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Score | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title ↑ | Full text |
6% | 147 | 1993 | Gillis, Kathryn M.; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
9% | 147 147-894 | 1993 | Gillis, Kathryn M.; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Site 894 | download |
7% | 147 147-895 | 1993 | Gillis, Kathryn M.; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Site 895 | download |
41% | 164 164-994 164-995 164-997 | 2000 | Ginsburg, G.; Soloviev, V. et al.: Sediment grain-size control on gas hydrate presence, sites 994, 995, and 997 | |
10% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 148-896 | 1996 | Giovannoni, Stephen J.; Fisk, Martin R. et al.: Genetic evidence for endolithic microbial life colonizing basaltic glass/seawater interfaces | download |
48% | 76 76-534 77 77-535 | 1995 | Giraud, Fabienne: Recherche des periodicites astronomiques et des fluctuations du niveau marin a partir de l'etude du signal carbonate des series pelagiques alternantes; application au Cretace inferieur du Sud-Est de la France (Bassin Vocontien), de l'Atlantique central (site 534 DSDP) et du Golfe du Mexique (site 535 DSDP) Research on astronomic periodicity and sea-level fluctuations using the carbonate signal of alternating pelagic series; application to Lower Cretaceous from southeastern France, Vocontian Basin, from central Atlantic, DSDP Site 534, and from the Gulf of Mexico, DSDP Site 535 | |
12% | 175 175-1087 | 2002 | Giraudeau, Jacques; Pierre, Catherine et al.: A late Quaternary, high-resolution record of planktonic foraminiferal species distribution in the southern Benguela region; Site 1087 | download |
41% | 25 | 1974 | Girdley, W. A.: Appendix III; carbon and carbonate analyses, Leg 25 | download |
20% | 159 159-959 | 1998 | Giresse, P.; Gadel, F. et al.: Indicators of climate and sediment-source variations at Site 959; implications for the reconstruction of paleoenvironments in the Gulf of Guinea through Pleistocene times | download |
7% | 145 145-884 | 1995 | Gladenkov, Andrey Y.; Barron, John A.: Oligocene and early middle Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of Hole 884B | download |
41% | 184 184-1144 | 2003 | Glass, B. P.: Australasian microtektites in the South China Sea; implications regarding the location and size of the source crater | download |
41% | 95 95-612 150 150-903 170 170-1040 | 2002 | Glass, B. P.: Distal impact ejecta from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure | |
54% | 150 150-903 150-904 | 1998 | Glass, B. P.; Koeberl, C. et al.: Upper Eocene tektite and impact ejecta layer on the continental slope off New Jersey | |
48% | 113 113-689 | 1999 | Glass, B. P.; Koeberl, C.: Ocean Drilling Project Hole 689B spherules and upper Eocene microtektite and clinopyroxene-bearing spherule strewn fields | |
4% | | 2004 | Glass, Billy P.: Distal impact ejecta from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater | download |
10% | 133 133-819 133-821 | 1993 | Glenn, Craig R.; Kronen, John D., Jr. et al.: High-resolution sequence stratigraphy, condensed sections, and flooding events off the Great Barrier Reef; 0.1.5 Ma | download |
10% | 133 | 1993 | Glenn, Craig R.; Kronen, John D., Jr.: Origin and significance of late Pliocene phosphatic hardgrounds on the Queensland Plateau, northeastern Australian margin | download |
10% | 133 133-819 133-820 133-821 | 1993 | Glenn, Craig R.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Sedimentary rhythms and climatic forcing of Pleistocene-Holocene mixed carbonate/siliciclastic sediments off the Great Barrier Reef | download |
54% | 209 | 2005 | Godard, Marguerite; Kelemen, Peter B. et al.: High Pb/Ce reservoir in depleted, altered mantle peridotites | |
27% | 118 118-735 118-735B 176 176-735 176-735B | 1991 | Goldberg, D.; Broglia, C. et al.: Fracturing, alteration, and permeability; in-situ properties in Hole 735B | download |
48% | | 1997 | Goldberg, D.; Guerin, Gilles et al.: Shear-wave logs and velocity-porosity relationships in gas hydrates | |
43% | 191 191-1179 | 2003 | Goldberg, D.; Meltser, A. et al.: Comparison of multi-sensor spectral gamma ray tool (MGT) and conventional spectral gamma ray logs, ODP Site 1179 | download |
17% | 204 | 2005 | Goldberg, David S.; Janik, A.: Stress orientation in gas hydrate-bearing sediments near Hydrate Ridge; evidence from borehole breakouts observed from logging-while-drilling resistivity images | download |
14% | 92 92-597 92-599 92-601 92-602 | 1986 | Goldfarb, Marjorie S.: Petrography of basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 92 | download |
17% | 142 142-864 | 1995 | Goldstein, Steven J.: Uranium-series chronology of subsurface basalts, 9 degrees 31'N East Pacific Rise | download |
4% | 38 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Goll, Robert M.: A synthesis of Norwegian Sea biostratigraphies; ODP Leg 104 on the Voring Plateau | download |
5% | 38 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Goll, Robert M.; Bjorklund, Kjell R.: A new radiolarian biostratigraphy for the Neogene of the Norwegian Sea; ODP Leg 104 | download |
10% | 122 122-762 | 1992 | Golovchenko, Xenia; Borella, Peter E. et al.: Sedimentary cycles on the Exmouth Plateau | download |
10% | 113 113-693 | 1990 | Golovchenko, Xenia; O'Connell, Suzanne B. et al.: Sedimentary response to paleoclimate from downhole logs at Site 693, Antarctic continental margin | download |
24% | 73 73-520 | 1984 | Gombos, Andrew M., Jr.: Late Neogene diatoms and diatom oozes in the central South Atlantic | download |
18% | 36 36-327 73 73-524 | 1984 | Gombos, Andrew M., Jr.: Late Paleocene diatoms in the Cape Basin | download |
10% | 71 71-511 71-513 71-513A | 1983 | Gombos, Andrew M., Jr.; Ciesielski, Paul F.: Late Eocene to early Miocene diatoms from the Southwest Atlantic | download |
17% | 159 159-959 159-960 159-961 159-962 | 1998 | Goncalves, Carlos A.: Lithologic interpretation of downhole logging data from the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin; a statistical approach | download |
32% | 159 159-959 | 1998 | Goncalves, Carlos A.; Ewert, Lee: Evaluation of the geochemical logging data in Hole 959D; Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin | download |
10% | 155 155-932 | 1997 | Goni, Miguel A.: Record of terrestrial organic matter composition in Amazon Fan sediments | download |
54% | 139 | 1993 | Goodfellow, W. D.; Franklin, J. M. et al.: Hydrothermal fluid-sediment interaction and massive sulphide formation; results of Leg 139 drilling, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge--Interaction entre fluides hydrothermaux et sediments et formation de sulfures massifs; resultats du forage de l'etape 139 dans la Vallee Mediane (partie nord de la Dorsale Juan de Fuca) | |
12% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-325 | 1976 | Gorbunova, Z. N.; Shirshov, P. P.: Clay-size minerals from cores of the Southeast Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 35 | download |
27% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1995 | Gorton, M. P.; Schandl, E. S. et al.: Platinum group element (PGE) concentrations in a sheeted dike complex and geochemical changes during alteration of the lowermost part of a 2-km-thick oceanic crust, Hole 504B | download |
67% | 153 153-920 | 2009 | Gose, Juergen; Schmaedicke, Esther et al.: Water in enstatite from Mid-Atlantic Ridge peridotite; evidence for the water content of suboceanic mantle? | |
19% | 29 | 1975 | Gostin, V. A.; Moriarty, K. C.: Investigations of Tertiary clay mineral distributions around Tasmania, DSDP, Leg 29 | download |
6% | 162 162-980 | 2012 | Govin, Aline; Braconnot, Pascale et al.: Persistent influence of ice sheet melting on high northern latitude climate during the early last interglacial | download |
9% | 204 | 2005 | Gracia, Eulalia; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca et al.: Grain-size and bulk and clay mineralogy of sediments from the summit and flanks of southern Hydrate Ridge, Sites 1244-1250, ODP Leg 204 | download |
15% | 123 | 1990 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
6% | 123 123-766 | 1992 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Argo abyssal plain/Exmouth Plateau; covering Leg 123 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Singapore, Republic of Sing., to Singapore, Republic of Sing., sites 765-766, 28 August 1988-1 November 1988 | download |
11% | 123 123-765 | 1990 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Site 765 | download |
9% | 123 123-766 | 1990 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Site 766 | download |
19% | 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Graham, A. L.; Symes, R. F. et al.: Chromium-bearing spinels in some rocks of Leg 45; phase chemistry, zoning, and relation to host basalts chemistry | download |
24% | 44 44-392 50 50-416 | 2006 | Granier, Bruno: On the trail of a major trans-Tethyan discontinuity | download |
12% | 318 318-U1359 318-U1361 | 2011 | Grant, G.; Naish, T. R. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene cyclostratigraphy from marine sediment cores, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica | download |
7% | 107 107-653 107-653A 107-654 | 1990 | Grazzini, Colette Vergnaud; Saliege, Jean Francois et al.: Oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy of ODP Hole 653A and Site 654; the Pliocene-Pleistocene glacial history recorded in the Tyrrhenian Basin (West Mediterranean) | download |
10% | 80 80-548 80-549 | 1985 | Grazzini, Colette Vergnaud; Saliege, Jean-Francois: Pleistocene climatic changes in surface waters of the northeastern Atlantic; oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of planktonic foraminifers at Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 548 and 549 | download |
12% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 63-470 63-471 63-472 63-473 | 1981 | Grechin, V. I.; Niem, Alan R. et al.: Neogene tuffs, ashes, and volcanic breccias from offshore California and Baja California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63; sedimentation and diagenesis | download |
14% | 134 | 1992 | Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves et al.: Observation of forearc seafloor deformation along the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge-New Hebrides island arc collision zone from Nautile submersible | download |
12% | 134 | 1994 | Greene, H. Gary; Collot, Jean-Yves: Ridge-arc collision; timing and deformation determined by Leg 134 drilling, central New Hebrides island arc | download |
41% | 115 115-706 | 1990 | Greenough, John D.; Fryer, Brian J. et al.: Geochemical effects of alteration on mafic rocks from Indian Ocean Site 706 | download |
23% | 115 115-706 115-707 115-713 115-715 | 1990 | Greenough, John D.; Fryer, Brian J.: Distribution of gold, palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, and iridium in Leg 115 hotspot basalts; implications for magmatic processes | download |
34% | 158 | 1999 | Gregory, Thomas Kendall: Rare earth elements as tracers of fluid evolution at the TAG hydrothermal mound | |
9% | 65 65-482 65-483 65-484 65-485 | 1983 | Griffin, Brendon J.; Neuser, Rolf D. et al.: Lithology, petrography, and mineralogy of basalts from DSDP sites 482, 483, 484, and 485 at the mouth of the Gulf of California | download |
14% | 336 | 2012 | Griffin, Dale W.: Long-range transatlantic transport of microorganisms in clouds of African desert dust; a study of atmospheric microbiology, chemistry, and the influence of desert dust on surface water microbial ecology aboard the R/V JOIDES Resolution, IODP Expedition 336, 16 September-16 November 2011 | download |
25% | 209 | 2008 | Griffin, Dale W.; Westphal, Douglas L. et al.: Airborne microorganisms and African desert dust over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 209 | download |
41% | 85 85-572 85-575 199 199-1218 199-1219 | 2008 | Griffith, Elizabeth M.; Paytan, Adina et al.: A dynamic marine calcium cycle during the past 28 million years | download |
18% | 135 | 1994 | Griffiths, Cedric M.; Boe, Reidulv et al.: Frequency and sequency analyses of petrophysical log data and inductively coupled argon plasma analysis of sediments in the Lau Basin | download |
54% | 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2003 | Griscom, David L.; Beltran-Lopez, Virgilio et al.: New geochemical insights from electron-spin-resonance studies of Mn (super 2+) and SO (super 3) in calcites; quantitative analyses of Chicxulub Crater ejecta from Belize and southern Mexico with comparison to limestones from distal Cretaceous-Tertiary-boundary sites | |
10% | 113 113-693 | 1990 | Grobe, Hannes; Fuetterer, Dieter Karl et al.: Oligocene to Quaternary sedimentation processes on the Antarctic continental margin, ODP Leg 113, Site 693 | download |
9% | 202 202-1241 | 2006 | Groeneveld, Jeroen; Steph, Silke et al.: Pliocene mixed-layer oceanography for Site 1241, using combined Mg/Ca and delta (super 18) O analyses of Globigerinoides sacculifer | download |
58% | 162 162-983 306 306-U1314 | 2010 | Gruetzner, J.; Higgins, S. M.: Threshold behavior of millennial scale variability in deep water hydrography inferred from a 1.1 Ma long record of sediment provenance at the southern Gardar Drift | |
14% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1996 | Gu, Chifeng; Vanko, David A.: Nature of fluid inclusions in samples of the deep sheeted dikes cored during Leg 148 (Hole 504B) | download |
17% | 204 | 2005 | Guerin, Gilles; Goldberg, David S. et al.: Sonic velocities in an active gas hydrate system, Hydrate Ridge | download |
10% | 131 190 196 | 2005 | Gulick, Sean P. S.; Bangs, Nathan L. B.: Negative polarity at the frontal-thrust; is free gas the culprit? Insights from Nankai accretionary prism off Cape Muroto using seismic-logging integration | download |
5% | 314 314-C0001 314-C0002 314-C0004 314-C0006 315 315-C0001 315-C0002 316 316-C0004 316-C0006 316-C0007 316-C0008 326 326-C0002 332 332-C0002 338 338-C0002 | 2012 | Guo, Junhua; Underwood, Michael B.: Clay mineral assemblages from the Nankai Trough accretionary prism and the Kumano Basin, IODP Expeditions 315 and 316, NanTroSeize Stage 1 | download |
25% | 190 190-1177 190-1178 | 2011 | Guo, Junhua; Underwood, Michael B.: Refined method for calculating percentages of kaolinite and chlorite from X-ray diffraction data, with application to the Nankai Margin of southwest Japan | download |
6% | 157 157-953 157-956 | 1998 | Gurenko, Andrey A.; Hansteen, Thor H. et al.: Melt, crystal, and fluid inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts from the submarine shield stage hyaloclastites of Gran Canaria, sites 953 and 956 | download |
9% | 138 | 1995 | Gurvich, Evgeny G.; Levitan, Mikhail A. et al.: Chemical composition of Leg 138 sediments and history of hydrothermal activity | download |
68% | 320 321 | 2010 | Gussone, Nikolaus; Teichert, Barbara M. A. et al.: Fluctuations of the oceanic Ca-isotope budget and environmental changes during highly dynamic transitions of the Cenozoic | |
14% | 65 65-482 65-483 65-484 65-485 | 1983 | Gutierrez-Estrada, Mario; Salisbury, Matthew H. et al.: Atterberg limits of sediments from the mouth of the Gulf of California, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 65 | download |
48% | 101 101-627 101-628 101-630 101-631 101-632 101-633 | 1986 | Guzikowski, Michael; Swart, Peter K. et al.: The strontium concentration and isotopic composition of porewaters from Leg 101 of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
19% | 155 | 1997 | Haberle, Simon G.: Upper Quaternary vegetation and climate history of the Amazon Basin; correlating marine and terrestrial pollen records | download |
21% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Habib, Daniel: Sedimentation-rate-dependent distribution of organic matter in the North Atlantic Jurassic-Cretaceous | download |
7% | 93 93-603 93-605 95 95-603 | 1987 | Habib, Daniel; Drugg, Warren S.: Palynology of sites 603 and 605, Leg 93, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
14% | 133 133-817 133-818 | 1993 | Haddad, Geoffrey A.; Droxler, Andre W. et al.: Quaternary CaCO (sub 3) input and preservation within Antarctic intermediate water; mineralogic and isotopic results from holes 818B and 817A, Townsville Trough (northeastern Australia margin) | download |
31% | 205 | 2006 | Haeckel, Matthias: A transport-reaction model of the hydrological systems of the Costa Rica subduction zone | download |
48% | 160 160-970 160-971 | 2006 | Haese, Ralf R.; Hensen, Christian et al.: Pore water geochemistry of eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes; implications for fluid transport and fluid origin | download |
9% | 138 | 1995 | Hagelberg, T. K.; Pisias, N. G. et al.: Refinement of a high-resolution, continuous sedimentary section for studying Equatorial Pacific Ocean paleoceanography, Leg 138 | download |
12% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Haggerty, Janet A.: Petrology and carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition of macrofossils and sediments from the Blake-Bahama Formation, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, western North Atlantic lower continental rise | download |
24% | 125 | 1992 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Chaudhuri, Sambhudas: Strontium isotopic composition of the interstitial waters from Leg 125; Mariana and Bonin forearcs | download |
42% | 103 | 1988 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Fisher, J. Berton: Interstitial-water studies of samples from the passive Galicia margin, Northeast Atlantic, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103 | download |
14% | 125 | 1992 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Fisher, J. Berton: Short-chain organic acids in interstitial waters from Mariana and Bonin forearc serpentines; Leg 125 | download |
38% | 135 | 1994 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Fisher, J. Berton: Short-chain organic acids in interstitial waters from the Tonga arc-trench system, Leg 135 | download |
45% | 144 | 1995 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Fisher, J. Berton: Short-chain organic acids in interstitial waters from western Pacific guyots | download |
17% | 103 103-641 | 1988 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Germann, Scott H.: Resedimentation and diagenesis, including silicification, of Barremian-Aptian shallow-water carbonates from the Galicia margin, eastern North Atlantic, at Ocean Drilling Program Site 641 | download |
12% | 89 89-585 | 1986 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Ooids and shallow-water debris in Aptian-Albian sediments from the East Mariana Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585; implications for the environment of formation of the ooids | download |
12% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Sarti, Massimo et al.: Late Aptian to Recent sedimentological history of the lower continental rise off New Jersey, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603 | download |
20% | 103 103-639 | 1988 | Haggerty, Janet A.; Smith, Michael P.: Characterization of diagenetic fluids of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform of the Galicia margin at Ocean Drilling Program Site 639; evidence for dolomitization by hypersaline brines | download |
20% | 112 | 1990 | Hagn, Herbert; Martini, Erlend: A lower Eocene shell bed and some Quaternary mollusks from ODP Leg 112 off Peru | download |
14% | 41 41-366 41-368 | 1978 | Hailwood, E. A.: A preliminary paleomagnetic stratigraphy for lower Eocene sediments at Site 366 (Sierra Leone Rise) and Miocene and Oligocene sediments at Site 368 (Cape Verde Rise), Northwest African continental margin | download |
20% | 105 105-646 | 1989 | Hall, Frank R.; Bloemendal, Jan et al.: Middle to late Quaternary sediment fluxes in the Labrador Sea, ODP Leg 105, Site 646; a synthesis of rock-magnetic, oxygen-isotopic, carbonate, and planktonic foraminiferal data | download |
29% | 105 | 1989 | Hall, Frank R.; Busch, William H. et al.: The relationship between variations in rock-magnetic properties and grain size of sediments from ODP Hole 645C | download |
45% | 155 | 1997 | Hall, Frank R.; Cisowski, Stanley M. et al.: Data report; Environmental rock-magnetic evidence of authigenic-magnetic mineral formation/preservation (Amazon Fan) | download |
23% | 105 105-645 | 1989 | Hall, Frank R.; King, John W.: Rock-magnetic stratigraphy of Site 645 (Baffin Bay) from ODP Leg 105 | download |
12% | 37 | 1977 | Hall, James M.; Ryall, Patrick J. C.: Rock magnetism of basement rocks, Leg 37 | download |
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