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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
40%1993Srivastava, S. P.; Coflin, K. C. et al.: Multichannel seismic survey in the Newfoundland Basin; a Canadian-French collaboration--Leve sismique multicanal dans le bassin de Terre-Neuve; collaboration entre le Canada et la France
40%1101993Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Francis, Timothy J. G. et al.: Ocean drilling bordering the South American continent
40%1993Larsen, H. C.: Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) off South-East Greenland; formation of a volcanic rifted margin
40%1521993Larsen, Hans Christian; Saunders, Andrew D. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 152 scientific prospectus; East Greenland Margin
40%1491993Sawyer, Dale; Whitmarsh, Robert: ODP begins rifted margin transect
40%1171993Lallier-Verges, E.; Bertrand, P. et al.: Organic matter composition and sulfate reduction intensity in Oman margin sediments
40%1331993Barton, Charles E.; Peerdeman, F. M.: Palaeomagnetism, rock magnetism and evolution of the Great Barrier Reef
1995Aubry, Marie-Pierre: The Paleogene record of unconformities on the New Jersey margin; implications for the sequence stratigraphy paradigm
40%1995Barker, Peter F.: The proximal marine sediment record of Antarctic climate since the late Miocene
40%1121996Schillhorn, T.; Kukowski, N.: 3D modeling mass and heat flow in the Peruvian subduction zone at 9 degrees S
40%1996Anonymous: 3D seismic reflection studies on the Pacific active continental margin of Costa Rica
40%1991Gradstein, Felix M.; Gibling, M. R. et al.: Mesozoic Tethyan strata of Thakkhola, Nepal; evidence for the drift and breakup of Gondwana
40%1491995Miles, P. R.; Whitmarsh, R. B.: A magnetic anomaly compilation west of Iberia and interpretation of the ocean-continent transition from surface and deep-tow magnetic anomalies
40%1995Kvenvolden, Keith A.: A review of the geochemistry of methane in natural gas hydrate
40%1983Arthur, Michael A.; Dean, Walter E.: Paleoceanographic models for Cretaceous organic carbon deposition
40%1331991Davies, P. J.; McKenzie, J. A.: Horizontal and vertical interactions - key to the evolution of the Cainozoic carbonate platforms of northeast Australia - Leg 133 results
1991Lorenzo, Juan Manuel: Investigations into the development of continent-ocean transform boundaries
40%1991Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M.; Kazanskiy, V. I. et al.: Issledovaniye zemnoy kory sverkhglubokim kontinental'nym i glubokim okeanicheskim bureniyem Earth's crust investigation using superdeep continental and deep ocean drilling
40%1991Humphreys, Eugene D.; Weldon, Ray J., II: Kinematic constraints on the rifting of Baja California
40%1991Sawlan, Michael G.: Magmatic evolution of the Gulf of California rift
40%1974Hsu, Kenneth J. (ed.); Jenkyns, Hugh C. (ed.): Pelagic sediments; on land and under the sea
40%181974Slatt, Roger M.; Piper, David J. W.: Sand-silt petrology and sediment dispersal in the Gulf of Alaska
40%1994Stagg, H. M. J.; Willcox, J. B.: Investigation of a lower-plate continental margin; a proposal for drilling in the Great Australian Bight region by the Ocean Drilling Program
40%1501994Hicks, Karen S.; Compton, John S.: Isotopic and elemental evidence for the origin of diagenetic carbonate minerals recovered from late Cenozoic New Jersey slope sediments (ODP Leg 150)
40%1521994Hansen, H.; Nielsen, T. F. D. et al.: Magma types and stratigraphic variations in the earliest lavas of East Greenland during rifting of the North Atlantic
40%1979Wind, F. H.: Maestrichtian-Campanian nannofloral provinces of the southern Atlantic and Indian oceans
40%1979Chamley, H.: North Atlantic clay sedimentation and paleoenvironment since the Late Jurassic
40%961985Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, J. M. et al.: Mississippi Fan; DSDP Leg 96 drilling results
40%1985Cepek, P.; Koethe, A. et al.: Paleogeographic evolution of the Atlantic Ocean during the Late Cretaceous; a synthesis of micropaleontological and lithological data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and from adjacent continental areas
1993Eiken, Ola; Hinz, Karl: Contourites in the Fram Strait
1993Eldholm, Olav; Thomas, Ellen: Environmental impact of volcanic margin formation
1993Dix, George R.: Formation of deep-burial, Sr-rich calcite in a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate continental slope; ODP Site 823, NE Australia
1985Steel, J. E.: Upper Cretaceous magnetic polarity zones from DSDP Site 612
40%1986Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Correlation of terrigenous and biogenic sediment fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean during the past 150 my
40%1986Pittman, Edward D.; Prezbindowski, Dennis R.: Diagenetic alteration of Lower Cretaceous turbidite sandstone deposits from DSDP Hole 603B; implications for the origin of secondary porosity
1978Okada, Hakuyu; Langseth, M. G.: Sedimentation in the Japan Trench, results from DSDP/IPOD Leg 56
40%1661998Rendle, R.; Alexander, I. et al.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of the Pliocene/Pleistocene on the leeward side of Great Bahama Bank (ODP Leg 166)
40%174A1998Austin, James A., Jr.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas et al.: Miocene to Pleistocene sand-rich sequences and sea-level changes at the New Jersey outer shelf; results from Leg 174A
40%1998Bowling, J. C.; Harry, Dennis L.: Non-volcanic rifted margins; how is melt production inhibited?
1998Cannariato, Kevin G.; Kennett, James P.: Oceanographic changes and benthic foraminiferal response to late Quaternary rapid climate change in the California margin
40%481981Pastouret, L.; Auffret, G. A. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Shamrock Canyon area, Armorican continental margin
40%1171991Spaulding, Stacia Anne: Neogene and Quaternary calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 117; biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic synthesis of the northwestern Arabian Sea
40%1991Larter, R. D.; Barker, P. F.: Neogene interaction of tectonic and glacial processes at the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
40%1141991Heatherington, A. L.; Mueller, P. A. et al.: Geochemistry of igneous rocks recovered from ODP Leg 114 and evidence for continental source components within the sub-Antarctic South Atlantic Ocean
40%1991Couch, Richard W.; Ness, Gordon E. et al.: Gravity anomalies and crustal structure of the Gulf and Peninsular Province of the Californias
40%1641995Paull, Charles K.: Ephemeral by nature; gas hydrate drilling on ODP Leg 164
40%1991Ortlieb, Luc: Quaternary vertical movements along the coasts of Baja California and Sonora
1984Leont'ev, O. K.: Principal structural and tectonic features of the ocean floors around Europe
40%1984Vernier, E.; Froget, C.: Sedimentation argileuse dans le Sud-Ouest du bassin de Somalie depuis le Cretace superieur (sites D.S.D.P. 240 et 241) Clay sedimentation in the southwestern Somali Basin during the Upper Cretaceous; DSDP sites 240 and 241
40%661980McMillen, K. J.: Bathymetric and vertical tectonic history of the southern Mexico active margin; DSDP Leg 66
1980Mohan, Madan; Kumar, P.: Biostratigraphy of Kerala offshore
40%951985Wilkens, Roy H.; Schreiber, B. Charlotte et al.: Well logging results from the ooze to chalk transition
40%1331990Davis, Peter J.; McKenzie, Judith A. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 133 scientific prospectus; Northeast Australian margin
40%1996Schlueter, H. U.; Hinz, K. et al.: Tectono-stratigraphic terranes and detachment faulting of the South China Sea and Sulu Sea
40%1996Exon, N. F.; Kennett, J. P. et al.: The "Southern Gateway" between Australia and Antarctica: a proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic, palaeoceanographic and transform margin drilling. ODP proposal 485, revision of June 1996
40%1996Schoenfeld, Joachim: The "Stilostomella extinction"; structure and dynamics of the last turnover in deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages
40%1996Andrews, John T.; Austin, William E. N. et al.: The late Quaternary paleoceanography of the North Atlantic margins; an introduction
40%1996Bleil, U.; Spiess, V. et al.: The Neogene evolution of the Benguela Current System drill site proposals in the Cape Basin based on the ODP pre site survey M34/1 with R/V Meteor
1989Fernandes, A.; Glass, B. P.: Upper Eocene impact ejecta from DSDP Site 612 off New Jersey
1990Mountain, G. S.; Prell, Warren L.: A multiphase plate tectonic history of the southeast continental margin of Oman
40%1996Chaproniere, G. C.: A palaeogeographic and palaeoceanographic interpretation for the "Australian-Indonesian Gateway" based on larger foraminiferids
40%1976Caughey, Charles A.; Stuart, Charles J.: Where the potential is in the deep Gulf of Mexico
40%1977Sclater, J. G.; Heirtzler, J. R.: An introduction to deep sea drilling in the Indian Ocean
1998Hendy, Ingrid L.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Latest Quaternary rapid climate change recorded in Southern California margin ODP cores; processes and effects
40%1671998Janik, A.; Hood, J. A. et al.: Learning about paleoclimate from geophysical data; results from ODP Leg 167, California Margin
40%1991Bray, N. A.; Robles, J. M.: Physical oceanography of the Gulf of California
40%571981von Huene, Roland; Arthur, M. et al.: Ambiguity in interpretation of seismic data from modern convergent margins; an example from the IPOD Japan Trench transect
40%481980Mann, D. W.: Scientific aspects of well logging in deep ocean drill sites on Leg 48 - Biscay and Rockall areas
40%661980Watkins, Joel S.; Moore, J. Casey: Sediment budget in the vicinity of the DSDP Leg 66 transect, Middle America Trench, southern Mexico
40%1121993Lamboy, Michel: Phosphatization of calcium carbonate in phosphorites; microstructure and importance
40%1521993Larsen, H. C.; Saunders, A. D. et al.: Preliminary results from drilling on the SE Greenland margin; ODP Leg 152
40%1121993Lewis, C. A.; Rowland, S. J.: Quantitative assessment of changes occurring in organic matter during early diagenesis
1989Glass, Billy P.: North American tektite debris and impact ejecta from DSDP Site 612
40%1987Wetzel, Andreas: Sedimentological significance of strain and sonic velocity anisotropy in fine-grained turbiditic and hemipelagic deep-sea sediments; an example from the Mississippi Fan
40%1984Kay, R. W.: Elemental abundances relevant to the identification of magma sources
40%1984Benson, Richard H.: Estimating greater paleodepths with ostracodes, especially in past thermospheric oceans
1984From the New Jersey Transect; DSDP Leg 95 adds data on the Atlantic margin
1995Demant, A.; Cambray, H. et al.: Lithostratigraphy of the volcanic sequences at Hole 917A, Leg 152, SE Greenland margin
40%1031990Evans, Cynthia A.; Kimball, Karen L.: Strontium isotopes of calcite veins in peridotite, Iberian margin; constraints on peridotite emplacement
40%1990von Huene, Roland: Structure of the Andean convergent margin and some implications for hydrocarbon resources
40%1121990Bourgois, Jacques; Huchon, P. et al.: Tectonics of the Peru active margin
1998Saito, Saneatsu; Goldberg, David: Physical and hydrologic properties in the Costa Rica and Barbados subduction zones; estimates from ODP downhole logging
40%1998Delaney, M. L.: Phosphorus accumulation in marine sediments and the oceanic phosphorus cycledownload
40%174A2000Flemings, Peter B.; Metzger, John M. et al.: Middle Miocene vs. late Miocene-Pliocene sequences of offshore New Jersey; controls of long term sea level change on stratigraphic architecture
1998Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo: Major results of ODP Leg 178, Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula; shelf-slope-rise sediment transport and deposition at a glacial margin
1980von Huene, R.; Aubouin, J.: Summary of Deep Sea Drilling Project; Leg 67, The Mid-America Trench transect off Guatemala
40%1211989Dehn, Jonathan; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich: The Toba Ash and older tephra layers of the north eastern Indian Ocean ODP Leg 121
40%1131987Kennett, James P.; Barker, P.: Cenozoic paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic history of Antarctica; overview from ODP Leg 113
40%1987Habib, Daniel; Drugg, Warren S. et al.: Dinoflagellate species abundance+multiple occurrence datum+amorphous debris = marine transgression; comparison with deep western North Atlantic stratigraphy
1989Dowsett, Harry J.: Improved dating of the Pliocene of the eastern South Atlantic using graphic correlation; implications for paleobiogeography and paleoceanography
40%1171995Gunatilaka, Ana: Paleoclimatic framework of alluvial fans in northern Oman
40%1491995Marsaglia, Kathleen M.; Garcia-y-Barragan, J. C. et al.: Passive margin evolution and sand provenance; a preliminary model
40%1995Glenn, C. R.; Burnett, W. C. et al.: Peru margin phosphorites and paleoceanography
40%1491995Milkert, D.; Weaver, P. P. E.: Pleistocene and Pliocene sedimentation on the Iberia abyssal plain; results of ODP Leg 149
40%1980Hinz, K.: Geophysical reconnaissance surveys in the Norwegian Sea
40%1941999Isern, Alexandra; Pigram, Chris: Ocean drilling scheduled for the Marion Plateau, Northeast Australia
40%1999Guyodo, Yohan; Richter, Carl et al.: Paleointensity record from Pleistocene sediments (1.4-0 Ma) off the California Margindownload
40%1671999Kucera, Michal; Kennett, James P.: Plio-Pleistocene neogloboquadrinids (planktonic Foraminifera) in the California current system; 3 Myr of evolution and immigration
1989Locker, S.; Martini, E.: Phytoliths at DSDP Site 591 in the Southwest Pacific and the aridification of Australia
1988Sheridan, Robert E.: Recent drilling results document pulsation tectonics as the control of breakup and paleoceanography between Africa and North America

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