. B.: A review of Oligocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy | |
48% | 13 42 42-374 | 1982 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Impact of paleoceanographic events on marine biotas of the Mediterranean in the last ten million years | |
48% | | 1982 | Malmgren, B. A.; Berggren, William A.: Microevolutionary patterns in some late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal lineages | |
48% | 64 64-480 | 1982 | Murray, David W.: Paleo-oceanography of the Gulf of California based on silicoflagellates from marine varved sediments | |
48% | 30 30-289 | 1982 | Glass, Billy P.: Possible correlations between tektite events and climatic changes? | |
48% | 29 29-284 | 1988 | Fluegeman, Richard H., Jr.: Fractal analysis of long range evolutionary data; the Globorotalia inflata lineage from DSDP Site 284 | |
48% | 23 | 1974 | Akers, W. H.: Foraminiferal range charts for Arabian Sea and Red Sea sites, Leg 23 | |
48% | 28 28-265 | 1980 | Engelhardt, Nancy L.: Paleoecologic and biostratigraphic interpretations of late Miocene foraminifera at DSDP Site 265 (Leg 28), Southeast Indian Ocean | |
48% | 28 | 1974 | Chen, Pei-Hsin: Some new Tertiary Radiolaria from Antarctic deep-sea sediments | |
48% | 9 11 16 18 | 1976 | Totten, D. K., Jr.: Coccolithus pelagicus; a clarification | |
48% | 42 42-372 | 1976 | Benson, R. H.: Miocene deep-sea ostracodes of the Iberian Portal and the Balearic Basin | |
48% | | 1986 | Clark, Murlene W.; Wright, Clifford L.: Neogene population dynamics of abyssal foraminifera in the western North Atlantic | |
48% | 29 29-284 | 1982 | Malmgren, Bjoern A.; Kennett, James P.: The potential of morphometrically based phylo-zonation; application of a late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal lineage | |
48% | 121 121-757 121-758 | 1999 | Joseph, Sudheer; Kumar Gupta, Anil: New species of benthic Foraminifera from the Neogene sequence of ODP sites 757B and 758A, northeastern Indian Ocean | |
48% | 179 | 1998 | Flueh, Ernst R.; Reichert, Christian et al.: Introduction | |
48% | | 1985 | Huessner, H.: Jurassische Karbonate des westlichen Hohen Atlas (Marokko); Mikrofaziesanalyse und plattentektonischer Rahmen Jurassic carbonates of the western High Atlas (Morocco); microfacies analysis and plate tectonic framework | |
48% | 30 30-289 | 1979 | Woodruff, Fay: Deep sea benthic foraminiferal changes associated with the middle Miocene oxygen isotopic event, DSDP Site 289, equatorial Pacific | |
48% | 197 | 2006 | Ivarsson, Magnus: Microbial activity in zeolites deduced from mineral inclusions | |
48% | 74 74-525 | 1989 | Watanabe, Silvia: New genus and five new species in order Foraminiferida | |
48% | 74 74-525 | 1996 | Kucera, Michal; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Gradual morphological evolution in a Late Cretaceous lineage of planktonic Foraminifera | |
48% | 29 29-284 | 1979 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Globorotalia crassaformis and G. crassula in the Pliocene of New Zealand and a late Pliocene cool marine phase in the lower Nukumaruan stage | |
48% | | 1979 | Cita, M. B.: Lacustrine and hypersaline deposits in the desiccated Mediterranean and their bearing on paleoenvironment and paleo-ecology | |
48% | | 1984 | Bair, John; Hart, George F.: Palynology of some Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Malvinas area, South Atlantic | |
48% | | 1987 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Atlantic Eocene planktonic foraminiferal paleohydrographic indicators and stable isotope paleoceanography | download |
48% | 94 94-607 | 1993 | Ayress, Michael A.; Drapala, Victoria: On Kuiperiana dryppa (Whatley & Coles) | |
48% | 133 133-822 | 1993 | Ayress, Michael A.; Correge, Thierry: On Nipponocythere cuneata Ayress & Correge sp. nov. | |
48% | 123 123-766 | 1995 | Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Kaminski, Michael A.: Valanginian to Barremian benthic Foraminifera from ODP Site 766 (Leg 123, Indian Ocean) | |
48% | 116 | 1991 | Iaccarino, S.; Gaboardi, S.: Deep water benthic foraminifera in the Indian Ocean (ODP Leg 116) | |
48% | | 1991 | Jaiprakash, B. C.: Late Pleistocene planktonic Foraminifera from northern Indian Ocean | |
48% | | 1994 | Sliter, William V.: Late Cretaceous hiatuses and global change | |
48% | 43 43-386 | 1979 | McNulty, C. L.: Meridionally ornamented hedbergellid foraminifers from western Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 43, Site 386 | |
48% | 23 23-219 | 1993 | Boltovskoy, E.; Vera Ocampo, J.: Benthic foraminifers from DSDP Site 219 (Eocene-Pleistocene, Arabian Sea) | |
48% | 74 74-528 | 1993 | Wei, Wuchang: Clarification of Coccolithus crassus Bramlette and Sullivan, an index fossil of Coccolithophoridae | |
48% | | 1993 | MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Hoppe, Kathryn A.: Evidence that inoceramid bivalves were benthic and harbored chemosynthetic symbionts: Reply | |
48% | 94 94-607 | 1993 | Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia; Lazarus, Dave et al.: Evolution and migration of the Globorotalia crassaformis-Tosaensis-Truncatulinoides; stratigraphic and morphometric data | |
48% | 8 8-71 | 1976 | Harper, H.; Hart, G. F.: Statistical evaluation of the distribution of Miocene-Pliocene siliceous phytoplankton, D.S.D.P. Hole 71, equatorial Pacific | |
48% | 80 80-548 | 1991 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: On the destruction of foraminiferal tests (laboratory experiments) | |
48% | 90 90-593 | 1984 | Dudley, Walter C.; Nelson, Campbell S. et al.: Quaternary oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils from the temperate Southwest Pacific; DSDP Site 593 | |
48% | 18 18-173 | 1979 | Ingle, J. C.: The Humboldt (Eel River) Basin of northern California; a high latitude Pacific Neogene reference section | |
48% | | 1989 | Biekart, J. W.: The distribution of calcareous nannoplankton in late Quaternary sediments collected by the Snellius II Expedition in some Southeast Indonesian basins | |
48% | 78 78-541 | 1996 | Clark, Murlene W.: The morphometric response of Nuttallides umbonifera to Pliocene watermass changes in the abyssal Caribbean | |
48% | | 1973 | Gartner, Stefan; Johnson, David et al.: Episodic carbonate sedimentation below the carbonate compensation depth in the eastern Indian Ocean | |
48% | 86 86-577 | 1991 | d'Hondt, Steven L.: Phylogenetic and stratigraphic analysis of earliest Paleocene biserial and triserial planktonic foraminifera | |
48% | 42 42-376 | 1981 | Lohman, William H.; Ellis, C. Howard: A new species and new fossil occurrences of calcareous nannoplankton in eastern Mediterranean | |
48% | | 1987 | Casey, Richard E.; Perez-Guzman, Ana Maria et al.: Radiolarian evidence bearing on the oceanographic history of the Gulf of California, and the Gulf's possible role in radiolarian evolutionary history | |
48% | | 1995 | Londeix, L.: Les kystes de dinoflagelles du Golfe de Hammamet (Tunisie); contribution a la reconstitution paleoenvironnementale du Pliocene mediterraneen Dinoflagellate cysts from the Gulf of Hammamet (Tunisia); a paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Mediterranean Pliocene | |
48% | 122 122-762 | 1998 | Zepeda, Maybellyn A.: Planktonic foraminiferal diversity, equitability and biostratigraphy of the uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian, ODP Leg 122, Hole 762C, Exmouth Plateau, NW Australia, eastern Indian Ocean | |
48% | | 1994 | D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C. et al.: Stable isotopic signals and photosymbiosis in late Paleocene planktic foraminifera | |
48% | 22 23 24 | 1990 | Gupta, Anil K.: Species diversity in modern deep-sea benthic Foraminifera at Indian Ocean DSDP sites | |
48% | | 2003 | Lazarus, David: Evolution of Cenozoic Antarctic plankton biotas | |
48% | 28 28-273 | 1980 | D'Agostino, A.; Webb, P. N.: Interpretation of mid-Miocene to Recent lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy at DSDP site 273, Ross Sea | |
48% | | 1980 | Styzen, M. J.; Webb, P. N.: Late Eocene foraminifera from DSDP Site 267B, Southeast Indian Ocean | |
48% | 28 28-267 | 1980 | Styzen, Michael J.: Late Eocene foraminiferal systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of DSDP Hole 267B, Southeast Indian Ocean | |
48% | 28 28-265 | 1980 | Englehardt, N. L.; Webb, P. N.: Late Miocene foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoecology at DSDP site 265, Southeast Indian Ocean | |
48% | 30 30-289 | 1988 | Schaaf, A.: Quantitative morphology and the tempo of evolution of some Calocycletta | |
48% | 156 | 1996 | Steiger, T.: Die Diagenese der miozaenen Radiiolarien vom Northern Barbados Ridge The diagenesis of Miocene Radiolaria from the northern Barbados Ridge | |
48% | | 1983 | Keller, Gerta; D'Hondt, Steven et al.: Multiple microtektite horizons in upper Eocene marine sediments; no evidence for mass extinctions | |
48% | 90 90-592 | 1996 | Robinson, Marci M.; Dowsett, Harry J.: Pliocene planktic foraminifer census data from DSDP Site 592, Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
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