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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1994Guth, Peter L.; Smart, Scott D.: Teaching marine geology and geophysics with microcomputer labs
100%2007Cook, Jerry; Prouhet, Tavia: Middle school seismology; a study on authentic learning and the use of an AS-1 seismometer, Google Earth, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program data
83%2002Soeding, E.; Hay, W. W. et al.: New paleontological and chronostratigraphical tools in the ODSN database
83%1998Soding, E.; Bruckmann, W. et al.: Making DSDP and ODP paleontologic and sedimentologic data more useful
83%2062004Rack, F. R.; Tauxe, K.: "Out to sea; life as a crew member aboard a geologic research ship"; production of a video and teachers guide
83%1998Weinrebe, Wilhelm: Scientific equipment; computer facilities
58%2000Klaus, Ann D.: Migrating ODP proceedings from print to cross-media publication formats
50%2005Kamp, William P.: A distributed workflow database designed for CoreWall applications
2004Palmer-Julson, Amanda; Heise, Elizabeth A.: The Ocean Drilling Program online database as a resource for introductory geoscience classes; helping undergraduate students navigate an ocean of data
29%2012Gupta, Lallan; Hisamitsu, Toshio et al.: Kochi Core Center provides new information servicesdownload
8%2003Klaus, Ann D.; Petronotis, Katerina E.: Going online with ocean drilling publicationsdownload
2003Chen, Chang-Hwa; Ku, Y. P. et al.: The Toba Tuff in the Peninsula India; as a clue for the Acheulian puzzledownload

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