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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year ↑ | Author/Title | Full text |
10% | 39 39-359 | 1977 | Fodor, R. V.; Keil, K. et al.: Petrology and K-Ar age of volcanic tuff and ash from the Walvis Seamount province, DSDP Site 359, Leg 39 | download |
9% | 41 41-369 41-370 | 1977 | Dean, W. E.; Schreiber, B. C.: Authigenic barite, Leg 41 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
8% | 41 41-369 41-370 | 1977 | Couture, R.; Miller, R. S. et al.: Interstitial water and mineralogical studies, Leg 41 | download |
8% | 41 41-366 | 1977 | Futterer, D.: Late Neogene silt at the Sierra Leone Rise (Leg 41, Site 366); terrigenous and biogenous components | download |
8% | 37 37-334 | 1977 | Hill, R. E.: Three gabbros from DSDP Leg 37, Site 334; their petrography and pyroxene mineralogy | download |
8% | 39 39-357 | 1977 | Fodor, R. V.; Thiede, J.: Volcanic breccia from DSDP Site 357; implications for the composition and origin of the Rio Grande Rise | download |
8% | 37 | 1977 | MacLean, W. H.: Sulfides in the core from Leg 37 drill holes | download |
7% | 39 39-356 40 40-364 | 1977 | Kumar, N.; Gamboa, L. A. P. et al.: Geologic history and origin of Sao Paulo Plateau (southeastern Brazilian margin), comparison with the Angolan margin, and the early evolution of the northern South Atlantic | download |
7% | 39 39-353 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Site 353; Vema fracture zone | download |
7% | 37 37-332 37-335 | 1977 | Baragar, W. R. A.; Plant, A. G. et al.: The petrology of alteration in three discrete flow units of sites 332 and 335 | download |
7% | 37 37-332 37-334 | 1977 | Hodges, F. N.; Papike, J. J.: Petrology of basalts, gabbros, and peridotites from DSDP Leg 37 | download |
6% | 41 41-369 | 1977 | Lancelot, Y.; Seibold, E. et al.: Site 369; continental slope off Cape Bojador, Spanish Sahara | download |
6% | 36 | 1977 | Barker, P. F.; Dalziel, I. W. D. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 36 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Ushuaia, Argentina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | download |
6% | 36 | 1977 | Barker, P. F.; Dalziel, I. W. D. et al.: Introduction | download |
6% | 39 | 1977 | McCoy, F.; Zimmerman, H. B. et al.: Zeolites in South Atlantic deep-sea sediments | download |
6% | 39 39-359 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Site 359; Walvis Ridge (seamount) | download |
6% | 41 | 1977 | Lancelot, Y.: The evolution of the central northeastern Atlantic; summary of results of DSDP Leg 41 | download |
5% | 37 37-332 37-333 37-334 37-335 | 1977 | Hyndman, Roy D.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Heat flow measurements, DSDP Leg 37 | download |
5% | 41 | 1977 | von Rad, U.; Riech, V. et al.: Silica diagenesis in continental margin sediments off Northwest Africa | download |
5% | 39 39-355 39-356 39-357 39-358 | 1977 | Emelyanov, E. M.; Trimonis, E. S.: Cenozoic terrigenous sediments in the western South Atlantic | download |
5% | 41 | 1977 | Dean, W. E.; Gardner, J. V. et al.: Cyclic sedimentation along the continental margin of Northwest Africa | download |
5% | 39 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 39 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Amsterdam, Netherlands to Cape Town, South Africa, October-December 1974 | download |
5% | 39 | 1977 | Supko, P. R.; Perch-Nielsen, K. et al.: Introduction and explanatory notes, Leg 39, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
4% | 39 | 1977 | Supko, P. R.; Perch-Nielsen, K.: General synthesis of central and South Atlantic drilling results, Leg 39, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
4% | 37 37-335 | 1977 | Aumento, Fabrizio; Melson, William G. et al.: Site 335 | download |
4% | 39 39-355 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Site 355; Brazil Basin | download |
4% | 39 39-358 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Site 358; Argentine Basin | download |
4% | 39 39-354 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Site 354; Ceara Rise | download |
4% | 41 41-367 | 1977 | Lancelot, Y.; Seibold, E. et al.: Site 367; Cape Verde Basin | download |
4% | 39 | 1977 | McCoy, F. W.; Zimmerman, H. B.: A history of sediment lithofacies in the South Atlantic Ocean | download |
3% | 39 39-357 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Site 357; Rio Grande Rise | download |
3% | 39 39-356 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Site 356; Sao Paulo Plateau | download |
86% | | 1978 | Baker, E. W.; Eglinton, G.: Organic geochemistry related developments in the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 37 37-334 | 1978 | Dostal, J.; Muecke, G. K.: Trace element geochemistry of the peridotite-gabbro-basalt suite from DSDP Leg 37 | |
71% | 59 | 1978 | Tarney, J.; Marsh, N. G. et al.: Geochemistry of basalts from the West Mariana transect; IPOD Leg 59 | |
70% | 26 26-253 | 1978 | McDuff, Russell E.: Conservative behavior of calcium and magnesium in the interstitial waters of marine sediments; identification and interpretation | |
70% | | 1978 | Palmer, S. E.; Baker, E. W.: Copper porphyrins in deep-sea sediments; a possible indicator of oxidized terrestrial organic matter | |
70% | | 1978 | Trotsyuk, V. Ya.: Volumetric concentrations of hydrocarbon gases in bottom waters, sediments, and Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits of the ocean | |
70% | | 1978 | Friedrichsen, H.; Hoernes, S.: Stable isotope exchange between oceanic crust and ocean water | |
70% | 42 42-379 | 1978 | Nardone, Craig D.: Study of sediment provenance at DSDP Site 379A, Black Sea, based on the isotopic composition of strontium | |
58% | 57 57-439 | 1978 | Fujioka, K.; Nasu, N.: Chemical composition of the volcanic rocks from the Oyashio ancient landmass | |
58% | 47 47-398 | 1978 | Courtois, Chantal; Chamley, Herve: Terres rares et mineraux argileux dans le Cretace et le Cenozoique de la marge atlantique orientale Rare earths and clay minerals in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic along the eastern Atlantic margin | |
58% | 34 34-319 | 1978 | Coish, R. A.; Taylor, L. A.: The effects of cooling rate on the chemistry of pyroxenes from DSDP Leg 34 basalt | |
58% | 41 41-368 | 1978 | Simoneit, B. R. T.; Brenner, S. et al.: Thermal alteration of Cretaceous black shale by basaltic intrusions in the eastern Atlantic | |
58% | | 1978 | Macdougall, J. D.; Finkel, R. et al.: Uranium isotope disequilibria in altering marine basalts; evidence for exchange processes | |
58% | 37 37-332 | 1978 | Yamaguchi, M.: A multi-stage evolution model interpretation of the mantle by lead and strontium isotopic composition in basaltic rocks | |
58% | | 1978 | Hawkins, J. W.; Melchior, J. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of Mariana Trough dredge samples | |
58% | 23 23-220 | 1978 | Rao, C. M.; Veerayya, M. et al.: Partition studies in the sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 220 in the southeastern Arabian Sea | |
58% | 47 48 50 | 1978 | Chamley, H.; Debrabant, P. et al.: Mineralogie et geochimie des sediments secondaires et cenozoiques de la marge atlantique nord-orientale (Leg 47B, 48, 50, D.S.D.P.) Mineralogy and geochemistry of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of the northeastern Atlantic margin; Leg 47B, 48, and 50 of DSDP | |
58% | 37 | 1978 | Byerly, G. R.; Wright, T. L.: Origin of major element chemical trends in DSDP Leg 37 basalts, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
58% | 41 41-366 | 1978 | Vergnaud-Grazzini, Colette; Rabussier, Dominique: Oxygen and carbon isotopic changes through the Miocene, Site 366 (Equatorial Atlantic) | |
58% | 47 48 | 1978 | Renard, M.: Teneurs en strontium, manganese, fer et composition isotopique de l'oxygene et du carbone des carbonates des Legs 47B (site 398D) et 48 (site 400A) Amount of strontium, manganese, iron and oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of carbonates of legs 47B (Site 398D) and 48, Site 400A | |
58% | 26 26-253 | 1978 | Fleet, A. J.; McKelvey, B. C.: Eocene explosive submarine volcanism, Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
57% | 60 60-458 60-459 60-460 60-461 | 1978 | Saunders, A. D.; Marsh, N. G. et al.: Geochemistry of arc and inter-arc basalts from the East Mariana transect; IPOD Leg 60 | |
57% | 58 58-442 58-443 | 1978 | Marsh, N. G.; Tarney, J. et al.: Geochemistry of basalts from the Shikoku and Daito basins; IPOD Leg 58 | |
57% | 22 22-214 22-215 22-216 26 26-253 26-254 | 1978 | Viswanatha Reddy, V.; Subbarao, K. V. et al.: Geochemistry of volcanics from the Ninetyeast Ridge and its vicinity in the Indian Ocean | |
50% | 9 9-77 9-78 9-80 9-81 9-82 9-83 | 1978 | Bloch, S.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of metalliferous sediments from the Line Islands Oceanic Formation, equatorial East Pacific | |
50% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1978 | Humphris, S. E.: Geochemistry of long-term seawater-basalt reactions at low temperatures, DSDP holes 417A and 418A | |
49% | 37 | 1978 | Andrews, Anthony James: Petrology and geochemistry of alteration in Layer 2 basalts, DSDP Leg 37 | |
49% | | 1978 | Kosiur, D. R.: Pelagic zeolite diagenesis | |
47% | 47 47-398 | 1978 | Deroo, G.; De Graciansky, P. C. et al.: L'origine de la matiere organique dans les sediments cretaces du site I.P.O.D. 398 (haute-fond de Vigo); correlations entre les donnees de la sedimentologie, de la geochimie organique et de la palynologie Origin of organic material in Cretaceous sediments of I.P.O.D. Site 398 (Vigo Seamount); correlations between sedimentology, organic geochemistry and palynology | |
47% | 34 34-321 | 1978 | Seyfried, W. E., Jr.; Shanks, W. C., III et al.: Clay mineral formation in DSDP Leg 34 basalt | |
47% | 25 25-245 38 38-336 | 1978 | Hawkesworth, C. J.; Elderfield, H.: The strontium isotopic composition of interstitial waters from sites 245 and 336 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
47% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1978 | Ailin-Pyzik, I. B.; Sommer, S. E.: Alteration of marine basaltic glasses (DSDP, Site 396B); micro scale characterization of trace elements | |
47% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1978 | Rice, S.; Langmuir, C. H. et al.: Basalts from DSDP Sites 417A and D; fractionated melts of an LREE-depleted source | |
47% | 9 9-77 9-80 | 1978 | Bloch, S.: Phosphorus distribution in smectite-bearing basal metalliferous sediments | |
47% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1978 | Takaoka, N.; Nagao, K.: Mantle (super 40) Ar/ (super 36) Ar trapped in Cretaceous deep-sea basalts | |
47% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1978 | Sommer, S. E.; Ailin-Pyzik, I. B.: Microscale spatial distribution of trace elements in altered portions of DSDP basalts | |
47% | 52 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1978 | Hart, S. R.; Staudigel, H.: Ocean crust-seawater interaction; Leg 53 | |
47% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1978 | Boehlke, J. K.; Honnorez, J. et al.: Small-scale heterogeneities in the oceanic crust caused by low temperature alteration, DSDP, Site 396B | |
47% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1978 | Javoy, M.; Fouillac, A. M.: Stable isotope ratios in DSDP Leg 51 basalts | |
47% | 42 | 1978 | Ricchiuto, T.; McKenzie, J.: Stable isotopic investigation of Messinian sulfate samples from DSDP Leg 42A, eastern Mediterranean Sea | |
47% | 24 24-235 24-236 25 25-240 | 1978 | Frey, F. A.; Dickey, J. R. et al.: Strongly incompatible element depleted basalts from the Somali Basin, western Indian Ocean | |
47% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1978 | Zolotarev, B. P.; Voytov, G. I. et al.: Gases in basaltoid rocks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, as shown by data from the 45th voyage of the Glomar Challenger | |
41% | 53 | 1978 | Mathez, E. A.: Primary sulfides of crystalline submarine basalts | |
41% | 55 | 1978 | Jackson, E. D.; Dalrymple, G. B.: DSDP Leg 55; summary of results from drilling in the Emperor Seamounts | |
41% | | 1978 | Cipriani, N.; Coradossi, N. et al.: Geochemical features and depositional environments of Messinian clay sediments from the Periadriatic Basin | |
41% | 18 18-178 19 19-183 19-192 | 1978 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: Composition of ash layers derived from North Pacific volcanic arcs; variations in time and space | |
41% | 11 11-105 37 37-332 52 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1978 | Hart, S. R.; Staudigel, H. et al.: Oceanic crust; age of alteration | |
41% | 54 54-424 54-425 | 1978 | Hekinian, R.; Rosendahl, B. R. et al.: Hydrothermal deposits and associated basement rocks from the Galapagos spreading center | |
40% | 44 | 1978 | Kvenvolden, K. A.: Introduction to organic geochemistry studies, DSDP Leg 44 | download |
35% | 44 | 1978 | Swain, F. M.; Bratt, J. M.: Carbohydrate residues in Leg 44 core samples | download |
35% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 26 26-253 26-254 26-256 26-257 27 27-259 27-260 27-261 | 1978 | Thompson, G.; Bryan, W. B. et al.: Basalts and related rocks from deep-sea drilling sites in the central and eastern Indian Ocean | |
33% | 19 19-192 | 1978 | Scheidegger, K. F.; Jezek, P. A. et al.: Chemical and optical studies of glass shards in Pleistocene and Pliocene ash layers from DSDP Site 192, Northwest Pacific Ocean | |
33% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1978 | Clague, D.; Kirkpatrick, R. J.: Petrology of basalts; DSDP Leg 55 | |
33% | 60 60-458 60-459 | 1978 | Meijer, A.: Petrology of volcanic rocks from the Mariana arc-trench gap and gabbros from the Mariana inter-arc basin, IPOD, Leg 60 | |
29% | 44 44-391 | 1978 | Deroo, G.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: Organic geochemistry of some Cretaceous claystones from Site 391, Leg 44, western North Atlantic | download |
29% | 42 42-379 42-380 | 1978 | McIver, R. D.: Residual hydrocarbon gases in canned core material from holes 379A and 380A, Leg 42B | download |
27% | 42 42-379 42-380 42-381 | 1978 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Organic geochemistry of terrigenous muds and various shales from the Black Sea, DSDP Leg 42B | download |
26% | 40 40-360 40-361 40-362 40-363 40-364 40-365 | 1978 | Siesser, W. G.: Petrography and geochemistry of pyrite and marcasite in DSDP Leg 40 sediments | download |
25% | | 1978 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S.: Geochemistry of carbon; Deep Sea Drilling Project, legs 42A and 42B | download |
25% | 44 44-391 | 1978 | Cardoso, J. N.; Wardroper, A. M. K. et al.: Preliminary organic geochemical analyses; Site 391, Leg 44 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
25% | 40 40-364 | 1978 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Lipid analyses of sediments from Site 364 in the Angola Basin, DSDP Leg 40 | download |
24% | 42 42-379 | 1978 | Calvert, S. E.; Batchelor, C. H.: Major and minor element geochemistry of sediments from Hole 379A, Leg 42B, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
23% | 40 40-361 40-364 | 1978 | Hunt, J. M.: Light hydrocarbons in holes 361 and 364, Leg 40 | download |
23% | 44 | 1978 | Hunt, J. M.; Whelan, J.: Light hydrocarbons in sediments of DSDP Leg 44 holes | download |
23% | 42 42-380 | 1978 | Berner, R. A.; Holdren, G. R., Jr.: Sulfur distribution in holes 380 and 380A of Leg 42B | download |
23% | 40 40-361 40-362 | 1978 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S.: Geochemistry of carbon; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 40 | download |
23% | 40 | 1978 | Foresman, J. B.: Organic geochemistry DSDP Leg 40, continental rise of Southwest Africa | download |
22% | 42 42-372 42-374 42-375 42-376 | 1978 | Coumes, F.; Boltenhagen, C.: Trace element distribution in DSDP sites 372, 374, 375, and 376 in the Mediterranean Sea | download |
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