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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title ↓ | Full text |
11% | 132 132-809 | 1991 | Holloway, G. Leon: Diamond coring system; roller cone bits and associated hardware | download |
8% | 132 | 1991 | Holloway, G. Leon: Diamond coring system; modified core barrel assembly | download |
5% | 142 142-864 | 1993 | Holloway, G. Leon: Design and performance of subsea hardware | download |
8% | 68 68-501 69 69-504 69-505 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1985 | Hobart, Michael A.; Langseth, Marcus G. et al.: A geothermal and geophysical survey on the south flank of the Costa Rica Rift; sites 504 and 505 | download |
4% | 79 | 1984 | Hinz, Karl; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Site 547 | download |
11% | 182 | 1997 | Hine, Albert C.; Feary, David A.: Deciphering Cenozoic cool-water carbonates of the Great Australian Bight | download |
9% | 150 | 1996 | Hesselbo, Stephen P.: Spectral gamma-ray logs in relation to clay mineralogy and sequence stratigraphy, Cenozoic of the Atlantic margin, offshore New Jersey | download |
38% | 120 183 | 2003 | Heise, Elizabeth A.; Palmer-Julson, Amanda: From ODP to CPR; using Ocean Drilling Program data in calibrated peer review assignments | |
13% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-198 20-199 20-200 20-201 20-202 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Introduction | download |
13% | 15 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-198 20-199 20-200 20-201 20-202 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; MacGregor, Ian D. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering Leg 20 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Yokohama, Japan to Suva, Fiji September-November 1971 | download |
9% | 311 | 2005 | Heesemann, Martin; Villinger, Heinrich W. et al.: Data report; testing and deployment of the new APCT-3 tool to determine in situ temperatures while piston coring | download |
8% | 86 86-576 86-577 86-578 86-579 86-580 86-581 88 88-581 | 1985 | Heath, G. Ross; Burckle, Lloyd H. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 86 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel Glomar Challenger, Honolulu, Hawaii, to Yokohama, Japan, May-June 1982 | download |
8% | | 2010 | Heap, Andrew D.; Exon, Neville: Australia's new marine research vessel; geoscience implications | download |
5% | 90 90-594 181 181-1119 181-1123 181-1125 | 2008 | Hayward, B. W.; Scott, G. H. et al.: The effect of submerged plateaux on Pleistocene gyral circulation and sea-surface temperatures in the SW Pacific | download |
9% | 9 9-80 | 1972 | Hays, James D.; Cook, Harry E., III et al.: Site 80 | download |
13% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Hart, Malcolm B.; Mountain, Gregory S.: Ichthyolith evidence for the age of Reflector A (super u) , Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603 | download |
4% | 306 306-U1315 | 2006 | Harris, Robert N.; Kanamatsu, Toshiya et al.: Borehole observatory installations on IODP Expedition 306 reconstruct bottom-water temperature changes in the Norwegian Sea | download |
88% | | 1994 | Harding, Barry W.: Technology developments in scientific ocean drilling | |
8% | 209 | 2008 | Griffin, Dale W.; Westphal, Douglas L. et al.: Airborne microorganisms and African desert dust over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 209 | download |
6% | 134 | 1994 | Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves et al.: Neogene tectonic evolution of the New Hebrides island arc; a review incorporating ODP drilling results | download |
6% | 318 318-U1359 318-U1361 | 2011 | Grant, G.; Naish, T. R. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene cyclostratigraphy from marine sediment cores, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica | download |
31% | 181 181-1121 | 2008 | Graham, Ian; Wright, Ian: A ferromanganese nodule resource within New Zealand's EEZ | |
9% | 175 175-1081 175-1082 175-1084 | 2002 | Gorgas, Thomas J.; Kronen, J. D., Jr. et al.: Sedimentation rates from Milankovitch periodicity in log and GRA bulk density records off Southwest Africa, sites 1081, 1082, and 1084 | download |
15% | 95 95-612 95-613 | 1987 | Goldberg, David; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Seismic modeling of diagenetic effects in Cenozoic marine sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 612 and 613 | download |
4% | | 2004 | Glass, Billy P.: Distal impact ejecta from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater | download |
9% | | 2006 | Georgescu, Marius Dan: Santonian-Campanian planktonic Foraminifera in the New Jersey coastal plain and their distribution related to the relative sea-level changes | download |
4% | 317 317-U1351 | 2010 | George, Simon C.; Lipp, Julius S. et al.: IODP Expedition 317, Canterbury Basin, offshore NZ; on-board geochemistry results | download |
3% | 116 116-717 116-718 | 2011 | Gattacceca, J. C.; Galy, A. et al.: Changes in Neogene Himalayan erosion regime; input of Pb and Nd isotopes into the Indian Ocean | download |
8% | 150 150-902 150-903 | 1996 | Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Mountain, Gregory S. et al.: Mapping Neogene depositional geometries, New Jersey continental slope, Leg 150 drilling area | download |
8% | | 2008 | Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Drilling to decipher long-term sea-level changes and effects; a joint Consortium for Ocean Leadership, ICDP, IODP, DOSECC, and Chevron workshops | download |
4% | 39 39-353 | 2011 | Fulthorpe, Craig S.; Hoyanagi, Koichi et al.: Expedition 317 summary | download |
8% | 317 317-U1351 | 2010 | Fulthorpe, C.; Hoyanagi, K. et al.: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 317 (Canterbury Basin, New Zealand) | download |
11% | 13 13-124 13-132 13-134 | 1973 | Friedman, Gerald M.: Thin-section petrography of the Mediterranean evaporites; Petrographic data and comments on the depositional environment of the Miocene sulfates and dolomites at sites 124, 132 and 134, western Mediterranean Sea | download |
11% | 60 60-459 | 1982 | Francis, Timothy J. G.: Large-scale resistivity experiment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 459B | download |
8% | 301 301-U1301 327 327-U1301 327-U1362 | 2011 | Fisher, Andrew; Cowen, James P. et al.: Preparation and injection of fluid tracers during IODP Expedition 327, eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
8% | 301 | 2005 | Fisher, Andrew T.; Urabe, Tetsuro et al.: IODP Expedition 301 installs three borehole crustal observatories, prepares for three-dimensional, cross-hole experiments in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean | download |
6% | | 2009 | Firth, John; Gupta, Lallan et al.: New focus on the tales of the Earth; legacy cores redistribution project completed | download |
4% | 307 307-U1316 307-U1317 307-U1318 | 2006 | Ferdelman, Timothy G.; Kano, Akihiro et al.: IODP Expedition 307 drills cold-water coral mound along the Irish continental margin | download |
23% | 95 95-612 95-613 | 1987 | Farre, J. A.; Ryan, W. B. F.: Surficial geology of the continental margin offshore New Jersey in the vicinity of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 612 an 613 | download |
8% | | 2010 | Exon, Neville: Australia's involvement in IODP; what it means for our scientists | download |
3% | 210 210-1276 210-1277 | 2006 | Engstrom, Anna; Skelton, Alasdair et al.: The Newfoundland-Iberia conjugate margin; new results from Site 1277 | download |
5% | 206 206-1256 | 2010 | Dziony, W.; Horn, I. et al.: delta (super 56) Fe variations in Fe-Ti oxides of IODP Hole 1256D (East Pacific Rise) | download |
14% | 93 93-603 93-604 93-605 95 95-603 | 1987 | Dunn, Dean A.: Explanatory notes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93; lower and upper continental rise off Eastern North America | download |
6% | 181 181-1120 | 2011 | Duncan, B.; Dunbar, G. B. et al.: Marine Isotope Stage 7; ocean response to a warmer world | download |
8% | 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Duennebier, Frederick K.; Stephen, Ralph A. et al.: Site 581; downhole seismometer experiment in the Northwest Pacific | download |
16% | 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Duennebier, Frederick K.; Stephen, Ralph A. et al.: Introduction | download |
9% | 85 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Duennebier, Frederick K.; McCreery, Charles S. et al.: OSS IV; noise levels, signal-to-noise ratios, and noise sources | download |
13% | 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Duennebier, Frederick K.; Cessaro, Robert K. et al.: Temperature and tilt variation measured for 64 days in Hole 581C | download |
8% | | 2009 | Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M. et al.: Pliocene three-dimensional global ocean temperature reconstruction | download |
8% | 148 148-896 | 1996 | Dilek, Yildirim; Harper, Gregory D. et al.: Structure of upper layer 2 in Hole 896A | download |
4% | 302 | 2011 | Dickson, A. J.; Cohen, A. S. et al.: Ocean oxygenation during the PETM; Mo isotope data from the Arctic and Tethyan Oceans | download |
7% | 302 | 2007 | Dickens, Gerald R.; Koelling, Martin et al.: Rhizon sampling of pore waters on scientific drilling expeditions; an example from the IODP Expedition 302, Arctic Coring EXpedition (ACEX) | download |
19% | 106 106-648 109 109-648 | 1988 | Detrick, Robert S.; Honnorez, Jose et al.: New hard-rock drilling and coring techniques tested at Site 648 during ODP legs 106 and 109 | download |
15% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Inorganic and organic geochemistry of Eocene to Cretaceous strata recovered from the lower continental rise, North American Basin, Site 603, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93 | download |
7% | | 2007 | De Natale, Giuseppe; Troise, Claudia et al.: The Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project | download |
6% | 139 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Villinger, Heinrich W.: Tectonic and thermal structure of the Middle Valley sedimented rift, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
3% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Michael J. et al.: Site 856 | download |
8% | 323 | 2010 | Dadd, Kelsie A.; Aiello, Ivano et al.: IODP Expedition 323 in the Bering Sea; environmental change over 5 million years recorded in deep-sea sediment | download |
4% | | 2006 | Curewitz, Daniel; Kuramoto, Shin'ichi et al.: Drilling vessel Chikyu; status, capabilities, and current operations | download |
11% | | 1995 | Coyne, J.: Data management in the Ocean Drilling Program | download |
27% | 95 95-612 | 1987 | Cousin, Michel; Thein, Jean E.: Lithologic and geochemical changes across unconformities at Site 612, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 95, New Jersey Transect | download |
7% | | 2007 | Conze, Ronald; Wallrabe-Adams, Hans-Joachim et al.: Joint data management on ICDP projects and IODP Mission Specific Platform Expeditions | download |
35% | 112 112-686 201 201-1229 | 2010 | Contreras, Sergio; Lange, Carina B. et al.: A rainy northern Atacama Desert during the last interglacial | download |
38% | 146 146-892 164 164-994 164-997 | 2001 | Collett, Timothy S.: Natural-gas hydrates; resource of the twenty-first century? | |
6% | 181 181-1123 | 2011 | Christiansen, Kylie; Marr, J. et al.: Southwest Pacific in a warmer world; ocean response to Marine Isotope Stage 11 | download |
11% | 181 181-1123 | 2010 | Christiansen, K.; Baker, J. A. et al.: A high resolution paleo-climate and -oceanographic record of MIS 11 as an analogue for understanding the current and past (MIS 31) interglacial periods | download |
6% | 121 121-758 | 2003 | Chen, Chang-Hwa; Ku, Y. P. et al.: The Toba Tuff in the Peninsula India; as a clue for the Acheulian puzzle | download |
4% | 303 303-U1302 303-U1303 303-U1304 303-U1305 303-U1306 303-U1307 303-U1308 306 306-U1312 306-U1313 306-U1314 306-U1315 | 2006 | Channell, James E. T.; Sato, Tokiyuki et al.: IODP Expeditions 303 and 306 monitor Miocene-Quaternary climate in the North Atlantic | download |
6% | 306 | 2005 | Channell, James E. T.; Sato, Tokiyuki et al.: Expedition 306 summary | download |
6% | 303 | 2005 | Channell, James E. T.; Sato, Tokiyuki et al.: Expedition 303 summary | download |
11% | 135 | 1994 | Cawood, Peter A.; Fryer, Brian J.: Noble metal abundances in backarc basin basalts (Lau Basin, Southwest Pacific) | download |
8% | 179 | 1998 | Casey, John F.; Pettigrew, Thomas L. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 179 scientific prospectus; hammer drilling and NERO | download |
35% | 197 197-1206 | 2010 | Carvallo, C.; Sainctavit, P. et al.: Self-reversal of magnetization in oceanic submarine basalts studied with XMCD | download |
3% | 181 181-1119 181-1120 181-1121 181-1122 181-1123 181-1124 181-1125 | 2004 | Carter, Robert M.; McCave, I. N. et al.: Leg 181 synthesis; fronts, flows, drifts, volcanoes, and the evolution of the southwestern gateway to the Pacific Ocean, eastern New Zealand | download |
100% | | 1985 | Campbell, Philip: Ocean Drilling Project setback | |
8% | 310 | 2005 | Camoin, Gilbert F.; Iryu, Yasufumi et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 310 scientific prospectus; Tahiti Sea Level Expedition; the last deglacial sea level rise in the South Pacific | download |
11% | 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Byrne, D. A.; Harris, David et al.: The ocean sub-bottom seismometer system installed in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 581C, Leg 88; a technical review | download |
88% | | 1996 | Butler, Declan: Ocean drilling enters choppy waters as France and UK question strategy | |
4% | 209 209-1274 | 2011 | Burton, Kevin W.; Cenki-Tok, Benedicte et al.: Ancient lead trapped in the Earth's upper mantle | download |
11% | 150 | 1996 | Burckle, Lloyd H.: Diatom biostratigraphy, Leg 150 | download |
6% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1988 | Bryan, Wilfred B.; Juteau, Thierry et al.: Site 395 | download |
88% | | 2003 | Brumfiel, Geoff: Partners dig deep for ocean-drilling project | |
4% | | 2011 | Brandl, P. A.; Regelous, M. et al.: Chemical evolution of MORB; new insights from old crust | download |
31% | | 2000 | Brancolini, Giuliano; Harris, Peter et al.: Post cruise report AGSO survey 217; Joint Italian/Australian marine geoscience expedition aboard the R.V. Tangaroa to the George Vth Land region of East Antarctica during February-March, 2000; Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions Project No. 1044, Wilkes Land glacial history (WEGA) | |
8% | 82 82-564 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 564 | download |
5% | 82 82-558 | 1985 | Bougault, Henri; Cande, Steven C. et al.: Site 558 | download |
11% | 200 | 2003 | Bolmer, S. Thompson; Hoskins, Hartley et al.: 3.5kHz profiling with vertically separated source and receiver | download |
18% | 200 | 2006 | Bolmer, S. T.; Hoskins, Hartley et al.: 4-kHz profiling with vertically separated source and receiver; a mini reflection survey around a deepwater drill hole | download |
4% | 183 183-1140 | 2011 | Boehm, Florian; Eisenhauer, Anton et al.: Calcium isotope fractionation during dolomite formation | download |
75% | | 1975 | Blank, R. G.; Suchland, C. H.: Cost-efficiency in biostratigraphy | |
18% | | 2011 | Bertka, Constance; Blackman, Donna K. et al.: Excutive summary; "Mantle Frontier" workshop | download |
4% | 308 308-U1319 308-U1320 308-U1321 308-U1322 308-U1323 308-U1324 | 2006 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Flemings, Peter B. et al.: Rapid sedimentation, overpressure, and focused fluid flow, Gulf of Mexico continental margin | download |
15% | 301 | 2004 | Becker, Keir; Davis, Earl E.: A review of CORK designs and operations during the Ocean Drilling Program | download |
5% | 119 119-739 | 1989 | Barron, John; Larsen, Birger et al.: Site 739 | download |
4% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 118 118-735 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 176 176-735 | 2011 | Barnes, J. D.: Chlorine chemistry of altered oceanic crust | download |
8% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2010 | Baines, Graham; Schwartz, J. et al.: The tectonic evolution of the Atlantis Bank oceanic core-complex, south-west Indian Ridge | download |
4% | 165 165-999 | 2011 | Badger, M. P. S.; Bowler, G. C. et al.: Orbital scale alkenone based CO (sub 2) records across the Pliocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | download |
8% | 302 | 2005 | Backman, Jan; Moran, Kathryn et al.: IODP Expedition 302, Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX); a first look at the Cenozoic paleoceanography of the central Arctic Ocean | download |
75% | | 2001 | Backman, Jan: Arctic Detailed Planning Group (ADPG) final report | |
3% | | 2006 | Backman, J.: First paleo-oceanographic drilling of Cenozoic sediments in the central Arctic Ocean | download |
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