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Score | Exp/Site/Hole ↑ | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
25% | | 1999 | Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Sensitivity of the North Atlantic Basin to cyclic climatic forcing during the Early Cretaceous | |
25% | | 2003 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Roehl, Ursula et al.: Constraining the controls on carbonate accumulation in deep sea sequences; a global dissolution event in the early late Paleocene | |
25% | | 2001 | Tobin, Harold J.: Fault structure, mechanics, and hydrogeology of accretionary prism decollement zones revisited | |
25% | | 1992 | Wright, James D.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Early and middle Miocene stable isotopes; implications for deepwater circulation and climate | |
25% | | 2011 | Hammond, K. A. T.; Wallace, L. M. et al.: IODP workshop on Using ocean drilling to unlock the secrets of slow slip events; workshop programme and abstracts | |
25% | | 2009 | Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; Bering Sea paleoceanography; Expedition 323 of the riserless drilling platform; Victoria, British Columbia (Canada), to Yokohama, Japan; 5 July-4 September 2009 | |
23% | | 1970 | Carbon carbonate results, (Chapter) 9 | download |
22% | | 1992 | Rullkoetter, Juergen; Littke, Ralf et al.: Petrography and geochemistry of organic matter in Triassic and Cretaceous deep-sea sediments from the Wombat and Exmouth plateaus and nearby abyssal plains off Northwest Australia | download |
21% | | 1990 | Mato, Christine Y.: Geriatic core investigation on Leg 124E | download |
21% | | 2008 | Morishita, Tomoaki; Nakamura, Kentaro et al.: Elemental mobilizations during hydrothermal alteration of oceanic lithosphere | |
21% | | 1994 | King, Alan J.: Petrology and volatile emissions of the 1963 eruption of Gunung Agung, Bali, Indonesia | |
21% | | 2007 | Komiya, Tsuyoshi; Maruyama, Shigenori: A very hydrous mantle under the western Pacific region; implications for formation of marginal basins and style of Archean plate tectonics | download |
21% | | 2009 | Takahashi, Kozo; Ravelo, Christina et al.: Site U1343 | |
21% | | 1980 | Humphris, Susan E.; Thompson, Robert N. et al.: Comparison of geochemistry of basalts from the East Pacific Rise, OCP Ridge, and Siqueiros fracture zone, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 | download |
21% | | 2010 | Schulte, Peter; Alegret, Laia et al.: The Chicxulub asteroid impact and mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary | download |
21% | | 1997 | Naehr, Thomas: Authigener klinoptilolith in marinen sedimenten; mineralchemie, genese und moegliche anwendung als geothermometer Authigenic clinoptilolite in marine sediments; crystal chemistry, genesis and possible application in geologic thermometry | |
21% | | 1983 | Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang: Sulfur and sulfur isotope content of basalts from the Galapagos Rift (legs 54 and 70) | download |
21% | | 2011 | Moore, J. Casey; Chang, Chandong et al.: Growth of borehole breakouts with time after drilling; implications for state of stress, NanTroSEIZE transect, SW Japan | download |
21% | | 2011 | Tominaga, Masako; Lyle, Mitchell et al.: Seismic interpretation of pelagic sedimentation regimes in the 18-53 Ma eastern Equatorial Pacific; basin-scale sedimentation and infilling of abyssal valleys | download |
21% | | 2011 | Spinelli, G. A.; Harris, R. N.: Thermal effects of hydrothermal circulation and seamount subduction; temperatures in the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment transect, Japan | download |
21% | | 2012 | Le Roux, J. P.: A review of Tertiary climate changes in southern South America and the Antarctic Peninsula; Part 1, Oceanic conditions | |
21% | | 2012 | Ito, M.: The JAMSTEC NanoSIMS 50L ion microprobe; applications to Earth, planetary and life sciences | download |
21% | | 2013 | Kendrick, Mark A.; Honda, Masahiko et al.: Subduction zone fluxes of halogens and noble gases in seafloor and forearc serpentinites | |
20% | | 1998 | Hunt, John B.; Clift, Peter D. et al.: Interlaboratory comparison of electron probe microanalysis of glass geochemistry | download |
18% | | 1973 | Simoneit, B. R.: Identification of isoprenoidal ketones in Deep Sea Drilling Project core samples and their geochemical significance | download |
17% | | 1995 | Bostroem, Kurt G. V.; Bach, Wolfgang: Trace element determinations by X-ray fluorescence analysis; advantages, limitations, and alternatives | download |
16% | | 1971 | Presley, Bob J.; Claypool, George E.: Appendix; Techniques for analyzing interstitial water samples; Part II, Determination of total dissolved carbonate and carbon isotope ratios | download |
16% | | 1987 | Dunham, Keith W.: Potential organic geochemical contaminants on board the JOIDES Resolution | download |
16% | | 2005 | Fisk, M. R.; Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. et al.: Elemental abundance distributions in basalt clays and meteorites; is it a biosignature? | download |
16% | | 1980 | Lee, Marianna (ed.); Stout, Larry N. (ed.) et al.: Legs 56 and 57 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Yokohama, Japan to Yokohama, Japan; Leg 56, September-October 1977; Leg 57, October-December 1977; Part 2 | download |
16% | | 1970 | Sayles, Fred L.: Preliminary geochemistry, Chapter 26 | download |
15% | | 1970 | Presley, B. J.; Kaplan, I. R.: Interstitial water chemistry; Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 4, Chapter 20 | download |
15% | | 2010 | Underwood, Michael B.; Saito, Saneatsu et al.: Expedition 322 summary | download |
15% | | 1997 | Wehmiller, John F.: Data report; Aminostratigraphic analysis of mollusk specimens; Cape May Coast Guard Station borehole | download |
15% | | 1996 | Firth, John V.; Blum, Peter et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports; Eastern Canary Basin; covering Leg 159T of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Falmouth, England, to Dakar, Senegal, Site 958, 23 December 1994-3 January 1995 | download |
14% | | 1979 | Kvenvolden, K. A.: Organic geochemistry of sediments recovered by DSDP/IPOD | download |
14% | | 1981 | Barnard, Leo A.; Kvenvolden, Keith A. et al.: Geochemistry of a marine gas hydrate associated with a bottom simulating reflector | download |
14% | | 1980 | Johnson, D. M.: Crack distribution in the upper oceanic crust and its effects upon seismic velocity, seismic structure, formation permeability, and fluid circulation | download |
13% | | 2010 | Koppers, Anthony A. P.; Yamazaki, Toshitsugu et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 330 scientific prospectus; Louisville Seamount trail; implications for geodynamic mantle flow models and the geochemical evolution of primary hotspots | download |
13% | | 1980 | Dick, Henry J. B.: Vesicularity of Shikoku Basin basalt; a possible correlation with the anomalous depth of back-arc basins | download |
12% | | 1971 | Douglas, Robert G.; Savin, Samuel M.: Isotopic analyses of planktonic foraminifera from the cenozoic of the northwest pacific, leg 6 | download |
12% | | 2006 | Georgescu, Marius Dan: Santonian-Campanian planktonic Foraminifera in the New Jersey coastal plain and their distribution related to the relative sea-level changes | download |
12% | | 2006 | Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Ocean | download |
12% | | 2011 | Brandl, P. A.; Regelous, M. et al.: Chemical evolution of MORB; new insights from old crust | download |
12% | | 2011 | Antler, Gilad; Turchyn, Alexandra V. et al.: Mechanics of bacterial sulfate reduction deduced from sulfur and oxygen isotopes in pore fluid sulfate | download |
12% | | 1970 | Vallier, Tracy L.: Carbon carbonate results, Chapter 15 | download |
12% | | 1970 | Pimm, A. C.: Carbon carbonate results, leg 4, Chapter 13 | download |
12% | | 1973 | Anderson, Thomas F.: Oxygen isotope composition of recrystallized carbonates associated with submarine volcanic rocks | download |
12% | | 1973 | Claypool, G. E.; Presley, B. J.: Generation of light hydrocarbon gases in deep-sea sediments | download |
12% | | 1970 | Presley, B. J.; Goldhaber, M. B. et al.: Interstitial water chemistry, Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 5, Chapter 21 | download |
12% | | 1986 | Trainor, Dwight M.; Williams, Douglas F.: High-resolution chronostratigraphy of offshore wells within Pleistocene through upper Miocene of Gulf of Mexico | download |
12% | | 1973 | Bulingame, A. L.; Simoneit, Bernd R.: Comparative compositional studies of organic matter in various Deep-Sea Drilling Project cores | download |
12% | | 2012 | Gillis, Kathryn; Snow, Jonathan E. et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 345 scientific prospectus; Hess Deep plutonic crust; exploring the plutonic crust at a fast-spreading ridge; new drilling at Hess Deep | download |
11% | | 2010 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Site U1348 | download |
10% | | 1977 | Bode, Gerald W.: Grain size and carbon/carbonate analyses, Leg 37 | download |
10% | | 1990 | Hargraves, Robert B.; Duncan, Robert A.: Radiometric age and paleomagnetic results from Seychelles dikes | download |
10% | | 2009 | Firth, John; Gupta, Lallan et al.: New focus on the tales of the Earth; legacy cores redistribution project completed | download |
10% | | 1997 | Szabo, Zoltan; Pucci, A. A., Jr. et al.: Sr-isotopic evidence for leakage of pore water from clay-silt confining units to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Atlantic City, New Jersey | download |
10% | | 2009 | Morgan, Julia K.; Silver, Eli et al.: Addressing geohazards through ocean drilling | download |
10% | | 2009 | Schultheiss, Peter; Holland, Melanie et al.: Wireline coring and analysis under pressure; recent use and future developments of the HYACINTH System | download |
10% | | 2012 | Wallace, Laura M.; Silver, Eli A. et al.: IODP workshop on using ocean drilling to unlock the secrets of slow slip events | download |
10% | | 2011 | Henry, Pierre; Kanamatsu, Toshiya et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 333 preliminary report; NanTroSEIZE Stage 2; subduction inputs 2 and heat flow; 12 December 2010-10 January 2011 | download |
10% | | 1975 | Larson, R. L.; Moberly, R. et al.: Hakodate, Japan to Honolulu, Hawaii, August-October 1973 | download |
10% | | 1970 | Sayles, F. L.; Manheim, F. T. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, leg 4, Chapter 19 | download |
10% | | 2002 | Holbourn, Ann E.; Henderson, Andrew S.: Re-illustration and revised taxonomy for selected deep-sea benthic foraminifers | download |
10% | | 1982 | Site 461; inner wall of the Mariana Trench | download |
10% | | 2006 | Ivarsson, Magnus: Advantages of doubly polished thin sections for the study of microfossils in volcanic rock | download |
10% | | 2010 | Exon, Neville: Australia's involvement in IODP; what it means for our scientists | download |
10% | | 2010 | Heap, Andrew D.; Exon, Neville: Australia's new marine research vessel; geoscience implications | download |
10% | | 2010 | Vannucchi, Paola; Ujiie, Kohtaro et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 334 scientific prospectus; Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP); sampling and quantifying input to the seismogenic zone and fluid output | download |
10% | | 2011 | Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hoyanagi, Koichi et al.: Site U1354 | download |
10% | | 2011 | Koppers, Anthony A. P.; Yamazaki, Toshitsugu et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 330 preliminary report; Louisville Seamount trail; implications for geodynamic mantle flow models and the geochemical evolution of primary hotspots; 13 December 2010-11 February 2011 | download |
10% | | 2010 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Site U1347 | download |
9% | | 1990 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Pisciotto, Kenneth A. et al.: Site 795 | download |
9% | | 2011 | Vannucchi, Paola; Ujiie, Kohtaro et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 334 preliminary report; Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP); sampling and quantifying input to the seismogenic zone and fluid output; 13 March-12 April 2011 | download |
9% | | 2010 | Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Site U1338 | download |
9% | | 1984 | Bouysse, Philippe: The Lesser Antilles island arc; structure and geodynamic evolution | download |
9% | | 2010 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Site U1349 | download |
9% | | 2011 | Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hiyanagi, Koichi et al.: Site U1353 | download |
9% | | 2009 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 324 scientific prospectus; Testing plume and plate models of ocean plateau formation at Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean | download |
9% | | 2007 | De Natale, Giuseppe; Troise, Claudia et al.: The Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project | download |
9% | | 2007 | Peart, Leslie; Klaus, Ann: Retooling ocean drilling science into Earth science educational resources | download |
9% | | 2007 | Morgan, Jo; Christeson, Gail et al.: Joint IODP/ICDP scientific drilling of the Chicxulub impact crater | download |
9% | | 2007 | Conze, Ronald; Wallrabe-Adams, Hans-Joachim et al.: Joint data management on ICDP projects and IODP Mission Specific Platform Expeditions | download |
8% | | 1983 | Lopez, Cynthia M.: Early diagenesis of sands and sandstones from Middle America Trench and trench slope, offshore Mexico and Guatemala | download |
8% | | 1979 | Tissot, B.; Demaison, G. J. et al.: Paleoenvironment and petroleum potential of Mid-Cretaceous black shales in Atlantic basins | download |
8% | | 1971 | Presley, Bob J.: Appendix; Techniques for analyzing interstitial water samples; Part I, Determination of selected minor and major inorganic constituents | download |
8% | | 1990 | Baum, Joan S.; Humphrey, John D. et al.: Geochemical and mineralogical evidence for relative and eustatic sea level changes in Eocene to Oligocene carbonates in Alabama | download |
8% | | 1978 | Muratov, M. V.; Neprochnov, Y. P. et al.: Basic features of the Black Sea late Cenozoic history based on results of deep-sea drilling, Leg 42B | download |
8% | | 1990 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Leckie, M. et al.: Oceanwide anoxia in the early Aptian | download |
8% | | 2006 | Scher, Howie D.; Martin, Ellen E.: Timing and climatic consequences of the opening of Drake Passage | download |
8% | | 2010 | Henry, Pierre; Kanamatsu, Toshiya et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 333 scientific prospectus; NanTroSEIZE Stage 2; subduction inputs 2 and heat flow | download |
8% | | 1983 | Glass, B. P.: Upper Eocene North American microtektite layer; associated radiolarian extinctions, climatic change, and iridium anomaly | download |
8% | | 2010 | Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Site U1337 | download |
8% | | 2010 | Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Site U1335 | download |
8% | | 2010 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Site U1350 | download |
8% | | 2010 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Expedition 324 summary | download |
8% | | 2010 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Site U1346 | download |
8% | | 2010 | Palike, Heiko; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Site U1336 | download |
8% | | 2010 | Mottl, Michael; Takai, Ken et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 preliminary report; deep hot biosphere | download |
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