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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title ↑ | Full text |
33% | 41 41-367 | 1982 | Bonnefille, R.; Rossignol-Strick, M. et al.: Organic matter and palynology of DSDP Site 367; Pliocene-Pleistocene cores off West Africa | |
41% | 71 71-511 | 1986 | Bonnell, Linda M.; Anderson, Thomas F.: Isotopic analyses of reduced sulfur in Cretaceous shales; DSDP Site 511 | |
58% | 43 43-386 | 1985 | Bonnell, Linda M.; Anderson, Thomas F.: Sulfur isotopic analyses of disseminated pyrite in Cretaceous black and green mudstones | |
58% | 75 75-530 | 1984 | Bonnell, Linda M.; Anderson, Thomas F.: Sulfur isotopic variations in Cretaceous black and green shales | |
12% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Bonnell, Linda M.; Anderson, Thomas F.: Sulfur isotopic variations in nodular and disseminated pyrite; Hole 603B | download |
58% | 54 54-424 | 1981 | Bonnot-Courtois, Chantal: Distribution des terres rares dans les depots hydrothermaux de la zone FAMOUS et des Galapagos; comparaison avec les sediments metalliferes Distribution of rare earths in hydrothermal deposits from the FAMOUS and Galapagos areas; comparison with metalliferous sediments | |
70% | | 1980 | Bonnot-Courtois, Chantal: Le comportement des terres rares au cours de l'alteration sous-marine et ses consequences The behavior of rare earths during submarine alteration | |
23% | 37 37-332 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 102 102-418 111 111-504 118 118-735 129 129-801 137 137-504 140 140-504 144 148 148-504 148-896 176 176-735 185 185-801 | 1997 | Booij, E.; Staudigel, H.: Controls and diversity of altered oceanic crust composition | |
33% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1983 | Book, Patricia O.; Windom, Kenneth E.: Alteration mineral assemblages in oceanic basalts from the Nauru Basin, South Pacific Ocean | |
22% | 40 40-362 | 1978 | Boon, J. J.; van der Meer, F. W. et al.: Organic geochemical analyses of core samples from Site 362, Walvis Ridge, DSDP Leg 40 | download |
58% | 155 155-942 | 2006 | Boot, C. S.; Ettwein, V. J. et al.: A 35,000 year record of terrigenous and marine lipids in Amazon Fan sediments | download |
47% | 175 175-1083 | 2004 | Boot, Christopher Stephen; Maslin, Mark et al.: Organic geochemical reconstruction of productivity changes in the Benguela upwelling system over the last 2.6 Ma | |
36% | 198 198-1209 | 2013 | Bordiga, Manuela; Beaufort, Luc et al.: Calcareous plankton and geochemistry from the ODP Site 1209B in the NW Pacific Ocean (Shatsky Rise); new data to interpret calcite dissolution and paleoproductivity changes of the last 450 ka | |
12% | 51 | 1980 | Borella, P. E.; Adelseck, C.: Manganese micronodules in sediments; a subsurface in-situ origin, Leg 51, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
10% | 70 70-506 70-507 70-509 | 1983 | Borella, Peter E.: Sediment lithostratigraphy of the Galapagos hydrothermal mounds | download |
5% | 74 74-526 74-527 74-528 74-529 | 1984 | Borella, Peter E.: Sedimentology, petrology, and cyclic sedimentation patterns, Walvis Ridge transect, Leg. 74, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
11% | 70 70-506 70-507 70-508 70-509 70-510 | 1983 | Borella, Peter E.; Myers, Richard et al.: Sediment petrology of the hydrothermal mounds | download |
33% | 119 119-738 | 2001 | Borisova, A. Yu.; Belyatsky, B. V. et al.: Petrogenesis of olivine-phyric basalts from the Aphanasey Nikitin Rise; evidence for contamination by cratonic lower continental crust | |
35% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 76 76-534 | 2003 | Bornemann, Andre; Aschwer, Ute et al.: The impact of calcareous nannofossils on the pelagic carbonate accumulation across the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary | download |
33% | 48 48-401 80 80-550 | 2009 | Bornemann, Andre; D'haenens, Simon et al.: Foraminiferal stable isotope records from the North Atlantic Ocean for the late Paleocene to middle Eocene interval (DSDP Site 401) | |
36% | 50 50-416 76 76-534 77 77-535 93 93-603 95 95-603 185 185-1149 | 2008 | Bornemann, Andre; Mutterlose, Joerg: Calcareous nannofossil and delta (super 13) C records from the Early Cretaceous of the western Atlantic Ocean; evidence for enhanced fertilization across the Berriasian-Valanginian transition | |
47% | 207 207-1257 207-1259 207-1261 | 2006 | Bornemann, Andre; Norris, Richard D.: A sea surface temperature record of the Cretaceous thermal maximum (tropical western Atlantic, ODP Leg 207) | |
58% | 207 | 2006 | Bornemann, Andre; Norris, Richard D.: Photosymbiosis and depth habitats of Late Cretaceous planktic Foraminifera | |
25% | 207 207-1257 207-1259 | 2007 | Bornemann, Andre; Norris, Richard D.: Size-related stable isotope changes in Late Cretaceous planktic Foraminifera; implications for paleoecology and photosymbiosis | download |
21% | 169 169-1033 169-1034 169S 169S-1033 | 2000 | Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John V. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Saanich Inlet; covering Leg 169S of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Victoria, British Columbia, to Victoria, British Columbia, sites 1033-1034, 15-21 August 1996 | download |
23% | 169S | 1998 | Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John V. et al.: Saanich Inlet explanatory notes | download |
9% | 169S | 1998 | Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John V. et al.: Sites 1033 and 1034 | download |
10% | 169 | 1996 | Bornhold, Brian D.; Firth, John: Leg 169S scientific prospectus; Saanich Inlet | download |
35% | 164 164-995 | 2006 | Borowski, W. S.; Takacs, K. G. et al.: A geologic record of competing sulfate-depletion processes within continental-rise sediments overlying methane gas hydrates of the Blake Ridge region (offshore southeastern United States) | |
29% | 11 11-102 11-103 11-104 76 76-533 164 164-994 164-995 164-997 | 2004 | Borowski, Walter S.: A review of methane and gas hydrates in the dynamic, stratified system of the Blake Ridge region, offshore southeastern North America | download |
12% | 204 | 2005 | Borowski, Walter S.: Dissolved sulfide concentration and sulfur isotopic composition of sulfide and sulfate in pore waters, ODP Leg 204, Hydrate Ridge and vicinity, Cascadia margin, offshore Oregon | download |
12% | 172 | 2001 | Borowski, Walter S.; Cagatay, Namik et al.: Carbon isotopic composition of dissolved CO (sub 2) , CO (sub 2) gas, and methane, Blake-Bahama Ridge and Northeast Bermuda Rise, ODP Leg 172 | download |
21% | 164 164-995 | 2000 | Borowski, Walter S.; Hoehler, Tori M. et al.: Significance of anaerobic methane oxidation in methane-rich sediments overlying the Blake Ridge gas hydrates | |
58% | | 1999 | Borowski, Walter S.; Paull, Charles K. et al.: Global and local variations of interstitial sulfate gradients in deep-water, continental margin sediments; sensitivity to underlying methane and gas hydrates | |
29% | 164 164-997 | 2000 | Borowski, Walter S.; Paull, Charles K.: Data report; nitrogen isotopic composition of pore-water ammonium, Blake Ridge, Site 997 | |
41% | 164 164-995 | 1998 | Borowski, Walter Steven: Pore-water sulfate concentration gradients, isotopic compositions, and diagenetic processes overlying continental margin, methane-rich sediments associated with gas hydrates | |
58% | 130 130-807 | 1998 | Borre, Mai; Fabricius, Ida L.: Chemical and mechanical processes during burial diagenesis of chalk; an interpretation based on specific surface data of deep-sea sediments | |
19% | 160 160-964 160-967 | 1998 | Bosch, H. J.; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S. et al.: Molecular palaeontology of eastern Mediterranean sapropels; evidence for photic zone euxinia | download |
43% | 304 304-U1309 305 305-U1309 | 2008 | Boschi, Chiara; Dini, Andrea et al.: Isotopic and element exchange during serpentinization and metasomatism at the Atlantis Massif (MAR degrees 30N); insights from B and Sr isotope data | download |
15% | 142 142-864 | 1995 | Bostroem, Kurt G. V.; Bach, Wolfgang: Data report; Chemical analyses of basaltic rocks; an interlaboratory comparison | download |
17% | | 1995 | Bostroem, Kurt G. V.; Bach, Wolfgang: Trace element determinations by X-ray fluorescence analysis; advantages, limitations, and alternatives | download |
22% | 34 | 1976 | Bostrom, K.; Joensuu, O. et al.: Geochemistry and origin of East Pacific sediments sampled during DSDP Leg 34 | download |
19% | 115 115-711 115-711A | 1990 | Bostrom, Kurt; Backman, Jan: Geochemistry and origin of Neogene sediments in Hole 711A | download |
33% | 86 86-576 | 1993 | Bostwick, Jennifer A.; Kyte, Frank T.: Impact mineralogy and chemistry of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at DSDP Site 576 | |
33% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2007 | Botcharnikov, R. E.; Koepke, J. et al.: The late-stage evolution of oceanic gabbros; combined experimental and in situ isotope study on gabbros from Southwest Indian Ridge | |
35% | 62 62-463 | 2012 | Bottini, Cinzia; Cohen, Anthony S. et al.: Osmium-isotope evidence for volcanism, weathering, and ocean mixing during the early Aptian OAE 1a | |
29% | 146 146-888 146-889 146-890 | 2000 | Bottrell, S. H.; Parkes, R. J. et al.: Isotopic evidence for anoxic pyrite oxidation and stimulation of bacterial sulphate reduction in marine sediments | |
41% | 302 | 2006 | Boucsein, B.; Stein, R.: Organic petrology of Upper Cretaceous/lower Tertiary deposits from the central Arctic Ocean (IODP Hole 302); paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic links | |
58% | 302 | 2009 | Boucsein, Bettina; Stein, Ruediger: Black shale formation in the late Paleocene/early Eocene Arctic Ocean and paleoenvironmental conditions; new results from a detailed organic petrological study | |
7% | 147 147-895 | 1996 | Boudier, Francoise; MacLeod, Christopher J. et al.: Structures in peridotites from Site 895, Hess Deep; implications for the geometry of mantle flow beneath the East Pacific Rise | download |
41% | 37 | 1977 | Bougault, H.: Evidence de la cristallisation fractionnee au niveau d'une ride medio-oceanique: Co, Ni, Cr, Famous, leg 37 du DSDP Evidence of fractional crystallization at a mid-oceanic ridge; Co, Ni, Cr, FAMOUS, Leg 37 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
47% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Bougault, H.; Cambon, P. et al.: Evidence for variability of magmatic processes and upper mantle heterogeneity in the axial region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 22 degrees and 36 degrees N | |
8% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Bougault, H.; Cambon, P. et al.: Trace elements; fractional crystallization and partial melting processes, heterogeneity of upper mantle material | download |
71% | 82 | 1983 | Bougault, H.; Cande, S. C. et al.: Mantle heterogeneity and convection | |
33% | | 1993 | Bougault, H.; Charlou, J. L. et al.: L'Hydrothermalisme oceanique Oceanic hydrothermalism | |
58% | | 1979 | Bougault, H.; Joron, J. L. et al.: Alteration, fractional crystallization, partial melting, mantle properties from trace elements in basalts recovered in the North Atlantic | |
23% | 60 | 1982 | Bougault, H.; Maury, R. C. et al.: Tholeiites, basaltic andesites, and andesites from Leg 60 sites; geochemistry, mineralogy, and low partition coefficient elements | download |
7% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Bougault, H.; Treuil, M. et al.: Trace elements in basalts from 23 degrees N and 36 degrees N in the Atlantic Ocean; fractional crystallization, partial melting, and heterogeneity of the upper mantle | download |
15% | 22 22-211 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 | 1974 | Bougault, Henri: Distribution of first series transition metals in rocks recovered during DSDP Leg 22 in the northeastern Indian Ocean | download |
14% | 37 | 1977 | Bougault, Henri: First transition series elements; fractional crystallization and partial melting | download |
47% | 82 | 1983 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, S. et al.: Le Leg 82 du programme international de forages oceaniques profonds (I.P.O.D.); croute oceanique "normale" ou "anormale" sur la ride medio-Atlantique; proprietes geochimiques IPOD Leg 82; geochemical properties of "normal" and "abnormal" oceanic crust on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
47% | 82 | 1983 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, S. et al.: Local versus regional mantle heterogeneities; IPOD Leg 82 of the Glomar Challenger | |
20% | 82 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project; covering Leg 82 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel Glomar Challenger; Ponta Delgada, Azores, to Balboa, Panama; September-November 1981 | download |
7% | 82 82-556 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 556 | download |
10% | 82 82-557 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 557 | download |
8% | 82 82-558 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 558 | download |
10% | 82 82-559 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 559 | download |
12% | 82 82-560 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 560 | download |
16% | 82 82-561 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 561 | download |
9% | 82 82-562 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 562 | download |
7% | 82 82-563 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 563 | download |
7% | 82 82-564 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 564 | download |
20% | 82 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C.: Background, objectives, and summary of principal results; Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 556-564 | download |
5% | 82 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Hawkins, D.: Appendix; Geochemical data for basalts | download |
20% | 78 78-543 | 1984 | Bougault, Henri; Joron, J. L. et al.: Basalts from the Atlantic crust west of the Barbados Ridge (Site 543, Leg 78A); geochemistry and mineralogy | download |
16% | 82 82-556 82-558 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Joron, J. L. et al.: Local versus regional mantle heterogeneities; evidence from hygromagmaphile elements | download |
35% | 37 37-332 37-335 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 49 49-411 78 78-395 109 | 1980 | Bougault, Henri; Treuil, Michel: Ride medio-atlantique; variations geochimiques a age zero entre les Acores et 22 degrees N The Mid-Atlantic Ridge; geochemical variations of age zero between the Azores and 22 degrees N | |
25% | 184 184-1145 | 2005 | Boulay, S.; Colin, C. et al.: Sediment sources and east Asian monsoon intensity over the last 450 ky; mineralogical and geochemical investigations on South China Sea sediments | download |
9% | 184 184-1144 | 2006 | Boulay, S.; Colin, Christophe J. G. et al.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of Pleistocene sediment in the South China Sea (ODP Site 1144) | download |
57% | 116 116-717 116-719 | 1990 | Boulegue, J.; Bariac, T. et al.: Hyperfiltration-osmosis effects in compacting sediments; isotopic and chemical changes in pore waters | |
18% | 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1990 | Boulegue, Jacques J.: Interstitial waters geochemistry, Leg 116 | download |
47% | 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1990 | Boulegue, Jacques J.; Bariac, T.: Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of interstitial waters from an intraplate deformation area; Bengal Fan, Leg 116 | |
12% | 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1990 | Boulegue, Jacques J.; Mariotti, Andre: Carbonate cements and fluid circulation in intraplate deformation | download |
8% | 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1990 | Boulegue, Jacques J.; de Kersabiec, Anne-Marie et al.: Trace metals (Ba, Sr, Mn, Cu) in interstitial waters, Leg 116 | download |
21% | 160 160-969 | 1998 | Bouloubassi, Ioanna; Guehenneux, Guillaume et al.: Biological marker significance of organic matter origin in sapropels from the Mediterranean Ridge, Site 969 | download |
41% | 160 161 | 1999 | Bouloubassi, Ioanna; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Origin and transformation of organic matter in Pliocene-Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels; organic geochemical evidence reviewed | |
10% | 31 31-299 | 1975 | Bouma, A. H.: Deep-sea fan deposits from Toyama Trough, Sea of Japan | download |
13% | 96 96-614 96-615 96-616 96-617 96-618 96-619 96-620 96-621 96-622 96-623 96-624 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 96 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, to Galveston, Texas, September-November, 1983 | download |
9% | 96 96-614 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 614 | download |
7% | 96 96-615 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 615 | download |
7% | 96 96-616 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 616 | download |
11% | 96 96-617 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 617 | download |
15% | 96 96-618 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 618 | download |
9% | 96 96-619 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 619 | download |
9% | 96 96-620 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 620 | download |
15% | 96 96-621 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 621 | download |
11% | 96 96-622 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 622 | download |
12% | 96 96-623 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 623 | download |
9% | 96 96-624 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Site 624 | download |
6% | 96 96-618 96-619 | 1986 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Stelting, Charles E. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary processes in Orca and Pigmy basins | download |
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