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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title ↑ | Full text |
24% | 11 11-103 76 76-533 | 1983 | Matsumoto, Ryo: Mineralogy and geochemistry of carbonate diagenesis of the Pliocene and Pleistocene hemipelagic mud on the Blake Outer Ridge, Suite 533, Leg 76 | download |
18% | 57 57-438 57-439 87 87-584 | 1986 | Matsumoto, Ryo; Matsuhisa, Yukihiro: Chemistry, carbon and oxygen isotope ratios, and origin of deep-sea carbonates at sites 438, 439, and 584; inner slope of the Japan Trench | download |
41% | 164 164-994 164-995 164-997 | 1996 | Matsumoto, Ryo; Watanabe, Yoshio et al.: Distribution and occurrence of marine gas hydrate; preliminary results of ODP Leg 164; Blake Ridge drilling | |
12% | 23 | 1974 | Matter, A.: Burial diagenesis of pelitic and carbonate deep-sea sediments from the Arabian Sea | download |
20% | 32 32-305 32-306 | 1975 | Matter, A.; Douglas, R. G. et al.: Fossil preservation, geochemistry, and diagenesis of pelagic carbonates from Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific | download |
17% | 32 32-308 | 1975 | Matter, A.; Gardner, J. V.: Carbonate diagenesis at Site 308; Koko Guyot | download |
4% | 59 | 1980 | Mattey, David P.; Marsh, Nicholas G. et al.: The geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology of basalts from the West Philippine and Parece Vela basins and from the Palau-Kyushu and West Mariana ridges, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
17% | 54 54-424 54-425 | 1980 | Mattey, David P.; Muir, I. D.: Geochemistry and mineralogy of basalts from the Galapagos spreading center, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54 | download |
10% | 25 | 1974 | Matti, J. C.; Zemmels, I. et al.: Appendix IV; x-ray mineralogy data, western Indian Ocean, Leg 25 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
12% | 21 | 1973 | Matti, J. C.; Zemmels, I. et al.: Mineralogy and mineralogic trends in sediments from the Tasman and Coral seas, Leg 21 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
10% | 23 | 1974 | Matti, J. C.; Zemmels, I. et al.: X-ray mineralogy data, Arabian and Red seas, Leg 23, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
17% | 24 | 1974 | Matti, J. C.; Zemmels, I. et al.: X-ray mineralogy data, western Indian Ocean; Leg 24 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
21% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-198 20-199 | 1973 | Matti, J. C.; Zemmels, I. et al.: X-ray mineralogy of sediments from the far western Pacific, Leg 20, DSDP | download |
14% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 22-217 22-218 | 1974 | Matti, John C.; Zemmels, Ivar et al.: X-ray mineralogy data, northeastern part of the Indian Ocean, Leg 22, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
14% | 49 | 1979 | Mattinson, J. M.: Lead isotope studies of basalts from IPOD Leg 49 | download |
7% | 67 67-494 67-495 67-499 67-500 | 1982 | Maury, R. C.; Bougault, H. et al.: Volcanic rocks from Leg 67 sites; mineralogy and geochemistry | download |
12% | 138 138-844 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 844 | download |
19% | 138 138-845 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 845 | download |
13% | 138 138-846 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 846 | download |
13% | 138 138-847 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 847 | download |
13% | 138 138-848 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 848 | download |
23% | 138 138-849 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 849 | download |
17% | 138 138-850 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 850 | download |
15% | 138 138-851 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 851 | download |
26% | 138 138-852 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 852 | download |
9% | 138 138-853 | 1991 | Mayer, Larry A.; Pisias, Nicklas G. et al.: Site 853 | download |
12% | 85 85-571 | 1985 | Mayer, Larry A.; Theyer, Fritz et al.: Site 571 | download |
7% | 85 85-572 | 1985 | Mayer, Larry A.; Theyer, Fritz et al.: Site 572 | download |
6% | 85 85-573 | 1985 | Mayer, Larry A.; Theyer, Fritz et al.: Site 573 | download |
7% | 85 85-574 | 1985 | Mayer, Larry A.; Theyer, Fritz et al.: Site 574 | download |
12% | 85 85-575 | 1985 | Mayer, Larry A.; Theyer, Fritz et al.: Site 575 | download |
41% | 303 303-U1305 | 2012 | Mazaud, A.; Channell, J. E. T. et al.: Relative paleointensity and environmental magnetism since 1.2 Ma at IODP Site U1305 (Eirik Drift, NW Atlantic) | |
19% | 178 178-1098 | 2005 | McAndrews, Beth; Leventer, Amy et al.: Annual cycles in Palmer Deep sediments, Antarctica | download |
34% | 191 191-1179 | 2002 | McCarthy, Francine M. G.: Palynological insights into anomalous CaCO (sub 3) preservation in the abyssal North Pacific | |
48% | | 1999 | McCarthy, Francine M. G.; Gostlin, Kevin E. et al.: Terrestrial and marine palynomorphs as sea-level proxies | |
6% | 113 | 1990 | McCartney, Kevin; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Cenozoic silicoflagellates and ebridians from ODP Leg 113; biostratigraphy and notes on morphologic variability | download |
14% | 43 43-386 43-387 | 1979 | McCave, I. N.: Diagnosis of turbidites at sites 386 and 387 by particle-counter size analysis of the silt (2-40 mu m) fraction | download |
10% | 101 101-634 101-634A | 1988 | McClain, W. R.; Freeman-Lynde, Raymond P. et al.: Petrography and stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of Campanian grainstones and redstones, Northeast Providence Channel, Bahamas; ODP Leg 101, Hole 634A | download |
8% | 39 | 1977 | McCoy, F. W.; Zimmerman, H. B.: A history of sediment lithofacies in the South Atlantic Ocean | download |
18% | 39 | 1977 | McCoy, F.; Zimmerman, H. B. et al.: Zeolites in South Atlantic deep-sea sediments | download |
10% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | McDonald, Thomas J.; Kennicutt, Mahlon C., II et al.: Organic matter at sites 642, 643, and 644, ODP Leg 104 | download |
12% | 119 119-739 119-739C 119-741 | 1991 | McDonald, Thomas J.; Kennicutt, Mahlon C., II et al.: Source and maturity of organic matter in glacial and Cretaceous sediments from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, ODP Holes 739C and 741A | download |
30% | 42 | 1978 | McDuff, R. E.; Gieskes, J. M. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 42A | download |
41% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1984 | McDuff, Russell E.: The chemistry of interstitial waters from the upper ocean crust, Site 395, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78B | download |
45% | 86 86-576 86-577 86-578 86-579 86-580 86-581 88 88-581 | 1985 | McDuff, Russell E.: The chemistry of interstitial waters, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 86 | download |
41% | 63 63-467 | 1981 | McEvoy, J.; Eglinton, G. et al.: Preliminary lipid analyses of sediments from sections 467-3-3 and 467-97-2 | download |
14% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 22-217 22-218 | 1974 | McGowran, Brian: Foraminifera | download |
7% | | 1997 | McHugh, Cecilia M. G.: Effect of relative sea-level changes on the diagenesis of Eocene sediment; New Jersey slope and coastal plain | download |
10% | 150 | 1996 | McHugh, Cecilia M. G.; Damuth, John E. et al.: Oligocene to Holocene mass-transport deposits of the New Jersey continental margin and their correlation to sequence boundaries | download |
12% | 150 150-904 | 1996 | McHugh, Cecilia M. G.; Snyder, Scott W. et al.: Upper Eocene tektites of the New Jersey continental margin, Site 904 | download |
27% | 27 27-262 | 1974 | McIver, Richard D.: Methane in canned core samples from Site 262, Timor Trough | download |
14% | 26 26-253 | 1974 | McKelvey, B. C.; Fleet, A. J.: Eocene basaltic pyroclastics at Site 253, Ninetyeast Ridge | download |
24% | 145 | 1995 | McKelvey, Barrie C.; Chen, W. et al.: Provenance of Pliocene-Pleistocene ice-rafted debris, Leg 145, northern Pacific oceans | download |
13% | 133 | 1993 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Davies, Peter J. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Northeast Australian Margin; covering Leg 133 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Apra Harbor, Guam, to Townsville, Australia, sites 811-826, 4 August-11 October 1990 | download |
9% | 107 107-650 107-651 107-655 | 1990 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Isern, A. et al.: Basal dolomitic sediments, Tyrrhenian Sea, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 107 | download |
10% | 133 | 1993 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Isern, Alexandra R. et al.: Strontium isotope dating of paleoceanographic, lithologic, and dolomitization events on the northeastern Australian margin, Leg 133 | download |
7% | 55 | 1980 | McKenzie, Judith; Bernoulli, Daniel et al.: Shallow-water carbonate sediments from the Emperor Seamounts; their diagenesis and paleogeographic significance | download |
27% | 202 202-1233 202-1234 | 2006 | McManus, James: Major and trace element data for Leg 202 Sites 1233 and 1234 | download |
24% | 151 | 1996 | McManus, Jerry F.; Major, C. O. et al.: Variability in sea-surface conditions in the North Atlantic-Arctic gateways during the last 140,000 years | download |
54% | 162 162-980 162-984 202 202-1242 | 2003 | McManus, Jerry F.; Oppo, D. W. et al.: Analogue or anomaly? Ocean drilling evidence from marine isotope stage 11 | |
14% | 66 | 1982 | McMillen, Kenneth J.; Haines, Trent R.: Late Quaternary sediments of the southern Mexico margin | download |
20% | 133 133-820 | 1993 | McMinn, Andrew: Quaternary dinoflagellate cyst distribution at Site 820, Great Barrier Reef | download |
17% | 123 123-765 | 1992 | McMinn, Andrew; Martin, Helene: Late Cenozoic pollen history from Site 765, eastern Indian Ocean | download |
9% | 148 148-896 | 1996 | McNeill, Andrew W.; Danyushevsky, Leonid V.: Composition and crystallization temperatures of primary melts from Hole 896A basalts; evidence from melt inclusion studies | download |
7% | 133 | 1993 | McNeill, Donald F.; Guyomard, Thierry S. et al.: Magnetostratigraphy and the nature of magnetic remanence in platform/periplatform carbonates, Queensland Plateau, Australia | download |
10% | | 2010 | McNeill, Lisa; Saffer, Demian et al.: IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE stage 2; first IODP riser drilling operations and observatory installation towards understanding subduction zone seismogenesis | download |
7% | 114 114-704 | 1991 | Mead, Gregory A.; Hodell, David A. et al.: Fine-fraction carbonate oxygen and carbon isotope results from Site 704; implications for movement of the polar front during the late Pliocene | download |
48% | 108 108-658 177 177-1094 | 2013 | Meckler, A. N.; Sigman, D. M. et al.: Deglacial pulses of deep-ocean silicate into the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean | |
10% | 119 119-738 | 1991 | Mehl, Klaus W.; Bitschene, P. R. et al.: Composition, alteration, and origin of the basement lavas and volcaniclastic rocks at Site 738, southern Kerguelen Plateau | download |
30% | 31 31-290 31-291 31-292 31-294 31-296 | 1975 | Meijer, A.: Pb and Sr isotopic studies of igneous rocks cored during Leg 31 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
7% | 60 60-458 60-459 60-460 60-461 | 1982 | Meijer, Arend; Anthony, Elizabeth et al.: Petrology of volcanic rocks from the fore-arc sites | download |
12% | 201 | 2006 | Meister, Patrick; McKenzie, J. A. et al.: Mineralogy and petrography of diagenetic dolomite, Peru Margin, ODP Leg 201 | download |
14% | 201 | 2006 | Meister, Patrick; Prokopenko, M. et al.: Compilation of total organic and inorganic carbon data from Peru Margin and eastern Equatorial Pacific drill sites | download |
9% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Melieres, Frederic; Deroo, Gerard et al.: Organic-matter-rich and hypersiliceous Aptian sediments from western Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
14% | 160 160-964 | 1998 | Melieres, Frederic; Foucault, Alain et al.: Mineralogical record of cyclic climate changes in Mediterranean mid-Pliocene deposits from Hole 964A (Ionian Basin) and from Punta Piccola (Sicily) | download |
10% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Melson, W. G.; Rabinowitz, P. D. et al.: Cruise objectives and major results, analytical procedures, and explanatory notes | download |
10% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Melson, W. G.; Rabinowitz, P. D. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 45; San Juan, Puerto Rico to San Juan, Puerto Rico | download |
10% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Melson, W. G.; Rabinowitz, P. D. et al.: Site 395; 23 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
7% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Melson, W. G.; Rabinowitz, P. D. et al.: Site 396; 23 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
15% | 91 91-596 | 1987 | Menard, H. William; Natland, James H. et al.: Site 596; hydraulic piston coring in an area of low surface productivity in the Southwest Pacific | download |
54% | 117 117-723 | 2002 | Menot-Combes, Guillemette; Sessions, Alex L. et al.: Rapid analysis of carbon isotopic compositions of sedimentary algal sterols | |
48% | 118 118-735 147 153 153-921 153-922 153-923 153-924 176 176-735 | 2001 | Meurer, William P.; Natland, James H.: Apatite compositions from oceanic cumulates with implications for the evolution of mid-ocean ridge magmatic systems | |
12% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Mevel, C.: Mineralogy and chemistry of secondary phases in low temperature altered basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 51, 52, and 53 | download |
9% | 147 | 1993 | Mevel, Catherine; Gillis, Kathryn M. et al.: Introduction and principal results | download |
9% | 147 | 1996 | Mevel, Catherine; Gillis, Kathryn M. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Scientific results, Hess Deep rift valley; covering Leg 147 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, San Diego, California, to Balboa Harbor, Panama, sites 894-895, 22 November 1992-21 January 1993 | download |
19% | 156 | 1997 | Meyer, Audrey; Fisher, Andrew T.: Data report; Grain-size analysis of sediments from the northern Barbados accretionary prism | download |
10% | 41 41-370 | 1978 | Meyer, D. E.: Microfacies and microfabrics of early Middle Cretaceous sediments selected from Site 370, DSDP Leg 41 (deep basin off Morocco) | download |
15% | 106 106-648 109 109-648 | 1990 | Meyer, Peter S.; Shibata, Tsugio: Complex zoning in plagioclase feldspars from ODP Site 648 | download |
54% | 149 149-897 149-898 149-899 149-900 | 1994 | Meyers, P. A.; Silliman, J. S. et al.: Variations in burial of organic matter in turbiditic sediments at ODP Sites 897, 898, 899, and 900, Iberian abyssal plain | |
19% | 122 122-761 122-762 | 1992 | Meyers, Philip A.: Data report; The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at sites 761 and 762 (Northwest Australian margin), at El Kef (Tunisia), and in the Negev Desert (Israel); a comparison of the organic geochemical records | download |
12% | 47 47-398 103 103-638 103-641 149 149-897 | 1996 | Meyers, Philip A.: Geochemical comparisons of organic matter in Cretaceous black shales from Site 897, Iberia abyssal plain, sites 638 and 641, Galicia margin, and Site 398, Vigo Seamount | download |
54% | 122 122-763 | 1996 | Meyers, Philip A.: Insights into deposition of Lower Cretaceous black shales from meager accumulation of organic matter in Albian sediments from ODP Site 763, Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australia | |
37% | 175 | 2002 | Meyers, Philip A.: Miocene-Pleistocene sedimentary record of carbon burial under the Benguela Current upwelling system, southwestern margin of Africa | download |
14% | 75 75-530 75-531 75-532 | 1984 | Meyers, Philip A.: Organic geochemistry of sediments from the Angola Basin and the Walvis Ridge; a synthesis of studies from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75 | download |
21% | 93 93-603 93-604 93-605 95 95-603 | 1987 | Meyers, Philip A.: Organic-carbon content of sediments and rocks from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 603, 604, and 605, western margin of the North Atlantic | download |
14% | 207 207-1257 207-1258 207-1259 207-1260 207-1261 | 2007 | Meyers, Philip A.; Bernasconi, Stefano M.: Data report; Organic carbon, total nitrogen, carbonate carbon, and carbonate oxygen isotopic compositions of Albian to Santonian black shales from sites 1257-1261 on the Demerara Rise | download |
68% | 207 | 2004 | Meyers, Philip A.; Bernasconi, Stefano: Nitrogen isotopic evidence of magnified cyanobacterial organic matter production in black shales | |
15% | 75 75-530 75-532 | 1984 | Meyers, Philip A.; Brassell, Simon C. et al.: Geochemistry of organic carbon in South Atlantic sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75 | download |
34% | 161 | 1999 | Meyers, Philip A.; Doose, Heidi: Sources, preservation, and thermal maturity of organic matter in Pliocene-Pliocene organic-carbon-rich sediments of the western Mediterranean Sea | download |
14% | 72 72-515 72-516 72-517 | 1983 | Meyers, Philip A.; Dunham, Keith W.: Organic geochemistry of Quaternary sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72, South Atlantic Ocean | download |
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