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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title ↑ | Full text |
47% | 86 86-577 | 1989 | Galer, S. J. G.; Macdougall, J. D. et al.: Pb isotopic tracers of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event | download |
71% | 64 | 1982 | Galimov, E. M.: Variation in CH (sub 4) and CO (sub 2) carbon-isotope composition in the sedimentary section in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California | |
23% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Galimov, E. M.; Bannikova, L. A. et al.: Carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates from deposits of the Moroccan Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416 | download |
16% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Galimov, E. M.; Chinyonov, V. A. et al.: Isotopic composition of methane carbon and the relative content of gaseous hydrocarbons in the deposits of the Moroccan Basin of the Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416) | download |
13% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Galimov, E. M.; Kodina, L. A. et al.: A study of organic matter from deep oceanic bore holes, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416 in the Moroccan Basin | download |
12% | 64 64-474 64-477 64-478 64-479 64-481 | 1982 | Galimov, E. M.; Kodina, L. A. et al.: Organic geochemical studies of samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64, Gulf of California, sites 474, 477, 478, 479, and 481 | download |
86% | | 1984 | Galimov, E. M.; Kodina, L. A.: Nekotoryye aspekty geokhimii organicheskogo veshchestva osadochnoy tolshchi dna okeanov Geochemistry of organic matter in sedimentary beds of the ocean | |
50% | 64 64-474 64-477 64-478 64-479 64-481 | 1983 | Galimov, E. M.; Kodina, L. A.: Organic matter in oceanic sediments of high thermogradient (DSDP Leg 64, Gulf of California) | |
82% | 76 76-533 | 1985 | Galimov, E. M.; Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Geochemistry of the gases in gas-hydrate-bearing sediments in the region of the Blake Outer Ridge, Atlantic Ocean | |
28% | 84 84-565 84-566 84-567 84-568 84-569 84-570 | 1985 | Galimov, E. M.; Shabaeva, I. Ju.: Carbon isotope composition of Ch (sub 4) and CO (sub 2) in sediments of the Middle America Trench | download |
41% | 84 | 1985 | Galimov, E. M.; Shabayeva, I. Yu.: Carbon isotope composition of CH (sub 4) and CO (sub 2) in sediments of the Guatemala Trench (DSDP Leg 84) | |
16% | 76 76-533 | 1983 | Galimov, Eric M.; Kvenvolden, Keith A.: Concentrations and carbon isotopic compositions of CH (sub 4) and CO (sub 2) in gas from sediments of the Blake Outer Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 76 | download |
23% | 64 64-474 64-477 64-478 64-479 64-481 | 1982 | Galimov, Eric M.; Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Geochemistry of interstitial gases in sedimentary deposits of the Gulf of California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64 | download |
58% | | 1996 | Gallahan, William Eugene, III: Geochronology and geochemistry of low temperature hydrothermal alteration in oceanic crust; an investigation of celadonite in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus | |
41% | 160 160-964 | 2004 | Gallego-Torres, David; Martinez-Ruiz, F. et al.: Evaluation of geochemical proxies preserved in the sapropel record from the Eastern Mediterranean within the Pliocene-Holocene time interval | |
58% | 160 | 2010 | Gallego-Torres, David; Martinez-Ruiz, F. et al.: Trace-elemental derived paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic conditions for Pleistocene eastern Mediterranean sapropels | |
29% | 160 160-964 | 2007 | Gallego-Torres, David; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca et al.: Pliocene-Holocene evolution of depositional conditions in the eastern Mediterranean; role of anoxia vs. productivity at time of sapropel deposition | download |
9% | 160 160-964 160-966 160-967 160-969 | 2011 | Gallego-Torres, David; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca et al.: Productivity patterns and N-fixation associated with Pliocene-Holocene sapropels; paleoceanographic and paleoecological significance | download |
58% | 168 | 2006 | Galy, A.; Carder, E. et al.: Insights from magnesium isotopic compositions on the oceanic hydrothermal circulation; is seamount weathering the solution? | |
33% | 116 116-718 | 1996 | Galy, Albert; France-Lanord, Christian et al.: The late Oligocene-early Miocene Himalayan belt; constraints deduced from isotopic compositions of early Miocene turbidites in the Bengal Fan | |
47% | 22 22-218 | 2010 | Galy, Valier; France-Lanord, Christian et al.: Sr-Nd-Os evidence for a stable erosion regime in the Himalaya during the past 12 Myr | |
6% | 201 | 2006 | Gamage, Kusali; Bekins, Barbara et al.: Permeabilities of eastern Equatorial Pacific and Peru Margin sediments | download |
13% | 110 156 170 190 201 205 | 2011 | Gamage, Kusali; Screaton, Elizabeth et al.: Permeability-porosity relationships of subduction zone sediments | download |
33% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1992 | Gamo, Toshitaka; Berner, Ulrich et al.: Carbon isotope ratios in pore waters associated with diagenesis of organic material at the ODP Site 808 (Leg 131), Nankai Trough | |
58% | 131 | 1992 | Gamo, Toshitaka; Gieskes, Joris M.: Shipboard chemical analyses of sedimentary pore waters during the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 131 | |
33% | | 1995 | Gamo, Toshitaka; Hasumoto, Hiroshi et al.: Search and discovery of hydrothermal plumes from water chemistry at the Rodriguez triple junction, Indian Ridge | |
14% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1993 | Gamo, Toshitaka; Kastner, Miriam et al.: Carbon isotope ratio of total inorganic carbon in pore waters associated with diagenesis of organic material at Site 808, Nankai Trough | download |
41% | 131 | 1992 | Gamo, Toshitaka; Sakai, Hitoshi et al.: Methane, ethane and total inorganic carbon in fluid samples taken during the 1989 Kaiko-Nankai Project | |
12% | 56 56-436 | 1980 | Gansei, S. S.; Gorbarenko, S. A. et al.: Fission-track age of volcanic glasses from ash layers at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 436 | download |
8% | 93 93-603 93-604 95 95-603 | 1987 | Ganssen, Gerald: Late Cenozoic stable isotopic stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 603 and 604, Northeast American continental rise | download |
33% | 206 206-1256 | 2007 | Gao, Y.; Hoefs, J. et al.: Lithium and oxygen isotopic composition of the oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading ridge, Hole 1256D | |
47% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2002 | Gao, Y.; Hoefs, J. et al.: Oxygen isotope profile of the lower ocean crust; an in-situ study by UV-laser-ablation oxygen isotope microprobe | |
41% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2006 | Gao, Y.; Hoefs, Jochen et al.: A complete oxygen isotope profile through the lower oceanic crust, ODP Hole 735B | download |
47% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2007 | Gao, Yongjun; Hoefs, Jochen et al.: Trace element zoning in pyroxenes from ODP Hole 735B gabbros; diffusive exchange or synkinematic crystal fractionation? | |
11% | 136 136-842 | 1993 | Garcia, Michael O.: Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic sands from Site 842; products of giant landslides | download |
33% | 173 173-1067 | 2004 | Gardien, V.; Paquette, J. L.: Ion microprobe and ID-TIMS U-Pb dating on zircon grains from Leg 173 amphibolites; evidence for Permian magmatism on the west Iberian margin | |
7% | 180 | 2002 | Gardien, Veronique; Le Gall, Bernard et al.: Low pressure-temperature evolution of the continental crust exhumed during the opening of the Woodlark Basin | download |
47% | 180 | 2008 | Gardien, Veronique; Lecuyer, Christophe et al.: Dolerites of the Woodlark Basin (Papuan Peninsula, New Guinea); a geochemical record of the influence of a neighbouring subduction zone | |
7% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1982 | Gardner, James V.: High-resolution carbonate and organic-carbon stratigraphies for the late Neogene and Quaternary from the western Caribbean and eastern Equatorial Pacific | download |
4% | 75 75-532 | 1984 | Gardner, James V.; Dean, Walter E. et al.: Carbonate and organic-carbon cycles and the history of upwelling at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 532, Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean | download |
6% | 90 90-588 90-590 90-591 90-592 90-593 | 1986 | Gardner, James V.; Nelson, Campbell S. et al.: Distribution and character of pale green laminae in sediment from Lord Howe Rise; a probable late Neogene and Quaternary tephrostratigraphic record | download |
5% | 42 | 1978 | Garrison, R. E.; Schreiber, B. C. et al.: Sedimentary petrology and structures of Messinian evaporitic sediments in the Mediterranean Sea, Leg 42A, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
41% | | 1981 | Garrison, Robert E.: Diagenesis of oceanic carbonate sediments; a review of the DSDP perspective | |
12% | 112 | 1990 | Garrison, Robert E.; Kastner, Miriam: Phosphatic sediments and rocks recovered from the Peru margin during ODP Leg 112 | download |
33% | 30 30-289 | 1991 | Gasperi, Joseph T.: Inferred influence of algal symbionts on carbon isotopic values of Miocene planktonic foraminifera | |
33% | 30 30-289 | 1991 | Gasperi, Joseph T.; Kennett, James P.: Isotopic evidence for depth habitat change within the planktonic foraminiferal lineage Globorotalia (Menardella); late Miocene western Equatorial Pacific | |
7% | 30 30-289 | 1993 | Gasperi, Joseph T.; Kennett, James P.: Miocene planktonic foraminifers at DSDP Site 289; depth stratification using isotopic differences | download |
41% | 30 30-289 | 1993 | Gasperi, Joseph T.; Kennett, James P.: Vertical thermal structure evolution of Miocene surface waters; western Equatorial Pacific DSDP Site 289 | |
35% | 30 30-289 | 1992 | Gasperi, Joseph Thomas: Miocene paleoceanography of the western Equatorial Pacific; isotopic evidence from DSDP Site 289 | |
6% | 160 160-967 | 2011 | Gasse, Francoise; Vidal, Laurance et al.: Hydrological variability in the northern Levant; a 250 ka multiproxy record from the Yammouneh (Lebanon) sedimentary sequence | download |
10% | 116 116-717 116-718 | 2011 | Gattacceca, J. C.; Galy, A. et al.: Changes in Neogene Himalayan erosion regime; input of Pb and Nd isotopes into the Indian Ocean | download |
6% | 7 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth L.: Carbon-carbonate content of sediments from the western Equatorial Pacific; Leg 7, Glomar Challenger | download |
7% | 7 | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth L.: Natural gamma radiation of sediments from the western Equatorial Pacific; Leg 7, Glomar Challenger | download |
15% | 7 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth L.; Dubois, Richard: Shipboard geochemical analysis, Leg 7, Glomar Challenger | download |
9% | 7 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth L.; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Methods, conventions, and general observations | download |
12% | 72 72-516 | 1983 | Gebhard, S. N.; Carlson, Richard L.: Compressional-wave velocities on basalts from the Rio Grande Rise | download |
7% | 153 | 1997 | Gee, Jeffrey S.; Lawrence, Roisin May et al.: Remanence characteristics of gabbros from the MARK area; implications for crustal magnetization | download |
9% | 144 | 1995 | Gee, Jeffrey S.; Nakanishi, Masao: Magnetic petrology and magnetic properties of western Pacific guyots; implications for seamount paleopoles | download |
41% | | 2001 | Gee, Jeffrey S.; Webb, Spahr C. et al.: A deep tow magnetic survey of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
29% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 335 335-1256 | 2012 | Geldmacher, J.; Hoefig, T. W. et al.: Influence of the Galapagos Hotspot on the East Pacific Rise during Miocene superfast spreading | |
41% | 67 67-494 84 84-566 84-567 84-569 84-570 | 2006 | Geldmacher, J.; Hoernle, K. et al.: IODP; age and geochemistry of Central American forearc basement rocks (DSDP Leg 67 an 84) reveal a complex geodynamic history | |
14% | 158 | 1998 | Gemmell, J. Bruce; Sharpe, Robina: Detailed sulfur-isotope investigation of the TAG hydrothermal mound and stockwork zone, 26 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
7% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Genkin, A. D.; Laputina, I. P. et al.: Opaque minerals in basalts from holes 417D and 418A | download |
33% | 161 161-976 | 2010 | Genty, Dominique; Combourieu-Nebout, Nathalie et al.: Isotopic characterization of rapid climatic events during OIS3 and OIS4 in Villars Cave stalagmites (SW-France) and correlation with Atlantic and Mediterranean pollen records | |
58% | 42 42-379 | 1977 | Geodekyan, A. A.; Chernova, T. G. et al.: Bitumoids in the organic matter of Black Sea sediments (based on Deep-Sea Drilling data) | |
17% | 56 56-434 | 1980 | Geodekyan, A. A.; Chernova, T. G. et al.: Chemical and bituminological studies from holes 434, 434A, and 434B, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
58% | 42 42-379 | 1980 | Geodekyan, A. A.; Chernova, T. G.: Bituminologicheskoye izucheniye kerna skv. 379 i modelirovaniye protsessa preobrazovaniya organicheskogo veshchestva A bitumenological study of well 379 and models of the formation of organic materials | |
86% | | 1977 | Geodekyan, A. A.; Trotsyuk, V. Ya. et al.: Geochemical premises to oil and gas formation beneath the sea and the ocean bed | |
9% | 42 42-379 | 1978 | Geodekyan, A. A.; Ul'mishek, G. F. et al.: Bituminological studies of the samples from Site 379 and laboratory simulation of dispersed organic matter transportation | download |
35% | 21 21-204 | 2005 | George, Rhiannon; Turner, S. et al.: Pressure-temperature-time paths of sediment recycling beneath the Tonga-Kermadec arc | download |
40% | 317 317-U1351 | 2010 | George, Simon C.; Lipp, Julius S. et al.: IODP Expedition 317, Canterbury Basin, offshore NZ; on-board geochemistry results | download |
12% | | 2006 | Georgescu, Marius Dan: Santonian-Campanian planktonic Foraminifera in the New Jersey coastal plain and their distribution related to the relative sea-level changes | download |
33% | 157 157-953 157-954 157-955 157-956 | 1995 | Gerard, M.; Jarvis, I.: Fluid-rock interaction in a Miocene-Holocene volcaniclastic apron (Gran Canaria) | |
13% | 134 134-832 134-833 | 1994 | Gerard, Martine; Person, Alain: Low hydrothermal impact in volcaniclastic sediments of the North Aoba Basin; sites 832 and 833 | download |
47% | 19 19-183 | 2005 | Gerseny, M. G.; Vervoort, J. D. et al.: Characterizing contributions to Aleutian lavas along the length of the arc; evidence from Hf-Nd isotope systematics | |
21% | 177 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Explanatory notes | |
21% | 100 100-625 177 177-1088 177-1089 177-1090 177-1091 177-1092 177-1093 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Leg 177 summary; Southern Ocean paleoceanography | |
15% | 177 | 2003 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results; Southern Ocean paleoceanography; covering Leg 177 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Cape Town, South Africa, to Punta Arenas, Chile; sites 1088-1094; 9 December 1997-5 February 1998 | download |
21% | 177 177-1088 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1088 | |
21% | 177 177-1089 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1089 | |
21% | 177 177-1090 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1090 | |
21% | 177 177-1091 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1091 | |
21% | 177 177-1092 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1092 | |
21% | 177 177-1093 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1093 | |
21% | 100 100-625 177 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1094 | |
33% | 41 41-370 50 50-416 | 2008 | Ghorbal, B.; Bertotti, G. et al.: Unexpected Jurassic to Neogene vertical movements in "stable" parts of NW Africa revealed by low temperature geochronology | |
41% | | 2004 | Ghosh, Prosenjit; Padia, J. T. et al.: Stable isotopic studies of Palaeosol sediment from upper Siwalik of Himachal Himalaya; evidence for high monsoonal intensity during late Miocene? | download |
47% | 168 168-1030 168-1031 | 2002 | Giambalvo, Emily R.; Steefel, Carl I. et al.: Effect of fluid-sediment reaction on hydrothermal fluxes of major elements, eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
33% | 198 198-1209 | 2009 | Gibbs, S.; Murphy, B. H. et al.: Background versus event level biotic variability; hyperthermals of the late Paleocene and early Eocene | |
29% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Giblin, Patrick: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 465 and 465A | download |
11% | 149 149-897 | 1996 | Gibson, Ian L.; Beslier, Marie-Odile et al.: Major- and trace-element seawater alteration profiles in serpentinite formed during the development of the Iberia Margin, Site 897 | download |
17% | 121 121-758 | 1991 | Gibson, Ian L.; Saunders, Andrew D.: Interpretation of submarine sequences of pillowed and massive basaltic units as exemplified by relations at Site 758, Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean | download |
12% | 33 | 1976 | Gieskes, J. M.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 33 | download |
47% | 64 64-477 65 65-482 169 169-1038 | 2008 | Gieskes, J. M.: Mobilization of lithium in sedimentary hydrothermal systems | |
58% | | 1986 | Gieskes, J. M.; Elderfield, H. et al.: Strontium and its isotopic composition in interstitial waters of marine carbonate sediments | |
41% | | 1983 | Gieskes, J. M.; Elderfield, H.: (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr strontium in DSDP interstitial waters; carbonate diagenesis and alteration of volcanic matter | |
10% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Gieskes, J. M.; Graham, D. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416 | download |
58% | 25 25-245 | 1975 | Gieskes, J. M.; Kastner, M. et al.: Evidence for extensive diagenesis, Madagascar Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Site 245 | |
41% | 25 25-245 25-245 | 1974 | Gieskes, J. M.; Kastner, M. et al.: Geochemical Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Hole 245 of DSDP | |
11% | 38 | 1978 | Gieskes, J. M.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 38 | download |
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