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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year ↑ | Author/Title | Full text |
58% | | 1979 | Leinen, M.; Stakes, D.: Metal accumulation rates in the central equatorial Pacific during Cenozoic time | |
58% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Ailin-Pyzik, I. B.: Micro-scale chemical effects of low temperature weathering of DSDP basaltic glasses | |
58% | 37 | 1979 | Andrews, A. J.: On the effect of low temperature seawater-basalt interaction on the distribution of sulfur in oceanic crust, layer 2 | |
58% | 37 | 1979 | Andrews, A. J.: On the effect of low-temperature seawater-basalt interaction on the distribution of sulfur in oceanic crust, Layer 2 | |
58% | 41 41-368 | 1979 | Baylis, D. M.; Bence, A. E. et al.: Transitional basalts from the Cape Verde Rise | |
58% | | 1979 | Corliss, J.; Gordon, L. I. et al.: Some implications of heat/mass ratios in Galapagos Rift hydrothermal fluids for models of sea water-rock interaction and the formation of oceanic crust | |
58% | 38 38-336 | 1979 | Bogolyubova, L. I.; Timofeyev, P. P.: Rastitel'noye organicheskoye veshchestvo v osadkakh skvazhiny 336 Distribution of organic materials in sediments at Site 336 | |
57% | 31 31-292 31-293 31-294 | 1979 | Chen, J. C.; Chen, L. H.: Geochemistry of basalt from Leg 31 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
49% | | 1979 | Spooner, E. T. C.: Ophiolitic rocks and evidence for hydrothermal convection of sea water within crust | |
49% | | 1979 | Berger, W. H.: Impact of deep-sea drilling on paleoceanography | |
49% | | 1979 | Sackett, W. M.: Stable carbon isotopes as paleoclimatological tool | |
49% | | 1979 | Castex, H.: Spectroscopie infrarouge et analyse elementaire de quelques kerogenes, Campagne Joides-Ipod Infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis of some DSDP kerogens | |
47% | 59 59-448 | 1979 | Zakariadze, G. S.; Scott, R. B. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of the Palau-Kyushu remnant arc, Site 448, DSDP Leg 59 | |
47% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Bougault, H.; Cambon, P. et al.: Evidence for variability of magmatic processes and upper mantle heterogeneity in the axial region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 22 degrees and 36 degrees N | |
47% | 35 35-323 | 1979 | Lawrence, J. R.; Drever, J. I. et al.: Importance of alteration of volcanic material in the sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Site 323; chemistry, (super 18) O/ (super 16) O and (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr | |
47% | 42 42-380 42-381 | 1979 | Potapova, L. I.; Bartashevich, O. V. et al.: Khloroformennyye bitumondy v miotsen-chetvertichnykh otlozheniyakh Chernogo Morya Chloroform bitumoids in Miocene-Quaternary Black Sea deposits | |
47% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Zolotarev, B. P.; Sarkisyan, I. S. et al.: Bituminous materials in young basalts of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
47% | 31 31-291 31-294 31-295 | 1979 | Bonatti, E.; Kolla, V. et al.: Metallogenesis in marginal basins; Fe-rich basal deposits from the Philippine Sea | |
47% | 11 12 47 48 50 | 1979 | Debrabant, P.; Foulon, J.: Expression geochimique des variations du paleoenvironnement depuis le Jurassique superieur sur les marges nord-atlantiques Geochemical expression of the variations in the paleoenvironment of the North Atlantic margins since the Upper Jurassic | |
47% | 7 7-65 7-66 9 9-77 | 1979 | Manoogian, P. R.; Worsley, T.: Phosphorous flux to equatorial Pacific sediments | |
41% | | 1979 | Tissot, B.; Deroo, G. et al.: Organic matter in Cretaceous sediments of the North Atlantic; contribution to sedimentology and paleogeography | |
41% | 13 | 1979 | Pierre, Catherine; Fontes, Jean Charles: Oxygene 18, carbone 13, deuterium et soufre 34; marqueurs geochimiques de la diagenese et du paleomilieu evaporitiques du Messinien de la Mediterranee O-18, C-13, deuterium and S-34; geochemical indicators for the diagenesis and evaporite paleoenvironment of the Messinian in the Mediterranean region | |
41% | | 1979 | Thierstein, H. R.: Paleoceanographic implications of organic carbon and carbonate distribution in Mesozoic deepsea sediments | |
41% | 54 | 1979 | Dmitriyev, Yu. I.: Peculiarities in composition and crystallization of the East Pacific Rise basalts | |
41% | | 1979 | Bryan, W.; Thompson, G. et al.: Petrologic character of the Atlantic crust from DSDP and IPOD drill sites | |
41% | 37 37-335 | 1979 | Baragar, W. R. A.; Plant, A. G. et al.: Diagenetic and postdiagenetic changes in the composition of an Archean pillow | |
41% | 36 38 38-336 | 1979 | Kharin, G. S.; Zangalis, K. P.: Clay minerals in the redbed on the Faeroe-Icelandic Ledge (northern Atlantic) | |
41% | 23 23-223 | 1979 | Cosgrove, M. E.; Papavassiliou, C. T.: Clinoptilolite in DSDP sediments of the Indian Ocean (Site 223, Leg 23); its stability conditions and estimation of its free energy | |
41% | | 1979 | Bence, A. E.; Baylis, D. M. et al.: Controls on the major and minor element chemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalts and glasses | |
41% | | 1979 | Tarney, J.; Wood, D. A. et al.: Nature of mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic; evidence from Leg 49 basalts | |
41% | | 1979 | Hall, J. M.: The oceanic crust; investigations by Canadian groups on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest and other areas | |
41% | | 1979 | Donnelly, T. W.; Thompson, G. et al.: Very-low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of the oceanic crust and the problem of fluxes of potassium and magnesium | |
41% | | 1979 | Flower, M.; Robinson, P. T.: Evolution of the "FAMOUS" ocean ridge segment; evidence from submarine and deep sea drilling investigations | |
41% | | 1979 | Katz, B. J.; Harrison, C. G. A. et al.: Potential organic indicators of diagenesis and early catagenesis | |
41% | | 1979 | Riech, V.; von Rad, U.: Silica diagenesis in the Atlantic Ocean; diagenetic potential and transformations | |
41% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1979 | Staudigel, H.; Bryan, W. B. et al.: Chemical variation in glass-whole rock pairs in IPOD holes 417D and 418A | |
41% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Rhodes, J. M.; Dungan, M. A. et al.: Magma mixing at mid-ocean ridges; evidence from basalts drilled near 22 degrees N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
39% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Coradossi, N.; Corazza, E.: Boron geochemistry at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary | download |
37% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Muehlenbachs, K.; Hodges, F. N.: Oxygen isotope geochemistry of rocks from DSDP Leg 46 | download |
33% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1979 | Batiza, Rodey: Petrology and chemistry of volcanic rocks drilled during DSDP Leg 61; a possible off-ridge flood basalt in the western Equatorial Pacific | |
33% | 54 54-424 | 1979 | Natland, J. H.; Rosendahl, B. et al.: Galapagos hydrothermal mounds; stratigraphy and chemistry revealed by deep-sea drilling | |
33% | 39 40 | 1979 | Robert, C.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: L'Atlantique Sud au cretace d'apres l'etude des mineraux argileux et de la matiere organique (legs 39 et 40 DSDP) Cretaceous environment of the South Atlantic Ocean derived from studies of clay minerals and organic matter, legs 39 and 40 of DSDP | |
33% | 10 10-94 15 15-149 | 1979 | Glass, B. P.; Zwart, M. J.: North American microtektites in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico | |
33% | | 1979 | Hathaway, J. C.; Poag, C. W. et al.: U. S. Geological Survey core drilling on the Atlantic shelf | |
33% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Simoneit, B. R. T.; Mazurek, M. A.: Search for eolian lipids in the Pleistocene off Cape Bojador and lipid geochemistry of a Cretaceous mudstone, DSDP/IPOD Leg 47A | download |
31% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Juteau, T.; Bingol, F. et al.: Preliminary results; mineralogy and geochemistry of alteration products in Leg 45 basement samples | download |
30% | 48 | 1979 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S.: Geochemistry of carbon; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 48 | download |
30% | 48 48-402 48-404 | 1979 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Lipid geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales from the Bay of Biscay, Site 402, and of Eocene mudstone from the Rockall Plateau, Site 404 | download |
29% | 43 43-386 | 1979 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S.: Geochemistry of carbon; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 43 | download |
29% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Turner, G.; Enright, M. C. et al.: Preliminary (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar studies on phyric basalts from hole 395A, DSDP Leg 45 | download |
29% | 38 38-339 38-340 38-341 38-342 38-343 | 1979 | Yemel'yanov, Ye. M.; Blazhchishin, A. I. et al.: Osnovnyye cherty geologii i paleogeografii rayona plato Voring, Norvezhskoye more (po dannym litologo-geokhimicheskogo isucheniya kernov iz skvazhin 339-343) The principal features of the geology and paleogeography in the region of the Voring Plateau, Norwegian Sea; according to data from a lithologic-geochemical study of cores from Sites 339-343 | |
29% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1979 | Richardson, S. H.; Hart, S. R. et al.: Age of ocean crust alteration; sometime is one time | |
29% | 48 | 1979 | Doran, T.; Johnson, P. G.: Examination of potential geochemical contaminants in Leg 48 material | download |
27% | 48 48-400 48-402 | 1979 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of Cretaceous mudstones and marly limestones from DSDP sites 400 and 402, Leg 48, eastern North Atlantic | download |
27% | 43 43-386 43-387 | 1979 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Organic geochemistry of the shales from the northwestern proto-Atlantic, DSDP Leg 43 | download |
27% | 47 47-397 47-398 | 1979 | Barnes, R. O.; Gieskes, J. M. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Legs 47A, B | download |
26% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Varentsov, I. M.: The geochemistry of heavy metals in upper Cenozoic sediments near the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, latitude 23 degrees N, drilled on DSDP Leg 45 | download |
26% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Cornford, C.: Organic deposition at a continental rise; organic geochemical interpretation and synthesis at DSDP Site 397, eastern North Atlantic | download |
25% | 48 | 1979 | Debrabant, P.; Chamley, H. et al.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments from North Biscay Bay and Rockall Plateau (eastern North Atlantic), DSDP Leg 48 | download |
25% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of some organic-rich shales from DSDP Site 397, Leg 47A, eastern North Atlantic | download |
25% | 48 | 1979 | Harrison, W. E.; LaPorte, J. L.: Shipboard organic geochemistry | download |
24% | 49 | 1979 | Wood, D. A.; Varet, J. et al.: The petrology, geochemistry, and mineralogy of North Atlantic basalts; a discussion based on IPOD Leg 49 | download |
23% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Cornford, C.; Rullkoetter, J. et al.: Organic geochemistry of DSDP Leg 47A, Site 397, eastern North Atlantic; organic petrography and extractable hydrocarbons | download |
23% | 48 48-400 48-402 | 1979 | Melieres, F.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of selected Albian sediments from the Bay of Biscay, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 48 | download |
23% | 48 48-402 48-403 48-404 | 1979 | Kendrick, J. W.; Hood, A. et al.: Petroleum-generating potential of sediments from Leg 48, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
23% | 47 47-397 47-397 47-397A 47-398 47-398D | 1979 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S.: Geochemistry of carbon; Deep Sea Drilling Project, legs 47A and 47B | download |
22% | 43 | 1979 | Houghton, R. L.: Petrology and geochemistry of basaltic rocks recovered on Leg 43 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
22% | 49 | 1979 | Mattinson, J. M.: Lead isotope studies of basalts from IPOD Leg 49 | download |
22% | 47 47-398 47-398D | 1979 | Simoneit, B. R. T.; Mazurek, M. A.: Lipid geochemistry of Cretaceous sediments from Vigo Seamount, DSDP/IPOD Leg 47B | download |
22% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Dmitriev, L.: Petrology of the basalts: Legs 45, 46 | download |
22% | 49 | 1979 | Tarney, J.; Saunders, A. D. et al.: Minor-element geochemistry of basalts from Leg 49, North Atlantic Ocean | download |
21% | 49 | 1979 | Cann, J. R.; Tarney, J. et al.: Mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic; evidence from Leg 49 geochemistry | download |
21% | 48 48-402 | 1979 | Baker, E. W.; Palmer, S. E.: Tetrapyrrole pigments in Cretaceous sediments from the Bay of Biscay, IPOD Leg 48, Hole 402A | download |
21% | 43 43-384 | 1979 | Rothe, P.; Hoefs, J.: Isotopic composition of Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates from Site 384 | download |
20% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Johnson, H. P.: Paleomagnetism of igneous rock samples; DSDP Leg 45 | download |
20% | 47 47-397 47-398 | 1979 | Johnson, D. L.; McIver, R. D. et al.: Insoluble organic matter bitumens in Leg 47 samples | download |
20% | 43 43-386 | 1979 | Galehouse, J. S.: Heavy mineralogy and provenance of volcaniclastic turbidites of Site 386 | download |
20% | 47 47-398 47-398B | 1979 | Doerenkamp, A.; Robert, P.: Optical study of organic matter from some samples of Cretaceous age, Leg 47B, Hole 398D | download |
19% | 49 | 1979 | Luyendyk, B. P.; Shor, A. N. et al.: General implications of the Leg 49 drilling program for North Atlantic Ocean geology | download |
18% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Flower, M. F. J.; Ohnmacht, W. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of basalts from Hole 396B, Leg 46 | download |
18% | 47 47-398 | 1979 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of Cretaceous shales from DSDP Site 393, Leg 47B, eastern North Atlantic | download |
18% | 43 43-386 43-387 | 1979 | Kendrick, J. W.; Hood, A. et al.: Petroleum-generating potential of Cretaceous sediments from Leg 43, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
18% | 47 47-397 47-398 | 1979 | Pearson, D. B.; Dow, W. G.: Geochemical analysis of samples from Sites 397 and 398 | download |
18% | 43 43-386 43-387 | 1979 | Kendrick, J. W.: Geochemical studies of black clays from Leg 43, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
17% | 48 48-402 | 1979 | Pearson, D. B.; Dow, W. G.: Geochemical analysis of samples from Leg 48, Hole 402A, Bay of Biscay | download |
17% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Hoernes, S.; Friedrichsen, H.: (super 18) O/ (super 16) O and D/H investigations on basalts of Leg 46 | download |
17% | 49 | 1979 | Wood, D. A.; Varet, J. et al.: Leg 49 samples for geochemical analysis | download |
17% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Basov, V. A.; Lopatin, B. G. et al.: Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphy of the continental rise off the western Sahara | download |
17% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Drach, V.; Mueller-Sohnius, D. et al.: Sr-isotope ratios on whole-rock samples of Leg 45 basalts | download |
17% | 48 48-402 48-403 48-404 | 1979 | Whelan, J. K.; Hunt, J. M.: Sediment C (sub 1) -C (sub 7) hydrocarbons from IPOD Leg 48; Bay of Biscay | download |
17% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Dungan, M. A.; Rhodes, J. M. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of basalts from site 396, Legs 45 and 46 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
16% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Baker, F. W.; Palmer, S. E.: Chlorophyll diagenesis in IPOD Leg 47A, Site 397 core samples | download |
15% | 43 | 1979 | Murdmaa, I. O.; Gordeev, V. V. et al.: Inorganic geochemistry of Leg 43 sediments | download |
15% | 47 47-398 47-398D | 1979 | Chenet, P. Y.; Teil, H.: Study of some samples of Hole 398D, Leg 47B, with the correspondence analysis method | download |
15% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Hoernes, S.; Friedrichsen, H. et al.: Oxygen- and hydrogen-isotope and trace-element investigations on rocks of DSDP Hole 395A, Leg 45 | download |
15% | 47 47-398 47-398D | 1979 | Letolle, R. R.: Oxygen 18 and carbon 13 isotopes from bulk carbonate samples, Leg 47B | download |
15% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Kendrick, J. W.; Hood, A. et al.: Petroleum-generating potential of sediments from Leg 47, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
15% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Zolotarev, B. P.; Voitov, G. I. et al.: Distribution of gases and bitumens in basalts from holes 395 and 396, Leg 45 | download |
15% | 37 37-332 43 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Natland, J. H.: Comparison of the chemical and magnetic stratigraphy of DSDP sites 332 and 395 | download |
15% | 47 47-398 47-398D | 1979 | Palmer, S. E.; Baker, E. W.: Tetrapyrrole pigments from IPOD Leg 47B, Hole 398D | download |
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