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Score | Exp/Site/Hole ↑ | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
35% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 26 26-253 26-254 26-256 26-257 27 27-259 27-260 27-261 | 1978 | Thompson, G.; Bryan, W. B. et al.: Basalts and related rocks from deep-sea drilling sites in the central and eastern Indian Ocean | |
15% | 22 22-211 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 | 1974 | Bougault, Henri: Distribution of first series transition metals in rocks recovered during DSDP Leg 22 in the northeastern Indian Ocean | download |
12% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 | 1974 | Pimm, Anthony C.: Mineralization and trace element variation in deep-sea pelagic sediments of the Wharton Basin, Indian Ocean | download |
6% | 22 22-211 | 1974 | von der Borch, Christopher C.; Sclater, John G. et al.: Site 211 | download |
6% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 | 1974 | Hekinian, Roger: Petrology of igneous rocks from Leg 22 in the northeastern Indian Ocean | download |
57% | 22 22-212 | 1989 | Subbarao, K. V.; Reddy, V. V. et al.: Geochemistry of rocks from the Wharton Basin, northeastern Indian Ocean | |
47% | 22 22-212 22-213 | 1996 | Weis, Dominique; Frey, Frederick A.: Role of the Kerguelen Plume in generating the eastern Indian Ocean seafloor | download |
8% | 22 22-212 22-214 22-217 22-218 | 1974 | Manheim, Frank T.; Waterman, Lee S. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 22 | download |
41% | 22 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 22-217 | 1987 | Schmitz, Birger: Barium, equatorial high productivity, and the northward wandering of the Indian continent | download |
35% | 22 22-213 74 74-527 80 80-549 | 2004 | Kahn, Alicia; Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Provincialism associated with the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum; temporal constraint | download |
29% | 22 22-213 48 48-401 74 74-527 80 80-549 113 113-690 143 143-865 165 165-1001 171B 171B-1051 | 2003 | Thomas, Deborah J.; Bralower, Timothy J. et al.: Neodymium isotopic reconstruction of late Paleocene-early Eocene thermohaline circulation | download |
16% | 22 22-213 48 48-401 74 74-527 80 80-549 113 113-690 143 143-865 165 165-1001 171B 171B-1051 198 198-1209 198-1211 | 2005 | Thomas, Deborah J.: Reconstructing ancient deep-sea circulation patterns using the Nd isotopic composition of fossil fish debris | |
58% | 22 22-214 22-217 | 1975 | Brenneke, J. C.: Stable isotope studies of the lithification and diagenesis of carbonate sediments from the Ninetyeast Ridge | |
57% | 22 22-214 22-215 22-216 26 26-253 26-254 | 1978 | Viswanatha Reddy, V.; Subbarao, K. V. et al.: Geochemistry of volcanics from the Ninetyeast Ridge and its vicinity in the Indian Ocean | |
47% | 22 22-214 22-218 26 26-253 26-254 | 1983 | Mahoney, J. J.; Macdougall, J. D. et al.: Kerguelen hotspot source for Rajmahal traps and Ninetyeast Ridge? | |
47% | 22 22-214 22-216 | 1973 | Thompson, G.; Bryan, W. B. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of basalts and related rocks from DSDP Leg 22 Sites 214 and 216, Ninety-East Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
47% | 22 22-214 22-216 24 24-237 24-238 | 1985 | Vincent, Edith; Killingley, John S. et al.: Miocene oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the tropical Indian Ocean | |
47% | 22 22-214 22-216 26 26-253 26-254 | 1980 | Ludden, John N.; Thompson, Geoffrey et al.: The origin of lavas from the Ninetyeast Ridge, eastern-Indian Ocean; an evaluation of fractional crystallization models | download |
36% | 22 22-214 22-216 26 26-253 26-254 115 119 119-738 120 120-747 120-750 121 121-756 121-758 | 2002 | Artamonov, A. V.; Zolotarev, B. P.: Petrologiya i geokimiya vnutriplitnykh vulkanitov i nekotoryye aspekty vertikal'noy akkretsii okeanicheskoy kory Petrology and geochemistry of intraplate volcanic rocks and some aspects of vertical accretion of ocean crust | |
35% | 22 22-214 23 23-219 | 2008 | Gupta, Anil K.; Sundar Raj, M. et al.: A major change in monsoon-driven productivity in the tropical Indian Ocean during ca 1.2-0.9 Myr; foraminiferal faunal and stable isotope data | download |
33% | 22 22-214 22-216 | 1977 | Ludden, J. N.; Thompson, G. et al.: An evaluation of fractional crystallization and the origin of lavas from the 90 degrees E ridge, eastern Indian Ocean | |
33% | 22 22-214 22-216 22-217 | 1989 | Srinivasan, M. S.: Recent advances in Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and paleoceanography; northern Indian Ocean | |
29% | 22 22-214 | 2004 | Gupta, Anil K.; Dhingra, Hitesh: Middle Pleistocene Transition (MPT) in the eastern Indian Ocean; a 2000 kyr planktic faunal and isotope record from DSDP Site 214 | |
25% | 22 22-214 22-216 121 121-752 121-757 121-758 | 2004 | Gupta, Anil K.; Singh, Raj K. et al.: Indian Ocean high-productivity event (10-8 Ma); linked to global cooling or to the initiation of the Indian monsoons? | |
24% | 22 22-214 22-215 22-216 | 1974 | Thompson, Geoffrey; Bryan, W. B. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of basalts and related rocks from sites 214, 215, 217, DSDP Leg 22, Indian Ocean | download |
5% | 22 22-214 | 1974 | von der Borch, Christopher C.; Sclater, John G. et al.: Site 214 | download |
47% | 22 22-215 121 121-752 122 122-762 | 2004 | Nicolo, M. J.: The composition and flux of terrigenous material from the late Paleocene to the early Eocene in the Indian Ocean | |
47% | 22 22-216 | 1985 | Vincent, Edith; Berger, Wolfgang H.: Carbon dioxide and polar cooling in the Miocene; the Monterey Hypothesis | |
47% | 22 22-216 22-217 23 23-219 23-220 | 1981 | De, Reena; Rao, C. N. et al.: Diagenesis and thermoluminescence characteristics of the deep sea carbonate oozes from the Indian Ocean | |
41% | 22 22-216 | 1995 | Frey, F. A.; Weis, D.: Temporal evolution of the Kerguelen plume; geochemical evidence from approximately 38 to 82 Ma lavas forming the Ninetyeast Ridge | |
35% | 22 22-216 113 113-689 115 115-709 177 177-1090 | 2001 | Liu, Shaobin; Glass, B. P. et al.: Sr and Nd data for upper Eocene spherule layers | |
29% | 22 22-216 | 2005 | Keller, Gerta: Biotic effects of late Maastrichtian mantle plume volcanism; implications for impacts and mass extinctions | download |
25% | 22 22-216 113 113-689 115 115-709 177 177-1090 | 2006 | Liu, Shaobin; Papanastassiou, D. A. et al.: Sr and Nd analyses of upper Eocene spherules and their implications for target rocks | |
25% | 22 22-216 | 2011 | Frey, F. A.; Pringle, M. et al.: Diverse mantle sources for Ninetyeast Ridge magmatism; geochemical constraints from basaltic glasses | |
33% | 22 22-217 | 1995 | MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Huber, Brian T.: Testing for subtle isotopic alteration of calcitic microfossils; caveats and inferences from analyses of suspect samples | |
29% | 22 22-217 74 74-528 113 113-690 122 122-761 | 1993 | Ehrendorfer, Thomas W.: High-resolution investigations into changes of calcareous nannoplankton associations during the last 500 ka of the Cretaceous | |
25% | 22 22-217 22-218 | 1974 | Smith, G. Dale; Baker, Earl W.: Chlorophyll derivatives in DSDP Leg 22 sediments | download |
25% | 22 22-217 | 2008 | Pellan, Cedric; Bartolini, Annachiara et al.: Deccan Trap's degassing and climate changes during the late Maastrichtian; insight from the sulfur cycle | |
17% | 22 22-217 22-218 | 1974 | Hunt, John M.: Hydrocarbon and kerogen studies | download |
16% | 22 22-217 | 1974 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Burlingame, A. L.: Preliminary organic geochemical analyses of the Site 217 core samples in the Bengal Basin, DSDP Leg 22 | download |
5% | 22 22-217 | 1974 | von der Borch, Christopher C.; Sclater, John G. et al.: Site 217 | download |
47% | 22 22-218 | 2010 | Galy, Valier; France-Lanord, Christian et al.: Sr-Nd-Os evidence for a stable erosion regime in the Himalaya during the past 12 Myr | |
41% | 22 22-218 23 23-222 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1997 | Derry, Louis A.; France-Lanord, Christian: Himalayan weathering and erosion fluxes; climate and tectonic controls | |
33% | 22 22-218 116 | 2001 | Pierson-Wickmann, Anne-Catherine; Reisberg, Laurie et al.: Os-Sr-Nd results from sediments in the Bay of Bengal; implications for sediment transport and the marine Os record | download |
29% | 22 22-218 116 116-717 116-718 116-719 | 1998 | Crowley, Stephen F.; Stow, Dorrik A. V. et al.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of Bay of Bengal deep-sea fan sediments, ODP Leg 116; evidence for an Indian subcontinent contribution to distal fan sedimentation | |
6% | 22 22-218 | 1974 | von der Borch, Christopher C.; Sclater, John G. et al.: Site 218 | download |
70% | 23 | 1974 | Anonymous: pH and salinity, Leg 23 (Arabian Sea) | |
41% | 23 | 1996 | Monnin, Christophe; Ramboz, Claire: The anhydrite saturation index of the ponded brines and sediment pore waters of the Red Sea deeps | |
41% | 23 | 1997 | Kovalevich, Volodymyr M.; Jarmolowicz-Szulc, Katarzyna: Red Sea chevron halite; fluid inclusion temperatures and composition | |
23% | 23 | 1974 | Friedman, I.; Hardcastle, K.: Deuterium in interstitial waters from Red Sea cores | download |
20% | 23 | 1974 | McIver, R. D.: Residual gas contents of organic-rich canned sediment samples from Leg 23 | download |
20% | 23 | 1974 | Presley, B. J.; Sims, R. R. et al.: Interstitial water chemistry DSDP Leg 23 | download |
16% | 23 | 1974 | Manheim, F. T.: Red Sea geochemistry | download |
15% | 23 | 1974 | Bode, G. W.: Carbon and carbonate analyses, Leg 23 | download |
10% | 23 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Colombo, Ceylon to Djibouti, F.T.A.I.; March-May 1972 | download |
8% | 23 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.: Summary of general features of Arabian Sea and Red Sea Cenozoic history based on Leg 23 cores | download |
7% | 23 | 1974 | Manheim, F. T.; Siems, D. E.: Chemical analyses of Red Sea sediments | download |
7% | 23 | 1974 | Weser, O. E.: Sedimentological aspects of strata encountered on Leg 23 in the northern Arabian Sea | download |
7% | 23 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
4% | 23 | 1974 | Matter, A.: Burial diagenesis of pelitic and carbonate deep-sea sediments from the Arabian Sea | download |
33% | 23 23-219 23-220 25 25-241 | 1996 | Sarkar, Ashish; Guha, Asit K. et al.: Oxygen and carbon stable isotope studies on Globorotalia menardii from Pleistocene DSDP cores in northern Indian Ocean and their paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic implications | |
6% | 23 23-219 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Site 219 | download |
58% | 23 23-220 | 1980 | De, Reena; Kaul, I. K.: Thermoluminescence studies on carbonate oozes from Site 220 (DSDP) | |
58% | 23 23-220 | 1978 | Rao, C. M.; Veerayya, M. et al.: Partition studies in the sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 220 in the southeastern Arabian Sea | |
6% | 23 23-220 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Site 220 | download |
6% | 23 23-221 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Site 221 | download |
41% | 23 23-222 | 1984 | Papavissiliou, C. T.: Geochemistry and mineralogy of Site 222 in N.W. Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea) Leg 23 Deep Sea Drilling Project (D.S.D.P.) | |
6% | 23 23-222 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Site 222 | download |
71% | 23 23-223 | 1982 | Papavassiliou, C. T.; Cosgrove, M. E.: The geochemistry of DSDP sediments from Site 223, Indian Ocean | |
41% | 23 23-223 | 1979 | Cosgrove, M. E.; Papavassiliou, C. T.: Clinoptilolite in DSDP sediments of the Indian Ocean (Site 223, Leg 23); its stability conditions and estimation of its free energy | |
41% | 23 23-223 | 1981 | Papavassiliou, C. J.; Cosgrove, M. E.: Chemical and mineralogical changes during basalt-seawater interaction; Site 223, Leg 23, D.S.D.P., North-west Indian Ocean | |
5% | 23 23-223 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Site 223 | download |
5% | 23 23-224 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Weser, O. E. et al.: Site 224 | download |
58% | 23 23-225 23-227 | 1991 | Ranganathan, Vishnu: Salt diffusion in interstitial waters and halite removal from sediments; examples from the Red Sea and Illinois basins | |
47% | 23 23-225 23-228 | 1995 | Blanc, G.; Anschutz, P. et al.: Current hydrothermal activity in the Red Sea; new hydrographic situations | |
25% | 23 23-225 23-227 23-228 | 1974 | Shanks, W. C.; Bischoff, J. L. et al.: Sulfur isotope studies of evaporites and shales from sites 225, 227, and 228 in the Red Sea | download |
19% | 23 23-225 23-226 23-227 | 1974 | Supko, P. R.; Stoffers, P. et al.: Petrography and geochemistry of Red Sea dolomite | download |
18% | 23 23-225 23-228 | 1974 | Lawrence, J. R.: Stable oxygen and carbon isotope variations in the pore waters, carbonates and silicates, Sites 225 and 228, Red Sea | download |
13% | 23 23-225 23-227 23-228 | 1974 | Stoffers, P.; Kuhn, R.: Red Sea evaporites; a petrographic and geochemical study | download |
9% | 23 23-225 23-227 23-228 | 1974 | Manheim, F. T.; Waterman, L. S. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 23(Red Sea) | download |
8% | 23 23-225 23-227 | 1973 | Supko, Peter R.; Stoffers, Peter et al.: Authigenic dolomites from Red Sea | download |
7% | 23 23-225 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Ross, D. A. et al.: Site 225 | download |
17% | 23 23-226 23-227 23-228 | 1974 | Delevaux, M. H.; Doe, B. R.: Preliminary report on uranium, thorium, and lead contents and lead isotopic composition in sediment samples from the Red Sea | download |
14% | 23 23-226 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Ross, D. A. et al.: Site 226 | download |
47% | 23 23-227 | 1988 | Zierenberg, Robert A.; Shanks, Wayne C., III: Isotopic studies of epigenetic features in metalliferous sediment, Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea | |
41% | 23 23-227 | 1986 | Zierenberg, R. A.; Shanks, W. C., III: Isotopic constraints on the origin of the Atlantis II, Suakin and Valdivia brines, Red Sea | |
7% | 23 23-227 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Ross, D. A. et al.: Site 227 | download |
17% | 23 23-228 23-229 | 1974 | Ku, T.-L.: Uranium and thorium isotopes; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 23 | download |
7% | 23 23-228 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Ross, D. A. et al.: Site 228 | download |
20% | 23 23-229 24 24-232 24-233 | 1974 | Hunt, J. M.: Appendix; V, Hydrocarbon and kerogen studies on Red Sea and Gulf of Aden cores | download |
7% | 23 23-229 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Ross, D. A. et al.: Site 229 | download |
17% | 23 23-230 | 1974 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Ross, D. A. et al.: Site 230 | download |
16% | 24 | 1974 | Bode, G. W.: Appendix; II, Carbon and carbonate analyses, Leg 24 | download |
13% | 24 | 1974 | Sandstrom, Mark; Gieskes, J. M.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 24 | download |
10% | 24 | 1974 | Dmitriev, L. V.: Petrochemical study of the basaltic basement of the Mid-Indian Ridge, Leg 24, Djibouti to Mauritius | download |
5% | 24 | 1974 | Fisher, Robert L.; Bunce, E. T. et al.: Djibouti, F.T.A.I. to Port Louis, Mauritius, May-June 1972 | download |
58% | 24 24-231 | 2006 | Feakins, Sarah Janette: Geochemical constraints on northeast African environmental variability during the late Neogene | |
50% | 24 24-231 | 2007 | Feakins, Sarah J.; Eglinton, Timothy I. et al.: A comparison of biomarker records of northeast African vegetation from lacustrine and marine sediments (ca. 3.40 Ma) | download |
41% | 24 24-231 | 2004 | Ingram, Sarah Janette; Eglinton, Tim et al.: Neogene environmental change; terrestrial vegetation biomarkers in marine sediments off East Africa | |
33% | 24 24-231 | 2005 | Feakins, Sarah J.; deMenocal, Peter B. et al.: Biomarker records of late Neogene changes in northeast African vegetation | |
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