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Score | Exp/Site/Hole ↑ | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
11% | 122 122-759 | 1990 | Haq, Bilal Ul; von Rad, Ulrich et al.: Site 759 | download |
7% | 122 122-759 122-760 122-761 122-762 122-763 122-764 | 1992 | von Rad, Ulrich; Haq, Bilal Ul et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Exmouth Plateau; covering Leg 122 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Singapore, Rep. of Sing., sites 759-764, 28 June 1988-28 August 1988 | download |
22% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1992 | Haq, Bilal Ul; Boyd, Ronald L. et al.: Evolution of the central Exmouth Plateau; a post-drilling perspective | download |
11% | 122 122-762 122-763 122-764 | 1992 | Exon, Neville F.; Buffler, Richard T.: Mesozoic seismic stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the western Exmouth Plateau | download |
17% | 122 122-763 | 1990 | Haq, Bilal Ul; von Rad, Ulrich et al.: Site 763 | download |
9% | 123 | 1992 | Baumgartner, Peter O.; Bown, Paul R. et al.: Early Cretaceous biogeographic and oceanographic synthesis of Leg 123 (off northwestern Australia) | download |
7% | 123 | 1990 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
16% | 123 123-765 | 1992 | Compton, John S.; Locker, Stanley D.: Diagenesis of clay and silica minerals in sediments from the Argo Basin, northeastern Indian Ocean (Site 765) | download |
14% | 123 123-765 | 1990 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Site 765 | download |
13% | 123 123-765 | 1992 | Compton, John S.: Early diagenesis and the origin of diagenetic carbonate in sediment recovered from the Argo Basin, northeastern Indian Ocean (Site 765) | download |
9% | 123 123-765 | 1992 | Kaminski, Michael A.; Gradstein, Felix M. et al.: Uppermost Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous deep-water benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Site 765 on the Argo abyssal plain | download |
16% | 123 123-766 | 1992 | Heggie, David T.: Organic matter and paleochemistry of Cretaceous sediments from the Argo and Gascoyne abyssal plains, northeastern Indian Ocean | download |
8% | 123 123-766 | 1990 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Site 766 | download |
13% | 125 | 1990 | Fryer, Patricia; Pearce, Julian A. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
9% | 126 | 1992 | Taylor, Brian: Rifting and the volcanic-tectonic evolution of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc | download |
15% | 126 126-791 | 1992 | Yuasa, Makoto; Watanabe, Teruo et al.: Prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism in oceanic arc basement from Site 791 in the Sumisu Rift, western Pacific | download |
53% | 127 128 145 | 1996 | Blueford, Joyce R.; Gladenkov, Yuri B. et al.: Miocene basin development in the Far East, Sakhalin Island, Russia | |
13% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 128-798 128-799 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
13% | 127 127-794 127-795 127-796 127-797 128 128-794 | 1990 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Pisciotto, Kenneth A. et al.: Background, objectives, and principal results, ODP Leg 127, Japan Sea | download |
11% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 128-798 128-799 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Introduction, background, and principal results of Leg 128 of the Ocean Drilling Program, Japan Sea | download |
6% | 127 127-796 | 1990 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Pisciotto, Kenneth A. et al.: Site 796 | download |
6% | 127 127-797 | 1990 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Pisciotto, Kenneth A. et al.: Site 797 | download |
53% | 128 128-798 128-799 | 1992 | Minai, Yoshitaka; Kusudo, Iori et al.: Moessbauer characterization of sediments from Sites 798 and 799, Japan Sea | |
8% | 128 128-798 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Site 798 | download |
22% | 128 128-799 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Site 799 | download |
20% | 129 129-800 129-801 144 185 185-801 | 1990 | Karpoff, Anne-Marie: Cenozoic and Mesozoic sediments from the Pigafetta Basin, Leg 129, sites 800 and 801; mineralogical and geochemical trends of the deposits overlying the oldest oceanic crust | download |
6% | 129 129-800 129-801 144 185 185-801 | 1990 | Ogg, James G.; Karl, Susan M. et al.: Jurassic through Early Cretaceous sedimentation history of the Central Equatorial Pacific and of sites 800 and 801 | download |
9% | 130 130-803 130-804 130-805 130-806 130-807 | 1993 | Berger, Wolfgang H.; Kroenke, Loren W. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Ontong Java Plateau, covering Leg 130 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Apra Harbor, Guam, to Apra Harbor, Guam, Sites 805-807, 18 January-26 March 1990 | download |
11% | 130 130-806 | 1991 | Kroenke, Loren W.; Berger, Wolfgang H. et al.: Site 806 | download |
6% | 130 130-807 | 1991 | Kroenke, Loren W.; Berger, Wolfgang H. et al.: Site 807 | download |
100% | 131 | 1992 | Lalou, Claude; Fontugne, Michel et al.: Calyptogena-cemented rocks and concretions from the eastern part of Nankai accretionary prism; age and geochemistry of uranium | |
4% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1991 | Taira, Asahiko; Hill, Ian Ashley et al.: Site 808 | download |
16% | 132 132-809 132-810 | 1991 | Storms, Michael A.; Blanchard, Fulton et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
8% | 133 | 1991 | Davis, Peter J.; McKenzie, Judith A. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
22% | 133 133-817 | 1993 | Brachert, Thomas C.; Schmidt, Dieter: Data report; Nodular chert from Site 817 (Townsville Trough, northeastern Australia) | download |
13% | 133 133-818 | 1991 | Davies, Peter J.; McKenzie, Judith A. et al.: Site 818 | download |
8% | 134 | 1992 | Collot, Jean-Yves; Greene, H. Gary et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
8% | 134 134-830 | 1992 | Collot, Jean-Yves; Greene, H. Gary et al.: Site 830 | download |
13% | 136 | 1992 | Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
11% | 138 | 1992 | Parson, Lindsay M.; Hawkins, James W. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
8% | 138 | 1991 | Mix, Alan C.; Rugh, W. et al.: Color reflectance spectroscopy; a tool for rapid characterization of deep-sea sediments | download |
9% | 138 138-847 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 847 | download |
11% | 138 138-851 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 851 | download |
18% | 138 138-854 | 1995 | Skornyakova, N. S.; Uspenskaya, T. Y. et al.: Manganese nodules from Site 854 sediments | download |
63% | 139 | 1994 | Buatier, Martine D.; Karpoff, Anne-Marie et al.: Mineralogic and petrographic records of sediment-fluid interaction in the sedimentary sequence at Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Leg 139 | download |
42% | 139 | 1994 | Boni, Maria; Simoneit, Bernd R. T. et al.: Organic matter and carbon isotope composition of carbonate nodules and associated sediments from Middle Valley, Leg 139 | download |
34% | 139 | 1994 | Frueh-Green, Gretchen L.; McKenzie, Judith A. et al.: Stable isotope and geochemical record of convective hydrothermal circulation in the sedimentary sequence of Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Leg 139 | download |
32% | 139 | 1994 | Peter, Jan M.; Goodfellow, Wayne D. et al.: Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry of the Middle Valley hydrothermal system, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
32% | 139 | 1994 | Leybourne, Matthew I.; Goodfellow, Wayne D.: Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of hydrothermally altered sediment, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
31% | 139 | 1994 | Kinoshita, Masataka: Estimation of grain thermal conductivity in the turbidite sediment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
25% | 139 | 1994 | Kurnosov, Viktor; Murdmaa, Ivar et al.: Mineralogy of hydrothermally altered sediments and igneous rocks at sites 856-858, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Leg 139 | download |
22% | 139 | 1994 | Mottl, Michael J.; Davis, Earl E. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results; Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge; covering Leg 139 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, San Diego, California, to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, sites 855-858, 4 July-11 September, 1991 | download |
18% | 139 | 1994 | Goodfellow, Wayne D.; Peter, Jan M.: Geochemistry of hydrothermally altered sediment, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
9% | 139 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Michael J. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
62% | 139 139-856 139-857 139-858 146 169 169-856 169-857 169-858 | 1994 | Boni, M.; Buatier, M. et al.: Silicate and carbonate authigenesis in the sediments of Middle Valley Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP Leg 139); a record of convective hydrothermal circulation | |
25% | 139 139-856 139-857 139-858 146 169 169-856 169-857 169-858 169-1035 169-1036 169-1037 169-1038 | 2000 | Zierenberg, Robert A.; Fouquet, Yves et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, sedimented ridges II; covering Leg 169 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Victoria, British Columbia, to San Diego, California; sites 856-858 and 1035-1038, 21 August-16 October 1996 | download |
23% | 139 139-856 169 169-856 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Michael J. et al.: Site 856 | download |
8% | 139 139-856 139-857 146 169 169-856 169-857 | 1994 | Brunner, Charlotte A.: Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of late Quaternary turbidite sequences at holes 856A, 857A, and 857C, Leg 139 | download |
4% | 139 139-857 146 169 169-857 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Michael J. et al.: Site 857 | download |
29% | 139 139-858 169 169-858 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Mottl, Michael J. et al.: Site 858 | download |
16% | 141 | 1995 | Kurnosov, Viktor; Murdmaa, Ivar et al.: Mineralogy of sediments from the Chile triple junction | download |
9% | 141 | 1992 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
10% | 141 141-859 | 1992 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Site 859 | download |
15% | 141 141-860 | 1995 | Rochford, E. Louise; Prior, David J. et al.: Microstructural analysis of deformation bands from Site 860, Chile margin | download |
6% | 141 141-860 | 1992 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Site 860 | download |
11% | 141 141-862 | 1992 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Site 862 | download |
8% | 141 141-863 | 1992 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Site 863 | download |
13% | 143 144 | 1995 | Murdmaa, Ivar; Nemliher, Juri et al.: Ferromanganese and phosphatic hardgrounds on the western Pacific guyots drilled during legs 143 and 144 | download |
25% | 144 | 1995 | Holmes, Mary Anne: Pedogenic alteration of basalts recovered during Leg 144 | download |
6% | 144 | 1995 | Haggerty, Janet A. (ed.); Premoli Silva, Isabella (ed.) et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Northwest Pacific atolls and guyots; covering Leg 144 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Majuro Atoll to Yokohama, Japan, sites 871-880 and Site 801, 19 May-20 July 1992 | download |
13% | 144 144-871 | 1995 | Ogg, James G.; Camoin, Gilbert F. et al.: Limalok Guyot; depositional history of the carbonate platform from downhole logs at Site 871 (lagoon) | download |
6% | 144 144-871 | 1993 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Haggerty, Janet A. et al.: Site 871 | download |
11% | 144 144-874 | 1993 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Haggerty, Janet A. et al.: Site 874 | download |
9% | 144 144-874 144-877 | 1995 | Camoin, Gilbert F.; Arnaud-Vanneau, Annie et al.: Anatomy and evolution of the inner perimeter ridge (sites 874 and 877) of a Campanian-Maastrichtian atoll-like structure (Wodejebato Guyot, Marshall Islands) | download |
9% | 144 144-874 144-875 144-876 144-877 | 1995 | Lincoln, Jonathan M.; Enos, Paul et al.: Geologic history of Wodejebato Guyot | download |
9% | 144 144-877 | 1993 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Haggerty, Janet A. et al.: Site 877 | download |
9% | 144 144-877 | 1995 | Buchardt, Bjorn; Holmes, Mary Anne: Initial transgressive phase of Leg 144 guyots; evidence of extreme sulfate reduction | download |
13% | 144 144-878 | 1995 | Ogg, James G.: MIT Guyot; depositional history of the carbonate platform from downhole logs at Site 878 (lagoon) | download |
15% | 144 144-879 | 1995 | Ogg, James G.; Camoin, Gilbert F. et al.: Takuyo-Daisan Guyot; depositional history of the carbonate platform from downhole logs at Site 879 (outer rim) | download |
31% | 145 | 1995 | McKelvey, Barrie C.; Chen, W. et al.: Provenance of Pliocene-Pleistocene ice-rafted debris, Leg 145, northern Pacific oceans | download |
11% | 145 | 1995 | Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results, North Pacific Transect; covering Leg 145 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Yokohama, Japan, to Victoria, Canada, sites 881-887, 20 July-20 September 1992 | download |
8% | 145 | 1993 | Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
27% | 145 145-881 | 1993 | Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A. et al.: Site 881 | download |
6% | 145 145-884 | 1993 | Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A. et al.: Site 884 | download |
20% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 1993 | Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A. et al.: Sites 885/886 | download |
11% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 1995 | Dickens, Gerald R.; Owen, Robert M.: Chinook Trough rifting and hydrothermal deposition at sites 885 and 886 | download |
76% | 146 | 1995 | Kopf, Achim; Sample, James C. et al.: Diagenetic carbonates from Cascadia Margin; textures, chemical compositions, and oxygen and carbon stable isotope signatures | download |
22% | 146 | 1995 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Bauer, Peter et al.: Data report; Provenance analysis of Quaternary sands and sandstones from Cascadia margin | download |
20% | 146 | 1995 | Carson, Bobb; Westbrook, Graham K. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Scientific results, Part 1, Cascadia Margin; covering Leg 146 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Victoria, Canada, to San Diego, California, sites 888-892, 20 September-22 November 1992 | download |
19% | 146 | 1995 | Hempel, Peter: Dewatering of sediments along the Cascadia margin; evidence from geotechnical properties | download |
16% | 146 | 1995 | Chamov, Nickolai P.; Murdmaa, I. O.: Coarse fraction minerals of sands in Cascadia Margin sediments | download |
9% | 146 | 1994 | Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
8% | 146 | 1995 | Zellers, Sarah D.: Foraminiferal biofacies, paleoenvironments, and biostratigraphy of Neogene-Quaternary sediments, Cascadia Margin | download |
13% | 146 146-888 | 1994 | Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Summary of Cascadia drilling results | download |
25% | 146 146-889 146-890 | 1994 | Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Sites 889 and 890 | download |
25% | 146 146-891 146-892 | 1995 | Sample, James C.; Kopf, Achim: Isotope geochemistry of syntectonic carbonate cements and veins from the Oregon margin; implications for the hydrogeologic evolution of the accretionary wedge | download |
16% | 146 146-891 | 1994 | Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Site 891 | download |
22% | 146 146-892 | 1994 | Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Site 892 | download |
18% | 146 146-892 | 1999 | Greinert, Jens; Jung, C. et al.: Cold vent-induced carbonate types and their relation to isolated CHEMOHERM complexes and dewatering patterns at the Cascadia margin | download |
13% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Carson, Bobb; Westbrook, Graham K.: Modern fluid flow in the Cascadia accretionary wedge; a synthesis | download |
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